1 affordable cost
2 cost
1. цена; стоимость; себестоимость2. показатель качества < управления>cost per flight-hourcost per seatcost per tonne-milecost per unitaffordable costaircraft-mile costairplane-mile costsassembly costscapital cost per tonne payloadconstruction costdirect operating costsdownstream costsflyaway costflying cost per hourfront end costsfront-loaded costsinitial spares costlaunching costslife cycle costmaintenance costsmanufacturing costoperating costsoperation costspiston-engined costsprocurement costproduction start-up costprogram unit costquadratic control costRDT&E costregulation costresearch and development costsretrofit costseat-mile coststructural costsupport costssystem costtooling coststraining costsup front costs -
3 low-cost housing
низкозатратное жилищное строительство
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
low-cost housing
Residences built at minimal expense and designed to keep the rental rate or price of purchase affordable for persons with limited means, usually determined by an annual income level set below the local median. (Source: NAH)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > low-cost housing
4 alternative technology
альтернативная технология
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
alternative technology
Technology that, as an alternative to resource-intensive and wasteful industry, aims to utilize resources sparingly, with minimum damage to the environment, at affordable cost and with a possible degree of control over the processes. (Source: GUNN)
- technologie "propre"
альтернативное техническое решение
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > alternative technology
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Automated commercial environment2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Compound Entity, area control error, automatic crossconnection equipment3) Биология: adrenal cortical extract4) Авиация: Airborne Command Element (AWACS/ABCCC)5) Медицина: (i) angiotensin-converting enzyme (inhibitor) (ингибитор ангиотензинпревращающего фермента), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ангиотензинпревращающий фермент), External Carotid Artery6) Спорт: Adventure Camaraderie Entertainment, Annual Catch Entitlement, Athlete Career And Education7) Военный термин: ASAS( All- Source Analysis System) Collateral Enclave, Advance Communications Element, Aerobatic Competency Evaluator, Airborne Command Element, Airborne Communications Electronics, Analysis and Control Element, Armored Combat Earth-mover, Armored Combat Excavator, Army Certificate of Education, Army Combat Earth-mover, Army Corps of Engineers, Army combat engineers, Assistant Chief of Engineers, Assistant Corps of Engineers, Aviation Career Education, Aviation Combat Element, Aviation Council Emeritus, advanced compilation equipment, advanced controlled experiments, advanced cost effective, air combat engagement, aircraft capability estimator, aircraft condition evaluation, airspace control element, ambush communications equipment, armored combat earthmover, armored combat engineer, artillery control experiment, assessment of combat effectiveness, atmospheric control experimentation, automatic clutter elimination, automatic computing equipment, automatic control equipment, Airspace Coordination Element (сокр.) (подразделение по координации использования воздушного пространства)8) Техника: Advanced computer environment, Association of Computer Experts, accelerated, acceleration, advanced capability explorer, advanced computing element, altitude control electronics, analytic computer equipment, anesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether, attitude control electronics, automatic circuit exchange9) Сельское хозяйство: anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether10) Химия: Acetate11) Строительство: Approved Capital Expenditure12) Религия: Alliance For Catholic Education13) Юридический термин: Action Community Empowerment, Advanced Court Engineering14) Бухгалтерия: A Checking Experience, Accumulated Cash Equivalence, Adjusted Current Earnings15) Архитектура: (Association of Consulting Engineers) ассоциация инженеров-консультантов (Великобритании)16) Испанский язык: Аргентинская академия экономических наук (сокр. от Academia de Ciencias Económicas = Argentine Academy of Economics)17) Политика: Alliance for Credible Elections (обычно оставляют английскую аббревиатуру при перевода - даже на официальном сайте организации)18) Сокращение: Achinese, Actuator Control Electronics, Advanced