1 air interference
Военный термин: воздействие авиации, противодействие авиации -
2 air interference
противодействие [воздействие] авиации -
3 air interference
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > air interference
4 interference
интерференция, взаимовлияние, взаимодействие; см. тж. interaction; помехи, см. тж. noisemain rotor-tail boom interference — верт. интерференция несущего винта и хвостовой балки
radio (frequency, noise) interference — радиопомехи
5 interference
вмешательство; помехи; противодействие, воздействие ( противника) -
6 interference zone
1. зона интерференции2. область интерференцииEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > interference zone
7 interference-free zone
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > interference-free zone
8 interference in air flow
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > interference in air flow
9 acts of unlawful interference
These are acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation and air transport, i.e.— unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight,— unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground,— hostage-taking on board aircraft or on aerodromes,— forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility,— introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous device or material intended for criminal purposes,— communication of false information such as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the premises of a civil aviation facility.(AN 17)Official definition added to AN 17 by Amdt 11 (16/11/2005).Это акты или попытки совершения актов, создающие угрозу безопасности гражданской авиации и воздушного транспорта, а именно:— незаконный захват воздушных судов в полёте;— незаконный захват воздушных судов на земле;— захват заложников на борту воздушных судов или на аэродромах;— насильственное проникновение на борт воздушного судна, в аэропорт или в расположение аэронавигационного средства или службы;— помещение на борту воздушного судна или в аэропорту оружия, опасного устройства или материала, предназначенных для преступных целей;— сообщение ложной информации, ставящей под угрозу безопасность воздушного судна в полете или на земле, безопасность пассажиров, членов экипажа, наземного персонала или общественности в аэропорту или в расположении средства или службы гражданской авиации.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > acts of unlawful interference
10 act of unlawful interference
Авиация: (such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation and air transport) акт незаконного вмешательства (в деятельность в области авиации)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > act of unlawful interference
11 act of unlawful interference (such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation and air transport)
Авиация: акт незаконного вмешательства (в деятельность в области авиации)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > act of unlawful interference (such as to jeopardize the safety of civil aviation and air transport)
12 committee
Air Navigation CommitteeАэронавигационный комитетairport scheduling committeeаэропортовый комитет по разработке и утверждению расписанияAir Traffic Control Advisory CommitteeКонсультативный комитет по управлению воздушным движениемAir Transport CommitteeКомитет по воздушным перевозкамAviation Review CommitteeКомитет по рассмотрению авиационных вопросовCommittee on Aircraft NoiseКомитет по авиационному шумуCommittee on Aviation Environmental ProtectionКомитет по охране окружающей среды от воздействия авиацииCommittee on Joint SupportКомитет совместного финансированияCommittee on Unlawful InterferenceКомитет по незаконному вмешательствуCost CommitteeКомитет по расходамFacilitation Advisory CommitteeКонсультативный комитет по упрощению формальностейSonic Boom CommitteeКомитет по исследованиям звуковых ударовStanding Committee of PerformanceПостоянный комитет по летно-техническим характеристикам -
13 filter
1) фильтр || фильтровать2) светофильтр•-
absorbent-type filter
absorbent filter
absorbing filter
absorption filter
ac line filter
ac supply filter
acoustic filter
acousto-optical filter
activated carbon filter
active filter
active power filter
adaptive filter
adaptive notch filter
additive color filter
additive filter
adjustable density filter
aerolescer pneumatic filter
aerosol filter
agile filter
air filter
air-conditioning filter
air-intake filter
all-dielectric interference filter
all-pass filter
all-pole filter
all-zero filter
ambient-light filter
analog filter
analog postsampling filter
analog presampling filter
anion-exchange filter
antialiasing filter
antialias filter
aperture filter
ash-free filter
attenuator filter
audio band-pass filter
auto filter
automatic drain filter
bacterial filter
bacteriological filter
bag filter
balanced filter
band split filter
band vacuum filter
band-elimination filter
band-exclusion filter
band-limited filter
band-pass filter
band-rejection filter
band-selective filter
band-stop filter
bandwidth filter
bath filter
beacon filter
beat-interference filter
belt filter
bilithic filter
binary filter
biological filter
blanket filter
blue filter
branching filter
bridge filter
broadband filter
Butters filter
Butterworth filter
bypass filter
bypass hydraulic filter
candle filter
canonical recursive filter
capacitive filter
capacitor filter
cartridge filter
cation-exchange filter
Cauer filter
cavity band-pass filter
cavity filter
cavity-coupled filter
centrifugal air filter
centrifugal filter
centrifugal oil filter
ceramic filter
channel bank filter
channel filter
channel separating filter
channel television filter
Chebyshev filter
chirp filter
choke filter
chroma filter
chrominance notch filter
click filter
clogged filter
cloth filter
clutter suppression filter
clutter filter
C-message filter
coalescing filter
coarse filter
coarse fuel filter
coarse-grained filter
coarse-mesh filter
coaxial direct coupled resonator filter
coaxial filter
color filter
color-balancing filter
color-compensating filter
color-correcting filter
color-encoding filter
color-separation filter
color-stripe filter
color-subcarrier notch filter
color-trimming filter
comb filter
combined fuel filter
compensating filter
compensation filter
contact filter
continuously variable filter
convolution filter
correcting filter
correction filter
cross coupling filter
crystal filter
cyan filter
dark-room filter
dechirping filter
decimation filter
decision-feedback filter
decoupling filter
deemphasis filter
deer-skin filter
dehydrator filter
delay-line filter
depth filter
detarring filter
dewatering filter
dielectric filter
dielectric resonator filter
diesel and fuel-oil filter
digital elliptic filter
digital filter
digital matched filter
digitally controlled filter
discrete filter
discrete-time linear filter
discrimination filter
disk filter
disk vacuum filter
dispersion filter
dispersive filter
disposable element filter
disposable hydraulic filter
distributed-constant filter
distributed-element filter
Doppler filter
downward-flow filter
drainage filter
drum filter
drum vacuum filter
dry electrical filter
dry filter
drying filter
dual hydraulic filter
dual-split filter
duplex filter
dust filter
easy-off filter
edge-type disk filter
effects filter
electric filter
electromechanical filter
electronically tunable filter
elimination filter
elliptic filter
enhancement filter
enlarging filter
envelope filter
equalized filter
equiripple filter
externally mounted filter
extraripple filter
