1 agricultural exhibition
2 agricultural exhibition
Реклама: сельскохозяйственная выставкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > agricultural exhibition
3 agricultural exhibition
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > agricultural exhibition
4 (an) agricultural exhibition
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (an) agricultural exhibition
5 exhibition
nвыставка; демонстрация, показ
- advertising exhibition
- agricultural exhibition
- annual exhibition
- branch exhibition
- collective exhibition
- consumer goods exhibition
- engineering exhibition
- export exhibition
- foreign exhibition
- forthcoming exhibition
- general-purpose exhibition
- industrial exhibition
- international exhibition
- jubilee exhibition
- major exhibition
- mobile exhibition
- national exhibition
- outdoor exhibition
- permanent exhibition
- private exhibition
- publicity exhibition
- rotating exhibition
- sample exhibition
- selling exhibition
- specialized exhibition
- standing exhibition
- trade exhibition
- trade and industrial exhibition
- travelling exhibition
- universal exhibition
- world exhibition
- exhibition of equipment
- exhibition of inventions
- exhibition of samples
- arrange an exhibition
- attend an exhibition
- close an exhibition
- decorate an exhibition
- dismantle an exhibition
- dismount an exhibition
- dress an exhibition
- hold an exhibition
- inaugurate an exhibition
- open an exhibition
- organize an exhibition
- participate in an exhibition
- run an exhibition
- schedule an exhibition
- sponsor an exhibition
- take part in an exhibition
- tour an exhibition
- visit an exhibitionEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > exhibition
6 exhibition
1. n выставкаexhibition case — выставочный шкаф; выставочная витрина
2. n экспонат3. n проявление4. n показ, демонстрация5. n спорт. показательное выступление6. n амер. публичный экзамен7. n повышенная или именная стипендия8. n дип. предъявление, представление9. n юр. представление суду10. n мед. назначение, применение лекарстваСинонимический ряд:1. presentation (noun) advertisement; display; presentation; production; showing2. public event (noun) art show; carnival; fair; opening; performance; public event3. show (noun) demonstration; exhibit; exposition; expression; illustration; manifestation; show; spectacle -
7 exhibition
[ˌeksɪ'bɪtʃ(ə)n]nвыставка, демонстрация, показ- art exhibition- picture exhibition
- agricultural exhibition
- international exhibition
- photo exhibition
- exhibition of flowers
- at the exhibition
- arrange a one-man exhibition
- hold an exhibition
- put on exhibition
- close an exhibition
- open an exhibition -
8 sectoral exhibition
9 art exhibition
10 выставка
1) exhibition, show демонстрировать на выставке ≈ (преим. собак) to bench выставка автомобилей ≈ motor show выставка животных ≈ bench-show авиационная выставка ≈ air show всемирная выставка ≈ world's fair выставка картин ≈ art exhibition выставка цветов ≈ flower-show художественная выставка ≈ art exhibition
2) (в магазине) exposition, display, show-window, (shop) windowж. exhibition, show;
exposition амер. ;
~ в витрине магазина window-display;
~ картин exhibition of paintings;
~ собак dog-show;
всемирная ~ world fair;
международная ~ international exhibition;
национальная ~ national exhibition;
отраслевая ~ sectoral/branch exhibition;
промышленная ~ industrial exhibition;
сельскохозяйственная ~ agricultural exhibition;
торгово-промышленная ~ trade and industrial exhibition;
художественная ~ art exhibition;
~-продажа selling exhibition, exhibition-cum-sale;
~-ярмарка fair, show.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > выставка
11 area
n1) площадь, территория, участок2) район, область; зона
- accounting area
- administrative area
- agricultural area
- arable area
- assembling area
- blighted area
- bonded area
- booming area
- border area
- built-up area
- catchment area
- census area
- coastal area
- commercial area
- conflagration area
- consumption area
- crop-producing area
- cultivable area
- cultivated area
- currency area
- customs area
- delivery area
- demonstration area
- densely populated area
- depressed area
- developing area
- development area
- disaster area
- display area
- distressed area
- distribution area
- duty-free area
- economic area
- effective area
- exhibition area
- export area
- exporting area
- express area
- farm area
- farming area
- fishing area
- forage area
- forest area
- free trade area
- frontier area
- grassland area
- ground area
- growing area
- indoor area
- industrial area
- irrigation area
- labour catchment area
- labour market area
- labour shortage area
- lettable area
- living area
- major producing area
- market area
- marketing area
- metric area
- mixed farming area
- monetary area
- neglected area
- normal working area
- offshore area
- open air exhibition area
- operating area
- outdoor area
- parking area
- pasture area
- planted area
- ploughed area
- populated area
- port area
- priority area
- producing area
- production area
- rate area
- rented area
- residential area
- rural area
- sales area
- selling area
- service area
- sheds area
- shopping area
- single crop area
- single currency area
- sown area
- sparsely populated area
- stand area
- storage area
- supply area
- terminal area
- thickly populated area
- tourist resort area
- trade area
- trading area
- transhipment area
- travel-to-work area
- unbonded area
- underdeveloped area
- underprivileged areas
- urban area
- urbanized area
- usable area
- useful area
- work area
- working area
- area of accountability
- area of ambiguity
- area of application
- area of circulation
- area of development
- area of an exhibition
- area of interests
- area of marketing
- area of production -
12 contractor
сущ.1) эк., юр. подрядчик, контрактор; поставщик (физическое или юридическое лицо, выполняющее какие-л. работы или оказывающее услуги по контракту)ATTRIBUTES:
a/v contractor — поставщик аудио- и видеооборудования
See:advertising contractor, agricultural contractor, associate contractor, co-contractor, christmas-tree contractor, defense contractor, development contractor, exhibition contractor, farm labor contractors, federal contractor, field contractor, general contractor, government contractor, haulage contractor, home improvement contractor, independent contractor, joint contractor, low level contractor, mail contractor, main contractor, original contractor, outside contractor, poster contractor, prime contractor, private contractor, public contractor, specialist contractor, subcontractor, sub-contractor, contractor agreement, contractor loan, contractor's all risks, contractor's capability, contractor's fee, contractor's services, Building Equipment Contractors, Building Finishing Contractors, contractor controlled insurance program, contractor performance evaluation, contractor-controlled insurance program, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors, Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors2) эк., юр., амер. контрактор* (принципал, дающий поручение поверенному на разовой основе)See:
* * *
