1 air superiority range
дальность (полета) при выполнении задачи завоевания превосходства в воздухе -
2 range
1. дальность <полета, действия>; расстояние; дистанция; радиус < действия>/ определять расстояние2. диапазон; область; предел(ы);3. амплитуда; размах4. полигон; (испытательная) установка5. серия; ряд; класс; ранг/ классифицировать; ранжироватьrange during climbrange of scalabilityrange to goabsolute rangeaccelerometer rangeACMI rangeaeroballistic rangeafterburning rangeair combat maneuveringair superiority rangeaircraft-to-target rangealpha rangealtitude rangeangle-of-attack rangeangle-of-sideslip rangeangular rangeAOA rangeat stand-off rangeballistic rangebest rangeCG rangecoast-to-coast rangeconstant altitude-constant airspeed rangecontinuous Mach number rangecritical range of the Reynolds numbercruise rangecruise-climb rangedeflection rangeelastic-plastic rangeelevator rangeempty-weight rangeferry rangefinal-maneuver activation rangefiring rangeflight path rangefull-payload rangegain rangegunnery rangehigh-angle-of-attack rangehigh-AOA rangehigh-power rangehigh-altitude rangehigh-supersonic speed rangehorizontal rangeIFR rangeindoor rangeinstantaneous rangelaser-measured rangelaunch rangelinear rangeload factor rangelock-on rangelower angle-of-attack rangelower AOA rangeMach number rangemaneuver lift rangemaximum fuel rangemaximum payload rangemeasurement rangemidstroke rangemillimetric rangemission rangemotion sickness rangeno-wind rangeoperational rangeoutdoor rangeplastic rangeradar cross-section measuring rangeRCS measuring rangerefueled rangeReynolds number rangerotation rangesideslip rangespecific rangespeed rangespin area rangestill-air rangestress rangethrust rangetranscontinental rangeunrefueled rangevisual range -
3 fighter
carrier(-based, -borne) fighter — палубный истребитель
jet(-powered, -propelled) fighter — реактивный истребитель, истребитель с реактивным двигателем
rocket(-powered, -propelled) fighter — ракетный истребитель, истребитель с ракетным двигателем
4 operation
операция; кампания; боевые [военные] действия; бой; сражение; эксплуатация; обслуживание; работа; pl. оперативное управление [отдел, отделение]; см. тж. action, battle, combatcounter C3 operation — операция [действия] против систем руководства, управления и связи [оперативного управления и связи]
counternaval forces naval operation (in closed or open offshore areas) — морская операция по разгрому ВМС противника (в закрытых или прилегающих к побережью открытых морских районах)
— breaching operation— exploitation-type operation— guarding security operations— missile operations— tactical operations— urban ized operations* * * -
5 capability
1. возможность; способность4-D capability9-g capabilityaccel-decel capabilityacceleration-deceleration capabilityacoustic processing capabilityaft-loading cargo capabilityair-defence capabilityair-superiority capabilityair-to-air capabilityair-to-air combat capabilityaircraft design capabilityairdrop capabilityall-aspect capabilityall-altitude penetration capabilityall-weather capabilityaltitude reporting capabilityanti-g capabilityantihelicopter capabilityantisubmarine capabilityarea navigation capabilityautolanding capabilityautonomous landing capabilitybaseline capabilitybeyond-visual-range capabilitybirdstrike capabilitybump absorption capabilityCat I capabilityclimb capabilityCLmax capabilitycomputational capabilitycontinued takeoff capabilitycost-effective capabilitycounter-countermeasures capabilitycrossfeed capabilitycrosswind capabilitydecoupling capabilitydegraded mode capabilitydesign capabilitydiagnostic capabilitydirect force capabilitydry-run capabilitydual-role capabilityendurance capabilityenergy absorbing capabilityenergy absorption capabilityengine-out capabilityenhanced capabilityfail-operational capabilityfailure mode capabilityfirst-look capabilityfirst-shoot capabilityfirst-shot capabilityflutter prediction capabilityforward field capabilityfull-aerobatic capabilityfull-envelope 9-g load factor capabilityfull-envelope escape capabilityfull-lift capabilityfull-envelope capabilityfunctional capabilityG capabilityg onset rate capabilitygo-around capabilitygross weight capabilityhands-off landing capabilityhard-turning capabilityhigh-alpha capabilityhigh-g maneuver capabilityhigh-lift capabilityhigh-payload/long-range capabilityhigh-speed cruise capabilityhover capabilityIFR capabilityincidence capabilityindependent capabilityinspection capabilityinstantaneous maneuver capabilityinstantaneous turn capabilityinstantaneous turning capabilityinstrument flight rule capabilitylaunch-and-leave capabilitylift capabilitylimited all-weather capabilityload factor capabilityload-carrying capabilityloaded capabilitylock-on after launch capabilitylook-ahead capabilitylook-down shoot-down capabilitylook-into-turn capabilityMach 1.8 capabilityMach number capabilitymaneuver capabilitymaneuvering capabilitymoving-base capabilitymultidesign-point capabilitymultimission capabilitymultiple-frequency capabilitymultipoint tanker capabilitynap-of-the-earth capabilitynaval attack capabilitynegative-g capabilitynight fighting capabilitynozzle