1 advisory and technical
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > advisory and technical
2 advisory and technical committee
Дипломатический термин: совещательная и техническая комиссияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > advisory and technical committee
3 advisory and technical committee
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > advisory and technical committee
4 Advisory Committee for Scientific and Technical Information
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Advisory Committee for Scientific and Technical Information
5 Advisory and Operational Technical Assistance
Общая лексика: Консультативная и Оперативная Техническая Помощь (AOTA)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Advisory and Operational Technical Assistance
6 technical analysis and advisory group
TAAG, technical analysis and advisory groupEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > technical analysis and advisory group
7 technical assessment and advisory group
консультативно-техническая группа
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > technical assessment and advisory group
8 Technical and Scientific Advisory Board (Germany)
Космонавтика: Научно-технический консультативный советУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Technical and Scientific Advisory Board (Germany)
9 technical analysis and advisory group
Военный термин: техническая аналитическо-консультативная группаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > technical analysis and advisory group
10 Technical and Scientific Advisory Board
Космонавтика: (Germany) Научно-технический консультативный советУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Technical and Scientific Advisory Board
11 committee
nкомитет, комиссия- assign smth. to a committee -
Advisory Committee for Scientific and Technical Information - Консультативный комитет по научно-технической информации -
13 committee
committee on Government Operations (US House of Representatives) — комиссия по деятельности правительственных органов (палаты представителей конгресса США)
Counter Insurgency committee (of the White House) — комитет (Белого дома) по борьбе с национально-освободительным и повстанческим движениями
Deputy Secretaries committee, NSC — комитет заместителей министров при СНБ
Foreign Intelligence committee, NSC — комитет по внешней разведке СНБ
Intelligence committee, NSC — разведывательный комитет СНБ
Military Liaison committee, Department of Energy — комитет министерства энергетики по связям с ВС
NATO Command, Control and Information Systems and Automatic Data Processing committee — комитет НАТО по АСУ и системам автоматической обработки данных
Policy Review committee, NSC — комитет по оценке политики при СНБ (возглавляется директором ЦРУ)
Special Coordination committee, NSC — специальный координационный комитет СНБ
— ordnance technical committee -
14 TAP
1) Компьютерная техника: Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol2) Медицина: tricuspid annuloplasty3) Американизм: Technological Assistance Program, Transportation Adjudication Panel4) Военный термин: Tactical Application Police, Targeted Access Program, Technology Assessment Program, Terrain Analysis Program, Theater Analysis and Planning, Training Access Point, Training Access Points, table of authorized personnel, tactical action program, tactical armament plan, target aim point, target aircraft program, target approach point, target assignment panel, technical advisory panel, technical area plan, technical assistance program, trajectory analysis program, transferable assets program5) Техника: Tape And Pipe, Thornton Adjustable Positioner, target acquisition panel, telemetry acceptance pattern, telemetry antenna pedestal, thermally activated polarization, time-sharing assembly program, tracking alarms processor, transistor analysis program, triammonium phosphate6) Религия: Theology And A Pub, Tolerance Among People, Trinity Access Program7) Юридический термин: To Agonize People8) Автомобильный термин: transmission adaptive pressure9) Грубое выражение: Terrible And Pathetic, Toyota Assholes Priced10) Оптика: target angular position11) Телекоммуникации: Telecommunity Appalachian Project, Test Access Path, Transferred Account Procedure12) Сокращение: Technology Application Panel, Toxicological Agents Protective, Transition Assistance Program (USA)13) Театр: The Art Police14) Университет: Teacher Advisor Program, Teacher Advisory