1 addressing character
screened character — «растрированный» знак
2 addressing character
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > addressing character
3 addressing character
1) Вычислительная техника: адресующий знак2) Сетевые технологии: знак адресации, символ адресации -
4 addressing character
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > addressing character
5 addressing character
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > addressing character
6 addressing character
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > addressing character
7 addressing character
адресующий знак; символ адресации; знак адресацииEnglish-Russian information technology > addressing character
8 character
1) знак; символ; цифра; буква2) литера3) признак•- accuracy control character
- acknowledge character
- addressing character
- admissible character
- affirmative character
- alpha character
- alphanumeric character
- alphameric character
- alphabetic character
- backspace character
- bell character
- binary-coded character
- blank character
- block cancel character
- block check character
- block ignore character
- cancel character
- carriage control character
- carriage return character
- change character
- character-deletion character
- check character
- code character
- code directing character
- code extension character
- coded character
- command character
- communication control character
- compressed character
- concatenation character
- control character
- delete character
- digital character
- display character
- displayable character
- disturbed character
- don't care character
- double-high character
- edge character
- editing character
- eight-bit character
- end-of transmission character
- end-of-medium character
- end-of-message character
- end-of-text character
- end-of-word character
- enquiry character
- erase character
- error character
- escape character
- extension character
- face-change character
- facsimile character
- field separation character
- filling character
- fill character
- font-change character
- forbidden character
- format-control character
- form-feed character
- functional character
- gap character
- graphic character
- hand-printed character
- hand-written character
- heading character
- horizontal tabulation character
- identification character
- idle character
- ignore character
- illegal character
- improper character
- inadmissible character
- instruction character
- layout character
- least significant character
- leftmost character
- line delete character
- line end character
- line feed character
- locking shift character
- lower case character
- machine readable character
- magnetic-ink character
- magnetic character
- message-begining character
- message-ending character
- most significant character
- N-bit character
- negative acknowledge character
- new-line character
- nonlocking shift character
- nonnumeric character
- nonprintable character
- N-segment character
- null character
- numeric character
- operational character
- pad character
- paper throw character
- polling character
- print control character
- printable character
- printed character
- protection character
- record separator character
- redundant character
- relation character
- repetition character
- replacement character
- return character
- rightmost character
- rub-out character
- separating character
- shift character
- shift-in character
- shift-out character
- silent character
- space character
- special character
- start-of-heading character
- start-of-text character
- stroked character
- substitute character
- switch character
- symbolic character
- synchronous character
- sync character
- tabulation character
- tape-skip restore character
- terminating character
- throw-away character
- transmission control character
- unprintable character
- unusual character
- upper case character
- vertical tabulation character
- warning character
- white-space character
- who-are-you character
- wild card characterEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > character
9 character
1) знак, символ•- addressing character
- affirmative character
- binary-coded character
- blank character
- call-control character
- cancel character
- check character
- code character
- control character
- data-link control character
- data-link escape character
- end-of-medium character
- end-of-message character
- end-of-selection character
- end-of-text character
- end-of-transmission character
- end-of-transmission-block character
- enquiry character
- escape character
- form-feed character
- graphic character
- idle character
- illegal character
- invalid character
- least-significant character
- non-numeric character
- shift character
- standby character
- substitute character
- synchronous-idle character
- transmission-control character
- who-are-you character
- wildcard characterEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > character
10 character
символ, знакАнгло-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > character
11 addressing
адресующий; адресование -
12 computer addressing
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > computer addressing
13 адресующий знак
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > адресующий знак
14 mode
1) способ; метод; принцип ( работы)3) состояние4) вид, класс5) стат. мода, наиболее вероятное значение•- access mode
- addressable mode of memory operation
- addressing mode
- alternate mode
- anticipation mode
- append mode
- attraction mode
- autodecrement mode
- autoecho mode
- autoincrement mode
- background mode
- back-to-back mode
- basic control mode
- batch mode
- batch-job mode
- biased coincident-current mode of operation
- binary mode
- bistable mode
- bit-image mode
- block mode
- block-multiplex mode
- boxed mode
- broadcast mode
- burst mode
- bypass mode
- byte mode
- byte-interleave mode
- byte-multiplex mode - capitals mode
- card mode
- CAS-before-RAS mode
- character mode
- circle-dot mode
- column binary mode
- command mode
- communication mode
- compatibility mode
- compute mode
- conceal mode
- concurrency mode
- concurrent mode
- connection mode
- connectionless mode
- console mode
- contention mode
- continuous-roll mode
- control mode
- convergent mode
- conversational mode
- cut-sheet mode
- cycle-lock mode
- cycle-steal mode
- dash-dot mode
- data-in mode
- data-pipeline mode
- defocus-focus mode
- destructive mode of operation
- dialog mode
- diffuse mode
- direct location mode
- disconnect mode
- displacement deferred mode
- display mode
- dot-dash mode
- dual-processor mode
- dumb-terminal mode
- edit mode
- exclusive usage mode
- executive guard mode
- extended text mode
- failure mode
- fallback mode
- file access mode
- file mode
- fixed-space character mode
- floating control mode
- fly-by mode
- fly-through mode
- focus-defocus mode
- foreground mode
- forms mode
- free running mode
- freeze mode
- full-screen mode
- go-ahead mode
- graphic mode
