1 advertising purpose
рекл. = advertising objective -
2 advertising purpose
Реклама: рекламная цель, цель рекламы -
3 advertising
сущ.1) рекл. реклама (совокупность каких-л. рекламных объявлений; обычно употребляется с указанием места, где размещается данная реклама)Over 60 percent of alcohol advertising [on television\] is shown during sports programming
Asian governments have attempted to limit excessive consumptions by instituting strict control over the content and amount of advertising in the media.
Advertising [on buses\] is one of the important advertising means to which companies and establishments attach great importance because this type of advertisement is a mobile one seen by all.
two-thirds of the food and drink advertising for children under 12 — две трети всей рекламы продуктов питания для детей младше 12-ти лет
Last month, 10 companies that produce almost two-thirds of the food and drink advertising [for children\] under 12 agreed to start cutting back on advertising junk foods.
No person shall within the city distribute [printed\] advertising by placing it within or upon parked automobiles.
2) рекл. реклама, рекламирование (процесс осуществления рекламы; как правило, употребляется с указанием рекламируемого продукта)Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol producers through a variety of media.
the control of medicines advertising in the UK — контроль за рекламой лекарств в Соединенном Королевстве
ATTRIBUTES: accessory 2. 1), advance 3. 2), aerial 3. 1), agricultural, air 2. 1),
alternative 2. 3), ambient 1. 1), audiovisual, auxiliary 2. 1), block 1. 4) а), boastful, broadcast 2. 1), n1, classified 1. 1), commercial 1. 4) а), comparative, competing 1. 1) а), competitive 1. 2) а), concept 1. 2) а), consumer 1. 1) а), continuity 1. 1) а), controversial 1. 1) а), cooperative 2. 1), n2, coordinated, corporate 1. 2) а), б, corrective 1. 1), creative, deceptive, demographic, denigratory, dissipative, domestic 1. 2) а),
foreign 1) б), global, professional 1. 3) б), regional, repeat 3. 3) б), strategic, superior 3. 1) б), test 3. 3) б), traditional
Syn:See:accessory advertising, advance advertising, advocacy advertising, aerial advertising, agricultural advertising, air advertising, aisle advertising, alternative advertising, ambient advertising, analogy advertising, association advertising, audiovisual advertising, auxiliary advertising, bait advertising, bait and switch advertising, bait-and-switch advertising, bank advertising, banner advertising, bargain advertising, bargain-basement advertising, block advertising, boastful advertising, brand advertising, brand image advertising, brand name advertising, breakthrough advertising, broadcast advertising, burst advertising, business advertising, business paper advertising, business publication advertising, business-to-business advertising, car-card advertising, cause advertising, challenged advertising, charity advertising, children's advertising, cinema advertising, classified advertising, combative advertising, commercial advertising, comparative advertising, comparison advertising, competing advertising, competitive advertising, concept advertising, consumer advertising, continuity advertising, controversial advertising, co-op advertising, cooperative advertising, coordinated advertising, corporate advertising, corporate image advertising, corrective advertising, counter advertising, counteradvertising, coupon advertising, creative advertising, deceptive advertising, demographic advertising, demonstration advertising, denigratory advertising, direct advertising, direct response advertising, direct-action advertising, direct mail advertising, direct-mail advertising, directory advertising, display advertising, dissipative advertising, domestic advertising, door-to-door advertising, educational advertising, electric advertising, electrical advertising, e-mail based advertising, entertaining advertising, ethical advertising, export advertising, eye-catching advertising, factual advertising, false advertising, farm advertising, fashion advertising, film advertising, financial advertising, flexform advertising, follow-up advertising, foreign advertising, fraudulent advertising, full-page advertising, gender advertising, general advertising, generic advertising, global advertising, goodwill advertising, group advertising, hard-sell advertising, hard-selling advertising, heavy advertising, help wanted advertising, high-pressure advertising, house advertising, house-to-house advertising, idea advertising, illuminated advertising, image advertising, impact advertising, indirect action advertising, indirect-action advertising, individual advertising, indoor advertising, industrial advertising, information advertising, informational advertising, informative advertising, in-house advertising, initial advertising, innovative advertising, institutional advertising, in-store advertising, insurance advertising, international advertising, interstate advertising, introductory advertising, intrusive advertising, issue advertising, joint advertising, large-scale advertising, launch advertising, legal advertising, local advertising, mail advertising, mail-order advertising, mass advertising, mass-media advertising, media advertising, military advertising, misleading advertising, mobile advertising, mood advertising, movie theatre advertising, multimedia advertising, multinational advertising, national advertising, non-business advertising, non-commercial advertising, novelty advertising, obtrusive advertising, offbeat advertising, off-season advertising, on-line advertising, on-target advertising, opinion advertising, oral advertising, outdoor advertising, out-of-home advertising, package advertising, periodical advertising, personality advertising, persuasive advertising, point-of-purchase advertising, point-of-sale advertising, political advertising, postal advertising, postcard advertising, poster advertising, postmark advertising, pre-launch advertising, premium advertising, press advertising, prestige advertising, price advertising, primary advertising, print advertising, private sector advertising, problem-solution advertising, procurement advertising, producer advertising, product advertising, product-comparison advertising, professional advertising, promotional advertising, public relations advertising, public sector advertising, public service advertising, public-affairs advertising, public interest advertising, public-issue advertising, public-service advertising, radio advertising, railway advertising, reason-why advertising, recruitment advertising, regional advertising, reinforcement advertising, remembrance advertising, reminder advertising, repeat advertising, retail advertising, retentive advertising, saturation advertising, scented advertising, screen advertising, seasonal advertising, selective advertising, self-advertising, semi-display advertising, show-window advertising, sky