Computing Environment (2003 IT upgrade including Microsoft Outlook email), Advanced Computing Environments, After Christian Era, Agile Control Experiment, Air Combat Element (USAF), Air Combat Element, Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation, All Composite Evaluator, Allied Command Europe (NATO), Allied Command, Europe, Altimeter Control Equipment, American Council on Education, Analogue Code Encryption unit, Analysis & Control Element, Armored Combat Earthmover (USA), Arrow Continuation Experiment (Israel), Assistant Chief Engineer, Automatic Calibration and Equalization, Automatic Compilation Equipment, Automatic Computing Engine, Avion de Combat Europeen, Adaptive Communication Environment, angiotension-converting enzyme, American Cinema Editors («Американские редакторы — монтажёры кинофильмов » (почётное общество)), Association of Cost Engineers (Ассоциация инженеров по экономической эффективности (Великобритания)), automatic computing engine (автоматическая счётная машина), automated cable expertise (автоматическое диагностирование кабельных линий), Advanced Compatibility Engineering (автомоб.), Adverse Channel Enhancements, Adaptive Color and Contrast Enhancement19) Университет: Academic And Career Excellence, Academic Center For Excellence, Academic Character Excellence, Academic Community For Enrichment, Academic Competition Of Excellence, Academic Core Enrichment, Accelerated College Enrollment, Achievement Centred Environment, Achieving A College Education, Association Of Collegiate Entrepreneurs20) Физиология: Antegrade Continence Enema21) Электроника: Advanced Combination Encoder, Automatic Control Environment, aging compensating effect ( сокр.) (компенсирующее действие старения 2. компенсация старения), advanced customized ECL (сокр.) (усовершенствованная специализированная логическая схема с эмиттерными связями)22) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Collaborative Filtering, Advanced Computing Environment, Associated Computer Experts, Asynchronous Communication Element, advanced computational element, asynchronous communications element, аппаратура управления доступом, записи контроля доступа (Access Control Entries), Access Control Entry (AD), ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, DOMAIN), Advanced Computing Environments (Corporate name), Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller), Advanced Composition Explorer (Space), Autonomous Computer Engine (WD), запись (точка входа в список) управления доступом, access control entry, шифрование управления доступом23) Иммунология: Arthritis Control Electrostimulator24) Связь: Auxiliary Control Element25) Космонавтика: Advanced Composition Explorer, автоматическое оборудование проверки26) Транспорт: Active Cornering Enhancement, Air Cleaning Engine, Airport Capacity Enhancement27) Воздухоплавание: Airspace Coordination Element, Automatic Clutter Eliminator28) Фирменный знак: Air Canada Enterprises, Alice Calhoun Enterprises, American Coal Enterprizes, American Computer Estimating, Austin Chess Enterprises, Austria Cards Emv29) Экология: Antarctic current experiment30) Энергетика: ошибка в пределах данной области регулирования31) СМИ: American Cinema Editors, American Classic Edition, Assistant Community Editor, Awards For Cablecasting Excellence32) Деловая лексика: Accepting The Challenge Of Excellence, Access Competition And Etiquette, Access To Career Enrichment, Achieving Customer Excellence33) Производство: Achieving Competitive Excellence, достижение конкурентного совершенства (система непрерывного совершенствования производства, принятая ам. компанией Pratt & Whitney)34) Менеджмент: actual control estimate35) Образование: Academically Committed Environment, Academics Citizenship And Effort, Accelerated Cooperative Education, Achievement Credentials And Evaluation, Achieving And Choosing Excellence, Adult And Community Education, Advanced Continuous Education, Affordable Community Education, Aids Counseling And Education, Aids Counseling Education, Appreciation Certification And Education, Assistance Counseling And Encouragement, Attend Class Everyday, Aviation Career Exploration, Aviation Careers Education36) Сетевые технологии: Access Collaboration Equity, Address Correction And Encoding, access control encryption, access control equipment37) Полимеры: acceptance checkout equipment, automatic checkout equipment38) Программирование: Ascii Compatible Encoding39) Контроль качества: acceptance check-out equipment40) Океанография: Aerosol Characterization