1 agreement on trade and navigation
Экономика: соглашение о торговле и морском судоходствеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > agreement on trade and navigation
2 agreement on trade and navigation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > agreement on trade and navigation
3 agreement on trade and navigation
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > agreement on trade and navigation
4 treaty of commerce and navigation
межд. эк. договор о торговле и мореплавании (международный договор, который создает правовую базу в торгово-экономических отношениях между странами и устанавливает принципы этих отношений)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > treaty of commerce and navigation
5 friendship, commerce and navigation treaty
сокр. FCN treaty межд. эк. договор о дружбе, торговле и навигации (международное соглашение, устанавливающее правовые условия, на которых граждане договаривающихся стран могут заниматься бизнесом в договаривающихся странах)See:international agreement, treaty of commerce and navigation, double taxation agreement, trade agreement
* * *
FCN treaty friendship, commerce and navigation treaty договор о дружбе, торговле и судоходстве: международное соглашение, согласно которому резиденты стран-подписантов могут заниматься бизнесом во всех участвующих странах на оговоренных условиях.Англо-русский экономический словарь > friendship, commerce and navigation treaty
6 agreement
n1) соглашение; договор; контракт
- accord-cadre framework agreement
- after-sales servicing agreement
- agency agreement
- arbitration agreement
- area agreement
- assignment agreement
- average demurrage agreement
- bank agreement
- barter agreement
- best-efforts agreement
- bilateral agreement
- blanket agreement
- bonus agreement
- brokerage agreement
- business agreement
- buy-and-sell agreement
- buy-back agreement
- cartel agreement
- clearing agreement
- collateral agreement
- collective agreement
- collective wage agreement
- commercial agreement
- compensation agreement
- complete agreement
- composition agreement
- composition agreement with creditors
- consignment agreement
- contractual agreement
- coproduction agreement
- credit agreement
- credit trading agreement
- crosslease agreement
- cross-licensing agreement
- double taxation agreement
- Dutch agreement
- early agreement
- economic agreement
- economic cooperation agreement
- employment agreement
- engineering agreement
- financial agreement
- foreign economic agreement
- framework agreement
- franchise agreement
- free-trade agreement
- general agreement
- General agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- gentlemen's agreement
- global agreement
- government agreement
- hire purchase agreement
- indemnity agreement
- interbank agreement
- intergovernmental agreement
- international agreement
- international commodity agreement
- interstate agreement
- joint liability agreement
- joint venture agreement
- knock-for-knock agreement
- lease agreement
- leasing agreement
- licence agreement
- licensing agreement
- loan agreement
- long-standing agreement
- long-term agreement
- loss-sharing agreement
- maintenance agreement
- management agreement
- market sharing agreement
- matched sale-purchase agreement
- monetary agreement
- multilateral agreement
- mutual agreement
- national agreement
- negotiated agreement
- one-time agreement
- operating agreement
- original agreement
- package agreement
- partnership agreement
- patent agreement
- payments agreement
- preferential agreement
- preliminary agreement
- price fixing agreement
- private agreement
- procedural agreement
- production cooperation agreement
- provisional agreement
- project agreement
- reciprocal agreement
- reciprocity agreement
- recourse agreement
- rental agreement
- repurchase agreement
- revolving credit agreement
- sale and repurchase agreement
- salvage agreement
- selective distribution agreement
- service agreement
- servicing agreement
- ship's agency service agreement
- short-term agreement
- sole agency agreement
- standby agreements
- standard agreement
- standstill agreement
- sublicence agreement
- submission agreement
- surety bond agreement
- tacit agreement
- tariff agreement
- tax exemption agreement
- temporary agreement
- tenancy agreement
- tentative agreement
- threshold agreement
- trade agreement
- trade-and-payments agreement
- trademark agreement
- trust agreement
- trusteeship agreement
- underwriting agreement
- unilateral agreement
- verbal agreement
- working agreement
- agreement in force
- agreement of intent
- agreement on cooperation
- agreement on delivery
- agreement on supply
- agreement on tariffs and trade
- agreement on tourism
- agreement on trade and navigation
- agreement to sell
- accede to an agreement
- achieve agreement
- amend a trade agreement
- annul an agreement
- attain agreement
- break an agreement
- bring an agreement into force
- cancel an agreement
- come to an agreement
- conclude an agreement
- confirm an agreement
- contract out of an agreement
- dissolve an agreement
- draft an agreement
- draw up an agreement
- enter into an agreement
- finalize an agreement
- infringe an agreement
- initial an agreement
- join an agreement
- keep an agreement
- make an agreement
- observe an agreement
- prolong an agreement
- ratify an agreement
- reach agreement
- renew an agreement
- repudiate an agreement
- rescind an agreement
- revise an agreement
- revoke an agreement
- sign an agreement
- terminate an agreement
- violate an agreement
- witness an agreementEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > agreement
7 agreement
1) соглашение; договор; контракт•The agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto. — Настоящий договор имеет обязательную юридическую силу в отношении и в пользу всех договаривающихся сторон.
