1 aesthetic pollution
2 aesthetic pollution
3 aesthetic pollution
4 pollution
- aesthetic pollution - air pollution - auto pollution - automotive pollution - bacterial pollution of water - chemical pollution - construction pollution - dangerous pollution - dredging pollution - heat pollution - heavy metals pollution - industrial pollution - lead pollution - mechanical pollution - metal pollution - noise pollution - sewage pollution - stream pollution - visual pollution - water pollution* * *(нетоксичное) загрязнение - air pollution
- airborne pollution
- environment pollution
- heat pollution
- thermal pollution
- urban pollution
- water pollution -
5 system
1) система; сеть; комплекс2) установка, устройство3) план; расположение4) система; порядок; классификация•- system of catalogs - system of catalogues - system of forces - system of ground points - system of road signs - system of scaffolds - acoustic signalling system - active residential solar heating system - aeration system - air-brake system - air-comfort system - air-conditioning system - air-curtain system - air-foam system - airline system - airline vacuum system - air-pressure water system - all-outside air-conditioning system - arch system - arch-and-pier system - audible alarm system - Automated Data Management System in Building - ADMSB - automatic fire alarm system - balanced system of ventilation - bar system - basic system - beam system - blower system - British absolute system of units - building system - building central air conditioning system - building solar optical system - bypass pipe system - cable system - cantilever tieback system - cathodic protection system of pipelines - central fan electric heating system - central hot water supply system - check-board system - circulating water system - closed system - closed heat supply system - closed pipeline system - collecting system - colour spraying systems - combined extract-and-input system - combined sewerage system - community complete system in containers or skids - composite cable roof system - compressed-air system - computer-aided system - consolidated power system - control system of survey - cooling system - cooling pipe system - coordinate system - curing system - decimal system - designation system - discrete system - discrete-continual system - distributing system - district heating system - double-pipe system - double-pipeline system - double-pipe riser system - downward system of ventilation - drainage system - drencher system - drop system - dry pipe sprinkler system - dry return system - duct system - earthling system - ejector system - elastic system - electric heating system - embedded panel system - emergency power supply system - energy recovery system - engineer's system of units - filling system of navigation lock - filtration system - fire-alarm sounding system - fire-fighting system - fire-sprinkling system - fire warning system - fixing systems - flange system - flooding system - floor system - floor system of bridge - floor heating system - flow-through system - flue gas cleaning system - fluid power system - forced circulation system - four-axis system - framed system - gas heating system - glaze systems - gravity system - gravity water supply system - grid system - hazard system - heating system - heat pump system - heat supply system - high pressure air-conditioning system - high velocity air-conditioning system - hinged system - hoisting system - hot air system - hot blast system - hot water supply system - inflation system - instantaneously variable system - integral deck system - integrated dispatching system - invariable system - ion-exchange system - irrigation system - land system - large public water system - lateral system - left-handed system - lighting system - local air-conditioning system - lock-filling system - long-line system - low pressure air-conditioning system - low velocity air-conditioning system - low voltage system - main system - management system - measuring system - mechanical systems of a house - medium-size public water system - membrane system - metric system - modular coordinating space system - monitoring system - multistage gas supply system - network system - observing system - once-through system - one-layer cable system - one-pipe heating system - one-pipe loop system - open system - open heat supply system - open return system - overhead system of heating - overhead heating system - panel air system - panel cooling system - pipeline system - piping system - plane system - plumbing system - pollution control system - population settlement group system - post-tensioned system - potabilization system - power system - power-reservoir system - pressurized water treatment system - pre-tensioned system - primary system - public transport system - public water system - public waterworks system - quality control system - quarternary system - railroad system - recirculated heating system - recirculation duct air conditioning system - recool