контрактор, подрядчик.* * *1) исполнитель; 2) /construction-man/ подрядчик* * *. организация или лицо, принимающие на себя определенные обязательства по контракту. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 .* * *-----специализированная фирма (организация), выполняющая строительно-монтажные работы при сооружении объектов в стране заказчика на основе договоров подряда на капитальное строительство -
13 building
1) постройка; строение; здание; сооружение; комплекс зданий3) строительный•- abutting buildings - accessory building - additional building - administrative building - air-conditioned building - ancillary building - arch building - basic building - bay-type building - bay-type industrial building - bridge building - business building - civic building - cold-weather building - community building - concrete-steel building - control building - convertible building - deckhead building - detached building - detention building - dilapidated building - domestic building - ecclesiastical building - engine building - engineering building - exhibition building - fabricated building - flat building - framed building - frame-panel building - functional building - hall building - hall-type industrial building - heapstead building - high-density apartment building - high-rise apartment building - high-rise building - intelligent building - integrated building - jerry building - line building - low-rise apartment building - market building - medium-rise apartment building - memorial building - mill building - model building - modular building - monastic building - multispan industrial building - multispan complex industrial building - multistorey apartment building - multistoreyed building - multistoreyed garage building - municipal building - office building - one-storey building - pavilion-like building - prefabricated building - prefabricated reusable building - process building - production building - pseudodipteral building - public building - railroad building - residence building - residential building - residential and community building - ribbon building - ruinous building - sectional building - set-back building - single-aisle building - single-storey building - smallholding building - speculative building - speculative building of flats - sporadic building - sport building - sports building - standardized building - station building - steel frame mill building - stone building - storage building - store building - stressed-skin building - system building - temporal building - temporary building - tenement building - theatre building - tier building - timber building - tower building - towerlike building - two-aisle building - tyre building - universal building - walk-up building - water-conditioning building* * *1. здание; сооружение; постройка; строение; корпус2. строительство; возведение зданийbuilding constructed to 12 m grid — здание с сеткой колонн 12*12 м
building ready for moving-in — здание «под ключ»
- above-grade buildingbuilding up of surface layer — нанесение поверхностного слоя (напр. бетона при торкретировании)
- above-ground building
- abutting buildings
- accessory building
- administration building
- agricultural building
- agricultural production building
- airport building
- all-brick building
- all-metal building
- ancillary building
- arch building
- bank building
- bearing-wall building
- beautifully detailed building
- bedroom building
- bridge building
- central-corridor residential building
- centralized building
- centrally-planned building
- cherished building
- civic building
- cold-weather building
- communal building
- complicated building
- concrete building
- concrete-frame building
- curved building
- demountable building
- domestic building
- earthquake resistance building
- earth-sheltered building
- ecclesiastic building
- educational building
- energy-efficient building
- expo building
- factory building
- factory-built building
- farm building
- fireproof building
- framed building
- frame building
- functional building
- government building
- great public building
- heavy industrial building
- heightened building
- high-rise building
- historic building
- home building
- hostel building
- industrial building
- industrialized building
- industrial production building
- inflatable building
- integrated building
- large-panel building
- light industrial building
- line building
- link building
- loft building
- low-energy building
- low rise building
- main building
- manufacturing building
- memorial building
- mill building
- minor industrial building
- module-built building
- multicompartment building
- multifamily residential building
- multipurpose building
- multistory building
- multiuse building
- municipal buildings
- neighboring buildings
- nondomestic building
- nonresidential building
- office building
- permanent buildings
- portal framed building
- porticoed building
- post-frame building
- post-tensioned building
- precast concrete building
- precast concrete demountable building
- precast concrete framed building
- pre-engineered metal building
- prefabricated building
- pressurized building
- production building
- public building
- public service buildings
- quickly erected building
- racetrack building
- railway buildings
- raised building
- ramshackle building
- rectilinear building
- relocatable building
- repellent looking building
- residence building
- ribbon building
- riverside building
- school building
- science building
- set-back building
- single story building
- site-cast concrete building
- skeleton building
- solar building
- split-level building
- sports building
- steel building
- steel-framed building
- steel-frame building
- steel framed multistory buildings
- storage building
- stuccoed building
- subtle building
- systems building
- tall block building
- tapering building
- temporary buildings
- terminal building
- terraced buildings
- three-dimensional module house building
- three-dimensional house building
- three-floored building
- tier building
- tower building
- tropical building
- turn-key type building
- typical apartment building
- unassertive building
- unit-built building
- university building
- unserviceable building
- ventilation building
- walk-up building
- waterside building
- wing-shaped building
- winter building -
14 работа
1) work (в разн. значениях) ;
labo(u) r;
working, functioning (действие тж.) за работой, на работе ≈ at work бесперспективная работа ≈ blind-alley employment, blind-alley occupation без работы ≈ out of work, out of job включиться в работу ≈ get into gear перен. экзаменационная работа ≈ examination-paper аварийно-спасательные работы ≈ wrecking амер. физическая работа ≈ physical activity, physical action
2) (занятие, труд) work, job артельная работа ≈ team-work
3) (мн.;
деятельность по обработке чего-л.) work ед., operations;
labo(u) r, toil ед. (принудительный тяжелый труд) земляные работы ≈ digging, earthwork, excavation ремонтно-восстановительные работы ≈ damage control
4) (задание) assignment, task;
work, job
5) (продукт труда) work
6) (качество, способ исполнения) craftsmanship, quality ∙ взять кого-л. в работу ≈ to take smb. in hand гореть на работе ≈ разг. to live for one's work, to be married to one's job работа не волк, в лес не убежит ≈ посл. the work will still be there (tomorrow)работ|а - ж.
