1 advanced-trainer aircraft
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > advanced-trainer aircraft
2 advanced trainer
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > advanced trainer
3 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
4 trainer
тренажер; учебно-тренировочный самолёт; инструкторadvanced (flying, pilotage) trainer — самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки
instrument (flight, flying) trainer — тренажер для подготовки к полётам по приборам
5 aircraft
1. (атмосферный) летательный аппарат [аппараты], воздушное судно [суда]; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы);см. тж. airplane,2. авиация/ авиационный; бортовой <об оборудовании ЛА>4-D aircraft4-D equipped aircraft9-g aircraftADF aircraftadvanced-technology aircraftadversary aircraftaerobatic aircraftaft-tail aircraftaggressor aircraftagile aircraftagricultural aircraftair defence aircraftair-refuellable aircraftair-to-ground aircraftairborne early warning and control aircraftalert aircraftall-digital aircraftall-training aircraftall-electric aircraftall-metal aircraftall-new aircraftall-out stealth aircraftall-weather aircraftamateur built aircraftamphibious aircraftantisubmarine warfare aircraftaround-the-world aircraftartificial-stability aircraftasymmetric aircraftattack aircraftattrition aircraftaugmented aircraftautomated aircraftbackside aircraftBAI aircraftbalanced aircraftbattle-damaged aircraftbattle-tolerant aircraftbattlefield aircraftbulbous-nosed aircraftbuoyant quad-rotor aircraftbush aircraftbusiness aircraftbusiness-class aircraftcalibrated pace aircraftcanard aircraftcanard controlled aircraftcanard-configured aircraftcanard-winged aircraftcargo aircraftcargo-capable aircraftcarrier aircraftcarrier-based aircraftcarrier-qualified aircraftCAS aircraftcenterstick aircraftcenterstick controlled aircraftChristmas tree aircraftclass IV aircraftclear weather reconnaissance aircraftclose-coupled canard aircraftcoated aircraftcombat air patrol aircraftcombat training aircraftcombat-damaged aircraftcombat-loaded aircraftcombi aircraftcombustible fuel aircraftcommuter aircraftcomposite material aircraftcomposite-built aircraftcomposite-wing aircraftcomputer-generated aircraftconceptual aircraftconceptual design aircraftconflicting aircraftcontrol reconfigurable aircraftcontrol-by-wire aircraftconventional tailled aircraftconventional take-off and landing aircraftconventional variable-sweep aircraftconventionally designed aircraftcorporate aircraftcounter insurgency aircraftcropspray aircraftcropspraying aircraftcruise matched aircraftcruise-designed aircraftCTOL aircraftcurrent-generation aircraftdamage tolerant aircraftday-only aircraftday/night aircraftde-iced aircraftdefence-suppression aircraftdelta-wing aircraftdemonstrator aircraftdevelopment aircraftdevelopmental aircraftdivergence prone aircraftdouble-deck aircraftdrug interdiction aircraftdrug-smuggling aircraftdual-capable aircraftducted-propeller aircraftdynamically stable aircraftdynamically unstable aircraftEarth resources research aircraftEarth resources survey aircraftejector-powered aircraftElint aircraftEMP-hardened aircraftex-airline aircraftFAC aircraftfake aircraftfan-in-wing aircraftfan-powered aircraftfirefighting aircraftfixed-cycle engine aircraftfixed-landing-gear aircraftfixed-planform aircraftfixed-wing aircraftflexible aircraftflight inspection aircraftflight loads aircraftflight refuelling aircraftflight test aircraftflightworthy aircraftfly-by-wire aircraftflying-wing aircraftforgiving aircraftforward air control aircraftforward-swept-wing aircraftfour-dimensional equipped aircraftfreely flying aircraftfreighter aircraftfriendly aircraftfront-line aircraftFSD aircraftfuel efficient aircraftfuel-hungry aircraftfull-scale aircraftfull-scale development aircraftfull-size aircraftfully-capable aircraftfully-tanked aircraftgap filler aircraftgas turbine-powered aircraftground-hugging aircraftgull-winged aircraftheavy-lift aircrafthigh-Mach aircrafthigh-alpha research aircrafthigh-cycle aircrafthigh-demand aircrafthigh-drag aircrafthigh-dynamic-pressure aircrafthigh-flying aircrafthigh-life aircrafthigh-performance aircrafthigh-speed aircrafthigh-tail aircrafthigh-technology aircrafthigh-thrust aircrafthigh-time aircrafthigh-wing aircrafthigh-winged aircrafthighest cycle aircrafthighest flight-cycle aircrafthighly agile aircrafthighly augmented aircrafthighly glazed aircrafthighly maneuverable aircrafthighly unstable aircraftholding aircrafthome-based aircrafthome-built aircrafthovering aircrafthydrocarbon-fueled aircrafthydrogen fueled aircrafthypersonic aircraftice-cloud-generating aircrafticing-research aircraftidealized aircraftIFR-equipped aircraftin-production aircraftinterrogating aircraftintratheater airlift aircraftintratheater lift aircraftintruder aircraftinventory aircraftjamming aircraftjet aircraftjet-flap aircraftjet-flapped aircraftjet-powered aircraftjet-propelled aircraftjoined-wing aircraftJTIDS aircraftjump aircraftK/s like aircraftkit-based aircraftkit-built aircraftland aircraftland-based aircraftlarge aircraftlarge-production-run aircraftlaunch aircraftlaunching aircraftlead aircraftleading aircraftleased aircraftLevel 1 aircraftlift plus lift-cruise aircraftlight aircraftlight-powered aircraftlighter-than-air aircraftlong-haul aircraftlong-winged aircraftlongitudinally unstable aircraftlook-down, shoot-down capable aircraftlow-boom aircraftlow-cost aircraftlow-observability aircraftlow-observable aircraftlow-powered aircraftlow-rate