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air support operations

См. также в других словарях:

  • air support operations centre — aviacijos paramos operacijų centras statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Taktinės skrydžių valdymo sistemos padalinys, veikiantis kartu su korpuso vadaviete arba atitinkama sausumos kariuomenės vadaviete ir koordinuojantis bei valdantis artimąją… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • air support operations center — The principal air control agency of the theater air control system responsible for the direction and control of air operations directly supporting the ground combat element. It processes and coordinates requests for immediate air support and… …   Military dictionary

  • Air Support in Ground Operations — ▪ Primary Source       1st U.S. Army Report of Operations 20 Oct. 1943 1 Aug. 1944       In its official “after action” report on the conduct of the first phase of Operation Overlord (the code name for the Normandy Invasion), the U.S. First Army… …   Universalium

  • air support — noun : air operations especially in direct support of ground forces, naval forces, or other air forces * * * ˈair support 7 [air support] noun uncountable help which aircraft give to soldiers and military vehicles on the land or sea …   Useful english dictionary

  • 93d Air-Ground Operations Wing — Infobox Military Unit unit name=93d Air Ground Operations Wing caption= dates= 20 November 1940 30 September 2002; 25 January 2008 Present country=United States allegiance= branch=Air Force type= role= size= command structure= current commander=… …   Wikipedia

  • Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit — Metropolitan Police EC 145 helicopter over Croydon The Air Support Unit (ASU) is a Central Operations branch of London s Metropolitan Police Service.[1] The main responsibility of the unit is to provide aerial …   Wikipedia

  • RAF Air Support Command — Air Support Command of the Royal Air Force was formed on 1 August 1967 by the redesignation of Transport Command. Its change of name reflected the change of emphasis of the Command from merely transporting materials and men around the world to… …   Wikipedia

  • tactical air support — Air operations carried out in coordination with surface forces and which directly assist land or maritime operations. See also air support …   Military dictionary

  • preplanned air support — Air support in accordance with a program, planned in advance of operations. See also air support …   Military dictionary

  • preplanned air support — Air support that has been planned in advance of operations. The pilots are briefed and the aircraft are loaded with the armaments most suitable for the mission …   Aviation dictionary

  • Close air support — A Boeing AH 64 Apache attack helicopter provides close air support to United States Army soldiers patrolling the Tigris River southeast of Baghdad, Iraq during the Iraq War In military tactics, close air support (CAS) is defined as air action by… …   Wikipedia

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