- graphics mode
- help mode
- hold mode
- idle mode
- inactivity mode
- increment mode
- initial condition mode
- input mode
- insert mode
- instruction burst mode
- interactive mode
- interactive query mode
- interleaved mode
- interpretive mode
- interrupt mode
- inverse video mode
- keyboard mode
- landscape mode
- learn mode
- left-entry mode
- lettergram mode
- line mode
- literal addressing mode
- load mode
- local mode
- locate mode
- location mode
- lock mode
- long modes
- man-machine mode
- manual mode
- mapping mode
- master mode
- master-slave mode
- memory-address mode
- mode of behavior
- mode of operation
- mode of priority
- monostable mode of operation
- move mode
- multijob mode
- multiplex mode
- multisystem mode
- multitask mode
- native mode
- nibble mode
- noisy mode
- nondestructive reading mode
- nonslotted mode
- nontransparent mode
- no-operation mode
- off mode
- off-line mode
- on-line mode
- on-link mode
- open-loop mode
- operating mode
- operative mode
- opposed mode
- output mode
- overview mode
- page mode
- panel mode
- parallel mode
- parallel-serial mode
- parameter mode
- partitioned mode
- pass-through mode
- pick-function mode
- pipeline mode
- playback mode
- point mode
- point-plotting mode
- portrait mode
- power-saving mode
- preaddressed mode
- preset mode
- privileged mode
- problem mode
- property-sheet mode
- protected mode
- protected usage mode
- pulse mode
- query mode
- question-answer mode
- quick-tear mode
- read-in mode
- read-mostly mode
- ready mode
- real mode
- real-time operation mode
- record mode
- reference-off mode
- register mode
- related modes
- repetitive mode
- replace mode
- reset mode
- revise mode
- right-entry mode
- ripple mode
- rotating fill-display mode
- safe mode
- saturated-off mode
- scan mode
- scanned sensor mode
- scheduled mode
- seek mode
- selector mode
- self-scanning mode
- serial mode
- short offset mode
- short-vector mode
- simplex mode
- single-octet mode
- single-step mode
- slave mode
- sleep mode
- slotted mode
- spontaneous mode
- standby mode
- start-stop mode
- static-column mode
- store-and-forward mode
- stream mode
- streaming mode
- subscription mode
- suspend mode
- system production mode
- system test mode
- test mode
- text mode
- timeout mode
- total-failure mode
- tracking-cross mode
- training mode
- transparent mode
- trapping mode
- typeover mode
- type-through mode
- under the cursor mode
- united modes
- unoperable mode
- usage mode
- user-operating mode
- vector mode
- vector-continue mode
- verification mode
- virtual mode
- waiting mode
- wake-up modeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > mode
15 line
1) линия2) шина; линия; провод3) строка, строчка•- line up- access line
- acoustic delay line
- across the line
- action line
- active line
- addressing line
- address line
- AND cross parity line
- approximation straight line
- arbitration lines
- asynchronous line
- backbone line
- balanced line
- balanced transmission line
- bidirectional line
- bit line
- buffered line
- bus line
- carry line
- character line
- character selection line
- character spacing reference line
- clock line
- coaxial line
- code line
- coding line
- column line
- command line
- comment line
- communication line
- complemented bit line
- computer line
- conditioned line
- construction line
- continuation line
- control line
- data line
- data-sync line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- delay line
- dial-up line
- dial line
- digit line
- displayed line
- distributed constant electromagnetic delay line
- double line
- drive line
- duplex line
- edge line
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- enable line
- end line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- feedback line
- ferrite delay line
- fine line
- flag line
- flow line
- foreign exchange line
- framing line
- geodesic line
- half-duplex line
- handshake line
- heading line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- help line
- hidden line
- hot line
- in line
- infinite line
- inhibiting line
- inhibit line
- initial line
- ink line
- input line
- insecure data line
- lead-in line
- leased line
- liberated line
- line of reasoning
- line of sight
- line of support
- lines per minute
- liquid medium delay line
- load line
- local line
- logical line
- logic line
- loose line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- lumped constant delay line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- mercury delay line
- mouse documentation lines
- multidrop line
- multihop line
- multiparity line
- multipoint line
- multitapped line
- N-character line
- nickel delay line
- nonswitched line
- nonswitch line
- off the line
- open transmission line
- open-ended line
- optical transmission line
- OR word parity line
- out line
- outgoing line
- output line
- pair line
- parameter line
- parity line
- point-to-point line
- power supply line
- power line
- power-shutdown line
- print image line
- private line
- program line
- public line
- quartz delay line
- read select line
- ready line
- recovery line
- reference line
- request line
- request/acknowledge line
- reset line
- return line
- rubber band line
- ruling line
- scan line
- scanning line
- selection line
- select line
- sense line
- set line
- signal line
- single-vendor line
- single-wire line
- slab line
- slave line
- software product line
- solid-medium delay line
- sonic delay line
- specially conditioned line
- spiral delay line
- splitting lines
- status line
- straight line
- strip line
- subscriber line
- supply line
- switched line
- synchonous line
- telecommunication line
- terminated transmission line
- tie line
- time-delay line
- trace line
- transfer line
- transmission line
- true bit lines
- trunk line
- ultrasonic delay line
- uncomplemented bit line
- unconditioned line
- uniform impedance transmission line
- variable delay line
- virtual-ground line
- widow line
- wire-type acoustic delay line
- witness line
- word line
- work line
- write select line
- Z line
- zig-zag sense lineEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > line
16 mode
2) мода, вид [форма, тип\] колебаний; вид [тип\] волн5) вчт. состояние6) швейн. мода•-
ablative pit-forming mode
abnormal mode
acceleration mode
access mode
accumulation mode
acoustic mode
acquisition mode
active mode
adaptive control mode
addressing mode
air-liquefaction mode
alternate mode
anticipation mode
approach mode
assemble mode
astable vibration mode
astable mode
automatic mode
automatic opening mode
automatic skinning mode
autopilot heading mode
autoposition mode
avalanche mode
axial mode
background mode
backward mode
backward propagating mode
backward scattering mode
backward scatter mode
backward traveling mode
bare resonator mode
basic mode
batch mode
birefringent mode
block mode
block-multiplex mode
bound modes
broadcast mode
buckling mode
burst mode
calibration mode
capture mode
cavity flipping mode
cavity mode
central mode