Program, Technology Assurance Program, Training Achievement Program, Tuition Account Plan, Tuition Assistance Program15) Физиология: Tape16) Электроника: Test Access Point, Tool Application Program, Touch Activated Power17) Вычислительная техника: Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol, Telocator Alphanumeric Paging, The Ada Project, test access port, Test Access Port (IC, IEEE 1149.1), Terminal Access Point (Kabel), Telocator Alphanumeric input Protocol (SNPP, PCIA, SMS, USA)19) Нефть: tubing annulus pressure20) Иммунология: Tip Associated Protein, Toxicological Agent Protective, Transporter For Antigen Processing, Twin Affinity Purification, транспортёры, связанные с процессингом антигена21) Биотехнология: Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase, Tandem affinity purification22) Транспорт: Take Another Plane, Total Audi Performance23) Пищевая промышленность: The Amazing Pudding24) Фирменный знак: Talent Ashland And Phoenix25) Экология: Toxic Air Pollutant26) СМИ: Total Audience Plan27) Деловая лексика: Technology Assistance Program, Temporary Applicant Pool, Top Application Performers28) Образование: Targeted Achievement Program, Teach And Assist Progress, Teacher Assistance Program, Teachers And Parents, Teachers As Partners, Team Achievement Points, Teens For Aids Prevention, Test of Achievement and Proficiency, Tests Of Achievement And Proficiency, Tobacco Awareness Program, Trainer Assessment Program29) Океанография: Trans- Alaskan Pipeline30) Химическое оружие: The Army Plan31) Авиационная медицина: target aiming function32) Расширение файла: Tape file, Tape file (Spectrum emulator, ZX Spectrum emulator)33) Нефть и газ: TAP pipeline, Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline, газопровод ТАП (ТАП), ТАП (Трансафганский трубопровод (Туркменистан-Афганистан-Пакистан), теперь ТАПИ (+Индия)), Трансадриатический трубопровод (сокр. от "Trans-Adriatic Pipeline"; англ. термин взят из статьи в газете Financial Times, Великобритания)34) Общественная организация: Teens Against Polio35) Должность: Trainer Activity Profile, Training And Placement36) NYSE. Travelers Property Casualty Corporation37) Международная торговля: Technical Assistance Partnership -
15 tap
1) Компьютерная техника: Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol2) Медицина: tricuspid annuloplasty3) Американизм: Technological Assistance Program, Transportation Adjudication Panel4) Военный термин: Tactical Application Police, Targeted Access Program, Technology Assessment Program, Terrain Analysis Program, Theater Analysis and Planning, Training Access Point, Training Access Points, table of authorized personnel, tactical action program, tactical armament plan, target aim point, target aircraft program, target approach point, target assignment panel, technical advisory panel, technical area plan, technical assistance program, trajectory analysis program, transferable assets program5) Техника: Tape And Pipe, Thornton Adjustable Positioner, target acquisition panel, telemetry acceptance pattern, telemetry antenna pedestal, thermally activated polarization, time-sharing assembly program, tracking alarms processor, transistor analysis program, triammonium phosphate6) Религия: Theology And A Pub, Tolerance Among People, Trinity Access Program7) Юридический термин: To Agonize People8) Автомобильный термин: transmission adaptive pressure9) Грубое выражение: Terrible And Pathetic, Toyota Assholes Priced10) Оптика: target angular position11) Телекоммуникации: Telecommunity Appalachian Project, Test Access Path, Transferred Account Procedure12) Сокращение: Technology Application Panel, Toxicological Agents Protective, Transition Assistance Program (USA)13) Театр: The Art Police14) Университет: Teacher Advisor Program, Teacher Advisory Program, Technology Assurance Program, Training Achievement Program, Tuition Account Plan, Tuition Assistance Program15) Физиология: Tape16) Электроника: Test Access Point, Tool Application Program, Touch Activated Power17) Вычислительная техника: Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol, Telocator Alphanumeric Paging, The Ada Project, test access port, Test Access Port (IC, IEEE 1149.1), Terminal Access Point (Kabel), Telocator Alphanumeric input Protocol (SNPP, PCIA, SMS, USA)19) Нефть: tubing annulus pressure20) Иммунология: Tip Associated Protein, Toxicological Agent Protective, Transporter For Antigen Processing, Twin Affinity