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См. также в других словарях:

  • slack — ▪ I. slack slack 2 also slack off verb [intransitive] to make less of an effort than usual or be lazy in your work: • He was accused of slacking and taking too many holidays.   [m0] ▪ II. slack slack 3 noun [uncoun …   Financial and business terms

  • slack — I. /slæk / (say slak) adjective 1. not tense or taut; loose: slack rope. 2. indolent; negligent; remiss. 3. slow; sluggish. 4. lacking in activity; dull; not brisk: slack times for business. 5. sluggish, as the water, tide, or wind. 6. Colloquial …  

  • slack — slack1 slackingly, adv. slackly, adv. slackness, n. /slak/, adj. 1. not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope. 2. negligent; careless; remiss: slack proofreading. 3. slow, sluggish, or indolent: He is slack in answering letters …   Universalium

  • slack — I [[t]slæk[/t]] adj. slack•er, slack•est, adv. n. v. adj. 1) not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope[/ex] 2) negligent; careless; remiss 3) slow, sluggish, or indolent: slack in answering letters[/ex] 4) not active or busy; dull; not …   From formal English to slang

  • slack — slack1 [ slæk ] adjective 1. ) loose and not pulled tight: The fence consisted of two slack strands of barbed wire. The rope suddenly went slack. Her muscles felt slack. 2. ) not taking enough care to make sure something is done well: slack… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slack — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English slak, from Old English sleac; akin to Old High German slah slack, Latin laxus slack, loose, languēre to languish, Greek lagnos lustful and perhaps to Greek lēgein to stop Date: before 12th century 1. not… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • slack — [[t]slæ̱k[/t]] slacker, slackest, slacks, slacking, slacked 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is slack is loose and not firmly stretched or tightly in position. The boy s jaw went slack. 2) ADJ GRADED A slack period is one in which there is not much… …   English dictionary

  • slack — slack1 [slæk] adj [: Old English; Origin: sleac] 1.) hanging loosely, or not pulled tight ≠ ↑taut ▪ Keep the rope slack until I tell you to pull it. 2.) with less business activity than usual ▪ Business remained slack throughout the day. 3.) not… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • slack — 1 adjective 1 not taking enough care or making enough effort to do things right: Tollitt blundered with a slack header towards the goalkeeper. | The report criticized airport security as disgracefully slack . 2 with less business activity than… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • slack off — UK US slack off Phrasal Verb with slack({{}}/slæk/ verb ► if someone slacks off, they stop working hard or putting effort into something: »Companies just want to make sure their employees aren t slacking off. »He urged Washington not to slack off …   Financial and business terms

  • slack time — float The difference between the amount of time an activity takes and the amount of time allocated to it in network modelling Activities that constitute the critical path in a project are those for which there is no slack time. Activities not on… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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