1 additional lighting
Авиационная медицина: дополнительное освещение -
2 additional lighting
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > additional lighting
3 load
2) нагрузка, усилие || нагружать3) кфт. заряжать5) съём ( стекломассы)6) гидр. наносы8) закладка ( заготовки в приспособление) || закладывать9) хим. вводить ( ингредиенты)11) заправка (напр. ленты) || заправлять (напр. ленту)12) вчт. загрузка (напр. программы) || загружать (напр. программу)•load per unit surface — нагрузка на единицу поверхности (охлаждения, нагрева),to apply load — прикладывать нагрузку;to carry load — нести нагрузку; выдерживать нагрузку;to cast load to side — производить поперечный перекос отвала ( бульдозера);to distribute load — распределять нагрузку;to load eccentrically — нагружать ( элемент) внецентренно, прикладывать нагрузку с эксцентриситетом;to impose load — прикладывать нагрузку;to load in bulk — грузить навалом или насыпью;to resist load — выдерживать нагрузку;to support load — нести нагрузку; выдерживать нагрузку;to sustain load — выдерживать нагрузку;to take up load — воспринимать нагрузку;to load up — нагружать;to load with film — заряжать киноплёнкой-
acceleration shock load
active load
actual load
additional load
aerodynamic load
air-conditioning load
aircraft useful load
allowable load
alternate load
annual maximum load
appliance load
applied bearing load
artificial load
assumed load
auxiliary load
axial load
axle load
backhaul load
balanced load
balancing load
ball load
base load
basic load
batch load
bed load
bending load
blast load
bottom load
brake load
breaking load
buckling load
buff load
bulk load
calculated load
capacitance load
car load
carbon burning load
central load
characteristic load
circulating load of impurities
clocked load
coaxial dry load
coaxial load
cold-rolling load
collapse load
combined load
commercial load
complete wagon load
complex load
compressive load
compressor load
computational load
concentrated load
condensive load
connected load
continuous load
controllable load
cooling load
crippling load
crush load
crushing load
current load
cutter load
cyclic load
daily load
dead load
dead-weight load
design load
design ultimate load
direct-acting load
direct load
discontinuous load
dissipative-wall waveguide load
distributed load with linear variation
distributed load
docking load
domestic load
down-line load
draft end load
draft load
drawbar load
dummy load
dust load
dwelling load
dynamic load
earth load
earthquake load
eccentric load
effective load
electric heating load
electrical load
electric load
emergency load
end load
equivalent load
even load
excessive load
excess load
explosive load
exponential load
external load
factored load
failure load
falling load
fictitious load
fixed load
flight load
floor load
fluctuating load
fractional load
fracture load
frozen load
full load
gradually applied load
gross load
ground load
guarantee load
gust load
heat load
heating load
heat-transfer load
high-power load
high-resistance load
hole load
hydraulic thrust load
hydrodynamic load
hydrostatic load
ice load
imaginary load
impact load
imposed load
impulsive load
impulse load
increment load
induced docking loads
inductance load
industrial load
industrial steam load
inertia load
initial program load
input load
instability load
installed load
instantaneous load
intermittent load
ionic load
irregular load
irregularly distributed load
jettisoned load in flight
knife-edge load
lagging load
landing load
lane load
latent heat load
lateral load
leading load
less-than-car load
light load
lighting load
limit load
limit operating load
linear load
linearly varying load
live load
low-resistance load
lumped load
maneuvering load
mass load
matched load
maximum safe load
midspan load
miscellaneous load
mobile load
moisture load
momentary load
movable load
multichannel load
net load
noncentral load
noncutting load
noninductive load
nonlinear load
nonreactive load
nonreflecting load
normal running load
occasionally applied load
off-clearance load
off-peak load of power plant
on-peak load
operating load
optimum load
ore load
oscillating load
oscillatory load
out-of-balance load
out-of-gage load
out-of-length load
output load
overall load
overhauling load
overlength load
overtolerance load
palletized load
palletized work load
part throttle load
partial load
part load
peak load
periodic load
permanent load
permissible load
phantom load
piezoelectric load
pilot work load
plant load
plate load
point load
pollutant load
pop-in load
power load
power system load
predetermined maximum cutting load
prestressing load
program load
proof load
pulsating load
punch through load
radial load
railway load
rated load
reactive load
real load
rectifier load
reflecting load
refrigeration load
repeated load
residential load
resistance load
reverse torque load
reversed load
rolling load
rotating bending load
