1 acyclovir
2 acyclovir
ацикловирБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > acyclovir
3 acyclovir
4 acyclovir
1) Фармакология: ацикловир2) Иммунология: ацикловир (противовирусное средство с иммуномодулирующей активностью)3) Макаров: ацикловир (противовирусный ациклонуклеозид) -
5 acyclovir
мед.сущ. ацикловир* * *иммун. ацикловир -
6 acyclovir
ациклогуанозин, ацикловир -
7 acyclovir
8 acyclovir
9 acyclovir
10 acyclovir
11 regioselective synthesis of acyclovir and its various prodrugs
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > regioselective synthesis of acyclovir and its various prodrugs
См. также в других словарях:
Acyclovir — См. Ацикловир (Источник: «Словарь терминов микробиологии») … Словарь микробиологии
acyclovir — [ā sī′klō vir΄, ā sī′kləvir΄] n. [ ACYCL(IC) + O + (ANTI)VIR(AL)] a synthetic, white, crystalline powder, C8H11O3N5, used as a drug to treat infections caused by various types of herpesviruses … English World dictionary
acyclovir sodium — the monosodium salt of acyclovir, used intravenously in the treatment of herpes simplex and herpes genitalis in immunocompromised patients and severe herpes genitalis in immunocompetent patients … Medical dictionary
acyclovir — noun Etymology: 2a + cycl + virus Date: 1979 a cyclic synthetic nucleoside C8H11N5O3 used especially to treat the symptoms of chicken pox, shingles, and the genital form of herpes simplex … New Collegiate Dictionary
acyclovir — (a si klo vir) A synthetic purine nucleoside derivative with antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus … Dictionary of microbiology
acyclovir — (= ACV; 2 (hydroxyethoxy) methyl guanine) Antiviral agent that is an analogue of guanosine and inhibits DNA replication of viruses. Particularly successful against herpes simplex infections … Dictionary of molecular biology
acyclovir — /ay suy kloh vear , kleuh /, n. Pharm. a crystalline compound, C18H11N5O3, used as an antiviral drug in the treatment of herpes infections. [1980 85; perh. acyclo(guanosine) an earlier name for the compound (A 6 + CYCLO + guanosine a nucleotide)… … Universalium
acyclovir — noun /eɪ saɪ kloʊ vir/ An antiviral drug used in the treatment of genital herpes. Syn: acycloguanosine … Wiktionary
acyclovir — A synthetic acyclic purine nucleoside analog used as an antiviral agent in the treatment of genital herpes; the sodium salt is used for parenteral … Medical dictionary
acyclovir — [eɪ sʌɪklə(ʊ)ˌvɪə] noun Medicine an antiviral drug used chiefly in the treatment of herpes. Origin 1970s: from acycl(ic) + vir(al DNA) … English new terms dictionary
acyclovir — acy·clo·vir … English syllables