1 henvende (mig) til
2 tale
address, hold forth, oration, speak, speech, talk* * *I. (en -r) speech,F ( højtidelig) oration ( fx a funeral oration),fx a presidential address);( samtale) conversation,T talk;(gram.) speech;[ miste talens brug] lose the faculty of speech,( tabe mælet) lose one's tongue;[ holde en tale] make (el. deliver) a speech (, an address);(dvs ved bordet) propose somebody's health;[ i en tale for X sagde han] proposing X's health he said;[ kan jeg få ham i tale nu?] can I see him now?[ afvise al tale om] reject all talk of;[ høre tale om] hear of;[ jeg vil ikke høre tale om sådan noget] I won't hear of such a thing;[ der er tale om] there is some talk of;[ der er tale om store udgifter] the expense involved is considerable;[ den mand der er tale om] the man in question;[ det er ikke det der er tale om] that is not the point;[ det kan der ikke være tale om] that is out of the question;T it's not on;[ der er tale om at] there is some talk of -ing;[ der er ikke tale om at han] there is no question of his -ing;[ bringe på tale] bring up;( også, F) broach the subject;[ komme på tale] be mentioned;[ være på tale] be talked of,(mere F) be under discussion.II. *( holde tale) speak (om on), make a speech;( udtrykke sig i ord) speak ( fx speak fluently (, in a low voice, in riddles); I was unable to speak),(mere T) talk ( fx talk in one's sleep, talk too much; learn to talk(el. speak));( samtale) talk,( diskutere) talk ( fx business, golf, music);(se også talende);[ tale ens sag] plead somebody's cause, plead for somebody;[ tale sin sag] plead one's cause;[ tale sig hæs] talk oneself hoarse;[ tale sig varm] warm to one's subject;(fig) speak (el. talk) the same language;[ vel talt!] well spoken![ med præp & adv:][ tale for](dvs på éns vegne) speak for,( til gunst for) speak for (el. in favour of),( i retten) plead for;( tyde på) point to ( at han har gjort det his having done it);[ tale for en]( om bordtale) propose somebody's health;[ meget taler for at denne påstand er rigtig] there is a lot to be said in favour of this assertion;( i retten) he made out a strong case for her;[ han taler godt for sig] he speaks well, he is a fine speaker;[ dette taler for sig selv] this speaks for itself;[ tale forbi hinanden] talk at cross purposes;[ tale ham fra det] talk him out of it;[ tale frem og tilbage om] argue about it, discuss it at great length;[ tale i radio (, telefon)] be on the radio (, telephone);[ tale i telefon med en] speak to somebody on the telephone;[ tale imod] speak against ( fx a proposal);[ der er meget der taler imod det] there is a lot to be said against it;( i retten) he made out a strong case against her;[` tale med] talk to (, især am: with), have a word (, a few words) with,(mere F) speak to (, with);( for at irettesætte) talk to, have a word with,( strengere) speak to;( for at rådspørge) consult,T see ( fx you ought to see a doctor);(især neds) chip in;[ jeg ønsker at tale med ham] I want to see him;[ tale med sig selv] talk to oneself;( i telefon) who is speaking?( i telefon) my name is John Smith ( fx my name is John Smith, could I speak to Mr Brown?);( hvis man er bekendt) this is John Smith;( ved svar) (it is) John Smith speaking;[ han er ikke til at tale med] he will not listen to reason;[ han er til at tale med] he is open to argument;[ det kan han tale med om] he knows a thing or two about that;[ tale om] speak (el. talk) about (el. of),( nævne) mention, refer to,( holde foredrag om) speak on, talk on;[ tale om noget andet] talk about something else, change the subject;[ hele byen taler om det] it is the talk of the town;[ det er ikke noget at tale om, det er ikke værd at tale om] it is nothing to speak of, it is not worth mentioning;[ det skal vi vist ikke tale for højt om] I wouldn't say too much about that;[ siden vi taler om bøger] talking of books;[ tale over en tekst] preach on a text;[ tale over sig] say too much; let one's tongue run away with one;( røbe hemmeligheden, T) let the cat out of the bag,( røbe sig) give oneself away;[ tale sammen] talk (together),F converse;[ vi taler ikke sammen for tiden] we are not on speaking terms at present;[ tale sandt] speak (el. tell) the truth;[ tale til] speak to,F address;( appellere til) appeal to ( fx somebody's feelings);(se også fornuft);[ tale ud] finish speaking;[ tale ud med ham om det] have it out with him;[ tillad mig at tale ud] allow me to finish (what I have got to say);[ vi tales ved senere] we'll discuss this later. -
3 tåle
