1 additional fee
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > additional fee
2 additional fee
1) Экономика: дополнительный взнос, дополнительный сбор2) Реклама: дополнительное вознаграждение3) Патенты: дополнительная пошлина -
3 additional fee
4 additional fee
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > additional fee
5 additional fee
надбавка, выплачиваемая компании-цеденту в дополнение к расходам на приобретение новых страхователей, принимая во внимание накладные расходы -
6 additional fee
7 additional fee
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > additional fee
8 additional fee
9 additional fee
10 fee
1. сущ.1)а) эк. плата (за услуги, какое-л. право и т. д.); комиссия, комиссионный сбор; чаевые; вознаграждение; гонорар; взносATTRIBUTES:
additional fee, extra fee — дополнительная плата, дополнительное вознаграждение
base [basic\] fee — базовая плата, базовое вознаграждение
contract with a base fee of 1% and an award fee of 2% — контракт с базовым вознаграждением в размере 1% и премиальными в размере 2%
lawyer's fee — гонорар [вознаграждение\] адвоката
We couldn't afford to pay the lawyer's fees. — У нас не было денег, чтобы нанять адвоката.
use fee — плата за пользование [использование\]
The total replacement fee for a lost book is $60. — Суммарная плата за замену утерянной книги составляет $60.
monthly fee — месячная плата, месячное вознаграждение, плата [вознаграждение\] за месяц
fee for [smth.\] — плата [вознаграждение, комиссионные\] за [что-л.\]
The fee for adults is $3 per day. — Плата для взрослых составляет $3 в день
The registration fee per person is £66 + VAT. — Регистрационный взнос на одно лицо составляет £66 плюс НДС.
a $5.00 per day fee — плата в размере $5.00 в день
$75.00 Rental Fee for two hours; $37.50 for each additional hour — Плата за прокат на два часа составляет $75,00; $37,50 за каждый дополнительный час.
fee of $100, $100 fee — плата в размере $100
one-time fee of $17.88 to $34.95 — единовременная плата в размере от $17,88 до $34,95
a fee in the amount of $1000 — плата в сумме [в размере\] $1000
amount of fee — сумма оплаты [вознаграждения, комиссионных\]
per-transaction fee — плата [комиссионные\] за операцию
$10.00 fee per transaction — плата [комиссионные\] в размере $10 за операцию
to receive a fee — получать вознаграждение [плату\]
See:12-b-1 fee, 12b-1 fee, account fee, administration fee, administrative fee, admission fee, advance fee, advisory fee, agency fee, allowable fee, annual fee, application fee, appraisal fee, arrangement fee, assumption fee, ATM fee, audit fee, automated teller machine fee, award fee, back fee, bounced check fee, break-up fee, brokerage fee, broker's fee, broking fee, capitated fee, capitation fee, chargeback fee, clearing fee, commission fee, commitment fee, conditional fee, connection fee, consulting fee, contingency fee, contingent fee, contractor's fee, copyright fee, credit report fee, custodial fee, delivery fee, directors' fee, discount fee, distribution fee, documentation fee, drop-dead fee, early redemption fee, early repayment fee, effluent fee, emission fee, entrance fee, exit fee, facility fee, factoring fee, fair share fee, filing fee, finder's fee, fixed fee, flat fee, front-end fee, graduation fee, grazing fee, guarantee fee, handling fees, harbour fees, high loan to value fee, high percentage lending fee, high percentage loan fee, holding fee, incentive fee, initiation fee, insufficient funds fee, interchange fee, issuer's reimbursement fee, joining fee, kill fee, landing fee, late enrollment fee, late fee, late payment fee, licence fee 2), listing fee, loan discount fee, loan fee, loan guarantee fee, loan origination fee, lock-in fee, maintenance fee, management fee, manager's