8 treaty
ˈtri:tɪ сущ.
1) договор, соглашение, конвенция to abrogate, denounce a treaty ≈ аннулировать, расторгать договор to break, violate a treaty ≈ нарушить договор to conclude, sign a treaty ≈ заключать, подписывать договор to confirm, ratify a treaty ≈ утверждать, ратифицировать договор to negotiate, workout a treaty ≈ обсуждать, разрабатывать соглашение The senate confirms all treaties. ≈ Сенат ратифицирует все договоры They signed a treaty to settle all border disputes by arbitration. ≈ Они подписали договор о решении всех пограничных конфликтов через арбитраж. bilateral treaty commercial treaty trade treaty nonaggression treaty nonproliferation treaty peace treaty test-ban treaty Syn: contract, agreement, pact
2) переговоры Syn: negotiation, talks соглашение, договор - binding * обязывающий договор - boundary * договор об установлении границ - conciliation * договор о согласительной процедуре - executory * договор, подлежащий выполнению в будущем - peace *, * of peace мирный договор - * of friendship договор о дружбе - * of alliance договор о союзе - * of cession договор о цессии - * of commerce and navigation договор о торговле и судоходстве, конвенция о торговле и мореплавании - * of guarantee договор о гарантии - * of marriage брачный договор - * of mutual assistance договор о взаимной помощи - * of neutrality договор о нейтралитете - non-aggression * договор о ненападении - commercial * торговый договор - non-proliferation * договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия - comprehensive test ban * договор о полном и всеобщем запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия - limited test ban * договор о запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия в трех средах (в атмосфере, в космичнском пространстве и под водой) - * obligations взятые по договору обязательства, договорные обязательства - under this * по условиям данного договора - to conclude /to sign/ a * заключить /подписать/ договор - to enter into a * заключить договор - to observe a * соблюдать договор - to renounce a * отказаться от договора, денонсировать договор( устаревшее) переговоры - to be in * with smb. for smth. вести с кем-л. переговоры о чем-л.;
договариваться с кем-л. о чем-л. сделка, контракт - to sell smth. by a private * продать что-л. в частном порядке;
заключить полюбовную сделку на продажу чего-л. treaty: antidouble tax ~ договор о защите от двойного налогообложения ~ переговоры;
to be in treaty (with smb. for smth.) вести (с кем-л.) переговоры (о чем-л.) capitulation ~ договор о капитуляции consular ~ консульское соглашение customs ~ таможенное моглашение double taxation ~ соглашение о защите от двойного налогообложения extradition ~ договор о выдаче преступников joint ~ совместный договор marine insurance ~ соглашение о морском страховании multilateral commercial ~ многосторонний торговый договор nonagression ~ договор о ненападении pool ~ соглашение о коллективном страховании private ~ частное соглашение quota ~ соглашение по квотам reciprocal ~ двусторонний договор retrocession ~ договор о ретроцессии treaty договор ~ договор (международный) ;
трактат ~ договор ~ конвенция ~ переговоры;
to be in treaty (with smb. for smth.) вести (с кем-л.) переговоры (о чем-л.) ~ переговоры о заключении договора (в гражданском праве) ~ переговоры о заключении договора ~ соглашение Treaty: Treaty: ~ of Rome Римский договор (ЕЭС) treaty: treaty: antidouble tax ~ договор о защите от двойного налогообложения ~ attr. договорный, существующий на основании договора;
treaty port порт, открытый по договору для внешней торговли ~ attr. договорный, существующий на основании договора;
treaty port порт, открытый по договору для внешней торговли -
9 area
n1) район; зона; область2) сфера деятельности; область исследования•
См. также в других словарях:
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canals and inland waterways — ▪ waterway Introduction natural or artificial waterways used for navigation, crop irrigation, water supply, or drainage. Despite modern technological advances in air and ground transportation, inland waterways continue to fill a vital … Universalium
Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan — Japan US Treaty of Mutual Security and Cooperation, 19 January 1960. United States Japan Security Treaty Type Military Alliance Signed 19 January … Wikipedia
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Treaties between Rome and Carthage — The treaties between Rome and Carthage are the four treaties between the two states that were signed between 509 BC and 279 BC. The treaties influenced the course of history in the Mediterranean, and are important for understanding the… … Wikipedia
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