production aircraftlow-RCS aircraftlow-speed aircraftlow-time aircraftlow-to-medium speed aircraftlow-wing aircraftlow-winged aircraftlowest weight aircraftMach 2 aircraftman-powered aircraftmanned aircraftmarginally stable aircraftmechanically-controlled aircraftmechanically-signalled aircraftmedevac-equipped aircraftmicrolight aircraftmicrowave-powered aircraftmid-wing aircraftmid-winged aircraftminimum weight aircraftmission aircraftmission-ready aircraftmultibody aircraftmultimission aircraftmultipropeller aircraftmultipurpose aircraftnarrow-bodied aircraftnaturally unstable aircraftneutrally stable aircraftnew-built aircraftnew-technology aircraftnight fighting aircraftnight-capable aircraftnight-equipped aircraftnonagile aircraftnonalert aircraftnonautomated aircraft1950s-vintage aircraftnonflying test aircraftnonpressurized aircraftnonstealth aircraftnontransponder-equipped aircraftnonpropulsive-lift aircraftnortheastwardly launching aircraftnuclear-hardened aircraftnuclear-strike aircraftoblique-wing aircraftocean patrol aircraftoff-the-shelf aircraftoffensive aircraftolder-generation aircraftout-of-production aircraftoutbound aircraftpace aircraftparasol-winged aircraftparked aircraftpartial mission-capable aircraftpatrol aircraftpiston aircraftpiston-engine aircraftpiston-powered aircraftpiston-prop aircraftpivoting oblique wing aircraftpoint-design aircraftpowered-lift aircraftprecision strike aircraftprobe-equipped aircraftproduction aircraftproduction-line aircraftproof-of-concept aircraftprop-rotor aircraftpropeller aircraftpropeller-powered aircraftpropulsive-lift aircraftprototype aircraftpublic-transport aircraftpurpose-built aircraftpusher aircraftpusher-propelled aircraftquad-rotor aircraftradar test aircraftRAM-treated aircraftready aircraftrear-engined aircraftreceiving aircraftrecent-technology aircraftreconnaissance aircraftrefueling aircraftremanufactured aircraftresearch aircraftretrofit aircraftRogallo-winged aircraftrollout aircraftrotary-wing aircraftrotary-winged aircraftrotodome-equipped aircraftsafely spinnable aircraftscaled-down aircraftscaled-up aircraftscissor-wing aircraftsea-based aircraftsecond-hand aircraftself-repairing aircraftsensor-carrying aircraftshort range aircraftshort takeoff and vertical landing aircraftshort-coupled flying wing aircraftshort-haul aircraftside-inlet aircraftsideslipping aircraftsilent aircraftsingle engine aircraftsingle-pilot aircraftsingle-service aircraftsized aircraftsized optimized aircraftslender-delta aircraftSLEPed aircraftsmall-tailed aircraftsmuggler aircraftsolar-powered aircraftspecial operations aircraftspin-proof aircraftspinning aircraftstatically stable aircraftstatically unstable aircraftstealth aircraftstealthy aircraftSTOL aircraftstopped-rotor aircraftstored aircraftSTOVL aircraftstraight-tube aircraftstraight-wing aircraftstraight-winged aircraftstretched aircraftstrike aircraftstrike-control aircraftsub-scale aircraftsubmarine communications relay aircraftsunken aircraftsuperaugmented aircraftsupersonic cruise aircraftsupportable aircraftsurveillance aircraftswing-wing aircraftT-tail aircrafttactical aircrafttactical-type aircrafttail-aft aircrafttail-first aircrafttailless aircrafttailwheel aircrafttandem-seat aircrafttandem-wing aircrafttarget-towing aircraftTCAS-equipped aircrafttest aircraftthreat aircraftthree-pilot aircraftthree-surface aircraftthrust-vector-control aircrafttilt-fold-rotor aircrafttilt-proprotor aircrafttilt-rotor aircrafttilt-wing aircrafttop-of-the-range aircrafttrailing aircrafttrainer cargo aircrafttrajectory stable aircrafttransoceanic-capable aircrafttransonic aircrafttransonic maneuvering aircrafttransport aircrafttransport-size aircrafttrimmed aircrafttrisurface aircrafttug aircraftturbine-powered aircraftturboprop aircraftturbopropeller aircraftTVC aircrafttwin-aisle aircrafttwin-engined aircrafttwin-fuselage aircrafttwin-jet aircrafttwin-tailed aircrafttwin-turboprop aircrafttwo-aircrew aircrafttwo-crew aircrafttwo-pilot aircrafttwo-place aircraftultrahigh-bypass demonstrator aircraftultralight aircraftundesignated aircraftunpressurized aircraftunslatted aircraftutility aircraftV/STOL aircraftvariable-stability aircraftVATOL aircraftvector thrust controlled aircraftvectored aircraftvectored thrust aircraftversatile aircraftvertical attitude takeoff and landing aircraftVFR aircraftviolently maneuvering aircraftVTOL aircraftwater tanker aircraftweapons-delivery test aircraftweight-shift aircraftwell-behaved aircraftwide-body aircraftwing-in-ground effect aircraftX aircraftX-series aircraftX-wing aircraftyaw-vane-equipped aircraft -
1) Компьютерная техника: Modular Administration Tool, mean acquisition time2) Американизм: Minimum Alternate Tax3) Военный термин: Medium Assault Transport, Minimum Activity Tour, mechanical aptitude test, military advisory team, military air transport, military aircraft types, mine assembly team, missile acceptance team, missile acceptance tests, missile adapter tester, missile, antitank, mobile aerial target, mobile arming tower, mobile assistance team, multiple address telegram5) Математика: Multi Auto Transformation6) Метеорология: Moist Acidic Tundra7) Юридический термин: Marijuana Action Team8) Автомобильный термин: manifold air temperature9) Биржевой термин: Moving Average Treasury10) Сокращение: Marksman Advanced Trainer, Master of Arts in Teaching, Measurement of Atmosphere Turbulence, Modular Advanced Test, Multi-Arms Trainer, multi-focal atrial tachycardia, M1 Abrams Tank, MAC Address