1 adipose body
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > adipose body
2 adipose body
Биология: жировое тело -
3 adipose body
4 adipose body
5 adipose body of ischiorectal fossa
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > adipose body of ischiorectal fossa
6 adipose body of kidney
Медицина: околопочечное жировое телоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > adipose body of kidney
7 adipose body of orbit
Медицина: жировое тело глазницы -
8 body
body 1. тело; туловище; 2. тельце; 3. организм; 4. ствол; стебель; 5. корпус (лошади) ; 6. большое количество; массаbody of interest изучаемый объектbody of thymus gland тельце Гассаля, тельце вилочковой железыbody of water водная масса; водоёмacetone body ацетоновое телоacidophilic body тельце Рассела, ацидофильное тельцеadipose body жировое телоadrenal body надпочечникanti-intermediary body антиамбоцепторBarr's body тельце Барра, гранула полового хроматинаbasal body базальное тело, базальная гранула, кинетосомаbasal body базальное тельце; образование, лежащее в основании жгутиков зооспор и сперматозоидовbowl body корпус барабанаcarotid body каротидное тельцеcavernous body пещеристое телоcentral body центральное тельце; центросомаchromatinic body хроматиновое телоciliary body цилиардное телоconoid body шишковидная железа, эпифиз мозгаdentate body зубное ядро (мозжечка, оливы)directing body полярное тельце, редукционное тельце, направительное тельцеelementary body элементарное тельцеend body конечное звено (комплимента)epithelial body паращитовидная железа, околощитовидная железаfat body жировое телоforeign body инородное телоfruit body плодовое телоfruiting body плодовое телоgeniculate body коленчатое телоGolgi body тельце ГольджиGolgi-Mazzoni body тельце Гольджи - Мацони, луковицеобразное тельцеHassal's body тельце Гассаля, тельце вилочковой железыHerring body тельце Херринга, накопительное нейросекреторное тельцеHighmore's body 1. гайморово тело; 2. средостение яичкаimmune body иммунное тело, антителоinclusion body внутриклеточное тельцеintermediate body амбоцепторinterrenal body межпочечное телоJolly's body тельце Жоли, базофильное зерноkinetic body кинетохор, центромераMalpighian body мальпигиево тельце, лимфатический фолликул (селезёнки); мальпигиев клубочек (в почке)mammillary body сосцевидное телоMeissner's body тельце Мейснераmetaplastic body метапластическое тельцеmulberry body морулаmushroom body грибовидное телоMьllerian body мюллерово тельцеPacinian body пачиниево тельцеpaired bodies межпочечные телаpapillary body сосочковое телоparabasal body парабазальное телоpineal body эпифиз, шишковидная железаpituitary body гипофизpolar body полярное тельце, редукционное тельце, направительное тельцеPolar body полярное тельце, абортивная клетка, образующаяся в период развития женских половых клеток, имеющая гаплоидный набор хромосом и не имеющая достаточного запаса цитоплазмыprotein body белковое тельце (в семядолях)quadrigeminal bodies четверохолмиеreceprive body воспринимающее тельцеred body красная сеть, чудесная сеть (скопление капилляров, покрытое железистым эпителием)restiform верёвчатое телоRussell's body тельце Рассела, ацидофильное тельцеsense body орган чувствsongy body пещеристое телоstem body экваториальная часть ахроматического веретена (в телофазе)stem body 1. "толкающее тельце", межзональная область (область клетки между расходящимися хромосомами в анафазе и телофазе) ; 2. "опорное тело" (в макронуклеусе инфузорий)stored neurosecretory body тельце Херринга, накопительное нейросекреторное тельцеstriate body полосатое телоsuprarenal body надпочечникtactile body осязательное тельцеtouch body осязательное тельцеultimabranchial body ультимобранхиальное тельцеuterine body тело маткиvitreous body стекловидное телоWolffian body вольфово тело, мезонефросyellow body жёлтое телоZuckerkandl's body тело Цукеркандля, пояснично-аортальный параганглийEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > body