system - rectangular system of street layout - reliability coefficients system - remote control system - reusing water supply system - rigid cable roof system - ring heating system - roll-cap system - round duct system - safety valve of a hydraulic system - saprobity system - separate sewerage system - septic system - sewerage system - single duct air-conditioning system - single-stage system - single-track automatic block system - slab-stringer system - smoke-detector system - solar aquatic system - solar cooling system - solar heating system - solar thermal power system - space system - split system - sprinkler system - statically determinate system - statically indeterminate system - steel plate system - structural system - supply air system - suspension system - thermal reheat system - three-dimensional system - three-way system of reinforcement - thrust system - total energy system - two-dimensional system - two-duct air-conditioning system - two-layer cable roof system - two-pipe water heating system - underfloor heating system - underground cable system - unified modular coordination system - universal sewerage system - upfeed water heating system - up-lighting system - utility system - utility detection system - vacuum system - vandalproof system - variable air volume system - ventilation system - warning system - waste treatment system - waste water system - water system - water measuring systems - water purification system - water quality system - water quality indicator system - water supply system - water supply by zones system - water treatment systems - wind bracing system - zone system* * *1. система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство2. способ, метод- system of forcessystem in equilibrium — равновесная система, система в состоянии равновесия
- system of masses
- system of scaffolds
- ABC system
- AC system
- acoustical ceiling system
- active solar energy system
- aesthetic value system
- air classification system
- air cycle refrigerating system
- airfield soil classification system
- air pollution control system
- air-to-air system
- air-to-water system
- air transport system
- alarm system
- all-air system
- all outside air system
- all-water coil system
- all water fan coil system
- approach lighting system
- arterial system
- Atterberg soil classification system
- audio alarm system
- automated casting system
- automatic fire alarm system
- automatic fire protection system
- automatic flushing system
- balanced system
- balanced system of streets
- balanced ventilation system
- bar system
- beam structural system
- bell alarm system
- Benoto piling system
- bivalent heat pump system
- bleed-in system
- blow and exhaust system
- blow through air-conditioning system
- blow through fan system
- bootstrap system
- box system
- bridge deck structured system
- British soil classification system
- building system
- building automation system
- building-drainage system
- building gravity drainage system
- building management system
- built-in dust suppression system
- burglar alarm system
- cable system
- central air heating system
- central fan system
- centralized hot-water supply system
- central plant air conditioning system
- changeover system
- circulating system
- circulation water supply system
- circulation water system
- closed system
- closed heat-supply system
- closed-loop heat pump system
- closed-type steam heating system
- coding system
- cogeneration system
- cold supply system
- collapsing-ring bridge rail system
- combined drainage system
- combined sewage system
- complanar system of structural members
- complanar force system
- complete-mix activated sludge system
- composite frame system
- compression system
- concrete suspended flooring system
- constant volume system
- continuous conveying system
- continuous suspension system
- control system
- cooling system
- coordinate system
- cost-efficient floor system
- crossbar approach lighting system
- cross blow ventilation system
- curtain walling system
- custom forming system
- decentralized air conditioning system
- decentralized sewerage system
- deluge sprinkler system
- desiccant cooling system
- designation system
- design-built system
- diffusion-absorption system
- digital indicating system
- direct system
- direct air heating system
- direct cooling system
- direct expansion system
- direct hot water system
- direct hot-water supply system
- direct return system
- direct through air-conditioning system
- distribution system
- domestic hot water system
- domestic sewerage system
- "Dot" recording system
- double-pipe system
- double stack system
- down-feed system
- drainage system
- draw-in system
- draw-through fan system
- draw-through system
- drencher system
- drop system
- dry-pipe sprinkler system
- dual conduit system
- duct system
- ductless split air conditioning system
- dust collecting system
- dust extract system
- early warning system
- economical floor system
- ejector refrigerating system