Translation, Machine-Assisted Translation, Maintenance Access Terminal, Maintenance Augmentation Team, Maintenance Tape, Maintenance and Administration Terminal, Major Area Team, Male Annihilation Technique ( fruit flies control), Man About Town, Management Aptitude Test, Management Assistance Team, Management, Administrative, and Technological, Manual Angle Tracking, Map Administration Tool, Maryland Accessible Telecommunications Program, Master Automotive Technician, Masters in the Art of Teaching, Material/Materiel, Material/Mine Assembly Team, Materials Management, Mathematics, Matte, Maximum Attainable Throughput, Mean Annual Temperature, Media Access Time, Medical Analysis Tool, Medical Association of Thailand, Medication Administration Technician, Memory Acceleration Technology, Meridian Administration Tool, Metropolitan Achievement Test, Metropolitan Area Transit, Metropolitan Area Trunks, Michigan Association of Timbermen, Microdyne Automated Terminal, Microscopic Agglutination Test, Military Air Traffic, Miller Analogies Test, Miller Analysis Test, Minimal Aggregate Traffic, Minimum Activity Tour (US Navy), Mission Applications Tool, Mission Area Team, Mixed Air Temperature (HVAC systems), Mobile Access Terminal, Mobile Advisory Team, Mobile Aeronautical Telemetry, Mobile Agent Technology, Mobilization Assistance Team, Modular Alarm Transmitter, Module Acceptance Test, Monitoring, Analysis and Testing, Monthly Average Treasury, Morehead Area Transit (Kentucky, USA), Moscow Art Theater, Moscow Arts Theatre, Movement Area Training, Moving Annual Total, Moving Treasuries Average, Mu Alpha Theta (national high school and junior college mathematics club for honors students), Multi Axis Trainer, Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (type of supra ventricular arrhythmia), Multiple Access Transponder, Municipal Association of Tasmania, Muscle Activation Technique, Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques11) Физиология: Maternal, Medication Administration Training12) Вычислительная техника: machine-aided translation, microalloy transistor13) Иммунология: microagglutination technique14) Транспорт: Marine Aviation Transport15) Экология: Measurement of Atmospheric Turbulence16) Деловая лексика: Machine Automation Tools, Model Action Talk, Most Appreciated Team17) Программирование: Multiply And Add To18) Автоматика: manufacturing automation technology19) Расширение файла: Micro Alloy Transistor, Table shortcut (MS Access), Matrix data file (Matlab)21) Программное обеспечение: Multimedia Authoring Tool -
7 Mat
1) Компьютерная техника: Modular Administration Tool, mean acquisition time2) Американизм: Minimum Alternate Tax3) Военный термин: Medium Assault Transport, Minimum Activity Tour, mechanical aptitude test, military advisory team, military air transport, military aircraft types, mine assembly team, missile acceptance team, missile acceptance tests, missile adapter tester, missile, antitank, mobile aerial target, mobile arming tower, mobile assistance team, multiple address telegram5) Математика: Multi Auto Transformation6) Метеорология: Moist Acidic Tundra7) Юридический термин: Marijuana Action Team8) Автомобильный термин: manifold air temperature9) Биржевой термин: Moving Average Treasury10) Сокращение: Marksman Advanced Trainer, Master of Arts in Teaching, Measurement of Atmosphere Turbulence, Modular Advanced Test, Multi-Arms Trainer, multi-focal atrial tachycardia, M1 Abrams Tank, MAC Address Translation, Machine-Assisted Translation, Maintenance Access Terminal, Maintenance Augmentation Team, Maintenance Tape, Maintenance and Administration Terminal, Major Area Team, Male Annihilation Technique ( fruit flies control), Man About Town, Management Aptitude Test, Management Assistance Team, Management, Administrative, and Technological, Manual Angle Tracking, Map Administration Tool, Maryland Accessible Telecommunications Program, Master Automotive Technician, Masters in the Art of Teaching, Material/Materiel, Material/Mine Assembly Team, Materials Management, Mathematics, Matte, Maximum Attainable Throughput, Mean Annual Temperature, Media Access Time, Medical Analysis Tool, Medical Association of Thailand, Medication Administration Technician, Memory Acceleration Technology, Meridian Administration Tool, Metropolitan Achievement Test, Metropolitan Area Transit, Metropolitan Area Trunks, Michigan Association of Timbermen, Microdyne Automated Terminal, Microscopic Agglutination Test, Military Air Traffic, Miller Analogies Test, Miller Analysis Test, Minimal Aggregate Traffic, Minimum Activity Tour (US Navy), Mission Applications Tool, Mission Area Team, Mixed Air Temperature (HVAC systems), Mobile Access Terminal, Mobile Advisory Team, Mobile Aeronautical Telemetry, Mobile Agent Technology, Mobilization Assistance Team, Modular Alarm Transmitter, Module Acceptance Test, Monitoring, Analysis and Testing, Monthly Average Treasury, Morehead Area Transit (Kentucky, USA), Moscow Art Theater, Moscow Arts Theatre, Movement Area Training, Moving Annual Total, Moving Treasuries Average, Mu Alpha Theta (national high school and junior college mathematics club for honors students), Multi Axis Trainer, Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (type of supra ventricular arrhythmia), Multiple Access Transponder, Municipal Association of Tasmania, Muscle Activation Technique, Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques11) Физиология: Maternal, Medication Administration Training12) Вычислительная техника: machine-aided translation, microalloy transistor13) Иммунология: microagglutination technique14) Транспорт: Marine Aviation Transport15) Экология: Measurement of Atmospheric Turbulence16) Деловая лексика: Machine Automation Tools, Model Action Talk, Most Appreciated Team17) Программирование: Multiply And Add To18) Автоматика: manufacturing automation technology19) Расширение файла: Micro Alloy Transistor, Table shortcut (MS Access), Matrix data file (Matlab)21) Программное обеспечение: Multimedia Authoring Tool -
