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  • 1 kıç ambarı

    n. after hold

    Turkish-English dictionary > kıç ambarı

  • 2 tutmak

    "1. /ı/ to hold; to take hold of; to grip; to grab. 2. /ı/ to hold back; to restrain. 3. /ı/ to hunt: kuş tutmak to hunt birds. 4. /ı/ to nab; to arrest (someone). 5. /ı/ mil. to capture, occupy (a position). 6. /ı/ to grasp, understand (that something is happening). 7. /ı/ to reach, come to, arrive at (a place); to make it to (a place). 8. /ı/ to detain (someone); to hold (someone) up. 9. /ı/ to look after, watch over (someone). 10. /ı, da/ to keep (someone, something) in (a place); to maintain (something) (at a certain level). 11. /ı/ (for something) to take up (so much space). 12. /ı/ (for writing) to cover (a place). 13. /ı/ (for fog, etc.) to cover, envelop (a place). 14. /ı/ (for a sound) to fill (a place). 15. /ı/ to reserve (a place). 16. /ı/ (for snow) to stick to; (for ice) to form in: Sokaklar buz tuttu. The streets have gotten icy. 17. /ı/ (for cloth) to show (a stain, dust, etc.). 18. /ı/ to patrol; to mount guard over or guard (a place); to man. 19. /ı/ to back, support. 20. /ı/ to approve of, like. 21. (for something) to be accepted, win general approval. 22. /ı/ to keep (one´s promise, one´s word). 23. /ı/ (for one thing) to accord with, be consistent with, jibe with, agree with. 24. /ı/ to rent, Brit. hire. 25. /ı/ to hire, take on, employ. 26. /ı/ to take up, embark on (a job). 27. /ı/ to have (a steady job). 28. /ı/ (for a man) to be married to. 29. /ı/ (for something) to make (someone) feel sick at his stomach; to give (someone) a headache. 30. (for someone´s curse) to be realized, come true, come to pass. 31. /ı/ to be seized with (the hiccups, fit of coughing, etc.): O sırada onu öyle bir gülme krizi tuttu ki odadan çıkmak zorunda kaldı. At that point she got the giggles so bad that she had to leave the room. 32. (for a pain, cough, etc.) to begin again; (for a condition) to crop up again: Of, gene sancım tuttu. Ouf! My pain´s started up again. Remzi´nin inatçılığı tuttu. Remzi´s stubborn streak is showing again. Pakize´nin babaları tutmuş galiba. Pakize appears to be having a nervous seizure. 33. (for someone) to get (malaria): Dursun´u sıtma tutmuş. I hear Dursun´s got malaria. 34. /ı/ to do (something) (in a certain way): Bu işi hızlı tutalım. Let´s get this job done quickly./Let´s do this job quickly. 35. /ı/ to make (something) (in a certain way): Bu binayı mümkün olduğu kadar geniş tutmak istiyoruz. We want to make this building as wide as possible. 36. /ı/ (for something) to total, come to a total of, come to, amount to, add up to. 37. /ı/ (for a place) to be open to, be exposed to, be unprotected from (the wind). 38. /ı/ to keep (something) (in a certain state): Odanı temiz tut! Keep your room clean! Başını dik tut! Hold your head up straight! 39. /ı, a/ to throw (something) at; to fire (something) at; to shower (something) upon: Şehri topa tuttular. They mounted an artillery assault on the city. Gelini hediye yağmuruna tuttular. They showered the bride with gifts. 40. /ı, a/ to add (a sum) to (an amount owed). 41. /ı, a/ to hold (something) over, close to, near, or up to: O diayı ışığa tut. Hold that slide to the light. 42. /ı/ to gain (weight), put on (weight): Bu et tutmamış davarı satalım. Let´s sell these skinny cows. 43. /ı/ to use (a razor); to wear (a yashmak). 44. /ı/ (for milk) to form (cream): Süt kaymak tuttu. The milk´s creamed. 45. /ı/ (for an amount of time) to pass (while going from one place to another): İzmir´le Bodrum arası altı saat tutar. It takes six hours to drive from İzmir to Bodrum. 46. to take it into one´s head to, decide suddenly to, up and (do something): Şimdi de Ankara´ya gideceği tuttu. Now he´s taken it into his head to go to Ankara. Sonunda tuttu bütün malını mülkünü Şebnem´in üstüne yaptı. In the end he upped and made everything he owned over to Şebnem. Arada sırada tutar bizi balık yemeye götürür. Every once in a while he´ll up and take us out to eat fish. 47. /ı, a/ to serve, offer (a guest) (something to eat or drink): Şennur, kuzum, misafirimize şeker