address, hold forth, oration, speak, speech, talk* * **( lide, underkaste sig) bear ( fx bear pain without flinching), suffer,F endure;( finde sig i) put up with ( fx I won't put up with his insolence any longer), take ( fx he will take no nonsense),F tolerate, suffer;[ han var kun tålt der] he was there on sufferance;( kunne tåle: udholde) stand, bear ( fx I can't stand (el. bear) him; I can't stand (el. bear) the sight of him; I can't bear to see him suffer),T stick ( fx I can't stick him),( stærkere, F) endure ( fx I can't endure that noise any longer);( kunne tåle: ikke tage skade af) stand ( fx I can stand any amount of cold), take ( fx he cannot take very much alcohol; I can take any amount),( om medicindosis) tolerate;( især om ting) stand up to ( fx high temperatures, rough treatment, wear and tear);[ han kan ikke tåle hummer (, kaffe, etc)] lobster (, coffee, etc) does not agree with him;(dvs det er usundt) it is not good for them ( fx to have everything they want; to be spoilt);(dvs udholde), se ovf;[ han tåler ikke spøg] he cannot take a joke;[ frugten tåler ikke at gemmes] the fruit won't keep;[ det tåler ikke at blive gentaget] it won't bear repeating;F admit of no delay, brook no delay. -
4 adresse fk
address -
5 adresse
sg - adréssen, pl - adrésserа́дрес м* * ** * *(en -r)( bopæl, udskrift på brev) address;( skriftlig henvendelse) address; petition ( fx a protest petition);[ ubekendt efter adressen] not known at this address;T you are barking up the wrong tree;[ hans bemærkning havde adresse til mig] his remark was aimed at me;[ hr X, adresse hr. Y] Mr X, c/o (= care of) Mr Y. -
6 rette
amend, correct, emend, level, mark, right, put right* * *I.:II. vb( gøre lige) straighten ( fx one's tie);( give retning) aim, turn,F direct,( henvende) address ( fx a few words to somebody);( fejl) correct,F rectify;( opgaver) correct,( rette og bedømme) mark,(am) grade;( kompas) adjust;[ med præp & adv:][ rette af]( gøre jævn) level off,( træ også) smooth;[ rette an] serve up,T dish up;[ der er rettet an] dinner (etc) is served;[ rette ind](mil.) ( rækker) dress (the ranks),( kanon) train;[ ret ind til højre!] right dress aim at,( mindre omhyggeligt) point at (el. towards) ( fx he aimed (,pointed) his gun at me; missiles aimed at Western Europe; with a loaded gun pointed towards me),(ved at hæve el. sænke) level at,( om kikkert, sigtemiddel) train on ( fx train the telescope (, the gun) on the tower),(, steps) towards the house);(fig: opmærksomhed, tanker) turn (, F: direct) to ( fx turn one's thoughts to somebody; turn (, direct) one's (, somebody's) attention to the problem); focus on ( fx focus one's attention (, thoughts) on something);[ der blev rettet alvorlige beskyldninger imod ham] serious charges were levelled against him, serious allegations were made against him;[ rette kritik mod] criticize;[ kritikken var rettet mod mig] the criticism was aimed at me;(dvs bevidst) direct the suspicion towards him,(se også ndf: rette sig mod);(se også angreb);[ rette op]( bringe i lodret stilling, bringe på ret køl) right ( fx the boat);( om bil med hensyn til styring) put the wheel straight, straighten out;( kvikke op) pick up, set up ( fx a holiday will set you up);[ rette én op]( moralsk) make somebody go straight;[ rette økonomien op] put the finances on a sound basis;[ rette op på skævheden] rectify the imbalance;[ rette på] adjust ( fx one's clothes, one's tie);( korrigere) correct ( fx his spelling);[` rette til](dvs stile til) address to,F direct to ( fx you must address (, direct) your complaints to the manager; his remarks were addressed (, directed) to theparents);[ rette en opfordring til] appeal to;[ rette et spørgsmål til] address (el. put) a question to;[ rette det tilbage] correct it back,F cancel the correction;[ rette ud] straighten (out);[ med sig:][ rette sig]( rette ryggen) straighten (el. draw) oneself up,( om skib) right itself,( blive rask) get better, recover,( moralsk) make good, go straight;(om pris etc) recover;( adlyde) obey, conform to ( fx the rules),F comply with ( fx his instructions, his requests, the rules, his wishes),( lade sig lede af) be guided by ( fx him, his wishes), go by (fx he always goes by the rules; go by what he says; I needsomething to go by), go along with ( fx what he says, hissuggestion);( bestemmes af) be determined by ( fx his views are determined by his surroundings; wages are determined by qualifications),( tilpasses efter) be regulated by ( fx wages were regulated by the price index),(gram.) agree with;[ jeg må vide hvad jeg har at rette mig efter] I must know where I stand;(dvs adlyde ham) do as he tells one;(dvs føje ham) give in to him,F comply with his wishes;[ mistanken rettede sig mod ham] suspicion centred on him, he came under suspicion;[ rette sig op] = rette sig. -
