1 aerodynamic missile
1) Военный термин: КР, крылатая ракета2) Космонавтика: аэродинамическая ракета, самолёт-снаряд -
2 aerodynamic missile
3 aerodynamic missile
4 aerodynamic missile
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > aerodynamic missile
5 aerodynamic missile
крылатая ( аэродинамическая) ракетаEnglish-russian astronautics dictionary > aerodynamic missile
6 forward-launched aerodynamic missile
FLAM, forward-launched aerodynamic missileEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > forward-launched aerodynamic missile
7 air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
Военный термин: крылатая ракета класса "воздух-земля"Универсальный англо-русский словарь > air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
8 forward-launched aerodynamic missile
Военный термин: запускаемая вперёд по курсу КРУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > forward-launched aerodynamic missile
9 air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
крылатая ракета класса "воздух-земля"English-Russian military dictionary > air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
10 air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
крылатая ракета класса "воздух-земля"English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
11 boost-glide aerodynamic missile
English-russian astronautics dictionary > boost-glide aerodynamic missile
12 boost-sustained aerodynamic missile
English-russian astronautics dictionary > boost-sustained aerodynamic missile
13 missile
управляемая ракета, УР; летящий осколок [обломок]; обстреливать ракетами; применять ракеты ( по цели) ; см. тж. rocketantiarmor(ed fighting vehicle) missile — противотанковая ракета, ПТУР
dual-capability (surface-to-air /surface-to-surface) missile — ракета наземного РК для поражения воздушных и наземных целей
forward area (air) defense missile — ракета войскового ЗРК; ракета комплекса ПВО передового района
HEAT-mine (scattering) multiple warhead AT missile — ПТУР с КБЧ, разбрасывающей ПТ кумулятивные мины
look-down, shoot-down missile — ракета, управляемая системой обеспечения, обнаружения и поражения целей в нижней полусфере (на фоне земли)
passive-radar homing warhead.air-toair missile — ракета воздушного боя с пассивной РЛ ГСН
— air interceptor missile— air-to-ground guided missile— antiair warfare missile— anti-antiaircraft missile— artillery ballistic missile— AT guided missile— battlefield support missile— chemical warhead missile— command guidance missile— counter-air-to-surface missile missile— counterballislic missile missile— counterradar homing missile— counterradiation homing missile— fast-reaction type missile— fire-and-forget guidance missile— fixed based missile— fixed land-based missile— free-flight missile— infantry-launched missile— mobile-based missile— multiple warheaded missile— nuclear warheaded missile— nuclear-armed missile— nuclear-fueled missile— penetration aid missile— radar-seeking standoff missile— rolling airframe missile— turbojet-propelled missile* * *• ракета• ракетный -
14 aerodynamic range
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > aerodynamic range
15 aerodynamic canard configuration surface-to-air missile
Военный термин: ЗУР с аэродинамической схемой "утка"Универсальный англо-русский словарь > aerodynamic canard configuration surface-to-air missile
16 aerodynamic canard configuration surface-to-air missile
ЗУР с аэродинамической схемой «утка»English-Russian military dictionary > aerodynamic canard configuration surface-to-air missile
Военный термин: fault location and monitoring, forward-launched aerodynamic missile -
18 Flam
Военный термин: fault location and monitoring, forward-launched aerodynamic missile -
19 PAF
1) Компьютерная техника: Postcode Address File2) Биология: platelet activating factor3) Американизм: Personnel Action Form4) Военный термин: Pacific Air Force, Personnel Authorization File, Pretoria Arms Factory, Production Analysis and Fusion, peripheral airfield, prearranged fire, project, Air Force6) Юридический термин: Personal Ancestor File, Precautionary Approach Framework7) Сокращение: Philippine Air Force, Pilotage Aerodynamique Fort (Aerodynamic missile flight control (France)), Polish Air Force, Portuguese Air Force, Postal Address File (UK, 2008, interfaces to CRAMP)8) Иммунология: ФАТ, фактор активации тромбоцитов9) Деловая лексика: Patent Applied For10) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: НСФ (Petroleum Advisory Forum), Нефтяной Совещательный Форум (Petroleum Advisory Forum)11) Образование: Personal Ancestry File12) Сахалин Р: Petroleum Advisory Forum13) Сахалин Ю: personnel authorization form -
20 flam
Военный термин: fault location and monitoring, forward-launched aerodynamic missile
См. также в других словарях:
aerodynamic missile — aerodinaminė raketa statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Raketa, kurios skrydžio trajektoriją išlaiko aerodinaminės jėgos. atitikmenys: angl. aerodynamic missile pranc. missile aérodynamique ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – balistinė raketa dar žiūrėk –… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
aerodynamic missile — missile designed to create the least amount of resistance as it moves through the air … English contemporary dictionary
aerodynamic missile — A missile which uses aerodynamic forces to maintain its flight path. See also ballistic missile; guided missile … Military dictionary
aerodynamic missile — /ˌɛəroʊdaɪˌnæmɪk ˈmɪsaɪl/ (say .airrohduy.namik misuyl) noun a missile which uses aerodynamic forces to maintain its flight path, generally employing propulsion guidance …
missile aérodynamique — aerodinaminė raketa statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Raketa, kurios skrydžio trajektoriją išlaiko aerodinaminės jėgos. atitikmenys: angl. aerodynamic missile pranc. missile aérodynamique ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – balistinė raketa dar žiūrėk –… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Aerodynamic heating — is the heating of a solid body produced by the passage of fluid (such as air) over a body such as a meteor, missile, or airplane. It is a form of forced convection in that the flow field is created by forces beyond those associated with the… … Wikipedia
Missile Datcom — is a widely used semi empirical datasheet component build up method for the preliminary design and analysis of missile aerodynamics and performance. It has been in continual development for over twenty years with the latest version scheduled for… … Wikipedia
Missile Approach Warning — A Missile Approach Warning system is part of the avionics package on some military aircraft. A sensor detects attacking missiles. Its automatic warning cues the pilot to make a defensive maneuver and deploy the available countermeasures to… … Wikipedia
Missile — For other uses, see Missile (disambiguation). A V 2 missile launch by the British during Operation Backfire. Though a missile may be any thrown or launched object, it colloquially almost always refers to a self propelled guided weapon system.… … Wikipedia
missile — /mis euhl/ or, esp. Brit., / uyl/, n. 1. an object or weapon for throwing, hurling, or shooting, as a stone, bullet, or arrow. 2. See guided missile. 3. See ballistic missile. adj. 4. capable of being thrown, hurled, or shot, as from the hand or… … Universalium
rocket and missile system — ▪ weapons system Introduction any of a variety of weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to their targets by means of rocket propulsion. Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles… … Universalium