1 adversary
n.каршомолиця (эстеть), пельксты ялга
См. также в других словарях:
Adversary — may refer to: In Judeo Christian religion: Satan, whose name means adversary in Hebrew. In computer science: Adversary (cryptography) is a malicious entity in cryptography whose aim is to prevent the users of the cryptosystem from achieving their … Wikipedia
Adversary — Ad ver*sa*ry, n.; pl. {Adversaries}. [OE. adversarie, direct fr. the Latin, and adversaire, fr. OF. adversier, aversier, fr. L. adversarius (a.) turned toward, (n.) an adversary. See {Adverse}.] One who is turned against another or others with a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adversary — ad·ver·sary 1 / ad vər ˌser ē/ n: one that contends with or opposes another; esp: any of the opposing parties in a legal action adversary 2 adj: of, relating to, or involving opposing parties or interests; specif: of, relating to, or involving a… … Law dictionary
adversary — (n.) mid 14c., aduersere, from Anglo French adverser (13c.), O.Fr. adversaire adversary, opponent, enemy, or directly from L. adversarius opponent, adversary, rival, noun use of adjective meaning opposite, hostile, contrary, lit. turned toward… … Etymology dictionary
Adversary — Ad ver*sa*ry, a. 1. Opposed; opposite; adverse; antagonistic. [Archaic] Bp. King. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) Having an opposing party; not unopposed; as, an adversary suit. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adversary — [ad′vər ser΄ē] n. pl. adversaries [ME < OFr adversarie < L adversarius < adversus, ADVERSE] a person who opposes or fights against another; opponent; enemy adj. of or characterized by opposing parties, as the plaintiff and defendant in a … English World dictionary
adversary — *opponent, antagonist Analogous words: assailant, attacker, assaulter (see corresponding verbs at ATTACK): *enemy, foe: competitor, rival (see corresponding verbs at RIVAL) Antonyms: ally Contrasted words: colleague, *partner: supporter, champion … New Dictionary of Synonyms
adversary — is stressed on the first syllable … Modern English usage
adversary — [n] opponent antagonist, attacker, bad person, bandit, competitor, contestant, enemy, foe, match, opposer, opposite number*, oppugner, rival; concept 412 Ant. ally, assistant, backer, friend, helper, helpmate, supporter … New thesaurus
adversary — ► NOUN (pl. adversaries) ▪ an opponent. ORIGIN Latin adversarius opposed, opponent … English terms dictionary
adversary — adversariness, n. /ad veuhr ser ee/, n., pl. adversaries, adj. n. 1. a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; foe. 2. a person, group, etc., that is an opponent in a contest; contestant. 3. the Adversary, the devil;… … Universalium