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с исландского на английский


  • 1 after

    1. preposition
    1) (later in time or place than: After the car came a bus.) á eftir
    2) (following (often indicating repetition): one thing after another; night after night.) eftir
    3) (behind: Shut the door after you!) á eftir (sér)
    4) (in search or pursuit of: He ran after the bus.) á eftir
    5) (considering: After all I've done you'd think he'd thank me; It's sad to fail after all that work.) eftir
    6) ((American: in telling the time) past: It's a quarter after ten.) yfir
    2. adverb
    (later in time or place: They arrived soon after.) síðar, á eftir
    3. conjunction
    (later than the time when: After she died we moved house twice.) eftir (að)
    - afterthought
    - afterwards
    - after all
    - be after

    English-Icelandic dictionary > after

  • 2 after all

    1) ((used when giving a reason for doing something etc) taking everything into consideration: I won't invite him. After all, I don't really know him.) þegar öllu er á botninn hvolft
    2) (in spite of everything that has/had happened, been said etc: It turns out he went by plane after all.) þrátt fyrir allt

    English-Icelandic dictionary > after all

  • 3 after a fashion

    (in a way, but not very well: She can speak French after a fashion.) svona og svona, þokkalega

    English-Icelandic dictionary > after a fashion

  • 4 be after

    (to be looking for something: What are you after?; The police are after him.) leita eftir, reyna að ná í

    English-Icelandic dictionary > be after

  • 5 go after

    1) (to try to win: He's going after that prize.) sækjast eftir
    2) (to follow or chase: Go after him and apologize.) fara á eftir, elta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > go after

  • 6 sought after

    (wanted; asked for: This book is much sought after; a much sought-after book.) eftirsóttur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sought after

  • 7 ask after

    (to make inquiries about the health etc of: She asked after his father.) inna eftir, spyrja frétta af e-m

    English-Icelandic dictionary > ask after

  • 8 get after

    (to follow: If you want to catch him, you had better get after him at once.) elta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > get after

  • 9 look after

    (to attend to or take care of: to look after the children.) gæta, líta eftir

    English-Icelandic dictionary > look after

  • 10 morning-after pill

    noun (a contraceptive pill that a woman can take soon after having sex.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > morning-after pill

  • 11 name after

    (to give (a child or a thing) the name of (another person): Peter was named after his father.) skíra í höfuðið á

    English-Icelandic dictionary > name after

  • 12 run after

    (to chase: The dog ran after a cat.) elta

    English-Icelandic dictionary > run after

  • 13 take after

    (to be like (someone, especially a parent or relation) in appearance or character: She takes after her father.) líkjast

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take after

  • 14 by and by

    (after a short time: By and by, everyone went home.) skömmu seinna; brátt

    English-Icelandic dictionary > by and by

  • 15 subsequent to

    (after: The child became ill subsequent to receiving an injection against measles.) eftir að

    English-Icelandic dictionary > subsequent to

  • 16 chase

    [ eis] 1. verb
    1) (to run after; to pursue: He chased after them but did not catch them; We chased them by car.) elta
    2) ((with away, off etc) to cause to run away: I often have to chase the boys away from my fruit trees.) reka (í burtu)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of chasing: We caught him after a 120 kph chase.) eftirför
    2) (hunting (of animals): the pleasures of the chase.) dÿraveiðar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > chase

  • 17 follow

    ['foləu] 1. verb
    1) (to go or come after: I will follow (you).) fylgja, koma á eftir
    2) (to go along (a road, river etc): Follow this road.) fara eftir
    3) (to understand: Do you follow (my argument)?) fylgjast með, skilja
    4) (to act according to: I followed his advice.) hlÿða, fara að
    - following 2. adjective
    1) (coming after: the following day.) næstur, næstkomandi
    2) (about to be mentioned: You will need the following things.) eftirtalinn
    3. preposition
    (after; as a result of: Following his illness, his hair turned white.) í kjölfar
    4. pronoun
    (things about to be mentioned: You must bring the following - pen, pencil, paper and rubber.) eftirfarandi
    - follow up

