1 air superiority fighter
ASF, air superiority fighterEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > air superiority fighter
2 air superiority fighter
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > air superiority fighter
3 air-superiority fighter
Авиация: сверхманёвренный истребительУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > air-superiority fighter
4 air superiority fighter
5 air superiority fighter
English-Russian military dictionary > air superiority fighter
6 air superiority fighter
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > air superiority fighter
7 air superiority fighter
8 air superiority fighter
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > air superiority fighter
9 battlefield air-superiority fighter
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > battlefield air-superiority fighter
10 fighter
carrier(-based, -borne) fighter — палубный истребитель
jet(-powered, -propelled) fighter — реактивный истребитель, истребитель с реактивным двигателем
rocket(-powered, -propelled) fighter — ракетный истребитель, истребитель с ракетным двигателем
11 fighter
боец; ( самолет-) истребитель;* * * -
12 fighter
(самолет-)истребитель; тактический боевой ЛА"Christmas tree" fighteraerospace fighteraft-swept-wing fighterair defence fighterair superiority fighterairland fighterBVR fighterclose support fighterco-operating fightercontrol-enhanced fightercounter-air fighterdual-role fighterescort fighterfirst-look/first-kill fighterfixed-wing fighterfront-line fighterground-support fighterhigh-thrust/weight fighterhighly maneuverable fighterlight-weight fighterlong-range fighterlow-observable fighterlow-radar-cross-section fighterminimum maintenance fighternaval fighterrotary-wing fightersingle-seat fighterstealth fighterSTOVL fighterstrike fightersupercruise fightersupercruiser fighterswing fightertailed-delta fightertop-class fightervectored lift fightervertical landing fightervisual fightervisual-missile fighter -
13 ASF
1) Компьютерная техника: Architecture Simulation Framework, Automatic Sheet Feeder2) Ботаника: Alert Standard Format3) Военный термин: ACE strike file, Aeromedical Staging Facility, Airborne Special Forces, Alaskan Sea Frontier, All-Source Format, Allied Snipers Forum, American Special Forces, Army Service Forces, Army Special Forces, Army Support Facility, Army stock fund, Assassination Special Forces, additional selection factor, advanced simulation facility, advisory support force, air superiority fighter, aircraft services facility, ammunition storage facility, amphibious striking forces, aviation support facility5) Сельское хозяйство: African swine fever6) Математика: Algebraic Specification Formalism7) Религия: Apostolic Statement Of Faith8) Политика: African Standby Force9) Сокращение: Acoustic Support Function (Netherlands), Administrative Support Facility, Auxiliary Service Facility, Aeromedical Staging Facilities / Flight, Army Standard Family (shelters)10) Театр: Alabama Shakespeare Festival11) Вычислительная техника: Active Streaming Format, ActiveMovie Streaming Format, Advanced Streaming Format, application specific coding flag, признак кодировки конкретного приложения, Advanced Streaming Format (MS), Apache Software Foundation (organization, Apache), автоматическая подача бумаги, флаг кодировки конкретного приложения12) Транспорт: Audi Space Frame13) Фирменный знак: American Spray Fibers, Arrowhead Sale Facility14) Почта: auxiliary service facility15) Сетевые технологии: Active Server File, automatic sheet feed16) Полимеры: American Sanitation Foundation, Automotive Safety Foundation17) Программирование: Aspect Source Flag18) Расширение файла: Advanced Streaming Format Video, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen font, Active/Advanced Streaming Format (Microsoft)19) Цемент: альтернативное топливо, альтернативный источник топлива, alternative fuel, alternative source of fuel, низкосортное топливо, alt fuel20) Hi-Fi. Advanced Systems Format21) Общественная организация: Agronomic Science Foundation, American Schizophrenia Foundation22) Чат: Alerting Standard Forum, Alt Seduction Fast24) Программное обеспечение: Alternating Sequential Filter, Arctan Script File25) СМС: Apache Software Foundation26) Базы данных: Acclaim Skeletal File -
14 asf
1) Компьютерная техника: Architecture Simulation Framework, Automatic Sheet Feeder2) Ботаника: Alert Standard Format3) Военный термин: ACE strike file, Aeromedical Staging Facility, Airborne Special Forces, Alaskan Sea Frontier, All-Source Format, Allied Snipers Forum, American Special Forces, Army Service Forces, Army Special Forces, Army Support Facility, Army stock fund, Assassination Special Forces, additional selection factor, advanced simulation facility, advisory support force, air superiority fighter, aircraft services facility, ammunition storage facility, amphibious striking forces, aviation support facility5) Сельское хозяйство: African swine fever6) Математика: Algebraic Specification Formalism7) Религия: Apostolic Statement Of Faith8) Политика: African Standby Force9) Сокращение: Acoustic Support Function (Netherlands), Administrative Support Facility, Auxiliary Service Facility, Aeromedical Staging Facilities / Flight, Army Standard Family (shelters)10) Театр: Alabama Shakespeare Festival11) Вычислительная техника: Active Streaming Format, ActiveMovie Streaming Format, Advanced Streaming Format, application specific coding flag, признак кодировки конкретного приложения, Advanced Streaming Format (MS), Apache Software Foundation (organization, Apache), автоматическая подача бумаги, флаг кодировки конкретного приложения12) Транспорт: Audi Space Frame13) Фирменный знак: American Spray Fibers, Arrowhead Sale Facility14) Почта: auxiliary service facility15) Сетевые технологии: Active Server File, automatic sheet feed16) Полимеры: American Sanitation Foundation, Automotive Safety Foundation17) Программирование: Aspect Source Flag18) Расширение файла: Advanced Streaming Format Video, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen font, Active/Advanced Streaming Format (Microsoft)19) Цемент: альтернативное топливо, альтернативный источник топлива, alternative fuel, alternative source of fuel, низкосортное топливо, alt fuel20) Hi-Fi. Advanced Systems Format21) Общественная организация: Agronomic Science Foundation, American Schizophrenia Foundation22) Чат: Alerting Standard Forum, Alt Seduction Fast24) Программное обеспечение: Alternating Sequential Filter, Arctan Script File25) СМС: Apache Software Foundation26) Базы данных: Acclaim Skeletal File -