1. work, labour;
(механизма) working, functioning;
to go to work;
физическая ~ phisical work/labour;
~ двигателя functioning of an engine;
~ мысли what is going on in smb.`s mind;
2. (занятие, труд на каком-л. предприятии) labour;
work, job;
поступить на ~y go* to work, take a job;
домашняя ~ homework;
каторжные ~ы уст. penal servitude;
лепная ~ stucco work, plaster work;
принудительные ~ы forced labour;
сельскохозяйственные ~ы agricultural work;
совместная ~ collaboration;
умственная ~ mental work, brain-work;
взять в ~у разг. to take to task;
постоянная ~ regular work;
случайная ~ casual work, odd job(s) ;
искать ~у to look for a job;
быть без ~ы, не иметь ~ы to be out of work;
снять кого-л. с ~ы dismiss smb., discharge smb. ;
уйти с ~ы по собственному желанию quit the job at one`s own will;
выйти на ~у come* to work;
без ~ы out of work, unemployed;
3. мн. (деятельность по обработке чего-л.) work sg. operations, (принудительные) labour sg., строительные ~ы building( work), building operations;
4. (то, что подлежит обработке) work, job;
раздать всем ~у give* out work to everybody, give* everybody a job;
5. (продукт труда) work;
печатные ~ы published works;
выставка работ художника exhibition of an artist`s work;
6. (качество, способ исполнения) craftsmanship, quality;
чья это ~? who was this made/done by?;
вещь превосходной ~ы piece of superb craftsmanship;
взять кого-л. в ~у take* smb. to task. -
15 equipment
nоборудование; снаряжение; оснащение
- advanced equipment
- agricultural equipment
- accessory equipment
- ancillary equipment
- assembly line equipment
- audiovisual equipment
- automated equipment
- automatic equipment
- auxiliary equipment
- basic equipment
- business equipment
- capital equipment
- capitalized equipment
- cargo-handling equipment
- carrier equipment
- cine equipment
- clerical equipment
- commercial equipment
- competitive equipment
- complete equipment
- complex equipment
- construction equipment
- contract equipment
- damaged equipment
- data transmission equipment
- delivered equipment
- defective equipment
- durable equipment
- efficient equipment
- electric equipment
- electrical equipment
- electronic equipment
- electronic payment equipment
- emergency equipment
- erected equipment
- erecting equipment
- exhibition equipment
- factory equipment
- farm equipment
- fast-wearing equipment
- fire-fighting equipment
- first-rate equipment
- food-packaging equipment
- handling equipment
- heavy equipment
- heavy-duty equipment
- high-fi equipment
- hi-fi equipment
- high-precision equipment
- high quality equipment
- high-technology equipment
- hoisting and conveying equipment
- home equipment
- idle equipment
- imported equipment
- incomplete equipment
- industrial equipment
- installed equipment
- labour-displacing equipment
- labour-saving equipment
- lifting equipment
- loading equipment
- loading-unloading equipment
- main equipment
- maintenance equipment
- manufacturing equipment
- materials-handling equipment
- mechanical equipment
- metallurgical equipment
- miscellaneous equipment
- missing equipment
- modern equipment
- modified equipment
- morally obsolete equipment
- mounted equipment
- nondurable equipment
- nonstandard equipment
- nuclear equipment
- obsolete equipment
- office equipment
- operating equipment
- operative equipment
- optional equipment
- ordered equipment
- outdated equipment
- overhaul equipment
- oversized equipment
- packing equipment
- patent equipment
- peripheral equipment
- permanent equipment
- plant equipment
- port equipment
- portable equipment
- power-generating equipment
- process equipment
- process control equipment
- producers' durable equipment
- production equipment
- productive equipment
- purchased equipment
- rapidly-wearing equipment
- repair equipment
- rental equipment
- replaceable equipment
- revenue equipment
- ro-ro equipment
- quick-wearing equipment
- safety equipment
- second-hand equipment
- secondary equipment
- semi-automatic equipment
- service equipment
- serial equipment
- shop equipment
- short-lived equipment
- short-shipped equipment
- sophisticated equipment
- specialized equipment
- special-purpose equipment
- stand equipment
- standard equipment
- standby equipment
- storage equipment
- technical equipment
- technological equipment
- third generation equipment
- transport equipment
- transportation equipment
- unique equipment
- unserviceable equipment
- up-to-date equipment
- used equipment
- weighing equipment
- working equipment
- worn-out equipment
- equipment of high quality
- equipment of home manufacture
- equipment of new generations
- equipment of serial production
- equipment on display
- assemble equipment
- buy equipment
- check equipment
- deal in equipment
- deliver equipment
- design equipment
- dismantle equipment
- erect equipment
- improve equipment
- install equipment
- lease equipment
- manufacture equipment
- market equipment
- modify equipment
- mount equipment
- obtain equipment
- pack equipment
- procure equipment
- produce equipment
- purchase equipment
- put equipment into operation
- reject defective equipment
- rent equipment
- repair equipment
- retain equipment
- secure equipment
- sell equipment
- service equipment
- ship equipment
- supply equipment
- upgrade equipment
- use equipment
- utilize equipmentEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > equipment
16 good
1. n1) добро, благо2) польза3) pl товар, товары; изделия4) pl груз; багаж
- abandoned goods
- acceptable goods
- advertised goods
- afloat goods
- agricultural goods
- assorted goods
- auction goods
- back-to-school goods
- bale goods
- baled goods
- barter goods
- basic goods
- bonded goods
- branded goods
- bulk goods
- bulky goods
- bundle goods
- bundled goods
- canned goods
- capital goods
- cased goods
- choice goods
- commercial goods
- competitive goods
- competitively priced goods
- complementary goods
- consignment goods
- consumable goods
- consumer goods
- consumption goods
- contraband goods
- contract goods
- convenience goods
- cotton goods
- covered goods
- crated goods
- critical goods
- cultural and household goods
- custom made goods
- cut-price goods
- damaged goods
- damaging goods
- dangerous goods
- defective goods
- defence goods
- delayed goods
- deliverable goods
- delivered goods
- diplomatic goods
- dispatched goods
- distressed goods
- domestic goods
- dry goods
- durable goods
- duty-free goods
- easy-to-sell goods
- economic good
- eligible goods
- essential goods
- ethical goods
- exchange goods
- exchangeable goods
- exhibition goods
- explosive goods
- export goods
- exported goods
- express goods
