1 aggregate accounts
Экономика: сводные счета -
2 aggregate accounts
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > aggregate accounts
3 aggregate accounts
4 account
n1) счет; запись на счет2) отчет (финансовый)3) брит. период, когда биржевые сделки заключаются с закрытием позиции в расчетный день; амер. запись брокера о сделках, совершенных по поручению клиента4) pl отчетность5) pl бухгалтерские счета6) pl деловые книги
- absorption account
- accumulation account
- adjunct account
- adjustment account
- advance account
- aggregate accounts
- agio account
- annual account
- annual accounts
- appropriation account
- assets account
- ATS account
- balance account
- balancing account
- bank account
- bank giro account
- banking account
- bank's central settlement account
- bear account
- below-line balance account
- bills account
- blocked account
- book account
- budget account
- bull account
- business accounts
- call account
- capital account
- cash account
- certified account
- charge account
- charges account
- checking account
- clearing account
- closed account
- closing account
- combined accounts
- common stock capital accounts
- company's liquidation account
- compound interest account
- consolidated accounts
- consumers account
- control account
- correspondent account
- corresponding accounts
- cost account
- credit account
- creditor's account
- cumulative account
- currency conversion accounts
- current account
- customer account
- debit account
- debtor's account
- deferred account
- demand deposit account
- departmental account
- depreciation account
- depreciation adjustment account
- depreciation reserve account
- detailed account
- discretionary account
- disbursement account
- dividend account
- domestic accounts
- dormant account
- drawing account
- dummy account
- end month account
- end next account
- exchange stabilization account
- expense account
- external account
- external payments account
- extra-budgetary accounts
- final account
- financial account
- fixed assets account
- foreign exchange accounts
- foreign loan and deposit balancing account
- foreign transactions account
- general account
- giro account
- government accounts
- government receipts and expenditures account
- group accounts
- impersonal account
- imprest accounts
- income account
- income statement account
- individual retirement account
- inland account
- interest account
- interest-bearing account
- interest-free account
- interim account
- invalid account
- inventory account
- investment account
- itemized account
- joint account
- liabilities account
- ledger account
- loan account
- loan repayment account
- London Stock Exchange account
- long account
- loro account
- loss and gains account
- manufacturing account
- margin account
- mid-month account
- money market deposit account
- monthly account
- mutual currency account of the International Monetary Fund
- national account
- national income accounts
- nominal account
- nonresident account
- nostro account
- negotiable order of withdrawal account
- NOW account
- numbered account
- off-balance account
- on-call account
- open account
- operating accounts
- outlay accounts
- outstanding account
- over-and-short account
- overdrawn account
- overdue payments account
- overhead accounts
- partnership account
- personal account
- preferred stock capital account
- production account
- profit account
- profit-and-loss account
- proforma account
- property account
- public account
- purchases account
- quarterly account
- quota accounts
- real accounts
- realization account
- reconciled accounts
- registered account
- reserve account
- resident account
- rest of the world account
- retained contribution account
- revenue account
- rubricated account
- running account
- sales account
- savings account
- securities account
- segregated account
- separate account
- settled account
- settlement account
- share account
- short account
- social accounts
- special account
- special fund account
- specified account
- sterling account
- stock account
- stock change account
- stretching account
- subsidiary account
- summary account
- sundry accounts
- super NOW account
- surplus account
- suspense account
- trade payable account
- trade receivable account
- transaction account
- transfer account
- transferable account
- trust account
- uncollective account
- unsettled account
- variance accounts
- vostro account
- yearly account
- account of an agent
- account of charges
- account of disbursements
- account of expenses
- account of overheads
- account of a payee
- account of redraft
- accounts due to customers
- accounts payable
- accounts receivable
- account sales
- for account
- for account and risk
- on account
- adjust an account
- audit accounts
- balance the accounts
- block an account
- charge an account
- charge off an account
- charge to an account
- check an account
- close an account
- credit an account
- debit an account
- draw money from an account
- draw on an account
- draw up an account
- enter to an account
- establish an account
- examine accounts
- falsify an account
- freeze an account
- have an account with a bank
- keep an account
- keep an account with a bank
- maintain an account
- manage an account
- manage an investment account
- make out an account
- open an account
- operate an account
- overdraw an account
- pay an account
- pay into an account
- pay on account
- pay out of the account
- rectify an account
- release a blocked account
- render an account
- service an account
- settle an account
- set up an account
- square accounts
- transfer to an account
- verify an account
- write off an accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > account
5 account
6 value
7 discount
1. сущ.1)а) торг. скидка (с цены), ценовая скидка (денежная сумма или процент, на который поставщик снижает стандартную цену товара или услуги; напр., снижение стандартной цены товара в рамках кампании по стимулированию сбыта или снижение прейскурантной цены в качестве вознаграждения за быстрый или наличный платеж, за покупку в большом количестве и т. п.; также снижение стандартного тарифа на услуги для клиентов, удовлетворяющих определенным требованиям, напр., уменьшение величины страховой премии в связи с особенностями данного риска, отсутствием аварий или других страховых случаев в течение определенного времени, либо уменьшение стоимости туристической путевки при приобретении общей путевки для группы лиц и т. п.)ATTRIBUTES:
cumulative 2), aggregate 2)
one-time discount — единовременная [разовая\] скидка
discount in the amount of— скидка в сумме
At the purchase of 6-10 titles you will obtain the discount in the amount of 5%.
discount of $125, $125 discount — скидка в размере 125 долл.
10% discount, discount of 10% — скидка в размере 10%, десятипроцентная скидка
1% discount for cash — скидка 1% за расчет наличными
15% discount for quantity purchases — 15-процентная скидка за покупку в большом количестве
less discount of 5% — со сидкой в 5%, за вычетом 5%
A discount of up to 40% may apply to Physical Damage Coverage for your boat, if the boat is less than 11 years old.
a discount of 10 to 40 percent — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 40%
a discount (of) between 10% and 20% — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 20%, скидка между 10% и 20%
discount on [below, to, off, from\] — скидка с (цены, тарифной ставки)
50% discount below the normal retail price — 50% скидка с обычной розничной цены
You can get 50% discount off the regular ticket price!
Click here to order this book at a discount from the regular list price.
discount on (smth.) — скидка на (что-л.)
Members will receive special discounts on all products. — Участники получат специальные скидки на все товары.
special discount to students, special students discounts — специальные скидки для студентов, специальные скидки студентам, специальные студенческие скидки
50% discount for children under 12 — 50% скидка для детей в возрасте до 12 лет
to give [to grant, to allow\] a discount — предоставить скидку
Discounts are given for quantity purchases.
First, they commit all participants to grant discounts of the same type to buyers who meet the same conditions of eligibility.
The producer usually establishes a list price and then allows discounts from it to various types of intermediate customers.
Later in the century, as competition for customers increased, some booksellers offered discounts of 20 percent and more.
to get [to receive, to obtain\] a discount — получить скидку
Club members get special discount off the normal rates. — Члены клуба получают специальную скидку с обычных тарифов.
