1 advise
1) (to give advice to; to recommend: My lawyer advises me to buy the house.) radit2) ((with of) to inform: This letter is to advise you of our interest in your proposal.) informovat* * *• poradit• radit• avizovat• doporučit -
2 advise prudence
• raďte opatrně -
3 advise them of the consequences
• poučte je o následcích -
4 advice
5 council
1) (a group of people formed in order to advise etc: The King formed a council of wise men; the Council for Recreation.) rada2) (in the United Kingdom, a body of people elected to control the workings of local government in a county, region, district etc.) shromáždění•* * *• rada• kolegium• koncil -
6 counsel
7 in place of
(instead of: We advise discussion in place of argument; John couldn't go, so I went in his place.) namísto, místo* * *• místo -
8 preach
[pri: ]1) (to give a talk (called a sermon), usually during a religious service, about religious or moral matters: The vicar preached (a sermon) on/about pride.) kázat2) (to speak to someone as though giving a sermon: Don't preach at me!) dělat kázání3) (to advise: He preaches caution.) hlásat•- preacher* * *• udělat kázání• zvěstovat• hlásat• kázat• mluvit veřejně• dělat kázání -
9 prescribe
(to advise or order (the use of): My doctor prescribed some pills for my cold; Here is a list of books prescribed by the examiners for the exam.) předepsat* * *• předepsat• stanovit• nařídit -
10 presume
[prə'zju:m]1) (to believe that something is true without proof; to take for granted: When I found the room empty, I presumed that you had gone home; `Has he gone?' `I presume so.') předpokládat2) (to be bold enough (to act without the right, knowledge etc to do so): I wouldn't presume to advise someone as clever as you.) dovolit si•- presumption
- presumptuous
- presumptuousness* * *• předpokládat -
11 recommend
[rekə'mend]1) (to advise: The doctor recommended a long holiday.) doporučit2) (to suggest as being particularly good, particularly suitable etc: He recommended her (to me) for the job.) doporučit•* * *• doporučit• doporučovat -
12 warn
[wo:n] 1. verb1) (to tell (a person) in advance (about a danger etc): Black clouds warned us of the approaching storm; They warned her that she would be ill if she didn't rest.) varovat2) (to advise (someone against doing something): I was warned about/against speeding by the policeman; They warned him not to be late.) upozornit•- warning2. adjective(giving a warning: She received a warning message.) varovný* * *• upozornit• varovat• alarmovat
См. также в других словарях:
advise — UK US /ədˈvaɪz/ verb ► [I or T] to give someone useful information, or to tell them what you think they should do: advise (sb) to do sth »Some employment lawyers have advised employers to dismiss staff now, before the limit for compensation is… … Financial and business terms
advise — ad·vise /əd vīz/ vb ad·vised, ad·vis·ing vt 1: to give advice to: counsel advise them to draw up a will 2: to give information or notice to advise them of their rights … Law dictionary
ADVISE — (Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement) is a research and development program within the United States Department of Homeland Security Threat and Vulnerability Testing and Assessment (TVTA) portfolio. It is… … Wikipedia
Advise — Ad*vise , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Advised}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Advising}.] [OE. avisen to perceive, consider, inform, F. aviser, fr. LL. advisare. advisare; ad + visare, fr. L. videre, visum, to see. See {Advice}, and cf. {Avise}.] 1. To give advice… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Advise — Ad*vise , v. t. 1. To consider; to deliberate. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Advise if this be worth attempting. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To take counsel; to consult; followed by with; as, to advise with friends. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ADVISE — (Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement) ist ein Programm des Ministeriums für Innere Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten und ein Nachfolger des Programms Total Information Awareness (später Terrorist Information … Deutsch Wikipedia
advise — 1 counsel (see under ADVICE 1) Analogous words: admonish (see REPROVE): *warn, forewarn, caution: *induce, persuade Contrasted words: consult, *confer, advise 2 consult, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
advise — [v1] offer recommendation admonish, advocate, caution, charge, commend, counsel, direct, dissuade, encourage, enjoin, exhort, forewarn, give a pointer*, give a tip*, guide, instruct, kibitz*, level with*, move, opine, point out, preach, prepare,… … New thesaurus
advise — [ad vīz′, ədvīz′] vt. advised, advising [ME avisen, orig., to consider < OFr aviser < ML advisare < advisum: see ADVICE] 1. to give advice or an opinion to; counsel 2. to offer as advice; recommend 3. to notify; inform [he was advised of … English World dictionary
advise — (v.) late 13c., avisen to view, consider, from O.Fr. aviser deliberate, reflect, consider (13c.), from avis opinion (see ADVICE (Cf. advice)). Meaning to give counsel to is late 14c. Related: Advised; advising … Etymology dictionary
advise — ► VERB 1) recommend (a course of action). 2) inform about a fact or situation. 3) offer advice to. DERIVATIVES adviser (also advisor) noun. ORIGIN Old French aviser, from Latin ad to + videre to see … English terms dictionary