Experiment, Atmospheric Collection Equipment41) Химическое оружие: acetylcholinesterase42) Авиационная медицина: accident cause elimination43) Безопасность: Advanced Combination Encoders44) Расширение файла: Access Control Encryption/Entry, Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom), Advanced Computing Environment (SCO)45) МИД: Allied Command Europe NATO46) Электротехника: automatic control engineering47) Космический летательный аппарат: advanced capability explorer( сокр.) (исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками)48) Майкрософт: элемент управления доступом49) Должность: Adobe Certified Expert, Amx Certified Expert, Associate Career Enhancement, Available Consultants And Executives50) Чат: A Cool Experience51) НАСА: Apollo Checkout Equipment52) Программное обеспечение: The Adobe Color Engine -
6 Ace
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Automated commercial environment2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Compound Entity, area control error, automatic crossconnection equipment3) Биология: adrenal cortical extract4) Авиация: Airborne Command Element (AWACS/ABCCC)5) Медицина: (i) angiotensin-converting enzyme (inhibitor) (ингибитор ангиотензинпревращающего фермента), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ангиотензинпревращающий фермент), External Carotid Artery6) Спорт: Adventure Camaraderie Entertainment, Annual Catch Entitlement, Athlete Career And Education7) Военный термин: ASAS( All- Source Analysis System) Collateral Enclave, Advance Communications Element, Aerobatic Competency Evaluator, Airborne Command Element, Airborne Communications Electronics, Analysis and Control Element, Armored Combat Earth-mover, Armored Combat Excavator, Army Certificate of Education, Army Combat Earth-mover, Army Corps of Engineers, Army combat engineers, Assistant Chief of Engineers, Assistant Corps of Engineers, Aviation Career Education, Aviation Combat Element, Aviation Council Emeritus, advanced compilation equipment, advanced controlled experiments, advanced cost effective, air combat engagement, aircraft capability estimator, aircraft condition evaluation, airspace control element, ambush communications equipment, armored combat earthmover, armored combat engineer, artillery control experiment, assessment of combat effectiveness, atmospheric control experimentation, automatic clutter elimination, automatic computing equipment, automatic control equipment, Airspace Coordination Element (сокр.) (подразделение по координации использования воздушного пространства)8) Техника: Advanced computer environment, Association of Computer Experts, accelerated, acceleration, advanced capability explorer, advanced computing element, altitude control electronics, analytic computer equipment, anesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether, attitude control electronics, automatic circuit exchange9) Сельское хозяйство: anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether10) Химия: Acetate11) Строительство: Approved Capital Expenditure12) Религия: Alliance For Catholic Education13) Юридический термин: Action Community Empowerment, Advanced Court Engineering14) Бухгалтерия: A Checking Experience, Accumulated Cash Equivalence, Adjusted Current Earnings15) Архитектура: (Association of Consulting Engineers) ассоциация инженеров-консультантов (Великобритании)16) Испанский язык: Аргентинская академия экономических наук (сокр. от Academia de Ciencias Económicas = Argentine Academy of Economics)17) Политика: Alliance for Credible Elections (обычно оставляют английскую аббревиатуру при перевода - даже на официальном сайте организации)18) Сокращение: Achinese, Actuator Control Electronics, Advanced Computing Environment (2003 IT upgrade including Microsoft Outlook email), Advanced Computing Environments, After Christian Era, Agile Control Experiment, Air Combat Element (USAF), Air Combat Element, Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation, All Composite Evaluator, Allied Command Europe (NATO), Allied Command, Europe, Altimeter Control Equipment, American Council on Education, Analogue Code Encryption unit, Analysis & Control Element, Armored Combat Earthmover (USA), Arrow Continuation Experiment (Israel), Assistant Chief Engineer, Automatic Calibration and Equalization, Automatic Compilation Equipment, Automatic Computing Engine, Avion de Combat Europeen, Adaptive Communication Environment, angiotension-converting enzyme, American Cinema Editors («Американские редакторы — монтажёры кинофильмов » (почётное