- factored goods
- fair goods
- fancy goods
- farm goods
- fashion goods
- fast-moving goods
- fast-selling goods
- faulty goods
- final goods
- finished goods
- first class goods
- first order goods
- fixed price goods
- foreign goods
- foreign-made goods
- fragile goods
- free goods
- frozen goods
- gift goods
- groupage goods
- half-finished goods
- hard goods
- hazardous goods
- heavy goods
- heavyweight goods
- high-grade goods
- high-priced goods
- high-quality goods
- high-technology goods
- home-made goods
- household goods
- import goods
- imported goods
- impulse goods
- inbound goods
- incoming goods
- indestructible goods
- industrial goods
- industrialized goods
- inferior goods
- inflammable goods
- insured goods
- intermediate goods
- internationally tradeable goods
- investment goods
- inward goods
- labour-intensive goods
- large-scale goods
- late goods
- light goods
- liquid goods
- long-lived goods
- loose goods
- low-grade goods
- low-price goods
- low value added primary goods
- luxury goods
- Manchester goods
- manufactured goods
- marked goods
- marked-down goods
- marketable goods
- mass production goods
- measurement goods
- merchant goods
- miscellaneous goods
- missing goods
- new goods
- nondurable goods
- noncompetitive goods
- nonconforming goods
- nonfood goods
- nonessential goods
- nonhazardous goods
- nonsensitive goods
- nontraditional good
- novelty goods
- off-guage goods
- official goods
- ordered goods
- outbound goods
- outgoing goods
- out of time goods
- output goods
- outward goods
- over-dimensioned goods
- over-priced goods
- oversized goods
- packaged goods
- packed goods
- packed-up goods
- packeted goods
- palleted goods
- palletised goods
- parcel goods
- parity goods
- past due goods
- patent goods
- perishable goods
- perishing goods
- piece goods
- pledged goods
- point-of-purchase goods
- popular goods
- prepackaged goods
- prepacked goods
- prestige goods
- price-maintained goods
- primary goods
- private goods
- processed goods
- producer durable goods
- producer's goods
- production goods
- professional goods
- prohibited goods
- protected goods
- proprietary goods
- public good
- public goods
- quality goods
- quota goods
- realized goods
- received goods
- received for shipment goods
- reexport goods
- reexported goods
- refrigerated goods
- rejected goods
- remote goods
- repaired goods
- replaced goods
- reproducible goods
- retail goods
- return goods
- sale goods
- salvaged goods
- saved goods
- scarce goods
- seasonal goods
- secondhand goods
- secondrate good
- selected goods
- semidurable goods
- semifinished goods
- semimanufactured goods
- serially produced goods
- shipped goods
- shopping goods
- short-delivered goods
- short-shipped goods
- similar goods
- slow-moving goods
- soft goods
- sold goods
- sophisticated goods
- specialty goods
- spoiled goods
- spot goods
- spring goods
- stacked goods
- standardized goods
- staple goods
- storage goods
- store goods
- stranded goods
- strategic goods
- substandard goods
- substitutional goods
- superior goods
- surplus goods
- technical consumer goods
- textile goods
- top-quality goods
- tradeable goods
- trademarked goods
- traditional export goods
- transit goods
- transportable goods
- truck-packaged goods
- unaccepted goods
- unaddressed goods
- unbonded goods
- unclaimed goods
- uncovered goods
- undamaged goods
- undeclared goods
- undelivered goods
- unfinished goods
- uninsured goods
- unmarketable goods
- unmerchantable goods
- unordered goods
- unpacked goods
- unprotected goods
- unsaleable goods
- unshipped goods
- unsold goods
- unwrapped goods
- utility goods
- varied goods
- wage goods
- warehouse goods
- weight goods
- wet goods
- goods for bulk shipment
- goods for immediate delivery
- goods from stock
- goods in bales
- goods in bond
- goods in bulk
- goods in grain form
- goods in powder form
- goods in process
- goods in short supply
- goods in stock
- goods in store
- goods in transit
- goods of the best brands
- goods of damaging nature
- goods of dangerous character
- goods of equal value
- goods of equal worth
- goods of first priority
- goods of foreign make
- goods of foreign origin
- goods of high quality
- goods of inferior quality
- goods of inflammable nature
- goods of low quality
- goods of poor quality
- goods of prime necessity
- goods of sound quality
- goods of superior quality
- goods of top quality
- goods on consignment
- goods on hand
- goods out of season
- goods under arrest
- goods under customs bond
- goods under customs seal
- goods intended for shipment
- goods light in weight
- goods subject to deterioration
- accept goods
- accept goods for carriage
- advertise goods
- buy goods
- carry goods
- charge goods in an invoice
- claim goods
- clear goods
- collect goods
- consign goods
- convey goods
- declare goods
- declare goods waste
- delay goods
- deliver goods
- deliver goods at the disposal of smb
- deliver goods on sale or return
- demonstrate goods
- detain goods
- discharge goods
- dispatch goods
- dispose of goods
- distribute goods
- effect transhipment of goods
- enter goods for customs clearing
- enter goods for home consumption
- examine goods
- exchange goods
- exhibit goods
- export goods
- feature goods
- forward goods
- furnish with goods
- grade goods
- handle goods
- hand over goods
- have goods on trial
- hold goods in store
- import goods
- inspect goods
- insure goods
- introduce goods
- investigate goods
- invoice goods
- keep goods
- keep goods in stock
- land goods
- launch goods
- load goods
- make goods
- make goods ready for shipment
- make goods upon order
- make up goods
- manufacture goods
- mark goods
- mortgage goods
- move goods to the market
- need goods
- obtain goods
- obtain goods free of tax
- obtain possession of goods
- offer goods
- off-load goods
- order goods
- pack goods
- palletise goods
- pay for goods
- pick up goods
- place goods at the disposal of smb
- place goods on the market
- pledge goods with a bank
- present goods
- press goods on smb
- price goods
- produce goods
- protect goods
- provide goods
- purchase goods
- push goods
- put goods on the market
- readdress goods
- recall goods
- receive goods
- reconsign goods
- reject goods
- redeem pledged goods
- reexport goods
- release goods
- reload goods
- remove goods
- render goods marketable
- require goods
- resell goods
- retain goods
- return goods
- safeguard goods
- salvage goods
- search for goods
- secure goods
- sell goods
- sell goods retail
- sell goods wholesale
- sell out goods
- send goods on consignment
- ship goods
- show goods to advantage