fabric filter
fan filter
feedback filter
feedthrough filter
ferrite-tunable filter
fiberglass filter
fibrous filter
film filter
final filter
fine fuel filter
finite-duration impulse-response filter
finite impulse-response filter
fixed target rejection filter
fixed-frequency filter
fixed filter
float drain filter
fog filter
frequency filter
frequency-selective filter
front-end filter
fuel filter
fuel primary filter
full-flow filter
full-flow powdered ion-exchange filter
Gaussian filter
gauze filter
gelatin filter
generating filter
glass filter
glovebox filter
graded filter
gravel filter
gravel packed filter
gravel-sand filter
gravitation filter
gravity filter
gray filter
grease filter
guard filter
gyrator filter
harmonic filter
H-cation filter
heat filter
heavy oil filter
HEPA filter
high-cut filter
high-frequency filter
high-pass filter
high-pressure filter
high-rate filter
high-temperature filter
holographic filter
hose air-jet filter
hose pressure filter
hose suction filter
hot filter
hum-eliminating filter
hum filter
hydraulic filter
I filter
IIR filter
image-deblurring filter
image-reflection filter
impingement filter
inductive filter
infinite-duration impulse-response filter
infinite impulse-response filter
infrared filter
in-line filter
input filter
insert filter
intake filter
in-tank filter
integral oil filter
integrate-and-dump filter
integrating filter
interdigital filter
interference filter
intermediate-frequency filter
interpolation filter
inverse filter
inverted filter
ion-exchange filter
isolation filter
jet filter
Kalman filter
keying filter
ladder-type filter
ladder filter
lag filter
lattice filter
leapfrog filter
light filter
line filter
linear filter
loop filter
low-cut filter
low-frequency filter
low-pass filter
low-pass sampling filter
low-pass zonal filter
low-pressure filter
low-rate filter
L-type hydraulic filter
lubrication filter
lumped-constant filter
lumped-element filter
magnetic filter
mandrel wrap filter
mantle filter
mash filter
mass filter
matched filter
matching filter
maximal ripple filter
maximally-flat filter
mechanical-wave filter
mechanical filter
membrane filter
meshwire filter
mesh filter
metal disk fuel filter
micronic filter
microstrip filter
microwave filter
millipore filter
mineral filter
minimum-delay filter
minimum-phase filter
mirror filter
mismatched filter
mist filter
mode filter
modular hydraulic filter
modulation filter
monopole mass filter
mosaic filter
multibag filter
multiband filter
multicavity microwave filter
multiple resonator filter
multisection filter
multistage filter
narrow-band filter
neutral-density filter
neutral filter
neutralizing filter
never stop filter
night filter
noise filter
nonclogging filter
nonlinear filter
nonminimum phase filter
nonrecursive filter
North matching filter
notch filter
nutsch filter
octave filter
oil bath filter
oil filter
oil-bath air filter
one-pole filter
on-line installable filter
optical filter
output filter
outside-in filter
pack filter
paper filter
partial flow filter
partial flow hydraulic filter
pass-band filter
passive filter
percolating filter
percolation filter
phase filter
pilot filter
pipeless filter
pi-section filter
plate-type filter
plate filter
plugged filter
polarization filter
polarizing filter
polaroid filter
pole-zero filter
porous metal filter
postdigitizing filter
postemphasis filter
postequalization filter
postsampling filter
powder filter
power-line filter
precoat filter
prediction filter
predictive-error filter
predigitizing filter
preliminary filter
presampling filter
pressure filter
pressure line filter
primary filter
prime filter
programmable filter
proportional filter
psophometric filter
pulse-compression filter
pulse-jet filter
purified-helium dust filter
Q filter
quad filter
quadrature mirror filter
quadrupole mass filter
quartz filter
quick removal filter
rapid filter
reconstruction filter
rectifier filter
recursive filter
rejection filter
repulp filter
resonant filter
return filter
return oil filter
reverse filter
RF filter
ripple filter
roll-off filter
rotary filter
safety filter
sampled-data filter
sand filter
SAW filter
scatter filter
screen filter
screw-in filter
scrubber filter
scrubbing filter
second order damped filter
secondary air filter
secondary filter
security filter
selective filter
self-aligning filter
self-blowing drum filter
self-cleaning filter
self-tuning filter
separation filter
sewage filter
shaping filter
sharp-cutoff filter
shunt filter
sideband filter
signal-separation filter
silica gel filter
sintered filter
sintered glass filter
sintered metal filter
smoke filter
smoothing filter
sniffing filter
softening filter
solid-state filter
spatial filter
spatiotemporal filter
sponge filter
standard-rate filter
star filter
state-variable filter
streamline filter
striped-color filter
striped filter
strip-line filter
submersible filter
subtractive color filter
subtractive filter
suction filter
suppression filter
surface-acoustic-wave filter
swept filter
switched-capacitor filter
synchronous filter
synthetic fiber dust filter
tapped-delay line filter
telltale filter
textile filter
Thomson filter
through filter
throw-away filter
time-varying filter
toe filter
total filter
tracking filter
transmission filter
transparency filter
transversal filter
trickling filter
tricolor filters
trimming filter
T-type hydraulic filter
tubular cloth filter
tunable filter
tuned filter
two-stage hydraulic filter
ultraviolet filter
unmatched filter
vacuum filter
variable band-pass filter
variable density filter
variable filter
velocity filter
ventilation filter
vestigial sideband filter
video filter
viscous filter
voice filter
wadding filter
wash hydraulic filter
water filter
wave filter
waveguide direct coupled resonator filter
waveguide filter
wedge interference filter
weighting filter
weight filter
wet electrical filter
wet filter
whitening filter
wide-band filter
Wiener filter
wire mesh filter
wire screen filter
YIG filter
zero-memory filter
zonal filter -
14 filter
1) фильтр || фильтровать; использовать фильтр2) светофильтр, оптический фильтр•- acceptance filter
- acoustic filter
- acoustic surface-wave filter
- acoustic-wave filter
- acoustooptical filter
- active filter
- ActiveX server filter
- adaptive filter
- air filter
- air-spaced filter
- all-pass filter
- all-pole filter
- all-zero filter
- ambient-light filter
- amplitude filter
- analog-computer filter
- analog-computer-type filter
- antialiasing filter
- apodized filter
- array-processing filter - band-stop filter
- barometric filter
- barometric air filter
- Bessel filter
- binary filter - biquad filter
- biquartic filter
- birefringent filter
- birefringent optical filter
- bleaching filter
- bogon filter
- Bozo filter
- BP filter
- breather filter
- bridge filter
- bridged-T filter
- broadcast filter
- brute-force filter
- Butterworth filter
- canonical recursive filter
- capacitor-input filter
- carrier transfer filter
- Cauer filter
- cavity filter
- cavity-coupled filter
- CCTT filter
- ceramic filter
- channel filter
- channel-bank filter
- channel-separation filter
- Chebyshev filter
- chirp-generating filter
- choke-input filter
- Christiansen filter
- chroma filter
- click filter
- clutter suppression filter
- C-message filter
- coaxial filter
- coherent memory filter
- color filter
- colored-glass filter
- color separation filter
- comb filter
- compensating filter
- complex spatial filter
- composite filter
- constant-current filter
- constant-K filter
- continuous capacitive tapping transversal filter