character generation mode
character mode
characteristic mode
charge-coupling mode
circularly polarized mode
cladding mode
clockwise polarized mode
coherently locked modes
cold mode
collective modes
command mode
common failure mode
common mode
compatibility mode
competing modes
compute mode
confined mode
constant cutting speed mode
constant speed mode
contention mode
continuous mode
continuous path mode
continuous-wave mode
contour modes
contradirectional modes
control mode
conversational mode
cooling mode
co-orbital mode
coplanar mode
core-guided mode
core mode
counterclockwise polarized mode
counterrotating circularly polarized modes
counting mode
coupled modes
cross polarized modes
cubic mode
current mode
current saving mode
cutoff mode
cutting mode
damped mode
data-processing mode
Debye-like mode
Debye mode
deceleration mode
deflected mode
degenerated mode
degenerate mode
depletion mode
design mode
dialog mode
difference mode
differential mode
diffraction-limited mode
diffusive mode
discrete mode
dispersion modes
display mode
distributed-feedback mode
DNC mode
dominant mode
double-pass mode
drift mode
dual-processing mode
duplex mode
dynamic mode
dynamic-scattering mode
E mode
edge mode
edit mode
eigen mode
electromagnetic mode
elementary mode
Emn mode
emulation mode
energy dissipating mode
enhancement mode
equal-loss modes
equally spaced modes
erase mode
evanescent mode
even mode
excited mode
exciting mode
executive mode
extensional mode
extraordinary mode
Fabry-Perot mode
face shear modes
fast mode
faulted mode
fiber mode
filamentary mode
first mode
flexural mode
forced mode
force mode
foreground mode
foreground-background mode
forward mode
forward propagating mode
forward scattering mode
forward scatter mode
forward shear mode
forward traveling mode
fracture mode
free-running mode
free-space mode
frequency-division multiplex mode
frequency-shift-keying mode
full program mode
full-duplex mode
fundamental mode
gated mode
gate mode
Gaussian mode
generator mode
go-ahead mode
graphics mode
graphic mode
guidance mode
guided-wave mode
guided mode
half-duplex mode
heating mode
height-lock mode
higher-order mode
high-frequency mode
high-loss mode
high-pass mode
high-resolution mode
Hmn mode
horizontally polarized mode
idler mode
independent mode
index mode
injected mode
injection-locked mode
in-phase modes
in-plane mode
insert mode
integer mode
interacting modes
interactive mode
internally trapped mode
interpretive mode
interrupt mode
inverter mode
isolated mode
jog mode
kernel mode
keyboard mode
laser mode
lasing mode
lattice mode
launched mode
leaking mode
leaky mode
left-hand polarized mode
left polarized mode
length extentional mode
length flexural mode
length modes
length-width flexural mode
light mode
linearly polarized mode
load mode
local mode
locate mode
lock mode
long coherence length mode
long wavelength mode
longitudinal mode
loopback mode
low-frequency mode
low-pass mode
low-resolution mode
lugdown mode
macro-by-macro mode
magnetron mode
main mode
malfunction mode
manual mode
manual skinning mode
mapping mode
maser mode
master mode
matched mode
measurement mode
message mode
mirror image mode
mixed mode
mode of behavior
mode of deformation
mode of excitation
mode of failure
mode of functioning
mode of propagation
mode of test
mode of transport
mode-locked mode
mode-match mode
monopulse mode
move mode
multiple-frame mode
multiplexed mode
multiplex mode
multitask mode
native mode
natural mode
nonaxial mode
noncounting mode
nondegenerate mode
nondegenerative mode
nonoscillating mode
nonpropagating mode
nonradiative mode
nonresonant mode
nonspiking mode
nontransparent mode
normal mode
odd mode
off mode
off-axis mode
off-design mode
off-line mode
off-normal mode
on-line mode
on-link mode
opening fracture mode
opening mode
operating mode
optical mode
ordinary mode
original mode
orthogonally polarized modes
oscillating mode
oscillation mode
oscillatory mode
out-of-plane mode
overtype mode
parallel mode
parametric mode
parasitic mode
partially suppressed mode
path following mode
path modifying mode
penetration mode
periodic mode
perturbed mode
photographing mode
photon-counting mode
pipelined mode
plane mode
plane polarized mode
plasma mode
plasma-guide mode
playback mode
point-to-point path mode
polarization mode
polarization-bistable mode
polarized mode
posttrigger mode
power-down mode
p-polarized mode
pretrigger mode
principal mode
priviledged mode
propagating mode
propagation mode
pulse counting mode
pulsed mode
pump mode
push-pull mode
Q-spoiled mode
Q-switched mode
quadrupole mode
quantum noise limited mode
radial mode
radially polarized mode
radiating mode
radiation mode
rail mode
ranging mode
ready mode
real-time mode
receive mode
record mode
rectifier mode
reflected mode
reflection mode
reflective mode
refracted mode
refrigeration mode
repetitive Q-switched mode
request mode
resonant mode
resonator mode
retropropulsion mode
return beam mode
reverse bias mode
reversible recording mode
right-hand polarized mode
right polarized mode
run mode
sample-and-hold mode
satellite mode
saturation mode
scanning mode
scan mode
scope mode
screen mode
search mode
selected mode
selector mode
self-ammoniation mode
self-heating mode
self-locked mode
self-Q-switched mode
self-refresh mode
self-reporting mode
self-trapping mode
serial mode
series mode
setup mode
severe wear mode
shear mode of crack initiation
shear mode
side mode
signal mode
simplex mode
simulation mode
single block mode
single mode
single Q-switched mode
single-channel mode
single-character mode
single-pulse mode
single-step mode
slave mode
slightly coupled modes
spatial mode
spectral mode
spiking mode
split-screen mode
s-polarized mode
spurious mode
spurious pulse mode
square mode
stable mode
standby mode
standing-wave mode
start-stop mode
static mode
stationary mode
steady state mode
stiffened mode
still-frame mode
storage mode
store-and-forward mode
stretching mode
stripped cladding modes
strong mode
strongly excited mode
substrate mode
superradiant mode
supervisor mode
switching mode
symmetric modes
synchronously pumped mode
tape auto mode
teaching mode
tearing mode
thickness-extensional modes
time compression mode
time mode
time-difference mode
time-shared mode
torsional modes
track-and-hold mode
tracking mode
transcribe mode
transfer mode
transformed mode
transient mode
transit mode
transit-time mode
transmission mode
transparent mode
transverse mode
trapped mode
trapped plasma avalanche transit time mode
traveling-wave mode
triggering mode
trimming mode
truncated mode
tuning mode
tunneling mode
twist mode
two-level mode
unattended mode
uncoupled modes
undamped mode
unmanned mode
unperturbed mode
unstable mode
unstiffened mode
vertically polarized mode
vibration mode
vibration-free mode
virtual mode
voting mode
waiting mode
walk-off mode
warped mode
wave mode
wavefront watched modes
waveguide mode
wavy slip mode
wear mode
whispering modes
whistler mode
width modes
write mode
zero-order mode -
17 rate
