1 add-subtract control unit
2 add-subtract control unit
блок управления сложением - вычитаниемБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > add-subtract control unit
3 add-subtract control unit
1) Вычислительная техника: блок управления сложением - вычитанием2) Космонавтика: блок управления сложением и вычитаниемУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > add-subtract control unit
4 add-subtract control unit
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > add-subtract control unit
5 add-subtract control unit
Англо-русский словарь по космонавтике > add-subtract control unit
6 unit
1) единица; единое целое4) компонента программы, модуль•- addressing unit
- address unit
- add-subtract control unit
- allocation unit
- alphanumeric unit
- alphameric unit
- analog operational unit
- analog switching unit
- arithmetic and logic unit
- arithmetic control unit
- arithmetic unit
- arithmetic/logic unit
- assembly unit
- assigned unit
- audio response unit
- automatic calling unit
- availability control unit
- available unit
- bad unit
- bistable unit
- buffer unit
- bus guardian unit
- card punching unit
- card-reader unit
- cassette-loaded magnetic tape unit
- central processing unit
- central processor unit
- central terminal unit
- channel control unit
- clock unit
- cluster tape unit
- coefficient unit
- collating unit
- collator unit
- column-shift unit
- comparator unit
- comparing unit
- computing unit
- configuration control unit
- consistent unit
- constant multiplier coefficient unit
- control unit
- coordinate conversion unit
- core storage unit
- data acquisition unit
- data adapter unit
- data collection unit
- data display unit
- data handling unit
- data unit
- delay unit
- detached unit
- differentiating unit
- digital counting unit
- digital time unit
- direct-access unit
- disbursting unit
- disk unit
- display unit
- division unit
- elementary unit
- engineering unit
- equality unit
- essential unit
- executive unit
- fast unit
- feedback unit
- file unit
- forming unit
- fractional arithmetic unit
- free-standing tape unit
- functional unit
- fundamental unit
- gate unit
- generic program unit
- generic unit
- gold unit
- graphical display unit
- graphic display unit
- hard-disk unit
- identity unit
- impossible unit
- incremental tape unit
- indexing unit
- information content binary unit
- information content decimal unit
- information content natural unit
- information unit
- input unit
- input-output unit
- inquiry unit
- instruction control unit
- instruction fetch unit
- instruction unit
- integrating unit
- interface unit
- interrogation unit
- key punch unit
- key-to-disk unit
- key-to-tape unit
- known good unit
- lag unit
- lexical unit
- library unit
- line interface unit
- linear unit
- linguistic unit
- locking unit
- logical unit
- logic unit
- magnetic tape unit
- magnetic-tape file unit
- main control unit
- manageable unit
- manual input unit
- manual word unit
- master units
- memory control unit
- memory management unit
- memory unit
- micrologic unit
- microprocessor based unit
- microprocessor unit
- microprocessor-controlled unit
- microprogram unit
- microprogrammed unit
- modem sharing unit
- modular unit
- monitor unit
- multiplication-division unit
- multiplier unit
- multiply-divide unit
- multiplying unit
- multistation access unit
- network control unit
- off unit
- off-line unit
- on unit
- on-line unit
- operational unit
- operator interface unit
- output unit
- packet-switching unit
- paragraph unit
- parallel arithmetic unit
- peripheral control unit
- peripheral unit
- photographic printing unit
- physical unit
- pluggable unit
- plug-in unit
- plug-to-plug compatible unit
- polygon-filling unit
- port sharing unit
- power distribution unit
- power supply unit
- power unit
- printing unit
- processing unit
- program control unit
- program unit
- protocol unit
- punched card unit
- punch card unit
- punching unit
- query unit
- reader unit
- read-punch unit
- read-write unit
- recovery unit
- referable unit
- remote display unit
- remote entry unit
- reproducing unit
- retirement unit
- ripple through carry unit
- sample unit
- sampling unit
- scaling unit
- segregating unit
- selection channel control unit
- self-contained unit
- semantic unit
- sensing unit
- sensory unit
- serial arithmetic unit
- setup unit
- set unit
- shaping unit
- shared unit
- smallest recoverable unit
- stand-alone unit
- static unit
- storage control unit
- storage unit
- stream unit
- subtracting unit
- summary punching unit
- summing unit
- supply unit
- switching unit
- switchover unit
- symbolic unit
- syntactical unit
- syntactic unit
- system control unit
- system input unit
- system output unit
- tape cartridge unit
- tape control unit
- tape selection unit
- tape unit
- telecommunications control unit
- telephone communication unit
- terminal unit