fee, membership fee, merchant discount fee, mortgage indemnity fee, mortgage indemnity guarantee fee, non-sufficient funds fee, no-sale fee, NSF fee, origination fee, overdraft fee, penalty fee, performance fee, policy fee, prepayment fee, professional fee, purchase fee, reasonable and customary fee, redemption fee, registration fee 2), renewal fee, rental fee, reproduction fee, retainer fee, retaining fee, returned check fee, re-use fee, SAG fee, sale fee, sales fee, school fee, Screen Actors Guild fee, SEC fee, service fee, sign-up fee, slotting fee, stand-by fee, stop payment fee, storage fee, subscription fee, success fee, surrender fee, take-up fee, termination fee, transaction fee, tuition fee, union fees, upfront fee, user fee, usual and customary fee, usual, customary and reasonable fee, usual, customary and reasonable fee, usual, customary and reasonable fee, usual, customary and reasonable feeб) гос. фин. сбор (целевой обязательный платеж, предназначенный для оплаты услуг, оказываемых компаниям и предприятиям государственными органами)legal [litigation\] fee — судебный сбор, судебная пошлина
Syn:See:assessment fee, consular fee, customs user fee, harbor maintenance fee, Land Registry fee, licence fee 1), notarial fee, patent fee, registration fee 1) tax 1. 1) а), duty 1. 3) а), impost, government dues2) эк., ист. = fief 1),3)а) юр. право собственностиSee:б) юр., ист. лен, феод, феодальное поместье, частное владение2. гл.1) общ. выплачивать (гонорар, чаевые, плату за дополнительные услуги)2) эк. тр., редк. нанимать (на работу), предоставлять работуWe feed a lawyer to act for us. — Мы взяли адвоката для ведения нашего дела.
* * *
плата, комиссия, гонорар, вознаграждение: 1) плата (комиссия) за услугу; проведение операции в виде процента от цены или фиксированной суммы (может устанавливаться в ходе переговоров) (напр., оплата услуг юристов или аудиторов); 2) плата за учебу в частной школе или университете; 3) чаевые; 4) сбор, пошлина; 5) вступительный взнос в клуб; 6) абсолютное право собственности; право наследования без ограничений; = fee simple; fee simple absolute; freehold.* * *гонорар; комиссия; сбор; вознаграждение. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Финансы/Кредит/Валюта -
11 fee
n1) гонорар; вознаграждение; комиссия, плата за услуги2) взнос3) сбор, пошлина4) земельная собственность или недвижимость, которые могут продаваться или передаваться по наследству
- additional fee
- administration fee
- administrative fee
- admission fee
- advance fee
- agency fee
- agent's fee
- annual fee
- application fee
- appraisal fee
- arbitration fee
- arbitrator's fee
- arrangement fee
- assignment fee
- auction fee
- booking fee
- broker's fee
- business filing fees
- busines registration fee
- cargo fee
- chartering fee
- clearing fee
- C.O.D.
- collection fee
- commission fee
- commitment fee
- consular fee
- consultancy fee
- consultant fee
- consultation fee
- contractor fee
- counsel fees
- court fees
- current fees
- customs fees
- director's fees
- discharging fee
- doctor's fee
- entrance fee
- exchange commission fee
- exit fee
- extra fee
- facility fee
- factoring fee
- filing fee
- finder's fee
- fixed fee
- flat fee
- franchise fee
- front end fees
- guarantee fees
- handling fee
- import fee
- incentive fee
- initial fee
- installation fee
- insurance fee
- insurance survey fee
- issue fee
- landing fee
- late payment fee
- legal fee
- licence fee
- listing fee
- litigation fee
- management fee
- membership fee
- nonrefundable fee
- notarial fee
- official's fee
- oil import fees
- origination fee
- packaging fee
- packing fee
- parcel fee
- parcel registration fee
- participation fee
- passport fee
- patent fee
- pick-up fee
- pilot fee
- pilotage fee