- continuous inductive tapping transversal filter
- continuously tunable filter
- continuous resistive tapping transversal filter
- convolution filter
- correction filter
- corrective filter
- crystal filter
- dechirping filter
- deconvolution filter
- decoupling filter
- deemphasis filter
- delay-line filter
- delta-modulation filter
- demodulator filter - dichroic filter
- dielectric filter
- dielectric slab filter
- digital filter
- digital frequency mapping filter
- digitally tuned filter - directional filter
- discrete filter
- discrimination filter
- dispersion filter
- dispersive filter
- dm filter
- Doppler filter
- dynamic tracking filter
- electric filter
- electric-wave filter
- electronically tunable filter
- elliptic filter
- elliptic-function filter
- enhancement filter - Fabry-Perot interference filter
- feed-forward MTI radar filter
- feedthrough filter
- fiber filter
- finite impulse-response filter
- finite-duration impulse-response filter
- fin-line filter
- FIR filter
- first-order filter
- fixed filter
- fixed-frequency filter
- fixed-point digital filter
- floating-point digital filter
- formant filter
- Fourier transform filter
- four-port filter
- FP filter
- Frechet filter
- frequency filter
- frustrated total reflection filter
- gelatin filter
- generating filter
- glare filter
- glass filter
- graded filter
- gray filter - harmonic filter
- heat filter
- HF filter
- high filter
- high-cut filter
- high-frequency filter
- high-order filter
- high-pass filter
- hiss filter
- hologram filter
- holographic filter
- IIR filter
- inductive-input filter
- infinite impulse-response filter
- infinite-duration impulse-response filter
- infrared filter
- in-line filter
- integrated-and-dump filter
- integrating filter
- interference filter
- interferential polarizational filter
- intermediate-frequency filter
- interpolation filter
- interstage filter
- inverse filter
- inverse-feedback filter
- ion-implanted array filter
- IR filter
- iterative filter
- junction filter
- Kalman filter
- key-click filter
- keying filter
- kill filter
- L-filter
- ladder-type filter
- lattice filter
- lead-zirconate-titanate filter
- leapfrog filter
- light filter
- line filter
- linear filter
- linear FM pulse compression filter
- linear space-invariant filter
- linear space-noninvariant filter
- liquid filter
- long-wavelength cutoff filter
- loop filter
- lossless filter
- low filter
- low-and-high-pass filter
- low-cut filter - L-section filter
- L-type filter
- lumped-constant filter
- Lyot filter
- magic-T filter
- magnetically tuned filter
- magnetooptical filter
- magnetostatic-wave filter
- magnetostrictive filter
- matched filter
- matched spatial filter
- matching filter
- m-derived filter
- mechanical filter
- mechanical-wave filter
- median filter
- microwave filter
- MIDI filter
- minimum-delay filter
- minimum-phase filter
- mismatched filter
- mode filter
- modulation filter
- multiple-bandpass filter
- multiple-reflection filter
- multiple-resonant-circuit filter
- multi-resonator filter
- multisection filter
- multistage filter
- narrow-band filter
- narrow-cut filter
- ND filter
- network filter
- neutral filter
- neutral-density filter
- neutral gray filter
- noise filter
- nonlinear filter
- nonrecursive filter
- nonselective filter
- notch filter
- n-section filter
- one-dimensional median filter
- optical filter
- packet filter
- parallel-T notch filter
- parametric filter
- partitioned adaptive filter
- passive filter
- phase filter
- photopic filter
- piezoelectric filter
- piezoelectric ceramics filter
- piezoelectric crystal filter
- pi-section filter
- plasma electroacoustic resonance filter
- plastics filter
- polarization interference filter
- polarizing filter
- polaroid filter
- pole-zero filter
- polynomial filter
- pop filter
- postemphasis filter
- postequalization filter
- powder filter
- power-line filter
- powerpack filter
- prediction filter - preequalization filter
- prewhitening filter
- programmable binary transversal filter
- pseudo-noise matched filter
- pulse-compression filter
- PZT filter
- quadrature filter
- quasi-optical filter
- radio-frequency interference filter
- range filter
- RC-filter
- recirculating filter
- recirculating air filter
- rectifier filter - reflection filter
- reflection holographic filter
- rejection filter
- resistance-capacitance filter
- resonant filter
- reverberation suppression filter
- RF filter
- RFI filter
- ripple filter
- roof filter
- rumble filter
- sampled-data filter
- SAW filter
- SC filter
- scatter filter
- scratch filter
- seasonal filter
- selective filter
- sending filter
- separation filter
- series m-derived filter
- SFG filter
- shaping filter
- sharp-cutoff filter
- short-term adaptive filter
- short-wavelength cutoff filter
- shunt m-derived filter
- signal-flow-graph filter
- signal-separation filter
- single-sideband filter
- slope filter
- slot filter
- slotted filter
- smoothing filter
- solid organic-dye filter
- solid-state filter
- sound-effect filter
- spatial filter
- spatial frequencyfilter
- spatial median filter
- spin-wave filter
- stacked crystal filter
- state-variable filter
- strip-line filter
- superconducting filter
- surface-acoustic-wave filter
- surface-wave chirp filter - switched-capacitor filter
- systolic filter
- tapped-delay-line filter
- tee filter
- temporal median filter
- thin-film filter
- thin-metal-film filter
- through filter
- time-dependent filter
- time-invariant filter
- time-varying filter
- tracking filter
- transmission filter
- transmission-line filter
- transparency filter
- transversal filter
- T-section filter
- tunable filter
- tuned filter
- twin-T filter
- two-dimensional filter
- two-dimensional median filter
- two-port filter
- ultraviolet filter
- unvoiced filter
- UV filter
- variable filter
- velocity filter
- vestigial-sideband filter
- voice filter
- voltage-controlled variable-bandwidth filter
- wave filter
- waveguide filter
- weighted filter
- whitening filter
- wide-angle filter
- wide-band filter
- wide-cut filter
- Wiener filter
- Wratten filter
- YIG filter
- yttrium-iron garnet filter
- zero-memory filter -
15 filter
1) фильтр || фильтровать; использовать фильтр2) светофильтр, оптический фильтр•- acceptance filter
- acoustic filter
- acoustic surface-wave filter
- acoustic-wave filter
- acoustooptical filter
- active filter
- ActiveX server filter
- adaptive filter
- air filter
- air-spaced filter
- all-pass filter
- all-pole filter
- all-zero filter
- ambient-light filter
- amplitude filter
- analog-computer filter
- analog-computer-type filter
- antialiasing filter
- apodized filter
- array-processing filter
- avalanche matched filter
- balanced filter
- band-elimination filter
- band-exclusion filter
- bandpass filter
- band-rejection filter
- band-splitting filter
- band-stop filter
- barometric air filter
- barometric filter
- Bessel filter
- binary filter
- binary transversal filter
- binomial filter
- biquad filter
- biquartic filter
- birefringent filter
- birefringent optical filter
- bleaching filter
- bogon filter
- Bozo filter
- BP filter
- breather filter
- bridge filter
- bridged-T filter
- broadcast filter
- brute-force filter
- Butterworth filter
- canonical recursive filter
- capacitor-input filter
- carrier transfer filter
- Cauer filter
- cavity filter
- cavity-coupled filter
- CCTT filter
- ceramic filter
- channel filter
- channel-bank filter
- channel-separation filter
- Chebyshev filter
- chirp-generating filter
- choke-input filter
