1 actual
actual ['æktʃʊəl]∎ what were her actual words? quels étaient ses mots exacts?;∎ to take an actual example prendre un exemple concret;∎ the actual result was quite different le résultat véritable était plutôt différent;∎ the actual cost was £1,000 le coût exact était de 1000 livres;∎ what's the actual cash value of the car? quelle est la valeur réelle de la voiture?(b) (emphatic use) même;∎ the actual ceremony doesn't start until 10.30 la cérémonie même ne commence pas avant 10 heures 30;∎ this is the actual house where she was born voici en fait la maison où elle est née∎ to compare budgeted amounts with actuals comparer les prévisions budgétaires et les résultats obtenus(b) Stock Exchange livraisons fpl physiques, marchandises fpl livrées au comptanten fait►► Law actual bodily harm coups mpl et bles-sures fpl;Accountancy & Finance actual cost prix m de revient ou d'achat;actual figures chiffres mpl réels;Stock Exchange actual quotations cours mpl effectifs;Insurance actual total loss perte f totale effective;actual value valeur f réelle -
2 real
real [rɪəl](a) (authentic) vrai, véritable; (not imitation → diamond, pearl) vrai; (→ gold, leather) véritable; (→ silk, flowers) naturel;∎ a real friend/idiot un véritable ami/idiot;∎ a real disaster/shock un véritable ou vrai désastre/choc;∎ a real man un vrai homme;∎ I don't know his real name je ne connais pas son vrai nom;∎ my first real job mon premier vrai travail;∎ we have no real cause for concern nous n'avons aucune raison de nous inquiéter;∎ we'll never know her real feelings nous ne saurons jamais quels étaient vraiment ses sentiments;∎ she has no real feeling for poetry elle n'a pas le sens de la poésie;∎ he's made a real effort il a fait un véritable effort, il a fait un effort réel;∎ they're real silver ils sont en argent véritable;∎ are her pearls real? ses perles sont-elles vraies?;∎ that's what I call a real cup of tea! ça, c'est ce que j'appelle une tasse de thé!;∎ this orange drink is not bad but it's poor stuff compared to the real thing cette boisson à l'orange n'est pas mauvaise, mais ça ne vaut pas le vrai jus d'orange;∎ this is not a drill, it's the real thing ce n'est pas un exercice, c'est pour de vrai;∎ familiar get real! arrête de délirer ou de rêver!, redescends sur terre!∎ the real world le monde réel;∎ the threat is a very real one la menace est bien réelle;∎ what does that mean in real terms? qu'est-ce que ça signifie au bout du compte?;∎ salaries have fallen in real terms les salaires ont baissé en termes réels;∎ in real life dans la réalité, dans la vie(d) (as intensifier) vrai, véritable;∎ it was a real surprise ce fut une vraie surprise;∎ she's a real pain elle est vraiment rasante2 adverb∎ you were real lucky t'as eu une sacré veine;∎ it's real hot il fait vachement chaud;∎ we had a real good time on s'est vachement bien amusés;∎ that's real nice of you c'est vraiment ou très gentil de votre part□ ;∎ I'll see you real soon à très bientôt□3 noun∎ Philosophy the real le réelfamiliar pour de vrai□, pour de bon;∎ this time it's for real cette fois-ci c'est la bonne;∎ is he for real? d'où il sort, celui-là?;∎ is that for real? c'est vrai?►► Finance real accounts comptes mpl de valeur;British real ale bière f artisanale;Finance real assets biens mpl immobiliers;∎ he works in real estate il travaille dans l'immobilier;real estate agent agent m immobilier;Finance real estate mortgage investment conduit obligation f garantie par hypothèque;real estate leasing crédit-bail m immobilier;real estate office agence f immobilière;Computing, Mathematics, Philosophy & Physics real image image f réelle;Mathematics real number nombre m réel;Computing Real Player lecteur m Real Media;Marketing real repositioning repositionnement m réel;real property (UNCOUNT) biens mpl immobiliers ou immeubles;real tennis jeu m de paume;∎ to play real tennis jouer à la paume;Computing real time temps m réel;real value valeur f effective -