8 mat
1) Компьютерная техника: Modular Administration Tool, mean acquisition time2) Американизм: Minimum Alternate Tax3) Военный термин: Medium Assault Transport, Minimum Activity Tour, mechanical aptitude test, military advisory team, military air transport, military aircraft types, mine assembly team, missile acceptance team, missile acceptance tests, missile adapter tester, missile, antitank, mobile aerial target, mobile arming tower, mobile assistance team, multiple address telegram5) Математика: Multi Auto Transformation6) Метеорология: Moist Acidic Tundra7) Юридический термин: Marijuana Action Team8) Автомобильный термин: manifold air temperature9) Биржевой термин: Moving Average Treasury10) Сокращение: Marksman Advanced Trainer, Master of Arts in Teaching, Measurement of Atmosphere Turbulence, Modular Advanced Test, Multi-Arms Trainer, multi-focal atrial tachycardia, M1 Abrams Tank, MAC Address Translation, Machine-Assisted Translation, Maintenance Access Terminal, Maintenance Augmentation Team, Maintenance Tape, Maintenance and Administration Terminal, Major Area Team, Male Annihilation Technique ( fruit flies control), Man About Town, Management Aptitude Test, Management Assistance Team, Management, Administrative, and Technological, Manual Angle Tracking, Map Administration Tool, Maryland Accessible Telecommunications Program, Master Automotive Technician, Masters in the Art of Teaching, Material/Materiel, Material/Mine Assembly Team, Materials Management, Mathematics, Matte, Maximum Attainable Throughput, Mean Annual Temperature, Media Access Time, Medical Analysis Tool, Medical Association of Thailand, Medication Administration Technician, Memory Acceleration Technology, Meridian Administration Tool, Metropolitan Achievement Test, Metropolitan Area Transit, Metropolitan Area Trunks, Michigan Association of Timbermen, Microdyne Automated Terminal, Microscopic Agglutination Test, Military Air Traffic, Miller Analogies Test, Miller Analysis Test, Minimal Aggregate Traffic, Minimum Activity Tour (US Navy), Mission Applications Tool, Mission Area Team, Mixed Air Temperature (HVAC systems), Mobile Access Terminal, Mobile Advisory Team, Mobile Aeronautical Telemetry, Mobile Agent Technology, Mobilization Assistance Team, Modular Alarm Transmitter, Module Acceptance Test, Monitoring, Analysis and Testing, Monthly Average Treasury, Morehead Area Transit (Kentucky, USA), Moscow Art Theater, Moscow Arts Theatre, Movement Area Training, Moving Annual Total, Moving Treasuries Average, Mu Alpha Theta (national high school and junior college mathematics club for honors students), Multi Axis Trainer, Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (type of supra ventricular arrhythmia), Multiple Access Transponder, Municipal Association of Tasmania, Muscle Activation Technique, Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques11) Физиология: Maternal, Medication Administration Training12) Вычислительная техника: machine-aided translation, microalloy transistor13) Иммунология: microagglutination technique14) Транспорт: Marine Aviation Transport15) Экология: Measurement of Atmospheric Turbulence16) Деловая лексика: Machine Automation Tools, Model Action Talk, Most Appreciated Team17) Программирование: Multiply And Add To18) Автоматика: manufacturing automation technology19) Расширение файла: Micro Alloy Transistor, Table shortcut (MS Access), Matrix data file (Matlab)21) Программное обеспечение: Multimedia Authoring Tool -
Сокращение: Advanced Trainer / Tactical Aircraft -
10 Atta
Сокращение: Advanced Trainer / Tactical Aircraft -
11 atta
Сокращение: Advanced Trainer / Tactical Aircraft -
12 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
1) Военный термин: aeronautical services earth terminal, antiarmor subcaliber engagement trainer3) Сокращение: Aircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer (US Army), Aircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer, Aircrew Standardization & Evaluation Team (USA), Automatic Scoring Electronic Target4) Электроника: Aeronautics Services Earth Terminal -
14 AST
1) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Syntax Tree2) Медицина: AAT, ASAT, AspAT, SGOT, asparagine transferase, aspartate amino transferase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, АСТ, АсАт, СГОТ, аспартат-аминотрансфераза, сывороточная глутамат оксалоацетат трансаминаза, аспартатаминотрансфераза, глутамат оксалоацетат трансаминаза, сывороточная аспартатаминотрансфераза, Alternative Site Test, arterial spin trapping3) Спорт: Action Sports Team4) Военный термин: Advanced Sensor Technology, Advanced Shooting Technology, Advanced Submunition Technology, Air Staff Target, Air Staff Task, Airborne Surveillance Testbed, Alaska standard time, Army satellite tracking center, Army specialized training, action speed, tactical, administrative supply technician, advanced simulation technology, aerial survey team, air and surface transport, air service training, air station, air surveillance technician, air-supported