общество)), Association of Cost Engineers (Ассоциация инженеров по экономической эффективности (Великобритания)), automatic computing engine (автоматическая счётная машина), automated cable expertise (автоматическое диагностирование кабельных линий), Advanced Compatibility Engineering (автомоб.), Adverse Channel Enhancements, Adaptive Color and Contrast Enhancement19) Университет: Academic And Career Excellence, Academic Center For Excellence, Academic Character Excellence, Academic Community For Enrichment, Academic Competition Of Excellence, Academic Core Enrichment, Accelerated College Enrollment, Achievement Centred Environment, Achieving A College Education, Association Of Collegiate Entrepreneurs20) Физиология: Antegrade Continence Enema21) Электроника: Advanced Combination Encoder, Automatic Control Environment, aging compensating effect ( сокр.) (компенсирующее действие старения 2. компенсация старения), advanced customized ECL (сокр.) (усовершенствованная специализированная логическая схема с эмиттерными связями)22) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Collaborative Filtering, Advanced Computing Environment, Associated Computer Experts, Asynchronous Communication Element, advanced computational element, asynchronous communications element, аппаратура управления доступом, записи контроля доступа (Access Control Entries), Access Control Entry (AD), ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, DOMAIN), Advanced Computing Environments (Corporate name), Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller), Advanced Composition Explorer (Space), Autonomous Computer Engine (WD), запись (точка входа в список) управления доступом, access control entry, шифрование управления доступом23) Иммунология: Arthritis Control Electrostimulator24) Связь: Auxiliary Control Element25) Космонавтика: Advanced Composition Explorer, автоматическое оборудование проверки26) Транспорт: Active Cornering Enhancement, Air Cleaning Engine, Airport Capacity Enhancement27) Воздухоплавание: Airspace Coordination Element, Automatic Clutter Eliminator28) Фирменный знак: Air Canada Enterprises, Alice Calhoun Enterprises, American Coal Enterprizes, American Computer Estimating, Austin Chess Enterprises, Austria Cards Emv29) Экология: Antarctic current experiment30) Энергетика: ошибка в пределах данной области регулирования31) СМИ: American Cinema Editors, American Classic Edition, Assistant Community Editor, Awards For Cablecasting Excellence32) Деловая лексика: Accepting The Challenge Of Excellence, Access Competition And Etiquette, Access To Career Enrichment, Achieving Customer Excellence33) Производство: Achieving Competitive Excellence, достижение конкурентного совершенства (система непрерывного совершенствования производства, принятая ам. компанией Pratt & Whitney)34) Менеджмент: actual control estimate35) Образование: Academically Committed Environment, Academics Citizenship And Effort, Accelerated Cooperative Education, Achievement Credentials And Evaluation, Achieving And Choosing Excellence, Adult And Community Education, Advanced Continuous Education, Affordable Community Education, Aids Counseling And Education, Aids Counseling Education, Appreciation Certification And Education, Assistance Counseling And Encouragement, Attend Class Everyday, Aviation Career Exploration, Aviation Careers Education36) Сетевые технологии: Access Collaboration Equity, Address Correction And Encoding, access control encryption, access control equipment37) Полимеры: acceptance checkout equipment, automatic checkout equipment38) Программирование: Ascii Compatible Encoding39) Контроль качества: acceptance check-out equipment40) Океанография: Aerosol Characterization Experiment, Atmospheric Collection Equipment41) Химическое оружие: acetylcholinesterase42) Авиационная медицина: accident cause elimination43) Безопасность: Advanced Combination Encoders44) Расширение файла: Access Control Encryption/Entry, Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom), Advanced Computing Environment (SCO)45) МИД: Allied Command Europe NATO46) Электротехника: automatic control engineering47) Космический летательный аппарат: advanced capability explorer( сокр.) (исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками)48) Майкрософт: элемент управления доступом49) Должность: Adobe Certified Expert, Amx Certified Expert, Associate Career Enhancement, Available Consultants And Executives50) Чат: A Cool Experience51) НАСА: Apollo Checkout Equipment52) Программное обеспечение: The Adobe Color Engine -