3 effective
- tiv1) (having power to produce, or producing, a desired result: These new teaching methods have proved very effective.) eficaz2) (striking or pleasing: an effective display of flowers.) llamativo, vistoso; logrado3) (in operation; working; active: The new law becomes effective next week.) en vigor, vigenteeffective adj eficaztr[ɪ'fektɪv]1 (successful) eficaz2 (real, actual) efectivo,-a3 (operative) vigente4 (impressive) impresionante; (striking) llamativo,-aeffective [ɪ'fɛktɪv] adj1) effectual: efectivo, eficaz2) operative: vigente♦ effectively advadj.• efectivo, -a adj.• eficaz adj.• en vigor adj.• impresionante adj.• real adj.• vigente adj.n.• efectivo s.m.ɪ'fektɪva) ( producing the desired result) < methodeatment> eficaz, efectivob) ( striking) <design/contrast> de mucho or gran efectoc) ( real) (before n) <control/leader> efectivo, real[ɪ'fektɪv]1. ADJ1) (=efficient, useful) [treatment, method, deterrent, system] efectivo, eficaz; [remark, argument] eficazthe method is simple, but effective — el método es simple pero efectivo or eficaz
to be effective in doing sth — ser eficaz para hacer algo2) (=striking) [display, outfit, decoration] impresionante, logrado; [combination] logrado•
to look effective — causar efectoblinds can look very effective — las persianas pueden causar muy buen efecto or mucho efecto
3) (=operative)•
to become effective — entrar en vigor, hacerse efectivo (from, on a partir de)it will be effective from 1 April — entrará en vigor or será efectivo a partir del 1 de abril
4) (=actual) [aid, contribution, leader] real; [control, increase] efectivo; [income] en efectivo5) (Econ) [demand, interest rate] efectivo2.effectivesNPL (Mil) efectivos mpl* * *[ɪ'fektɪv]a) ( producing the desired result) <method/treatment> eficaz, efectivob) ( striking) <design/contrast> de mucho or gran efectoc) ( real) (before n) <control/leader> efectivo, real -
4 effective
حَقِيقِيّ \ actual: real: I don’t know the actual cost, but it is over $100. authentic: real; true: This is an authentic piece of ancient art, not a modern copy. concrete: real; that can be seen and felt; about facts and objects: A gift may be a concrete expression of friendship or gratitude. effective: actual; real: Her brother is king, but she is the effective ruler of that country. genuine: real; not copied; true: Is this pound note genuine?. great: (giving more force to a noun) real; serious: He’s a great friend of mine. real: true; actual: We call him ‘Dusty’ but his real name is John Miller. Nylon is not real silk. rightful: having a right: Are you the rightful owner of this bicycle?. tangible: which can be seen or touched; real: The lion’s footmarks were tangible proof that he had gone to the stream to drink. true: correct with regard to facts; actual; proper; right: a true statement; a true copy. -
5 actual
حَقِيقِيّ \ actual: real: I don’t know the actual cost, but it is over $100. authentic: real; true: This is an authentic piece of ancient art, not a modern copy. concrete: real; that can be seen and felt; about facts and objects: A gift may be a concrete expression of friendship or gratitude. effective: actual; real: Her brother is king, but she is the effective ruler of that country. genuine: real; not copied; true: Is this pound note genuine?. great: (giving more force to a noun) real; serious: He’s a great friend of mine. real: true; actual: We call him ‘Dusty’ but his real name is John Miller. Nylon is not real silk. rightful: having a right: Are you the rightful owner of this bicycle?. tangible: which can be seen or touched; real: The lion’s footmarks were tangible proof that he had gone to the stream to drink. true: correct with regard to facts; actual; proper; right: a true statement; a true copy. -
6 real