9 adipose
1. n животный жир2. a жирный; жировойСинонимический ряд:obese (adj.) chubby; corpulent; fat; fatty; fleshy; gross; heavy; obese; overblown; plump -
10 body
1) тело; туловище2) тельце3) организм4) ствол; стебель6) большое количество; масса•- acidophilic body
- adipose body
- adrenal body
- anococcygeal body
- anti-intermediary body
- aortic body
- Barr's body
- basal body
- body of interest
- body of nail
- body of thymus gland
- body of water
- body of womb
- carotid body
- cavernous body
- cell body
- central body
- chromatinic body
- ciliary body
- coccygeal body
- conoid body
- conoidal body
- dentate body
- directing body
- elementary body
- end body
- epithelial body
- fat body
- foreign body
- fruit body
- geniculate body
- Golgi body
- Golgi-Mazzoni body
- Hassal's body
- Herring's body
- Highmore's body
- immune body
- infundibular body
- intercarotid body
- intermediate body
- interrenal body
- Jolly's body
- Koch's bods
- Malpighian body
- mammillary body
- Meissner's body
- metaplastic body
- mulberry body
- Mullerian body
- mushroom body
- Nissl body
- Pacinian body
- paired bodies
- papillary body
- parabasal body
- pineal body
- pituitary body
- polar body
- protein body
- quadrigeminal bodies
- receptive body
- red body
- restiform body
- Russell's body
- sense body
- spongy body
- stem body
- Stieda body
- stored neurosecretory body
- striate body
- sub-Stieda's body
- suprarenal body
- tactile body
- thyroid body
- Tidemann's body
- touch body
- turbinated body
- ultimobranchial body
- uterine body
- vertebral body
- vitreous body
- water body
- Wolffian body
- yellow body
- Zuckerkandl's body* * *• корпус• тело -
11 fat body
12 cell
1) клетка2) ячейка3) камера•- educated cell
- passenger cells
- absorbing cell
- accessory cell
- accessory pigment cell
- acidophil cell
- acinar cell
- acoustic hair cell
- adipose cell
- adventitional cell
- air cell
- allergized cell
- allogenerated cell
- allogenerated killer cell
- allogenic cell
- alpha cell
- amoebocytic cell
- amoeboid cell
- anaphylactic target cell
- antheridial cell
- antibody-armed cell
- antibody-coated cell
- antibody-containing cell
- antibody-forming cell
- antibody-generating cell
- antibody-producing cell
- antigen-educated cell
- antigen-experienced cell
- antigen-exposed cell
- antigen-presenting cell
- antigen-responsive cell
- antigen-sensitive cell
- antigen-specific cell
- apical cell
- archesporial cell
- argyrophil cell
- attacker cell
- atypical cardiac muscle cell
- autoaggressive cell
- autoimmune helper cell
- autologous responding cell
- auxiliary cell
- bacterial cell
- Baer's cell
- basal anal cell
- basal cell
- basket cell
- basophil cell
- bee's cells
- beta cell
- Betz cell
- binucleate cell
- bipolar cell
- B-lineage cell
- blood cell
- body cell
- bone cell
- boosted memory cell
- bottle cell
- bristle cell
- broad cell
- brown fat cell
- burst-forming cell
- bystander tumor cell
- caliciform cell
- cameloid cell
- canal cell
- cancer cell
- cancerous cell
- carrier-primed cell
- carrier-specific T helper cell
- cartilaginous cell
- cell of Bergmann's fiber
- cell of Fanana
- centroacinar cell
- chalice cell
- chlorophyll-containing cell
- chromaffin cell
- chromatophore cell
- ciliated cell
- Claudius' cell
- cleavage cell
- clonogenic cell
- closed cell
- clumped cells
- cluster-forming cells
- collagen-producing cell
- collar cell
- collared flagellate cell
- columnar cell
- committed cell
- common lymphoid stem cell
- common myeloid stem cell
- companion cell
- ConA-induced suppressor cell
- cone cell
- contrasuppressor T cell
- Coombs' positive red cell
- Corti's cell
- counting cell
- couple cell
- covering cell
- Craig-type dialysis cell
- CSF-producing cell
- cuboidal cell