rupturing load
safe load
salt load
Schottky diode load
secondary load
sediment load
seismic load
self-mass load
sensible heat load
service load
setting load
sewage load
shearing load
shear load
shock load
side load
single load
skip load
sleet load
sliding load
snow load
specific load
specified load
stalling load
static load
steady load
storage load
structural load
suddenly applied load
sudden load
superimposed load
support load
support yield load
surcharge load
surface load
sustained load
symmetrical load
temperature load
tensile load
terminal load
test load
thermal load
through load
tilting load
tool/workpiece load
top load
torque load
torsional load
total load
traction load
tractional load
traffic load
transistor load
traveling load
treating load
trial load
triangular load
true load
twisting load
ultimate load
unbalanced load
uniaxial load
uniform load
uniformly distributed load
unit load
unitized load
unmatched load
up load
useful load
variable load
vehicular load
wafer load
water load
waveguide load
wheel load
wind load
wing load
work load
working load
yield load -
4 AL
1) Компьютерная техника: Address List2) Медицина: arterial line (внутриартериальный катетер (канюля))3) Военный термин: Administrative Logistics, Applications Layer, Avril Lavigne, FAADC2I Lightweight Computer Unit, acquisition logistician, action left, air landing, air liaison, airlift, allowance list, amendment list, ammunition loading4) Техника: Amplitude Limiter, Artificial Lines, accredited laboratory, acoustics laboratory, action level, address latch, address line, alarm relay, analytical laboratory, angle lock, antenna laboratory, auto-lean mixture, automatic landing, avionics laboratory, бедная смесь ( напр. горючая) (autolean mixture)5) Шутливое выражение: Always Late6) Грубое выражение: Arse Licker7) Музыка: Ad Libitum8) Политика: At Last9) Сокращение: Abraham Lincoln, Alabama (US state), Albania (NATO country code), All Languages, air lock, aluminum, amber light, American League (baseball), arterial line, Absolute Latency, Acceptable Language, Acceptable Level, Acceptance Limit, Access Line (FS-1037c), Account Librarian, Action Level (OSHA), Action Limit (NREL), Active Link (logical communications circuit), Ada Language, Adaptation Layer, Additional Listing, Administrative Leave, Adult Language, Advanced Leader (Toastmasters), Aeronomy Laboratory, Age Location (Internet chat), Agency Liaison, Air Land, Air Leakage, Air Lift, Air Lingus (Irish Airline), Air Liquide, Airloop (AT&T), Alabama (US postal abbreviation), Alagoas (Brazil), Alarm Light (NEC), Albania, Alberta, Albuquerque Operations Office (US DOE), Alessandria (Piemonte, Italy), Alliance Leader (Starkingdoms online game), Alsace-Lorraine, Altec Lansing, Alteration, Amendment Leaflet, American League (baseball), American Legend, American Legion, American Libraries (American Library Association journal), Ames Laboratory, Analog Link, Analog Loopback (diagnostic test), Analytical Laboratories, Analytical Limit, Android Lust (band), Angelic Layer (manga/anime), Anno Lucis, Annual Leave, Answer List, Antennal Lobe, Apache Longbow (Attack Helicopter), Aphus Lassel (gaming, Asheron's Call), Apparatus List, Application Layer, Approach and Landing, Arab League, Armament Laboratory, Armor Level (gaming, Asheron's Call), Armstrong Laboratory, Arrival Locator, Asian Littoral, Assisting Layer, Aster Leafhopper, Astronautics Laboratory, Atomic Learning, Attoliter (10 E^-18, one quintillionth), Auroral Electrojet index lower, Authorized Leave with Pay, Autonomic Logistics, Auxiliary Lighting, Awami League (Bangladesh), Axial Length, Lightship, St. Albans (postcode for a village)10) Физиология: Active Lipid, Left ear11) Вычислительная техника: adaptation level, artificial life, Alabama (US state postal designation), адаптационный уровень, управляемая петля12) Картография: ( instrument) approach and landing (chart)13) Транспорт: Approach & Landing, Automotive Lenses14) Фирменный знак: Atlas15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: acoustic log (compensated)16) Образование: Adult Literacy, Asynchronous Learning17) Сетевые технологии: arbitrated loop18) Автоматика: Arm Language, assembly language20) Расширение файла: ALAW format Sound file21) Нефть и газ: acoustic log, SL22) Гостиничное дело: всё включено (в стоимость входит проживание, питание в течение дня, алкогольные напитки местного производства)23) ООН: A Law24) Должность: Agricultural Labourer25) NYSE. Alcan Aluminum, LTD.26) Федеральное бюро расследований: Albany Field Office -
5 Al