- port fees
- procuration fee
- professional fee
- protest fee
- public accounting fees
- publication fee
- quarantine fee
- reasonable fee
- registration fee
- remittance fee
- renewal fee
- rental fee
- revival fee
- safe custody fee
- sanitary fee
- school fees
- service fee
- stand fee
- standard fee
- storage fee
- submission fee
- subscription fee
- survey fees
- tax return preparation fees
- transfer fee
- tuition fee
- unloading fee
- warehouse fee
- weighing fee
- fees for arbitration services
- fees for consultancy services
- fee for a design
- fee for granting an import licence
- fee for a patent
- fee for paying a cheque
- fee for the return of deposit
- fee for a trademark
- fee for the use
- fees in a case
- fee of an average adjuster
- fee on a loan
- fee per article
- at a nominal fee
- for a fee
- fees paid to practise a profession
- fees payable to the bank
- fees receivable
- apportion fees
- be liable to a fee
- be remunerated with a fee
- charge a fee
- collect fees
- estimate a fee
- pay fees -
12 fee
13 fee
1) вознаграждение; гонорар2) пошлина; денежный сбор; взнос•- fee for a patent
- fee for a trademark
- fee for laying open the application documents
- increase in fee due to classification
- fee per an article
- fee required by law
- additional fee
- annual patent fee
- upfront license fee
- up-front license fee
- appeal fee
- application fee
- attorney's fee
- basic fee under the PCT
- contingent fee
- court fees
- deposit fee
- designation fee
- examination fee
- extra fee
- filing fee
- final fee
- handling fee
- international fee under the PCT
- issuance fee
- license fee
- litigation fee
- maintenance fee
- national fee under the PCT
- official fee
- preliminary examination fee
- prescribed filing fee
- printing fee
- publication fee
- reasonable fee
- registration fee
- renewal fee
- sealing fee
- search fee
- total fees
- transmittal fee* * *пошлина; сбор -
14 fee
15 fee
16 additional class fee
17 additional administrative fee
Англо-русский юридический словарь > additional administrative fee
18 IOC additional marketing services fee
плата за дополнительные сервисы МОК в области маркетинга
Оргкомитет «Сочи-2014» подтверждает свое согласие оплатить все прочие дополнительные маркетинговые сервисы МОК по разумной цене, которая будет согласована Оргкомитетом «Сочи-2014» и МОК в процессе переговоров.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
IOC additional marketing services fee
Sochi 2014 agrees to pay for the provision of all the IOC additional marketing services a fee which shall be negotiated in good faith between Sochi 2014 and the IOC.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > IOC additional marketing services fee
19 дополнительный взнос
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > дополнительный взнос
20 charge
I [tʃaːdʒ] n1) плата, цена (за деньги), сбор, расход, расходы, надбавка, оплата- extra charge
- trifling charge
- port charges
- gas charge
- forwarding charges
- charge on customs duties
- charge for delivery
- charge for admission
- fixed charge for smth
- free of charge
- at no extra charge
- with a prepaid charge
- at a minimum extra charge
- be subject to the usual charge
- lower postal charges for...
- lower the postal charge
- pay postal charge
- strike off the charge
- take some extra charge
- take a charge for smth2) кредит- charge account
- charge card
- place the purchase to smb's charge
- take the purchases on charge- be in charge of smb, smth4) обвинениеHe was arrested on a charge of murder. — Его арестовали по обвинению в убийстве.
They trumped up various charges against her. — Они сфабриковали против нее целый ворох обвинений.
- frivolous chargeThe judge dismissed all charges. — Судья снял все обвинения.