advertising, slide advertising, social advertising, social cause advertising, soft-sell advertising, specialty advertising, split-run advertising, spot advertising, store advertising, strategic advertising, street advertising, strip advertising, subliminal advertising, sustaining advertising, switch advertising, tactical advertising, target advertising, taxi top advertising, teaser advertising, television advertising, test advertising, testimonial advertising, tie-in advertising, tombstone advertising, total advertising, trade advertising, trademark advertising, traditional advertising, transformational advertising, transit advertising, transportation advertising, truthful advertising, truth-in-advertising, two-step formal advertising, unacceptable advertising, unfair advertising, untruthful advertising, visual advertising, vocational advertising, wall advertising, word-of-mouth advertising, written advertising, yellow pages advertising, advertising abuse, advertising action, advertising aids, advertising analysis а), advertising appeal, advertising approach, advertising audience, advertising awareness, advertising balance, advertising band, advertising believability, advertising break, advertising brochure, advertising catalogue, advertising circular, advertising claim 1) а), advertising clutter, advertising column, advertising communication, advertising competition 2) а), advertising copy, advertising coupon, advertising credibility, advertising cue, advertising decay, advertising deception, advertising device, advertising emphasis, advertising exaggeration, advertising exposure 2) а), advertising factor а), advertising film, advertising folder, advertising frequency, advertising gift, advertising gimmick, advertising handbill, advertising hoarding, advertising image, advertising impact, advertising impression, advertising influence, advertising insert, advertising intensity, advertising jingle, advertising label, advertising leaflet, advertising letter, advertising literature 1) а), advertising location, advertising magazine, advertising material, advertising matter, advertising media, advertising medium, advertising novelty, advertising operation 2) а), advertising page, advertising pamphlet, advertising panel, advertising penetration, advertising perception, advertising personality, advertising playback, advertising point, advertising posttest, advertising pretest, advertising puffery, advertising pylon, advertising race, advertising readership, advertising recall, advertising response, advertising retention, advertising sample, advertising section 2) а), advertising site, advertising slogan, advertising space, advertising specialty, advertising sponsorship, advertising spoof, advertising spot, advertising standards, advertising structure, advertising supplement, advertising test, advertising testing, advertising text, advertising threshold, advertising time, advertising vehicle, advertising wearout, advertising wedge, Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, Code of Advertising Practice, Defining Advertising goals for Measured Advertising Results, Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, ICC Guidelines / Code on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet, ICC International Code of Advertising Practice, ICC International Code of Environmental Advertising, ICC International Codes of Marketing and Advertising Practices, Standard Advertising Register, Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies, Standards of Practice of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, Advertising Association, Advertising Association of the West, Advertising Checking Bureau, Advertising Club of New York, Advertising Council, Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc. 2), Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc.3) рекл. рекламное дело, рекламная деятельность, рекламный бизнес (реклама как вид деятельности безотносительно каких-л. конкретных продуктов; реклама как одна из функций организации)advertising counsellor [consultant\] — рекламный консультант, консультант по рекламе
advertising expert — рекламный эксперт, эксперт по рекламе
Syn:See:above-the-line advertising, below-the-line advertising, flat fee advertising, investment advertising, per inquiry advertising, advertising account, advertising activity, advertising agency, advertising agent, advertising agreement, advertising allowance, advertising analysis б), advertising appropriation, advertising assistant, advertising audit, advertising brief, advertising broker, advertising budget, advertising business, advertising campaign, advertising canvasser, advertising claim 2) б), advertising club, advertising code, advertising community, advertising company, advertising competition 1) б), advertising contract, advertising contractor, advertising control, advertising cooperative, advertising copywriting, advertising cost, advertising coverage, advertising customer, advertising department, advertising director, advertising directory, advertising drive, advertising effect, advertising effectiveness, advertising efficiency, advertising environment, advertising ethics, advertising exchange, advertising executive, advertising expenditures, advertising expenses, advertising exposure 1) б), &3, advertising factor б), advertising firm, advertising guide, advertising industry, advertising injury, advertising landscape, advertising legislation, advertising leverage, advertising liability, advertising linage, advertising literature 2) б), advertising man, advertising management, advertising manager, advertising method, advertising mix, advertising monopoly, advertising network, advertising objective, advertising office, advertising operation 1) б), advertising order, advertising outcome, advertising outlay, advertising output, advertising people, advertising performance, advertising personnel, advertising plan, advertising planner, advertising planning, advertising portfolio, advertising practice, advertising practitioner, advertising professional, advertising programme, advertising purpose, advertising rate, advertising register, advertising representative, advertising research, advertising restrictions, advertising sales agents, advertising schedule, advertising section 1) б), advertising self-regulation, advertising services, advertising specialist, advertising spending, advertising statistics, advertising strategy, advertising substantiation, advertising support, advertising talent, advertising theory, advertising value, advertising variable, advertising weight, media buy, copywriting, advertology
* * *
реклама, рекламирование: использование печатных, теле-, радио- и иных посланий, оплаченных рекламодателем, для благоприятного воздействия на потенциальных покупателей товара или клиентов.* * *размещение объявлений; размещение рекламы; рекламирование. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *эмоционально окрашенная информация об основных характеристиках отдельных видов страхования и страховых операций с целью формирования устойчивого спроса на страховые услуги-----средство распространения информации и убеждения людей через прессу, телевидение, радиовещание, объявления, плакаты и другим образом -
