1 air defense system
[lang name="English"]ADS, air defense systemсистема ПВО; зенитный комплекс; зенитный ракетный комплекс, ЗРКEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > air defense system
2 air defense system
Военный термин: ЗРК, зенитный комплекс, зенитный ракетный комплекс, система ПВО, система противовоздушной обороны, зенитный комплекс (ракетный или артиллерийский), комплекс ПВО -
3 air-defense system
Военный термин: система противовоздушной обороны (англ. термин взят из кн.: Military Balance 2009. - London: International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2009) -
4 air defense system
система ПВО; зенитный комплекс ( ракетный или артиллерийский) -
5 air defense system
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > air defense system
6 Air Defense System Engineering Committee
[lang name="English"]ADSEC, Air Defense System Engineering CommitteeEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Air Defense System Engineering Committee
7 Air Defense System Engineering Committee
Военный термин: комитет инженерно-технического обеспечения систем ПВОУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Air Defense System Engineering Committee
8 air defense system in overwatch role
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > air defense system in overwatch role
9 air defense system mathematical model
Военный термин: математическая модель системы ПВОУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > air defense system mathematical model
10 air defense system missile battalion
Космонавтика: дивизион ЗУР, зенитный ракетный дивизионУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > air defense system missile battalion
11 air defense system missile battalion
Англо-русский словарь по космонавтике > air defense system missile battalion
12 air defense system in overwatch role
зенитный комплекс с задачей прикрытия ( от авиации противника) передвижения войскEnglish-Russian military dictionary > air defense system in overwatch role
13 air defense system mathematical model
English-Russian military dictionary > air defense system mathematical model
14 low-altitude air defense system
LAADS, low-altitude air defense system————————LOADS, low-altitude air defense systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > low-altitude air defense system
15 advanced air defense system
[lang name="English"]AADS, advanced air defense systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > advanced air defense system
16 Army air defense system
[lang name="English"]AADS, Army air defense systemсистема ПВО СВ; армейский ЗРКEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Army air defense system
17 Army advanced forward area air defense system
[lang name="English"]AAFAADS, Army advanced forward area air defense systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Army advanced forward area air defense system
18 advanced forward area air defense system
AFAADS, advanced forward area air defense systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > advanced forward area air defense system
19 Alaskan integrated air defense system
ALIADS, Alaskan integrated air defense systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Alaskan integrated air defense system
20 advanced radar-directed gun air defense system
ARGADS, advanced radar-directed gun air defense systemусовершенствованный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс с РЛ системой управленияEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > advanced radar-directed gun air defense system
См. также в других словарях:
Medium Extended Air Defense System — (MEADS) is a military project intended to replace the aging Patriot missile system through a NATO managed development. The USA, Germany and Italy are contributing toward the project. France, though initially in the project, withdrew some time ago … Wikipedia
Medium Extended Air Defense System — Véhicule lance missile MEADS. Le Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) est un projet militaire destiné à remplacer les système de missiles sol air MIM 104 Patriot et MIM 23 Hawk qui à démarré en 1995. Les États Unis, l Allemagne et l Italie… … Wikipédia en Français
Man Portable Air Defense System — Dänischer Soldat mit einem Stinger Flugabwehrsystem Simulator auf seiner Schulter Bei einem Man Portable Air Defense System (kurz MANPADS; auf Deutsch auch: Einmann Flugabwehr Lenkwaffe[1] oder Ein Mann Boden Luft Rakete … Deutsch Wikipedia
Integrated NATO Air Defense System — or INADS was the NATO response to the Russian development of long range bombers in the 1950s. The need to maintain a credible deterrence when early warning and intercept times were massively reduced led to the development of an improved air… … Wikipedia
Medium Extended Air Defense System — Das Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) ist ein Flugabwehrsystem, das sich aktuell in Entwicklung befindet und ab 2012/14 die Flugabwehrsysteme Roland, Hawk und teilweise Patriot ablösen soll. Roland und Hawk sind bereits seit 2005 außer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Management Agency — The NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Management Agency (abbreviated NAMEADSMA), located in Huntsville, Alabama, is an agency founded by NATO in July 1996to oversee the Medium Extended Air Defense System, a joint military project intended… … Wikipedia
NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Organization — Die NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Organization (NAMEADSMO) ist ein Entscheidungsgremium zur Ausschreibung von Rüstungsprojekten. Zusammen mit der Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) entschied NAMEADSMO die Beauftragung des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Air Defense Anti-Tank System — Infobox Weapon name=ADATS caption=ADATS test firing origin=CAN type=Self propelled anti aircraft weapon is vehicle=yes length=4.86 m width=2.69 m height= weight=15.8 tonnes suspension=torsion bar speed=58 km/h vehicle range=400 km primary… … Wikipedia
Air Defense Artillery Branch (United States Army) — The Air Defense Artillery branch descended from the Anti Aircraft Artillery (part of the Field Artillery) into a separate branch on 20 June 1968. On 1 December 1968, the ADA branch was authorized to wear modified Artillery insignia, crossed field … Wikipedia
Air Defense Identification Zone (Washington DC) — An Air Defense Identification Zone has existed since 2003 around the Baltimore Washington Metropolitan Area to restrict air traffic near the White House and other locations in the District of Columbia.The ADIZ was established after the September… … Wikipedia
air defense — noun defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles or to nullify their effectiveness (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑defense, ↑defence, ↑defensive measure • Hyponyms: ↑active air defense, ↑passive air defense * * * … Useful english dictionary