7 bopæl
sg - bópælen, pl - bópæle1) местожи́тельство с2) а́дрес м* * ** * *(en -e)( adresse) address;(se også bolig);[ fast bopæl] permanent address;[ uden fast bopæl] of no fixed address. -
8 tiltale
accost, appeal* * *I. (en) address;(jur) charge;[ frafalde tiltale] withdraw the charge;[ dette ord bruges i tiltale] this word is used in addressing a person;[ tiltalen mod ham lød på underslæb] he was charged with embezzlement;[ rejse tiltale mod] charge;[ give svar på tiltale] give tit for tat; give as good as one gets;[ slippe for videre tiltale] be let off;[ sagen sluttede uden tiltale] the case was dropped;[ sætte én under tiltale] charge somebody.II. *( henvende sig til) address ( fx address him as "my Lord"), speak to (fx he came up and spoke to me),(F: uventet, især ubehageligt) accost ( fx I was accosted by a beggar; accost ladies in the street);( behage) please, appeal to, be attractive to;[ føle sig tiltalt af] take to, be attracted by;(jur) the accused,( ofte =) the prisoner;[ tiltalt for] charged with. -
9 adressere
10 fat
взя́ться (за что-л.) — táge fat ( pĺ ngt)
* * *adv:[ få fat i (el. på)], se II. få;[ det er galt fat med ham] he is in a bad way;[ gribe fat i], se gribe;[ have fat i] have got hold of ( fx the rope),( snakke med) have a talk with;(se også I. ende);[ have godt fat i (el. på)] have a firm hold of,(også fig) have a good grasp (el. grip) of ( fx the subject);(= han er gal) he is not all there;[ nå er det sådan fat!] so that's the way it is;[ tage fat ( på arbejdet)] get down to it;[ tage fat i] take (el. catch, seize) hold of;[ tage fat på] set to work on, tackle, get down to,F address oneself to, address ( fx the problem). -
11 flytning
sg - flýtningen, pl - flýtningerперее́зд м, перемеще́ние с* * *move, removal, shift* * *(en -er) removal,( til ny adresse også) change of address;[ anmelde flytning] notify change of address. -
12 flytteanmeldelse
removal notice, notice of removal, notice of change of address,(am) change of address order. -
13 henvende
2направля́ть, обраща́ть* * ** turn,F direct ( fx somebody's attention to something),(tale etc) address, direct ( fx one's remarks to somebody);[ henvende sig på kontoret] enquire (el. apply) at the office;[ henvendt til publikum] addressing the audience;( med anmodning) apply to,F approach ( fx approach him for help (, money));( sætte sig i forbindelse med) communicate with;( skrive til) write to;( tiltale) address (oneself to). -
14 højttaleranlæg
public-address system (fk P.A.), reg varem tannoy ( fx it was announced over the public address system (el. the P.A. el. the tannoy)). -
15 skrive
make out, put, write* * *vb (skrev, skrevet) write ( fx learn to write; write well; write one's name (, a letter, a book); she writes for a living),( i hast) scribble;( på maskine) type;( udfærdige) write (out) ( fx a cheque, a report), make out ( fx an application, a list, a report), draw up ( fx a contract, a list);( føre på éns regning) put down to somebody ( fx put it down to me),(mere F) charge to somebody's account ( fx she ordered it to be charged to her account);[ skrive én](dvs om politiet) book somebody, take somebody's name and address;[ hvad skriver vi i dag?] what date is it (today)?[ den der skriver disse linier] the present writer;[ hvorledes skrives Deres navn?] how do you spell your name?[ det skrevne ord] the written word;[ skrive rent], se rent;[ som skrevet står] as it says in Holy Writ;[ med sig:][ skrive sig noget bag øret] make a mental note of something;[skrive sig for $10] put oneself down for $10,(mere F) subscribe $10;[ skrive sig fra] be derived from,( fra person) originate with,( datere sig fra) date from;( om forfatter) get it out of one's system;[ med præp & adv:][ skrive `af] copy out, make a copy of, transcribe ( fx a text);( på regnskab) write off;[ skrive bag på en check] endorse a cheque;[` skrive efter](dvs rekvirere) write for;[ skrive ens håndskrift ` efter] imitate somebody's handwriting;(dvs ved bedrageri) forge somebody's signature;(se også I. diktat);(dvs debitere) put it down to him,(mere F) charge it to his account;[skrive ham for $5]( om bidrag) put him down for $5;[ skrive i et blad] contribute to a paper, write for a paper;[ skrevet i hånden] written by hand, hand-written;[ det stod skrevet i hans ansigt] it was written all over his face;[ skrive ind]( i en bog) enter,(renskrive fx en stil) make a fair copy of;(se også indskrive);[ skrive med]( om redskab) write with ( fx a pen, a pencil, a piece of chalk),( om resultat) write in ( fx write your essay in ink and not