حَقِيقِيّ \ actual: real: I don’t know the actual cost, but it is over $100. authentic: real; true: This is an authentic piece of ancient art, not a modern copy. concrete: real; that can be seen and felt; about facts and objects: A gift may be a concrete expression of friendship or gratitude. effective: actual; real: Her brother is king, but she is the effective ruler of that country. genuine: real; not copied; true: Is this pound note genuine?. great: (giving more force to a noun) real; serious: He’s a great friend of mine. real: true; actual: We call him ‘Dusty’ but his real name is John Miller. Nylon is not real silk. rightful: having a right: Are you the rightful owner of this bicycle?. tangible: which can be seen or touched; real: The lion’s footmarks were tangible proof that he had gone to the stream to drink. true: correct with regard to facts; actual; proper; right: a true statement; a true copy. -
7 effective
8 real
1. adjective1) (which actually exists: There's a real monster in that cave.) de verdad, verdadero2) (not imitation; genuine: real leather; Is that diamond real?) verdadero, auténtico3) (actual: He may own the factory, but it's his manager who is the real boss.) verdadero4) (great: a real surprise/problem.) verdadero
2. adverb((especially American) very; really: a real nice house.) muy; realmente- realist- realism
- realistic
- realistically
- reality
- really
3. interjection(an expression of surprise, protest, doubt etc: `I'm going to be the next manager.' `Oh really?'; Really! You mustn't be so rude!) ¿de verdad?; de verdad, francamente- for real
- in reality
real adj real / verdadero / de verdadit's a real gun, not a toy es una pistola de verdad, no un juguete
real adjetivoa) (verdadero, no ficticio):en la vida real in real life; historias de la vida real real-life o true-life stories◊ porque me da la real gana (fam) because I damn well want to (colloq)■ sustantivo masculino◊ no valer un real (fam) to be worth nothingc)
real 1 adj (no ficticio) real: fue una sensación muy real, it was a very vivid feeling
una historia basada en hechos reales, a true-life story ➣ Ver nota en actual
real 2 adj (relativo a la realeza) royal ' real' also found in these entries: Spanish: academia - actual - águila - alteza - armar - batalla - berenjenal - bien - bocazas - botadura - buena - bueno - caballero - calvario - campeonato - comistrajo - cómitre - concreta - concreto - conquistador - conquistadora - corte - desengañarse - desperdicio - efectiva - efectivo - elemento - espectáculo - esperpento - expolio - follón - gaita - guardia - hecha - hecho - histórica - histórico - inmobiliaria - inmobiliario - inmueble - jalea - joya - lacrimógena - lacrimógeno - legítima - legítimo - macho - maestría - mentir - muy English: AA - actual - bumpkin - chalk up - character - deduce - dinosaur - doll - dope - drip - dump - effective - eye-opener - go-getter - godsend - going-over - golden eagle - gut - heyday - hick - hole - host - juggling act - live - loony - mine - misery - mismatch - nothing - nut - peacock - predicament - pushover - real - real estate - real-life - RN - royal - shirt - sight - snuff movie - state - sweat - telling-off - term - thrashing - to-do - tough - trial - truetr[rɪəl]1 real, verdadero,-a2 (genuine) auténtico,-a1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL familiar muy\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLin real life en la vida realin the real world en el mundo realin real terms en términos realesfor real de verasget real! pero, ¿tú en qué mundo vives?real ale cerveza tradicionalreal estate bienes nombre masculino plural inmueblesreal time tiempo realthe real McCoy lo auténticoreal ['ri:l] advvery: muywe had a real good time: lo pasamos muy bienreal adj1) : inmobilarioreal property: bien inmueble, bien raíz2) genuine: auténtico, genuino3) actual, true: real, verdaderoa real friend: un verdadero amigo4)for real seriously: de veras, de verdadadj.• auténtico, -a adj.• de verdad adj.• efectivo, -a adj.• genuino, -a adj.• legítimo, -a adj.• real adj.• verdadero, -a adj.
