1 age-life method
учет метод "возраст/срок службы"* (метод исчисления амортизации, при котором первоначальная стоимость актива умножается на отношение возраста данного актива к сроку его полезной службы; используется главным образом при оценке недвижимости)age-life method of depreciation — метод амортизации "возраст/срок службы"
See: -
2 age (life) method of depreciation
метод начисления амортизации по сроку службы ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > age (life) method of depreciation
3 age-life method of depreciation
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > age-life method of depreciation
4 age-life method of depreciation
метод начисления износа с учётом оставшегося срока службы (основного капитала)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > age-life method of depreciation
5 age-life method of depreciation
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > age-life method of depreciation
6 age-life method of depreciation
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > age-life method of depreciation
7 modified economic age-life method
учет модифицированный метод экономического возраста/срока службы* (метод оценки накопленной амортизации, при котором рассчитывается только величина накопленной неустранимой амортизации, для чего отношение между эффективным возрастом актива и сроком его полезной службы умножается на восстановительную стоимость актива за вычетом устранимого износа)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > modified economic age-life method
8 economic age-life method
учет метод исчисления экономического возраста-срока службы* (метод исчисления накопленной амортизации, при котором первоначальная стоимость актива умножается на отношение эффективного возраста актива к оценочному сроку полезной службы актива)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > economic age-life method
9 physical age-life method
учет метод "физический возраст-срок службы"* (метод исчисления накопленной амортизации, при котором первоначальная стоимость актива умножается на отношение фактического календарного возраста актива к его общему сроку физической службы; позволяет оценить только физический износ)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > physical age-life method
10 method
11 method
- abbreviated method
- accelerated method
- accounting method
- accretion method
- accrual method
- accrued benefit valuation method
- actual cost method
- actuarial method
- adequate method
- ad hoc method
- advanced method
- advertising method
- age-life method of depreciation
- amortization method
- approximation method
- assessment method
- automated processing method
- backtracking method
- balance method
- batch method of production
- bidding methods
- block booking method
- bookkeeping method
- branch-and-bound method
- by-product method of cost accounting
- calculation method
- capital-intensive method of production
- case study method
- cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting
- common methods of fraud
- completed contract method
- complete elimination method
- composition ratio method
- continual review method
- control method
- conventional method
- conventional production methods
- costing method
- cost-based methods
- cost depletion method
- cost-plus method
- cost-recovery method
- cost-saving method
- credit-scoring method
- critical path method
- declining-balance depreciation method
- depreciation method
- design methods
- direct method of depreciation
- direct method of standardization
- direct write-off method
- discounted cash flow method
- distributing method
- distribution method
- double-declining-balance depreciation method
- double description method
- double entry method
- economical method
- effective method
- efficient method
- estimating method
- evaluation method
- fabrication method
- fifo costing method
- first in, first out costing method
- forecasting method
- general method
- generalized method
- genetic engineering method
- graduation method
- graph method
- gross method
- gross profit method
- index method
- indexing method
- industrial method
- inspection method
- installment sale method
- inventory method
- inventory valuation method
- investment valuation method
- irregular method of write-off
- item-by-item method
- job method of cost accounting
- job order method of cost accounting
- joint product method of cost accounting
- kid-glove methods
- labour-hour method of depreciation
- lean production methods
- least-squares method
- lifo costing method
- last in, first out costing method
- loading method
- machine-hour method
- machine-hour rate depreciation method
- machining method
- mail questionnaire method
- major category method
- manual methods
- manufacturing method
- matching transactions method
- materials moving methods
- net method
- network method
- normal method
- numerical method
- one-factor-at-a-time method
- operating method