1) Компьютерная техника: Address List2) Медицина: arterial line (внутриартериальный катетер (канюля))3) Военный термин: Administrative Logistics, Applications Layer, Avril Lavigne, FAADC2I Lightweight Computer Unit, acquisition logistician, action left, air landing, air liaison, airlift, allowance list, amendment list, ammunition loading4) Техника: Amplitude Limiter, Artificial Lines, accredited laboratory, acoustics laboratory, action level, address latch, address line, alarm relay, analytical laboratory, angle lock, antenna laboratory, auto-lean mixture, automatic landing, avionics laboratory, бедная смесь ( напр. горючая) (autolean mixture)5) Шутливое выражение: Always Late6) Грубое выражение: Arse Licker7) Музыка: Ad Libitum8) Политика: At Last9) Сокращение: Abraham Lincoln, Alabama (US state), Albania (NATO country code), All Languages, air lock, aluminum, amber light, American League (baseball), arterial line, Absolute Latency, Acceptable Language, Acceptable Level, Acceptance Limit, Access Line (FS-1037c), Account Librarian, Action Level (OSHA), Action Limit (NREL), Active Link (logical communications circuit), Ada Language, Adaptation Layer, Additional Listing, Administrative Leave, Adult Language, Advanced Leader (Toastmasters), Aeronomy Laboratory, Age Location (Internet chat), Agency Liaison, Air Land, Air Leakage, Air Lift, Air Lingus (Irish Airline), Air Liquide, Airloop (AT&T), Alabama (US postal abbreviation), Alagoas (Brazil), Alarm Light (NEC), Albania, Alberta, Albuquerque Operations Office (US DOE), Alessandria (Piemonte, Italy), Alliance Leader (Starkingdoms online game), Alsace-Lorraine, Altec Lansing, Alteration, Amendment Leaflet, American League (baseball), American Legend, American Legion, American Libraries (American Library Association journal), Ames Laboratory, Analog Link, Analog Loopback (diagnostic test), Analytical Laboratories, Analytical Limit, Android Lust (band), Angelic Layer (manga/anime), Anno Lucis, Annual Leave, Answer List, Antennal Lobe, Apache Longbow (Attack Helicopter), Aphus Lassel (gaming, Asheron's Call), Apparatus List, Application Layer, Approach and Landing, Arab League, Armament Laboratory, Armor Level (gaming, Asheron's Call), Armstrong Laboratory, Arrival Locator, Asian Littoral, Assisting Layer, Aster Leafhopper, Astronautics Laboratory, Atomic Learning, Attoliter (10 E^-18, one quintillionth), Auroral Electrojet index lower, Authorized Leave with Pay, Autonomic Logistics, Auxiliary Lighting, Awami League (Bangladesh), Axial Length, Lightship, St. Albans (postcode for a village)10) Физиология: Active Lipid, Left ear11) Вычислительная техника: adaptation level, artificial life, Alabama (US state postal designation), адаптационный уровень, управляемая петля12) Картография: ( instrument) approach and landing (chart)13) Транспорт: Approach & Landing, Automotive Lenses14) Фирменный знак: Atlas15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: acoustic log (compensated)16) Образование: Adult Literacy, Asynchronous Learning17) Сетевые технологии: arbitrated loop18) Автоматика: Arm Language, assembly language20) Расширение файла: ALAW format Sound file21) Нефть и газ: acoustic log, SL22) Гостиничное дело: всё включено (в стоимость входит проживание, питание в течение дня, алкогольные напитки местного производства)23) ООН: A Law24) Должность: Agricultural Labourer25) NYSE. Alcan Aluminum, LTD.26) Федеральное бюро расследований: Albany Field Office -
6 al
1) Компьютерная техника: Address List2) Медицина: arterial line (внутриартериальный катетер (канюля))3) Военный термин: Administrative Logistics, Applications Layer, Avril Lavigne, FAADC2I Lightweight Computer Unit, acquisition logistician, action left, air landing, air liaison, airlift, allowance list, amendment list, ammunition loading4) Техника: Amplitude Limiter, Artificial Lines, accredited laboratory, acoustics laboratory, action level, address latch, address line, alarm relay, analytical laboratory, angle lock, antenna laboratory, auto-lean mixture, automatic landing, avionics laboratory, бедная смесь ( напр. горючая) (autolean mixture)5) Шутливое выражение: Always Late6) Грубое выражение: Arse Licker7) Музыка: Ad Libitum8) Политика: At Last9) Сокращение: Abraham Lincoln, Alabama (US state), Albania (NATO country code), All Languages, air lock, aluminum, amber light, American League (baseball), arterial line, Absolute Latency, Acceptable Language, Acceptable Level, Acceptance Limit, Access Line (FS-1037c), Account Librarian, Action Level (OSHA), Action Limit (NREL), Active Link (logical communications circuit), Ada Language, Adaptation Layer, Additional Listing, Administrative Leave, Adult Language, Advanced Leader (Toastmasters), Aeronomy Laboratory, Age Location (Internet chat), Agency Liaison, Air Land, Air Leakage, Air Lift, Air Lingus (Irish Airline), Air Liquide, Airloop (AT&T), Alabama (US postal abbreviation), Alagoas (Brazil), Alarm Light (NEC), Albania, Alberta, Albuquerque Operations Office (US DOE), Alessandria (Piemonte, Italy), Alliance Leader (Starkingdoms online game), Alsace-Lorraine, Altec Lansing, Alteration, Amendment Leaflet, American League (baseball), American Legend, American Legion, American