1 adventitious plant
2 adventitious plant
1) Экология: адвентивное растение2) Макаров: занесённое растение, растение, введённое в культуру позднее других -
3 adventitious plant
4 plant
1) растение; расти2) сажать; засевать, сеять3) установка, оборудование•- abstract plant
- accent plant
- accumulator plant
- adornment plant
- adventitious plant
- aerial plant
- alpigenous plant
- amphibious plant
- annual plant
- aquatic plant
- aromatic plant
- artillery plant
- autochorous plant
- autotrophic plant
- basiphilous plant
- bastard sensitive plant
- bee plant
- beef-steak plant
- berry plant
- binding plant
- blue plant
- bulbotuberiferous plant
- burr plant
- C3 pathway plant
- C3 plant
- C4 pathway plant
- C4 plant
- calciphilous plant
- calciphobous plant
- CAM plant
- candle plant
- carnivorous plant
- carpet plant
- carpostrate plant
- castor-oil plant
- century plant
- chalicad plant
- chalk plant
- character plant
- chasmophilous plant
- chemozoophobic plant
- chimochlorous plant
- Chinese silk plant
- chiropterophilous plant
- chlorophyll-containing plant
- climbing plant
- clinging plant
- compass plant
- coral plant
- corkscrew plant
- cotton plant
- cover plant
- creeping plant
- culm plant
- cultivated plant
- cup plant
- cushion plant
- day-neutral plant
- deep-rooted plant
- deserving plant
- dew plant
- diageic plant
- dicotyledonous plant
- disease-resistant plant
- drought-enduring plant
- drought-escaping plant
- drought-evading plant
- drug plant
- dye plant
- earth plant
- edible plant
- emergent plant
- entomophilous plant
- equinoctial plant
- essential oil plant
- etiolated plant
- eurythermic plant
- eurytopic plant
- eutrophic plant
- fastidious plant
- fever plant
- fiber plant
- fitroot plant
- flowering plant
- food plant
- forage plant
- fossil plant
- fragrant plant
- freshwater plant
- frog plant
- fruit-bearing plant
- gamostaminate plant
- gas plant
- ginger plant
- gopher plant
- graminifolious plant
- grass-cloth plant
- gum plant
- gutta-percha plant
- gypsophilous plant
- half-awned plant
- hay plant
- herbaceous plant
- heterotrophic plant
- higher plant
- honey plant
- hopkoop plant
- host plant
- house plant
- humble plant
- humus plant
- hydrocarpic plant
- hydrophytic plant
- ice plant
- indicator plant
- inferior plant
- insectivorous plant
- land plant
- lead plant
- leggy plant
- long-day plant
- lower plant
- lowered alpine plants
- macrophytic plants
- maternal plant
- matrimony plant
- medicinal plant
- megatrophic plant
- meliferous plant
- mesotrophic plant
- milkweed plant
- mole plant
- money plant
- monocotyledonous plant
- monoecious plant
- mosquito plant
- moss plant
- multiple-headed plant
- musk plant
- mycotrophic plant
- myrmecochorous plant
- myrmecotrophic plant
- myrmecoxenous plant
- mysterious plant
- needless plant
- nitrogen-loving plant
- nitrophilous plant
- noxious plant
- nut plant
- obedient plant
- oil plant
- oligopetric plant
- oligopsammic plant
- oligorhizous plant
- omum plant
- ornamental plant
- ornitophilous plant
- overwintering plant
- oyster plant
- papilionaceous plants
- paradise plant
- parent plant
- pearl plant
- pepper plant
- perennial plant
- phanerogamic plant
- pilot plant
- pioneer plant
- pipe plant
- pistillate plant
- pitcher plant
- podded plant
- poikilohydric plant
- polar plant
- polster plant
- poverty plant
- prometatropic plant
- prostrate plant
- pulse plant
- purification plant
- pyramid plant
- red-ink plant
- resurrection plant
- rhizome plant
- rice-paper plant
- roadside-growing plant
- rock plant
- rod-shaped plant
- Roman plant
- root-sucker plant
- rosette plant
- rosin plant
- rouge plant
- rubber plant
- rupicolous plant
- salt marsh plant
- salt-sensitive plant
- salt-tolerant plant
- sand-binding plant
- sandpaper plant
- saxicolous plant
- sclerophyllous plant
- scrofula plant
- seed plant
- seed-bearing plant
- sensitive plant
- shade-enduring plant
- shade-requiring plant
- short-day plant
- shrunken plant
- siliciphilous plant
- silk plant