I riːl, rɪl, riːl, rɪəl1)a) (actual, not imaginary) real, verdaderofor real — (colloq) de verdad
is he for real? — (AmE) ¿es posible que sea tan tonto (or ingenuo etc)?
b) (actual, true) (before n) <culprit/reason/name> verdaderoc) (genuine, not fake) <fur/leather> auténtico, genuino; < gold> de leyis it real coffee or instant? — ¿es café café o café instantáneo?
I met a real(, live) princess — conocí a una princesa auténtica or de verdad
d) (as intensifier) auténtico, verdadero2) ( Econ) <income/cost/increase> real
adverb (AmE colloq) (as intensifier) muyI'm real tired — estoy muy cansada, estoy cansadísima or (fam) super cansada
[rɪǝl]be real careful, now — ojo, ten mucho cuidado
1. ADJ1) (=true) [reason, surprise, talent, achievement, progress] verdadero; [power] efectivo, verdadero; [cost, income] real; [threat, hardship] serio, verdaderoyou're a real friend — eres un verdadero amigo; iro ¡vaya un amigo estás hecho!
the only real car accident that I've ever had — el único accidente de coche de verdad que he tenido jamás
now, that's a real paella! — ¡esto sí que es una paella (de verdad)!
get real! * — ¡baja de las nubes!
there was real concern that the children were in danger — la gente estaba realmente preocupada por que los niños estuvieran en peligro•
there was no real evidence that... — no había pruebas contundentes de que...•
my real home is in London — mi verdadera casa or mi casa de verdad está en Londres•
he showed real interest in science — se mostraba verdaderamente interesado por la ciencia•
in real life — en la vida real, en la realidad•
a real live film star — una estrella de cine en carne y hueso•
a real man — un hombre de verdad, todo un hombre2) (=not fake) [gold] de ley, auténtico; [leather, diamond] auténtico; [flowers] de verdad; [silk] puro; [cream] fresco•
real coffee — café de cafetera, café de verdadthis diamond's the real thing or the real McCoy * — este diamante es auténtico
this isn't the real thing, it's just a copy — esto no es auténtico or genuino, es solo una copiathis was definitely love, the real thing — esto era amor de verdad
3) (=great) verdadero2.ADV (US) * (=really) muyhe wrote some real good stories — escribió unos relatos muy buenos or buenísimos
for real * — de veras, de verdadis this guy for real? — ¿de qué va este tío? *
are you for real? — ¿me estás tomando el pelo? *
4.CPDreal assets NPL — propiedad fsing inmueble, bienes mpl raíces
real estate N, real property N — (US) bienes mpl raíces, bienes mpl inmuebles
real time N — (Comput) tiempo m real
* * *
I [riːl, rɪl, riːl, rɪəl]1)a) (actual, not imaginary) real, verdaderofor real — (colloq) de verdad
is he for real? — (AmE) ¿es posible que sea tan tonto (or ingenuo etc)?
b) (actual, true) (before n) <culprit/reason/name> verdaderoc) (genuine, not fake) <fur/leather> auténtico, genuino; < gold> de leyis it real coffee or instant? — ¿es café café o café instantáneo?