He received cash discount of 3%. — Он получил скидку в размере 3% за оплату наличными.
to earn a discount — получить [заслужить, заработать\] скидку
When purchases must be placed within a specified period to earn a discount, the prospective contractor must indicate the required time period.
Those who purchase for cash are allowed a discount of 2%, while those who pay within one month can claim a discount of 1%.
to ask for a discount — просить [требовать\] скидку, обращаться за скидкой
If you're going to pay cash, ask for a discount.
It could be very useful to be able to negotiate a discount for cash if you are buying luxury items like a fur coat or an expensive piece of jewellery.
Large volume orders may be subject to a discount. — Крупные заказы могут подлежать скидке. [По крупным заказам может предоставляться скидка.\]
to qualify for a discount — иметь право на скидку; получить право на скидку; давать право на скидку
To qualify for discount all orders must be received by 30th June. — Чтобы иметь право на скидку, все заказы должны быть получены до 30 июня.
to be eligible for [to be entitled to\] a discount — иметь право на скидку
Find out if you are entitled to a discount. — Выясните, имеете ли вы право на скидку.
to lose a discount — терять скидку, терять право на скидку
This means that you can make 1 claim in any year or 2 claims in any 3-year period, and you won't lose the discount earned for your previous years of safe driving. — Это означает, что вы можете предъявить одно требование в течение любого года или два требования в течение любого трехлетнего периода, и вы не потеряете скидку, заработанную за предыдущие года безопасного вождения.
To find the sale price of the item, you calculate the discount and subtract the discount from the original price.
to reduce/to increase discount — уменьшать/увеличивать скидку
ThyssenKrupp Nirosta reduces cash discount.
Under the Local Government Act 2003, all District Councils have been allowed to reduce their Council Tax discount on second homes from 50% to 10%.
American Airlines also has increased its discount from 21 percent to 22 percent on all domestic fares and international full fares.
They've increased the tax discount on the house.
Syn:Ant:See:advertising discount, aggregated discount, bulk discount а), bulk purchase discount, cash discount, chain discount, commercial discount, cumulative discount, deep discount 2) а), deferred discount, discount allowed, discount earned, discount for cash, discount for cash payment, discount for early payment, discount for paying cash, discount for prompt payment, discount for quantity, discount for quantity purchases, discount from price, discount on price, discount received, discounts lost, early payment discount, functional discount, group discount 1) а), insurance discount, insurance premium discount, invoice discount 1) а), long discount, lost discounts, loyalty discount, net name discount, noncumulative discount, off-invoice discount, patronage discount, premium discount, prepayment discount, price discount а), prompt payment discount, purchase discount, quantity discount, quantity purchase discount, renewal discount, retail discount, retro discount, retrodiscount, retrospective discount, sales discount, series discount 1) а), short discount, special discount, staff discount, trade discount, trade-in discount, unearned discount а), volume discount, wholesale discount, amount of discount, discount amount а), discount broker а), discount brokerage, discount card, discount chain, discount coupon, discount drugstore, discount fare, discount goods, discount house 2) а), discount loss, discount market 2) а), discount merchandiser, discount period 1) а), discount policy 1) а), discount price, discount pricing, discount retailer, discount retailing, discount sale, discount scale, discount series, discount schedule, discount store, discount supermarket, discount table, discount terms, percentage of discount, scale of discounts, table of discounts, allowance 1. 3) discounted price а), discounted goods, premium price а), trade credit, EOM, ROG, discounter б), discountable 2) б), regular price, list price, off-price product, at a discount 1) а) IDIOM: five-finger discountб) фин., бирж. дисконт (сумма, на которую номинал или цена погашения ценной бумаги больше цены ее первоначального размещения или текущей рыночной цены)ATTRIBUTES:
accrued 2), amortizable 2) б)
deep discount — глубокий дисконт, значительный дисконт*
discount in the amount of— дисконт в сумме
discount of $125, $125 discount — дисконт в размере 125 долл.
As a result, X treats the loan as having original issue discount in the amount of $130000.
10% discount, discount of 10% — дисконт в размере 10%, десятипроцентный дисконт
For example, if a $1000 par bond was bought at a discount of $900, at maturity there would be a $100 gain.
a discount of 10 to 40 percent — дисконт (в размере) от 10% до 40%
a discount (of) between 10% and 20% — скидка (в размере) от 10% до 20%, скидка между 10% и 20%
discount on [below, to, off, from\] — дисконт к (цене, номиналу), дисконт с [от\] (цены, номинала)
Coupons are sold at a discount to maturity value.
The Company amortizes any discount or premium as part of interest expense on the related debt using the effective interest method.
Although the issuer will calculate original issue discount, if any, based on its determination of the accrual periods, a bondholder may, subject to some restrictions, elect other accrual periods.
All taxable discount securities, including Corporate and Government Bonds, Federal STRIPs, Eurobonds, and Taxable Municipal securities.
Ant:See:accrued discount, acquisition discount а), amortized discount, bond discount, debt discount, deep discount 1) а), discount from price, discount on price, Discount on Notes Payable, Discount on Notes Receivable, market discount а), original issue discount, price discount 1) б), share discount, unamortized discount, accretion of discount, accrual of discount, accumulation of discount, amortization of discount, amount of discount, discount accretion, discount amortization, discount amount б), discount bond, discount percentage 1) б), discount price, discount securities, discount yield, percentage of discount, discounted price б) premium price б) at a discount 1) б)в) фин., банк. дисконт, скидка (разница между номиналом векселя и суммой, получаемой векселедержателем при учете векселя до наступления срока его погашения)See:bank discount а), banker's discount, amount of discount, discount amount в), discount basis, discount interest rate, discount market 1) в), discount percentage 2) в), discount policy 2) в), discount rate 1) а), 1) б), discount rate of interest, percentage of discount, rate of discount, discounting 1)г) фин., бирж. дисконт, скидка (отклонение в меньшую сторону от официального курса валюты, т. е. ситуация, когда цена одной валюты занижена по отношению к цене другой валюты, напр., франк может продаваться со скидкой к фунту)д) фин., банк. дисконт (разница между базовой согласованной суммой кредита и суммой, фактически получаемой заемщиком; в обычных дисконтных кредитах соответствует величине процентов, подлежащих уплате по кредиту; в некоторых кредитах из базовой суммы кредита могут вычитаться дисконтные пункты или другие единовременные вознаграждения и комиссионные, причитающиеся кредитору)See:е) фин. дисконт, скидка (при оценке стоимости предприятия или крупных пакетов акций: разница, на которую фактически согласованная цена предприятия/пакета акций меньше базовой рыночной цены; такой дисконт может использоваться в качестве компенсации за узость вторичного рынка для акций, недостаточный размер продаваемого пакета акций для приобретения контроля за предприятием и т. п.)See:discount for lack of control, discount for lack of marketability, key person discount, lack of control discount, lack of marketability discount, marketability discount, minority discount, minority interest discountж) фин. скидка, дисконт (в самом общем смысле: сумма, на которую уменьшена базовая стоимость или другая базовая величина)Ant:See:acquisition discount б), compound discount, forward discount, interest discount, interest rate discount, loan discount 1) б), 2) б), merchant discount, reinvestment discount, tax discount, underwriter's discount, discount fee 1), 2), discount interest rate, discount mortgage, discount points, discount rate 1) в), 1) г), discount rate of interest, merchant discount fee, rate of discount, discounted mortgage, at a discount 2)2) банк., фин. учет, операция по учету [по дисконту\] (операция, в ходе которой банк или другое финансовое учреждение выкупает вексель или иное долговое обязательство у его держателя по цене, равной номиналу долгового обязательства за вычетом вознаграждения за оставшийся до погашения срок, напр., вексель с номиналом в 100 долл. может продаваться за 90 долл.; впоследствии банк взыскивает полную номинальную стоимость долгового обязательства с лица, выписавшего это долговое обязательство)Syn:discounting 1)See:invoice discount 2) discount broker б), discount credit, discount factoring, discount fee 3) б), discount house 1) б), discount market 1) б), discount period 2) б), discount window, discounter а), discountability, discountable 1) а), bill broker, rediscount 1.3) фин. дисконтирование (определение текущей стоимости актива или текущей стоимости будущих потоков доходов и расходов)Syn:discounting 2)See:discount coefficient, discount factor, discount interest rate, discount rate 2), discount rate of interest, dividend discount model, rate of discount4)а) торг. процент скидки (величина скидки, выраженная в процентах к цене)Syn:б) фин. учетная ставка; ставка дисконта [дисконтирования\]Syn:discount rate 1) а), 1) а), 2) а)See:2. гл.1) торг. предоставлять [делать\] скидку, снижать цену (уменьшать обычную прейскурантную цену для покупателя, приобретающего значительное количество товара, рассчитывающегося наличными и т. п.); продавать со скидкой (уценивать товары, уменьшать цену продаваемых товаров)The shop discounted goods. — Магазин сделал скидку на товары.