- elastic mechanical system
- elastic system
- electric heating system
- electric reheat system
- energy management system
- environmental system
- exhaust system
- extract system
- FAA soil classification system
- fan coil system
- Federal aviation administration soil classification system
- fire alarm system
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire protection system
- flat plate-pipe column floor system
- floor structural system
- floor system
- flow-through system
- F-number system
- force system
- forming-and-reinforcing system
- Forton system
- four pipe system
- gantry crane system
- gas heating system
- gravity system
- gravity-flow heating system
- gravity sewerage system
- gravity steam heating system
- gravity water-supply system
- grid coordinate system
- gridiron distribution system
- grounding system
- groundwater control system
- group water supply system
- gyratory system
- heat distribution system
- heating system
- heat-of-light system
- heat pump system
- heat recovery system
- heat supply system
- heat-traced system
- high-intensity lighting system
- high temperature hot-water heating system
- high velocity system
- hold-over system
- holonomic system
- hot-air system
- hot water system
- hot-water circulation system
- hush piling system
- hybrid system
- hydraulic control system
- hydrophilic system
- hydrophobic system
- indirect expansion system
- indirect hot-water supply system
- indirect refrigeration system
- individual sewage-disposal system
- induction air conditioning system
- induction system
- industrialized building systems
- inflation system
- instrument landing system
- integral deck system
- integrated distribution floor system
- inverter driven VRV system
- Jackson system
- land system
- large panel system
- lighting system
- line system
- liquid overfeed system
- local sewerage system
- low-pressure system
- low pressure hot water system
- low velocity system
- main system
- maintenance management system
- mass transit system
- materials-handling system
- mechanical system
- mechanical refrigerating system
- mechanical supply system
- medium pressure hot water system
- medium temperature hot water system
- microbore heating system
- modular system
- modular air conditioning system
- modular compression sealing system
- modular decking system
- modular precast building system
- multiple-degree system
- multiple web system
- multiple well system
- multistage gas-supply system
- multizone system
- municipal piping system
- nail-free formwork system
- non-changeover system
- octopus duct system
- oil fired heating system
- once-through water-supply system
- one-degree system
- one-duct air-conditioning system
- one-pipe system
- one-pipe loop system
- one-way system
- open system
- open expansion tank system
- open-loop control system
- open return system
- open steam heating system
- operation system
- overhead heating system
- overhead runway system
- packaged cogeneration system
- panel air-conditioning system
- panel air system
- panel-lock system
- partially-separate system
- piping system
- plane system of forces
- plane grid system
- plenum system
- plumbing system
- pneumatic conveying system
- post-tensioning system
- preaction sprinkler system
- prefabricated pipe conduit system
- pressurization system
- pressurized heating system
- pressurized hot water system
- primary-secondary system
- principal system
- public system
- public waterwork system
- push-through fan system
- push-through system
- quality system
- rail mounted track laying system
- raised floor system
- rapid transport system
- recool system
- recycling system
- recycling water system
- redundant bridge system
- refrigerating system
- regenerative air cycle system
- regional settlement system
- reheat system
- return system
- return air system
- reverse return system
- reverse return upfeed system
- rising heating system
- road system
- roofing system
- run-around system
- safety system
- scraper system
- sealed heating system
- security system
- self-climbing form system
- separate sewerage system
- separate system
- series loop system
- sewage system
- shunt system
- single-degree-of-freedom system
- single-degree system
- single duct air conditioning system
- single-pipe heating system
- single-pipe heat-supply system
- single-stack plumbing system
- single-storey heating system
- single web system
- single-zone air-conditioning system
- slab-stringer system
- small bore heating system
- smoke control system
- smoke extract ventilation system
- soil system
- soil absorption system
- solar heating system
- solid fuel heating system
- split system
- sprinkler system
- state plane coordinate system
- statically determinate system
- statically indeterminate system
- stationary system of loads
- steam heating system
- steel plate system
- storm sewer system
- structural system
- structural monitoring system
- sub-atmospheric heating system
- subbuilding drainage system
- subsurface drainage system