7 ace
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, Automated commercial environment2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Compound Entity, area control error, automatic crossconnection equipment3) Биология: adrenal cortical extract4) Авиация: Airborne Command Element (AWACS/ABCCC)5) Медицина: (i) angiotensin-converting enzyme (inhibitor) (ингибитор ангиотензинпревращающего фермента), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ангиотензинпревращающий фермент), External Carotid Artery6) Спорт: Adventure Camaraderie Entertainment, Annual Catch Entitlement, Athlete Career And Education7) Военный термин: ASAS( All- Source Analysis System) Collateral Enclave, Advance Communications Element, Aerobatic Competency Evaluator, Airborne Command Element, Airborne Communications Electronics, Analysis and Control Element, Armored Combat Earth-mover, Armored Combat Excavator, Army Certificate of Education, Army Combat Earth-mover, Army Corps of Engineers, Army combat engineers, Assistant Chief of Engineers, Assistant Corps of Engineers, Aviation Career Education, Aviation Combat Element, Aviation Council Emeritus, advanced compilation equipment, advanced controlled experiments, advanced cost effective, air combat engagement, aircraft capability estimator, aircraft condition evaluation, airspace control element, ambush communications equipment, armored combat earthmover, armored combat engineer, artillery control experiment, assessment of combat effectiveness, atmospheric control experimentation, automatic clutter elimination, automatic computing equipment, automatic control equipment, Airspace Coordination Element (сокр.) (подразделение по координации использования воздушного пространства)8) Техника: Advanced computer environment, Association of Computer Experts, accelerated, acceleration, advanced capability explorer, advanced computing element, altitude control electronics, analytic computer equipment, anesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether, attitude control electronics, automatic circuit exchange9) Сельское хозяйство: anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether10) Химия: Acetate11) Строительство: Approved Capital Expenditure12) Религия: Alliance For Catholic Education13) Юридический термин: Action Community Empowerment, Advanced Court Engineering14) Бухгалтерия: A Checking Experience, Accumulated Cash Equivalence, Adjusted Current Earnings15) Архитектура: (Association of Consulting Engineers) ассоциация инженеров-консультантов (Великобритании)16) Испанский язык: Аргентинская академия экономических наук (сокр. от Academia de Ciencias Económicas = Argentine Academy of Economics)17) Политика: Alliance for Credible Elections (обычно оставляют английскую аббревиатуру при перевода - даже на официальном сайте организации)18) Сокращение: Achinese, Actuator Control Electronics, Advanced Computing Environment (2003 IT upgrade including Microsoft Outlook email), Advanced Computing Environments, After Christian Era, Agile Control Experiment, Air Combat Element (USAF), Air Combat Element, Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation, All Composite Evaluator, Allied Command Europe (NATO), Allied Command, Europe, Altimeter Control Equipment, American Council on Education, Analogue Code Encryption unit, Analysis & Control Element, Armored Combat Earthmover (USA), Arrow Continuation Experiment (Israel), Assistant Chief Engineer, Automatic Calibration and Equalization, Automatic Compilation Equipment, Automatic Computing Engine, Avion de Combat Europeen, Adaptive Communication Environment, angiotension-converting enzyme, American Cinema Editors («Американские редакторы — монтажёры кинофильмов » (почётное общество)), Association of Cost Engineers (Ассоциация инженеров по экономической эффективности (Великобритания)), automatic computing engine (автоматическая счётная машина), automated cable expertise (автоматическое диагностирование кабельных линий), Advanced Compatibility Engineering (автомоб.), Adverse Channel Enhancements, Adaptive Color and Contrast Enhancement19) Университет: Academic And Career Excellence, Academic Center For Excellence, Academic Character Excellence, Academic Community For Enrichment, Academic Competition Of Excellence, Academic Core Enrichment, Accelerated College Enrollment, Achievement Centred Environment, Achieving A College Education, Association Of Collegiate Entrepreneurs20) Физиология: Antegrade Continence Enema21) Электроника: Advanced Combination Encoder, Automatic Control Environment, aging