to discount from [off\] price — сделать скидку с цены
to discount (by) 10% — делать скидку в размере 10%
Companies discount their goods by 10%-75% only to sell more volume. — Компании предоставляют скидку на свои товары в размере 10-75% [компании снижают цену своих товаров на 10-75%\] только для того, чтобы увеличить объем продаж.
If an item has not sold within two weeks the store discounts the item by 25% for the third week, 50% for the fourth week, and 75% for the fifth week. — Если предмет не продается в течении двух недель, то в течение третьей недели предмет предлагается со скидкой в 25%, в течение четвертой — со скидкой 50%, а в течение пятой — со скидкой 75%.
All items were discounted about 20% from the suggested list prices. — Цена всех товаров была снижена на 20% по сравнению с рекомендованной прейскурантной ценой.
The company discounted prices on its products. — Компания сделала скидку с цены на свои товары.
United discounts the fare by 50%. — "Юнайтед" делает скидку с тарифа в размере 50%.
The one-way fares are now discounted 15% off regular fares. — Стоимость проезда в один конец в настоящее время снижена на 15% по сравнению с обычными тарифами.
This interest rate is discounted from the published bank standard variable rate for an agreed period from the start of the mortgage. — Эта процентная ставка снижена по сравнению с опубликованной стандартной плавающей процентной ставкой банка на оговоренный период, считая от начала действия ипотечного кредита.
discounted mortgage — ипотека с дисконтом*, дисконтная ипотека*
discounted period — период скидки [скидок\]*, период действия скидки*
discounted price — цена со скидкой [с дисконтом\], дисконтная цена
See:discount period 1) б), discounted bond, discounted goods, discounted mortgage, discounted period, discounted price, discounter б), discountable 2) б), non-discountable, undiscounted 1) а), 1) б), discounting 3) б)2) фин., банк. учитыватьа) (приобретать векселя или счета-фактуры по цене ниже их номинала, т. е. с дисконтом, с целью последующего взыскания суммы долга с должника)to discount at the rate of 10% — учитывать по ставке 10%
In the same way, circumstances often forced discount houses themselves to discount fine trade bills at the rate for fine bank bills. — Точно также, обстоятельства часто вынуждают сами дисконтные дома учитывать первоклассные торговые векселя по ставке, установленной для первоклассных банковских векселей.
The Federal Reserve was given the right to discount “eligible paper” for member banks, that is lend money to the banks on the basis of the commercial paper arising from loan transactions with their customers. — Федеральной резервной системе было предоставлено право учитывать "приемлемые бумаги" для банков-членов, т. е. давать банкам деньги взаймы на базе коммерческих бумаг, возникающих в связи с кредитными операциями с их клиентами.
б) (продавать векселя или счета-фактуры по цене ниже их номинала специализированному финансовому учреждению)to discount the note at 10% — учитывать долговое обязательство под 10%
The company discounted the note at a bank at 10%. — Компания учла долговое обязательство в банке под 10%.
If the vendor receives a note, he may discount it at the bank. — Если торговец получает простой вексель, он может учесть его в банке.
to get a bill discounted — учесть вексель, произвести учет векселя
See:accounts receivable discounted, discounted bill, discounting 1), discountability, discountable 1), discounter 1) а), rediscount 2. 1) а)3) фин., банк. предоставлять дисконтный заем* (получать проценты вперед при даче денег взаймы, т. е. выдавать заемщику не полную оговоренную сумму кредита, а ее часть, оставшуюся после вычета определенного дисконта, и взамен сокращать или аннулировать процентную ставку на весь или часть срока кредита; употребляется всегда с дополнением в виде названия кредита)to discount the loan — предоставлять дисконтный заем, делать заем дисконтным
Negotiate the terms of the loan ( amount, interest rates) first and then lender discounts the loan by charging a fee which will be deducted from the loan amount before being dispersed to the borrower. — Договоритесь об условиях кредитования (сумма, процентные ставки) и потом кредитор сделает заем дисконтным путем взимания платы, которая будет вычтена из суммы займа перед выдачей заемщику.
See:4) фин. дисконтировать ( приводить будущие значения экономических показателей к текущей стоимости)to discount at a rate of 10% — дисконтировать по ставке 10%
Discount future cash flows to the present using the firm's cost of capital. — Приведите будущие денежные потоки к текущей стоимости, используя стоимость капитала фирмы.
To adjust for the time value of money, we discounted future costs to present value. — Чтобы осуществить корректировку на временную стоимость денег, мы привели будущие затраты к текущей стоимости.
We discount future cash flows by an interest rate that has been adjusted for risk. — Мы дисконтируем будущие денежные потоки, используя процентную ставку, скорректированную на риск.
The taxpayer must continue to discount the unpaid losses attributable to proportional reinsurance from pre-1988 accident years using the discount factors that were used in determining tax reserves for the 1987 tax year. — Налогоплательщик должен продолжать дисконтировать неоплаченные убытки, относящиеся к пропорциональному перестрахованию за годы убытка, предшествующие 1988 г., используя коэффициенты дисконтирования, которые применялись при определении налоговых резервов на 1987 налоговый год.