- Christiansen filter
- chroma filter
- click filter
- clutter suppression filter
- C-message filter
- coaxial filter
- coherent memory filter
- color filter
- color separation filter
- colored-glass filter
- comb filter
- compensating filter
- complex spatial filter
- composite filter
- constant-current filter
- constant-K filter
- continuous capacitive tapping transversal filter
- continuous inductive tapping transversal filter
- continuous resistive tapping transversal filter
- continuously tunable filter
- convolution filter
- correction filter
- corrective filter
- crystal filter
- dechirping filter
- deconvolution filter
- decoupling filter
- deemphasis filter
- delay-line filter
- delta-modulation filter
- demodulator band filter
- demodulator filter
- dereverberation filter
- dichroic filter
- dielectric filter
- dielectric slab filter
- digital filter
- digital frequency mapping filter
- digital matched filter
- digital spectral mapping filter
- digitally tuned filter
- directional filter
- discrete filter
- discrimination filter
- dispersion filter
- dispersive filter
- dm filter
- Doppler filter
- dynamic tracking filter
- electric filter
- electric-wave filter
- electronically tunable filter
- elliptic filter
- elliptic-function filter
- enhancement filter
- extended Kalman filter
- Fabry-Perot filter
- Fabry-Perot interference filter
- feed-forward MTI radar filter
- feedthrough filter
- fiber filter
- finite impulse-response filter
- finite-duration impulse-response filter
- fin-line filter
- FIR filter
- first-order filter
- fixed filter
- fixed-frequency filter
- fixed-point digital filter
- floating-point digital filter
- formant filter
- Fourier transform filter
- four-port filter
- FP filter
- Frechet filter
- frequency filter
- frustrated total reflection filter
- gelatin filter
- generating filter
- glare filter
- glass filter
- graded filter
- gray filter
- grounded-capacitor low-pass filter
- gyrator filter
- harmonic filter
- heat filter
- HF filter
- high filter
- high-cut filter
- high-frequency filter
- high-order filter
- high-pass filter
- hiss filter
- hologram filter
- holographic filter
- IIR filter
- inductive-input filter
- infinite impulse-response filter
- infinite-duration impulse-response filter
- infrared filter
- in-line filter
- integrated-and-dump filter
- integrating filter
- interference filter
- interferential polarizational filter
- intermediate-frequency filter
- interpolation filter
- interstage filter
- inverse filter
- inverse-feedback filter
- ion-implanted array filter
- IR filter
- iterative filter
- junction filter
- Kalman filter
- key-click filter
- keying filter
- kill filter
- ladder-type filter
- lattice filter
- lead-zirconate-titanate filter
- leapfrog filter
- L-filter
- light filter
- line filter
- linear filter
- linear FM pulse compression filter
- linear space-invariant filter
- linear space-noninvariant filter
- liquid filter
- long-wavelength cutoff filter
- loop filter
- lossless filter
- low filter
- low-and-high-pass filter
- low-cut filter
- low-pass filter
- LP filter
- L-section filter
- L-type filter
- lumped-constant filter
- Lyot filter
- magic-T filter
- magnetically tuned filter
- magnetooptical filter
- magnetostatic-wave filter
- magnetostrictive filter
- matched filter
- matched spatial filter
- matching filter
- m-derived filter
- mechanical filter
- mechanical-wave filter
- median filter
- microwave filter
- MIDI filter
- minimum-delay filter
- minimum-phase filter
- mismatched filter
- mode filter
- modulation filter
- multiple-bandpass filter
- multiple-reflection filter
- multiple-resonant-circuit filter
- multi-resonator filter
- multisection filter
- multistage filter
- narrow-band filter
- narrow-cut filter
- ND filter
- network filter
- neutral filter
- neutral gray filter
- neutral-density filter
- noise filter
- nonlinear filter
- nonrecursive filter
- nonselective filter
- notch filter
- n-section filter
- one-dimensional median filter
- optical filter
- packet filter
- parallel-T notch filter
- parametric filter
- partitioned adaptive filter
- passive filter
- phase filter
- photopic filter
- piezoelectric ceramics filter
- piezoelectric crystal filter
- piezoelectric filter
- pi-section filter
- plasma electroacoustic resonance filter
- plastics filter
- polarization interference filter
- polarizing filter
- polaroid filter
- pole-zero filter
- polynomial filter
- pop filter
- postemphasis filter
- postequalization filter
- powder filter
- power-line filter
- powerpack filter
- prediction filter
- prediction-error filter
- preemphasis filter
- preequalization filter
- prewhitening filter
- programmable binary transversal filter
- pseudo-noise matched filter
- pulse-compression filter
- PZT filter
- quadrature filter
- quasi-optical filter
- radio-frequency interference filter
- range filter
- RC-filter
- recirculating air filter
- recirculating filter
- rectifier filter
- recurrent extended Kalman filter
- recursive filter
- reflection filter
- reflection holographic filter
- rejection filter
- resistance-capacitance filter
- resonant filter
- reverberation suppression filter
- RF filter
- RFI filter
- ripple filter
- roof filter
- rumble filter
- sampled-data filter
- SAW filter
- SC filter
- scatter filter
- scratch filter
- seasonal filter
- selective filter
- sending filter
- separation filter
- series m-derived filter
- SFG filter
- shaping filter
- sharp-cutoff filter
- short-term adaptive filter
- short-wavelength cutoff filter
- shunt m-derived filter
- signal-flow-graph filter
- signal-separation filter
- single-sideband filter
- slope filter
- slot filter
- slotted filter
- smoothing filter
- solid organic-dye filter
- solid-state filter
- sound-effect filter
- spatial filter
- spatial frequency filter
- spatial median filter
- spin-wave filter
- stacked crystal filter
- state-variable filter
- strip-line filter
- superconducting filter
- surface-acoustic-wave filter
- surface-wave chirp filter
- surface-wave comb filter
- swept filter
- switched-capacitor filter
- systolic filter
- tapped-delay-line filter
- tee filter
- temporal median filter
- thin-film filter
- thin-metal-film filter
- through filter
- time-dependent filter
- time-invariant filter
- time-varying filter
- tracking filter
- transmission filter
- transmission-line filter
- transparency filter
- transversal filter
- T-section filter
- tunable filter
- tuned filter
- twin-T filter
- two-dimensional filter
- two-dimensional median filter
- two-port filter
- ultraviolet filter
- unvoiced filter
- UV filter
- variable filter
- velocity filter
- vestigial-sideband filter
- voice filter
- voltage-controlled variable-bandwidth filter
- wave filter
- waveguide filter
- weighted filter
- whitening filter
- wide-angle filter
- wide-band filter
- wide-cut filter
- Wiener filter
- Wratten filter
- YIG filter
- yttrium-iron garnet filter
- zero-memory filterThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > filter
16 ratio
1) отношение; соотношение; пропорция5) матем. частное•-
4:1:1 ratio
abundance ratio
activity ratio
adjacent-channel protection ratio
advance ratio
air/oil ratio
air-fuel ratio
alumina ratio
amplitude ratio
anamorphic ratio
anode-to-cathode ratio
aperture ratio
apparent slip ratio
aspect ratio
atomic ratio
attenuation ratio
augmentation ratio
availability ratio
axial ratio
axle ratio
balance ratio
balanced steel ratio
beam aspect ratio
beam-depth ratio
beam-draft ratio
bearing ratio
best power mixture ratio
blade aspect ratio
blade-area ratio
