1 издержки сбыта
издержки сбыта; расходы на сбыт — selling outlays
2 расходы на сбыт
издержки сбыта; расходы на сбыт — selling outlays
3 энергичные методы сбыта
издержки сбыта; расходы на сбыт — selling outlays
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > энергичные методы сбыта
4 лицензия на сбыт
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > лицензия на сбыт
5 энергичный
1. sharp2. strengous3. with a willчеловек дела, энергичный человек — man of action
человек дела, энергичный человек — a man of action
4. strong5. violent6. aggressive7. aggressively8. eager9. energetically10. extremely hardнастойчиво; энергичный — extremely hard
11. peppy12. punchy13. spiritedly14. vigorousживой, энергичный слог — vigorous style
15. vigorously16. energetic; drasticкрутые меры; энергичные меры — drastic measures
17. active18. dynamic19. pithy20. snappy21. spirited22. strenuousСинонимический ряд:активно (проч.) активно; деятельно; инциативно; предприимчиво -
6 иметь плохой сбыт
1. rush into heavy sellingиздержки сбыта; расходы на сбыт — selling outlays
2. sell hardплохо продаваться; иметь плохой сбыт — to sell badly
3. meet with a slow saleстимулирование сбыта; продвижение товара — sales promotion
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > иметь плохой сбыт
7 агрессивные методы сбыта
EBRD: aggressive selling, hard sellingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > агрессивные методы сбыта
8 активные методы сбыта
EBRD: aggressive selling, hard sellingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > активные методы сбыта
9 энергичные усилия по сбыту
EBRD: aggressive selling, hard sellingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > энергичные усилия по сбыту
10 интенсивная распродажа
Business: aggressive selling, heavy saleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > интенсивная распродажа
11 навязывание товаров покупателям
Makarov: aggressive sellingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > навязывание товаров покупателям
12 энергичная кампания по сбыту
Business: aggressive sellingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > энергичная кампания по сбыту
13 энергичные методы сбыта
Economy: aggressive sellingУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > энергичные методы сбыта
14 энергично
См. также в других словарях:
aggressive — 1. Note that it has two gs. 2. The modern commercial world has added the meanings ‘self assertive; energetic, enterprising’ to the word when it is applied to the techniques of marketing and salesmanship or to selling goods or services: • We are… … Modern English usage
soft selling — UK US noun [U] MARKETING ► the activity of trying to sell something to someone by persuading them gently that they want or need it: »Some sales people are better at proactive aggressive selling, while others may be better at soft selling … Financial and business terms
Naked short selling — Schematic representation of naked short selling in two steps. The short seller sells shares without owning them. He then purchases and delivers the shares for a different market price. If the short seller cannot afford the shares in the second… … Wikipedia
missionary selling — / mɪʃ(ə)n(ə)ri ˌselɪŋ/ noun the act of approaching new customers with a product ● We have never sold there before, so be prepared for missionary selling. ● Some sales reps are not aggressive enough for missionary selling … Marketing dictionary in english
2010 Flash Crash — The May 6, 2010 Flash Crash[1] also known as The Crash of 2:45, the 2010 Flash Crash or just simply, the Flash Crash, was a United States stock market crash on May 6, 2010 in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged about 1000 points or… … Wikipedia
sales resistance — noun resistance by potential customers to aggressive selling practices • Hypernyms: ↑resistance * * * noun 1. : the power, capacity, or disposition to resist buying goods or services offered for sale surveys … to determine the presumptive sales… … Useful english dictionary
time shares — Time shares became popular in the 1980s but resulted in bankruptcy, court proceedings or simple disappointment and frustration for many people. ‘Time share’ refers to the selling and buying of the right to occupy a flat or house, usually for… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
tax shelter — Legal methods taxpayers can use to reduce tax liabilities . An example is the use of depreciation of assets. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * tax shelter ˈtax ˌshelter noun [countable] TAX ACCOUNTING a plan or arrangement that allows you to… … Financial and business terms
tax-sheltered — tax shelter ˈtax ˌshelter noun [countable] TAX ACCOUNTING a plan or arrangement that allows you to legally avoid paying tax: • Many investors used annuities as a tax shelter rather than as a retirement savings program. tax sheltered adjective … Financial and business terms
hard sell — noun a policy or technique of aggressive selling or advertising … English new terms dictionary
huckster — noun 1》 a person who sells small items, either door to door or from a stall. 2》 N. Amer. a person who uses aggressive selling techniques. verb N. Amer. 1》 promote or sell aggressively. 2》 bargain; haggle. Derivatives hucksterism noun Origin ME:… … English new terms dictionary