1 activity drinking
Авиационная медицина: драйв в поддержании активности, потребность в поддержании активности -
2 activity drinking
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > activity drinking
1) Медицина: Disability Assessment in Dementia, disease-ADR-drug2) Военный термин: Degrease Abrade And Degrease, Directorate of Armament Development, deputy assistant director, design approval data, divisional ammunition dump, dockyard armament depot4) Грубое выражение: Down And Dirty, Dudes Against Dicks5) Сокращение: Deep Air Defence, Draft ADdendum, double-acting door, Da Nang, Vietnam - Da Nang ( Airport Code), Data Access Descriptor, Data Access Diagram, Data Acquisition Division, Data Acquisition and Data Processing, Data Administrator, Database Access Descriptor, Database Action Diagram, Database Assisted Design, Days After Draining, Death and Decay (game), Decide, Announce, and Defend, Decimal Adjust, Dedicated and Devoted, Defenders Against Drugs, Defense Acquisition Decision, Defense Acquisition Deskbook, Defense Appellate Division, Delaware Association of the Deaf, Delayed After Depolarization, Delivery Address Data, Demolay Advisor Development (International Order of DeMolay), Dependability of Architecture Design, Deployment Assistance Device, Desiccant Air Dryer (compressed air system components), Design Appraisal Declaration, Desktop Application Director (WordPerfect for Windows), Desktop Application Driver, Detailed Aircraft Decontamination, Development Activity Description, Die Another Day (James Bond movie), Diffuse Alveolar Damage, Digi Artists Domain (forum), Digiartist's Domain (forum), Digital Audio Disc, Digital/Analog/Digital (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering), Direct Access Democracy (Canada), Director of Admissions (USMA), Discharge Abstract Database, Disneyland After Dark (band), Distributed Application Development, Distributed Application Division, Distributed Applications Division (Microsoft), Distributed Architecture Decoy, Distributed Attack Detection, Distributional Analysis/Analyse Distributive, Divide and Delegate, Document Access Definition, Dogs Against Drugs, Double Add, Dressage At Devon (horse show), Drinking and Driving, Drive Against Diabetes, Dryer, Compressed Air, Desiccant, Dual Air Density, Dungeons And Dragons, Duplicate Address Detection (IPv6 address configuration)6) Вычислительная техника: Desktop Application Director, digital audio disk, цифровой диск для звукозаписи, Desktop Application Director (WordPerfect)7) Транспорт: Dangerous Airports Database, Digital Auto Drive8) Фирменный знак: Diamonds After Dark, Disneyland After Dark9) СМИ: Decide Announce Defend10) Деловая лексика: проект приложения (draft addendum), проект дополнения (draft addendum)11) Автоматика: draft addendum to an International Standard12) Хроматография: diode array detector (диодно-матричный детектор), diode array detector13) Расширение файла: Desktop Application Director (Borland)14) Имена и фамилии: Domenico Adamo15) Должность: Dear Ancient Daddy, District Athletic Director16) Чат: Dashing And Debonair18) Единицы измерений: Days After Delivery -
1) Общая лексика: legal drinking age2) Авиация: НКП (направленный курсовой приёмник)3) Медицина: Low Disease Activity4) Военный термин: Localizer Direction Aid, local dispersal area5) Техника: laser Doppler anemometer, lauryl diethanolamide7) Математика: Length Distance Angle8) Юридический термин: Light Double Action, Lightning Double Action9) Оптика: laser Doppler anemometry10) Сокращение: linear discriminant analysis11) Электроника: Logic Design Automation12) Транспорт: Landing Directional Aid, Landing Distance Available, Localizer Directional Aid13) Деловая лексика: Least Desired Approach14) Сетевые технологии: Local Delivery Agent, Local Director Acceleration15) юр.Н.П. legal document assistant16) Макаров: local density approximation, приближение локальной плотности17) Расширение файла: Logical Device Address18) Электротехника: load drop overspeed anticipator -
5 Lda
1) Общая лексика: legal drinking age2) Авиация: НКП (направленный курсовой приёмник)3) Медицина: Low Disease Activity4) Военный термин: Localizer Direction Aid, local dispersal area5) Техника: laser Doppler anemometer, lauryl diethanolamide7) Математика: Length Distance Angle8) Юридический термин: Light Double Action, Lightning Double Action9) Оптика: laser Doppler anemometry10) Сокращение: linear discriminant analysis11) Электроника: Logic Design Automation12) Транспорт: Landing Directional Aid, Landing Distance Available, Localizer Directional Aid13) Деловая лексика: Least Desired Approach14) Сетевые технологии: Local Delivery Agent, Local Director Acceleration15) юр.Н.П. legal document assistant16) Макаров: local density approximation, приближение локальной плотности17) Расширение файла: Logical Device Address18) Электротехника: load drop overspeed anticipator -
6 dad