4 purpose
сущ.1) общ. цель; назначение; намерение; замыселSyn:See:advertising purpose, all-purpose financial statement, dual-purpose fund, general purpose credit, multipurpose survey, particular purpose, public purpose bond2) общ. результат, успехto good purpose — с большим успехом, с большой пользой
to little purpose — почти безуспешно, безрезультатно
to no purpose — напрасно, тщетно, безуспешно
to some purpose — с некоторой пользой, небесполезно, не без успеха
3) псих. цель, намерение (один из элементов поведения и сознательной деятельности человека, который характеризует предвосхищение в мышлении результата деятельности и пути его реализации с помощью определенных средств)* * *цель; назначение (финансирования. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
5 advertising objective
рекл. цель рекламы, рекламная цель (задача, которая должна быть достигнута с помощью рекламного объявления или рекламной кампании в целом: увеличение рекламного охвата, повышение объема продаж, формирования имиджа продукта и т. д.)Syn:See: -
6 purpose
nцель, намерение; назначение
- accounting purposes
- business purpose
- commercial purposes
- general purposes
- investment purpose
- official entertainment purposes
- publicity purposes
- purpose of a visit
- for advertising purposes
- for charitable contribution purposes
- for demonstration purposes
- for industrial purposes
- for legal purposes
- for tax purposes
- achieve a purpose
- answer the purpose
- be at cross purposes
- pursue a purpose
- reach one's purposeEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > purpose
7 congratulatory advertising
поздравительная реклама
«Поздравительные» рекламные объявления должны преследовать исключительно цель поздравления спортсменов с их успехами выступления и не должны подтверждать или подразумевать какую-либо поддержку маркетинг-партнера Игр, его продукции и услуг со стороны спортсменов.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
congratulatory advertising
Congratulatory advertisements shall be solely for the purpose of congratulating the athletes on their performance, and should not contain or imply any endorsement by the athlete of the Olympic marketing partner or the Olympic partner's products or services.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > congratulatory advertising
8 commercial
1. n тлв. радио,2. n реклама и объявления3. n рекламная, коммерческая передача; передача, оплаченная фирмой в рекламных целях4. n коммерческое телевидение5. n коммерческое радио6. n разг. коммивояжёр7. a торговый, коммерческийcommercial treaty — торговый договор; торговое соглашение
commercial law — торговое право, торговые законы
8. a доходный, прибыльный, выгодный; рентабельный9. a промышленного значения10. a серийныйcommercial robot — серийно выпускаемый робот; серийный робот
11. a спец. техническийСинонимический ряд:1. mercantile (adj.) business; economic; financial; fiscal; marketable; mercantile; monetary; sales; trade; trading2. mercenary (adj.) advertising; for profit; materialistic; mercenary; money-making; mundane; practical; profit; prosaic3. advertisement (noun) ad; advertisement; announcement; blurb; sales pitch; spot; word from our sponsor -
1) Общая лексика: Grade Point Average, Goals and Performance Appraisal (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: General Purpose Application3) Американизм: Government Procurement Agreement4) Спорт: Good Point Assessment5) Военный термин: general purchasing agent, general-purpose amphibian, guidance platform assembly6) Техника: gallons per acre, gate-pulse amplifier, general-purpose amplifier, glycerophosphoric acid, guidance prearm7) Шутливое выражение: Goodness Poor Amy, Gosh Played Acrophobia, Great Party Action8) Религия: Gospel Preacher Association9) Фармакология: gastroprotective agent10) Грубое выражение: Grade Per Ass11) Сокращение: General Practitioners' Association12) Вычислительная техника: GNU Privacy Assistant (GNU, GnuPG)14) Пищевая промышленность: Great Pale Ale, guanidinopropionic acid15) Фирменный знак: Global Packaging Alliance, Graphics Printing Advertising16) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Gas processing association17) Нефтегазовая техника Общество переработчиков газа (Gas Processors Association)18) Образование: Graduation Pledge Alliance19) Сахалин Р: General Platform Alarm20) Чат: Great Party Aol -
10 GPa
1) Общая лексика: Grade Point Average, Goals and Performance Appraisal (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: General Purpose Application3) Американизм: Government Procurement Agreement4) Спорт: Good Point Assessment5) Военный термин: general purchasing agent, general-purpose amphibian, guidance platform assembly6) Техника: gallons per acre, gate-pulse amplifier, general-purpose amplifier, glycerophosphoric acid, guidance prearm7) Шутливое выражение: Goodness Poor Amy, Gosh Played Acrophobia, Great Party Action8) Религия: Gospel Preacher Association9) Фармакология: gastroprotective agent10) Грубое выражение: Grade Per Ass11) Сокращение: General Practitioners' Association12) Вычислительная техника: GNU Privacy Assistant (GNU, GnuPG)14) Пищевая промышленность: Great Pale Ale, guanidinopropionic acid15) Фирменный знак: Global Packaging Alliance, Graphics Printing Advertising16) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Gas processing association17) Нефтегазовая техника Общество переработчиков газа (Gas Processors Association)18) Образование: Graduation Pledge Alliance19) Сахалин Р: General Platform Alarm20) Чат: Great Party Aol -
11 programme
1. nпрограмма; план
- ad hoc programme
- adjustment programme
- administrative programme
- advertising programme
- advertising and promotional programme
- allocation programme
- application programme
- approved programme
- audit programme
- austerity programme
- baseline programme
- bilateral programme
- bills programme
- broadened programme
- budgeting programme
- business support programme
- buy-out programme
- census programme
- certification programme
- commercial paper programme
- commissioning programme
- common programme
- comprehensive programme
- construction programme
- control programme
- cost-effectiveness programme
- crash programme
- credit programme
- current programme
- demonstration programme
- design programme
- detailed programme
- development programme
- diagnostic programme
- diversification programme
- economic programme
- efficient programme
- emergency programme
- engineering programme
- evaluation programme
- exhibition programme
- expansion programme
- expense reduction programme
- experimental programme
- exploration programme
- export programme
- extended programme
- extension programme