blending ratio
blip-scan ratio
blocking-to-forward resistance ratio
blowup ratio
boilup-feed ratio
boost pressure ratio
boosting ratio
boss-diameter ratio
boss ratio
braking ratio
breeding ratio
brush coverage ratio
burnout ratio
by-pass ratio
C/B ratio
cancellation ratio
capacity/deadweight ratio
capture ratio
carbon ratio
carrier-to-interference ratio
carrier-to-noise ratio
cascade pitch-chord ratio
catalyst-oil ratio
catalyst ratio
cement-aggregate ratio
cetane ratio
charge ratio
charge-to-mass ratio
circulation ratio
coal-to-coke replacement ratio
coherence ratio
common ratio
common-mode rejection ratio
compression ratio
contact ratio
continuous casting ratio
contrast ratio
control ratio
convergence ratio
conversion ratio
copper-to-superconductor ratio
correlation ratio
cost/performance ratio
critical power ratio
crown diameter ratio
cumulative fatigue ratio
current instability ratio
current ratio
current transfer ratio
current unbalance ratio
cutoff ratio
damping ratio
deadweight-displacement ratio
deadweight ratio
defective ratio
defect ratio
delivery ratio
dependability ratio
desired-to-undesired signal ratio
developed blade-area ratio
deviation ratio
disk-area ratio
distortion ratio
disturbance ratio
disturb ratio
double ratio
downtime ratio
drafting ratio
drop-off-to-pickup ratio
drowning ratio
dryout ratio
duty ratio
effective pitch ratio
effective slip ratio
electric/heat output ratio
elongation ratio
empty run ratio
empty weight-to-carrying capacity ratio
energy-to-volume ratio
energy-to-weight ratio
engine displacement to horsepower ratio
engine pressure ratio
enhancement ratio
error ratio
escape ratio
excess noise ratio
excitation response ratio
extraction ratio
extrusion ratio
false alarm ratio
fat-to-lean ratio
field-forcing ratio
filter open area ratio
flow ratio of mold
flowing fluid ratio
focal ratio
frame aspect ratio
freeboard ratio
free-fluid ratio
frequency multiplication ratio
frequency ratio
friction ratio
front-to-back ratio
fuel ratio
fuel-air equivalence ratio
fuel-air ratio
fuel-oil consumption ratio
gas ratio
gas recovery ratio
gas-condensate ratio
gas-oil ratio
gasoline-oil consumption ratio
gas-water ratio
geometric pitch ratio
grain-to-air mass ratio
gross-to-net ratio
harmonic ratio
heat sharing ratio
hit ratio
hub-diameter ratio
hub ratio
humidity ratio
hydrogen carbon ratio
idle mixture ratio
image ratio
image signal-to-noise ratio
image-frequency rejection ratio
image rejection ratio
input-to-output frequency ratio
intensifier ratio
interference-to-noise ratio
internal breeding ratio
inversion level ratio
inversion ratio
ionization ratio
irregularity ratio
isolation ratio
jamming-to-signal ratio
jam-to-signal ratio
lay ratio
length-beam ratio
length-depth ratio
length-draft ratio
lift/drag ratio
light output ratio
likelihood ratio
limiting drawing ratio
line-interlace ratio
liquor ratio
load ratio
locked rotor current ratio
luminance ratio
magnetoresistive ratio
main-beam-to-sidelobe ratio
mark-to-space ratio
mark-space ratio
meander ratio
melting-speed ratio
metal-restitution ratio
mismatch ratio
miss ratio
mixing ratio
mobility ratio
moderating ratio
modular ratio
molar ratio
mold ratio
negative sequence current ratio
negative sequence voltage ratio
noise-power ratio
noise-to-signal ratio
notch yield ratio
notched-unnotched tensile strength ratio
nutritive ratio
offset ratio
oil-steam ratio
one-to-zero ratio
on-off ratio
operating ratio
output voltage ratio
output-input ratio
overall combined feed ratio
overall gear ratio
overburden ratio
overvoltage ratio
partition ratio
peak ratio
peak-to-average ratio
penetration shape ratio
pin-to-gate ratio
pitch damping ratio
pitch ratio
pitch-diameter ratio
pluviometric ratio
Poisson's ratio
power amplification ratio
power-loss ratio
precipitation-evaporation ratio
press ratio
pressure-viscosity ratio
processing ratio
producing water-oil ratio
proof ultimate ratio
propagation ratio
propane-oil ratio
propeller solidity ratio
protection ratio
pulse-compression ratio
pulse-smoothing ratio
pulsing ratio
rated voltage ratio
ratio of break to reduction
ratio of enrichment
ratio of flow
ratio of foreshortening
ratio of similitude
ratio of slope
ratio of specific heats
reactance ratio
reactivity ratio
real slip ratio
recall ratio
recirculation ratio
recovery ratio
rectification ratio
recycle ratio
reduction ratio
reflux ratio
reflux-to-product ratio
reinforcement ratio
rejection ratio
reproduction ratio
reserve-buoyance ratio
resetting ratio
reset ratio
resolution ratio
retrace ratio
returning ratio
ripple ratio
roll damping ratio
ruffling ratio
runner ratio
scaling ratio
scrap-metal ratio
seasonal ratio
secondary-emission ratio
seizure ratio
serviceability ratio
setting ratio
shooting ratio
short-circuit ratio
shrinkage ratio
shutter-to-pulldown ratio
sidelobe ratio
signal-to-clutter ratio
signal-to-crosstalk ratio
signal-to-distortion ratio
signal-to-interference ratio
signal-to-jamming ratio
signal-to-jam ratio
signal-to-noise ratio
signal-to-quantization noise ratio
silica ratio
sinad ratio
size ratio
skin-to-brine ratio
skip-stitch ratio
slenderness ratio
slip ratio
slope ratio
solvent ratio
speed ratio
spreading ratio
spread-to-elongation ratio
squareness ratio
squeeze ratio
stall torque ratio
standing-wave ratio
starting current-to-rated current ratio
starting current ratio
starting torque-to-nominal torque ratio
static forward current transfer ratio
steel ratio
steering ratio
step-down ratio
step-up ratio
stock-catalyst ratio
stoichiometric ratio
storage ratio
strength-to-weigth ratio
stress ratio
stretch ratio
stripping ratio
sugar-acid ratio
suppression ratio
surface-to-volume ratio
swirl ratio
swirl-to-squish ratio
T/D ratio
tall gear ratio
tapping voltage ratio
target-to-clutter ratio
thermal conductivity ratio
thickness ratio
thickness-to-diameter ratio
throughput ratio
thrust-deduction ratio
torque-to-inertia ratio
torque-to-weight ratio
transfer ratio
transformation ratio
transient overvoltage ratio
transmission ratio
transport ratio
traveling-wave ratio
tree-area ratio
trigonometric ratio
trim ratio
true slip ratio
tuning ratio
turn-on ratio
turns ratio
unbalance ratio
unbalance reduction ratio
up-time ratio
useful-to-takeoff load ratio
utilization ratio
valve ratio
vapor volumetric flow ratio
vapor-liquid ratio
variance ratio
vertical retrace ratio
virtual pitch ratio
viscosity/density ratio
voids ratio
voltage instability ratio
voltage nonsinusoidality ratio
voltage ratio
voltage standing-wave ratio
voltage transfer ratio
voltage unbalance ratio
waste-to-ore ratio
water use ratio
water-oil ratio
water-to-cement ratio
wide-band ratio
wind-to-coke ratio
wing taper ratio
xanthate ratio
yield ratio
zero-sequence current ratio
zero-sequence voltage ratio
zoom ratio -
17 of