When comparing projects with different risk levels, it is best to discount each project's cash flows at its own discount rate and then compare the NPVs. — При сравнении проектов с разным уровнем риска, лучше всего произвести дисконтирование [продисконтировать\] денежные потоки каждого проекта по своей собственной ставке дисконтирования и затем сравнить чистую приведенную стоимость.
discounted cash flow — дисконтированный [приведенный\] денежный поток
discounted payback period — дисконтированный срок [период\] окупаемости
See:discounted cash flow, discounted game, discounted payback, discounted payback period, discounted present value, discounted value, present discounted value, discounting 2), discount rate 2), present value, discounted future earnings method, discounting 2), undiscounted 2)5) общ. не принимать в расчет, игнорировать, пропускать, опускать; относиться скептически, не принимать на веру, сомневаться в правдивостиto discount smb's opinion — игнорировать чье-л. мнение
They discount my opinion. — Они не принимают в расчет мое мнение.
We had already discounted the theory that they were involved. — Мы уже оставили идею об их причастности.
By stressing one factor, each theory discounts the others. — Выделяя один фактор, каждая теория оставляет без внимания остальные.
Democratic theory discounts the notion that allocation of scarce resources is the result of natural forces. — Демократическая теория игнорирует представление о том, что распределение редких ресурсов является результатом действия естественных сил.
Knowing his political bias they discounted most of his story. — Зная о его политических пристрастиях, они сомневались в правдивости большей части его истории.
Many people discount the value of statistical analysis. — Многие люди недооценивают статистический анализ.
6) бирж. учитывать* (обычно используется в биржевом контексте, указывая на то, что плохие или хорошие новости о компании-эмитенте, отдельной отрасли, экономике в целом либо ожидания получения таких новостей учитываются участниками рынка при определении курсов ценных бумаг, вызывая соответственно понижение или повышение курсов)Many traders don't realize the news they hear and read has, in many cases, already been discounted by the market. — Многие трейдеры не осознают, что новости, о которых они услышали или прочитали, уже были учтены рынком.
Technology stocks discounted a lot of bad news from abroad. — Акции технологических компаний отреагировали на обилие плохих новостей из-за границы.
The bear market ends when at least most of the bad news is finally discounted by the market. — "Медвежий" рынок заканчивается, когда, по крайней мере, большая часть из плохих новостей наконец учитывается рынком.
In the United States, the stock market double discounts expected inflation, first through long term bond yields and second through relative stock prices. — В Соединенных Штатах, фондовый рынок дважды учитывает ожидаемую инфляцию, во-первых, в доходности долгосрочных облигаций, а во-вторых, в ценах на соответствующие акции.
These stock prices are discounting anticipated massive increases in profits for the S&P 500 companies in the future. — Цены акций учитывают ожидаемый в будущем массовый рост прибылей компаний, включаемых в расчет индекса "Стандард энд Пурз 500".
Today’s prices are discounting all future events, not only today’s news. — Сегодняшние цены учитывают все будущие события, а не только сегодняшние новости.
* * *
discount (Dis; Disct) 1) дисконт, скидка: разница между ценой эмиссии ценной бумаги или кредита (номиналом или ценой погашения) и ее текущей рыночной ценой или разница между наличным и срочным валютными курсами; 2) учет векселей: операция купли-продажи векселей по номиналу минус вознаграждение за оставшийся до погашения срок (напр., вексель с номиналом в 100 долл. продается за 90 долл.); 3) скидка с цены товара (или возврат, напр., в качестве вознаграждения за быстрый или наличный платеж); см. cash discount; 4) учет информации об определенном событии в движении цен, ставок, в т. ч. до его наступления; 5) соотношение между двумя валютами; напр., франк может продаваться со скидкой к фунту; 6) определить текущую стоимость актива, который имеет определенную стоимость на определенную дату в будущем.* * *вычет (процентов); дисконт; скидка; учет (векселя), учетный процент. Относится к цене продажи облигации. Цена ниже номинальной стоимости. См. также Premium (премия) . (1) The amount a price would be reduced to purchase a commodity of lesser grade; (2) sometimes used to refer to the price differences between futures of different delivery months, as in the phrase "July is trading at a discount to May," indicating that the price of the July future is lower than that of May; (3) applied to cash grain prices that are below the futures price. Словарь экономических терминов .* * *особое условие договора купли-продажи, определяющее размер снижения (уменьшения) исходной (базисной) цены сделки-----Финансы/Кредит/Валюта1. учет векселя2. процент, взимаемый банками при учете векселей3. скидка с цены валюты в валютных сделках -
8 expense
n1) расход; трата2) pl расходы, издержки, затраты
- absorbed expenses
- accommodation expenses
- accompanying expenses
- accrued expenses
- acquisition expenses
- actual expenses
- additional expenses
- administration expenses
- administrative expenses
- advertising expenses
- agreed expenses
- aggregate expenses
- amortization expenses
- annual expenses
- anticipated expenses
- arbitration expenses
- auditing expenses
- average expenses
- bad debt expenses
- bank expenses
- banking expenses
- bank operating expenses
- bloated expenses
- bloated operating expenses
- board expenses
- broker's expenses
- budget expenses
- budgetary expenses
- budgeted expenses
- building expenses
- business expenses
- business travel expenses
- cable expenses
- calculated expenses
- capitalized expenses
- carriage expenses
- cash expenses
- city's operating expenses
- clerical expenses
- collecting expenses
- collection expenses
- commercial expenses
- commission expenses
- compensation expenses
- computed expenses
- considerable expenses
- constant expenses
- contango expenses
- contract expenses
- contractual expenses
- controllable expenses
- current expenses
- current operating expenses
- customs expenses
- daily expenses
- dead expenses
- debt service expenses
- deductible expenses
- deferred expenses
- delivery expenses
- depreciation expenses
- direct expenses
- disbursement expenses
- discharging expenses
- discount expenses
- distribution expenses
- eligible expenses
- encashment expenses
- engineering expenses
- entertainment expenses
- equipment maintenance expenses
- establishment expenses
- estimated expenses
- everyday expenses
- exceptional expenses
- excess expenses
- executive expenses
- extra expenses
- extraordinary expenses
- extravagant expenses
- factory expenses
- federal expense
- fee and commission expenses
- financial expenses
- financing expenses
- fixed expenses
- flat expenses
- foreign exchange expenses
- formation expenses
- forwarding expenses
- freight expenses
- fringe benefit expenses
- funding expenses
- general expenses
- general and administrative expenses
- general average expenses
- general occuppancy expenses
- general operating expenses
- guardianship expenses
- harbour expenses
- hauling expenses
- heavy expenses
- high expenses
- hotel expenses
- identifiable additional expenses
- idle facility expenses
- idle plant expenses
- impairment-related expenses
- incidental expenses
- income expense on bonds
- income tax expense
- incurred expenses
- indirect expenses
- interest expenses
- initial expenses
- installation expenses
- insurance expenses
- interest expenses
- interest expense on current accounts in credit
- interest expense on debenture