- extra-budgetary programme
- feasible programme
- federal programme
- financial programme
- follow-up programme
- framework programme
- frequent buyer programme
- general programme
- general work programme
- harvesting programme
- health care programme
- heavy programme
- import programme
- index programme
- indicative programme
- industrial programme
- industrialization programme
- industry-oriented programme
- inspection programme
- investigation programme
- investment programme
- joint programme
- large-scale programme
- licensed programme
- licensing programme
- loading programme
- long-range programme
- long-term programme
- management programme
- manufacturing programme
- marketing programme
- military programme
- modernization programme
- modified programme
- operating programme
- operational programme
- operative programme
- optimum programme
- original programme
- output programme
- output control programme
- outreach programme
- package programme
- packaged computer programme
- pilot programme
- preliminary programme
- price support programme
- priority programme
- privatization programme
- processing programme
- product improvement programme
- production programme
- promotion programme
- proposed programme
- public housing programme
- public welfare programme
- public works programme
- purchasing programme
- purpose-oriented programme
- quality programme
- quality check programme
- rebuilding programme
- recovery programme
- reinterview programme
- relief programme
- research programme
- restructuring programme
- revised programme
- safety programme
- sale-and-leaseback programme
- sales programme
- sales development programme
- sales promotion programme
- selling programme
- source programme
- special programme
- sponsored programme
- stabilization programme
- standardization programme
- standby lending programme
- stock-buyback programme
- target programme
- technical programme
- technological programme
- testing programme
- training programme
- turnaround programme
- updating programme
- user programme
- working programme
- World Food Programme
- zero-defects programme
- programme for economic rehabilitation
- programme for exploration
- programme for investigation
- programme for research
- programme of action
- programme of cooperation
- programme of demonstration
- programme of development
- programme of financing
- programme of instruction
- programme of purchases
- programme of training
- programme of a visit
- programme of work
- agree upon a programme
- approve a programme
- carry out a programme
- commit smb to a programme
- continue with a programme
- co-finance a programme
- coordinate programmes
- cooperate in a programme
- curtail the investment programme
- define a programme
- develop a programme
- disclose a programme
- draw up a programme
- elaborate a programme
- endorse a programme
- establish a programme
- execute a programme
- finance a programme
- formulate a programme
- implement a programme
- initiate a programme
- launch a programme
- lay down a programme
- maintain a programme
- make a programme
- map out a programme
- modify a programme
- negotiate a programme
- offer a programme
- prepare a programme
- project a programme
- propose a programme
- realize a programme
- reconsider a programme
- revise a programme
- roll back a programme
- sponsor a programme
- squeeze social programmes
- suspend a programme
- work out a programme2. vсоставлять программу или план; планировать; программироватьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > programme
12 revenue
n1) доход3) pl доходные статьи4) департамент налогов и сборов; финансовое управление
- accrued revenues
- advertising revenue
- aggregate gross revenue
- annual revenue
- annual average revenue
- anticipated revenue
- banking revenues
- budget revenues
- casual revenue
- current revenue
- customs revenue
- deferred revenue
- earned revenue
- estimated government revenue
- export revenues
- extra revenues
- falling tax revenue
- fiscal revenues
- flat revenue
- freight revenue
- government revenue
- gross revenue
- gross operating revenue
- inflated revenues
- inland revenue
- Inland Revenue
- interest revenue
- internal revenue
- investment revenue
- lost revenues
- marginal revenue
- national revenue
- net revenue
- nonoperating revenue
- nontax revenues
- oil revenues
- operating revenue
- other revenue
- personal revenue
- public revenues
- real revenues
- record revenues
- reduced tax revenues
- sales revenue
- sliding revenues
- surplus revenue
- tax revenue
- taxable revenues
- tax exempt revenue
- Treasury revenues
- unearned revenue
- utility revenue
- revenue from advertising
- revenue from capital gains
- revenue from exports
- revenue from sales
- revenue from social security contributions
- revenue from taxation
- revenue of future periods
- revenue of special-purpose budget funds
- bring in revenue
- derive revenue
- earmark revenue
- fabricate revenues
- generate revenues
- lift revenues
- lose revenue
- plough revenue into sales and marketing
- raise revenue
- reap record revenue
- receive revenue
- reduce tax revenue
- report revenue
- subsidize with revenues from exportsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > revenue
13 vehicle
транспортное средство; автомобиль- aircraft service vehicle
- all-purpose vehicle
- all-terrain vehicle
- all-wheel drive vehicle
- amphibian vehicle
- armored vehicle
- articulated vehicle
- badge-engineered vehicle
- battery vehicle
- battery-driven vehicle
- catalyst-equipped vehicle
- civil vehicle
- combat vehicle
- command vehicle
- commercial motor vehicle
- commercial vehicle
- controlled vehicle
- cross-country vehicle
- diesel-powered vehicle
- disabled vehicle
- dual-fuel vehicle
- electric vehicle
- emergency service vehicle
- escort vehicle
- fighting vehicle
- fire fighting vehicle
- four-by-four vehicle
- four-by-two vehicle
- freight vehicle
- front drive vehicle
- front-wheel drive vehicle
- funeral vehicle
- gas-powered vehicle
- hybrid vehicle
- low-volume vehicle
- maneuverable vehicle
- military vehicle
- motor vehicle
- moving vehicle
- multipurpose vehicle
- municipal vehicle
- off-road vehicle
- oncoming vehicle
- overhead servicing vehicle
- overtaking vehicle
- passenger commercial motor vehicle
- passenger vehicle
- passing vehicle
- postal vehicle
- pre-converter vehicle
- private vehicle
- production vehicle
- rear drive vehicle
- rear-wheel drive vehicle
- recovery vehicle
- recreation vehicle
- refuse collector vehicle
- refuse vehicle
- repair vehicle
- road vehicle
- service vehicle
- single-drive vehicle
- snow-fighting vehicle
- special vehicle
- special-purpose vehicle
- sport-utility vehicle
- stationary vehicle
- tactical vehicle
- tandem-drive vehicle
- tank support vehicle
- test vehicle
- towed vehicle
- towing vehicle
- tractive vehicle
- turntable ladder vehicle
- ultra-low emission vehicle
- uncontrolled vehicle
- zero emission vehicle* * * -
14 vehicle
ˈvi:ɪkl сущ.