- time unit
- timing unit
- transmission control unit
- transport unit
- unit of allocation
- unit of language
- unit of operation
- variable speed tape unit
- vertical format unit
- visual display unit
- voice recognition unitEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > unit
7 time
1) время; период времени2) момент времени || отмечать время3) хронометрировать; рассчитывать по времени4) синхронизировать; согласовывать во времени•- access time
- accumulated operating time
- action time
- activity slack time
- actual activity completion time
- actual time
- actuation time
- addition time
- add time
- add-subtract time
- arrival time
- assembly time
- attended time
- available machine time
- average operation time
- awaiting-repair time
- binding time
- bit time
- build-up time
- calculating time
- carry-over time
- carry time
- chip-access delay time
- circuit time
- clear-write time
- coding time
- compile time
- computation time
- computer dead time
- computer time
- computer useful time
- computing time
- connect time
- control time
- crash time
- crisis time
- cycle time
- data time
- data-retention time
- dead time
- debatable time
- debugging time
- debug time
- decay time
- deceleration time
- delay time
- design time
- destination time
- development time
- digit time
- discrete time
- divide time
- down time
- earliest expected time
- effective time
- engineering time
- entry time
- error-free running time
- estimated time
- event scheduled completion time
- event slack time
- event time
- execution cycle time
- execution time
- expected activity time
- fall time
- fault correction time
- fault location time
- fault time
- fetch time
- float time
- form movement time
- forward-current rise time
- gate time
- good time
- guard time
- handshaking time
- holding time
- hold time
- idle time
- improvement time
- incidental time
- ineffective time
- inoperable time
- installation time
- instruction time
- integrator time
- interaction time
- interarrival time
- interrogation time
- latency time
- latest allowable event time
- load time
- lock-grant time
- lock-holding time
- logarithmic time
- machine available time
- machine spoiled work time
- machine spoiled time
- machine time
- maintenance time
- makeup time
- manual time
- mean error-free time
- mean repair time
- mean time between errors
- mean time between failures
- mean time to repair
- memory cycle time
- miscellaneous time
- mission time
- most likely time
- multiply time
- no-charge machine fault time
- no-charge non-machine-fault time
- no-charge time
- nonfailure operating time
- nonreal time
- nonscheduled down time
- nonscheduled maintenance time
- object time
- occurrence time
- off time
- on time
- one-pulse time
- operating time
- operation time
- operation-use time
- optimistic time
- out-of-service time
- peaking time
- peak time
- pessimistic time
- polynomial time
- pool time
- positioning time
- power up time
- pre-assembly time
- precedence waiting time
- preset time
- preventive maintenance time
- print interlock time
- problem time
- processing time
- process time
- processor cycle time
- production time
- productive time
- program execution time
- program fetch time
- program testing time
- progration time
- propagation delay time
- proving time
- pulse time
- punch start time
- read time
- reading access time
- readout time
- read-restore time
- real time
- record check time
- recovery time
- reference time
- refresh time
- reimbursed time
- repair delay time
- repair time
- representative computing time
- request-response time
- resetting time
- resolution time
- resolving time
- response time
- restoration time
- restoring time
- retrieval time
- reversal time
- reverse-current fall time
- rewind time
- rise time
- round-trip time
- routine maintenance time- run time- sampling time
- scaled real time
- scheduled time
- schedule time
- scheduled down time
- scheduled operating time
- scramble time
- screen storage time
- search time
- seek time
- send-receive-forward time
- sensitive time
- service time
- serviceable time
- setting time
- settling time
- setup time
- simulated time
- s-n transition time
- standby time
- starting time
- start time
- start-up time
- stop time
- storage cycle time
- storage time
- subtraction time
- subtract time
- superconducting-normal transition time
- supplementary maintenance time
- swap time
- switch delay time
- switch time
- switching time
- system time
- takedown time
- task time
- testing time
- throughput time
- time between failures
- time for motion to start
- time now
- total time
- track-to-track move time
- transfer time
- transit time
- transition time
- translating time
- true time
- turnaround time
- turnoff time
- turnon time
- turnover time
- unacked time
- unattended standby time
- unattended time
- unavailable time
- unit time
- unused time
- up time