I met a real(, live) princess — conocí a una princesa auténtica or de verdad
d) (as intensifier) auténtico, verdadero2) ( Econ) <income/cost/increase> real
adverb (AmE colloq) (as intensifier) muyI'm real tired — estoy muy cansada, estoy cansadísima or (fam) super cansada
be real careful, now — ojo, ten mucho cuidado
9 real
adj.1 real (verdadero).2 royal.f.REAL, revised European-American lymphoma classification.m.real (moneda) (from Brazil).no tener un real not to have a penny to one's name* * *► adjetivo1 (regio) royal2 figurado grand, fine1 (de feria) fairground2 (moneda) old Spanish coin worth one quarter of a peseta\estar sin un real to be pennilessno me da la real gana familiar I don't feel like itno valer un real to be worthless, not be worth tuppencepor real decreto DERECHO by royal decree————————► adjetivo1 (verdadero) real* * *adj.1) teal2) true3) royal* * *IADJ (=verdadero) realIIla película está basada en hechos reales — the film is based on real o actual events
1. ADJ1) (=de la realeza) royalporque no me da la real gana — * because I don't damn well feel like it *
2) † (=espléndido) grand, splendiduna real hembra — hum a fine figure of a woman
2. SM1) (tb: real de la feria) fairground2) ( Hist) army campha asentado sus reales en mi casa y de aquí no lo sacas — he's installed himself in my house and you won't get him out of here
3) ( Hist) (Econ) old Spanish coin of 25 céntimos, one quarter of a pesetano tiene un real — * he hasn't a bean *
* * *I1) (verdadero, no ficticio)historias de la vida real — real-life o true-life stories
2) ( de la realeza) royal3) (fam) ( uso expletivo)II1)a) (Hist) real ( old Spanish coin)no valer un real — (fam) to be worth nothing
b) (Fin) real ( Brazilian unit of currency)2) (Mil) campsentar or establecer sus or los reales — ejército to set up camp; persona to install oneself
* * *I1) (verdadero, no ficticio)historias de la vida real — real-life o true-life stories
2) ( de la realeza) royal3) (fam) ( uso expletivo)II1)a) (Hist) real ( old Spanish coin)no valer un real — (fam) to be worth nothing
b) (Fin) real ( Brazilian unit of currency)2) (Mil) campsentar or establecer sus or los reales — ejército to set up camp; persona to install oneself
* * *real11 = royal.Ex: No less prestigious an authority than a royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.
* águila real = golden eagle.* cañada real = droving road.* carta real = charter.* glacé real = royal icing, glacé royal.* Nombre + real = majesty's + Nombre.* pagar derechos reales = pay + royalty.* pavo real = peacock.real22 = actual, flesh-and-blood, genuine, real, real-world, real-life, on the ground, factual.Ex: It presents a case study based on an actual situation which arose between the chief librarian of a public library and the library janitor.
Ex: It is in this way that students gain experience by proxy and get a feel for handling problems in the flesh-and-blood world.Ex: A general paper may be irrelevant to a specialist but of genuine value to someone seeking a brief introduction to a field peripheral to their main interest.Ex: In this case we find a tendency to ignore the author's identity as found in the document, and to prefer instead a real name to a pseudonym.Ex: It is unfortunate that there is a dearth of real-world logged data to explore usage and problems.Ex: Many librarians find such theories difficult to put into practice in real-life situations.Ex: It is difficult to know just to what extent vague concepts like 'the flow of information in a democratic society' actually result in services on the ground.Ex: No one, in this purely hypothetical example, has thought that the reader might be happy with a factual account of an Atlantic convoy as well as, or in place of, a purely fictional account.* comprobación en la práctica real = field test.* en la práctica real = in actual practice.* en la vida real = in real life.* en términos reales = in real terms, in actual practice.* experiencia del mundo real = real-world training.* formación en el mundo real = real-world training.