    English-Icelandic dictionary > follow

  • 18 nurse

    [nə:s] 1. noun
    1) (a person who looks after sick or injured people in hospital: She wants to be a nurse.) hjúkrunarfræðingur
    2) (a person, usually a woman, who looks after small children: The children have gone out with their nurse.) fóstra
    2. verb
    1) (to look after sick or injured people, especially in a hospital: He was nursed back to health.) hjúkra, hlynna að
    2) (to give (a baby) milk from the breast.) hafa á brjósti
    3) (to hold with care: She was nursing a kitten.) halda gætilega á
    4) (to have or encourage (feelings eg of anger or hope) in oneself.) ala með sér
    - nursing
    - nursemaid
    - nurseryman
    - nursery rhyme
    - nursery school
    - nursing-home

    English-Icelandic dictionary > nurse

  • 19 resume

    (to begin again after stopping: After tea, the meeting resumed; We'll resume the meeting after tea.) halda áfram, taka upp

    English-Icelandic dictionary > resume

  • 20 which

    [wi ] 1. adjective, pronoun
    (used in questions etc when asking someone to point out, state etc one or more persons, things etc from a particular known group: Which (colour) do you like best?; Which route will you travel by?; At which station should I change trains?; Which of the two girls do you like better?; Tell me which books you would like; Let me know which train you'll be arriving on; I can't decide which to choose.) hver, hvor, hvaða
    2. relative pronoun
    ((used to refer to a thing or things mentioned previously to distinguish it or them from others: able to be replaced by that except after a preposition: able to be omitted except after a preposition or when the subject of a clause) (the) one(s) that: This is the book which/that was on the table; This is the book (which/that) you wanted; A scalpel is a type of knife which/that is used by surgeons; The chair (which/that) you are sitting on is broken; The documents for which they were searching have been recovered.) sem, er
    3. relative adjective, relative pronoun
    (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on something: My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well; He said he could speak Russian, which was untrue; My father may have to go into hospital, in which case he won't be going on holiday.) sem, er
    - which is which? - which is which

    English-Icelandic dictionary > which

См. также в других словарях:

  • After — Aft er, prep. 1. Behind in place; as, men in line one after another. Shut doors after you. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Below in rank; next to in order. Shak. [1913 Webster] Codrus after Ph?bus sings the best. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 3. Later in time;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • After — Aft er, prep. 1. Behind in place; as, men in line one after another. Shut doors after you. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Below in rank; next to in order. Shak. [1913 Webster] Codrus after Ph?bus sings the best. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 3. Later in time;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • After 7 — Origin Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Genres R B New Jack Swing Years active 1988 1997; 2006 present Label …   Wikipedia

  • After — Aft er ([.a]ft t[ e]r), a. [AS. [ae]fter after, behind; akin to Goth. aftaro, aftra, backwards, Icel. aptr, Sw. and Dan. efter, OHG. aftar behind, Dutch and LG. achter, Gr. apwte rw further off. The ending ter is an old comparative suffix, in E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • after — prep, adj, adv After, behind are synonymous adverbs, prepositions, and adjectives when they mean following upon, especially in place or in time. They are rarely interchangeable, however, without a loss of precision. With reference to place after… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • After FX — After Effects ist eine Compositing und Animationssoftware des Herstellers Adobe Systems. Mit ihr lassen sich Filmaufnahmen mit computergenerierten Bildern und Effekten zusammenfügen. Das Programm ist in seiner Oberfläche und den Features sehr an… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • After fx — After Effects ist eine Compositing und Animationssoftware des Herstellers Adobe Systems. Mit ihr lassen sich Filmaufnahmen mit computergenerierten Bildern und Effekten zusammenfügen. Das Programm ist in seiner Oberfläche und den Features sehr an… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • after — [af′tər, äf′tər] adv. [ME < OE æfter (akin to OHG aftar & MHG after) < of, off + ter, old compar. suffix] 1. behind in place 2. behind in time; later; next prep. 1. behind in place; in back of 2. a) behind in time; later than …   English World dictionary

  • After — Aft er, adv. Subsequently in time or place; behind; afterward; as, he follows after. [1913 Webster] It was about the space of three hours after. Acts. v. 7. [1913 Webster] Note: After is prefixed to many words, forming compounds, but retaining… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • After — indicates in common language a connection in time and/or location between 2 situations.It may also refer to: *After (novel), a book by Francine Prose * After... (visual novel) , a visual novel * After... (film) , a 2006 thriller film about urban… …   Wikipedia

  • After — steht für: Anus, die Austrittsöffnung des Darmes After (Bootstyp), alte Bezeichnung für Schleppkähne auf der Weser (19. Jh.) Siehe auch: After Hours, Afterhour, After Eight  Wiktionary: After – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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