- subsurface sewage disposal system
- supply air system
- supporting formwork system
- suspension structural system
- swing joint system
- taxiway system
- telpher system
- terminal reheat system
- thermal storage heating system
- thermosiphon system
- three-pipe system
- three-pipe air-conditioning system
- three-pipe heat supply system
- total energy system
- track laying system
- trench shoring system
- trussed system
- truss-supported deck system
- tube cleaning system
- two-degree-of-freedom system
- two-degree system
- two-pipe system
- two value system of proportional balancing
- two value system
- two-way system
- underfloor conduit system
- unvented system
- up-feed heating system
- utility detection system
- vacuum heating system
- vacuum return system
- vacuum waste disposal system
- variable air volume system
- variable refrigerant volume system
- variable volume system
- variable water volume system
- VAV system
- vented system
- ventilation system
- VRV system
- VWV system
- warning system
- water-air heating system
- water booster system
- water-supply system
- water-to-air system
- water-to-water system
- wellpoint system
- wet return system
- wind framing system
- wire cable control system
- wiring system
- zoned system
- zone reheat system -
6 system
- system
- n1. система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство
2. способ, метод
system in equilibrium — равновесная система, система в состоянии равновесия
- system of forces
- system of masses
- system of scaffolds
- ABC system
- AC system
- acoustical ceiling system
- active solar energy system
- aesthetic value system
- air classification system
- air cycle refrigerating system
- airfield soil classification system
- air pollution control system
- air-to-air system
- air-to-water system
- air transport system
- alarm system
- all-air system
- all outside air system
- all-water coil system
- all water fan coil system
- approach lighting system
- arterial system
- Atterberg soil classification system
- audio alarm system
- automated casting system
- automatic fire alarm system
- automatic fire protection system
- automatic flushing system
- balanced system
- balanced system of streets
- balanced ventilation system
- bar system
- beam structural system
- bell alarm system
- Benoto piling system
- bivalent heat pump system
- bleed-in system
- blow and exhaust system
- blow through air-conditioning system
- blow through fan system
- bootstrap system
- box system
- bridge deck structured system
- British soil classification system
- building system
- building automation system
- building-drainage system
- building gravity drainage system
- building management system
- built-in dust suppression system
- burglar alarm system
- cable system
- central air heating system
- central fan system
- centralized hot-water supply system
- central plant air conditioning system
- changeover system
- circulating system
- circulation water supply system
- circulation water system
- closed system
- closed heat-supply system
- closed-loop heat pump system
- closed-type steam heating system
- coding system
- cogeneration system
- cold supply system
- collapsing-ring bridge rail system
- combined drainage system
- combined sewage system
- complanar system of structural members
- complanar force system
- complete-mix activated sludge system
- composite frame system
- compression system
- concrete suspended flooring system
- constant volume system
- continuous conveying system
- continuous suspension system
- control system
- cooling system
- coordinate system
- cost-efficient floor system
- crossbar approach lighting system
- cross blow ventilation system
- curtain walling system
- custom forming system
- decentralized air conditioning system
- decentralized sewerage system
- deluge sprinkler system
- desiccant cooling system
- designation system
- design-built system
- diffusion-absorption system
- digital indicating system
- direct system
- direct air heating system
- direct cooling system
- direct expansion system
- direct hot water system
- direct hot-water supply system
- direct return system
- direct through air-conditioning system
- distribution system
- domestic hot water system
- domestic sewerage system
- "Dot" recording system
- double-pipe system
- double stack system
- down-feed system
- drainage system
- draw-in system
- draw-through fan system
- draw-through system
- drencher system
- drop system
- dry-pipe sprinkler system
- dual conduit system
- duct system
- ductless split air conditioning system
- dust collecting system
- dust extract system
- early warning system
- economical floor system
- ejector refrigerating system
- elastic mechanical system
- elastic system
- electric heating system
- electric reheat system
- energy management system
- environmental system
- exhaust system
- extract system
- FAA soil classification system
- fan coil system
- Federal aviation administration soil classification system
- fire alarm system
