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См. также в других словарях:

  • addendum — I noun additament, addition, adjunct, affix, annex, annexation, annexe, appanage, appendage, appendix, attachment, codicil, complement, concomitant, inclusion, insertion, postscript, rider, subscript, supplement, supplementation associated… …   Law dictionary

  • Addendum — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda No debe confundirse con Zeitgeist: Addendum. Etimológicamente addendum es aquello que se adhiere o añade a algo. Si es una sola la adición es addendum, y si son varias, el mencionado plural es addenda. Este término… …   Wikipedia Español

  • addendum — ad‧den‧dum [əˈdendəm] noun addenda PLURALFORM [ də] [countable] something that is added at the end of a report or other document to give more information: • The details are given in an addendum to section 4 of the report. * * * addendum UK US… …   Financial and business terms

  • addendum — addéndum (lat.) (jur.) s.n. Trimis de gall, 03.06.2005. Sursa: DOOM 2  ADDÉNDUM s.n. Document adiţional (la un contract, act etc.) care adaugă, specifică, elimină sau modifică anumite condiţii particulare, speciale sau generale (ale contractului …   Dicționar Român

  • Addendum — Ad*den dum, n.; pl. {Addenda}. [L., fr. addere to add.] A thing to be added; an appendix or addition. [1913 Webster] {Addendum circle} (Mech.), the circle which may be described around a circular spur wheel or gear wheel, touching the crests or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • addendum — (n.) 1794, lit. something added, from L. addendum, neuter of addendus that which is to be added, gerundive of addere (see ADD (Cf. add) (v.)). Classical plural form is addenda …   Etymology dictionary

  • addendum — plur. addenda n. m. Addition à la fin d un ouvrage …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • addendum — supplement, *appendix …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • addendum — [n] something conjoined, added addition, adjunct, appendage, appendix, attachment, augmentation, codicil, extension, extra, postscript, rider, supplement; concepts 270,827 …   New thesaurus

  • addendum — ► NOUN (pl. addenda) ▪ an extra item added at the end of a book or text. ORIGIN Latin, that which is to be added …   English terms dictionary

  • addendum — [ə den′dəm] n. pl. addenda [ə den′də] [L, ger. of addere, ADD1] 1. a thing added or to be added 2. an appendix or supplement to a book, etc. 3. the part of a gear tooth that projects beyond the pitch circle, or the distance that it projects …   English World dictionary

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