threat, aircraft systems trainer, all systems test, area specialist team, arming system tester, assembly and structure test, automatic shop tester5) Техника: All Star Titanium, active substrate trimming, advanced surveillance technology, asymmetric sideband transmission, automatic scan tracking6) Шутливое выражение: Alien Standard Time7) Математика: Accurate Sample Taking8) Религия: Agape Scripture Team9) Грубое выражение: A Stupid Troll, Alt Support Tourettes, Any Stupid Thing10) Металлургия: Arvedi Steel Technology11) Сокращение: Advanced Supersonic Technology, Air Service Training Ltd (UK), Air Staff Target (UK), Atmospheric Surveillance Technology, Avionics Systems Trainers, Atlantic Standard Time (GMT - 0400), Alaskan Standard Time (GMT - 1000), AST Research, Inc. (named from first initials of the founders: Albert Wong, Safi Qureshey, Thomas Yuen)12) Текстиль: Assorted Spiffy Thing13) Университет: Academy Support Team14) Физиология: Arch Support Technology, Astigmatism, aspartate transaminase (SGOT)15) Вычислительная техника: Atlantic Standard Time, Atlantic Standard Time-4:00, асинхронное системное прерывание, Atlantic Standard Time (-0400, TZ, ADT)16) Иммунология: Advanced Skin Technologies17) Фирменный знак: Advanced Sealing Technologies, Advanced Sound Technologies, Att Software Technologies18) Экология: Aboveground Storage Tank, advanced secondary treatment19) Реклама: Потребители фактического состояния20) Деловая лексика: австрийский шиллинг (Austrian schilling)21) Недвижимость: Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement (вид договора аренды в Брит)22) Сетевые технологии: Advanced System Technology, asynchronous system trap23) Полимеры: American standard thread24) Медицинская техника: arterial spin tagging25) Макаров: aspartate aminotransferase26) Расширение файла: Astound multimedia file, Auxiliary Segment Table, Atlantic Standard Time (-4:00), Assistant file (Claris Works)27) Должность: Agricultural Systems Technology28) Аэропорты: Astoria, Oregon USA29) НАСА: Aero Space Technology30) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Software Technology -
15 Aset
1) Военный термин: aeronautical services earth terminal, antiarmor subcaliber engagement trainer3) Сокращение: Aircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer (US Army), Aircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer, Aircrew Standardization & Evaluation Team (USA), Automatic Scoring Electronic Target4) Электроника: Aeronautics Services Earth Terminal -
16 ast
1) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Syntax Tree2) Медицина: AAT, ASAT, AspAT, SGOT, asparagine transferase, aspartate amino transferase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, АСТ, АсАт, СГОТ, аспартат-аминотрансфераза, сывороточная глутамат оксалоацетат трансаминаза, аспартатаминотрансфераза, глутамат оксалоацетат трансаминаза, сывороточная аспартатаминотрансфераза, Alternative Site Test, arterial spin trapping3) Спорт: Action Sports Team4) Военный термин: Advanced Sensor Technology, Advanced Shooting Technology, Advanced Submunition Technology, Air Staff Target, Air Staff Task, Airborne Surveillance Testbed, Alaska standard time, Army satellite tracking center, Army specialized training, action speed, tactical, administrative supply technician, advanced simulation technology, aerial survey team, air and surface transport, air service training, air station, air surveillance technician, air-supported threat, aircraft systems trainer, all systems test, area specialist team, arming system tester, assembly and structure test, automatic shop tester5) Техника: All Star Titanium, active substrate trimming, advanced surveillance technology, asymmetric sideband transmission, automatic scan tracking6) Шутливое выражение: Alien Standard Time7) Математика: Accurate Sample Taking8) Религия: Agape Scripture Team9) Грубое выражение: A Stupid Troll, Alt Support Tourettes, Any Stupid Thing10) Металлургия: Arvedi Steel Technology11) Сокращение: Advanced Supersonic Technology, Air Service Training Ltd (UK), Air Staff Target (UK), Atmospheric Surveillance Technology, Avionics Systems Trainers, Atlantic Standard Time (GMT - 0400), Alaskan Standard Time (GMT - 1000), AST Research, Inc. (named from first initials of the founders: Albert Wong, Safi Qureshey, Thomas Yuen)12) Текстиль: Assorted Spiffy Thing13) Университет: Academy Support Team14) Физиология: Arch Support Technology, Astigmatism, aspartate transaminase (SGOT)15) Вычислительная техника: Atlantic Standard Time, Atlantic Standard Time-4:00, асинхронное системное прерывание, Atlantic Standard Time (-0400, TZ, ADT)16) Иммунология: Advanced Skin Technologies17) Фирменный знак: Advanced Sealing Technologies, Advanced Sound Technologies, Att Software Technologies18) Экология: Aboveground Storage Tank, advanced secondary treatment19) Реклама: Потребители фактического состояния20) Деловая лексика: австрийский шиллинг (Austrian schilling)21) Недвижимость: Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement (вид договора аренды в Брит)22) Сетевые технологии: Advanced System Technology, asynchronous system trap23) Полимеры: American standard thread24) Медицинская техника: arterial spin tagging25) Макаров: aspartate aminotransferase26) Расширение файла: Astound multimedia file, Auxiliary Segment Table, Atlantic Standard Time (-4:00), Assistant file (Claris Works)27) Должность: Agricultural Systems Technology28) Аэропорты: Astoria, Oregon USA29) НАСА: Aero Space Technology30) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Software Technology -