- output method of depreciation
- packaging method
- packing method
- patentable method
- patented method
- payback method
- periodic inventory method
- perpetual inventory method
- perturbation method
- physical volume method
- playback method
- point method
- prediction methods
- present value method
- pricing method
- prime cost method
- process method of cost accounting
- processing method
- production methods
- production method of depreciation
- production control method
- profit split method
- progressive methods
- quality control method
- quantitative method
- random observation method
- ranking method
- reducing balance method of depreciation
- reinterview method
- replacement method of depreciation
- resale price method
- retirement method of depreciation
- risk management method
- safe method
- sample method
- sampling method
- saturation method
- scheduling method
- scientific method
- searching method
- sequential method
- service output depreciation method
- short method
- simplex method
- sinking fund method of depreciation
- special method
- standard method
- statistical method
- stochastic approximation method
- straight line method
- straight-line method of depreciation
- straight line depreciation method
- straight-line flow method
- sum of the digits method of depreciation
- sum of the years' digits method of depreciation
- systematical method
- table method
- tally sheet method
- taxation method
- teaching methods
- team development method
- test method
- testing method
- total inventory method
- trial and error method
- turnover method
- unit method of depreciation
- unit of production method of depreciation
- unit of production depreciation method
- valuation method
- variational method
- working method
- working hours method of depreciation
- workshop method
- method of accounting
- method of amortization
- method of analysis
- method of assessment
- method of average
- method of calculation
- method of characteristics
- method of collaboration
- method of comparison
- methods of construction
- method of conveyance
- method of cooperation
- method of delivery
- method of depreciation
- method of designated routes
- method of display
- method of distribution
- methods of dodging taxes
- method of estimation
- method of evaluation
- method of exclusion
- method of feasible directions
- method of finance
- method of financing
- method of forwarding
- method of identification
- method of indirect export
- method of indirect import
- method of inspection
- method of leading averages
- method of leading variables
- method of levying duties
- methods of management
- method of manufacture
- method of operation
- method of ordering
- method of packaging
- method of packing
- method of payment
- method of planning
- method of production
- method of promotion
- method of quality determination
- methods of regulation
- method of reimbursement
- method of sales promotion
- method of sampling
- method of settlement
- method of shipment
- method of shipping
- method of smoothing
- method of solution
- method of stowage
- method of stowing
- method of successive approximation
- methods of trading
- methods of training
- method of transportation
- method of working
- cost or market whichever is lower method of inventory valuation
- adopt a method
- apply a method
- develop a method
- employ a method
- follow a method
- introduce a method
- practise a method
- realize a method
- repeal a method
- revise a method
- work out a methodEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > method
12 method
• -
13 depreciation method
учет метод (начисления) амортизацииSyn:See:reducing-balance depreciation, reducing-balance depreciation, double-declining balance depreciation, replacement cost depreciation, sinking fund depreciation, annuity method of depreciation, current cost depreciation, historic cost depreciation, linear depreciation, units-of-production method, depreciation accounting, accelerated depreciation, tax depreciation, straight-line depreciation, sum-of-the-years'-digits method, free depreciation, reducing-balance depreciation, group depreciation accounting, economic age-life method, age-life method, physical age-life method, breakdown method, appraisal method of depreciation, component depreciation, composite depreciation, units-of-production method, 150 percent declining balance depreciation* * * -
14 breakdown method
учет метод наблюдаемых условий* (метод исчисления накопленной амортизации, при котором оценщик рассчитывает накопленную амортизацию по отдельным элементам, обычно — определяет физический, функциональный и экономический износ и выделяет устранимый и неустранимый износ)Syn:See: -
15 introduce