acknowledgement of receiptподтверждение приемаactual time of arrivalфактическое время прибытияaerodrome of callаэродром выхода на радиосвязьaerodrome of departureаэродром вылетаaerodrome of intended landingаэродром предполагаемой посадкиaerodrome of originаэродром припискиaircraft center - of - gravityцентровка воздушного суднаairport of departureаэропорт вылетаairport of destinationаэропорт назначенияairport of entryаэропорт прилетаallocation of dutiesраспределение обязанностейallocation of frequenciesраспределение частотallotment of frequenciesвыделение частотalternative means of communicationрезервные средства связиamount of controlsстепень использованияamount of feedbackстепень обратной связиamount of precipitationколичество осадковangle of allowanceугол упрежденияangle of approachугол захода на посадкуangle of approach lightугол набора высотыangle of ascentугол набора высотыangle of attackугол атакиangle of climbугол набора высотыangle of coverageугол действияangle of crabугол сносаangle of descentугол сниженияangle of deviationугол отклоненияangle of dipугол магнитного склоненияangle of diveугол пикированияangle of downwashугол скоса потока внизangle of elevationугол местаangle of exitугол сходаangle of glideугол планированияangle of incidenceугол атакиangle of indraftугол входа воздушной массыangle of lagугол отставанияangle of landingпосадочный уголangle of pitchугол тангажаangle of rollугол кренаangle - of - sideslip transmitterдатчик угла скольженияangle of sightугол прицеливанияangle of slopeугол наклона глиссадыangle of stallугол сваливанияangle of turnугол разворотаangle of upwashугол скоса потока вверхangle of visibilityугол обзораangle of yawугол рысканияantimeridian of Greenwichмеридиан, противоположный Гринвичскомуapparent drift of the gyroкажущийся уход гироскопаapplication of tariffsприменение тарифовapproach rate of descentскорость снижения при заходе на посадкуarc of a pathдуга траекторииarc of equal bearingsдуга равных азимутовarea of coverageзона действияarea of coverage of the forecastsрайон обеспечения прогнозамиarea of occurenceрайон происшествияarea of responsibilityзона ответственностиarrest the development of the stallпрепятствовать сваливаниюassessment of costsустановление размеров расходовassignment of dutiesраспределение обязанностейAssociation of European AirlinesАссоциация европейских авиакомпанийAssociation of South Pacific AirlinesАссоциация авиакомпаний южной части Тихого океанаassumption of control messageприем экипажем диспетчерского указанияat a speed ofна скоростиat the end ofв конце циклаat the end of segmentв конце участка(полета) at the end of strokeв конце хода(поршня) at the start of cycleв начале циклаat the start of segmentв начале участка(полета) aviation-to-aviation type of interferenceпомехи от авиационных объектовavoidance of collisionsпредотвращение столкновенийavoidance of hazardous conditionsпредупреждение опасных условий полетаaxial of bankпродольная осьaxis of precessionось прецессии гироскопаaxis of rollпродольная осьaxis of rotationось вращенияaxis of yawвертикальная осьbackward movement of the stickвзятие ручки на себяbe out of trimбыть разбалансированнымbest rate of climbнаибольшая скороподъемностьbias out of viewвыходить из поля зренияbill of entryтаможенная декларацияbill of ladingгрузовая накладнаяblanketing of controlsзатенение рулейbody of compass cardдиск картушки компасаboundary of the areaграница зоныBureau of Administration and ServicesАдминистративно-хозяйственное управлениеcamber of a profileкривизна профиляcare of passengersобслуживание пассажировcarriage of passengersперевозка пассажировcarry out a circuit of the aerodromeвыполнять круг полета над аэродромомcause of aircraft troubleпричина неисправности воздушного суднаcenter of air pressureцентр аэродинамического давленияcenter of depressionцентр низкого давленияcenter of forceцентр приложения силыcenter of gravityцентр тяжестиcenter of massцентр массcenter of pressureцентр давленияCentral Agency of Air ServiceГлавное агентство воздушных сообщенийcertificate of revaccinationсертификат ревакцинацииcertificate of safety for flightсвидетельство о допуске к полетамcertificate of vaccinationсертификат вакцинацииchoice of fieldвыбор посадочной площадкиclass of liftкласс посадкиclearance of goodsтаможенное разрешение на провозclearance of obstaclesбезопасная высота пролета препятствийclearance of the aircraftразрешение воздушному суднуcoefficient of heat transferкоэффициент теплопередачиcome clear of the groundотрываться от землиcomplex type of aircraftкомбинированный тип воздушного суднаcomposition of a crewсостав экипажаconcept of separationэшелонированиеconditions of carriageусловия перевозокcone of raysпучок лучейcongestion of informationнасыщенность информацииcontinuity of guidanceнепрерывность наведенияcontour of perceived noiseконтур воспринимаемого шумаcontrol of an investigationконтроль за ходом расследованияcorrelation of levelsприведение эшелонов в соответствиеcountry of arrivalстрана прилетаcountry of originстрана вылетаcourse of trainingкурс подготовкиcoverage of the chartкартографируемый районcurve of equal bearingsлиния равных азимутовdanger of collisionsопасность столкновенияdegree of accuracyстепень точностиdegree of freedomстепень свободыdegree of skillуровень квалификацииdegree of stabilityстепень устойчивостиdenial of carriageотказ в перевозкеDepartment of TransportationМинистерство транспортаderivation of operating dataрасчет эксплуатационных параметровdetermination of causeустановление причиныdetermine amount of the errorопределять величину девиацииdetermine the extent of damageопределять степень поврежденияdetermine the sign of deviationопределять знак девиацииdevelopment of the stallпроцесс сваливанияdirection of approachнаправление захода на посадкуdirection of rotationнаправление вращенияdirection of turnнаправление разворотаduration of noise effectпродолжительность воздействия шумаelevation of the stripпревышение летной полосыelevation setting of light unitsустановка углов возвышения глиссадных огнейeliminate the cause ofустранять причинуeliminate the source of dangerустранять источник опасности(для воздушного движения) end of runwayначало ВППenforce rules of the airобеспечивать соблюдение правил полетовen-route change of levelизменение эшелона на маршрутеerection of the gyroвосстановление гироскопаestimated position of aircraftрасчетное положение воздушного суднаestimated time of arrivalрасчетное время прибытияestimated time of departureрасчетное время вылетаestimated time of flightрасчетное время полетаeven use of fuelравномерная выработка топливаextension of ticket validityпродление срока годности билетаextent of damageстепень поврежденияfacilitate rapid clearance ofобеспечивать быстрое освобождениеfactor of safetyуровень безопасностиfiling of statistical dataпредставление статистических данныхfirst freedom of the airпервая степень свободы воздухаfirst type of occurenceпервый тип событияflow of air trafficпоток воздушного движенияfly under the supervision ofлетать под контролемfor reasons of safetyв целях безопасностиfreedom of actionсвобода действийfreedom of the airстепень свободы воздухаfrequency of operationsчастота полетовgathering of informationсбор информацииgeneral conditions of carriageосновные условия перевозкиGeneral Conference of Weights and MeasureГенеральная конференция по мерам и весамGeneral Department of International Air Services of AeroflotЦентральное управление международных воздушных сообщений гражданской авиацииget out of controlтерять управлениеgiven conditions of flightзаданные условия полетаgo out of controlстановиться неуправляемымgo out of the spinвыходить из штопораgrade of serviceкатегория обслуживанияgrade of the pilot licenceкласс пилотского свидетельстваgrading of runwayнивелирование ВППheight at start of retractionвысота начала уборкиhover at the height ofзависать на высотеidentification of signalsопознавание сигналовinconventional type of aircraftнестандартный тип воздушного суднаincrease a camber of the profileувеличивать кривизну профиляindication of a requestобозначение запросаin interests of safetyв интересах безопасностиinitial rate of climbначальная скороподъемностьinitial stage of go-aroundначальный участок ухода на второй кругinlet angle of attackугол атаки заборного