17 ATC
1) Общая лексика: Authority to Construct permit, air traffic controllers2) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Test Case, Advanced Transfer Cache3) Авиация: управление воздушным движением, УВД, АТЦ, авиационно-технический центр, Aviation Technical Center4) Спорт: Achilles Track Club, Against The Clock, Archery Training Class, Athletic Training And Conditioning5) Военный термин: Advanced Training Cadet, Advanced Training Command, Air Training Command, USAF, Air Training Corps, Air Transport Command, Arctic Test Center, Army Electronic Command, Army Tactical Center, Army Tactical Command, Army Terminal Command, Army Topographic command, Army Training Command, Army Transportation Corps, Army training circular, Attack The Cripple, Automatic Target Cueing, active thermal control, advanced technical course, advanced technology components, adventurous training centre, air target chart, air traffic control, air transportable clinic, airtight container, approved type certificate, armament test center, armament training camp, armored troop carrier, assistant test chief, assistant trial counsel, automated technical control, automatic target counting, automatic tracking control, Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft)6) Техника: Automated Temperature Control, Automatic Through Centers, Automatic Tube Compensation, adiabatic toroidal compressor, advanced telerobotic control, aerial tuning capacitor, air to close, airborne test equipment computer, alert transmit console, automatic target caller, automatic threshold circuit, automatic turbine control, chief aviation electronics technician, датчик тонера, за верхней мёртвой точкой (after top centre)7) Шутливое выражение: A Terrible Cornhead, Airlines Too Confident, All That's Crazy, Apeldoorn The Craziest9) Религия: About The Creators, All The Children, Almost Total Conversion, Aquarian Tabernacle Church10) Юридический термин: Addicted To Coke11) Бухгалтерия: Accountancy Training Centre, Average Total Cost12) Австралийский сленг: Australian Tourist Commission13) Автомобильный термин: automatic temperature control, автоматическое управление тягой (Automatic Traction Control)14) Металлургия: Acoustic Tile Ceiling15) Сокращение: Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures, Adaptive Transform Coding, Air Temperature Control, Air Training Command (USAF), Air Training Corps (UK), Aircraft Technical Committee, Airport Transfer Center (60 or 70 expected after END implemented and transition from AMC), Amended / Approved Type Certificate, Armored Troop Carrier Ship (USA), Army Training Center (US Army), Automatic Target Cuing, Automatic Threat Countering, Automatic Tuning Control, acoustical tile ceiling, aerial tuning condenser, around the clock, automatic tone correction, Automatic Temperature Compensation (автоматическая компенсация температуры)16) Университет: Agricultural Telematics Centre, Athletic Trainer Certified17) Физика: Active Thermal Cooling, Automatic Temperature Conversion18) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Transmission Control, address translation cache, Address Translation Controller (ATM), Address Translation Cache (CPU), Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master), Authorized Testing Center (MS), авторизованный учебный центр, разрешение на копирование программного обеспечения19) Нефть: after top center, average total costs20) Иммунология: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical21) Транспорт: Air Tactical Communications, Air Training Command, Airport Traffic Congestion, All Terrain Collection, All Terrain Cycle, Automatic Train Control22) Воздухоплавание: Army Training Center23) Фирменный знак: Advanced Thermodynamics Corporation, American Tractor Company, Apex Tool Company, Auburn Towing Company, Authorized Training Centre24) Энергетика: available transfer capacity, available transmission capacity, располагаемая пропускная способность25) СМИ: American TV and Communications26) Деловая лексика: Adaptive Team Collaboration, Advanced Technology Centre, Ancient Traditional Concept, Average Time To Completion, Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: автоматическая смена инструмента (automatic tool change)28) Образование: Adult Training Centre29) Сетевые технологии: authorization to copy, authorized training center30) Автоматика: automatic tool changer31) Сахалин Р: automatic tool change32) Химическое оружие: Aberdeen Test Center33) Авиационная медицина: air traffic controller34) Макаров: air-traffic control tower, (air-traffic control tower) КДП (командно-диспетчерский пункт)35) Энергосистемы: available transit capacity, администратор торговой системы, располагаемая транзитная мощность36) МИД: armoured troop carrier37) Электротехника: automatic tap changing, automatic temperature compensation38) Общественная организация: Appalachian Trail Conference39) Чат: Anime Topic Chat40) Аэропорты: Arthur's Town, Bahamas41) Программное обеспечение: Ahead Of Time Compilation, Author The Computer42) Хобби: Artist Trading Card, Artist Trading Cards, Artists Trading Cards43) СМС: All Things Considered -
18 atc
