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  • 1 rub down

    (to dry (a horse) after exercise by rubbing.) σκουπίζω (άλογο) τρίβοντας

    English-Greek dictionary > rub down

  • 2 drill

    [dril] 1. verb
    1) (to make (a hole) with a drill: He drilled holes in the wood; to drill for oil.) ανοίγω τρύπα (με τρυπάνι)
    2) ((of soldiers etc) to exercise or be exercised: The soldiers drilled every morning.) γυμνάζω,-ομαι
    2. noun
    1) (a tool for making holes: a hand-drill; an electric drill.) τρυπάνι
    2) (exercise or practice, especially of soldiers: We do half-an-hour of drill after tea.) εκγύμναση,γυμνάσια,ασκήσεις ακριβείας

    English-Greek dictionary > drill

  • 3 sweat

    [swet] 1. noun
    (the moisture given out through the skin: He was dripping with sweat after running so far in the heat.) ιδρώτας
    2. verb
    1) (to give out sweat: Vigorous exercise makes you sweat.) ιδρώνω
    2) (to work hard: I was sweating (away) at my work from morning till night.) ιδρώνω, κοπιάζω
    - sweaty
    - sweatiness
    - a cold sweat

    English-Greek dictionary > sweat

См. также в других словарях:

  • Exercise induced nausea — is a feeling of sickness or vomiting which can occur shortly after exercise has stopped as well as during exercise itself. It may be a symptom of either over exertion during exercise, or from too abruptly ending an exercise session. People… …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise urticaria — Exercise urticaria, sometimes mistaken as exercise allergy, itchy legs, itchy legs syndrome or itchy pants syndrome, is a form of urticaria that happens during exercise. It is characterized by itching, swelling or hives on the legs, arms, torso… …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise intolerance — is a condition where the patient is unable to do physical exercise at the level or for the duration that would be expected of someone in his or her general physical condition, or experiences unusually severe post exercise pain, fatigue, or other… …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise intensity — refers to how much work is being done when exercising. The intensity has an effect on what fuel the body uses and what kind of adaptations the body makes after exercise (i.e., the training effect).Fuel usedThe body uses different amounts of fuels …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise-induced anaphylaxis — (EIA) is a syndrome in which the symptoms of anaphylaxis occur related to exercise. In some incidents, individuals experienced anaphylaxis only after combination exposure to a triggering agent and increased physical activity shortly after the… …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise Grand Slam — Part of Cold War (1947–1953) Mediterranean Sea Type …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise Zapad — (zapad is Russian for west) were large scale military exercises carried out in the Soviet Union in 1981 and 1999. Zapad 81 Exercise Zapad 81 ( West 81 ) was the largest military exercise ever to be carried out by the Soviet Union, according to… …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise Deep Sabre — is a multi national maritime interdiction exercise conducted in August 2005 in South China Sea. Launched at the Changi Naval Base in Singapore, the exercise is part of the Proliferation Security Initiative. It involved some 2,000 personnel from… …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage — (EIPH) also known as bleeding or a bleeding attack has been known to occur in horses that engage in short periods of strenuous exercise. These horses usually include Thoroughbred and American Quarter Horse racehorses (incidence of 50 75%) and… …   Wikipedia

  • Exercise Cambrian Patrol — is an annual patrolling competition that takes place throughout the Cambrian Mountains of mid Wales. An internationally recognized military exercise, previous participants have included numerous European states, in addition to Commonwealth… …   Wikipedia

  • exercise — exercisable, adj. /ek seuhr suyz /, n., v., exercised, exercising. n. 1. bodily or mental exertion, esp. for the sake of training or improvement of health: Walking is good exercise. 2. something done or performed as a means of practice or… …   Universalium

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