1) скорость; темп2) частота3) интенсивность (напр. отказов)4) доля; процент; вероятность; пропорция; коэффициент; относительная величина5) тариф; ставка || тарифицировать; устанавливать ставку6) номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; паспортные данные || указывать номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; приводить паспортные данные7) рейтинг || определять рейтинг; иметь рейтинг•- rate of convergence
- rate of decay
- rate of ionization decay
- rate of phase change
- absorbed dose rate
- acceptable failure rate
- accounting rate
- adaptive learning rate
- addressing rate
- aging rate
- angular rate
- arrival rate
- assessed failure rate
- automatic baud rate
- automatic bit rate
- available bit rate
- azimuth rate
- basic repetition rate
- bit rate
- bit-error rate
- block error rate
- burst rate
- calling rate
- capture rate
- channel sampling rate
- character error rate
- character-writing rate
- charging rate
- chip-error rate
- clock rate
- collision rate
- compression frame rate
- concealment rate
- constant bit rate
- constant-false-alarm rate
- counting rate
- CPU clock rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise of off-state voltage
- critical rate of rise of on-state current
- crossover rate
- cross-relaxation rate
- cursor blink rate
- cutoff rate
- damage rate
- data rate
- data signaling rate
- data signalling rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deexcitation rate
- defect rate
- degradation rate
- deposition rate
- detuning rate
- diffusion rate
- discharge rate
- dispensing rate
- display rate
- display request rate
- distance rate
- disturbance rejection rate
- dose rate
- downtime rate
- drift rate
- effective transfer rate
- electron-ionization rate
- element error rate
- elevation rate
- enhanced full rate
- entropy production rate
- erasing rate
- error rate
- etch rate
- etching rate
- evaporation rate
- excitation rate
- exposure rate
- exposure-dose rate
- external transfer rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- false-alarm rate
- field-repetition rate
- finishing rate
- flicker rate
- fluence rate
- flutter rate
- frame rate
- frequency-sweep rate
- functional throughput rate
- generation rate
- growth rate
- hazard rate
- high-repetition rate
- hit rate
- hole-electron generation rate
- hole-ionization rate
- horizontal-repetitionrate
- host bus clock rate
- impact-ionization rate
- induced-transition rate
- information rate
- initial failure rate
- injection rate
- instantaneous failure rate
- internal transfer rate
- interruption rate
- intervalley rate of transfer
- ionization rate
- ISA bus clock rate
- lapse rate
- learning rate
- line rate
- lobing rate
- loss-of-lock rate
- magnetization reversal rate
- mapping rate
- mean failure rate
- mechanical tuning rate
- message-transmission rate
- migration rate
- misclassification rate
- modulation rate
- multiplexed rate
- mutation rate
- nucleation rate
- Nyquist signaling rate
- Nyquist signalling rate
- observed failure rate
- oxidation rate
- paging rate
- PCI bus clock rate
- phase rate
- phase-roll rate
- priming rate
- pull rate
- pulling rate
- pulse rate
- pulse-recurrence rate
- pulse-repetition rate
- quenching rate
- quenching transfer rate
- radiative-recombination rate
- range rate
- raw rate
- read error rate
- reading rate
- recombination rate
- recording rate
- recurrence rate
- refresh rate
- regeneration rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- sampling rate
- scan rate
- secondary emission rate
- signaling rate
- signalling rate
- slew rate
- specific absorption rate
- spin-diffusion rate
- spontaneous-transition rate
- stirring rate
- stock removal rate
- stuffing rate
- supersonic rate
- surface-recombination rate
- survival rate
- sustained transfer rate
- switching rate
- syllabic rate
- T1 rate
- T-1 rate
- T1C rate
- T-1C rate
- T2 rate
- T-2 rate
- T3 rate
- T-3 rate
- T4 rate
- T-4 rate
- teach rate
- teaching rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of rise of off-state voltage
- tracking rate
- transition rate
- transfer rate
- transmission rate
- transport rate
- typematic rate
- update rate
- user data rate
- variable bit rate
- variable sampling rate
- vertical refresh rate
- VLB bus clock rate
- volume-recombination rate
- writing rate
- zone-travel rate -
18 rate
1) скорость; темп2) частота3) интенсивность (напр. отказов)4) доля; процент; вероятность; пропорция; коэффициент; относительная величина5) тариф; ставка || тарифицировать; устанавливать ставку6) номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; паспортные данные || указывать номинальные или максимально допустимые значения параметров; приводить паспортные данные7) рейтинг || определять рейтинг; иметь рейтинг•- acceptable failure rate
- accounting rate
- adaptive learning rate
- addressing rate
- aging rate
- angular rate
- arrival rate
- assessed failure rate
- automatic baud rate
- automatic bit rate
- available bit rate
- azimuth rate
- basic repetition rate
- bit rate
- bit-error rate
- block error rate
- burst rate
- calling rate
- capture rate
- channel sampling rate
- character error rate
- character-writing rate
- charging rate
- chip-error rate
- clock rate
- collision rate
- compression frame rate
- concealment rate
- constant bit rate
- constant-false-alarm rate
- counting rate
- CPU clock rate
- creep rate
- critical rate of rise of off-state voltage
- critical rate of rise of on-state current
- crossover rate
- cross-relaxation rate
- cursor blink rate
- cutoff rate
- damage rate
- data rate
- data signaling rate
- data signalling rate
- data transfer rate
- data transmission rate
- deexcitation rate
- defect rate
- degradation rate
- deposition rate
- detuning rate
- diffusion rate
- discharge rate
- dispensing rate
- display rate
- display request rate
- distance rate
- disturbance rejection rate
- dose rate
- downtime rate
- drift rate
- effective transfer rate
- electron-ionization rate
- element error rate
- elevation rate
- enhanced full rate
- entropy production rate
- erasing rate
- error rate
- etch rate
- etching rate
- evaporation rate
- excitation rate
- exposure rate
- exposure-dose rate
- external transfer rate
- extrapolated failure rate
- failure rate
- false-alarm rate
- field-repetition rate
- finishing rate
- flicker rate
- fluence rate
- flutter rate
- frame rate
- frequency-sweep rate
- functional throughput rate
- generation rate
- growth rate
- hazard rate
- high-repetition rate
- hit rate
- hole-electron generation rate
- hole-ionization rate
- horizontal-repetition rate
- host bus clock rate
- impact-ionization rate
- induced-transition rate
- information rate
- initial failure rate
- injection rate
- instantaneous failure rate
- internal transfer rate
- interruption rate
- intervalley rate of transfer
- ionization rate
- ISA bus clock rate
- lapse rate
- learning rate
- line rate
- lobing rate
- loss-of-lock rate
- magnetization reversal rate
- mapping rate