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > tutmak

  • 3 kafa

    "1. head. 2. mind, mental attitude. 3. intelligence. 4. a large marble, shoooter. - ya almak slang 1. /ı/ to silence (a bothersome person). 2. to find the right person (to do a job). -sı almamak /ı/ 1. not to be able to understand. 2. to be too tired to understand. 3. not to be able to believe. -dan atmak to make up something and try to pass it off as the truth. - boşluğu cranial cavity, cavum cranii. -sı bozulmak colloq. to blow one´s top, get angry. -sı bulanmak to get confused. -yı bulmak slang to be pleasantly tipsy (from drink). -sı çalışmak to be on the ball. -yı çekmek colloq. to do some serious drinking, Brit. have a booze-up. -sından çıkarmak /ı/ to put (an idea) out of one´s head. -sına dank etmek/demek to dawn on one at last. - değiştirmek to change one´s mind; to change one´s way of thinking. - dengi 1. kindred spirit. 2. (someone) who is a kindred spirit, like-minded. -sının dikine gitmek to go one´s own way, do as one pleases. -sı dinç olmak to feel fresh and alert. -sı dönmek 1. to be confused and perplexed. 2. to feel dizzy. -sı dumanlı 1. tipsy, tight. 2. tired and confused. -sı durmak to be too tired to think. -dan gayri müsellah colloq. nutty, not quite right in the head. -sına girmek /ın/ 1. to make good sense, seem to be right (to). 2. to comprehend, understand. - göz yarmak to be awkward and unskillful. - işçisi white-collar worker. -sı işlemek to be on the ball. -sı izinli olmak slang for one´s mind to be elsewhere; to wool-gather. - kafaya vermek to put their heads together. - kalmamak /da/ to be so worn out one can´t think. -sı karışmak (for someone) to get confused. -sını kaşıyacak vakti olmamak to be too busy to think, not to have time to turn around. -sı kazan (gibi) olmak for one´s head to be ringing (from noise); to feel fuddled (after a lot of mental effort). -sını kızdırmak /ın/ to make (someone´s) blood boil. -sı kızmak to get angry. -dan kontak colloq. cracked, nutty, touched in the head. -sına koymak /ı/ to get hold of (some idea); to take it into one´s head (to do something). -sını kullanmak to use one´s head. -sını kurcalamak /ın/ to make (one) think. - patlatmak to do a lot of hard mental work. -dan sakat colloq. cracked, nutty, touched in the head. - sallamak to rubber-stamp everything, be a yes-man. -sına sığmamak not to be able to comprehend. -sında şimşek çakmak to get a sudden inspiration. - şişirmek (for noise, a complicated problem) to drive one crazy, make one unable to think straight. -sı şişmek for one´s head to be ringing (from noise); to feel fuddled (after a lot of mental effort). -sına takılıp kalmak to stick in one´s mind, not to leave one´s mind. -sı taşa çarpmak to learn something the hard way. -sını taştan taşa çarpmak/vurmak 1. to regret bitterly a lost opportunity. 2. to feel very remorseful. - tutmak /a/ to defy; to oppose challengingly. -yı tütsülemek slang to get tight, get tipsy. - ütülemek slang to talk someone to death, talk someone´s ear off. -sına vur, ekmeğini elinden al. colloq. He is so meek you can walk all over him. -sına vura vura by force. -sına vurmak (for drink) to go to one´s head. -sını vurmak /ın/ to behead. -yı (yere) vurmak 1. to hit the sack, hit the hay. 2. to take to one´s bed, get laid up (owing to illness). - vuruşu soccer header. - yağı slang sperm, semen. -sı yerinde olmamak to wool-gather; for one´s mind to be elsewhere. -sı yerine gelmek to come back to earth; to start thinking straight again. - yormak to ponder, think hard, rack one´s brains."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kafa

  • 4 çekmek

    v. pull, draw, magnetize, attract; pull over, pull away, suffer, go through, undergo, bear; shrink; tow, tow away; take after, carry, engross, hold, inhale, sip, abide, absorb, bear with, brook, captivate, catch, charm, drag, draw off, draw on
    çekmek (ağırlık)
    v. turn the scale at, scale in, go to scale at, scale out
    çekmek (bandıra)
    v. pull up
    çekmek (bayrak)
    v. hoist, run up
    çekmek (bıçak)
    v. whisk
    çekmek (dikkat)
    v. arrest
    çekmek (fiil)
    v. conjugate
    çekmek (kürek)
    v. toss
    çekmek (silah)
    v. up with
    çekmek (yayın)
    v. receive
    çekmek (zorlukla)
    v. claw
    çekmek (çorap vb.)
    v. stretch
    * * *

    Turkish-English dictionary > çekmek

  • 5 çekmemek

    v. (neg. form of çekmek) pull, draw, magnetize, attract; pull over, pull away, suffer, go through, undergo, bear; shrink; tow, tow away; take after, carry, engross, hold, inhale, sip, abide, absorb, bear with, brook, captivate, catch, charm, drag, draw off, draw on

    Turkish-English dictionary > çekmemek

  • 6 bakmak

    "to look (at); to look around; to look for; to attend to; to take care of, to hold the fort; to look after, to care for, to nurse; to face, to overlook; to examine, to test, to try, to go over, to check; to be in charge (of sb/sth), to be responsible for;"