vector capabilityoff-airfield capabilityoff-axis capabilityoff-boresight capabilityoff-boresight angle capabilityparadrop capabilitypayload capabilitypayload-carrying capabilitypayload/range capabilitypilot-aircraft capabilitypitch rate capabilitypitch-snatch capabilitypoint-and-shoot capabilitypost-stall capabilityprobe-and-drogue capabilityPST capabilityrange capabilityrate of climb capabilityreal-time capabilityreduced-field-length capabilityrotor overspeed capabilityrough airfield capabilityrough field capabilityrough ground capabilityrough surface capabilityrugged-terrain capabilitysee-through capabilityself-diagnostic capabilityshort-field capabilityshort-landing capabilityshort-takeoff capabilitysimulation capabilitysink-rate capabilitysix degree-of-freedom capabilitysnap/shoot attack capabilitysortie generation capabilityspeed capabilitystandoff capabilitystealth capabilitysustained turn capabilitysustained-g capabilityswing capabilityswing-role capabilitytemperature capabilityterrain-clearance capabilitytolerance capabilitytouchscreen capabilitytracking capabilitytrim capabilityturn capabilitytwo-fail-operate capabilityunimproved-field capabilityvariable-cycle capabilityvector capabilityvertical capabilityvertical landing capabilityzero altitude zero speed escape capability -
6 mission
1. задача; задание2. полет, вылет < на задание>,см. тж. flight3. операцияaeroscout missionAEW missionair combat missionair defense missionair superiority missionair-to-air missionair-to-air combat missionairborne early warning missionairborne fire missionairlift missionall-fighter missionall-supersonic missionall-weather missionsantihelicopter missionantishipping missionantismuggling missionantitank missionassault airlift missionBAI missionbattlefield air interdiction missionCAS missionclose air support missioncommunications missioncounter-air missiondash-out missiondeck-launched intercept missiondesign missionDLI missiondrug interdiction missionelectronic surveillance missionelectronic warfare missionFAC missionfishery protection missionfixed-wing missionfleet air defense missionforward air control missionfuel sizing missionground support missionhigh-altitude missionhigh-task-loaded missionlong range missionlong-endurance missionlow-altitude missionlow-level missionmaneuver missionmaritime missionmedevac missionmining warfare missionmultipilot missionnap-of-the-earth missionnight missionno-pilot missionnocturnal missionnuclear strike missionone-pilot missionoperational missionoverland missionoverload missionpatrol missionpenetration missionpractice missionpreplanned missionrefuelling missionrotary-wing missionSAR missionscientific missionshoot-and-penetrate missionshort range missionshort-notice missionshuttle missionsignal intelligence missionsimulator missionSky-hook missionstorm reconnaissance missionstrategic air defense missionstrike missionsub-hunting missionsupport missionsupport airlift missionsurveillance missiontactical missiontanking missionterrain-following missiontraining missiontransport missiontwo-pilot missionunder-the-weather mission -
7 capability
способность; возможность; производительность, мощность1-hour «turn-around» capability — возможность осуществления одночасового цикла разгрузки, загрузки и обслуживания самолёта (с момента посадки до взлета)
all-weather weapons delivery capability — способность доставки оружия (к цели) в любых метеорологических условиях
capability of on/off operation — ркт. способность к повторному запуску (двигателя)
hydraulic system rate capability — обеспечиваемая гидросистемой угловая скорость перемещения (напр. руля)
look down — shoot down capability — способность атаковать самолёт сверху с задней полусферы
sustained Mach 2.3 capability — способность совершать установившийся полет с числом М-2,3
zero altitude (escape) capability — возможность покидания (самолёта) с земли [с нулевой высоты]
8 fighter
боец; ( самолет-) истребитель;* * * -
9 fighter
(самолет-)истребитель; тактический боевой ЛА"Christmas tree" fighteraerospace fighteraft-swept-wing fighterair defence fighterair superiority fighterairland fighterBVR fighterclose support fighterco-operating fightercontrol-enhanced fightercounter-air fighterdual-role fighterescort fighterfirst-look/first-kill fighterfixed-wing fighterfront-line fighterground-support fighterhigh-thrust/weight fighterhighly maneuverable fighterlight-weight fighterlong-range fighterlow-observable fighterlow-radar-cross-section fighterminimum maintenance fighternaval fighterrotary-wing fightersingle-seat fighterstealth fighterSTOVL fighterstrike fightersupercruise fightersupercruiser fighterswing fightertailed-delta fightertop-class fightervectored lift fightervertical landing fightervisual fightervisual-missile fighter -
10 version
вариант, см. тж. variant; модификация; вариант исполнения ( прибора) -
11 weapon
n1) оружие; вооружение2) средство•to accept nuclear weapons on one's territory — допускать размещение ядерного оружия на своей территории
to battle-test one's weapons — проводить боевые испытания своего оружия
to block the supply of weapons from... — препятствовать поставкам оружия откуда-л.