- mean failure rate
- mechanical tuning rate
- message-transmission rate
- migration rate
- misclassification rate
- modulation rate
- multiplexed rate
- mutation rate
- nucleation rate
- Nyquist rate
- Nyquist signaling rate
- Nyquist signalling rate
- observed failure rate
- oxidation rate
- paging rate
- PCI bus clock rate
- phase rate
- phase-roll rate
- priming rate
- pull rate
- pulling rate
- pulse rate
- pulse-recurrence rate
- pulse-repetition rate
- quenching rate
- quenching transfer rate
- radiative-recombination rate
- range rate
- rate of closure
- rate of convergence
- rate of decay
- rate of ionization decay
- rate of phase change
- raw rate
- read error rate
- reading rate
- recombination rate
- recording rate
- recurrence rate
- refresh rate
- regeneration rate
- repetition rate
- reset rate
- sampling rate
- scan rate
- secondary emission rate
- signaling rate
- signalling rate
- slew rate
- specific absorption rate
- spin-diffusion rate
- spontaneous-transition rate
- stirring rate
- stock removal rate
- stuffing rate
- supersonic rate
- surface-recombination rate
- survival rate
- sustained transfer rate
- switching rate
- syllabic rate
- T1 rate
- T-1 rate
- T1C rate
- T-1C rate
- T2 rate
- T-2 rate
- T3 rate
- T-3 rate
- T4 rate
- T-4 rate
- teach rate
- teaching rate
- throughput rate
- time rate of rise of off-state voltage
- tracking rate
- transfer rate
- transition rate
- transmission rate
- transport rate
- typematic rate
- update rate
- user data rate
- variable bit rate
- variable sampling rate
- vertical refresh rate
- VLB bus clock rate
- volume-recombination rate
- writing rate
- zone-travel rateThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > rate
19 system
1) система || системный2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс3) программа•- adaptive control system
- address selection system
- addressing system
- advice-giving system
- AI planning system
- AI system
- analog computing system
- analog-digital computing system
- analysis information system
- application system
- arabic number system
- arithmetic system
- assembly system
- asymmetrical system
- atomic system
- attached processor system
- audio system
- authoring system
- automated office system
- automatic block system
- automatic checkout system
- automatic control system
- automatic search system
- automatic test system
- automatically programmed system
- automatically taught system
- autoprogrammable system
- axiomatic system
- backup system
- bad system
- bang-bang system
- base-2 system
- basic system
- batch-processing system
- binary system
- binary-coded decimal system
- binary-number system
- biquinary system
- bit-mapped system
- bit-slice system
- black-board expert system
- block parity system
- buddy system
- business system
- bus-oriented system
- bussed system
- CAD system
- call-reply system
- carrier system
- cause-controlled system
- character recognition system
- character-reading system
- chargeback system
- check sum error-detecting system
- chip-layout system
- clock system
- closed loop system
- closed system
- co-authoring system
- code recognition system
- code system
- coded-decimal system
- code-dependent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- code-transparent system
- coding system
- coincident selection system
- cold system
- color-coded system
- command system
- common-bus system
- communication data system
- communications-oriented system
- complete articulated system
- computer system
- computer-aided design system
- computer-aided system
- computer-based system
- computer-based weapon system
- computerized system
- computing system
- concatenated coding system
- concealment system
- conservative system
- contention system
- continuous presence system
- control system
- controlled system
- controlling system
- coordinate system
- cordonnier system
- costrained vision system
- cross system
- crossbar switch system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data exchange system
- data flow system
- data gethering system
- data handling system
- data management system
- data preparation system
- data processing system
- data reduction system
- data retrieval system
- data storage system
- data system
- data transmission system
- database management system
- database support system
- data-managed system
- decimal number system
- decimal system
- decimal numeration system
- decision support system
- decision-aided system
- decision-making system
- decision-support system
- decision-taking system
- decoding selection system
- decomposable system
- dedicated system
- degenerate system
- design library support system
- design-automation system
- design-verification system
- development support system
- development system
- digital communication system
- digital computing system
- direct-current system
- directly coupled system
- discrete system
- discrete-continuous system
- disk operating system
- display system
- distributed database management system
- distributed function system
- distributed intelligence system
- distributed parameter system
- distributed system
- distribution system
- double intermediate tape system
- down system
- drafting system
- dual system
- dual-computer system
- dual-processor system
- duodecimal number system
- duodecimal system
- duotricenary number system
- duotricenary system
- duplexed computer system
- duplex computer system
- dyadic number system
- dyadic system
- dynamic mapping system
- dynamic scene system
- dynamic support system
- electronic data processing system
- electronic sorting system
- encoding system
- equipment adapted data system
- erasing system
- error-controlled system
- error-correcting system
- error-detecting system
- executive file-control system
- executive system
- expert control system
- expert support system
- expert system
- expert-planning system
- externally pulsed system
- fail-safe system
- fail-soft system
- fan-out system
- fault-tolerant system
- feasible system
- federated system
- feed system
- feedback system
- feedforward control system
- fiche retrieval system
- file control system
- file system
- fixed-lenght record system
- fixed-point system
- fixed-radix numeration system
- floating-point system
- fluid transport system
- follow-up system
- forgiving system
- front-end system
- fuzzy expert system
- generic expert system
- geographically distributed system
- goal-seeking system
- good system
- graceful degradation system
- graphic data system
- graphics display system
- graphics system
- help system
- heterogeneous system
- hexadecimal number system
- hexadecimal system - host system
- hostless system
- host-satellite system
- human visual system
- hunting system
- hypermedia system
- imaging system
- incremental system
- independent system
- indirectly coupled system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information retrieval system
- information handling system
- information management system