- culture-origin cell
- cycling cell
- cytocidal cell
- cytotoxic cell
- cytotoxic T cell
- daughter cell
- decidual cell
- Deiters' cell
- delayer-type T cell
- demilune cells
- dentinal cell
- discal cell
- distal retinula cell
- dividing cell
- dormant cell
- drone cell
- durative cell
- dust cells
- EAC-rosetting cell
- EA-rosetting cell
- effector cell
- egg cell
- elementary cell
- embryo cell
- embryonic cell
- enamel cell
- end cell
- enterochromaffin cell
- eosinophil cell
- ependymal cell
- epidermal cell
- epithelial cell
- epithelial glial cell
- E-rosetting cell
- ethmoidal air cells
- excitatory cell
- exocrine cell
- F- cell
- F+ cell
- fat cell
- fatty cell
- feeder cell
- flame cell
- flask cell
- floor cell
- flow cell
- flow-through cell
- fluorescence-bright cell
- fluorescence-dull cell
- follicular cell
- foot cell
- formative cell
- founder cell
- free cell
- Freund's cells
- ganglionic nerve cell
- generative cell
- genetical storage cells
- germ cell
- germinal cell
- Gey's HeLa epithelial cells
- giant cell
- gland cell
- glandular cell
- glass-adherent cell
- glass-nonadherent cell
- glia cell
- glial Golgi cell
- glomerulosa cells
- GNA cell
- goblet cell
- Golgi cell
- Gram-negative cell
- Gram-positive cell
- granule cell
- granulobasal cell
- guard cell
- hair cell
- hapten-binding cell
- hapten-primed cell
- haptenylated cell
- HeLa cells
- helper cell
- hemic cell
- hemolysin-coated cell
- hemopoietic cell
- Hensen's cell
- hepatic cell
- Hersch's cell
- high-producer cell
- histoincompatible cells
- horizontal cell
- horizontal spindle-shaped nerve cell
- horn cell
- Hortega cell
- host cell
- hybrid cell
- hybridoma cell
- hydropot cell
- Ig-secreting cell
- ill-defined cell
- immature cell
- immobilized cells
- immune cell
- immunocompetent cell
- immunoglobulin-producing cell
- immunologically committed lymphoid cell
- immunoregulatory cell
- inclusion-bearing cell
- initial cell
- inner hair cell
- interstitial cell
- interstitial glandular cell of testis
- intestinal acidophil cell
- iris cell
- iris pigment cell
- irritation cell
- islet cell
- isotype-uncommitted B cell
- juvenile B cell
- juvenile cell
- K-cell
- killer cell
- Kupffer cell
- Langhans cell
- large-field cell
- lasso cell
- Leydig's cell
- liber cells
- light-producing cell
- lip cell
- living cell
- lutein cell
- lymph cell
- major mastoid air cell
- male cell
- malignant cell
- mantle cell
- Marchand's cell
- marginal cell
- marrow cell
- mast cell
- mastoid air cell
- mastoid cell
- mature cell
- mechanical cell
- memory cell
- meristematic cell
- mesenchyme cell
- migratory cell
- mini cell
- mitral cell
- mixed-lineage cells
- mobile cell
- modified self cell
- mononuclear cell
- mossy cell
- mother cell
- multinucleate cell
- myeloid cell
- myeloma cell
- naked cell
- natural cytotoxic cell
- natural killer cell
- natural suppressor cell
- NC cell
- nerve cell
- nerve multipolar cell
- nettling cell
- neurosecretory cell
- NK cell
- NK-sensitive cell
- noncorrectly fused cells
- noncycling cell
- nonproliferating cell
- nonspiking cell
- NS cell
- nurse cell
- nutritive cell
- oil cell
- olfactory cell
- open cell
- osseous cell
- osteogenetic cell
- outer limiting cell
- outer phalangeal cell
- outer supporting cell
- pairing cell
- palisade cell
- Paneth cell
- parenchymatous cell
- parent cell
- parietal cell
- passage cell
- pavement cell
- pericapillary cell
- pheochrome cell
- photogenic cell
- photoreceptor cell
- pigment cell
- pillar cell
- pituitary cell
- plankton counting cell
- plant cell
- plaque-forming cell
- plasma cell
- pluripotential cell
- pole cell
- postfusional cell
- postmitotic mature cell
- pre-B cell
- precommitted cell
- prekiller cell
- premitotic cell
- presenter cell
- prickle cell
- primed lymphoid cell
- primed responder cell
- primitive blood cell
- primitive sperm cell
- primordial germ cell
- progenitor cell
- promotor cell
- prop cell
- prothallial cell
- Purkinje's cell
- pus cell
- pyramidal cell
- queen cell
- quiescent cell
- radiate glial cell
- red blood cell
- repopulating cell
- reserve cell
- responder cell
- resting cell
- restricted stem cell
- reticuloendothelial cell
- Rieder cell
- rod cell
- rod nuclear cell
- rosette-forming cells
- Rouget cell
- royal cell
- satellite glial cell
- scavenger cell
- Schultze's cell
- Schwann's cell
- secondary B cell
- secretory cell
- segmentated cell
- segmentation cell
- self cell
- self-reactive cell
- self-restricted cell
- self-specific cell
- sense cell
- sensitized cell
- sensory cell
- Sertoli's cell
- sessile phagocytic cell
- sex cell
- sexual cell
- shadow cell
- sheath cell
- sickle cell
- sieve cell
- sister cells
- skein cell
- small cell of Ramon-y-Cajal
- somatic cell
- sperm cell
- spermatogenous cell
- spider cell
- spiking cell
- spinal ganglion cell
- spindle cell
- spiny epithelial cell
- sporogenous cell
- spot-forming cell
- squamous cell
- squamous epithelial cell
- stab cell
- staff cell
- stalk cell
- star cell
- starlike cell
- stellate cell
- stellate endothelial cell
- stellate nerve cell
- stem cell
- stimulator cell
- stinging cell
- stone cell
- stromal cell
- substituting cell
- supporting cell
- supporting glial cell of fiber
- suppressor cell
- suppressor-enriched T cells
- swarm cell
- switch T cell
- sympathicotropic cell
- sympathochromaffin cell
- T suppressor-cytotoxic cell
- tactile cell
- tapetal cell
- target binding cell
- target cell
- taste cell
- terminal cell
- testicular follicular cell
- thymus-repopulating cell
- T-lineage cell
- totipotent cell
- touch cell
- T-proliferative cell
- tracheidal cell
- triggered cell
- trophochrome cell
- tumor cell
- Türk irritation cell
- uncommitted cell
- undifferentiated cell
- unprimed cell
- vasoformative cell
- vegetative cell
- veiled cell
- veto cell
- virgin B cell
- visual cell
- wandering cell
- wandering resting cell
- whip cell
- white blood cell
- white branched epidermal cell
- white cell
- yeast cell
- yolk cell
- zymogenic cell -
13 fat
1. n жир, сало2. n полнота, тучность3. n разг. толстяк; толстуха4. n арх. амер. лучшая частьto live on the fat of the land — жить роскошно, пользоваться всеми благами
5. n проф. театр. выигрышная роль; выигрышное место роли6. n проф. полигр. выгодная работа7. n проф. амер. полигр. выгодная печать8. n проф. тех. смазка, мазь, тавот9. n проф. сл. деньги10. n проф. амер. полит. средства на проведение кампанийto fry the fat out of, to fry out fat — выжимать средства на проведение избирательной кампании
11. a жирный, сальный; маслянистыйfat face — жирное начертание; жирный шрифт
12. a жировой13. a толстый, тучныйfat purse — богатство, «толстый кошелёк»
14. a пухлый, толстый15. a откормленный, упитанный16. a плодородный, тучный17. a урожайный18. a обильный; богатый19. a разг. выгодный, доходныйfat job — выгодная работа ; доходное место
20. a тупой, тупоумный, глупый21. a сл. никудышный; ничтожныйfat chance — никакой надежды; слабая надежда
22. v откармливать23. v жиреть, толстеть, набирать весСинонимический ряд:1. bloated (adj.) bloated; swollen2. broad (adj.) broad; extended; thick; wide3. copious (adj.) abundant; copious; full; plentiful; replete4. dull (adj.) coarse; dull; sluggish; stupid5. fatty (adj.) adipose; fatty; greasy; oily; oleaginous; unctuous6. fruitful (adj.) fruitful; lucrative; rewarding7. large (adj.) big; bull; great; husky; large; oversize8. obese (adj.) chubby; corpulent; fleshy; gross; heavy; massive; obese; overblown; overweight; plump; porcine; portly; pursy; stocky; stout; upholstered; weighty9. productive (adj.) fertile; good; productive10. profitable (adj.) profitable; remunerative; rich11. resonant (adj.) consonant; orotund; plangent; resonant; resounding; ringing; rotund; round; sonorant; sonorous; vibrant12. best (noun) best; choice; cream; elite; flower; pick; pride; prime; primrose; prize; top13. excess (noun) excess; glut; overabundance; overflow; overkill; overmuch; overplus; overrun; overstock; oversupply; plethora; superfluity; surfeit; surplus; surplusage14. grease (noun) grease; lard; suet; tallowАнтонимический ряд:attenuated; barren; cadaverous; clever; deflated; emaciated; gaunt; graceful; important; impoverished; indigent; lean; lithe; penniless; poor; scanty; scarce; thin; unprofitable -
14 overblown
1. a пронёсшийся2. a полностью распустившийся3. a пышный4. a полный5. a непомерно раздутый; напыщенный; претенциозныйСинонимический ряд:1. fat (adj.) adipose; chubby; corpulent; fat; fleshy; gross; heavy; obese; overweight; porcine; portly; pursy; stout; upholstered; weighty2. inflated (adj.) bombastic; dropsical; dropsied; excessive; flatulent; grandiloquent; inflated; oratorical; pompous; profuse; tumescent; tumid; turgid; verbose; windy3. pretentious (adj.) arty; arty-crafty; big; high-sounding; imposing; pretentious4. rhetorical (adj.) aureate; declamatory; euphuistic; florid; flowery; highfalutin; high-flown; magniloquent; orotund; purple; rhetorical; sonorous; stilted; swelling; swollen
См. также в других словарях:
adipose body — noun : fat body … Useful english dictionary
adipose — ► ADJECTIVE technical ▪ denoting body tissue used for the storage of fat. DERIVATIVES adiposity noun. ORIGIN Latin adiposus, from adeps fat … English terms dictionary
adipose — [ad′ə pōs΄] adj. [ModL adiposus < L adeps (gen. adipis), fat; ult. < Gr aleipha, fat; akin to lipos: see LIPO ] of, like, or containing animal fat; fatty n. fat in the connective tissue of an animal s body … English World dictionary
Adipose tissue — For the Doctor Who creatures, see List of Doctor Who monsters and aliens#Adipose. Adipose tissue is one of the main types of connective tissue. In histology, adipose tissue or body fat or fat depot or just fat is loose connective tissue composed… … Wikipedia
adipose cell — ▪ biology also called adipocyte or fat cell connective tissue cell specialized to synthesize and contain large globules of fat. There are two types of adipose cells: white adipose cells contain large fat droplets, only a small amount of… … Universalium
Body fat percentage — A person s body mass percentage is the total weight of the person s fat divided by the person s weight and consists of essential body fat and storage body fat. Essential body fat is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions. The… … Wikipedia
Body water — In medicine, body water is all of the water content of the human body. A significant fraction of the human body is water. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water. Blood contains 95% water, body fat contains 14% water and bone has 22%… … Wikipedia
adipose tissue — noun a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold • Syn: ↑fat, ↑fatty tissue • Derivationally related forms: ↑fat (for … Useful english dictionary
Body surface area — In physiology and medicine, the body surface area (BSA) is the measured or calculated surface of a human body. For many clinical purposes BSA is a better indicator of metabolic mass than body weight because it is less affected by abnormal adipose … Wikipedia
Body fat meter — A body fat meter is a widely available tool used to measure the percentage of fat in the human body. Different meters use various methods to determine the body fat to weight ratio.In contrast with clinical tools, one relatively inexpensive type… … Wikipedia
body — 1. The head, neck, trunk, and extremities. The human b., consisting of head (caput), neck (collum), trunk (truncus), and limbs (membra). 2. The material part of a human, as distinguished from the … Medical dictionary