Libraries (American Library Association journal), Ames Laboratory, Analog Link, Analog Loopback (diagnostic test), Analytical Laboratories, Analytical Limit, Android Lust (band), Angelic Layer (manga/anime), Anno Lucis, Annual Leave, Answer List, Antennal Lobe, Apache Longbow (Attack Helicopter), Aphus Lassel (gaming, Asheron's Call), Apparatus List, Application Layer, Approach and Landing, Arab League, Armament Laboratory, Armor Level (gaming, Asheron's Call), Armstrong Laboratory, Arrival Locator, Asian Littoral, Assisting Layer, Aster Leafhopper, Astronautics Laboratory, Atomic Learning, Attoliter (10 E^-18, one quintillionth), Auroral Electrojet index lower, Authorized Leave with Pay, Autonomic Logistics, Auxiliary Lighting, Awami League (Bangladesh), Axial Length, Lightship, St. Albans (postcode for a village)10) Физиология: Active Lipid, Left ear11) Вычислительная техника: adaptation level, artificial life, Alabama (US state postal designation), адаптационный уровень, управляемая петля12) Картография: ( instrument) approach and landing (chart)13) Транспорт: Approach & Landing, Automotive Lenses14) Фирменный знак: Atlas15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: acoustic log (compensated)16) Образование: Adult Literacy, Asynchronous Learning17) Сетевые технологии: arbitrated loop18) Автоматика: Arm Language, assembly language20) Расширение файла: ALAW format Sound file21) Нефть и газ: acoustic log, SL22) Гостиничное дело: всё включено (в стоимость входит проживание, питание в течение дня, алкогольные напитки местного производства)23) ООН: A Law24) Должность: Agricultural Labourer25) NYSE. Alcan Aluminum, LTD.26) Федеральное бюро расследований: Albany Field Office
См. также в других словарях:
Lighting designer — The role of the lighting designer (or LD) within theatre is to work with the director, set designer, costume designer, and sometimes the sound designer and choreographer to create an overall look for the show in response to the text, while… … Wikipedia
Lighting control console — A lighting control console (also called a lightboard, lighting board, or lighting desk) is an electronic device used in theatrical lighting design to control multiple lights at once. They are used throughout the entertainment industry and are… … Wikipedia
Emergency vehicle lighting — refers to any of several visual warning devices, which may be known as light bars or beacons, fitted to a vehicle and used when the driver wishes to convey to other road users the urgency of their journey, to provide additional warning of a… … Wikipedia
Automotive lighting — Blinker redirects here. For other uses, see Blinker (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Magneti Marelli company AL Automotive Lighting. For lights in seafaring and aviation, see navigation light. The lighting system of a motor vehicle… … Wikipedia
Bicycle lighting — has two purposes: seeing and being seen. There are many types of bicycle lights available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no one best solution for any rider, and many riders mix and match different technologies to… … Wikipedia
Stage lighting — Modern stage lighting is a flexible tool in the production of theatre, dance, opera and other performance arts. Several different types of stage lighting instruments are used in the pursuit of the various principles or goals of lighting.… … Wikipedia
Gobo (lighting) — For other uses, see Gobo (disambiguation). A gobo in a gobo holder, which goes in a stage lighting instrument. The discolored portion is oxidation of the stainless steel caused by the high temperature of the lamp, but the gobo is still usable. A… … Wikipedia
Approach lighting system — The approach lighting system of Bremen Airport An approach lighting system, or ALS, is a lighting system installed on the approach end of an airport runway and consisting of a series of lightbars, strobe lights, or a combination of the two that… … Wikipedia
LED stage lighting — LED stage lights are light fittings that use light emitting diodes (LEDs) as a light source. LED lights are an alternative to traditional halogen lamp or high intensity discharge lamps. Like other LED lights, they have high light output with… … Wikipedia
Paul Miller (lighting designer) — Paul Miller (born 1962) is an American theatrical lighting designer.Born in Chicago, Illinois, Miller studied music and piano performance before attending the Theatre School (formerly known as the Goodman School of Drama) at DePaul University to… … Wikipedia
Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Lighting Design — The Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Lighting Design is presented by the Drama Desk, a committee of New York City theatre critics, writers, and editors. It honors the lighting designers of productions staged on Broadway, off Broadway, off off… … Wikipedia