1. III1) introduce smth. introduce a rule (a new method, a new fashion, a system, a useful technique, an improvement, etc.) вводить правило и т. д., introduce a new theory (an idea) предложить /выдвинуть/ новую теорию (идею); introduce a quotation (figures, facts, etc.) приводить /использовать/ цитату и т. д.; who introduced that law? кто предложил установить /ввести/ этот закон?; the announcer introduces each programme каждую программу объявляет диктор; relative pronouns introduce adjective clauses относительные местоимения вводят придаточные определительные2) introduce smth. introduce a problem (a subject of discussion, a question, an item, etc.) выносить /выдвигать, ставить/ на обсуждение проблему и т. д., introduce a bill вносить законопроект3) introduce smb. introduce strangers (two friends, one's brother, some countrymen of mine, etc.) представить друг другу незнакомых людей и т. д.; introduce oneself представиться, назвать себя; may I introduce Mr. Brown разрешите мне представить мистера Брауна2. IVintroduce smth. in some manner I'll introduce the subject briefly я кратко ознакомлю вас с темой /с вопросом/3. XI1) be introduced into smth. vaccination for smallpox was first introduced into the United States by Dr. William Yates прививки против оспы были впервые применены в США доктором Уильямом Йетсом; tobacco (this plant, this species, etc.) was first introduced into Europe from America табак и т. д. был завезен в Европу из Америки; porcelain manufacture was introduced into Japan from China about 1513 производство фарфора пришло в Японию из Китая приблизительно в тысяча пятьсот тринадцатом году; be introduced to smb., smth. since the dictionary was first introduced to the public с тех пор, как широкие круги читателей впервые познакомились с этим словарем; I was introduced to chess at an early age я начал играть в шахматы в раннем детстве; be introduced as smth. the word was originally introduced as a term of reproach первоначально это слово вошло в употребление как выражение упрека2) be introduced in /at/ smth. the bill will be introduced in /at/ the next session законопроект будет вынесен на обсуждение на следующей сессии3) be introduced to smb. I should like to be introduced to her мне бы хотелось, чтобы меня с ней познакомили; be introduced In smth. are you the gentleman introduced in this letter? это о вас пишут в этом письме?4. XXI11) introduce smth. in (to) smth. introduce a new method into porcelain manufacture (new ideas into business, something new in painting, etc.) вводить /внедрять/ новые методы в производство фарфора и т. д., introduce songs and dances into the programme (some music into a play, phonetics into the list of subjects to be studied, a story into the conversation, etc.) включать / вставлять, вводить/ в программу песни и танцы и т. д.; he introduced this subject into the conversation это он заговорил об этом /на эту тему/; introduce a note of humour into the conversation (a romantic situation into a novel, a touch of irony into the play, a touch of colour into a room, etc.) (привносить нотку юмора в разговор и т.д., introduce smth. with smth. introduce a speech with an amusing anecdote (a subject with a short preface, a concert with a short speech, etc.) предварять доклад забавным рассказом и т. д., introduce smb. into smth. introduce smb. into society (into the world, into one's family, etc.) вводить кого-л. в общество и т. д.2) introduce smth. (in)to (for) smth. introduce a bill into /before/ Parliament поставить /выдвинуть/ законопроект на обсуждение в парламенте; introduce a question for debate предложить вопрос /тему/ для дискуссии3) introduce smb. to smb. introduce them to all our friends (his two sisters to us, the stranger to his family, etc.) познакомить их со всеми нашими друзьями и т. д.; allow me to introduce my friend to you позвольте представить вам моего друга; introduce oneself to her parents представиться ее родителям; introduce the speaker to the meeting (the lecturer to the audience, the actor to the public, etc.) представить докладчика собранию и т. д.; introduce smb. to smth. introduce smb. to the process (to our customs, to skiing, to the city by showing the sights, to the intricacies of Euclid, to a strange mode of life, to Japanese poetry, etc.) (познакомить кого-л. с этим процессом и т. д.4) introduce smb. into smth. introduce smb. into a room (into a house, into a place, etc.) ввести /провести, привести/ кого-л. в комнату и т. д.; introduce smb. into his presence ввести /провести/ кого-л. к кому-л.; introduce smth. into smth. introduce a tube into a wound (a long tube into the sick man's throat, one's finger into a wound, etc.) вводить трубку в рану и т. д.; introduce a key into a lock вставлять ключ в замок5. XXIV1introduce smb. as smb. introduce her as his daughter (the young man as their new colleague, the woman as the new manager, etc.) представить ее как свою дочь и т. д. -
16 school
1. n школа, учебное заведениеjunior school — младшие классы, начальная школа
senior school — старшие классы, средняя школа
technical school — техническое училище, техникум
riding school — школа верховой езды, манеж
what school were you at? — где вы учились?; какую школу вы окончили?