* hecho real = brute fact.* hechos reales = true story.* mundo real, el = real world, the.* práctica real = actual practice.* real y verdaderamente = really and truly.* solución poco real = pie in the sky solution.* tamaño real = full-size.* vida real = real life.* * *real1A(verdadero, no ficticio): el libro narra un hecho real the book tells a true storyes muy distinta en la vida real she's very different in real lifehistorias de la vida real real-life stories, true o true-life storiesB (de la realeza) royalla familia real the royal familypor real decreto by royal decreela Real Academia Española de la Lengua the Royal Academy of the Spanish LanguageCompuesto:masculine summer residence ( of the Spanish monarchs)C ( fam)real2A1 (moneda) real (old Spanish coin worth a quarter of a peseta, also a Peruvian 10 centavo coin)no valer un real ( fam); to be worth nothinglos terrenos no valen ni un real the land isn't worth a penny o is worthless2 ( Fin) real ( Brazilian unit of currency)B1 ( Mil) campsentar or establecer sus or los reales «ejército» to set up camp;«persona» to install* oneself; «empresa» to set up2(recinto): real de la feria fairground* * *
real adjetivoa) (verdadero, no ficticio):
en la vida real in real life;
historias de la vida real real-life o true-life stories
◊ porque me da la real gana (fam) because I damn well want to (colloq)
■ sustantivo masculino
◊ no valer un real (fam) to be worth nothing
real 1 adj (no ficticio) real: fue una sensación muy real, it was a very vivid feeling
una historia basada en hechos reales, a true-life story ➣ Ver nota en actual
real 2 adj (relativo a la realeza) royal
' real' also found in these entries:
- actual
- águila
- alteza
- armar
- batalla
- berenjenal
- bien
- bocazas
- botadura
- buena
- bueno
- caballero
- calvario
- campeonato
- comistrajo
- cómitre
- concreta
- concreto
- conquistador
- conquistadora
- corte
- desengañarse
- desperdicio
- efectiva
- efectivo
- elemento
- espectáculo
- esperpento
- expolio
- follón
- gaita
- guardia
- hecha
- hecho
- histórica
- histórico
- inmobiliaria
- inmobiliario
- inmueble
- jalea
- joya
- lacrimógena
- lacrimógeno
- legítima
- legítimo
- macho
- maestría
- mentir
- muy
- actual
- bumpkin
- chalk up
- character
- deduce
- dinosaur
- doll
- dope
- drip
- dump
- effective
- eye-opener
- go-getter
- godsend
- going-over
- golden eagle
- gut
- heyday
- hick
- hole
- host
- juggling act
- live
- loony
- mine
- misery
- mismatch
- nothing
- nut
- peacock
- predicament
- pushover
- real
- real estate
- real-life
- RN
- royal
- shirt
- sight
- snuff movie
- state
- sweat
- telling-off
- term
- thrashing
- to-do
- tough
- trial
- true
* * *♦ adj1. [verdadero] real;existe un peligro real de que explote there is a real danger that it may explode;una historia real a true story2. [de la realeza] royalReal Academia Española (de la Lengua) = institution that sets lexical and grammatical standards for Spanish;real decreto = name given to acts passed by the Spanish parliament when appearing in the official gazette;Hist royal decree; Fampor real decreto: tenemos que volver a casa a las diez por real decreto it has been decreed that we should be back home by ten o'clock♦ nm1. [moneda] [de Brasil] real;Hist [de España]= old Spanish coin worth one quarter of a peseta;cuatro reales: lo compró por cuatro reales she bought it for next to nothing;no tener un real not to have a penny to one's name;no valer un real to be worthless2. Compsentar el real, sentar los reales [ejército] to set up camp;[persona] to settle down* * *I adj1 ( regio) royal2 ( verdadero) realII m fig:(a)sentar sus reales set up camp* * *real adj1) : real, true2) : royal* * *real adj1. (auténtico) true / real2. (del rey) royal -
10 actual
11 real
12 actual
1. прил.1) общ. фактический, реальный, действующий, действительный (в отличие от потенциального, возможного, ожидаемого)actual profitability — фактическая [действительная\] прибыльность [рентабельность\]
actual value — фактическая стоимость (чего-л.)