- interest expense on demand deposits loans
- interest expenses on items with agreed maturity dates
- interest expense on special savings accounts
- itemized medical expenses
- job-hunting expenses
- job travel expenses
- lavish expenses
- law expenses
- legal expenses
- living expenses
- loading expenses
- lodging expenses
- mail expenses
- maintenance expenses
- management expenses
- manufacturing expenses
- marketing expenses
- material expenses
- maximum expenses
- medical expenses
- minimum expenses
- miscellaneous expenses
- monetary expenses
- monthly expenses
- mortgage expenses
- moving expenses
- necessary expenses
- noncash expenses
- noncontrollable expenses
- noninterest operating expenses
- nonoperating expenses
- nonproductive expenses
- nonrecurrent expenses
- nonrecurring expenses
- office expenses
- one-off expenses
- operating expenses
- operational expenses
- organizational expenses
- other expenses
- out-of-pocket expenses
- overall expenses
- overhead expenses
- overseas housing expenses
- packing expenses
- particular expenses
- payroll expenses
- per capita expenses
- period expenses
- permissible expenses
- personal expenses
- personal consumption expenses
- personnel expenses
- petty expenses
- planned expenses
- pocket expenses
- postage expenses
- postal expenses
- preliminary expenses
- prepaid expenses
- preparation expenses
- processing expenses
- production expenses
- promotion expenses
- promotional expenses
- protest expenses
- public expenses
- publicity expenses
- quality expenses
- reasonable expenses
- recovery expenses
- recurrent expenses
- recurring expenses
- reimbursable expenses
- reinvoiced expenses
- relocation expenses
- removal expenses
- removing expenses
- rent expense
- repair expenses
- representation expenses
- rework expenses
- running expenses
- running-in expenses
- sales promotion expense
- salvage expenses
- selling expenses
- selling, general and administrative expenses
- service expenses
- shipping expenses
- ship's expenses
- special expenses
- specific expenses
- standing expenses
- starting expenses
- start-up expense
- stationary expenses
- stevedoring expenses
- storage expenses
- subsistence expenses
- substituted expenses
- sundry expenses
- supplementary expenses
- tax expenses
- tax deductible interest expenses
- telephone expenses
- telex expenses
- testamentary expenses
- title expenses
- total expenses
- towage expenses
- trade expenses
- transfer expenses
- transhipment expenses
- transport expenses
- transportation expenses
- travel expenses
- travel and entertainment expenses
- travelling expenses
- trimming expenses
- uncontrollable expenses
- unforeseen expenses
- unit expenses
- unloading expenses
- unproductive expenses
- unreasonable expenses
- unreimbursed expenses
- unreimbursed job travel expenses
- unscheduled expenses
- unwarranted expenses
- upkeep expenses
- variable expenses
- wages expenses
- warehouse expenses
- warranty expenses
- wheeling expenses
- working expenses
- works general expenses
- expenses as percentage of sales
- expenses for the account of
- expenses for protesting a bill
- expenses in foreign exchange
- expenses of carriage
- expenses of the carrier
- expenses of circulation
- expenses of collection
- expenses of discharge
- expenses of haulage
- expenses of the insured
- expenses of the parties
- expenses of production
- expenses of protest
- expenses of reproduction
- expenses of shipping
- expenses of trackage
- expenses of transhipping
- expenses of transportation
- expenses on arbitration
- expenses on charter
- expenses on collection
- expenses on compensation for damage
- expenses on currency transactions
- expenses on customer transactions
- expenses on erection work
- expense on financing commitments
- expenses on guarantee commitments
- expenses on insurance
- expenses on materials
- expenses on off-balance-sheet transactions
- expenses on patenting procedure
- expenses on payment instruments
- expenses on repairs
- expenses on replacement
- expenses on scientific research
- expenses on security transactions
- expenses on selling
- expenses on selling effort
- expenses on setting-up
- expenses on storage
- expenses on technical service
- expenses on trading securities
- expenses on treasury operations and interbank transactions
- expenses per head of population
- at the expense of
- at great expense
- at the owner's expense and risk
- at the firm's expense
- less expenses
- minus expenses
- free of expenses
- free of all expenses
- expenses charged forward
- expenses connected with capital lease
- expenses connected with fund transfer
- expenses connected with obtaining credit
- expenses connected with the procedure in bankruptcy
- expenses deducted
- expenses incurred in searching for a job
- expenses prepaid
- expenses related to receivership
- absorb expenses
- account for the expenses
- advance expenses
- allocate expenses
- apportion expenses
- approve expenses
- assess expenses
- assume expenses
- authorize expenses
- avoid expenses
- avoid extra expenses
- bear expenses
- calculate expenses
- cause expenses
- charge expenses to the account of smb.
- compensate for expenses
- cover expenses
- curb expenses
- curtail expenses
- cut down expenses
- defray expenses
- determine expenses
- distribute expenses
- double expenses
- duplicate expenses
- entail expenses
- enter as expense
- estimate expenses
- experience extensive expenses
- go to expense
- halve expenses
- increase expenses
- incur expenses
- indemnify for expenses
- involve expenses
- itemize expenses
- limit expenses
- make expenses
- meet expenses
- offset expenses
- overestimate expenses
- participate in expenses
- pay expenses
- pile up expenses
- place expenses to smb.'s charge
- pool expenses
- prepay expenses
- put to expense
- put to great expense
- recognize expenses
- recompense expenses
- recover expenses
- reduce expenses
- refund the expenses
- reimburse smb. for expenses
- repay expenses
- run up expenses
- save expenses
- sequestrate expenses
- share expenses
- slash expenses
- spare no expense
- split expenses
- substantiate the expenses
- undertake expensesEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > expense
9 AP
1) Общая лексика: Asia-Pacific, Accounts Payable2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Paradise, Automation Protocol3) Авиация: airborne printer4) Медицина: aortopulmonary (аорто-легочный), action potential (потенциал действия), angina pectoris (стенокардия)5) Американизм: All Politics, Associated Propaganda6) Спорт: All Pain7) Военный термин: Admiralty pattern, Advance Party, Advanced Projectile, Advisory Panel on Administration, Air Police, All Purpose, Allied publications, Application Processor, Attack Position, Transport Ship, access panel, acidproof, acquisition plan, acquisition point, action post, advance pay, advanced park, advanced post, advanced procurement, agency procedures, aiming point, air panel, air pilotage, air position, air publication, aircraft park, airplane, airplane pilot, airport, airship, patrol, alignment periscope, alignment procedures, ambush patrol, ammunition point, antipersonnel, armor-piercing, armor-plated, armoured patrol, arrival point, assumed position, atomic power, atomic powered, attack plotter, automatic pistol, automatic programming, auxiliary patrol, aviation pilot, awaiting parts, ББ (снаряд) (armor-piercing; бронебойный)8) Техника: Arctic Pack, access permit, access permitee, acquisition phase, advanced plant, aft perpendicular, alkaline permanganate, all-propulsive mode, annulus pressurization, antenna pattern, apothecaries pound, arithmetic processor, arithmetic progression, astronomical photometry, atmospheric and space physics9) Сельское хозяйство: alkaline phosphatase, anterior-pituitary10) Шутливое