1) транспортное средство (тж. летательный аппарат) to drive, operate a vehicle ≈ управлять каким-л. перевозочным средством all-purpose vehicle ≈ универсальное средство передвижения hired vehicle, rented vehicle, self-drive vehicle ≈ арендуемый транспорт armored vehicle ≈ бронированный автомобиль half-tracked vehicle ≈ вездеход off-road vehicle ≈ внедорожное транспортное средство (в правилах дорожного движения некоторых штатов определенным средствам транспорта запрещено самостоятельное движение по шоссейным дорогам) passenger vehicle ≈ пассажирский транспорт
2) средство (выражения и распространения) a vehicle for spreading propaganda ≈ средство пропаганды
3) проводник( звука, света), разносчик( инфекции)
4) растворитель сухопутное средство передвижения или перевозки (автомобиль, велосипед, повозка, сани и т. п.) автомобиль, автотранспортное средство( военное) средство доставки( оружия) ;
носитель - waterborne * плавсредство - nuclear weapon delivery * средство доставки ядерного оружия десантно-высадочное средство летательный аппарат - space * космический корабль средство или орудие( выражения, распространения) ;
проводник (идей) - * for propaganda орудие пропаганды - language is the * for conveying ideas язык - средство передачи мыслей - the newspaper as a * for advertising газета как средство рекламы (искусство) форма воплощения;
художесвенный прием - a form of verse as a * in poetry форма стиха как поэтический прием преим. (театроведение) средство проявления способностей - a starring * for an actress фильм для актрисы-звезды - a piano concerto composed as a * for a virtuoso фортепьянный концерт, написанный для исполнителя-виртуоза - an excellent * for the genius of N. пьеса, в которой N. мог полностью проявить свой талант оболочка - souls divested of their grosser *s души, освобожденные от своей грубой оболочки проводник (звука, света и т. п.) (химическое) растворитель;
связующее вещество (медицина) среда для лекарства (медицина) носитель - * of disease носитель инфекции (редкое) перевозить;
транспортировать articulated ~ спаренная машина emergency ~ спецмашина investment ~ механизм инвестирования motor ~ автомобиль motor ~ автотранспортное средство refrigerated ~ авторефрижератор ~ летательный аппарат;
space vehicle космический корабль vehicle автомобиль;
автотранспортное средство;
машина ~ автомобиль ~ автотранспортное средство ~ летательный аппарат;
space vehicle космический корабль ~ летательный аппарат ~ машина ~ перевозочное средство (автомобиль, вагон, повозка и т. п.) ~ перевозочное средство ~ проводник (звука, света, инфекции и т. п.) ~ ракета ~ растворитель;
связующее вещество ~ самолет ~ средство выражения и распространения (мыслей) ~ средство передвижения ~ средство рекламы ~ экипаж -
15 company
сущ.1) общ. общество, компания; гость, гостиin company — в обществе, на людях
in company with smb. — в обществе кого-л.