to buy weapons from a country — закупать оружие у какой-л. страны
to carry nuclear weapons — иметь ядерное оружие (о самолете, судне)
to counter the increased flow of weapons — принимать ответные меры в связи с усилением притока вооружений
to deliver nuclear weapons — доставлять / нести ядерное оружие
to destroy weapons — ликвидировать / уничтожать оружие
to deter the future use of chemical weapons — удерживать государства от применения в будущем химического оружия
to eliminate nuclear weapons from a territory — убирать ядерное оружие с какой-л. территории
to forego the future use of chemical weapons — отказываться от применения химического оружия в будущем
to freeze the modernization of one's weapons — замораживать модернизацию оружия
to guard against accidental or unauthorized use of nuclear weapons — предупреждать / исключать случайное или несанкционированное применение ядерного оружия
to halt development, production and deployment of nuclear weapons — прекращать разработку, производство и развертывание ядерного оружия
to halve the number of one's strategic nuclear weapons — сокращать наполовину объем своих стратегических ядерных вооружений
to hand in / over one's weapons — сдавать оружие
to keep weapons — хранить / не сдавать оружие
to lay down one's weapons — складывать оружие
to make atomic weapons — производить / создавать атомное оружие
to monitor chemical weapons — устанавливать контроль / следить за наличием химического оружия
to negotiate weapons away / down — договариваться о ликвидации оружия
to place nuclear weapons in a country — размещать ядерное оружие в какой-л. стране
to prevent the further spread of nuclear weapons — предотвращать дальнейшее распространение ядерного оружия
to resort to weapons — прибегать к оружию; пускать в ход оружие
to strive for substantial reduction in strategic nuclear weapons — добиваться существенного сокращения стратегических ядерных сил
to surrender one's weapons — сдавать / складывать оружие
to take one's strategic weapons off alert status — выводить свое стратегическое оружие из состояния повышенной боевой готовности
to turn in one's weapons — сдавать оружие
to use weapons against smb — использовать / применять ядерное оружие против кого-л.
- absolute weaponto withdraw nuclear weapons (from a country) in two phases — выводить ядерное оружие (из какой-л. страны) в два этапа
- accumulated weapons
- advanced weapon
- air-launched nuclear weapons
- alleged use of chemical weapons
- American-made weapons
- American-supplied weapons
- anti-missile weapon
- anti-satellite weapon
- arsenals of weapons
- ASAT weapon
- atomic weapon
- authorized to carry weapons
- bacteriological weapons
- ban on production of chemical weapons
- banning nuclear weapons from the sea bed
- barbaric weapon
- beam weapon
- beam-directed energy weapon
- binary weapon
- biological weapons
- captured weapon - complete weapon
- completed weapon
- consignment of weapons
- conventional weapons
- cosmic weapon
- counter-strike weapon
- covert stores of nuclear weapons
- cruel weapons
- cut in weapons
- cut-back in weapons
- dangerous weapon
- deadly weapon
- decommissioning of weapons
- defense weapon
- defensive weapon
- destruction of stockpiles of nuclear weapons
- deterrent weapons
- devastating weapons
- development of weapons
- directed-energy beam weapon
- elimination of weapons of mass destruction
- emplacement of nuclear weapons
- first generation weapon
- first-strike weapons
- first-use nuclear weapons
- first-use weapons
- fusion nuclear weapon
- fusion-type nuclear weapon
- genetic weapon
- genocidal weapons
- germ weapons
- guided weapon
- handover of weapons
- high tech weapons
- high technology weapons
- home-made weapons
- horror weapons
- hydrogen weapon
- ideological weapon
- illegal possession of weapons
- incoming weapons
- increase in weapons
- infrasonic weapon
- infrasound weapon
- inhumane weapons
- intercontinental weapons
- intermediate range weapon
- intermediate weapon
- knockoffs of American weapons
- land-launched nuclear weapons
- laser weapons
- lethal weapon
- limitation of nuclear weapons
- long-range weapons
- major weapons
- makeshift weapons
- mass destruction weapon
- means of nuclear weapon delivery
- medium-range weapon
- minor weapons
- mix of conventional and nuclear weapons
- modern weapons
- monstrous weapon
- multipurpose weapon
- nerve weapon
- neutron weapon
- new generation of chemical weapons
- new-model weapons
- new-type weapons
- non-atomic weapons
- nondissemination of nuclear weapons and knowledge
- non-nuclear weapons - nuclear-missile weapons