выражение: Authenticity Police11) Химия: Archimedes Plutonium12) Математика: арифметическая прогрессия (arithmetic progression), свойство аддитивности (addition property)13) Религия: Aggregate Principles14) Юридический термин: Absent Parent, Age Progression, Another Parent15) Бухгалтерия: As Purchased, accounting period16) Австралийский сленг: Australia Party17) Автомобильный термин: accelerator pedal18) Телекоммуникации: Action Point, Application Program, ТД, точка доступа19) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Transport Ship, personnel, Access Point, Additional Premium, Aim Point, Aircraft Photo, All Points, Allied Publication, American plan, Analysis Processor, Anti-Personnel (mine), Anti-Personnel, Armada Peruana (Peruvian Navy), Armour-Piercing, Attack Plan, Civil aircraft marking (Pakistan), after peak, after perpendicular, air passage, argument programming, Associated Press (Agency, USA), Associated Press, anomalous propagation, anteroposterior, argument pointer, arithmetical progression, authority to pay, authority to purchase20) Университет: Advance Placement, Advanced Placement21) Физиология: Acellular Pertussis, After parturition, Agony And Pain, Angina Pectoris, Anterior-posterior, Antibiotic Protocol, Auscultation and Percussion22) Электроника: Adhesion promoter23) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Pagination, application process, attached processor, прикладной процессор, Associated Press (Corporate name), Access Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671), Auto Precharge (SDRAM), Access Point (WLAN)24) Нефть: afterpeak, специальный состав для заполнения кольцевого пространства между колоннами обсадных труб в интервале многолетнемёрзлых пород (Arctic Pack)26) Патенты: Патент АRIPO27) СМИ: American Pie, Anonymous Photographer, Artist Proof28) Деловая лексика: кредиторская задолженность29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric pressure31) Образование: Academic Programmer, TESTS Advanced Placement Tests, Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students)32) Сетевые технологии: acquisition processor, application profile33) Полимеры: American patent, ammonium perchlorate, ammonium picrate, aniline point, asbestos paper, axial pitch34) Автоматика: axis processor35) Сахалин Ю: activity plan36) Авиационная медицина: action potential37) Расширение файла: Adjunct Processor, Application Programs, Array Processor, Associative Processor, Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)38) Имена и фамилии: Angela Parker, Anthony Purcell39) Общественная организация: Antarctica Project40) Должность: Addiction Professional, Award Program41) Чат: Ahh Phooey42) NYSE. Ampco- Pittsburg Corporation43) НАСА: Application Processors44) Программное обеспечение: Application Protocol -
10 Ap
1) Общая лексика: Asia-Pacific, Accounts Payable2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Paradise, Automation Protocol3) Авиация: airborne printer4) Медицина: aortopulmonary (аорто-легочный), action potential (потенциал действия), angina pectoris (стенокардия)5) Американизм: All Politics, Associated Propaganda6) Спорт: All Pain7) Военный термин: Admiralty pattern, Advance Party, Advanced Projectile, Advisory Panel on Administration, Air Police, All Purpose, Allied publications, Application Processor, Attack Position, Transport Ship, access panel, acidproof, acquisition plan, acquisition point, action post, advance pay, advanced park, advanced post, advanced procurement, agency procedures, aiming point, air panel, air pilotage, air position, air publication, aircraft park, airplane, airplane pilot, airport, airship, patrol, alignment periscope, alignment procedures, ambush patrol, ammunition point, antipersonnel, armor-piercing, armor-plated, armoured patrol, arrival point, assumed position, atomic power, atomic powered, attack plotter, automatic pistol, automatic programming, auxiliary patrol, aviation pilot, awaiting parts, ББ (снаряд) (armor-piercing; бронебойный)8) Техника: Arctic Pack, access permit, access permitee, acquisition phase, advanced plant, aft perpendicular, alkaline permanganate, all-propulsive mode, annulus pressurization, antenna pattern, apothecaries pound, arithmetic processor, arithmetic progression, astronomical photometry, atmospheric and space physics9) Сельское хозяйство: alkaline phosphatase, anterior-pituitary10) Шутливое выражение: Authenticity Police11) Химия: Archimedes Plutonium12) Математика: арифметическая прогрессия (arithmetic progression), свойство аддитивности (addition property)13) Религия: Aggregate Principles14) Юридический термин: Absent Parent, Age Progression, Another Parent15) Бухгалтерия: As Purchased, accounting period16) Австралийский сленг: Australia Party17) Автомобильный термин: accelerator pedal18) Телекоммуникации: Action Point, Application Program, ТД, точка доступа19) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Transport Ship, personnel, Access Point, Additional Premium, Aim Point, Aircraft Photo, All Points, Allied Publication, American plan, Analysis Processor, Anti-Personnel (mine), Anti-Personnel, Armada Peruana (Peruvian Navy), Armour-Piercing, Attack Plan, Civil aircraft marking (Pakistan), after peak, after perpendicular, air passage, argument programming, Associated Press (Agency, USA), Associated Press, anomalous propagation, anteroposterior, argument pointer, arithmetical progression, authority to pay, authority to purchase20) Университет: Advance Placement, Advanced Placement21) Физиология: Acellular Pertussis, After parturition, Agony And Pain, Angina Pectoris, Anterior-posterior, Antibiotic Protocol, Auscultation and Percussion22) Электроника: Adhesion promoter23) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Pagination, application process, attached processor, прикладной процессор, Associated Press (Corporate name), Access Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671), Auto Precharge (SDRAM), Access Point (WLAN)24) Нефть: afterpeak, специальный состав для заполнения кольцевого пространства между колоннами обсадных труб в интервале многолетнемёрзлых пород (Arctic Pack)26) Патенты: Патент АRIPO27) СМИ: American Pie, Anonymous Photographer, Artist Proof28) Деловая лексика: кредиторская задолженность29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric pressure31) Образование: Academic Programmer, TESTS Advanced Placement Tests, Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students)32) Сетевые технологии: acquisition processor, application profile33) Полимеры: American patent, ammonium perchlorate, ammonium picrate, aniline point, asbestos paper, axial pitch34) Автоматика: axis processor35) Сахалин Ю: activity plan36) Авиационная медицина: action potential37) Расширение файла: Adjunct Processor, Application Programs, Array Processor, Associative Processor, Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)38) Имена и фамилии: Angela Parker, Anthony Purcell39) Общественная организация: Antarctica Project40) Должность: Addiction Professional, Award Program41) Чат: Ahh Phooey42) NYSE. Ampco- Pittsburg Corporation43) НАСА: Application Processors44) Программное обеспечение: Application Protocol -
11 ap
