1 agricultural pollution
сельскохозяйственное загрязнение
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
agricultural pollution
The liquid or solid wastes from farming, including: runoff from pesticides, fertilizers, and feedlots; erosion and dust from plowing; animal manure and carcasses, crop residues, and debris. (Source: LANDY)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > agricultural pollution
2 agricultural pollution
загрязнение отходами сельского хозяйстваБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > agricultural pollution
3 agricultural pollution
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > agricultural pollution
4 agricultural pollution
* * *
5 agricultural pollution
1) Медицина: загрязнение среды сельскохозяйственными отходами2) Техника: загрязнение отходами сельского хозяйства3) Экология: загрязнение среды сельскохозяйственными отходами и стоками, сельскохозяйственное загрязнение4) Солнечная энергия: загрязнение сельскохозяйственными отходамиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > agricultural pollution
6 agricultural pollution
English-Russian solar energy dictionary > agricultural pollution
7 agricultural pollution
English-Russian dictionary of popular words > agricultural pollution
8 pollution
1) загрязнение•-
agricultural pollution
air pollution
airborne pollution
aircraft pollution
atmospheric pollution
automotive pollution
auto pollution
background pollution
bacterial pollution
chemical pollution
consumption pollution
cosmic pollution
dredging pollution
dust pollution
ear pollution
environmental pollution
eye pollution
global pollution
ground-level pollution
groundwater pollution
heat pollution
hydrocarbon pollution
industrial pollution
jet pollution
land-based pollution
light pollution
local pollution
man-made pollution
marine pollution
metal pollution
microwave pollution
- motor vehicle pollution -
municipal pollution
natural pollution
noise pollution
nonpoint pollution
nutrient pollution
occupational pollution
oceanic pollution
ocean pollution
ozone pollution
packaging pollution
production pollution
radiation pollution
radioactive pollution
sewage pollution
space pollution
sporadic pollution
thermal pollution
transboundary pollution
uncontrolled pollution
vessel-source pollution
vessel pollution
visual pollution
water pollution
wind pollution
zero pollution -
9 agricultural source of soil pollution
Англо-русский словарь по экологии > agricultural source of soil pollution
10 agricultural source of soil pollution
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > agricultural source of soil pollution
11 nonpoint pollution from agricultural watersheds in the Carpathian Plateau (Southern Poland)
Макаров: неточечное загрязнение из сельскохозяйственных водосборов в Карпатском плато (Южная Польша)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nonpoint pollution from agricultural watersheds in the Carpathian Plateau (Southern Poland)
12 nonpoint pollution from agricultural watersheds in the Carpathian Plateau
Макаров: (Southern Poland) неточечное загрязнение из сельскохозяйственных водосборов в Карпатском плато (Южная Польша)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nonpoint pollution from agricultural watersheds in the Carpathian Plateau
1) Американизм: Software Acquisition Process Group2) Электроника: Segmented Absorber Periodic Gain3) Фирменный знак: Sector Accounting Policies Group, Sector Accounting Policy Group, Solutions Acquisition Process Group4) Экология: Scottish Agricultural Pollution Group5) Деловая лексика: Small Applications Programming Group6) Программное обеспечение: Software Apps Programming And Games, Syntactic Analysis Program Generator -
14 product market
эк. товарный рынок, рынок товаров, рынок продукции, рынок продукта (сфера купли-продажи продукции компании(ий), в отличие от рынка ресурсов; также сфера купли-продажи отдельного продукта)рroduct-market knowledge is such an asset — знание товарного рынка — это большой плюс
ATTRIBUTES: action 1. 7) а), agricultural, bullion, consumer goods, discount 1. 1) а), donor 1. 2) а), editorial 1. 2) а), farm 1. 2) а), n1, farmer 1. 1) а), fast-food, feeder cattle, flea, food 1. 2) а), gift 1. 1) а), gold 1. 2) а), n1, grain 1. 1) а), housing 1. 2) а), n2, livestock 1. 2) а), military 1. 2) а), peripheral 2. 1) а), pollution permit, produce 2. 1) а), n1б, raw material 1. 2) а), real estate, real goods 1. 2) а), replacement 2. 3) а), residential 1. 1) а), sci-tech 1. 2) а), silver 1. 2) а), n1