- stack goods
- stock goods
- store goods
- submit goods to a careful examination
- supply goods
- survey goods
- tag goods
- take goods
- take goods on commission
- take goods on sale
- take goods out of pledge
- take stock of goods
- tally goods
- test goods
- throw goods on the market
- trace goods
- trade in goods
- transfer goods
- transfer goods to a warehouse
- tranship goods
- transport goods
- turn out goods
- turn goods over to smb
- unload goods
- value goods
- warehouse goods
- withdraw goods from the market
- withdraw goods from a warehouse2. adj1) хороший, годный3) надежный; кредитоспособный
- good faith
- good this month
- good this week
- good through
- good till cancelled -
17 holding
n3) вклад; pl вклады; авуары4) участие в капитале компании (путем вложения капитала в различные виды активов)5) запас6) склад, хранилище8) решение суда
- agricultural holding
- asset holdings
- bill holdings
- bond holding
- capital holdings
- cash holdings
- cross holding
- currency holdings
- discount holdings
- dollar holdings
- equity holdings
- foreign holdings
- foreign exchange holdings
- gold holdings
- horticultural holding
- inventory holdings
- land holding
- majority holding
- monetary holding
- net holdings
- paper holdings
- permanent holdings
- property holdings
- security holdings
- share holdings
- small holding
- stock holding
- holding of an auction
- holding of capital
- holding of an exhibition
- holding of foreign exchange
- holding of land
- holding of securities for own account
- holding of shares
- holding of stock
- holding of a tender
- holding of wealthEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > holding
18 work
1. n1) работа; труд; дело2) место работы; должность, занятие3) действие, функционирование4) изделие; изделия, продукция5) заготовка; обрабатываемое изделие6) pl завод, фабрика, мастерские7) pl инженерное сооружение
- actual work
- additional work
- adjustment work
- administrative work
- agency work
- agricultural work
- aircraft works
- ancillary work
- art work
- artistic work
- assembly work
- auditing work
- auxiliary work
- building works
- casual work
- civil work
- civil engineering works
- clerical work
- commercial work
- commission work
- commissioning work
- construction works
- contract work
- contractor's works
- daily work
- day work
- day-to-day work
- decorating work
- decoration work
- defective work
- design work
- double-shift work
- efficient work
- engineering work
- engineering works
- field work
- fine work
- finishing work
- full-capacity work
- full-time work
- future work
- hand work
- heavy engineering works
- high-class work
- highly mechanized work
- highly skilled work
- hired work
- incentive work
- installation work
- integrated works
- intellectual work
- iron and steel works
- joint work
- laboratory work
- labour-intensive work
- lorry works
- low-paid work
- machine work
- maintenance work
- maker's works
- managerial work
- manual work
- manufacturer's works
- mechanical work
- metallurgical works
- mounting work
- multishift work
- night work
- nonshift work
- office work
- one-shift work
- on-site work
- outdoor work
- outstanding work
- overtime work
- packing work
- paid work
- paper work
- partial work
- part-time work
- patent work
- permanent work
- piece work
- planned work
- planning work
- practical work
- preliminary work
- preparatory work
- productive work
- reconstruction work
- regular work
- remedial work
- repair work
- rescue work
- research work
- routine work
- rush work
- rythmical work
- salvage work
- satisfactory work
- scheduled work
- scientific work
- seasonal work
- second-shift work
- serial work
- service work
- shift work
- short-time work
- smooth work
- spare-time work
- stevedore work
- stevedoring work
- subcontract work
- subcontractor's works
- subsidiary work
- survey and research work
- task work
- team work
- temporary work
- testing work
- time work
- two-shift work
- unhealthy work
- unskilled work
- wage work
- well-paid work
- work according to the book
- work at normal working hours
- work at piece rates
- work at time rates
- work by contract
- work by hire
- work by the piece
- work by the rules
- work for hire
- work in process
- work in progress
- works of art
- work of development
- work of equipment
- work of an exhibition
- work on a contract
- work on a contractual basis
- work on hand
- work on a project
- work on schedule
- work on the site
- work under way
- ex works
- out of work
- fit for work
- unfit for work
- work done
- work performed
- accept work
- accomplish work
- alter work
- assess work
- be at work
- be behind with one's work
- begin work
- bill work
- be on short time work
- be thrown out of work
- carry out work
- cease work
- close down the works
- commence work
- complete work
- control work
- coordinate work
- correct work
- do work
- employ on work
- entrust with work
- evaluate work
- execute work
- expedite work
- finalize work
- finish work
- fulfil work
- get work
- get down to work
- give out work by contract
- go ahead with work
- hold up work
- improve work
- inspect work
- insure work
- interfere with work
- interrupt work
- leave off work
- look for work
- organize work
- pay for work
- perform work
- postpone work
- proceed with work
- provide work
- put off work
- rate work
- rectify defective work
- reject work
- remedy defective work
- resume work
- retire from work
- speed up work
- start work
- step up work
- stop work
- superintend work
- supervise work
- suspend work
- take over work
- take up work
- terminate work
- undertake work2. v1) работать2) действовать, функционировать3) обрабатывать
- work off
- work out
- work over
- work overtime
- work to rule
- work up -
19 insurance