1) Общая лексика: Authority to Construct permit, air traffic controllers2) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Test Case, Advanced Transfer Cache3) Авиация: управление воздушным движением, УВД, АТЦ, авиационно-технический центр, Aviation Technical Center4) Спорт: Achilles Track Club, Against The Clock, Archery Training Class, Athletic Training And Conditioning5) Военный термин: Advanced Training Cadet, Advanced Training Command, Air Training Command, USAF, Air Training Corps, Air Transport Command, Arctic Test Center, Army Electronic Command, Army Tactical Center, Army Tactical Command, Army Terminal Command, Army Topographic command, Army Training Command, Army Transportation Corps, Army training circular, Attack The Cripple, Automatic Target Cueing, active thermal control, advanced technical course, advanced technology components, adventurous training centre, air target chart, air traffic control, air transportable clinic, airtight container, approved type certificate, armament test center, armament training camp, armored troop carrier, assistant test chief, assistant trial counsel, automated technical control, automatic target counting, automatic tracking control, Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft)6) Техника: Automated Temperature Control, Automatic Through Centers, Automatic Tube Compensation, adiabatic toroidal compressor, advanced telerobotic control, aerial tuning capacitor, air to close, airborne test equipment computer, alert transmit console, automatic target caller, automatic threshold circuit, automatic turbine control, chief aviation electronics technician, датчик тонера, за верхней мёртвой точкой (after top centre)7) Шутливое выражение: A Terrible Cornhead, Airlines Too Confident, All That's Crazy, Apeldoorn The Craziest9) Религия: About The Creators, All The Children, Almost Total Conversion, Aquarian Tabernacle Church10) Юридический термин: Addicted To Coke11) Бухгалтерия: Accountancy Training Centre, Average Total Cost12) Австралийский сленг: Australian Tourist Commission13) Автомобильный термин: automatic temperature control, автоматическое управление тягой (Automatic Traction Control)14) Металлургия: Acoustic Tile Ceiling15) Сокращение: Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures, Adaptive Transform Coding, Air Temperature Control, Air Training Command (USAF), Air Training Corps (UK), Aircraft Technical Committee, Airport Transfer Center (60 or 70 expected after END implemented and transition from AMC), Amended / Approved Type Certificate, Armored Troop Carrier Ship (USA), Army Training Center (US Army), Automatic Target Cuing, Automatic Threat Countering, Automatic Tuning Control, acoustical tile ceiling, aerial tuning condenser, around the clock, automatic tone correction, Automatic Temperature Compensation (автоматическая компенсация температуры)16) Университет: Agricultural Telematics Centre, Athletic Trainer Certified17) Физика: Active Thermal Cooling, Automatic Temperature Conversion18) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Transmission Control, address translation cache, Address Translation Controller (ATM), Address Translation Cache (CPU), Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master), Authorized Testing Center (MS), авторизованный учебный центр, разрешение на копирование программного обеспечения19) Нефть: after top center, average total costs20) Иммунология: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical21) Транспорт: Air Tactical Communications, Air Training Command, Airport Traffic Congestion, All Terrain Collection, All Terrain Cycle, Automatic Train Control22) Воздухоплавание: Army Training Center23) Фирменный знак: Advanced Thermodynamics Corporation, American Tractor Company, Apex Tool Company, Auburn Towing Company, Authorized Training Centre24) Энергетика: available transfer capacity, available transmission capacity, располагаемая пропускная способность25) СМИ: American TV and Communications26) Деловая лексика: Adaptive Team Collaboration, Advanced Technology Centre, Ancient Traditional Concept, Average Time To Completion, Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: автоматическая смена инструмента (automatic tool change)28) Образование: Adult Training Centre29) Сетевые технологии: authorization to copy, authorized training center30) Автоматика: automatic tool changer31) Сахалин Р: automatic tool change32) Химическое оружие: Aberdeen Test Center33) Авиационная медицина: air traffic controller34) Макаров: air-traffic control tower, (air-traffic control tower) КДП (командно-диспетчерский пункт)35) Энергосистемы: available transit capacity, администратор торговой системы, располагаемая транзитная мощность36) МИД: armoured troop carrier37) Электротехника: automatic tap changing, automatic temperature compensation38) Общественная организация: Appalachian Trail Conference39) Чат: Anime Topic Chat40) Аэропорты: Arthur's Town, Bahamas41) Программное обеспечение: Ahead Of Time Compilation, Author The Computer42) Хобби: Artist Trading Card, Artist Trading Cards, Artists Trading Cards43) СМС: All Things Considered -
19 ATR