2) общ. собеседник; партнер по общению3) сокр. Coа) эк. компания; фирма; предприятиеcapital goods company — компания, выпускающая средства производства
company under foreign ownership — компания, являющаяся иностранной собственностью
to set up [form, found\] a company — основать [учредить\] компанию
to float a company [to launch\] a company — учредить компанию и выпустить ее акции на рынок
See:advertising company, barter company, bartering company, cargo-handling company, controlling company, controlled company, domestic company, employee leasing company, export management company, export-import company, factor company, factoring company, foreign company, forfaiting company, forwarding company, freight-handling company, global company, holding company, import-export company, international business company, international company, internationally-based company, leasing company, life settlement company, logistics company, multinational company, offshore company, overseas company, parent company, pension company, sister company, subsidiary company, supranational company, title company, title insurance company, transnational company, wholesale company, affiliated company, agent-owned reinsurance company, captive insurance company, allied company, ancillary company, associate company, related company, auxiliary company, benevolent company, bogus company, captive finance company, captive insurance company, charitable company, chartered company, close company, close investment holding company, closed company, closed end management company, closed-end investment company, close-end investment company, closed-end management company, investment company, commercial company, company agreement, company auditor, company bargaining, company bull, company by-law, company car, company card, company doctor, company formation, company indicia, company law, company limited by guarantee, company limited by shares, company man, company name, company officer, company registrar, company secretary, company statute, company tax, company treasurer, company union, company unionism, company-wide, defunct company, dormant company, established company, exempt private company, farming company, formation of company, incorporated company, independent company, intercompany transaction, investment trust company, joint company, joint stock company, limited company, limited liability company, limited purpose trust company, management company, multiplant company, mutual company, nominee company, non-commercial company, non-for-profit company, not-for-profit company, one man company, open-end company, paper company, plan company, private company, private limited company, private limited liability company, proprietary company, public company, public limited company, public limited liability company, public utility company, publicly held company, publicly owned company, publicly traded company, quasi-public company, registered company, registration of company, regulated company, related company, shell company, sleeping company, small business investment company, small company, statutory company, sub-company, trust company, underlying company, unlimited company, blue chip company, company officer 2) African Management Services Companyб) эк., юр., амер. (собирательное понятие, применяемое, как правило, к формам организации бизнеса, имеющим в основе своей деятельности объединение капиталов: корпорации, товариществу и т. п.; не применяется по отношению к такой форме, как индивидуальное предпринимательство)Syn:See:в) эк., юр., брит. = corporation 2) б),г) ист. (те члены коммерческой организации, чьи фамилии не упоминаются в названии)See:4) общ., разг., амер. контора*, органы* (Центральное разведывательное управление США, ЦРУ; с определенным артиклем, с прописной буквы)See:5) эк. тр. гильдия (организация, действующая в Лондонском Сити, занимающаяся в основном благотворительной деятельностью и образовавшаяся из средневековых профессиональных объединений)6) мор. экипаж, команда7) воен. воинская единица; батальон, рота ( пехотные), батарея ( артиллерийская), эскадрон ( кавалерийский)See:
* * *
company (Co; Coy) компания: юридическое лицо, представляющее собой ассоциацию вкладчиков капитала (акционеров) для осуществления той или иной деятельности (товарищество, акционерная компания); = corporation 2.* * *компания, акционерное общество, фирма. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *корпоративное предприятие, которое является юридическим лицом, в отличие от его участников; компания оперирует как самостоятельная единица, успеха которой добиваются все ее члены -
16 foreign
прил.1)а) общ. иностранный; зарубежный, заграничный; чужеземный (расположенный за пределами данной страны, относящийся к другим странам)foreign producer — иностранный [зарубежный\] производитель
See:, foreign company, foreign corporation, foreign currency, foreign entity, foreign exchange 1),3, foreign flag, foreign goods, foreign invention, foreign inventor, foreign investor, foreign judgement, foreign jurisdiction, foreign market 1), foreign operation 2), foreign owner, foreign ownership, foreign parent, foreign patent, foreign patentee, foreign patenting, foreign person, foreign price, foreign products, foreign sale, foreign service national, foreign stock 2), foreign subsidiary, foreign wares, foreign workerб) общ. внешний, иностранный (связанный с другими странами, с ведением дел с другими странами)foreign financing — иностранное [зарубежное\] финансирование
foreign transaction — зарубежная сделка [операция\]
See:foreign account, foreign advertising, foreign affairs, foreign agent, foreign aid, foreign applicant, foreign assets, foreign balance, foreign capital, foreign bill, foreign bond, foreign business, foreign commerce, foreign competition, foreign credit, foreign debt, foreign draft, foreign economic policy, foreign exchange 2), foreign exports, foreign fund, foreign income, foreign investment, foreign liabilities, foreign licensing, foreign market 2), foreign marketing, foreign operation 1), foreign policy, foreign politics, foreign price shock, Foreign Secretary, foreign sector, foreign service, foreign stock 1), foreign trade, Foreign Agents Registration Act, Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Foreign Economic Trends, Foreign Agricultural Service, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, Foreign Credit Insurance Association, Foreign Credit Insurance Corporation, Foreign Credit Interchange Bureau, Foreign Investment Advisory Service, Foreign Investment Review Agency, Foreign Market Development Cooperator Program, Foreign Market Development Program, Foreign Service Institute, Foreign Access Zone, foreign air-carrier permit, Foreign Buyer Program, foreign purchases effect2) общ. незнакомый; чужой; постороннийThe name was foreign to me. — Это имя было мне незнакомо.
3) общ. чуждый, несвойственный; несоответствующийforeign flavour [odour\]— посторонний привкус [запах\]
* * *иностранные юридические и физические лица, другие государства, международные организации, осуществляющие инвестиции в иностранной валюте -
17 sample
1. сущ.1)а) общ. образец; экземплярб) марк. образец (единица или небольшое количество какого-л. продукта, используемые для знакомства потребителей с продуктом и его потребительскими качествами)See:в) общ. образец; проба (напр., образец воды или земли, взятый для исследования)2) стат. выборка, выборочная совокупность (часть генеральной совокупности, выбранная для проведения исследования)large sample — выборка большого объема, большая выборка
small sample — выборка малого объема, малая [небольшая\] выборка
to draw a sample — составлять [производить\] выборку
Syn:sampling 2)See:biased sample, control sample, general sample, heterogeneous sample, homogeneous sample, house-to-house sampling, nonrandom sample, original sample, random sample, random digit sample, reference sample, simple random sample, unrepresentative sample, sampling, convenience sampling, cost of sample, distribution of sample, sample information2. гл.1) стат. производить [осуществлять\] выборку (отбирать часть единиц некоторой совокупности для исследования на предмет соответствия каким-л. характеристиками)to sample finished product to detect defective parts — делать выборку из готового продукта для обнаружения дефектных частей
The purpose of QC is not to sample and test for acceptance. — Цель контроля качества — это не осуществление выборок и приемочного контроля.
In some cases, FDA inspectors are taking an inordinate amount of time to decide whether or not to sample imported product.