[ɪnˈʃuərəns]accept an insurance policy получать страховой полис accident insurance contribution взнос на страхование от несчастного случая accountants' indemnity insurance страхование для компенсации убытков бухгалтерии additional expense insurance страхование дополнительных расходов agricultural insurance сельскохозяйственное страхование air transport insurance страхование воздушных перевозок aircraft hull insurance страхование самолета aircraft hull insurance страхование фюзеляжа воздушного судна aircraft passenger insurance страхование авиапассажиров all risks insurance страхование на все случаи жизни all risks insurance страхование от всех рисков all-in insurance страхование на все случаи жизни all-risks insurance полное страхование all-risks insurance страхование от любого риска annual insurance годовая страховка annuity insurance страхование ренты art property and jewellery insurance страхование предметов искусства и драгоценностей automobile insurance страхование автомобиля automobile third party liability insurance страхование ответственности владельца автомобиля перед третьими лицами aviation insurance авиационное страхование bicycle theft insurance страхование от кражи велосипеда blanket insurance блок-страхование business closure insurance страхование компании на случай прекращения деятельности business interruption insurance страхование компании от убытков в случае остановки производства cancel an insurance аннулировать страхование cancellation insurance страхование от аннулирования capital deposit insurance страхование депозитов капитала captive insurance company дочерняя страховая компания car insurance страхование автомобиля cargo insurance страхование грузов cargo insurance страхование морских грузов cash messenger insurance страхование инкассатора casualty insurance страхование от несчастных случаев child's deferred insurance отсроченное страхование детей child's insurance детское страхование coin machine insurance страхование монетного автомата collective accident insurance коллективное страхование от несчастного случая collective insurance коллективное страхование collision insurance страхование на случай столкновения combined insurance комбинированная страховка combined shop insurance смешанное страхование магазинов commercial insurance торговое страхование commercial liability insurance страхование коммерческой ответственности compensation insurance страхование компенсации comprehensive building insurance страхование нескольких строений по одному договору comprehensive insurance комбинированное страхование comprehensive insurance полная страховка comprehensive insurance страхование нескольких видов имущества по одному договору compulsory industrial injuries insurance страх. обязательное страхование от производственных травм compulsory insurance страх. обязательное страхование compulsory insurance страх. принудительное страхование compulsory old-age insurance обязательное страхование по старости compulsory third party insurance обязательное страхование третьей стороны computer crime insurance страхование от использования вычислительной машины в преступных целях consequential loss insurance страхование от косвенного ущерба consumer insurance страховка потребителя container insurance контейнерная страховка contractor's all risks insurance комбинированное страхование подрядчика contractor's all risks insurance страхование подрядчика от всех рисков contributory insurance страхование с частичными взносами cost and insurance (C and I) стоимость и страхование credit insurance страхование кредитов credit insurance страхование от неуплаты долга credit insurance scheme порядок страхования кредитов credit insurance system система страхования кредитов cremation expenses insurance страхование расходов на кремацию crop hail insurance страхование сельскохозяйственных культур от повреждения градом crop insurance страхование урожая current insurance действующий договор страхования deferred insurance отсроченное страхование deposit insurance депозитная страховка deposit insurance страхование депозитов deposit insurance fund фонд страхования депозитов difference-in-conditions insurance страхование с разницей в условиях direct insurance прямое страхование disability insurance страхование по нетрудоспособности disability insurance страховка по нетрудоспособности double insurance двойное страхование earthquake insurance страхование от землетрясения employer's liability insurance страхование ответственности работодателя employment pension insurance пенсионное страхование трудящихся engineering insurance страхование производственного оборудования environmental liability insurance страхование по обязательствам, связанным с экологией erection insurance страхование строительства exchange risk insurance страхование от валютного риска exhibition risks insurance страхование от рисков, связанных с демонстрацией товаров export credit insurance страхование кредита на экспорт export credit insurance страхование экспортного кредита family income insurance страхование дохода семьи fidelity insurance страхование от финансовых потерь, связанных со злоупотреблениями служащих компании fire insurance страхование от огня fire insurance страхование от пожара fire recourse insurance страхование от повторных пожаров first loss insurance страхование от первых убытков first loss insurance страхование по первому риску first party insurance страхование первой стороны fixed date insurance страхование жизни на определенный срок fixed-term insurance страхование жизни на определенный срок flight insurance страхование воздушной перевозки flood insurance страхование от наводнения foreign exchange insurance страхование в иностранной валюте forest fire insurance страхование от лесных пожаров freight insurance страхование груза freight insurance страхование перевозки грузов frost damage insurance страхование ущерба от заморозка frost insurance страхование от заморозков full value insurance страхование в полную стоимость full value insurance страхование на полную сумму fully comprehensive insurance полное страхование fully comprehensive insurance страхование всех видов по одному договору funeral expenses insurance страхование затрат на похороны general insurance общее страхование general liability insurance страхование гражданской ответственности goods insurance страхование товаров graduated life insurance дифференцированное страхование жизни group health insurance коллективное медицинское страхование group insurance групповое страхование group insurance коллективное страхование group life insurance групповое страхование жизни guarantee insurance гарантийное страхование hailstorm insurance страх. страхование от убытков, причиненных градом health insurance страхование здоровья health insurance страх. страхование от болезней health insurance card карточка страхования здоровья; страховой полис health insurance fund страх. фонд страхования здоровья health insurance society страх. общество страхования здоровья home-foreign insurance страх. страхование по переписке household comprehensive insurance страх. страхование нескольких видов домашнего имущества по одному договору household furniture insurance страх. страхование предметов домашнего обихода houseowner's comprehensive insurance страх. комбинированное страхование домовладения hull insurance страхование корпуса судна, каско hull insurance мор.