Purification, транспортёры, связанные с процессингом антигена21) Биотехнология: Tobacco Acid Pyrophosphatase, Tandem affinity purification22) Транспорт: Take Another Plane, Total Audi Performance23) Пищевая промышленность: The Amazing Pudding24) Фирменный знак: Talent Ashland And Phoenix25) Экология: Toxic Air Pollutant26) СМИ: Total Audience Plan27) Деловая лексика: Technology Assistance Program, Temporary Applicant Pool, Top Application Performers28) Образование: Targeted Achievement Program, Teach And Assist Progress, Teacher Assistance Program, Teachers And Parents, Teachers As Partners, Team Achievement Points, Teens For Aids Prevention, Test of Achievement and Proficiency, Tests Of Achievement And Proficiency, Tobacco Awareness Program, Trainer Assessment Program29) Океанография: Trans- Alaskan Pipeline30) Химическое оружие: The Army Plan31) Авиационная медицина: target aiming function32) Расширение файла: Tape file, Tape file (Spectrum emulator, ZX Spectrum emulator)33) Нефть и газ: TAP pipeline, Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline, газопровод ТАП (ТАП), ТАП (Трансафганский трубопровод (Туркменистан-Афганистан-Пакистан), теперь ТАПИ (+Индия)), Трансадриатический трубопровод (сокр. от "Trans-Adriatic Pipeline"; англ. термин взят из статьи в газете Financial Times, Великобритания)34) Общественная организация: Teens Against Polio35) Должность: Trainer Activity Profile, Training And Placement36) NYSE. Travelers Property Casualty Corporation37) Международная торговля: Technical Assistance Partnership -
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
17 StAR
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
18 Star
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
19 star
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
20 Committee
См. также в других словарях:
Advisory board — Advisory group redirects here. For the commercial, for profit, public enterprise, see Advisory Board Company. An advisory board is a body that advises the board of directors and management of a corporation but does not have authority to vote on… … Wikipedia
Scientific and Technical Research Committee — (CREST) An advisory group to the Commission, consulted on proposals for, and the funding of, scientific research programmes … Glossary of the European Union and European Communities
Technical Advisory Council — The Technical Advisory Council, or TAC, is a federal advisory committee of the Federal Communications Commission and the FCC s Office of Engineering and Technology (OET). Its mandate is to provide the FCC with technical advice in rapidly growing… … Wikipedia
Technical University of Munich — Infobox University name = Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) native name = Technische Universität München president = Wolfgang A. Herrmann type = Public established = 1868 city = state = Bavaria country = Germany staff = 7,356 (395… … Wikipedia
Advisory Council — Created page with Advisory Council may refer to:In the United Kingdom:Advisory Council may refer to:In the United Kingdom:* Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, a statutory and non executive non departmental British public body * Pakistan… … Wikipedia
Technical Advisory Service for Images — The Technical Advisory Service for Images (TASI) provides advice to the United Kingdom s Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) communities in the creation and use of digital images. Its services include a Web site… … Wikipedia
Mines Advisory Group — Type Non Governmental Organisation Industry Landmine relief Founded 1989 Headquarters … Wikipedia
National Institute of Standards and Technology — NIST redirects here. For other uses, see NIST (disambiguation). National Institute of Standards and Technology Agency overview Headquarters Gaithersburg, Maryland … Wikipedia
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act — Full title An Act to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end too big to fail , to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers… … Wikipedia
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology — The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) is an international professional membership body and learned society for all marine professionals. IMarEST (formerly known as the Institute of Marine Engineers) is the first… … Wikipedia
NATO Research and Technology Organisation — Coordinates: 48°53′17″N 2°16′07″E / 48.88806°N 2.26861°E / 48.88806; 2.26861 … Wikipedia