2) марк. пробовать (осуществлять пробное использование какого-л. продукта в небольшом количестве для определения его потребительской ценности)Students and workers pay you to sample your product.
Participating in trade shows is also an excellent way to get customers to sample your product or service.
* * *
образец (товара): небольшая часть товара, демонстрирующая его качество.* * *образец; выборка1. небольшое количество товара, отобранное, чтобы представлять все его количество2. небольшое количество товара, переданное потенциальным покупателям, чтобы дать им возможность провести его испытание на соответствие их задачам3. небольшое количество изделий, отобранное из большей группы, чтобы дать представление о характеристиках последней -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Automated Structural Analysis Of Proteins2) Компьютерная техника: Ada Source Analysis Program, Automated System Adjustment Program, Automatic Screen Access Program, Awesome Site Assembling Program4) Военный термин: Advanced Sensor Applications Program, Army Scientific Advisory Panel, Army Streamlined Acquisition Program, Army Substance Abuse Program, Army small arms program, advanced supersonic all-purpose, advanced survival avionics program5) Техника: Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel, aircraft synthesis analysis program, antisubmarine attack plotter6) Шутливое выражение: As Slow As Possible7) Религия: All Souls Are Precious, Always Say A Prayer8) Метеорология: Automatic Shipboard Aerological Program9) Юридический термин: Active Shooter And Patrol, Adolescent Substance Abuse Program, Americans for a Sound AIDS Policy, As Safe As Possible, Assistance For Substance Abuse Prevention10) Грубое выражение: Anarchist Skins And Punks, Another Stupid Asinine Project11) Музыка: Adrian Smith Album Project12) Радио: Area Speed And Power13) Сокращение: Advanced / Airborne Shared Aperture Program (USA), Airborne Shared Aperture Program, Aircrew Systems Advisory Panel14) Университет: Absent Student Assistance Program, Accelerated Scholars And Professionals, Alabama Student Assistance Plan, American Students To Activate Pride, Association For Students And Postdocs15) Электроника: Accurate Sensitive And Precise, Advanced Stepper Application Program16) Вычислительная техника: планирование "как можно раньше", As Soon As Possible (DFUE-Slang, Usenet, IRC), автоматическая коммутация и обработка [пакетов данных], automatic switching and processing18) Космонавтика: Ariane Structure for Auxiliary Payloads (for piggyback microsatellites)19) Транспорт: Automatic Shipment Advantage Program, Aviation Safety Action Partnership, Aviation Safety Action Program20) Экология: Automated Shipboard Aerological Program22) Деловая лексика: Advertising Specialties Attractive Prices, Aligning Services And Priorities, как можно быстрее (as soon as possible)23) Образование: Academic Skills Achievement Program, Adolescent Student Awareness Program, After School Action Program, After School Activities Program, Alternative Student Assistance Program, Assist Schools Arts Programs, Awareness Science Application And Persistence24) Сетевые технологии: Asynchronous Service Access Protocol25) Пластмассы: Aluminum Steel And Plastics26) Безопасность: Application System Authorization Process27) Расширение файла: Applied Systems and Personnel, As Soon As Possible28) Общественная организация: Alliance Of Security Analysis Professionals29) Должность: Automated Staffing Application Program30) Чат: Adult Singles At Peace31) Управление проектами: КМР (ASAP - сокр. от "as soon as possible", "КМР" - "как можно раньше"; метод расчета расписания работ, при котором плановая дата наступления события назначается на возможно более раннее время.) -
19 PAL
1) Компьютерная техника: Platform Abstraction Layer, Playlist Automation Language, Pooling Allying And Linking, Privileged Architecture Library, Process Assets Library2) Военный термин: Presence And Availability List, Protect All Life, parts authorization list, penetration aids launcher, permissive action link, permissive arming link, personnel accounting level, personnel augmentation list, portable ambush light, prescribed action link, price and availability list, prisoner-at-large, problem action log, pulsed argon laser, ПУЯБ, предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса3) Техника: personnel airlock, ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ), система ПАЛ4) Шутливое выражение: Personal Android Lackey5) Метеорология: Present Atmospheric Level6) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Louisville Railroad7) Юридический термин: Police At Last, Protect A Life, patent associated literature8) Бухгалтерия: Passive Activity Loss, Programmatic Adjustment Loan9) Финансы: provisional allotment letter10) Страхование: Particular average loss11) Ветеринария: People And Animals Learning12) Телекоммуникации: Phase Alternate Line (television)13) Сокращение: Pahlavi, Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device), Paradox Application Language, Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail), Phase Alternation Line, Phase Alternation Line-rate, Portable Advanced Laser, Portable, Accurate, Lightweight, Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004), Postal Answer Line, Psycho-Acoustical Laboratory, Police Athletic League, Paid for Added Luxury, Pale and Lifeless, Peace At Last, Price/Availability List14) Физиология: Power- Assisted Liposuction15) Электроника: Phase Alternate Line16) Вычислительная техника: Programming Application Language, program assembly language, programmable array logic, programmed application library, Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB), Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha), библиотека прикладных программ, язык программирования приложений Paradox17) Нефть: pipe analysis log18) Транспорт: Philippines Airlines, Pitch, Angle, And Level, Plane Always Late19) Деловая лексика: Productivity, Accountability, And Learning, Professionalism Advocacy And Leadership, Purpose Agenda And Limit20) Бытовая техника: система цветного телевидения PAL21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: pressure alarm low22) Образование: Parents And Literature, Participant Active Learning, Partners At Learning, Partnership Approach To Literacy, Peer Assistance And Leadership, Peer Assistance Leadership, People Animals Learning, Performance Assessment Laboratory, Physically Active Lifestyle, Play And Learn, Positive And Loving, Program For Alternative Learners23) Сетевые технологии: phase alternating line24) Авиационная медицина: psychoacoustical laboratory25) Безопасность: Personal Access List26) Расширение файла: Color palette, Programmed Array Logic, Programming Assembly Language, Paradox Applications Language (Borland), Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush)27) Майкрософт: стандарт PAL28) Общественная организация: Physicians Against Landmines29) Должность: Peer Assistance Leader, Personal Assistant For Leisure30) Чат: Personal Assistance Link31) Программное обеспечение: Palmtop Application Library -