inpencil; written in capital letters (, ink));( om stavning) spell (el. write) with ( fx the name is spelt (el.written) with an h);[ ordet skrives med stort (, lille el. småt)] the word is spelt (el.written) with a capital (, small letter);( også) capitalize;[ skrive ned]( notere) write down,( især efter diktat) take down;( i værdi) write down,( om vare i butik) mark down;[ skrive `om]( igen) rewrite;[` skrive om]( berette om) write about ( fx one's childhood),( behandle) write on ( fx the history of printing);[ skrive op]( notere) write down,( ordinere) prescribe;( forhøje prisen på) write up,( om vare i butik) mark up;[ skrive på en bog] be working on (el. at) a book, be writing a book;[ skrive på maskine] type;[ skrive til en] write to somebody; write somebody ( fx she writes me every day);[ skrive noget ` til](= tilføje) add something;[ det skal skrives til Mr Jones] put it down to Mr Jones, please;(mere F) charge it to Mr Jones' account, please;[ skrive ud]( afskrive) copy (out),( fylde med skrift) write full;[ skrive ordet helt ud] write the word in full;[ skrive uden på et brev] address a letter;(fig) endorse;[ det navn (dvs pseudonym) han skriver under] his pen name;[ skrevet under et falsk navn] written under a false name. -
16 adressebog
17 adresseforandring
change of address. -
18 adressering
19 afmelde
vb( tilbagekalde) cancel;(elekt) notify the electricity board of change of address;[ afmelde en telefon] give notice of removal. -
20 afsenderadresse
return address.
См. также в других словарях:
Address — may refer to:*A memory address, a unique identifier for a memory location at which a computer can store a piece of data for later retrieval *A network address, the coded representation of the source or destination of a message (e.g. MAC addresses … Wikipedia
address — I noun abode, box number, domicile, dwelling, dwelling place, habitation, headquarters, home, inhabitancy, inscriptio, legal residence, locus, lodging, lodging place, lodgment, place of business, residence, seat, street number associated concepts … Law dictionary
address — vb 1 *direct, devote, apply Analogous words: bend (see CURVE): appeal, pray, sue, plead (see under PRAYER): aim, point, level (see DIRECT) 2 Address, accost, greet, salute, hail mean to speak to or less often to write or make a sign to a person… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Address — Ad*dress ([a^]d*dr[e^]s ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Addressed} ( dr[e^]st ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Addressing}.] [OE. adressen to raise erect, adorn, OF. adrecier, to straighten, address, F. adresser, fr. [ a] (L. ad) + OF. drecier, F. dresser, to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Address — Ad*dress, n. [Cf. F. adresse. See {Address}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Act of preparing one s self. [Obs.] Jer Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. Act of addressing one s self to a person; verbal application. [1913 Webster] 3. A formal communication, either … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
address — [n1] place of residence or business where one can be contacted abode, box number, direction, domicile, dwelling, headquarters, home, house, living quarters, location, lodging, number, place of business, place of residence, street, whereabouts,… … New thesaurus
address — [ə dres′; ] for n. 2, 3, & 7, also [ a′dres΄] vt. [ME adressen, to guide, direct < OFr adresser < a , to + dresser < VL * directiare, to direct < L dirigere: see DIRECT] 1. to direct (spoken or written words) to someone 2. to speak to … English World dictionary
Address — Ad*dress ([a^]d*dr[e^]s ), v. i. 1. To prepare one s self. [Obs.] Let us address to tend on Hector s heels. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To direct speech. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Young Turnus to the beauteous maid addrest. Dryden. [1913 Webster] Note:… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
address — ► NOUN 1) the details of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. 2) Computing a number identifying a location in a data storage system or computer memory. 3) a formal speech. ► VERB 1) write someone s name and address on (an … English terms dictionary
address to — index dedicate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
address — The location to which the USPS is to deliver or return a mailpiece. It consists of certain elements such as recipient name, street name and house number, and city, state, and ZIP Code as required by the mail class … Glossary of postal terms