1 actuarial report
страх., фин. доклад актуария (отчет об актуарной оценке активов и обязательств пенсионного или иного страхового фонда; также доклад о возможном влиянии тех или иных изменений в системе фонда на его финансовое состояние)See: -
2 actuarial report
Экономика: доклад актуария -
3 actuarial report
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > actuarial report
4 actuarial
прил.страх., фин. актуарный (относящийся к оценкам вероятности наступления страхового случая, расчету возможных будущих выплат из пенсионного или иного страхового фонда и определению необходимой величины страховых взносов)See:actuarial accrued liability, actuarial assumption, actuarial calculations, actuarial certificate, actuarial consultant, actuarial cost method, actuarial deficiency, actuarial equity, actuarial gain, actuarial gains and losses, actuarial increase, actuarial interest rate, actuarial loss, actuarial present value, actuarial projection, actuarial rate of return, actuarial report, actuarial surplus, actuarial update, actuarial valuation, actuarial value, actuary, social security* * * -
5 actuarial calculations
страх., фин. актуарные расчеты (расчеты, связанные с прогнозированием вероятности наступления страховых случаев и установлением страховых тарифов)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > actuarial calculations
6 report
1. n1) доклад; сообщение; отчет2) отзыв, заключение3) акт4) отсрочка расчета по фондовой сделке, контанго, репорт
- acceptance report
- acceptance test report
- accountant's report
- accounting report
- action report
- actuarial report
- advanced outstanding report
- adverse auditor's report
- annual report
- annual financial report
- appraisal report
- auditor's report
- average rate report
- base rate change history report
- bills outstanding report
- board of directors report
- branch balance report
- brokerage report
- budgetary control report
- bullish report
- business report
- call report
- cash report
- chairman's report
- claim report
- commercial report
- company report
- confidential report
- confirmed/unconfirmed deals report
- conflicting report
- consolidated report
- contract funds status report
- contract status report
- corporate report
- corporate profit report
- cost information report
- cost reduction report
- credit report
- credit agency report
- credits by customer report
- current industrial reports
- customs report
- customs surveyor report
- daily report
- daily cash report
- daily movement report
- damage report
- delinquency report
- direct report
- director's report
- directors' report
- draft report
- due diligence report
- earnings report
- end-of-day report
- establishment report
- evaluation report
- examination report
- examiners' report
- exchange report
- exchange rate warning report
- expense report
- expert's report
- factory inspection report
- failure report
- fault detection report
- feasibility report
- final report
- financial report
- fiscal report
- full report
- government report
- group report
- group limit report
- guarantee test report
- idle time report
- inaccurate report
- industry report
- inspection report
- interim report
- internal funding report
- intracompany report
- limit summary report
- liquidity report
- loan and deposit liquidity report
- loan facility usage report
- management report
- manufacturing report
- market report
- maturity deal warning report
- model audit report
- money report
- monthly report
- no instruction warning report
- nostro transfer report
- official report
- operating report
- operational report
- outturn report
- over-the-counter reports
- overlimit report
- past-repayment warning report
- performance report
- production report
- profit and loss report
- progress report
- provisional report
- qualified report
- quality control report
- quality survey report
- quarterly report
- receiving report
- research report
- returned stores report
- routine report
- sales report
- semi-annual report
- shared interest margin report
- shortage report
- situation report
- source and application of funds report
- standard narrative report
- statistical report
- status report
- statutory report
- stock market report
- stock status report
- summary report
- suspect loan report
- technical inspection report
- tentative balance-sheet report
- test report
- timekeeping report
- trade report
- trading activity report
- travel expense report
- travellers' cheque issued report
- trial balance reports
- undrawn commitment report
- yearly report
- report of condition
- report of experts' examination
- report on market conditions
- report on the market situation
- approve a report
- certify a report
- draw up a report
- file an annual report
- file periodical reports
- issue a financial report
- issue a test report
- make a report
- present a report
- submit a report2. v1) сообщать, информировать2) отчитываться3) подчиняться, находиться в подчиненииEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > report
См. также в других словарях:
actuarial — [[t]æ̱ktʃue͟əriəl[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Actuarial means relating to the work of an actuary. The company s actuarial report must be made available on demand … English dictionary
Canada Pension Plan — The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a contributory, earnings related social insurance program. It forms one of the two major components of Canada s public retirement income system, the other component being Old Age Security (OAS). Other parts of… … Wikipedia
CPP Investment Board — Under the direction of the then Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin, the CPP Investment Board was created in 1997 as an organization independent of the government to monitor and invest the funds held by the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). In turn,… … Wikipedia
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Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund — The Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (or IMRF) is a pension fund created in 1939 by the Illinois General Assembly for municipal employees in the state of Illinois. IMRF began operating in 1941 with 5 original employers and $5,000 in assets.… … Wikipedia
TEMPLETON, John Montgomery (1840-1908) — author of non forfeiture clause in life assurance policies was born at Kilmaurs, Ayreshire, Scotland, on 20 May 1840. He was the eldest son of Hugh Templeton, a school teacher, who brought his family to Victoria at the end of 1852. The boy… … Dictionary of Australian Biography
Medicare (United States) — President Johnson signing the Medicare amendment. Former President Harry S. Truman (seated) and his wife, Bess, are on the far right … Wikipedia
Minimum Municipal Obligation — (MMO) is, in the United States, the state mandated smallest amount a municipality must contribute to any pension plan established for its employees. The amount is calculated using actuarial science to ensure that municipal pension plans are… … Wikipedia
Minimum municipal obligation — (MMO) is, in the United States, the state mandated smallest amount a municipality must contribute to any pension plan established for its employees. The amount is calculated using actuarial science to ensure that municipal pension plans are… … Wikipedia
Actuary — Damage from Hurricane Katrina. Actuaries need to estimate long term averages of such damage in order to accurately price property insurance and set appropriate reserves. Occupation Names Actuary … Wikipedia
University of the Aegean — Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου Seal of the University of the Aegean (The Ancient Sphinx) Motto Για την ανάπτυξη νέων γνωστικών αντικειμένων (For the development of knowledge) … Wikipedia