Syn:Ant:aftermarket 3), agricultural market, bullion market, consumer goods market, discount market 2), donor market 2), editorial market, farm market, farmers' market, fast-food market, flea market, food market, gift market, gold market, housing market, livestock market, military market 2) а), peripheral market, pollution permit market, produce market, real estate market, real goods market, replacement market, residential market, silver market 2), mercantile exchangeSee:aftermarket 3), agricultural market, bullion market, consumer goods market, discount market 2), donor market 2), editorial market, farm market, farmers' market, fast-food market, flea market, food market, gift market, gold market, housing market, livestock market, military market 2) а), peripheral market, pollution permit market, produce market, real estate market, real goods market, replacement market, residential market, silver market 2), mercantile exchange* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
15 inspector
сущ.1)а) упр. инспектор; ревизор; контролер (официальное лицо, исполняющее наблюдательно-контролирующие функции)Syn:See:agricultural commodities inspector, agricultural-chemicals inspector, agricultural inspectors, air-carrier inspector, boiler inspector, building inspector, claims inspector, code inspector, construction inspector, customs inspector, dining-service inspector, electrical inspector, elevators inspector, factory inspector, fire inspectors, food and drug inspector, forest fire inspectors and prevention specialists, furniture and bedding inspector, gas inspector, government inspector, government property inspector, health care facilities inspector, heating and refrigeration inspector, highway inspector, immigration inspector, industrial waste inspector, inspector of taxes, inspector of weights and measures, labour inspector, license inspector, logging-operations inspector, mine inspector, motor vehicles inspector, occupational-safety-and-health inspector, pesticide-control inspector, plumbing inspector, quality assurance inspector, quality inspector, railroad inspector, safety inspector, sanitation inspector, traffic inspector, transportation inspector, truant inspector, wages inspector, water-pollution control inspector, inspectors and investigators, managerial and public serviceб) общ. наблюдатель; надзиратель, надсмотрщик, смотрительв) с.-х. браковщик ( животных)See:2) общ., брит. инспектор (полицейский чин старше сержанта, но младше старшего инспектора)Syn:See: -
16 inspectors and investigators, managerial and public service
эк. тр., амер. инспекторы и следователи, управление и государственная служба (раздел 168 в "Словаре названий профессий"; включает в себя 60 профессий)See:Dictionary of Occupational Titles, coroner, industrial-safety-and-health technician, customs patrol officer, equal-opportunity representative, field health officer, immigration inspector, boiler inspector, building inspector, electrical inspector, elevators inspector, health care facilities inspector, heating and refrigeration inspector, plumbing inspector, customer service manager, occupational-safety-and-health inspector, quality-control coordinator, regulatory administrator, driver's license reviewing officer, safety inspector, transportation inspector, safety manager, regulated program manager, radiation-protection specialist, air-carrier inspector, safety inspector, gas inspector, building inspector, claim examiner, customs import specialist, customs inspector, dealer-compliance representative, dining-service inspector, driver's license examiner, eligibility-and-occupancy interviewer, food and drug inspector, furniture and bedding inspector, government property inspector, industrial waste inspector, motor vehicles inspector, investigator, license inspector, logging-operations inspector, mine inspector, agricultural-chemicals inspector, hazardous-waste management specialist, water-pollution control inspector, pesticide-control inspector, plan checker, agricultural chemicals registration specialist, sanitation inspector, equal opportunity officer, agricultural commodities inspector, quality assurance inspector, railroad inspector, attendance officer, travel accommodations rater, code inspector, personnel quality assurance auditor, customs opener-verifier-packerАнгло-русский экономический словарь > inspectors and investigators, managerial and public service
2) Сельское хозяйство: Committee of Agricultural Organizations3) Юридический термин: Childrens Online Protection Act4) Ветеринария: Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the European Union5) Вычислительная техника: Child Online Protection Act (Internet, USA, CIPA)6) Экология: Control of Pollution Act7) Общественная организация: Chapter Outstanding Performance Award -
18 environmental policy
эк. прир. экологическая политика, политика в области охраны окружающей среды (государственные меры по обеспечению экологической безопасности на территории страны, охране окружающей среды и рациональному природопользованию)Syn:See:* * * -
19 expenditure
n1) расход; расходование; трата; потребление; статья расхода2) pl расходы; затраты•- agricultural expenditures