15 ASF
ASF, ACE strike file————————ASF, additional selection factor————————ASF, advanced simulation facility————————ASF, advisory support forceаппарат [группа] советников————————ASF, air superiority fighter————————ASF, aircraft services facility————————ASF, Alaskan Sea Frontier————————ASF, ammunition storage facility————————ASF, amphibious striking forces————————ASF, Army Service Forcesист части и учреждения обслуживания СВ————————ASF, Army Special Forces————————ASF, Army stock fund————————ASF, aviation support facilityEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ASF
16 mission
( боевая) задача, ( военная) миссия; вылет; полет; стрельба; огневая задача; предназначение; общая задача; задача части [соединения] ( пункт боевого приказа); см. тж. tasktroop carrier (combat) mission — ав. задача по переброске войск
US mission, Berlin — американская (военная) миссия в Западном Берлине
— bacteriological bombing mission— battlefield mission— delaying mission— interception mission— protective mission -
17 mission
1. задача; задание2. полет, вылет < на задание>,см. тж. flight3. операцияaeroscout missionAEW missionair combat missionair defense missionair superiority missionair-to-air missionair-to-air combat missionairborne early warning missionairborne fire missionairlift missionall-fighter missionall-supersonic missionall-weather missionsantihelicopter missionantishipping missionantismuggling missionantitank missionassault airlift missionBAI missionbattlefield air interdiction missionCAS missionclose air support missioncommunications missioncounter-air missiondash-out missiondeck-launched intercept missiondesign missionDLI missiondrug interdiction missionelectronic surveillance missionelectronic warfare missionFAC missionfishery protection missionfixed-wing missionfleet air defense missionforward air control missionfuel sizing missionground support missionhigh-altitude missionhigh-task-loaded missionlong range missionlong-endurance missionlow-altitude missionlow-level missionmaneuver missionmaritime missionmedevac missionmining warfare missionmultipilot missionnap-of-the-earth missionnight missionno-pilot missionnocturnal missionnuclear strike missionone-pilot missionoperational missionoverland missionoverload missionpatrol missionpenetration missionpractice missionpreplanned missionrefuelling missionrotary-wing missionSAR missionscientific missionshoot-and-penetrate missionshort range missionshort-notice missionshuttle missionsignal intelligence missionsimulator missionSky-hook missionstorm reconnaissance missionstrategic air defense missionstrike missionsub-hunting missionsupport missionsupport airlift missionsurveillance missiontactical missiontanking missionterrain-following missiontraining missiontransport missiontwo-pilot missionunder-the-weather mission -
18 remotely piloted vehicle
телепилотируемый летательный аппарат, ТПЛАoptical countermeasures (carrying) remotely piloted vehicle — ТПЛА — носитель средств противодействия оптическим приборам
English-Russian military dictionary > remotely piloted vehicle
См. также в других словарях:
Air superiority fighter — An air superiority fighter is a type of fighter aircraft intended to enter and seize control of enemy airspace. Air superiority fighters are usually expensive aircraft, and procured in lesser numbers compared to smaller and generally more limited … Wikipedia
Air superiority — is the dominance in the air power of one side s air forces over the other side s during a military campaign. It is defined in the NATO Glossary as That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of… … Wikipedia
air-superiority — /air seuh pear ee awr i tee, or , soo /, adj. designating a fighter aircraft built for long patrol capability at high altitudes and supersonic speeds, with air to air combat as its principal mission. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
air-superiority — /air seuh pear ee awr i tee, or , soo /, adj. designating a fighter aircraft built for long patrol capability at high altitudes and supersonic speeds, with air to air combat as its principal mission. [1930 35] … Useful english dictionary
fighter-bomber — Fighter aircraft capable of carrying and delivering air to surface weapons. The aircraft is capable of defending itself though its maneuverability may be somewhat less than an air superiority fighter. See also fighter … Aviation dictionary
fighter aircraft — Aircraft designed primarily to secure control of essential airspace by destroying enemy aircraft in combat. Designed for high speed and maneuverability, they are armed with weapons capable of striking other aircraft in flight. Developed early in… … Universalium
Air Power Australia — is a private non profit Australian think tank. It was formed by Dr Carlo Kopp and Peter Goon in October, 2004. The stated primary aim of the organization is air power research and analysis, especially in the context of a modern integrated joint… … Wikipedia
Air wargaming — Air wargaming, like naval wargaming, is a niche specialism within the wider miniatures wargaming hobby. Due to the relatively short time over which aerial combat has developed air wargaming periods tend to break down into three broad periods:*… … Wikipedia
Fighter aircraft — A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air to air combat with other aircraft, as opposed to a bomber, which is designed primarily to attack ground targets by dropping bombs. Fighters are comparatively small, fast, and… … Wikipedia
air warfare — Military operations conducted by airplanes, helicopters, or other aircraft against aircraft or targets on the ground and in the water. Air warfare did not become important until World War I (1914–18). The British, French, German, Russian, and… … Universalium
Fighter mafia — The Fighter Mafia was a group of U.S. Air Force officers and civilian defense analysts who, in the 1970s, advocated the use of John Boyd s Energy Maneuverability (E M) theory to develop fighter aircraft. The theory enabled quantitative one to one … Wikipedia