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  • 1 advise

    /əd'vaiz/ * ngoại động từ - khuyên, khuyên bảo, răn bảo - (thương nghiệp) báo cho biết =to advise someone of something+ báo cho ai biết việc gì * ngoại động từ - hỏi ý kiến =to advise with someone+ hỏi ý kiến người nào

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > advise

  • 2 jemandem raten

    - {to counsel} khuyên răn, khuyên bảo, chỉ bảo = jemandem guttun {to do someone good}+ = jemandem ähneln {to bear a likeness to someone}+ = jemandem zurufen {to cry to someone}+ = jemandem trotzen {to brave}+ = jemandem schaden {to wrong someone}+ = jemandem glauben {to believe someone}+ = jemandem gehören {to be in possession of someone; to belong to someone}+ = jemandem zuhören {to lend an ear to someone}+ = jemandem zumuten {to expect of somebody}+ = dicht vor jemandem {under someone's very nose}+ = an jemandem hängen {to be attached to someone}+ = bei jemandem bohren {to keep on at someone}+ = sich jemandem nähern {to approach}+ = jemandem eine kleben {to give someone a pasting}+ = jemandem voraus sein {to be ahead of someone}+ = mit jemandem rechnen {to reckon on someone}+ = mit jemandem brechen {to break with someone}+ = jemandem ähnlich sein {to come near someone}+ = dicht hinter jemandem {at someone's heels}+ = jemandem etwas rauben {to rob someone of something}+ = jemandem sehr schaden {to do a great disservice}+ = jemandem gewogen sein {to show a liking for someone}+ = jemandem etwas gönnen {to allow someone something}+ = jemandem einen blasen {to give somebody a blow job}+ = jemandem etwas abgeben {to share something with someone}+ = jemandem etwas ansehen {to observe something in someone}+ = jemandem etwas absehen {to learn something by watching}+ = jemandem etwas anhaben {to hold something against someone}+ = mit jemandem intim sein {to have intimate relations with someone}+ = mit jemandem quitt sein {to be even with someone; to get upsides with someone}+ = jemandem zu nahe treten {to hurt someone's feelings}+ = jemandem zu sich bitten {to ask someone round}+ = jemandem zu nahe kommen {to step on someone's toe}+ = jemandem nicht grün sein {to bear a grudge against someone}+ = sich mit jemandem messen {to compete with someone}+ = sich mit jemandem abgeben {to keep company with}+ = sich mit jemandem liieren {to form a liaison with someone}+ = es jemandem nachtun wollen {to try to equal someone}+ = jemandem von etwas abraten {to advise someone against something}+ = jemandem etwas nicht gönnen {to begrudge someone something}+ = hinter jemandem zurück sein {to be behind someone}+ = bei jemandem ein und aus gehen {to be a frequent visitor at someone's home}+ = jemandem etwas klipp und klar sagen {to tell someone point blank}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > jemandem raten

  • 3 empfehlen

    (empfahl,empfohlen) - {to advise} khuyên, khuyên bảo, răn bảo, báo cho biết, hỏi ý kiến - {to approve} tán thành, đồng ý, bằng lòng, chấp thuận, xác nhận, phê chuẩn, chuẩn y, chứng tỏ, tỏ ra, chứng minh, approve of tán thành - {to commend} khen ngợi, ca ngợi, tán dương, tuyên dương, hấp dẫn, được ưa thích, được tán thành, gửi gấm, giao phó, phó thác, giới thiệu, tiến cử - {to exhort} hô hào, cổ vũ, thúc đẩy, chủ trương, ủng hộ - {to present} đưa ra, bày ra, lộ ra, giơ ra, phô ra, đưa, trình, nộp, dâng, bày tỏ, trình bày, biểu thị, trình diễn, cho ra mắt, đưa vào yết kiến, đưa vào bệ kiến, biếu tặng, giơ ngắm, bồng chào - {to remember} nhớ, nhớ lại, ghi nhớ, nhớ thưởng tiền, nhớ cho tiền, gửi lời chào, nhớ cầu nguyện = empfehlen (empfahl,empfohlen) [als,für,zu tun] {to recommend [as,for,to do]}+ = sich empfehlen {to take one's leave}+ = nicht zu empfehlen {unadvisable}+ = sich jemandem empfehlen {to present one's compliment to someone}+ = es dürfte sich empfehlen [zu tun] {it may be as well [to do]}+ = jemandem etwas wärmstens empfehlen {to recommend something highly to someone}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > empfehlen

  • 4 warnen

    - {to advise} khuyên, khuyên bảo, răn bảo, báo cho biết, hỏi ý kiến = warnen [vor] {to admonish [of]; to caution [against]}+ = warnen [vor etwas,vor jemandem] {to warn [of something,against someone]}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > warnen

См. также в других словарях:

  • enjoin someone to do something — formal phrase to strongly advise or order someone to do something Thesaurus: to tell people what to dosynonym to give advicesynonym Main entry: enjoin …   Useful english dictionary

  • enjoin someone to do something — formal to strongly advise or order someone to do something …   English dictionary

  • advise */*/*/ — UK [ədˈvaɪz] / US verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms advise : present tense I/you/we/they advise he/she/it advises present participle advising past tense advised past participle advised 1) a) to give your opinion to someone about the best… …   English dictionary

  • advise — ad|vise [ əd vaız ] verb intransitive or transitive *** 1. ) to give your opinion to someone about the best thing to do in a particular situation: I m afraid I m not able to advise you. advise someone to do something: Her doctor advised her to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • advise — [[t]ædva͟ɪz[/t]] ♦♦♦ advises, advising, advised 1) VERB If you advise someone to do something, you tell them what you think they should do. [V n to inf] The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible... [V n wh] Herbert would surely advise …   English dictionary

  • advise — UK US /ədˈvaɪz/ verb ► [I or T] to give someone useful information, or to tell them what you think they should do: advise (sb) to do sth »Some employment lawyers have advised employers to dismiss staff now, before the limit for compensation is… …   Financial and business terms

  • advise — [c]/ədˈvaɪz / (say uhd vuyz) verb (advised, advising) –verb (t) 1. to give counsel to; offer an opinion to, as worthy or expedient to be followed: *So, please advise me: where should I emigrate to … –andras dezsery, 1983. 2. to recommend as wise …  

  • advice - advise — ◊ advice Advice is a noun. If you give someone advice, you tell them what you think they should do. One woman went to a psychiatrist for advice. She promised to follow his advice. Advice is an uncount …   Useful english dictionary

  • someone would be well advised to do something — someone would be well/better/advised to do something formal phrase used for saying what someone should definitely do He would be well advised to practise a bit harder before the next game. Thesaurus: ways of encouraging or telling someone to do… …   Useful english dictionary

  • someone would be better advised to do something — someone would be well/better/advised to do something formal phrase used for saying what someone should definitely do He would be well advised to practise a bit harder before the next game. Thesaurus: ways of encouraging or telling someone to do… …   Useful english dictionary

  • advise — [ad vīz′, ədvīz′] vt. advised, advising [ME avisen, orig., to consider < OFr aviser < ML advisare < advisum: see ADVICE] 1. to give advice or an opinion to; counsel 2. to offer as advice; recommend 3. to notify; inform [he was advised of …   English World dictionary

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