устройстваintake angle of attackугол атаки воздухозаборникаintegrated system of airspace controlкомплексная система контроля воздушного пространстваinterception of civil aircraftперехват гражданского воздушного суднаInternational Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries AssociationМеждународный координационный совет ассоциаций авиакосмической промышленностиInternational Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot AssociationsМеждународный совет ассоциаций владельцев воздушных судов и пилотовInternational Federation of Air Line Pilots' AssociationsМеждународная федерация ассоциаций линейных пилотовInternational Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' AssociationsМеждународная федерация ассоциаций авиадиспетчеровInternational Relations Department of the Ministry of Civil AviationУправление внешних сношений Министерства гражданской авиацииinterpretation of the signalрасшифровка сигналаinterpretation of weather chartчтение метеорологической картыintersection of air routesпересечение воздушных трассin the case of delayв случае задержкиin the event of a mishapв случае происшествияin the event of malfunctionв случая отказаintroduction of the correctionsввод поправокkeep clear of rotor bladesостерегаться лопастей несущего винтаkeep clear of the aircraftдержаться на безопасном расстоянии от воздушного суднаkeep out of the wayне занимать трассуlayout of aerodrome markingsмаркировка аэродромаlayout of controlsрасположение органов управленияlessee of an aircraftарендатор воздушного суднаlevel of airworthinessуровень летной годностиlevel of safetyуровень безопасностиlevel of speech interferenceуровень помех речевой связиlimiting range of massпредел ограничения массыline of flightлиния полетаline of positionлиния положенияline of sightлиния визированияlocation of distressрайон бедствияloss of controlпотеря управленияloss of pressurizationразгерметизацияloss of strengthпотеря прочностиmagnetic orientation of runwayориентировка ВПП по магнитному меридиануmargin of errorдопуск на погрешностьmargin of liftзапас подъемной силыmargin of safetyдопустимый уровень безопасностиmargin of stabilityзапас устойчивостиmarking of pavementsмаркировка покрытияmean scale of the chartсредний масштаб картыmeans of communicationсредства связиmeans of identificationсредства опознаванияmeridian of Greenwichгринвичский меридианmethod of steepest descentспособ резкого сниженияmode of flightрежим полетаmoment of inertiaмомент инерцииmoment of momentumмомент количества движенияname-code of the routeкодирование названия маршрутаonset of windрезкий порыв ветраoperation of aircraftэксплуатация воздушного суднаout of ground effectвне зоны влияния землиout of serviceизъятый из эксплуатацииovershoot capture of the glide slopeпоздний захват глиссадного лучаperiod of rating currencyпериод действия квалифицированной отметкиpersonal property of passengersличные вещи пассажировpilot's field of viewполе зрения пилотаplane of rotationплоскость вращенияplane of symmetry of the aeroplaneплоскость симметрии самолетаpoint of arrivalпункт прилетаpoint of callпункт выхода на связьpoint of departureпункт вылетаpoint of destinationпункт назначенияpoint of discontinuityточка разрываpoint of intersectionточка пересеченияpoint of loadingпункт погрузкиpoint of no returnрубеж возвратаpoint of originпункт вылетаpoint of turn-aroundрубеж разворотаpoint of unloadingпункт выгрузкиportion of a flightотрезок полетаportion of a runwayучасток ВППprevention of collisionsпредотвращение столкновенийprimary element of structureосновной элемент конструкцииprohibition of landingзапрещение посадкиprolongation of the ratingпродление срока действия квалификационной отметкиpromotion of safetyобеспечение безопасности полетовproof of complianceдоказательство соответствияpropagation of soundраспространение шумаprotection of evidenceсохранение вещественных доказательствpull out of the spinвыводить из штопораpull the aircraft out ofбрать штурвал на себяradar transfer of controlпередача радиолокационного диспетчерского управленияradius of curvatureрадиус кривизныrange of coverageрадиус действияrange of motionдиапазон отклоненияrange of revolutionsдиапазон оборотовrange of visibilityдальность видимостиrange of visionдальность обзораrate of climbскороподъемностьrate of closureскорость сближенияrate of descentскорость сниженияrate of disagreementскорость рассогласованияrate of dutyскорость таможенной пошлиныrate of exchangeкурс обмена валютыrate of flaps motionскорость отклонения закрылковrate of growthтемп ростаrate of pitchскорость по тангажуrate of rollскорость кренаrate of sideslipскорость бокового скольженияrate of trimскорость балансировкиrate of turnскорость разворотаrate of yawскорость рысканияreception of telephonyприем телефонных сообщенийrecord of amendmentsлист учета поправокrecord of revisionsвнесение поправокregularity of operationsрегулярность полетовrelay of messagesпередача сообщенийrelease of controlпередача управленияremoval of aircraftудаление воздушного суднаremoval of limitationsотмена ограниченийreplacement of partsзамена деталейrepresentative of a carrierпредставитель перевозчикаreservation of a seatбронирование местаretirement of aircraftсписание воздушного суднаright - of - entryпреимущественное право входаroll out of the turnвыходить из разворотаrules of the airправила полетовsafe handling of an aircraftбезопасное управление воздушным судномsecond freedom of the airвторая степень свободы воздухаsecond type of occurenceвторой тип событияselection of engine modeвыбор режима работы двигателяsequence of fuel usageочередность выработки топлива(по группам баков) sequence of operationпоследовательность выполнения операцийshowers of rain and snowливневый дождь со снегомsimultaneous use of runwaysодновременная эксплуатация нескольких ВППsite of occurrenceместо происшествияslope of levelнаклон кривой уровня(шумов) source of dangerисточник опасностиStanding Committee of PerformanceПостоянный комитет по летно-техническим характеристикамstart of leveloffначало выравниванияstart of takeoffначало разбега при взлетеstate of aircraft manufactureгосударство - изготовитель воздушного суднаstate of dischargeстепень разряженности(аккумулятора) state of emergencyаварийное состояниеstate of occurenceгосударство места событияstate of transitгосударство транзитаsteadiness of approachустойчивость при заходе на посадкуsteady rate of climbустановившаяся скорость набора высотыstructure of frontsструктура атмосферных фронтовsubmission of a flight planпредставление плана полетаsystem of monitoring visual aidsсистема контроля за работой визуальных средств(на аэродроме) system of unitsсистема единиц(измерения) table of cruising levelsтаблица крейсерских эшелоновtable of intensity settingsтаблица регулировки интенсивностиtable of limitsтаблица ограниченийtable of toleranceтаблица допусковtake out of serviceснимать с эксплуатацииtarget level of safetyзаданный уровень безопасности полетовtemporary loss of controlвременная потеря управляемостиtermination of controlпрекращение диспетчерского обслуживанияtheory of flightтеория полетаtime of lagвремя запаздыванияtime of originвремя отправленияtitl of the gyroзавал гироскопаtop of climbконечный участок набора высотыtransfer of controlпередача диспетчерского управленияtransmission of telephonyпередача радиотелефонных сообщенийtransmit on frequency ofвести передачу на частотеtriangle of velocitiesтреугольник скоростейunder any kind of engine failureпри любом отказе двигателяuneven use of fuelнеравномерная выработка топливаunit of measurementединица измеренияvelocity of soundскорость звукаwall of overpressureфронт избыточного давленияwarn of dangerпредупреждать об опасностиwithin the frame ofв пределахworking language of ICAOрабочий язык ИКАОzone of intersectionзона пересеченияzone of silenceзона молчания -