1) Общая лексика: Asian-Pacific Region2) Компьютерная техника: Andy's Techno Rules, air transport rack3) Авиация: air turbo-rocket engine5) Военный термин: Alaska Trauma Registry, Annual Training Requirement, Anti Tank Rifle, Attack The Radical, Attack The Rim, Average True Range, achievement of test readiness, advanced tactical radar, air traffic regulations, air-launched trainer rocket, air-transportable rack, airborne target reconnaissance, airborne target relay, aircraft trouble report, antitank regiment, automatic target recognition, automatic test and repair, aviation training record, автоматическая система распознавания целей6) Техника: advanced thermal reactor, airturboramjet, analog tape recorder, antenna test range, antenna transmit-receiver, anti-transmitter-receiver, antitransmit-receive switch, automatic target recognizer, automatic test equipment, automatic translator, auxiliary transformer, average transfer rate, aviation technician, radar7) Математика: Almost Totally Real8) Религия: African Traditional Religion9) Телекоммуникации: Advanced Telecommunications Research10) Сокращение: (type abbreviation) Fleet ocean tug (fire-fighting), Achievement of Test Readiness (USA), Advanced Tactical Radar programme, Aided Target Recognition, Aided Target Recognizer, Air Transportability Racking, Air Transportable Racking (ARINC standard box sizes), Anti-Transmit-Receive, Automotive Test Rig, Autonomous Target Recognition, Franco-Italian Avions de Transport Regional, air transport radio, antitransmit-receive11) Физиология: Achilles tendon reflex, Atrophy, Automatic Tampon Removal, Automatic Tampon Remover12) Электроника: Anti-Transit-Receive13) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Terminal Recognition, audio tape recorder, Advanced Telecommunications Research laboratory (organization, Japan)14) Нефть: automatic tape reader16) Фирменный знак: Advanced Technologies And Research, Avion De Transport Regional17) Деловая лексика: Accuracy Timeliness Responsiveness18) ЕБРР: acid test ratio19) Полимеры: attenuated total reflectance20) Программирование: Answer To Reset21) Ядерная физика: Advanced Terminal Reactor22) Контроль качества: assembly test recording23) Сахалин Ю: Russian Authority Tracking Register (appended by nikulin K.)24) Авиационная медицина: arm tremor reaction25) Макаров: autothermal reforming process, НПВО, нарушенное полное отражение26) Ядерное оружие: атрибутивный риск27) Электротехника: advanced test reactor28) Должность: Art Therapist Registered29) Аэропорты: Atar, Mauritania30) НАСА: Above The Rest -
20 AST
AST, action speed, tactical————————AST, administrative supply technician————————AST, advanced simulation technology————————AST, aerial survey team————————AST, air and surface transport————————AST, air service [servicing] training————————AST, Air Staff Target————————AST, Бр Air Staff Task————————AST, air stationавиационная станция [база]————————AST, air surveillance technician————————AST, air-supported threat————————AST, aircraft systems trainer————————AST, Alaska standard time————————AST, all systems test————————AST, area specialist teamгруппа специалистов (данного) направления [района]————————AST, arming system testerконтрольно-измерительный прибор системы приведения БЧ в готовность к действию————————AST, Army satellite tracking center————————AST, Army specialized training————————AST, assembly and structure test————————AST, Atlantic standard time————————AST, automatic shop testerEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > AST
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Trainer (aircraft) — Trainer Slingsby T 67 Firefly of the UK Defence Elementary Flying Training School, used for training Army and Navy pilots A trainer is a class of aircraft designed specifically to facilitate in flight training of pilots and aircrews. The use of a … Wikipedia
advanced trainer — A trainer aircraft more powerful and complicated than an ab initio or primary trainer. It may be capable of simulating or performing combat roles, especially when fitted with armament … Aviation dictionary
Mako/High Energy Advanced Trainer — EADS Mako HEAT L avion militaire d EADS Mako HEAT (pour High Energy Advanced Trainer) est un avion d entraînement à hautes performances, prévu pour servir dans différentes forces aériennes européennes. Les sous traitants sont Finmeccanica… … Wikipédia en Français
List of Japanese trainer aircraft during World War II — This is a List of Japanese trainer aircraft during World War II.General trainersExperimental trainers* Tokyo Koku Ki 107 * Mitsubishi Ki 167 Basic trainers* Kokusai Ki 86 Cypress * Tachikawa Ki 9 Spruce * Tachikawa Ki 17 Cedar Advanced trainers*… … Wikipedia
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Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina — The Fábrica Militar de Aviones (FMA, or Military Aircraft Factory) is Argentina s main manufacturer of military aircraft. Formed on October 10, 1927 it is owned by the Argentine government. It was privatized in 1995 with Lockheed Martin given its … Wikipedia
Aircraft flight control systems — consist of flight control surfaces, the respective cockpit controls, connecting linkages, and the necessary operating mechanisms to control an aircraft s direction in flight. Aircraft engine controls are also considered as flight controls as they … Wikipedia
List of aircraft of the Armée de l'Air, World War II — Aircraft of the French Armée de l Air and Aéronavale during the Battle of France in 1940. Quick Links: * Most Produced: Potez 63 series * Second Most Produced: Morane Saulnier M.S.406 * Best French production Fighter (Pre Armistice): Dewoitine… … Wikipedia
trainer — /tray neuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that trains. 2. a staff member on an athletic team who gives first aid and therapy to injured players. 3. a person who trains athletes; coach. 4. a person who trains racehorses or other animals for contests,… … Universalium
List of military aircraft of the United States — This list of military aircraft of the United States includes prototype, pre production and operational types. For aircraft in service, see the List of active United States military aircraft. Prototypes are normally prefixed with X and are often… … Wikipedia
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