compensating effect ( сокр.) (компенсирующее действие старения 2. компенсация старения), advanced customized ECL (сокр.) (усовершенствованная специализированная логическая схема с эмиттерными связями)22) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Collaborative Filtering, Advanced Computing Environment, Associated Computer Experts, Asynchronous Communication Element, advanced computational element, asynchronous communications element, аппаратура управления доступом, записи контроля доступа (Access Control Entries), Access Control Entry (AD), ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, DOMAIN), Advanced Computing Environments (Corporate name), Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller), Advanced Composition Explorer (Space), Autonomous Computer Engine (WD), запись (точка входа в список) управления доступом, access control entry, шифрование управления доступом23) Иммунология: Arthritis Control Electrostimulator24) Связь: Auxiliary Control Element25) Космонавтика: Advanced Composition Explorer, автоматическое оборудование проверки26) Транспорт: Active Cornering Enhancement, Air Cleaning Engine, Airport Capacity Enhancement27) Воздухоплавание: Airspace Coordination Element, Automatic Clutter Eliminator28) Фирменный знак: Air Canada Enterprises, Alice Calhoun Enterprises, American Coal Enterprizes, American Computer Estimating, Austin Chess Enterprises, Austria Cards Emv29) Экология: Antarctic current experiment30) Энергетика: ошибка в пределах данной области регулирования31) СМИ: American Cinema Editors, American Classic Edition, Assistant Community Editor, Awards For Cablecasting Excellence32) Деловая лексика: Accepting The Challenge Of Excellence, Access Competition And Etiquette, Access To Career Enrichment, Achieving Customer Excellence33) Производство: Achieving Competitive Excellence, достижение конкурентного совершенства (система непрерывного совершенствования производства, принятая ам. компанией Pratt & Whitney)34) Менеджмент: actual control estimate35) Образование: Academically Committed Environment, Academics Citizenship And Effort, Accelerated Cooperative Education, Achievement Credentials And Evaluation, Achieving And Choosing Excellence, Adult And Community Education, Advanced Continuous Education, Affordable Community Education, Aids Counseling And Education, Aids Counseling Education, Appreciation Certification And Education, Assistance Counseling And Encouragement, Attend Class Everyday, Aviation Career Exploration, Aviation Careers Education36) Сетевые технологии: Access Collaboration Equity, Address Correction And Encoding, access control encryption, access control equipment37) Полимеры: acceptance checkout equipment, automatic checkout equipment38) Программирование: Ascii Compatible Encoding39) Контроль качества: acceptance check-out equipment40) Океанография: Aerosol Characterization Experiment, Atmospheric Collection Equipment41) Химическое оружие: acetylcholinesterase42) Авиационная медицина: accident cause elimination43) Безопасность: Advanced Combination Encoders44) Расширение файла: Access Control Encryption/Entry, Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom), Advanced Computing Environment (SCO)45) МИД: Allied Command Europe NATO46) Электротехника: automatic control engineering47) Космический летательный аппарат: advanced capability explorer( сокр.) (исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками)48) Майкрософт: элемент управления доступом49) Должность: Adobe Certified Expert, Amx Certified Expert, Associate Career Enhancement, Available Consultants And Executives50) Чат: A Cool Experience51) НАСА: Apollo Checkout Equipment52) Программное обеспечение: The Adobe Color Engine -
8 budgeting
сущ.фин., упр. бюджетирование ( процесс составления бюджета и контроля за его исполнением)Decision makers can use budgeting for strategic planning, implementation, and control. — Лица, принимающие решения, могут использовать бюджетирование для стратегического планирования, реализации планов и контроля за их исполнением.
The most critical estimate made during budgeting involves the amount of loans outstanding and cash in the bank that is projected to be held throughout the year, and the relative rate each of those balances will earn. — Наиболее важные оценки, производимые в ходе бюджетирования, касаются величины непогашенных займов и остатка средств на банковских счетах, которые планируется поддерживать в течение всего года, а также соответствующая ставка, по которой на каждый из этих остатков будут начисляться проценты.
See:activity-based budgeting, affordable method, bottom-up budgeting, budget planning, budget process, budget programming, budgeting fund, budgeting process, capital budgeting, competitive-parity method, continuous budgeting, cost budgeting, government budgeting, incremental budgeting, financial planning, objective-and-task method, planning-programming-budgeting system, programme budgeting, Resource Accounting and Budgeting, resource budgeting, top-down budgeting, zero-based budgeting, decision package
* * *
составление бюджета, составление сметы доходов и расходов.* * ** * *разработка бюджета; бюджетный процесс; выставление бюджета; подготовка сметы; составление бюджета; составление сметы. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
9 popular
1. n массовая газета или массовый журнал2. n эстрадный концерт3. a народныйpopular vote — прямые выборы, голосование на прямых выборах
4. a доходчивый, понятный, популярный5. a общедоступный6. a популярный, пользующийся известностью, популярностью7. a распространённый8. a массовыйСинонимический ряд:1. approved (adj.) approved; favored; well-liked2. celebrated (adj.) celebrated; famous; renowned3. cheap (adj.) affordable; cheap; inexpensive; low; low-cost; low-priced; medium-priced; reasonable; uncostly; undear4. democratic (adj.) democratic; self-governing; self-ruling5. favorite (adj.) favorite; liked; promoted; received; recommend; sought; standard6. favoured (adj.) favoured; favourite; preferred7. prevailing (adj.) current; prevailing; rampant; regnant; rife; ruling; widespread8. prevalent (adj.) accepted; adopted; common; embraced; faddish; fashionable; prevalent9. public (adj.) general; plebeian; public; societal; vulgar10. well-known (adj.) famed; leading; noted; notorious; prominent; well-knownАнтонимический ряд:esoteric; exclusive; odious; old-fashioned; rare; recondite; unaccepted; uncommon; unconventional; unknown; unusual
См. также в других словарях:
Affordable housing — is a term used to describe dwelling units whose total housing costs are deemed to a group of people within a specified income range. Although the term is often applied to rental housing that is within the financial means of those in the lower… … Wikipedia
Affordable Health Care for America Act — Full title An act to provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes. Citations … Wikipedia
Cost–utility analysis — (CUA) is a form of financial analysis used to guide procurement decisions. The most common and well known application of this analysis is in pharmacoeconomics, especially health technology assessment (HTA). Contents 1 CUA in health economics 1.1… … Wikipedia
Affordable Weapon System — The Affordable Weapon System is a US Navy program to design and produce a low cost off the shelf cruise missile launchable from a self contained unit mounted in a standard shipping container.pecifications* Length: (w/o booster): 3.32 m (10 ft 11… … Wikipedia
Cost Control — The practice of managing and/or reducing business expenses. Cost controls starts by the businesses identifying what their costs are and evaluate whether those costs are reasonable and affordable. Then, if necessary, they can look for ways to cut… … Investment dictionary
affordable — cheap Used of household equipment and of small and often skimpy houses built for the poor: The associations took over from the councils as the main providers of social housing in 1988, with the intention of providing affordable… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
affordable — adjective that you have the financial means for low cost housing • Syn: ↑low cost, ↑low priced • Similar to: ↑cheap, ↑inexpensive • Derivationally related forms: ↑afford … Useful english dictionary
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — Full title The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Acronym PPACA Colloquial name(s) Affordable Care Act, Healthcare Insurance Reform, Obamacare, Healthcare Reform Enacted by the … Wikipedia
low-cost — adjective that you have the financial means for (Freq. 2) low cost housing • Syn: ↑low priced, ↑affordable • Similar to: ↑cheap, ↑inexpensive • Derivatio … Useful english dictionary
Home Affordable Modification Program — The Home Affordable Modification Program, also known as HAMP, is a federal program of the United States, set up to help eligible home owners with loan modifications on their home mortgage debt. It is being set up in the context of the ongoing… … Wikipedia
Make Textbooks Affordable — The Make Textbooks Affordable campaign is a project of the Student PIRGs to reduce the high cost of college textbooks. The campaign, which launched in 2003, is best known for its research on textbook affordability[1] and its advocacy for open… … Wikipedia