20 Pal
1) Компьютерная техника: Platform Abstraction Layer, Playlist Automation Language, Pooling Allying And Linking, Privileged Architecture Library, Process Assets Library2) Военный термин: Presence And Availability List, Protect All Life, parts authorization list, penetration aids launcher, permissive action link, permissive arming link, personnel accounting level, personnel augmentation list, portable ambush light, prescribed action link, price and availability list, prisoner-at-large, problem action log, pulsed argon laser, ПУЯБ, предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса3) Техника: personnel airlock, ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ), система ПАЛ4) Шутливое выражение: Personal Android Lackey5) Метеорология: Present Atmospheric Level6) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Louisville Railroad7) Юридический термин: Police At Last, Protect A Life, patent associated literature8) Бухгалтерия: Passive Activity Loss, Programmatic Adjustment Loan9) Финансы: provisional allotment letter10) Страхование: Particular average loss11) Ветеринария: People And Animals Learning12) Телекоммуникации: Phase Alternate Line (television)13) Сокращение: Pahlavi, Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device), Paradox Application Language, Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail), Phase Alternation Line, Phase Alternation Line-rate, Portable Advanced Laser, Portable, Accurate, Lightweight, Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004), Postal Answer Line, Psycho-Acoustical Laboratory, Police Athletic League, Paid for Added Luxury, Pale and Lifeless, Peace At Last, Price/Availability List14) Физиология: Power- Assisted Liposuction15) Электроника: Phase Alternate Line16) Вычислительная техника: Programming Application Language, program assembly language, programmable array logic, programmed application library, Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB), Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha), библиотека прикладных программ, язык программирования приложений Paradox17) Нефть: pipe analysis log18) Транспорт: Philippines Airlines, Pitch, Angle, And Level, Plane Always Late19) Деловая лексика: Productivity, Accountability, And Learning, Professionalism Advocacy And Leadership, Purpose Agenda And Limit20) Бытовая техника: система цветного телевидения PAL21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: pressure alarm low22) Образование: Parents And Literature, Participant Active Learning, Partners At Learning, Partnership Approach To Literacy, Peer Assistance And Leadership, Peer Assistance Leadership, People Animals Learning, Performance Assessment Laboratory, Physically Active Lifestyle, Play And Learn, Positive And Loving, Program For Alternative Learners23) Сетевые технологии: phase alternating line24) Авиационная медицина: psychoacoustical laboratory25) Безопасность: Personal Access List26) Расширение файла: Color palette, Programmed Array Logic, Programming Assembly Language, Paradox Applications Language (Borland), Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush)27) Майкрософт: стандарт PAL28) Общественная организация: Physicians Against Landmines29) Должность: Peer Assistance Leader, Personal Assistant For Leisure30) Чат: Personal Assistance Link31) Программное обеспечение: Palmtop Application Library
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
purpose — UK US /ˈpɜːpəs/ noun ► [C] the reason for doing something or the reason that something exists: sb s purpose in doing sth »My purpose in calling this meeting was to remind everyone of some basic rules. with/for the purpose of (doing) sth »He… … Financial and business terms
Advertising — This article is about the form of communication. For other uses, see Advertiser (disambiguation). Advert redirects here. For the band featuring musician Gaye Advert, see The Adverts. For content guidelines on the use of advertising in Wikipedia… … Wikipedia
advertising — /ad veuhr tuy zing/, n. 1. the act or practice of calling public attention to one s product, service, need, etc., esp. by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc.: to get more customers by… … Universalium
Advertising Standards Authority (United Kingdom) — The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the independent self regulatory organisation (SRO) of the advertising industry in the United Kingdom. The ASA is a non statutory organisation and so cannot interpret or enforce legislation. However,… … Wikipedia
Advertising slogan — Ad campaign featuring Ganymede bringing Bud to the Gods, based on a drawing by F. Kirchbach. The original Anheuser Bush ad as it appeared in the February 1906 issue of Theatre Magazine. The slogan on the sign reads: Modern Version of Ganymede… … Wikipedia
Advertising Standards Authority (New Zealand) — Infobox Organization name = Advertising Standards Authority image border = size = caption = abbreviation = ASA motto = formation = extinction = type = status = purpose = headquarters = location = Wellington region served = New Zealand leader… … Wikipedia
advertising appeal — The central theme or idea behind an advertising message. Essentially its purpose is to tell potential buyers what the product offers and why the product is or should be appealing to them. To be meaningful, the appeal must be distinctive and… … Big dictionary of business and management
advertising — The process by which services on a network inform other devices on the network of their availability. Novell NetWare uses the Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) for this purpose … Dictionary of networking
advertising — noun communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about products and services See Also: advertisement … Wiktionary
Criticism of advertising — Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience to purchase or take some action upon products, ideals, or services. While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs.… … Wikipedia
reminder advertising — Advertising in which the purpose is to remind consumers about a product and to keep them thinking about it … Big dictionary of business and management