- charge of murder
- bring a charge
- bring charges of forgery against smb
- concoct up a charge
- prove a charge
- face a charge
- lay to smb's charge
- dismiss a charge
- drop a charge
- deny a charge
- be arrested on various charges•CHOICE OF WORDS:Русское значение суммы денег, нужной для оплаты чего-либо, передается в английском языке целым рядом слов: charge, price, fee, rent, fare, toll, rental. Эти существительные различаются по характеру оплачиваемого объекта и по ситуации, в которой они используются: (а.) charge - плата, цена - деньги, запрашиваемые за предметы торговли или нужные для оплаты любых услуг общего характера, какой-либо работы или установленная плата за пользование чем-либо: gas/water charge, storage (postal) charge, charges for services (for cleaning), extra/additional charge, to be charge of charge; (b) price - цена, плата, стоимость - наиболее нейтральное слово в данном ряду, обозначает назначенную сумму денег, нужную для приобретения/купли чего-либо; price может быть высокой и низкой (high, low), установленной или свободной (fixed/stable or free); prices for things могут повышаться и понижаться (rise, fall); (c) fare - плата за проезд в транспорте: bus (train, air) fare, the railway company announced fare increase of over 5% компания объявила о 5% повышении цен на билеты; (d) toll - плата за проезд по мосту и некоторым дорогам: in many European cities you have to pay tolls on many of the major roads and on some bridges во многих европейских городах за проезд по некоторым мостам и основным дорогам взимается плата; (e) fee - плата за профессиональные услуги, гонорар: school (legal, medical) fees медицинское обслуживание, образование, плата юристу; (f) rent - плата за снимаемое помещение (комнату, квартиру, дом); rent обычно регулярно оплачивается в оговоренные сроки: a rent rise повышение квартирной (арендной) платы; to put up the rent повысить квартирную плату, the recent rent rises have forced many small businesses out of the city недавнее повышение арендной платы заставило многие мелкие фирмы выехать за город; (g) rental - плата за пользование взятыми на прокат вещами (машиной, инструментами): the rental on the TV includes maintenance and repairs плата за прокат телевизора включает обслуживание и ремонтII [tʃaːdʒ] v1) заряжать- charge a battery- battery needs charging2) назначать цену, назначать плату, запрашивать цену, запрашивать плату, брать какую-либо плату, взимать какую-либо платуHe was charged only for his travelling expenses. — Он должен был оплатить только дорожные расходы.
- charge heavy price- charge 5% commission
- charge very little
- charge a dollar a piece
- charge by weight
- charge by the hour
- charge for services
- charge expenses to the firm
- charge one's purchases3) обвинять, предъявлять обвинение
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
fee — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exorbitant, fat (informal), hefty, high, huge, large, substantial ▪ I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers … Collocations dictionary
Fee-Only financial advisor — Fee Only financial advisors in the USA, as defined by the review materials for the Certified Financial Planner exam and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, are compensated solely by the client, typically achieved through a… … Wikipedia
additional liability — England, Wales In the context of dispute resolution, an additional liability can be a success fee under a conditional fee agreement, the insurance premium for ATE insurance or the additional amount in respect of provision made by a membership… … Law dictionary
Fee — For other uses see Fee (disambiguation) A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup. Traditionally, professionals in Great Britain received a fee in contradistinction to a… … Wikipedia
fee — The royalty paid for the use of a patent or copyright under license. The charge made for services of a professional man, such as a lawyer, physician, or abstracter. 1 Am J2d Abstr T § 3, the charges for the services of a public officer in his… … Ballentine's law dictionary
additional — adj. Additional is used with these nouns: ↑advantage, ↑benefit, ↑burden, ↑capacity, ↑charge, ↑complication, ↑confirmation, ↑consideration, ↑convenience, ↑copy, ↑cost, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
Maintenance fee (patent) — Maintenance fees or renewal fees are fees that are paid to maintain a granted patent in force. Some patent laws require the payment of maintenance fees for pending patent applications. Not all patent laws require the payment of maintenance fees… … Wikipedia
Airport Improvement Fee — An Airport Improvement Fee or Embarkation Fee or Airport Tax or Service charge or Service fee is an additional fee charged to departing and connecting passengers at an airport. It is levied by government or an airport management corporation and… … Wikipedia
Overdraft fee — Unauthorized overdraft fees (sometimes called paid referral fees ) are fees charged by banks on various types of bank accounts, usually current or checking accounts. In the United States alone, overdraft fees bring in billions of dollars every… … Wikipedia
Impatience\ Fee — Additional cost of a product stemming from the buyer s unwillingness to do the legwork to find a better price. I paid $85 dollars for those hubcaps, including a $45 impatience fee there, cuz I m sure I could have found them somewhere else for $40 … Dictionary of american slang
Impatience\ Fee — Additional cost of a product stemming from the buyer s unwillingness to do the legwork to find a better price. I paid $85 dollars for those hubcaps, including a $45 impatience fee there, cuz I m sure I could have found them somewhere else for $40 … Dictionary of american slang