1) Медицина: Disability Assessment in Dementia, disease-ADR-drug2) Военный термин: Degrease Abrade And Degrease, Directorate of Armament Development, deputy assistant director, design approval data, divisional ammunition dump, dockyard armament depot4) Грубое выражение: Down And Dirty, Dudes Against Dicks5) Сокращение: Deep Air Defence, Draft ADdendum, double-acting door, Da Nang, Vietnam - Da Nang ( Airport Code), Data Access Descriptor, Data Access Diagram, Data Acquisition Division, Data Acquisition and Data Processing, Data Administrator, Database Access Descriptor, Database Action Diagram, Database Assisted Design, Days After Draining, Death and Decay (game), Decide, Announce, and Defend, Decimal Adjust, Dedicated and Devoted, Defenders Against Drugs, Defense Acquisition Decision, Defense Acquisition Deskbook, Defense Appellate Division, Delaware Association of the Deaf, Delayed After Depolarization, Delivery Address Data, Demolay Advisor Development (International Order of DeMolay), Dependability of Architecture Design, Deployment Assistance Device, Desiccant Air Dryer (compressed air system components), Design Appraisal Declaration, Desktop Application Director (WordPerfect for Windows), Desktop Application Driver, Detailed Aircraft Decontamination, Development Activity Description, Die Another Day (James Bond movie), Diffuse Alveolar Damage, Digi Artists Domain (forum), Digiartist's Domain (forum), Digital Audio Disc, Digital/Analog/Digital (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering), Direct Access Democracy (Canada), Director of Admissions (USMA), Discharge Abstract Database, Disneyland After Dark (band), Distributed Application Development, Distributed Application Division, Distributed Applications Division (Microsoft), Distributed Architecture Decoy, Distributed Attack Detection, Distributional Analysis/Analyse Distributive, Divide and Delegate, Document Access Definition, Dogs Against Drugs, Double Add, Dressage At Devon (horse show), Drinking and Driving, Drive Against Diabetes, Dryer, Compressed Air, Desiccant, Dual Air Density, Dungeons And Dragons, Duplicate Address Detection (IPv6 address configuration)6) Вычислительная техника: Desktop Application Director, digital audio disk, цифровой диск для звукозаписи, Desktop Application Director (WordPerfect)7) Транспорт: Dangerous Airports Database, Digital Auto Drive8) Фирменный знак: Diamonds After Dark, Disneyland After Dark9) СМИ: Decide Announce Defend10) Деловая лексика: проект приложения (draft addendum), проект дополнения (draft addendum)11) Автоматика: draft addendum to an International Standard12) Хроматография: diode array detector (диодно-матричный детектор), diode array detector13) Расширение файла: Desktop Application Director (Borland)14) Имена и фамилии: Domenico Adamo15) Должность: Dear Ancient Daddy, District Athletic Director16) Чат: Dashing And Debonair18) Единицы измерений: Days After Delivery
См. также в других словарях:
drinking — drink|ing [ˈdrıŋkıŋ] n [U] the activity of drinking alcohol ▪ after a night of heavy drinking (=drinking a lot of alcohol) drinking companion/buddy/partner etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
drinking — drink|ing [ drıŋkıŋ ] noun uncount ** the activity of drinking alcohol: Andy goes out drinking every Friday. have a drinking problem (=regularly drink too much alcohol): She vehemently denies that she has a drinking problem … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
drinking */*/ — UK [ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ] / US noun [uncountable] the activity of drinking alcohol Andy goes out drinking every Friday … English dictionary
drinking — [ˈdrɪŋkɪŋ] noun [U] the activity of drinking alcohol … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Binge drinking — New Year s Eve is traditionally a time when many drink excessive amounts of alcohol. This picture is from a 1912 postcard mailed in the United States … Wikipedia
Vendo (activity) — A vendo is the slang name given to the activity of standing around a beer vending machine as a group and drinking. Due to the proliferance of alcohol vending machines, and the general acceptance of public drinking in Japan, this is a somewhat… … Wikipedia
Displacement activity — A displacement activity is the result of two contradicting instincts in a particular situation. Birds, for example, may peck at grass when uncertain whether to attack or flee from an opponent; similarly, a human may scratch his or her head when… … Wikipedia
displacement activity — Animal Behav. a behavior performed out of its usual context and apparently irrelevant to the prevailing situation, as eating when an unknown individual approaches, tending to occur when appropiate behaviors, as attacking or fleeing, are in… … Universalium
nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main… … Universalium
Prude — A prude (Old French prude ) [cite web | title=Prude yourDictionary.com | publisher=Houghton Mifflin Company | url=http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/p/p0625700.html | accessdate=2007 04 07 ] is a person who is described as being overly concerned… … Wikipedia
buddy — 1. noun /bʌ.di/lang= a) A friend or casual acquaintance. They have been buddies since they were in school. b) A partner for a particular activity. drinking buddies Syn … Wiktionary