actual crisis — реальный [настоящий\] кризис
actual price — фактическая [настоящая, реальная, действительная\] цена
actual market — рынок реального [фактического\] товара
Syn:See:, actual basis, actual budget, actual cash value, actual contribution percentage, actual contribution ratio, actual cost, actual costing, actual deferral percentage, actual deferral ratio, actual earnings, actual experience with the product, actual goods, actual hours, actual income, actual inflation, actual inventory, actual investment, actual liability, actual margin, actual market, actual measurement, actual output, actual price, actual product, actual product performance, actual production, actual profit, actual rate, actual sales, actual service 1), 3), 4), actual time, actual total loss, standard, estimated2) общ. текущий; современный ( существующий или действующий сейчас)Syn:See:3) общ. актуальный, имеющий значение2. сущ.фин., бирж., преим. мн. физический [реальный, наличный\] товар (имеющийся в текущий момент товар или ценная бумага, как противопоставление срочному контракту)Syn:physical 2., actual goods, cash commodity, physical commodity, physical product 2. 2), physical asset, spot commodity, spot goods 2. 2), spot 1. 2)See: -
13 effective
adjectivebe effective — [Arzneimittel:] wirken
2) (in operation) gültigeffective from/as of — mit Wirkung von
the law is effective as from 1 September — das Gesetz tritt ab 1. September in Kraft od. wird ab 1. September wirksam
3) (powerful in effect) überzeugend [Rede, Redner, Worte]4) (striking) wirkungsvoll; effektvoll5) (existing) wirklich, tatsächlich [Hilfe]; effektiv [Gewinn, Umsatz]* * *[-tiv]1) (having power to produce, or producing, a desired result: These new teaching methods have proved very effective.) wirkungsvoll2) (striking or pleasing: an effective display of flowers.) eindrucksvoll3) (in operation; working; active: The new law becomes effective next week.) rechtsgültig* * *ef·fec·tive[ɪˈfektɪv]1. (competent) fähig, kompetenthe was an \effective speaker er war ein guter Redner\effective medicine wirksames Medikamentthe medicine was \effective in lowering the fever das Medikament hat das Fieber gesenktthe treatment hasn't been very \effective die Behandlung hat wenig Wirkung gezeigt3. (real) tatsächlich, wirklichshe's in \effective control of the office sie ist die eigentliche Leiterin der Geschäftsstelle\effective date Stichtag m, Gültigkeitsdatum ntto become \effective law [rechts]wirksam werden, in Kraft treten5. (striking) effektvoll, wirkungsvoll* * *[I'fektɪv]adj1) (= successful) way, method, action, measures effektiv, wirksam; means, treatment, vaccine, deterrent wirksam; strategy, policy, government, politician effektivto be effective in doing sth — bewirken, dass etw geschieht
2) (= striking) decoration, pattern, combination wirkungsvollto look effective — wirkungsvoll aussehen, gut wirken
3) (= actual) control, increase effektiv, tatsächlich; (ECON, FIN) demand, interest rate effektiv, tatsächlich; leader eigentlich; income wirklich, tatsächlich4) (= operative) wirksam, in Krafta new law, effective from or becoming effective on 1 August — ein neues Gesetz, das am 1. August in Kraft tritt
* * *effective [ıˈfektıv]A adj (adv effectively)1. effektiv, wirksam, erfolgreich:be effective wirken, Erfolg haben ( → A 3);effective range MIL wirksame Schussweite2. eindrucks-, wirkungs-, effektvoll3. JUR (rechts)wirksam, (-)gültig, rechtskräftig:become effective in Kraft treten, gültig oder wirksam werden;effective date Tag m des Inkrafttretens;4. tatsächlich, wirklich, effektiv:effective money Bargeld n;effective salary Effektivgehalt n;5. MIL diensttauglich, kampffähig, einsatzbereit6. TECH effektiv, tatsächlich, wirklich, Nutz…:effective output tatsächliche Leistung;B s MILa) einsatzfähiger Soldatb) Ist-Stärke f* * *adjective1) (having an effect) wirksam [Mittel]; effektiv [Maßnahmen]be effective — [Arzneimittel:] wirken
2) (in operation) gültigeffective from/as of — mit Wirkung von
the law is effective as from 1 September — das Gesetz tritt ab 1. September in Kraft od. wird ab 1. September wirksam
3) (powerful in effect) überzeugend [Rede, Redner, Worte]4) (striking) wirkungsvoll; effektvoll5) (existing) wirklich, tatsächlich [Hilfe]; effektiv [Gewinn, Umsatz]* * *adj.effizient adj.wirksam adj.wirkungsvoll adj. -
14 effective
эффективный имя прилагательное:имеющий силу (valid, effective)имеющий хождение (effective, passable)имя существительное: -
15 actual
1 noun∎ to compare budgeted amounts with actuals comparer les prévisions budgétaires et les résultats obtenus∎ actuals livraisons f pl physiques, marchandises f pl livrées au comptantréel(elle)actual cost prix m de revient ou d'achat;actual employment emploi m effectif;actual figures chiffres m pl réels;LAW actual possession possession f de fait;actual price prix réel;STOCK EXCHANGE actual quotations cours m pl effectifs;actual tare tare f réelle;INSURANCE actual total loss perte f totale effective;actual value valeur f réelleBut what we're seeing right now is that we have gotten ahead of the curve, and we are operationally prepared from a systems and billing perspective... We initially estimated an annual impact of approximately $7 million, and our actuals are tracking with this target.