1) Общая лексика: Asia-Pacific, Accounts Payable2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Paradise, Automation Protocol3) Авиация: airborne printer4) Медицина: aortopulmonary (аорто-легочный), action potential (потенциал действия), angina pectoris (стенокардия)5) Американизм: All Politics, Associated Propaganda6) Спорт: All Pain7) Военный термин: Admiralty pattern, Advance Party, Advanced Projectile, Advisory Panel on Administration, Air Police, All Purpose, Allied publications, Application Processor, Attack Position, Transport Ship, access panel, acidproof, acquisition plan, acquisition point, action post, advance pay, advanced park, advanced post, advanced procurement, agency procedures, aiming point, air panel, air pilotage, air position, air publication, aircraft park, airplane, airplane pilot, airport, airship, patrol, alignment periscope, alignment procedures, ambush patrol, ammunition point, antipersonnel, armor-piercing, armor-plated, armoured patrol, arrival point, assumed position, atomic power, atomic powered, attack plotter, automatic pistol, automatic programming, auxiliary patrol, aviation pilot, awaiting parts, ББ (снаряд) (armor-piercing; бронебойный)8) Техника: Arctic Pack, access permit, access permitee, acquisition phase, advanced plant, aft perpendicular, alkaline permanganate, all-propulsive mode, annulus pressurization, antenna pattern, apothecaries pound, arithmetic processor, arithmetic progression, astronomical photometry, atmospheric and space physics9) Сельское хозяйство: alkaline phosphatase, anterior-pituitary10) Шутливое выражение: Authenticity Police11) Химия: Archimedes Plutonium12) Математика: арифметическая прогрессия (arithmetic progression), свойство аддитивности (addition property)13) Религия: Aggregate Principles14) Юридический термин: Absent Parent, Age Progression, Another Parent15) Бухгалтерия: As Purchased, accounting period16) Австралийский сленг: Australia Party17) Автомобильный термин: accelerator pedal18) Телекоммуникации: Action Point, Application Program, ТД, точка доступа19) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Transport Ship, personnel, Access Point, Additional Premium, Aim Point, Aircraft Photo, All Points, Allied Publication, American plan, Analysis Processor, Anti-Personnel (mine), Anti-Personnel, Armada Peruana (Peruvian Navy), Armour-Piercing, Attack Plan, Civil aircraft marking (Pakistan), after peak, after perpendicular, air passage, argument programming, Associated Press (Agency, USA), Associated Press, anomalous propagation, anteroposterior, argument pointer, arithmetical progression, authority to pay, authority to purchase20) Университет: Advance Placement, Advanced Placement21) Физиология: Acellular Pertussis, After parturition, Agony And Pain, Angina Pectoris, Anterior-posterior, Antibiotic Protocol, Auscultation and Percussion22) Электроника: Adhesion promoter23) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Pagination, application process, attached processor, прикладной процессор, Associated Press (Corporate name), Access Provider (ETSI, ETSI 201 671), Auto Precharge (SDRAM), Access Point (WLAN)24) Нефть: afterpeak, специальный состав для заполнения кольцевого пространства между колоннами обсадных труб в интервале многолетнемёрзлых пород (Arctic Pack)26) Патенты: Патент АRIPO27) СМИ: American Pie, Anonymous Photographer, Artist Proof28) Деловая лексика: кредиторская задолженность29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric pressure31) Образование: Academic Programmer, TESTS Advanced Placement Tests, Accommodation Plan (Section 504 Students)32) Сетевые технологии: acquisition processor, application profile33) Полимеры: American patent, ammonium perchlorate, ammonium picrate, aniline point, asbestos paper, axial pitch34) Автоматика: axis processor35) Сахалин Ю: activity plan36) Авиационная медицина: action potential37) Расширение файла: Adjunct Processor, Application Programs, Array Processor, Associative Processor, Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)38) Имена и фамилии: Angela Parker, Anthony Purcell39) Общественная организация: Antarctica Project40) Должность: Addiction Professional, Award Program41) Чат: Ahh Phooey42) NYSE. Ampco- Pittsburg Corporation43) НАСА: Application Processors44) Программное обеспечение: Application Protocol -
12 chart
диаграмма; схема; таблица; график; карта; картограмма || чертить диаграмму или схему; составлять таблицу -
13 analysis
n1) (pl analyses)2) анализ, изучение, исследование3) статистическая таблица (цифровой материал)
- accuracy analysis
- activity analysis
- aggregate analysis
- approximate analysis
- balance-sheet analysis
- batch analysis
- benefit-risk analysis
- break-even analysis
- budget analysis
- business analysis
- business cycle analysis
- careful analysis
- cash flow analysis
- check analysis
- commodity analysis
- comparative analysis
- competitiveness analysis
- complete analysis
- complex analysis
- comprehensive analysis
- computer-aided analysis
- consumer analysis
- continuous analysis
- contrastive analysis
- cost analysis
- correlation analysis
- cost-benefit analysis
- cost-effectiveness analysis
- cost-performance analysis
- cost-sensitivity analysis
- country collectibility analysis
- critical path analysis
- cross-impact analysis
- cyclical analysis
- data analysis
- decision analysis
- decision-flow analysis
- demand analysis
- demand-consumption analysis
- demand-supply analysis
- design analysis
- detailed analysis
- diagnostic analysis
- discriminant analysis
- discriminatory analysis
- downward analysis
- ecological analysis
- economic analysis
- economical analysis
- empirical analysis
- end-point analysis
- engineering analysis
- engineering-economic analysis
- environmental analysis
- equipment quality analysis
- error analysis
- ex ante analysis
- expenses analysis
- ex post analysis
- express analysis
- factor analysis
- failure analysis
- feasibility analysis
- field analysis
- field complaint analysis
- field return analysis
- financial analysis
- financial ratio analysis
- financial statement analysis
- fiscal analysis
- flow-of-funds analysis
- formal analysis
- functional-cost analysis
- fundamental analysis
- funds analysis
- game-theoretic analysis
- gap analysis
- global analysis
- graphical analysis
- gross profit analysis
- horizontal analysis
- income analysis
- income-expenditure analysis
- in-depth analysis
- indicator analysis
- input-output analysis
- interaction analysis
- interindustry analysis
- inventory analysis
- investment analysis
- job analysis
- laboratory analysis
- least-square
- liquidity preference analysis
- long-run analysis
- loss analysis
- lot analysis
- macroeconomic analysis
- maintainability analysis
- maintenance analysis
- marginal analysis
- market analysis
- marketing cost analysis
- marketing plan analysis
- market opportunity analysis
- market situation analysis
- market structure analysis
- market trend analysis
- mechanical analysis
- media analysis
- money-flow analysis
- motion analysis
- motivation research analysis
- needs analysis
- network analysis
- normative analysis
- numerical analysis
- observational analysis
- on-line analysis
- operating analysis
- operating cost analysis
- operation analysis
- opportunity analysis
- order analysis
- organizational structure analysis
- overhead analysis
- partial analysis
- performance analysis
- performance degradation analysis
- periodic analysis
- pilot analysis
- population analysis
- portfolio analysis
- preinvestment analysis
- preliminary analysis
- price analysis
- primary analysis
- priority analysis
- process analysis
- product analysis
- product quality analysis
- profit analysis
- profitability analysis
- qualitative analysis
- quality analysis
- quality cost analysis
- quantitative analysis
- queueing analysis
- quick analysis
- ranging analysis
- rapid analysis
- ratio analysis
- real-time analysis
- relevance analysis
- reliability analysis
- reliability variation analysis
- risk analysis
- safety analysis
- sales analysis
- sales mix analysis
- sample analysis
- sampling analysis
- savings-investment analysis
- scrap-cost analysis
- sensitivity analysis
- sequential analysis
- short-cut analysis
- short-run analysis
- short-term analysis
- simulation analysis
- solvency analysis
- statement analysis
- statistical analysis
- stock analysis
- structural analysis