- information processing system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- in-plant system
- input/output control system
- instruction system
- instrumentation management system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- interactive control system
- interactive system
- intercommunicating system
- interlock system
- internal number system
- internal system
- Internet-enabled system
- interrupt system
- isolated system
- kernel system
- key-to-disk/tape system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based system
- large-scale computing system
- laser communication system
- layered control system - lexicon-driven system
- library reference system
- local-network system
- long-haul system
- lumped-parameter system
- machine tool control system
- machine-limited system
- machine-oriented programming system
- macroinstruction system
- macro system
- magnetic memory system
- magnetic recording system
- magnetic tape plotting system
- mail message system
- mail system
- mailbox system
- management information system
- man-machine system
- mapping system
- map-reading system
- mass memory system
- mass storage system
- master/slave system
- matrix memory system
- memory driver system
- memory system
- message handling system
- message system
- microcomputer system
- microfilm printing system
- midsplit system
- MIMO system
- mixed-base numbering system
- mixed-base number system
- mixed-radix numeration system
- model-based expert system
- modular system
- monitoring system
- monitor system
- mosaic system - multicomputer system
- multidimensional system
- multifrequency system
- multilevel storage system
- multiloop system
- multimaster communication system
- multimicroprocessor system
- multiple computation system
- multiple-bus system
- multiple-coincident magnetic storage system
- multiple-output control system
- multiplex system
- multiport system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor system
- multiprogramming computer system
- multiprogramming system
- multisite system
- multispeaker system
- multistable system
- multitasking operating system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser computer system
- multiuser system
- multiuser operating system
- multivariable system
- multivariate system
- negative-base number representation system
- negative-base number system
- network operating system
- node-replicated system
- noncomputerized system
- nonconsistently based number system
- nondegenerate system
- number representation system
- numbering system
- number system
- numeral system
- numeration system
- numerical system
- octal number system
- octal system
- office automation system
- off-line system
- on-demand system
- one-level storage system
- one-loop system
- one-over-one address system
- on-line system
- open-ended system
- open system
- open-loop system
- operating system
- operational system
- optical memory system
- overdetermined system
- overload-hold system
- page-on-demand system
- panelboard system
- paper-tape system
- parameter-driven expert system
- pattern recognition system
- peek-a-boo system
- peripheral system
- pipeline system
- polled system
- polymorphic system
- polyphase system
- portable system
- positional representation system
- Post-production system
- priority scheduling system
- priority system
- procedural expert system
- process control system
- processor-sharing system
- production control system
- production system
- program system
- programming system
- protection system
- pulse system
- pulse-or-no-pulse system
- pulse-signal system
- punch card computer system
- pure-binary numeration system
- purposeful system
- quadruplex system
- question-answering system
- queueing system
- queue system
- radix numbering system
- radix number system
- reactive system
- reading system
- real-time expert system
- real-time operating system
- real-time system
- reasoning system
- recognition system
- recording system
- recovery system
- reduntant number system
- reduntant system
- reflected binary number system
- reflected binary system
- refreshment system
- remote-access system
- replicating system
- representation system
- request-repeat system
- rerecording system
- residue number system
- residue system
- resource-sharing system
- restorable system
- retrieval system
- retrieval-only system - robotic system
- robot system
- rule-based expert system
- rule-based system
- scalable system
- selection system
- self-adapting system
- self-adjusting system
- self-aligning system
- self-balancing system
- self-check system
- self-contained system
- self-correcting system
- self-descriptive system
- self-learning system
- self-organizing system
- self-sustained oscillation system
- self-test system
- sensor-based system
- sequential scheduling system
- sexadecimal number system
- sexadecimal system
- shared-files system
- shell expert system
- silicon-development system
- simplex system
- single-drive system
- single-inheritance system
- single-phase clock system
- single-site system
- single-user computer system
- SISO system
- skeletal expert system
- slave system
- soft-sectored disk system
- software system
- sound system
- source code control system
- source-destination system
- space-division system
- stabilizing system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- start-stop system
- state-determined system
- stepped start-stop system
- stereo system
- stochastically disturbed system
- storage system
- stripped-down expert system
- subsplit system
- supervisor control system
- switching system
- symbolic assembly system
- syntactical system
- system explanation system
- system of logic
- system of notation
- system with delay
- system with time lag
- tabulating system
- tape data processing system
- tape drive system
- tape handling system
- tape operating system
- tape plotting system
- tape resident system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- taught system
- telecommunictions system
- telecontrol system
- terminal system
- ternary number system
- ternary system
- test system
- testbed system
- text-to-speech system
- time-division system
- time-pattern control system
- time-shared system
- time-shared-bus system
- time-sharing system
- timing system
- total system
- translating system
- translation system
- translator writing system
- transmitting system
- tree-structured system
- trusted computer system
- two-failure mode system
- two-level return system
- two-level system
- two-phase clock system
- ultrastable system
- Unified system
- uninterruptible power system
- uniprocessor system
- unrestorable system
- unstable system
- up system
- variable-lenght record system
- virtual system
- virtual-memory operating system
- vision system
- visual system
- voice/audio processing system
- voice-response system
- volunteer system
- weighted number system
- weighted system
- writing system
- xerox copy system
- zero-one systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system
20 circuit
1. сущ.
1) нечто кругообразное а) окружность, круг A rude circuit of stones, of unknown origin. ≈ Неровный круг неизвестного происхождения, выложенный из камней. circuit of the globe б) объезд (своих владений и т.п.), круговая поездка;
"крюк" to make, take a circuit ≈ пойти обходным путем в) трасса для автогонок;
автодром The renovated circuit of Hungaroring didn't that much please the drivers. ≈ Обновленная трасса автодрома Хунгароринг не особенно понравилась пилотам. г) электр. цепь, контур;
схема to break a circuit ≈ разобрать цепь to close a circuit ≈ замкнуть цепь broken circuit detector circuit open circuit circuit closer
2) нечто, заключенное в границах а) область действий;
сфера компетенции If you give me leave to meddle in your circuit. ≈ Если ты позволишь мне вторгнуться в сферу твоей деятельности б) область, округа, ареал, местность Syn: area, extent в) округ (элемент административного деления) ;
район, участок rodeo circuit ≈ родео (поле, где проходят соревнования ковбоев) circuit rider амер.;
ист. ≈ разъездной священник( объезжающий свою паству) circuit of action
3) череда а) цикл, совокупность операций;
комплекс упражнений (для развития какого-л. навыка) lecture circuit ≈ цикл лекций talk-show circuit ≈ цикл программ б) программа выступления в) сеть кинотеатров или других увеселительных заведений, принадлежащая единому владельцу г) кругооборот, круговорот The circuit of changes is completed in the course of a year. ≈ Круговорот изменений завершается за год.
4) правовые термины а) юр. выездная сессия суда (тж. circuit court) ;
б) юр. поездка судьи за присяжными в) юр. судебный округ
5) мед. протекание болезни
2. гл.
1) объезжать, совершать объезд (своих владений и т.п.) ;
оборачиваться The Phenicians circuited the greatest part of the habitable world. ≈ Финикийцы побывали практически во всех местах, пригодных для заселения в этом мире. This comet circuits the sun in about eleven years. ≈ Эта комета совершает свой оборот вокруг солнца примерно за одиннадцать лет.
2) объезжать (препятствие) ;
делать крюк, "давать кругаля"
3) ходить кругами
4) электр. замыкать кругооборот;
обращение (вокруг чего-л) - the Moon's * of the Earth обращение Луны вокруг Земли виток( орбиты) ;
оборот (спутника) (специальное) круговое обращение, циркуляция окружность;
длина окружности - * of the globe окружность земного шара - the * of the city walls общая длина городских стен объезд;
круговая поездка;
маршрут обхода - the commanding officer made a * of the camp командир сделал обход лагеря - a postman's * постоянный маршрут почтальона - he devoted many hours to the * of Paris он посвятил много часов осмотру Парижа - theatre companies travel over regular *s театральные труппы выезжают в обычные турне - a cocktail * регулярные дневные приемы (в разных посольствах) (юридическое) выездная сессия суда - judges go on * for part of the year часть года судьи проводят на выездных сессиях округ (судебный, церковный) - * court( шотландское) выезной суд присяжных( в крупных городах) ;
(американизм) выездная сессия окружного суда - * rider (американизм) разъездной священник (объезжающий свою паству) участок, район - * of action район действия область, сфера;
круг, пределы( деятельности) цикл;
совокупность операций (американизм) ассоциация спортивных команд - the best club in the * лучший клуб (во) всей ассоциации замкнутое пространство - the * of the world весь мир( техническое) схема;
система сеть, система - theatre * сеть театров (контролируемых одним лицом или одной компанией) (электротехника) (радиотехника) цепь, контур - short * короткое замыкание - dead * разомкнутый контур;
нерадиоактивный контур - open * незамкнутый контур - closed * television телевидение по замкнутому каналу схема линия связи;
сеть - to allocate *s выделять линии связи (авиация) круговой полет петля( дорожная) объезд - to fetch * сделать объезд;
дать крюку, пойти кружным путем (математика) замкнутая кривая;
контур (компьютерное) (двусторонний) канал связи - switched * коммутируемая линия;
коммутируемый канал (электронная) схема обходить( вокруг) ;
объезжать - to * the globe объехать вокруг земного шара совершать круг;
вращаться, вертеться - comets *ing the Sun кометы, враащающиеся вокруг Солнца active ~ вчт. активная цепь add ~ вчт. схема сложения addressing ~ вчт. схема выборки адреса alarm ~ вчт. цепь аварийной сигнализации anticoincide ~ вчт. схема несовпадения both-way ~ вчт. дуплексный канал ~ эл. цепь, контур;
broken( или open) circuit разомкнутая цепь;
detector circuit детекторная схема carry ~ вчт. цепь переноса cascade trigger ~ каскадная триггерная схема character selection ~ вчт. схема выборки знака check ~ вчт. цепь контроля checking ~ вчт. цепь контроля checking ~ вчт. цепь проверки circuit барристеры ~ юр. выездная сессия суда (тж. circuit court) ~ выездная сессия суда ~ выездная судебная сессия ~ длина окружности;
circuit of the globe окружность земного шара ~ канал связи ~ контур ~ вчт. контур ~ круг ~ кругооборот ~ линия связи ~ область ~ обходить вокруг;
совершать круг;
вращаться ~ объезд, круговая поездка;
to make (или to take) a circuit пойти обходным путем ~ округ (судебный, церковный и т. п.) ;
участок, район;
circuit of action район действия ~ окружность ~ пределы деятельности ~ ряд зрелищных предприятий под одним управлением ~ судебный округ ~ сфера ~ схема ~ вчт. схема ~ эл. цепь, контур;
broken (или open) circuit разомкнутая цепь;
detector circuit детекторная схема ~ цепь ~ вчт. цепь ~ цикл, совокупность операций ~ вчт. цикл ~ attr.: ~ rider амер. ист. священник ~ округ (судебный, церковный и т. п.) ;
участок, район;
circuit of action район действия ~ длина окружности;
circuit of the globe окружность земного шара ~ attr.: ~ rider амер. ист. священник clocked ~ вчт. тактируемая схема commutation ~ вчт. цепь связи comparator ~ вчт. схема сравнения complex fuction ~ сложная функциональная схема computer ~ вчт. схема вычислительной машины computer test ~ схема контроля вычислительной машины control ~ вчт. схема управления correcting ~ вчт. корректирующая схема counter ~ вчт. счетная схема coupling ~ вчт. цепь связи cycle ~ вчт. схема пробуксовки data ~ канал передачи данных dedicated ~ вчт. закрепленный канал deenergizing ~ вчт. цепь отключения deflection ~ вчт. схема отклонения ~ эл. цепь, контур;