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire protection system
- flat plate-pipe column floor system
- floor structural system
- floor system
- flow-through system
- F-number system
- force system
- forming-and-reinforcing system
- Forton system
- four pipe system
- gantry crane system
- gas heating system
- gravity system
- gravity-flow heating system
- gravity sewerage system
- gravity steam heating system
- gravity water-supply system
- grid coordinate system
- gridiron distribution system
- grounding system
- groundwater control system
- group water supply system
- gyratory system
- heat distribution system
- heating system
- heat-of-light system
- heat pump system
- heat recovery system
- heat supply system
- heat-traced system
- high-intensity lighting system
- high temperature hot-water heating system
- high velocity system
- hold-over system
- holonomic system
- hot-air system
- hot water system
- hot-water circulation system
- hush piling system
- hybrid system
- hydraulic control system
- hydrophilic system
- hydrophobic system
- indirect expansion system
- indirect hot-water supply system
- indirect refrigeration system
- individual sewage-disposal system
- induction air conditioning system
- induction system
- industrialized building systems
- inflation system
- instrument landing system
- integral deck system
- integrated distribution floor system
- inverter driven VRV system
- Jackson system
- land system
- large panel system
- lighting system
- line system
- liquid overfeed system
- local sewerage system
- low-pressure system
- low pressure hot water system
- low velocity system
- main system
- maintenance management system
- mass transit system
- materials-handling system
- mechanical system
- mechanical refrigerating system
- mechanical supply system
- medium pressure hot water system
- medium temperature hot water system
- microbore heating system
- modular system
- modular air conditioning system
- modular compression sealing system
- modular decking system
- modular precast building system
- multiple-degree system
- multiple web system
- multiple well system
- multistage gas-supply system
- multizone system
- municipal piping system
- nail-free formwork system
- non-changeover system
- octopus duct system
- oil fired heating system
- once-through water-supply system
- one-degree system
- one-duct air-conditioning system
- one-pipe system
- one-pipe loop system
- one-way system
- open system
- open expansion tank system
- open-loop control system
- open return system
- open steam heating system
- operation system
- overhead heating system
- overhead runway system
- packaged cogeneration system
- panel air-conditioning system
- panel air system
- panel-lock system
- partially-separate system
- piping system
- plane system of forces
- plane grid system
- plenum system
- plumbing system
- pneumatic conveying system
- post-tensioning system
- preaction sprinkler system
- prefabricated pipe conduit system
- pressurization system
- pressurized heating system
- pressurized hot water system
- primary-secondary system
- principal system
- public system
- public waterwork system
- push-through fan system
- push-through system
- quality system
- rail mounted track laying system
- raised floor system
- rapid transport system
- recool system
- recycling system
- recycling water system
- redundant bridge system
- refrigerating system
- regenerative air cycle system
- regional settlement system
- reheat system
- return system
- return air system
- reverse return system
- reverse return upfeed system
- rising heating system
- road system
- roofing system
- run-around system
- safety system
- scraper system
- sealed heating system
- security system
- self-climbing form system
- separate sewerage system
- separate system
- series loop system
- sewage system
- shunt system
- single-degree-of-freedom system
- single-degree system
- single duct air conditioning system
- single-pipe heating system
- single-pipe heat-supply system
- single-stack plumbing system
- single-storey heating system
- single web system
- single-zone air-conditioning system
- slab-stringer system
- small bore heating system
- smoke control system
- smoke extract ventilation system
- soil system
- soil absorption system
- solar heating system
- solid fuel heating system
- split system
- sprinkler system
- state plane coordinate system
- statically determinate system
- statically indeterminate system
- stationary system of loads
- steam heating system
- steel plate system
- storm sewer system
- structural system
- structural monitoring system
- sub-atmospheric heating system
- subbuilding drainage system
- subsurface drainage system
- subsurface sewage disposal system
- supply air system
- supporting formwork system
- suspension structural system
- swing joint system
- taxiway system
- telpher system
- terminal reheat system
- thermal storage heating system
- thermosiphon system
- three-pipe system
- three-pipe air-conditioning system
- three-pipe heat supply system