- armaments expenditures
- arms expenditures
- business expenditures
- capital equipment expenditures
- capital expenditures
- cash expenditures
- civilian expenditures
- classification of expenditures
- current expenditures
- defense expenditures
- direct expenditures
- education expenditures
- environmental expenditures
- escalating military expenditure
- estimated expenditures
- expenditures above the line
- expenditures abroad
- expenditures at home
- expenditures below the line
- expenditures for national security
- expenditures for pollution abatement
- expenditures for welfare and social benefits
- expenditures on armaments
- expenditures on military R and D
- expenditures on military research and development
- expenditures on public account
- export expenditures
- extra expenditures
- extra-budgetary expenditures
- extraordinary expenditures
- federal expenditures
- global expenditures on arms
- global military expenditures
- government expenditures abroad
- government expenditures
- government overseas expenditures
- health expenditures
- housing expenditures
- import expenditures
- interest expenditure
- investment expenditures
- loan expenditures
- marginal expenditures
- military and related security expenditures
- military expenditures
- non-defense expenditures
- operating expenditures
- overseas military expenditure
- personal consumption expenditures
- plant and equipment expenditure
- productive expenditures
- public expenditures
- recurrent expenditure
- reduction in expenditure
- research-and-development expenditures
- rising scale of expenditures
- socially necessary expenditure
- space expenditures
- supply expenditures
- total expenditures
- unproductive expenditures - welfare expenditures -
20 problem
n1) проблема; трудность2) задача3) вопрос•to add to a country's problems — увеличивать трудности, испытываемые страной
to address a problem — заниматься проблемой; браться за решение вопроса
to aggravate a problem — обострять / осложнять проблему
to appreciate the seriousness of the problem — осознавать / понимать серьезность проблемы
to bring up a problem — поднимать / ставить на обсуждение проблему
to compound the problems already facing smb — осложнять и без того трудные проблемы, стоящие перед кем-л.
to counteract a problem — принимать меры по какой-л. проблеме
to create a problem — создавать проблему / трудность
to deal successfully with problems — решать проблемы; успешно справляться с проблемами / с трудностями
to deal with a problem — подходить к вопросу; рассматривать проблему; справляться с трудностью
to deflect from one's internal problems — отвлекать внимание от своих внутренних проблем
to ease a problem — облегчать / упрощать решение проблемы
to get to grips with a problem — браться за решение проблемы / задачи
to handle a problem — решать проблему / задачу
to iron out a problem — урегулировать вопрос / проблему
to overcome a problem — разрешать проблему; преодолевать трудность
to put forward a problem — выдвигать / ставить проблему
to resolve a problem — решать задачу / проблему
to see eye to eye on a problem — иметь одинаковые взгляды по какому-л. вопросу
to solve a problem — решать / разрешать проблему
to tackle a problem — решать проблему; бороться за решение вопроса
- age-old problemto touch upon a problem — касаться проблемы; затрагивать проблему
- agrarian problem
- anticipated problem
- balance-of-payment problem
- basic problem
- border problem
- burning problem
- cardinal problem
- cash-flow problem
- chief problem
- common problem
- competitiveness problem
- complex problem
- complexity of a problem
- complicated problem
- comprehensive consideration of a problem
- conflict problem
- contentious problem
- controversial problem
- critical problem
- crucial problem
- cultural problem
- current problem
- daily problem
- dark problem
- debt problem
- deep problem
- deep-seated problem
- delicate problem
- difficult problem
- diplomatic problem
- disputable problem
- domestic problem
- drug problem
- easy ways out of economic problems
- economic problem
- education problem
- elaboration of economic problems
- employment problem
- endemic problem
- environmental problem
- ethnic problem
- farming problem
- financial liquidity problem
- financial problem
- focal problem
- food problem
- foreign debt problem
- formidable problem
- fuel and energy problem
- global problem
- grave problem
- growing problems
- hair-raising problem
- half-way solution of the problem
- hard core of a problem
- heart of the problem
- heavy problem
- high priority problem
- housing problem
- human problems
- human rights problem
- humanitarian problem
- immediate problem
- important problem
- inability to solve urgent problems
- incipient problems
- industrial problems
- infrastructure problem