- skeet plant
- skeleton plant
- slipper plant
- smallpox plant
- smallseeded plant
- snow plant
- snow-favored plant
- social plants
- solute plant
- spice plant
- spider plant
- spore-bearing plant
- staminate plant
- stenocoenose plant
- stenothermic plant
- stenotrophic plant
- stiff-leaved plant
- stove plant
- submaritime plant
- succulent plant
- sugar plant
- summer plant
- sun plant
- surface plant
- switch plant
- sylvestral plant
- symbiotrophic plant
- tachysporous plant
- tall aerial plant
- tanniferous plant
- tea plant
- telegraph plant
- tendril-climber plant
- terrestrial plant
- test plant
- textile plant
- thunder plant
- tortoise plant
- trailer plant
- trap plant
- tuberous plant
- turf-forming plant
- umbrella plant
- undesirable plant
- unicorn plant
- vanilla plant
- vascular plant
- velvet plant
- warmhouse plant
- water plant
- water-indicating plant
- water-stressed plant
- wax plant
- wild plant
- winter plant
- wishbone plant
- woody plant
- zoophobous plant* * *• засевать• растение
См. также в других словарях:
Plant hormone — Plant hormones (also known as phytohormones) are chemicals that regulate plant growth. Plant hormones are signal molecules produced within the plant, and occur in extremely low concentrations. Hormones regulate cellular processes in targeted… … Wikipedia
Plant propagation — is the process of artificially or naturally propagating (distributing or spreading) plants.exual propagation (seed)Seeds and spores can be used for reproduction (through eg sowing). Seeds are typically produced from sexual reproduction within a… … Wikipedia
adventitious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) happening according to chance. 2) Botany (of roots) growing directly from the stem or other upper part of a plant. DERIVATIVES adventitiously adverb. ORIGIN Latin adventicius coming to us from abroad … English terms dictionary
plant — plantable, adj. plantless, adj. plantlike, adj. /plant, plahnt/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that… … Universalium
Plant disease symptoms — ▪ Table Plant disease symptoms description and causes examples prenecrotic symptom expression that precedes the death of cells or the disintegration of tissues water soaking a water soaked, translucent condition of tissues caused by water moving… … Universalium
plant development — Introduction a multiphasic process in which two distinct forms succeed each other in alternating generations. One form, created by the union of sexual cells (gametes (gamete)), contains two sets of similar chromosomes (diploid). At sexual… … Universalium
adventitious — [ˌadv(ə)n tɪʃəs] adjective 1》 happening according to chance. 2》 coming from outside; not native. 3》 Biology formed accidentally or in an unusual position. 4》 Botany (of a root) growing directly from the stem or other upper part of a plant.… … English new terms dictionary
Glossary of plant morphology terms — Biologists that study plant morphology use a number of different terms to describe plant organs and parts that can be observed with the human eye using no more than a hand held magnifying lens. These terms are used to identify and classify plants … Wikipedia
List of plant morphology terms — Biologists that study plant morphology use a number of different terms to describe plant organs and parts that can be observed with the human eye using no more than a hand held magnifying lens. These terms are used to identify and classify plants … Wikipedia
Chimera (plant) — Chimeras (or chimaeras) in botany are usually single organisms composed of two genetically different types of tissue. They occur in plants, on the same general basis as with animal chimeras. However, unlike animal chimeras, both types of tissues… … Wikipedia
lower vascular plant — ▪ biology Introduction formerly pteridophyte, also called vascular cryptogam, any of the spore bearing vascular plants, including the ferns, club mosses, spike mosses, quillworts, horsetails, and whisk ferns. Once considered of the… … Universalium