16 real
real accounts comptes m pl de valeur;real assets biens m pl immobiliers;real cost coût m réel;real income revenu m réel;real profit profit m réel;MARKETING real repositioning repositionnement m réel;real salary salaire m réel;real terms termes m pl réels;∎ salaries have fallen in real terms les salaires ont baissé en termes réels;COMPUTING real time temps m réel;FINANCE real value valeur f effectiveAmerican real estate agency agence f immobilière;American real estate agent agent m immobilier;American real estate leasing crédit-bail m immobilier;FINANCE real estate mortgage investment conduit obligation f garantie par hypothèque;American real estate office agence immobilière;real property biens immobiliers -
17 actual power
активная мощность
Величина, равная среднеарифметическому значению мгновенной мощности двухполюсника за период.
[ ГОСТ Р 52002-2003]
активная мощность
Среднее за период значение мгновенной мощности
[ОСТ 45.55-99]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > actual power
18 effective
adj.1 eficaz (efficient, successful)2 efectivo(a) (actual, real)to be effective (from) entrar en vigor (desde)4 que cura.s.efectivo. -
19 actual/real/effective (actual/real/effective density)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > actual/real/effective (actual/real/effective density)
20 actual/real/effective (actual/real/effective density)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > actual/real/effective (actual/real/effective density)
См. также в других словарях:
Actual Grace — • A grace that is given for the performance of salutary acts and is present and disappears with the action itself Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Actual Grace Actual Grace … Catholic encyclopedia
REAL ID Act — of 2005 Full title To establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver s license and identification document security standards, to prevent terrorists from abusing the asylum laws of the United States, to unify terrorism related… … Wikipedia
Real Business Cycle Theory — (or RBC Theory) is a class of macroeconomic models in which business cycle fluctuations to a large extent can be accounted for by real (in contrast to nominal) shocks. (The four primary economic fluctuations are secular (trend), business cycle,… … Wikipedia
effective — [adj1] productive, persuasive able, active, adequate, capable, cogent, compelling, competent, convincing, direct, effectual, efficacious, efficient, emphatic, energetic, forceful, forcible, having lead in pencil*, impressive, live, moving, on the … New thesaurus
Real estate — Property lawReal estate is a legal term (in some jurisdictions, notably in the USA, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia) that encompasses land along with anything permanently affixed to the land, such as buildings, specifically property that is … Wikipedia
Real property use tax — The Real Property Use Tax (RPUT) is a tax system with assessment based on the size, level of development, and time in use of real property, and designed for general revenue acquisition. The tax system is a proposed replacement for the federal… … Wikipedia
Real versus nominal value (economics) — Economics … Wikipedia
effective — Synonyms and related words: able, acid, active, actual, adequate, armipotent, authoritative, banausic, basic, biting, capable, charismatic, charming, cogent, compelling, competent, consequential, conspicuous, convincing, corrosive, cutting,… … Moby Thesaurus
effective — adj 1. effectual, efficacious; capable, competent, efficient; adequate, sufficient, fit. 2. functioning, useful, serviceable, operative, in order; practical, current, actual, real, valid. 3. striking, impressive, telling, pointed, moving,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Recording (real estate) — Recording act redirects here. For recording artists, see Musician. Property law … Wikipedia
Ciudad Real Central Airport — CQM redirects here. For Classical Quantum Mechanics, see Hydrino theory. Ciudad Real Central Airport Aeropuerto Central Ciudad Real IATA: none – ICAO: LERL – LID: CQM [1] Sum … Wikipedia