страх. страхование корпуса судна hunting liability insurance страх. страхование гражданской ответственности на охоте import credit insurance страхование кредита для импорта import protection insurance страхование охраны импорта товаров indemnity insurance страховая гарантия indexed new-value insurance страхование, учитывающее изменение стоимости застрахованного объекта indirect insurance непрямое страхование industrial accident insurance страхование от несчастных случаев на производстве industrial injuries insurance страхование от производственного травматизма industrial insurance промышленное страхование industrial life insurance индустриальное страхование жизни inland transport insurance страхование перевозок внутри страны insurance страхование insurance страховая премия insurance страховой полис insurance сумма страхования insurance against treatment insury страхование на случай неудачного лечения insurance company share акция страховой компании insurance contract act закон о договоре страхования insurance for less than a year страхование на срок менее года insurance in force действующий договор страхования insurance of buildings страхование зданий insurance of cargo страхование груза insurance of contents страхование домашнего имущества insurance of daily benefits страхование дневного содержания insurance of fixed sums страхование фиксированных сумм insurance of fluorescent tubes страхование флуоресцентных ламп insurance of goods страхование товара insurance of goods and chattels страхование личного движимого имущества insurance of growing crops страхование выращиваемого урожая insurance of industrial risks страхование от промышленных рисков insurance of low tension installation страхование установки низкого напряжения insurance of medical expenses страхование медицинских расходов insurance of movable property страхование движимой собственности insurance of persons индивидуальное страхование insurance of persons личное страхование insurance of securities in transit страхование ценных бумаг при перевозке insurance of shell of building страхование облицовки здания insurance of stocks страхование складов insurance of valuables страхование драгоценностей insurance of valuables страхование ювелирных изделий interpretation difference insurance страхование от различий в толковании invalidity insurance страхование на случай инвалидности jewellery insurance страхование драгоценностей jewellery insurance страхование ювелирных изделий key insurance страх. страхование от всех рисков kidnap insurance страх. страхование от похищения ребенка legal expenses insurance страхование судебных издержек liability insurance страхование гражданской ответственности life insurance страхование жизни life insurance company компания по страхованию жизни life insurance policy полис страхования жизни policy: life insurance insurance полис страхования жизни life insurance sum сумма страхования жизни livestock insurance страхование домашнего скота livestock insurance страхование животных long-term insurance долгосрочное страхование loss insurance страхователь от убытков low tension insurance страхование от низкого напряжения в сети luggage insurance страхование багажа machinery breakdown insurance страхование на случай поломки оборудования machinery insurance страхование оборудования mandatory insurance обязательное страхование marine hull insurance страхование корпуса судна marine insurance морское страхование maternity insurance страхование женщин на случай родов maternity insurance страхование по материнству medical expenses insurance страхование медицинских расходов medical insurance медицинское страхование mortgage guarantee insurance гарантийное страхование ипотечной задолженности mortgage insurance страхование ипотечной задолженности motor cycle insurance страхование мотоциклов motor insurance автомобильное страхование motor insurance страхование автомобилей motor third party liability insurance страхование автотранспортных средств от ответственности в отношении третих лиц motor vehicle insurance страхование автомобиля motorcar insurance страхование автомобильного транспорта motorcar insurance страхование легковых автомобилей multiple insurance многократное страхование musical instruments insurance страхование музыкальных инструментов mutual insurance взаимное страхование national health insurance государственное страхование от болезней national insurance государственное страхование National Insurance Act Закон о государственном страховании (Великобритания) national old age invalidity and unemployment pension insurance национальное страхование по старости инвалидности и безработице national pension insurance национальное пенсионное страхование national sickness insurance benefit payments выплаты национального страхового пособия по безработице new insurance дополнительное страхование no-fault insurance страхование безаварийной работы nonlife insurance страхование ущерба nuclear risks insurance страхование от риска радиоактивного облучения obligatory insurance облигаторное страхование occupational compensation insurance страхование выплат работникам offshore insurance офшорное страхование offshore insurance страхование, не подпадающее под национальное регулирование old age insurance страхование по старости optional insurance добровольное страхование ordinary life insurance обычное страхование жизни ordinary life insurance страхование на случай смерти с пожизненной уплатой взносов paid-up insurance оплаченный страховой полис partial insurance неполное страхование partial insurance страхование в неполную стоимость passenger insurance страхование пассажиров pension insurance пенсионное страхование pension insurance страхование пенсии perpetual insurance бессрочное страхование perpetual insurance пожизненное страхование personal accident insurance индивидуальное страхование от несчастного случая personal accident insurance личное страхование от несчастного случая personal insurance индивидуальное страхование personal insurance личное страхование personal liability insurance страхование гражданской ответственности personal property insurance страхование личной собственности pharmaceutical insurance страхование фармацевтических расходов plate glass insurance страхование витринного стекла pluvious insurance страхование от ненастной погоды во время отпуска pool insurance коллективное страхование portfolio insurance страхование портфеля активов post office insurance страхование по почте premium insurance страхование с уплатой взносов previous insurance предыдущее страхование price differences insurance страхование различия в ценах private insurance индивидуальное страхование private insurance личное страхование product liability insurance страхование ответственности за качество выпускаемой продукции professional disability