Перевод: с английского на русский

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См. также в других словарях:

  • aeroemphysema — noun A form of emphysema that results from rapid decompression Syn: decompression sickness …   Wiktionary

  • aeroemphysema — aero·em·phy·se·ma .ar ō .em(p) fə zē mə, .er , sē n AEROEMBOLISM (2) …   Medical dictionary

  • the bends — noun A sometimes fatal condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues, because of too rapid decompression, seen especially in deep sea divers ascending rapidly from a dive. It is characterized by severe pains… …   Wiktionary

  • decompression sickness — noun A sometimes fatal condition resulting from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in the blood and tissues, because of too rapid decompression, seen especially in deep sea divers ascending rapidly from a dive. It is characterized by severe pains… …   Wiktionary

  • aeroembolism — aero·em·bo·lism em bə .liz əm n 1) a gaseous embolism 2) decompression sickness caused by rapid ascent to high altitudes and resulting exposure to rapidly lowered air pressure called also aeroemphysema, air bends * * * aero·em·bo·lism… …   Medical dictionary

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