- offensive weapons
- output of weapons
- particle-beam weapons
- perfidious weapon
- poisonous weapons
- political weapon
- potent weapon
- powerful weapon
- precision weapon
- price weapon
- production of weapons
- prohibition of chemical weapons
- prohibition of development of new types and systems of weapons of mass destruction
- proliferation of nuclear weapons
- ray weapon
- reduction in weapons
- reduction of weapons
- region bristling with weapons
- renunciation of atomic, chemical and bacteriological weapons
- restrains on nuclear weapons
- retaliation weapon
- retaliatory weapon
- riot control weapons
- satellite laser weapon
- sea-launched nuclear weapons
- second generation weapon
- secret weapon
- short-range weapon
- smart weapons
- sophisticated weapons
- space weapons
- space-based weapons
- space-launched nuclear weapons
- specific weapons
- spiritual weapon - stock of weapons
- stockpile of weapons
- stockpiling of weapons
- strategic weapons
- strike weapons
- superhigh-frequency weapons
- superiority in conventional weapons
- supersophisticated weapon
- surprise weapon
- surrender of weapons
- survivable weapons
- tactical weapon
- testing of nuclear weapons
- theatre nuclear weapons
- thermonuclear weapon
- third generation weapon
- toxic weapon
- toxin weapon
- treacherous weapon
- type of weapon
- ultimate weapon
- unconventional weapons
- unmanned weapon
- untried weapon
- use of weapons
- vengeful weapon
- weapon of blackmail
- weapon of mass annihilation
- weapon of mass extermination
- weapon of mass total destruction
- weapon of offence
- weapons at the ready
- weapons of war
- weapons of warfare
- withdrawal of nuclear weapons from Europe
- world without weapons
- X-ray laser weapon
См. также в других словарях:
Air superiority — is the dominance in the air power of one side s air forces over the other side s during a military campaign. It is defined in the NATO Glossary as That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of… … Wikipedia
Air superiority fighter — An air superiority fighter is a type of fighter aircraft intended to enter and seize control of enemy airspace. Air superiority fighters are usually expensive aircraft, and procured in lesser numbers compared to smaller and generally more limited … Wikipedia
Air supremacy — is the most favorable state of control of the air. It is defined by NATO and the United States Department of Defense as that degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference. There are normally… … Wikipedia
Air Power Australia — is a private non profit Australian think tank. It was formed by Dr Carlo Kopp and Peter Goon in October, 2004. The stated primary aim of the organization is air power research and analysis, especially in the context of a modern integrated joint… … Wikipedia
air warfare — Military operations conducted by airplanes, helicopters, or other aircraft against aircraft or targets on the ground and in the water. Air warfare did not become important until World War I (1914–18). The British, French, German, Russian, and… … Universalium
Air Corps Tactical School — Infobox Military Unit unit name=Air Corps Tactical School caption= dates=1920 1940 country=USA allegiance=United States of America branch=Army Air Corps type= role= size=25 instructors, 50 students command structure= current commander=… … Wikipedia
Air-to-air missile — An air to air missile (AAM) is a guided missile fired from an aircraft for the purpose of destroying another aircraft. It is typically powered by one or more rocket motors, usually solid fuelled but sometimes liquid fuelled. Ramjet engines, as… … Wikipedia
air defense long-range radar — A military radar sensor system composed of a transmitter, an antenna, and associated communications that can detect and track targets at all azimuths, ranges, and elevations. It is used for tactical warning and attack assessment and command and… … Aviation dictionary
Air Force Research Laboratory — Emblem of AFRL … Wikipedia
Air Force Space Command — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Air Force Space Command caption=Emblem of the AFSPC dates= September 1982–Present country= United States branch= Air Force type= Major Command role= Development and operation of military space technologies size=… … Wikipedia
United States Air Force In South Korea — Infobox Military Conflict conflict = Bases of the United States Air Force in South Korea partof = Pacific Air Forces Seventh Air Force caption = Location of USAF bases in South Korea date = 1950 Present place = South Korea territory = result =… … Wikipedia