2. n курсыdriving school — водительские курсы; школа подготовки водителей
home study school — заочная школа; курсы заочного обучения
3. n учение, обучение, образованиеfree school — бесплатная школа; бесплатное школьное обучение
mixed school — школа совместного обучения, смешанная школа
4. n выучка, опыт5. n занятия, урокиto cut school — прогуливать занятия, «сачковать»
6. n собир. учащиеся школы, школьникиgrammar school — средняя школа; старшие классы средней школы
consolidated school — объединённая школа; межрайонная школа
trade school — производственная школа; ремесленное училище
7. n класс, классная комната, школьная аудиторияbig school — школьный зал; актовый зал
8. n направление, школаLake school — «Озёрная школа», поэты «Озёрной школы»
a school of thought — философское направление, философская школа
9. n институт, колледж10. n академия11. n факультет университета, отделение12. n здание Оксфордского университета13. n средневековые университеты; преподавание или образование в таком университетеnationally known school — школа, которую знает вся страна
14. n средневековая схоластическая философия15. n экзамены16. n ист. когорта или рота императорской гвардии17. v обуздывать, дисциплинировать, сдерживать18. v приучать; тренировать; воспитывать19. v дрессировать20. v уст. посылать в школу; давать образование21. v уст. учиться в школе; получать образованиеschool leaver — ученик, бросивший школу
22. n косяк, стая23. n уст. толпа, сборище24. n уст. большое количество, масса25. v собираться косяком, плыть, идти косякомwe were going to build a new school but it got the axe from the government — мы собирались построить новую школу, но правительство не дало на неё денег
Синонимический ряд:1. academy (noun) academy; college; institute; lyceum; university2. denomination (noun) denomination; faction; order; party; persuasion3. educational institution (noun) boarding school; educational institution; elementary school; high school; junior high school; middle school; primary school; seminary4. style (noun) adherents; character; fashion; manner; method; style; system; tendency5. coach (verb) coach; discipline; educate; inform; instruct; teach; train
См. также в других словарях:
Age of Enlightenment — Age of Reason redirects here. For other uses, see Age of Reason (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Life extension — refers to an increase in maximum or average lifespan, especially in humans, by slowing down or reversing the processes of aging. Average lifespan is determined by vulnerability to accidents and age related afflictions such as cancer or… … Wikipedia
method — method, mode, manner, way, fashion, system are comparable when they denote the means taken or the plan or procedure followed in doing a kind of work or in achieving an end. Method may denote either an abstraction or a concrete procedure, but in… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Age class structure — in fisheries and wildlife management is a part of population assessment. Age can be determined by counting growth rings in fish scales, otoliths, cross sections of fin spines for species with thick spines such as triggerfish, or teeth for a few… … Wikipedia
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
life span — 1. the longest period over which the life of any organism or species may extend, according to the available biological knowledge concerning it. 2. the longevity of an individual. [1915 20] * * * Time between birth and death. It ranges from a… … Universalium
Age of the Earth — This article is about scientific estimates of the age of the Earth. For religious and other non scientific estimates, see Dating Creation. Earth as seen from Apollo 17 The age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%) … Wikipedia
Method Man — For the song, see Method Man (song). For the film, see Method Man (film). Method Man December 21, 2010 Background information Birth name … Wikipedia
Life expectancy — This article is about the measure of remaining life. For the Dean Koontz novel, see Life Expectancy (novel). For List of countries by life expectancy, see List of countries by life expectancy. Life expectancy is the expected (in the statistical… … Wikipedia
Life history — The term life history has been given many meanings in several scientific fields. It can refer to a variety of methods and techniques that are used for conducting qualitative interviews, especially in the fields of sociology and… … Wikipedia
Life table — 2003 US mortality table, Table 1, Page 1 In actuarial science, a life table (also called a mortality table or actuarial table) is a table which shows, for each age, what the probability is that a person of that age will die before his or her next … Wikipedia