broken (или open) circuit разомкнутая цепь;
detector circuit детекторная схема direct-current ~ вчт. потенциальная схема discrete wired ~ схема с навесным монтажом display ~ вчт. схема индикации dividing ~ вчт. схема деления doubling ~ вчт. схема удвоения duplex ~ вчт. дуплексный канал eccles-jordan ~ вчт. триггер either-way ~ вчт. полудуплексный канал equality ~ вчт. схема равенства etched ~ вчт. печатная схема except ~ вчт. схема запрета fault-free ~ вчт. исправная схема faulty ~ вчт. неисправная схема feedback ~ вчт. схема обратной связи film integrated ~ вчт. пленочная ИС flexible ~ вчт. гибкая схема frame-grounding ~ вчт. цепь заземления корпуса full-duplex ~ вчт. дуплексный канал grounded base ~ схема с общей базой grounded collector ~ схема с общим коллектором grounded emmitter ~ схема с общим эмиттером half-duplex ~ вчт. полудуплексный канал hardware ~ вчт. жестко смонтированная схема holding ~ вчт. схема блокировки imbedded ~ вчт. внутренняя схема inhibit ~ вчт. схема запрета integrated ~ вчт. интегральная схема lag-lead ~ вчт. стабилизирующая схема laminar ~ вчт. ламинарная схема large-scale integration ~ большая интегральная схема latch ~ вчт. схема типа защелка lead-lag ~ вчт. стабилизирующая схема leased ~ вчт. арендованный канал leased ~ вчт. арендованный канал связи leased ~ вчт. арендуемая цепь level ~ вчт. потенциальная схема linearity ~ вчт. линеаризующая схема locked pair ~ схема на спаренных элементах lumped ~ вчт. схема с сосредоточенным параметром ~ объезд, круговая поездка;
to make (или to take) a circuit пойти обходным путем measuring ~ вчт. измерительная схема mixing ~ вчт. сместительная схема multichip integrated ~ многокристаллическая ИС multiple output ~ схема с несколькими выходами multistage ~ вчт. многокаскадная схема network ~ вчт. сложный контур non-self checking ~ вчт. схема без самоконтроля optoelectronic ~ вчт. оптоэлектронная схема passive ~ вчт. пассивная схема phase-comparison ~ вчт. схема сравнения power ~ вчт. силовая цепь power ~ эл. энергетическая сеть power-fail ~ вчт. схема защиты от исчезновения питания printed ~ вчт. печатная схема printed ~ вчт. печатный монтаж priority ~ вчт. схема приоритета propagation ~ вчт. схема продвижения protection ~ вчт. схема защиты redundant ~ вчт. избыточная схема send-request ~ вчт. схема запроса на передачу short ~ эл. короткое замыкание short ~ короткое замыкание shunt-peaking ~ вчт. схема параллельной коррекции simplex ~ вчт. симплексный канал single-level ~ вчт. одноступенчатая схема single-phase ~ вчт. однотактная схема solid-state ~ вчт. полупроводниковая схема stamped ~ вчт. штампованная схема start-stop ~ вчт. стартстопная схема steering ~ вчт. управляющая схема storage ~ вчт. запоминающая схема switched ~ вчт. коммутируемая линия symbolic ~ вчт. мнемосхема telephone ~ телефонный канал time-base ~ вчт. схема развертки toll ~ вчт. магистральная линия trasmitting ~ вчт. передающая схема trunk ~ междугородный канал two-level ~ вчт. двухступенчатая схема two-way ~ вчт. дуплексный канал very-large-scale integration ~ сврхбольшая интегральная схема virtual ~ вчт. виртуальный канал
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См. также в других словарях:
addressing character — adresavimo simbolis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. addressing character vok. Adressierzeichen, n; Empfangsaufrufzeichen, n rus. адресующий знак, m pranc. caractère d adressage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Addressing mode — Addressing modes are an aspect of the instruction set architecture in most central processing unit (CPU) designs. The various addressing modes that are defined in a given instruction set architecture define how machine language instructions in… … Wikipedia
Lizzie McGuire (character) — Inappropriate tone|date=December 2007Infobox character colour = pink name = Elizabeth Brooke McGuire caption = Lizzie from the episode Dear Lizzie first = Rumors (Season 1,episode 1) last = The Lizzie McGuire Movie (Film) episode= All status =… … Wikipedia
Carol (Dilbert character) — Carol is the Pointy Haired Boss s misanthropic and bitter secretary in the Dilbert comic strip, who feels she is underappreciated and demeaned by her job and therefore takes out her frustration on all employees, especially her boss. Occasionally … Wikipedia
Adressierzeichen — adresavimo simbolis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. addressing character vok. Adressierzeichen, n; Empfangsaufrufzeichen, n rus. адресующий знак, m pranc. caractère d adressage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Empfangsaufrufzeichen — adresavimo simbolis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. addressing character vok. Adressierzeichen, n; Empfangsaufrufzeichen, n rus. адресующий знак, m pranc. caractère d adressage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
adresavimo simbolis — statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. addressing character vok. Adressierzeichen, n; Empfangsaufrufzeichen, n rus. адресующий знак, m pranc. caractère d adressage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
caractère d'adressage — adresavimo simbolis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. addressing character vok. Adressierzeichen, n; Empfangsaufrufzeichen, n rus. адресующий знак, m pranc. caractère d adressage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
адресующий знак — adresavimo simbolis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. addressing character vok. Adressierzeichen, n; Empfangsaufrufzeichen, n rus. адресующий знак, m pranc. caractère d adressage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
T–V distinction — In sociolinguistics, a T–V distinction is a contrast, within one language, between second person pronouns that are specialized for varying levels of politeness, social distance, courtesy, familiarity, or insult toward the addressee. Contents 1… … Wikipedia