- useful time
- user time
- variable dead time
- waiting time
- word time
- word-addressing time
- write timeEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > time
8 pulse
1) разделитеьный
2) <scient.> импульс
3) толчок
4) пульсировать
5) импульсный
– add pulse
– anticoincidence pulse
– biasing pulse
– bidirectional pulse
– black-out pulse
– blanch pulse
– blanking pulse
– boosting pulse
– break pulse
– carrier-frequency pulse
– carry pulse
– clip a pulse
– clocbe pulse
– clock pulse
– code pulse
– coincidence pulse
– color-identification pulse
– command pulse
– compress a pulse
– conte pulse
– control pulse
– count pulse
– creeping-wave pulse
– delay a pulse
– delay pulse
– dialing pulse
– digit pulse
– dirge pulse
– disabling pulse
– discharge pulse
– disturbing pulse
– drive pulse
– droop of pulse
– echo pulse
– enabling pulse
– equalizing pulse
– equispaced pulse
– erase pulse
– execute pulse
– firing pulse
– flyback pulse
– forerunner pulse
– frame pulse
– full-sized pulse
– gate pulse
– Gaussian pulse
– generate a pulse
– giant pulse
– high-power pulse
– Hilbert pulse
– identification pulse
– incoming pulse
– information pulse
– inhibit pulse
– initiating pulse
– input pulse
– interfering pulse
– interrogation pulse
– ionization pulse
– keying pulse
– light pulse
– main pulse
– make pulse
– marker pulse
– narrow pulse
– narrow-band pulse
– negative pulse
– outgoing pulse
– output pulse
– paired pulse
– parasitic pulse
– partial-read pulse
– peaky pulse
– post-equalizing pulse
– pre-equalizing pulse
– pulse advancing
– pulse altimeter
– pulse ambiguity
– pulse amplifier
– pulse amplitude
– pulse analyzer
– pulse box
– pulse burst
– pulse bus
– pulse carrier
– pulse chain
– pulse chopper
– pulse clipper
– pulse clipping
– pulse code
– pulse coder
– pulse comb
– pulse compression
– pulse count
– pulse counter
– pulse decay
– pulse delay
– pulse distortion
– pulse distributor
– pulse disturbance
– pulse drop
– pulse duration
– pulse edge
– pulse forming
– pulse gate
– pulse generation
– pulse generator
– pulse group
– pulse integration
– pulse integrator
– pulse intensity
– pulse interrogation
– pulse inverter
– pulse jitter
– pulse laser
– pulse method
– pulse mode
– pulse moder
– pulse modulation
– pulse modulator
– pulse narrowing
– pulse oscillator
– pulse overlap
– pulse period
– pulse ratio
– pulse read-out
– pulse regeneration
– pulse repeater
– pulse repetition
– pulse response
– pulse rise
– pulse selector
– pulse separator
– pulse shaper
– pulse sharpening
– pulse signaling
– pulse spacing
– pulse stretcher
– pulse stretching
– pulse stuffing
– pulse tailoring
– pulse thyristor
– pulse tilt
– pulse time
– pulse top tilt
– pulse train
– pulse transducer
– pulse transmitter
– pulse triggering
– pulse tube
– pulse valley
– pulse widening
– pulse work
– pump pulse
– random pulse
– read pulse
– rectangular pulse
– reference pulse
– repetitive pulse
– reset pulse
– revertive pulse
– saw-tooth pulse
– seizing pulse
– select a pulse
– sequencing pulse
– serrated pulse
– sharpen a pulse
– shift pulse
– single pulse
– single-polarity pulse
– skip a pulse
– space pulse
– spacing pulse
– spike pulse
– spontaneous pulse
– spurious pulse
– square pulse
– square-topped pulse
– squitter pulse
– standard pulse
– stop pulse
– stretch a pulse
– subtract pulse
– switching pulse
– tail of pulse
– tailored pulse
– test pulse
– threshold pulse
– timing pulse
– total pulse
– triangular pulse
– trigger pulse
– turn-off pulse
– unblocking pulse
– unidirectional pulse
– untailored pulse
– write pulse
clock pulse generator — генератор тактовых импульсов, генератор синхронизирующих импульсов
coherent pulse radar — <tech.> локатор когерентно-импульсный
delayed pulse oscillator — генератор задержанных импульсов, <electr.> генератор задержки
ideal pulse element — <electr.> элемент импульсный идеальный
mark pulse generator — <tech.> генератор импульсов отметки
minor-cycle pulse generator — генератор импульсов малого цикла
pulse duty factor — <electr.> коэффициент импульсного цикла
pulse rise time — время нарастания импульса, длительность фронта импульса
pulse scaling ratio — < radio> коэффициент понижения частоты
pulse spacing modulation — < radio> модуляция нагрузки шагом импульсов
pulse train rate — <commun.> частота посылок
pulse voltage generator — <electr.> генератор импульсных напряжений
pulse waveform generator — генератор импульсов заданной формы
quantized pulse modulation — < radio> модуляция нагрузки импульсная нумерованная
square pulse generator — <tech.> генератор прямоугольных импульсов
square pulse shaper — <electr.> квадратизатор
synchronizing pulse regenerator — регенератор синхроимпульсов
synchronizing pulse separation — выделение синхронизирующих импульсов
trigger pulse delay — <electr.> задержка селекторного импульса
См. также в других словарях:
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