18 report
донесение, сообщение; доклад; рапорт; арт. звук выстрела; доносить; докладывать; рапортовать; представлять(ся) ( начальнику), pl. представление донесений ( пункт боевого приказа)meaconing, interference, jamming, intrusion report — донесение о применении комплексных помех типа «Миджи» (помехи РИС, пассивные и активные помехи, помехи средствам радиосвязи)
— bombing report— casualty situation report— exemption report— hotline report— letter efficiency report— logistics status report— minefield lifting report— nuclear attack report— performance evaluation report— weapons status report -
19 force
сила; усилие; см. тж. effort; pl. ( войсковые) соединения или части; ( вооружённые) силы; вынуждатьAir Fleet Marine forces, Atlantic — авиация морской пехоты Атлантического флота ВМС США
Air Material force, Pacific area — армия материально-технического обеспечения ВВС США в тихоокеанской зоне
air-combat forces, naval aviation — боевые силы авиации ВМС
Allied Air forces, Central Europe — объединённые ВВС НАТО на центрально-европейском театре
Allied Air forces, Eastern Atlantic area — объединённые ВВС НАТО в восточной части Атлантики
Allied Air forces, Northern Europe — объединённые ВВС НАТО на североевропейском театре
Allied Air forces, Southern Europe — объединённые ВВС НАТО на южноевропейском театре
composite air strike force — смешанная оперативная ударная группа [соединение] ВВС
control force per unit of normal acceleration — расход усилий (на органах управления) на единицу нормальной перегрузки [нормального ускорения]
control system breakout force — сила [усилие] страгивания системы управления, усилие для преодоления трения покоя в проводке управления
force due to Q — усилие, создаваемое скоростным напором
Middle East Air force — Бр. ВВС на Среднем Востоке
Royal Auxiliary Air force — Бр. вспомогательные ВВС
stick force per «g» — градиент усилий на ручке по перегрузке
wheel brake decelerating force — сила торможения, развиваемая колёсами
— G force— Q force— q force— - trim force -
20 control
управление; регулирование; контроль; орган [рычаг] управления; руль; pl. система управления или регулирования; управлять; регулироватьback seat flight control — управление ЛА из задней кабины [с места заднего лётчика]; pl. дублирующие органы управления в задней кабине
be out of control — терять управление [управляемость]; выходить из-под управления [контроля]
continuously variable thrust control — плавное [бесступенчатое] регулирование тяги
control c.g. control — регулирование центровки (ЛА)
control of missile attitude — стабилизация ракеты; управление пространственным положением ракеты
control of the air — превосходство или господство в воздухе; превосходство в области авиации [в авиационной технике]; контроль воздушного пространства
control of the yoke — разг. управление штурвалом
control of thrust orientation — управление ориентированием [направлением вектора] тяги
flight deck lighting controls — органы управления [ручки регулировки] освещением кабины экипажа
fling the controls over — перебрасывать органы управления (в противоположную сторону),
flow control with altitude compensation — регулятор расхода [подачи] с высотным корректором
fuel dump valve control — кран [рычаг крана] аварийного слива топлива
gas jet attitude control — управление пространственным положением с помощью системы газоструйных рулей
go out of control — терять управление, выходить из-под управления [контроля]
ground rollout rudder steering control — управление пробегом [на пробеге] с помощью руля направления
interconnected fuel and propeller controls — объединённая система регулирования подачи топлива и шага винта
jet tab thrust vector control — управление вектором тяги с помощью газовых рулей; дефлекторное управление вектором тяги
jet(-deflection, -direction) control — реактивное [струйное] управление; управление изменением направления тяги; струйный руль
manual mixture shut-off control — рычаг отсечки подачи горючей смеси, рычаг останова [выключения] двигателя
maximum boundary layer control — управление пограничным слоем при наибольшей эффективности [производительности, интенсивности работы] системы
recover the control — восстанавливать управление [управляемость]
respond to the controls — реагировать [отвечать] на отклонение рулей [органов управления]
space shuttle orbiter control — управление орбитальной ступенью челночного воздушно-космического аппарата
throttle and collective pitch control — верт. рычаг «шаг — газ»
См. также в других словарях:
Air safety — is a term encompassing the theory, investigation and categorization of flight failures, and the prevention of such failures through regulation, education and training. It can also be applied in the context of campaigns that inform the public as… … Wikipedia
Air superiority — is the dominance in the air power of one side s air forces over the other side s during a military campaign. It is defined in the NATO Glossary as That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of… … Wikipedia
Air supremacy — is the most favorable state of control of the air. It is defined by NATO and the United States Department of Defense as that degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference. There are normally… … Wikipedia
Air Paris — Ring name(s) Air Paris[1][2] Frank Ott … Wikipedia
Interference (communication) — Interférence (communication) En communication, les interférences sont les freins à la compréhension et à la réception du message. Sommaire 1 Déformation du message 2 Interférences liés au récepteur 3 Interférences liées à l émette … Wikipédia en Français
air block — interference with the normal inflation and deflation of the lungs and with the pulmonary blood flow, produced by the leakage of air from the pulmonary alveoli into the interstitial tissue of the lung (interstitial emphysema) and into the… … Medical dictionary
Interférence par une lame d'air — Interférences par une lame d air L interférence par une lame d air est un phénomène d interférence obtenu avec un interféromètre de Michelson. Il s agit d une simplification du phénomène d interférence par une couche mince d indice de réfraction… … Wikipédia en Français
Interference (baseball) — In baseball, interference is an infraction where a person illegally changes the course of play from what is expected. Interference might be committed by players on the offense, players not currently in the game, catchers, umpires, or spectators;… … Wikipedia
Air cable — An air cable is an insulated cable usually containing all conductors required for an electrical transmission system or a telecommunication line, which is spun between poles or pylones. Further air cables of fiberoptic basic are also available. As … Wikipedia
air law — Introduction the body of law directly or indirectly concerned with civil aviation. Aviation in this context extends to both heavier than air and lighter than air aircraft. Air cushion vehicles are not regarded as aircraft by the… … Universalium
air superiority — An air situation in which air, land, and maritime forces have full freedom of action without any effective interference from enemy air forces. At the same time, the enemy air force is denied such a freedom. The degree of freedom is slightly lower … Aviation dictionary