insurance страхование от нетрудоспособности по данной профессии professional indemnity insurance страхование от убытков в ходе профессиональной деятельности professional liability insurance страхование профессиональной ответственности property fire insurance страхование имущества от пожара property insurance страхование имущества propose an insurance заявлять о намерении застраховаться provident insurance социальное страхование public liability insurance страхование гражданской ответственности pure endowment insurance страхование с выплатой страховой суммы лицам, указанным в полисе, или самому застрахованному при достижении определенного срока railway passengers' insurance страхование пассажиров железнодорожного транспорта replacement value insurance страхование имущества, при котором возмещение выплачивается в размере восстановительной стоимости retirement pension insurance страхование пенсии за выслугу лет retirement pension insurance страхование пенсии по возрасту retirement pension insurance страхование пенсии по старости retroactive insurance страхование, имеющее обратную силу risk insurance страхование от риска risk insurance страхование риска robbery insurance страхование от грабежа salvage value insurance страхование стоимости спасенного имущества satellite insurance дополнительное страхование sea insurance морское страхование short-term insurance краткосрочное страхование sickness benefit insurance страхование на случай болезни sickness insurance страхование по болезни sickness insurance card карта страхования по болезни; полис страхования по болезни sickness insurance contribution взносы страхованя по болезни single-premium insurance страхование с единовременным страховым взносом ski-breakage insurance страхование от поломки лыж social insurance социальное страхование social insurance card карта социального страхования The Social Insurance Institution Институт социального страхования spacecraft insurance страхование космического аппарата statutory insurance установленное законом страхование storm damage insurance страхование от убытков вследствие бури straight life insurance страхование с пожизненной уплатой взносов supplementary health insurance дополнительное страхование от болезней supplementary insurance дополнительное страхование suretyship insurance страхование от финансовых потерь, связанных со злоупотреблениями служащих компании survivorship life insurance страхование жизни пережившего супруга television insurance страхование телевизора temporary insurance временное страхование term insurance страхование на срок term life insurance срочное страхование жизни theft insurance страхование от кражи title insurance страхование от дефектов правового титула tourist health insurance страхование туристов от болезней trade credit insurance страхование коммерческих кредитов transport insurance страхование перевозок travel insurance страхование туристов traveller's accident insurance страхование туристов от несчастных случаев traveller's health insurance страхование туристов от болезней underwrite insurance принимать на страхование unemployment insurance страхование от безработицы unemployment insurance страхование по безработице vehicle insurance страхование транспорта voluntary insurance добровольное страхование wager insurance азартный полис war risk insurance страхование от военных рисков water damage insurance страхование от ущерба, причиненного водой weather insurance страхование от атмосферного воздействия whole-life insurance пожизненное страхование на случай смерти widow's insurance страхование на случай вдовства workmen's compensation insurance страхование от понижения заработной платы works traffic insurance страхование производственного транспорта write insurance принимать на страхование
См. также в других словарях:
exhibition — /ˌeksɪ bɪʃ(ə)n/ noun an occasion for the display of goods so that buyers can look at them and decide what to buy ● The government has sponsored an exhibition of good design. ● We have a stand at the Ideal Home Exhibition. ● The agricultural… … Marketing dictionary in english
Exhibition Place — Looking East from the CNE Ferris Wheel (National Trade Centre at left, Automotive Building at right). T … Wikipedia
agricultural fair — A fair or exhibition, conducted by a state or county board of agriculture or by an agricultural society, which is intended to promote agriculture by including exhibits of livestock, agricultural products, farm machinery, and other products and… … Ballentine's law dictionary
All-Russia Exhibition Centre — All Russian Exhibition Centre (Всероссийский выставочный центр) is a permanent general purpose trade show in Moscow, Russia.The All Russia Exhibition Centre is a state joint stock company, officially abbreviated as GAO VVC , which stands for… … Wikipedia
Canadian National Exhibition — Infobox festival festival name = Canadian National Exhibition or the The Ex caption = LET S GO TO THE EX location = Toronto, Ontario years active = 129 dates = mid August to Labour Day genre = agricultural and fall/late summer fair website =… … Wikipedia
Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba — The Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba is a non profit organization and an agricultural society in Brandon, Manitoba that produces several fairs and events in the city, creating a significant economic impact in the region. It was established in… … Wikipedia
Brisbane Exhibition Ground — The Brisbane Exhibition Ground (also known as the RNA Showgrounds and the Ekka Grounds), is a showground established in Brisbane during 1875 especially for Ekka (formally titled the Royal Queensland Show). The Exhibition ground is owned and… … Wikipedia
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair — Infobox festival festival name = Royal Agricultural Winter Fair caption = The Royal location = Toronto, Ontario years active = 86 dates = early November genre = winter agricultural fair website = [http://www.royalfair.org] The Royal Agricultural… … Wikipedia
China Agricultural University Gymnasium — The indoor arena at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Location China Agricultural University Opened 2007 … Wikipedia
John Fowler (agricultural engineer) — Infobox Person name = John Fowler image size = 250px caption = birth date = 11 July 1826 birth place = Melksham, England death date = dda|1864|12|4|1826|7|11|df=y death place = Ackworth, West Yorkshire, England education = occupation =… … Wikipedia
Brisbane Exhibition Ground — Généralités Noms précédents RNA Showgrounds Surnom Ekka Grounds Adresse Gregory Terrace Bowen Hills, Brisbane … Wikipédia en Français