- total energy system
- track laying system
- trench shoring system
- trussed system
- truss-supported deck system
- tube cleaning system
- two-degree-of-freedom system
- two-degree system
- two-pipe system
- two value system of proportional balancing
- two value system
- two-way system
- underfloor conduit system
- unvented system
- up-feed heating system
- utility detection system
- vacuum heating system
- vacuum return system
- vacuum waste disposal system
- variable air volume system
- variable refrigerant volume system
- variable volume system
- variable water volume system
- VAV system
- vented system
- ventilation system
- VRV system
- VWV system
- warning system
- water-air heating system
- water booster system
- water-supply system
- water-to-air system
- water-to-water system
- wellpoint system
- wet return system
- wind framing system
- wire cable control system
- wiring system
- zoned system
- zone reheat system
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
7 damage
1) повреждение; разрушение2) дефект3) ком. ущерб, убыток4) мн. ч.; ком. возмещение ущерба5) повреждать, разрушать; наносить ущерб•to claim damages — ком. взыскивать убытки
- accidental damage - actual damage - aesthetic damage - agreed-and-liquidated damage - assembly damage - cable damage - collision damage of a panel - concealed damage - corrosive damage - corrosive-fatigue damage - critical damage of a structure - early damage - earthquake damage - ecological damage - electrical damage - electronic unit damage - environmental damage - equipment damage - erosive damage - external damage of a building - external damage of concrete surface - fastener damage - fire damage - flood damage - fractional damage - frost structure damage - general damages - in-plant damage - internal damage of the structure - leaking-causing oil pump damage - liquidated damage - machine damage - maintenance damage - mechanical damage - noise fatigue damage - nominal and contemptuous damages - overheat damage - overrun damage - physical damage - pipeline damage - pollution damage - prospective damages - seismic damage of bridges - shock damage - specific damages - statutory damages - storing damage - structural damage - structural fatigue damage - structure buckling damage - superficial damage - surface damage - transport damage - vibration damage to concrete - visible damageto recover damages — ком. получать компенсацию ( за убытки)
* * *разрушение; повреждение- actual damage
- corrosion damage
- earthquake damage
- fatigue damage
- fire damage to concrete
- freeze-thaw damage
- freezing damage
- frost damage
- impact damage
- seismic damage to buildings
- steel corrosion damage of concrete
- structural damage -
8 habitat destruction
разрушение природной среды
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
habitat destruction
Destruction of wildlife habitats by increasing pressure for land by fast-growing human populations, pollution and over-exploitation. Whole species or populations of plants and animals have disappeared causing a loss of genetic resource that is not only regrettable from an aesthetic or philosophical point of view but also threatens man's food supply. Habitat loss takes several forms: outright loss of areas used by wild species; degradation, for example, from vegetation removal and erosion, which deprive native species of food, shelter, and breeding areas; and fragmentation, when native species are squeezed onto small patches of undisturbed land surrounded by areas cleared for agriculture and other purposes. (Source: WPR / WRES)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > habitat destruction
См. также в других словарях:
Visual pollution — is the term given to unattractive or unnatural (human made) visual elements of a vista, a landscape, or any other thing that a person might not want to look at. Visual pollution is an aesthetic issue, referring to the impacts of pollution that… … Wikipedia
Summers memo — The Summers memo was an excerpt of a 1991 memo signed by Lawrence Summers (though actually written by an aide, Lant Pritchett) who was, at the time, Chief Economist of the World Bank.In this excerpt, the memo advanced an economic argument for the … Wikipedia
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
art conservation and restoration — Maintenance and preservation of works of art, their protection from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have deteriorated or been damaged. Research in art history has relied heavily on 20th and… … Universalium
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,… … Universalium
Japan — /jeuh pan /, n. 1. a constitutional monarchy on a chain of islands off the E coast of Asia: main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. 125,716,637; 141,529 sq. mi. (366,560 sq. km). Cap.: Tokyo. Japanese, Nihon, Nippon. 2. Sea of, the… … Universalium
Biodiversity — Some of the biodiversity of a coral reef … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… … Universalium