1 ahead
adv напред (и за време), отпред
вo/разг. fire AHEAD продължавай! карай! давай! to get AHEAD of изпреварвам
to plan AHEAD планирам предварително
in the years AHEAD в/през идните години* * *{ъ'hed} adv напред (и за време); отпред; вo/разг. fire ahead продъл* * *отпред; давай;* * *1. adv напред (и за време), отпред 2. in the years ahead в/през идните години 3. to plan ahead планирам предварително 4. вo/разг. fire ahead продължавай! карай! давай! to get ahead of изпреварвам* * *ahead[ə´hed] I. adv напред; отпред; dead \ahead разг. точно отпред (пред нас); go \ahead! карай! давай! breakers ( rocks) \ahead! мор. опасност отпред! to get \ahead успявам, спечелвам; to get \ahead of изпреварвам, надпреварвам, задминавам; \ahead of the game разг. 1) подранил; 2) с преимущество в дадена ситуация; \ahead of time разг. по-рано от уреченото; I was \ahead 10 dollars in the deal ам. спечелих 10 долара от сделката; II. adj преден. -
2 ahead
напред -
3 ahead of
преди -
4 ahead eccentric
• изпреварващ ексцентрикEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > ahead eccentric
5 ahead eccentrics
• изпреварващ ексцентрикEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > ahead eccentrics
6 ahead of centre
• с отрицателен преденъгълEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > ahead of centre
7 ahead of centres
• с отрицателен преден ъгълEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > ahead of centres
8 ahead of schedule
• предсрочноEnglish-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > ahead of schedule
9 ahead running
• движение напред -
10 ahead turbine
• турбина за празен ход -
11 ahead turbines
• турбина за празен ход -
12 go ahead
13 look ahead
look ahead гледам напред, обмислям бъдещето; \look ahead ahead! пази се! внимавай! -
14 get ahead
15 go-ahead
I. a предприемчив, напредничав
II. 1. енергия, предприемчивост
2. енергичен/предприемчив човек
3. сигнал/разрешение за започване, прен. зелена улица* * *{'gouъhed} а предприемчив, напредничав.(2) {'gouъhed} n 1. енергия, предприемчивост; 2. енергичен/п* * *предприемчив; напредничав;* * *1. i. a предприемчив, напредничав 2. ii. енергия, предприемчивост 3. енергичен/предприемчив човек 4. сигнал/разрешение за започване, прен. зелена улица* * *go-ahead[´gouə¸hed] I. adj разг. предприемчив; енергичен; напредничав; II. n 1. енергия, предприемчивост; 2. предприемчив човек; 3. знак, сигнал (за старт), разрешение за започване, "зелена улица". -
16 press ahead
press ahead упорствам, не се отказвам; -
17 pull ahead
pull ahead сп. откъсвам се, отивам напред (при надбягване); -
18 push ahead
push ahead напредвам, придвижвам се напред, прогресирам; -
19 shoot ahead
shoot ahead излизам напред, вземам преднина; -
20 draw-ahead signal
жп.• сигнал "напред"English-Bulgarian polytechnical dictionary > draw-ahead signal
См. также в других словарях:
ahead — a‧head [əˈhed] adverb if the value of something is ahead of a previous level, it has increased: • The shares were ahead more than 11% at one stage, and closed 85 up at 944p. * * * ahead UK US /əˈhed/ adverb ► at a better, higher, or greater level … Financial and business terms
ahead of — This prepositional phrase has been in use since the 18c in the physical sense ‘in front of’ and from the following century in the figurative sense ‘better than, superior to (in quality, performance, etc)’. Its meaning in relation to time dates… … Modern English usage
Ahead — A*head , adv. [Pref. a + head.] 1. In or to the front; in advance; onward. [1913 Webster] The island bore but a little ahead of us. Fielding. [1913 Webster] 2. Headlong; without restraint. [Obs.] L Estrange. [1913 Webster] {To go ahead}. (a) To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ahead — [ə hed′] adv., adj. 1. in or to the front 2. forward; onward 3. toward the future; in advance 4. winning or leading 5. having something as a profit or advantage ahead of in advance of; before ge … English World dictionary
Ahead — steht für: Den alten Namen der Nero AG (vor 2005 noch Ahead Software AG), ein deutsches Software Unternehmen AHEAD (Munition), eine Air Burst Munition von Rheinmetall Ein System für ein Lenkkopflager beim Fahrrad … Deutsch Wikipedia
ahead — ► ADVERB 1) further forward in space or time. 2) in advance. 3) in the lead. ● ahead of Cf. ↑ahead of … English terms dictionary
ahead — (adv.) 1620s, at the head, in front, from a on (see A (Cf. a ) (1)) + HEAD (Cf. head). Originally nautical. To be ahead of (one s) time attested by 1837 … Etymology dictionary
ahead — [adv] in front or advance of advanced, advancing, ahead, along, ante, antecedently, at an advantage, at the head, before, beforehand, earlier, first, fore, foremost, forward, forwards, in the foreground, in the lead, leading, on, onward, onwards … New thesaurus
ahead of — ► ahead of 1) before. 2) earlier than planned or expected. Main Entry: ↑ahead … English terms dictionary
ahead — forward, *before Antonyms: behind Contrasted words: *after: *abaft, aft, astern … New Dictionary of Synonyms
ahead — I [[t]əhe̱d[/t]] ADVERB USES ♦♦ (In addition to the uses shown below, ahead is used in phrasal verbs such as get ahead , go ahead , and press ahead .) 1) ADV: ADV after v, n ADV, ADV with cl Something that is ahead is in front of you. If you look … English dictionary