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > bakmak

  • 7 göz kulak olmak

    to look after, to take care of, to watch over, to keep an eye on, to hold the fort

    İngilizce Sözlük Türkçe > göz kulak olmak

  • 8

    ",-çi 1. the interior, the inside, the inner part or surface. 2. see içinde. 3. insides, innards (internal organs of a person or animal). 4. (a person´s) true self, heart, soul: Merak etme, Safigül´ün içi temiz. Don´t worry, Safigül´s a good soul at heart. Eğer içinde varsa, bir yolunu bulup üniversiteyi bitirir. He´ll find a way to finish university, if he really wants to do so. 5. inner part (of a nut or seed), kernel; inner part (of a fruit), meat, flesh. 6. stuffing, filling (material used to stuff or fill something). 7. inner, inside; interior; internal. 8. domestic, internal (as opposed to foreign). 9. inland (as opposed to coastal). -ler acısı heartrending, heartbreaking. - açı interior angle. - açıcı gladdening, glad, cheering, heartening. -ini açmak 1. /a/ to pour out one´s troubles (to), unburden oneself (to). 2. /a/ to make one´s feelings clear to (someone who has annoyed or angered one). 3. /ın/ to cheer (someone) up, gladden (someone), gladden (someone´s) heart, lift (someone´s) spirits: Bu haber Nefise´nin içini açtı. This news gladdened Nefise´s heart. -ine alan including. -ine alma inclusion. -ine almak /ı/ to include, encompass; to hold, contain. -i almamak /ı/ 1. not to feel like eating (something). 2. to be reluctant to (do something). -ine ateş düşmek to suffer a grievous emotional blow. -ine atmak /ı/ 1. to keep (a worry, a problem) to oneself. 2. to store away in one´s memory (an insult which one has appeared to disregard). - bağlamak (for the kernel of a nut or seed) to become plump, fill its shell, hull, or husk. - bakla shelled broad beans. -ine baygınlıklar çökmek to feel like screaming (because one finds something extremely tiresome or exasperating). -i bayılmak 1. to feel faint (with hunger). 2. to feel full and thirsty (after eating too much rich food). -ini bayıltmak /ın/ 1. (for an over-sweet food) to make (one) feel sick. 2. to exasperate (someone) (by talking too much or dillydallying). -i beni yakar, dışı eli (yakar). colloq. Others only know his outward charm, whereas I know his inner nastiness. - bezelye shelled peas. -ini bir kurt yemek/kemirmek for a doubt to nag one. -ini boşaltmak 1. to blow one´s stack. 2. to pour out one´s troubles (to). -i bulanmak 1. to feel nauseated. 2. to get suspicious. - bulantısı nausea. -i burkulmak to feel a deep pang of sadness. - bükün ling. internal inflection. - cep tailor. inside pocket. -i cız etmek 1. suddenly to feel a tug at one´s heartstrings; suddenly to be touched to the quick. 2. suddenly to feel very sad, very dispirited, or very discouraged. - çamaşırı underwear. - çekmek 1. to sigh. 2. to sob. -i çekmek /ı/ to have a longing for, desire. -ine çekmek /ı/ to breathe in, inhale. -ini çekmek to sigh. -i çıfıt çarşısı evil-minded. -inden çıkılmaz impossible, (something) which seems insuperably difficult; insoluble, insolvable (problem): içinden çıkılmaz bir hal an impasse. -inden çıkmak /ın/ successfully to manage, carry out, or do (a difficult job); to solve (a difficult problem). -i dar impatient, restless (person). -i daralmak to be depressed, be distressed. -i dayanmamak /a/ 1. to be unable to stand by and do nothing. 2. for (one´s) conscience not to let one do (something). 3. not to be able to stand or bear (something) (because of jealousy). -ine dert olmak to be unhappy at having failed to accomplish (something). -i dışı bir unaffected, free of hypocrisy, genuine. -i dışına çıkmak 1. to vomit, throw up. 2. to have been so bounced about and jolted that one feels nauseated. -inden doğmak see -inden gelmek. -ine doğmak /ın/ intuitively to feel that, have a feeling that (something is going to happen): Böyle bir şey olacağı içime doğmuştu. I´d had a feeling something like this would happen. -ine dokunmak /ın/ to sadden; to pain. - donu underpants. -ini dökmek /a/ to pour out one´s troubles (to), unburden oneself (to). - dünya (a person´s) inner world, inner self. -i erimek to be greatly worried

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük >

  • 9 öfke

    "anger; rage, wrath. -yle angrily. - baldan tatlıdır. proverb After you´ve blown your stack and gotten rid of your anger, you feel quite good. -si burnunda foaming with anger/rage. -si kabarmak to become very angry, flare up. -yle kalkan ziyanla/zararla oturur. proverb One often repents of that which one does in a fit of anger. -den köpürmek to foam with anger/rage. -si topuklarına çıkmak /ın/ to become very angry, see red. -sini yenmek to control one´s anger, get hold of oneself."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > öfke

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