- subjective analysis
- supply analysis
- system's analysis
- tabular analysis
- team analysis
- thorough analysis
- time analysis
- time-series analysis
- total time analysis
- trade-off analysis
- trend analysis
- transaction cost analysis
- upward trend analysis
- value analysis
- value engineering analysis
- variance analysis
- vector analysis
- weather analysis
- worst-case analysis
- workload analysis
- X-ray analysis
- analysis by economic sector
- analysis of accounts
- analysis of assets and liabilities by maturities
- analysis of business activity
- analysis of corporate cash flows
- analysis of economic activity
- analysis of the economic performance of an enterprise
- analysis of feasibility
- analysis of foreign currency position
- analysis of the future development
- analysis of indices dynamics
- analysis of the market situation
- analysis of prediction
- analysis of profitability
- analysis of results
- carry out analysis
- make analysisEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > analysis
14 reserve
1. n1) запас, резерв2) фин. резервный фонд3) pl суммы, оставшиеся после выплаты налогов, зарплат и распределения дивиденда4) оговорка
- actual reserve
- actuarial reserves
- aggregate reserves
- amortization reserve
- appropriated reserves
- assets valuation reserve
- available reserves
- bad debt reserve
- bad loan reserve
- bank reserve
- bonus reserve
- borrowed reserves
- business reserves
- capacity reserve
- capital reserves
- capital redemption reserve
- cash reserve
- claims reserve
- commercial reserves
- contingency reserve
- contingent reserve
- currency reserves
- deficiency reserve
- depreciation reserve
- development reserve
- disclosed reserves
- distributable reserves
- dividend reserve
- dividend equalization reserve
- dwindling reserves
- dormant labour reserves
- emergency reserve
- excess reserves
- external reserves
- extraordinary reserve
- first line reserves
- food reserves
- foreign currency reserves
- foreign exchange reserves
- fractional reserve
- free reserves
- funded reserve
- general reserves
- gold reserve
- gold and foreign exchange reserves
- government reserves
- hard currency reserves
- hidden reserves
- inflationary reserve
- inner reserves
- insurance reserve
- interest reserve
- international monetary reserves
- investment reserve
- labour reserves
- latent reserves
- legal reserve
- legal minimum reserve
- liability reserves
- liquid reserves
- liquidity reserves
- loan loss reserve
- loss reserve
- material reserves
- minimum reserve
- minimum cash reserve
- monetary reserve
- money reserve
- naked reserve
- negative foreign exchange reserves
- net reserve
- net borrowed reserves
- net free reserves
- net level premium reserve
- nonborrowed reserves
- official reserves
- oil reserves
- open reserves
- opening reserve
- operating reserve
- operating cash reserve
- pension reserve
- personnel reserve
- possible reserves
- potential mineral reserves
- premium reserve
- prescribed reserve
- primary reserves
- production reserves
- productive capacity reserve
- recoverable reserves
- redemption reserve
- renegotiation reserve
- replacement reserve
- required reserves
- revaluation reserve
- revenue reserves
- revolving reserve
- secondary reserves
- secret reserves
- sinking-fund reserve
- special reserve
- statutory reserve
- stock reserve
- strategic reserves
- surplus reserve
- tax reserve
- taxation reserve
- tax-free reserves
- time reserve
- undisclosed reserves
- undistributable reserves
- untapped reserves
- valuation reserve
- visible reserves
- voluntary reserves
- working reserve
- world's oil reserves
- reserve against demand deposits
- reserve against inventories
- reserve for amortization
- reserve for bad debts
- reserve for debt redemption
- reserve for deferred taxes
- reserve for depletion
- reserve for depreciation
- reserve for doubtful accounts
- reserve for doubtful debts
- reserves for export
- reserve for extensions
- reserve for interest
- reserve for loss in investments
- reserve for obsolescence
- reserve for outstanding claims
- reserve for overheads
- reserve for payment of future dividends
- reserve for probable losses
- reserve for taxes
- reserve on hand
- as a reserve
- under the usual reserve
- with reserve
- without reserve
- accumulate reserves
- borrow from reserves
- build up reserves
- command reserves
- create reserves
- draw on reserves
- hold in reserve
- get one's hands on oil reserves
- increase reserves
- keep in reserve
- maintain reserves
- maintain a legal reserve
- make reserves
- pledge reserves as collateral
- put aside as a reserve
- put in reserve
- put to reserve
- raid the reserves
- reduce reserves
- replenish the reserves
- set up reserves
- transfer to reserves2. v1) откладывать, запасать2) сохранять за собой (право)3) резервировать, бронировать, заказывать заранее4) оговариватьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > reserve
15 reserve
1.1) откладывать, запасать2) бронировать, резервировать, заказывать заранее2.1) запас, резерв2) фин. резервный фонд3) оговорка•
См. также в других словарях:
Aggregate income — is the combined income earned by an entire group of persons. Aggregate income in economics is a broad conceptual term. It may express the proceeds from total output in the economy for producers of that output. One such measure of it is National… … Wikipedia
Aggregate demand — This article is about a concept in macroeconomics. For microeconomic demand aggregated over consumers, see Demand curve. In macroeconomics, aggregate demand (AD) is the total demand for final goods and services in the economy (Y) at a given time… … Wikipedia
control accounts — Accounts in which the balances are designed to equal the aggregate of the balances on a substantial number of subsidiary accounts. Examples are the sales ledger control account (or total debtors account), in which the balance equals the aggregate … Accounting dictionary
control accounts — Accounts in which the balances are designed to equal the aggregate of the balances on a substantial number of subsidiary accounts. Examples are the sales ledger control account (or total debtors account), in which the balance equals the aggregate … Big dictionary of business and management
National accounts — Economics … Wikipedia
Lucas aggregate supply function — The Lucas aggregate supply function or Lucas surprise supply function, based on the Lucas imperfect information model, is a representation of aggregate supply based on the work of new classical economist Robert Lucas. The model states that… … Wikipedia
United Nations System of National Accounts — The United Nations System of National Accounts (often abbreviated as SNA or UNSNA ) is an international standard system of national accounts, first published in 1953. Handbooks with cumulated revisions were published in 1968 and 1993. The aim is… … Wikipedia
share premium accounts — Under the Companies Act 1985, if the amount paid to the company on subscription for the issue of shares is greater than their nominal value, the surplus is called share premium. The aggregate of the share premium is transferred in the company s… … Law dictionary
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 2008 — This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 2008. NOTOC 1 100* Insolvency Practitioners and Insolvency Services Account (Fees) (Amendment) Order 2008 S.I. 2008/3 * Information as to Provision of Education… … Wikipedia
Net capital rule — The uniform net capital rule is a rule created by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) in 1975 to regulate directly the ability of broker dealers to meet their financial obligations to customers and other creditors.[1] Broker… … Wikipedia
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium