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См. также в других словарях:

  • active immunity — n usu. long lasting immunity that is acquired through production of antibodies within the organism in response to the presence of antigens compare ACQUIRED IMMUNITY, NATURAL IMMUNITY, PASSIVE IMMUNITY * * * acquired immunity that develops in… …   Medical dictionary

  • active immunity — n. immunity (to a disease) due to the production of antibodies by the body: see PASSIVE IMMUNITY …   English World dictionary

  • active immunity — Immunity resulting from the normal response to antigen. Only really used to contrast with passive immunity in which antibodies or sensitised lymphocytes are transferred from the reactive animal to the passive recipient …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • active immunity — noun Date: 1897 usually long lasting immunity that is acquired through production of antibodies within the organism in response to the presence of antigens compare passive immunity …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • active immunity — Immunol. immunity in an organism resulting from its own production of antibody or lymphocytes. Cf. passive immunity. [1910 15] * * * …   Universalium

  • active immunity — noun a form of acquired immunity in which the body produces its own antibodies against disease causing antigens • Hypernyms: ↑acquired immunity …   Useful english dictionary

  • active immunity — noun Physiology immunity which results from the production of antibodies by the immune system …   English new terms dictionary

  • active immunity — ac′tive immu′nity n. imu immunity resulting from one s own production of antibody or white blood cells • Etymology: 1910–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • active immunity — /æktɪv əˈmjunəti/ (say aktiv uh myoohnuhtee) noun immunity achieved by the manufacture of antibodies within the organism …  

  • naturally acquired active immunity — The type of active immunity that develops when an individual s immunologic system comes into contact with an appropriate antigenic stimulus during the course of normal activities; it usually arises as the result of recovering from an infection… …   Dictionary of microbiology

  • Immunity (medical) — Immunity is a biological term that describes a state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion. Immunity involves both specific and non specific components. The non specific… …   Wikipedia

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