1 adipose tissue
cellular tissue — клетчатка, рыхлая соединительная ткань
2 adipose tissue
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > adipose tissue
3 adipose tissue
4 adipose tissue
1) Медицина: жир, жировая ткань2) Гистология: жировая клетчатка -
5 adipose tissue
жировая тканьАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > adipose tissue
6 adipose tissue
мед.фраз. жировая ткань* * *жир, жировая ткань -
7 adipose tissue
8 adipose tissue
Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > adipose tissue
9 adipose tissue
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > adipose tissue
10 adipose tissue
жировая тканьEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > adipose tissue
11 adipose tissue
12 adipose tissue
English-Russian dictionary of leather and footwear industry > adipose tissue
13 brown adipose tissue
Медицина: бурая жировая ткань, бурый жир -
14 intramuscular adipose tissue
Сельское хозяйство: внутримышечная жировая тканьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > intramuscular adipose tissue
15 ischiorectal adipose tissue
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ischiorectal adipose tissue
16 multilocular adipose tissue
Медицина: бурая жировая ткань, бурый жирУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > multilocular adipose tissue
17 brown adipose tissue
мед.фраз. бурая жировая ткань; бурый жир* * * -
18 multilocular adipose tissue
мед.фраз. бурая жировая ткань; бурый жирАнгло-русский медицинский словарь > multilocular adipose tissue
19 brown adipose tissue
бурая жировая ткань, бурый жирEnglish-russian biological dictionary > brown adipose tissue
20 ischiorectal adipose tissue
Англо-русский медицинский словарь > ischiorectal adipose tissue
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См. также в других словарях:
adipose tissue — n connective tissue in which fat is stored and which has the cells distended by droplets of fat * * * fibrous connective tissue packed with masses of fat cells (adipocytes). It forms a thick layer under the skin and occurs around the kidneys and… … Medical dictionary
Adipose tissue — Adipose Ad i*pose (?; 277), a. [L. adeps, adipis, fat, grease.] Of or pertaining to animal fat; fatty. [1913 Webster] {Adipose fin} (Zo[ o]l.), a soft boneless fin. {Adipose tissue} (Anat.), that form of animal tissue which forms or contains fat … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Adipose tissue — For the Doctor Who creatures, see List of Doctor Who monsters and aliens#Adipose. Adipose tissue is one of the main types of connective tissue. In histology, adipose tissue or body fat or fat depot or just fat is loose connective tissue composed… … Wikipedia
adipose tissue — noun a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold • Syn: ↑fat, ↑fatty tissue • Derivationally related forms: ↑fat (for … Useful english dictionary
adipose tissue — loose connective tissue in which fat cells accumulate. [1850 55] * * * or fatty tissue Connective tissue consisting mainly of fat cells, specialized to synthesize and contain large globules of fat, within a structural network of fibres. It is… … Universalium
adipose tissue — fatty tissue, tissue in which fat cells are located … English contemporary dictionary
adipose tissue — noun Date: 1854 connective tissue in which fat is stored and which has the cells distended by droplets of fat … New Collegiate Dictionary
adipose tissue — Fibrous connective tissue with large numbers of fat storing cells, adipocytes … Dictionary of molecular biology
adipose tissue — noun Connective tissue which stores fat, and which cushions and insulates the body … Wiktionary
ADIPOSE TISSUE — a tissue of small vesicles filled with oily matter, in which there is no sensation, and a layer of which lies under the skin and gives smoothness and warmth to the body … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
adipose tissue — fibrous connective tissue packed with masses of fat cells (adipocytes). It forms a thick layer under the skin and occurs around the kidneys and in the buttocks. It serves both as an insulating layer and an energy store; food in excess of… … The new mediacal dictionary