1 adverse balance
2 adverse balance
3 adverse balance
межд. эк., фин. неблагоприятный балансSyn:
* * *
пассивный (платежный) баланс.* * *отрицательное сальдо; отрицательный остаток. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *дефицит на счете, особенно дефицит платежного баланса -
4 adverse balance
межд. эк., фин. = unfavourable balanceThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > adverse balance
5 adverse balance
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > adverse balance
6 adverse balance
пассивный баланс ; -
7 adverse balance
8 adverse balance
1) Бухгалтерия: неблагоприятный (платёжный) баланс2) Финансы: пассивный баланс3) Реклама: дефицит платёжного баланса4) Деловая лексика: неблагоприятный платёжный баланс, неблагоприятный торговый баланс, отрицательный баланс, пассивное сальдо, пассивный платёжный баланс, пассивный торговый баланс5) ЕБРР: отрицательный остаток, отрицательное сальдо -
9 adverse balance
экон. отрицательный балансАнгло-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > adverse balance
10 adverse balance
пассивный [неблагоприятный] платёжный балансАнгло-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > adverse balance
11 adverse balance
пассивный баланс; -
12 adverse balance
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > adverse balance
13 adverse balance
14 adverse balance
бух. -
15 adverse balance of trade
16 adverse balance of trade
пассивный торговый баланс ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > adverse balance of trade
17 adverse balance of trade
межд. эк., фин. неблагоприятное [отрицательное\] торговое сальдо, неблагоприятное [отрицательное\] сальдо торгового баланса, неблагоприятный [отрицательный\] торговый балансSyn:* * *ситуация, при которой стоимость экспорта ниже стоимости импортаАнгло-русский экономический словарь > adverse balance of trade
18 adverse balance of payments
Деловая лексика: неблагоприятный платёжный баланс, пассивный платёжный балансУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > adverse balance of payments
19 adverse balance of trade
Деловая лексика: неблагоприятный торговый баланс, пассивный торговый балансУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > adverse balance of trade
20 adverse balance of payments surplus
Politics english-russian dictionary > adverse balance of payments surplus
См. также в других словарях:
adverse balance — ➔ balance1 * * * adverse balance UK US noun [C] (UK ACCOUNTING ► a negative amount in a set of accounts: »The accounts showed an adverse balance caused by lack of orders … Financial and business terms
adverse balance of trade — also adverse trade balance ➔ balance of trade * * * adverse balance of trade UK US noun [C] (also adverse trade balance) ECONOMICS ► a situation in which the value of the goods a country imports is more than the value of the goods it exports … Financial and business terms
adverse balance — deficit account, account with a negative balance … English contemporary dictionary
adverse balance — A deficit on an account, especially a balance of payments account … Big dictionary of business and management
adverse trade balance — UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS ► ADVERSE BALANCE OF TRADE(Cf. ↑adverse balance of trade) … Financial and business terms
balance — the amount of money remaining in an account. The total of your money in the bank after accounting for all transactions (deposits and withdrawals) is called a balance . Glossary of Business Terms A division of a Securities Account, of a type… … Financial and business terms
Balance of trade — Net flow of goods (exports minus imports) between countries. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * balance of trade ˌbalance of ˈtrade noun [singular] ECONOMICS 1. the part of a country s balance of payments that relates to the value of… … Financial and business terms
balance of trade — net flow of goods (exports minus imports) between two countries. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The difference between a country s imports and exports. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary * * * balance of trade ˌbalance of ˈtrade noun [singular] … Financial and business terms
adverse — / ædvɜ:s/ adjective unfavourable ♦ adverse balance of trade a situation in which a country imports more than it exports ♦ adverse trading conditions bad conditions for trade … Dictionary of banking and finance
Adverse drug reaction — Classification and external resources Adverse drug reaction leading to hepatitis (drug induced hepatitis) with granulomata. Other causes were excluded with extensive investigations. Liver biopsy … Wikipedia
Adverse selection — Adverse selection, anti selection, or negative selection is a term used in economics, insurance, statistics, and risk management. On the most abstract level, it refers to a market process in which bad results occur when buyers and sellers have… … Wikipedia