- inherited problem
- insuperable problem
- insurmountable problem
- interconnected problems
- interdisciplinary problem
- interlinked problems
- internal problem
- international problem
- interrelated problems
- intractable problem
- intricate problem
- key part of the problem
- key problem
- kindred problem
- labor problems
- labor-shortage problem
- logistical problem
- long-standing problem
- long-term problem
- main problem
- major problem
- mammoth problem
- market problem
- massive problem
- minor problem
- monetary and financial problem
- nationalist problem
- nationality problem
- nation-wide problem
- number one problem
- outstanding problem
- painful problem
- pending problem
- perennial problem
- persistent problem
- personnel problem
- pivotal problem
- political problem
- pollution problem
- present-day problem
- pressing problem
- priority problem
- problem becomes more acute
- problem comes under scrutiny in most papers
- problem facing the country
- problem is compounded by smth
- problem of development
- problem of first priority
- problem of great concern for smb
- problem of instability
- problem of paramount importance
- problems demand the urgent attention of smb
- problems of mutual concern
- problems of peace, security and cooperation
- problems of the elderly
- problems of war and peace
- problems to be sorted out
- problems which face the world today
- range of problems
- regional problem
- related problem
- resolution of a problem
- root problem
- safety problem
- sale problem
- scientific problem
- sensitive problem
- serious problem
- settlement of a problem
- severe problem
- social problem
- socio-economic problem
- sociological problem
- solution of a problem
- solution to a problem
- solvable problem
- specific problem
- spectrum of problems
- stirring problem
- surmountable problem
- technical problem
- territorial problem
- Third World debt problem
- thorny problem
- topical problem
- touchy problem
- trading problem
- traditional problem
- transport problem
- universal problem
- unprecedented problem
- unresolved problem
- unsolved problem
- urgent problem
- vital problem
- world food problems
- world-wide problem
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Agricultural policy — describes a set of laws relating to domestic agriculture and imports of foreign agricultural products. Governments usually implement agricultural policies with the goal of achieving a specific outcome in the domestic agricultural product markets … Wikipedia
Agricultural soil science — is a branch of soil science that deals with the study of edaphic conditions as they relate to the production of food and fiber. In this context, it is also a constituent of the field of Agronomy.HistoryPrior to the development of pedology in the… … Wikipedia
Agricultural wastewater treatment — relates to the treatment of wastewaters produced in the course of agricultural activities.As agriculture is a highly intensified industry in many parts of the world, the range of wastewaters requiring treatment can encompass at least the… … Wikipedia
agricultural technology — Introduction application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… … Universalium
pollution — /peuh looh sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of polluting or the state of being polluted. 2. the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment: air pollution. [1350 1400; ME pollucioun ( < OF) < LL pollution , s. of pollutio… … Universalium
Pollution — For the Fransisco Battiato album, see Pollution (album). For the Goodies episode, see Pollution (The Goodies). Air pollution from World War II weapon production in Alabama, 1942 … Wikipedia
Pollution in China — Beijing air on a day after rain (left) and a sunny but Smoggy day (right) Pollution is causing serious problems in China. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
pollution — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ air, atmospheric, environmental, marine, river, water ▪ agricultural, chemical, industrial, toxic … Collocations dictionary
agricultural — adj. Agricultural is used with these nouns: ↑application, ↑chemical, ↑college, ↑commodity, ↑cooperative, ↑crop, ↑economics, ↑economist, ↑economy, ↑engineer, ↑engineering, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
pollution — 1. Specific impairment of water quality by agricultural, domestic, or industrial wastes (including thermal and atomic wastes), to a degree that has an adverse effect upon any beneficial use of water [22]. 2. The addition to a stored body of … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Water pollution — Raw sewage and industrial waste flows across international borders New River passes from Mexicali to Calexico, California. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). Water p … Wikipedia