1 active sulfur
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > active sulfur
2 active sulfur
3 active sulfur
Техника: активная сера -
4 active sulfur
5 active sulfur
6 sulfur
7 sulfur
сера, S || сульфурировать, соединять с серой -
8 активная сера
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > активная сера
9 активная сера
10 SAA
1) Общая лексика: такой же как и раньше (same as above)2) Компьютерная техника: Standard Application Architecture, Storage Accounting Area3) Биология: surface active agent4) Медицина: САА (Serum amyloid A сывороточный амилоид А.)5) Американизм: Strategic Asset Allocation6) Спорт: The Sub Aqua Association7) Военный термин: Senior Administrative Assistant, Situation Awareness Assistance, Special Area Assessments, State, Army, Air, Strategic Air Army, safety and arming, senior army adviser, service action analysis, single - action, Army, slot array antenna, small-arms ammunition, special assignment airlift, staff administrative assistant, summary activity account, survival, air-to-air, systems analysis activity, systems analysis agency8) Техника: Shuttle attached antenna, Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors, sulfur containing amino acids, surveillance and accountability9) Сельское хозяйство: sulfur containing aminoacids10) Шутливое выражение: Sims Addicts Anonymous11) Химия: Set Accelerating Agent, Standard Aggregate Au12) Юридический термин: Statewide Technical Architecture13) Страхование: Surety Association of America14) Телекоммуникации: Service Adaptive Access15) Сокращение: Small Arms & Ammunition, South Atlantic Anomaly, Standards Association of Australia16) Университет: Student Associate Auxiliary, Student Auxiliary Association17) Физика: supercritical-assisted atomization18) Электроника: Static Automated Analysis19) Вычислительная техника: System Application Architecture, Systems Application Architecture, Standard Application Architecture (IBM), South Atlantic Anomaly (Space), Standards Association of Australia (organization, Australien)20) Литература: Sergeant At Arms22) Космонавтика: Южно-атлантическая аномалия23) Банковское дело: специальный арбитражный счёт (special arbitrage account)24) СМИ: Society For All Artists25) Бурение: поверхностно-активный агент26) Образование: State- Administered Agency, Structured Assessment Activity27) Инвестиции: special arbitrage account28) Автоматика: systems applications architecture29) Телефония: Service assurance agent30) Океанография: Satellite Active Archive31) Расширение файла: Systems Application Architecture (IBM)32) Электротехника: single-acting autoreclosing34) Общественная организация: Spondylitis Association of America, Stepfamily Association of America35) Должность: Senior Accredited Appraiser -
11 saa
1) Общая лексика: такой же как и раньше (same as above)2) Компьютерная техника: Standard Application Architecture, Storage Accounting Area3) Биология: surface active agent4) Медицина: САА (Serum amyloid A сывороточный амилоид А.)5) Американизм: Strategic Asset Allocation6) Спорт: The Sub Aqua Association7) Военный термин: Senior Administrative Assistant, Situation Awareness Assistance, Special Area Assessments, State, Army, Air, Strategic Air Army, safety and arming, senior army adviser, service action analysis, single - action, Army, slot array antenna, small-arms ammunition, special assignment airlift, staff administrative assistant, summary activity account, survival, air-to-air, systems analysis activity, systems analysis agency8) Техника: Shuttle attached antenna, Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors, sulfur containing amino acids, surveillance and accountability9) Сельское хозяйство: sulfur containing aminoacids10) Шутливое выражение: Sims Addicts Anonymous11) Химия: Set Accelerating Agent, Standard Aggregate Au12) Юридический термин: Statewide Technical Architecture13) Страхование: Surety Association of America14) Телекоммуникации: Service Adaptive Access15) Сокращение: Small Arms & Ammunition, South Atlantic Anomaly, Standards Association of Australia16) Университет: Student Associate Auxiliary, Student Auxiliary Association17) Физика: supercritical-assisted atomization18) Электроника: Static Automated Analysis19) Вычислительная техника: System Application Architecture, Systems Application Architecture, Standard Application Architecture (IBM), South Atlantic Anomaly (Space), Standards Association of Australia (organization, Australien)20) Литература: Sergeant At Arms22) Космонавтика: Южно-атлантическая аномалия23) Банковское дело: специальный арбитражный счёт (special arbitrage account)24) СМИ: Society For All Artists25) Бурение: поверхностно-активный агент26) Образование: State- Administered Agency, Structured Assessment Activity27) Инвестиции: special arbitrage account28) Автоматика: systems applications architecture29) Телефония: Service assurance agent30) Океанография: Satellite Active Archive31) Расширение файла: Systems Application Architecture (IBM)32) Электротехника: single-acting autoreclosing34) Общественная организация: Spondylitis Association of America, Stepfamily Association of America35) Должность: Senior Accredited Appraiser -
12 laser
лазер || лазерный- laser with dynamic liquid crystal mirrors
- acidic umbelliferone laser
- acoustooptically-tuned laser
- acquisition laser
- active infrared detection laser
- actively mode-locked laser
- actively Q-switched laser
- alignment laser
- alkali-halide laser
- alpha-particle laser
- amorphous laser
- amplitude stabilized laser
- anisotropic laser
- anorganic vapor laser
- antisubmarine laser
- Ar laser
- arc-driven laser
- arc-excited laser
- argon laser
- atmospheric pressure laser
- atomic laser
- atomic-beam laser
- Au vapor laser
- avalanche injection laser
- axially excited laser
- beam-expanded laser
- BH injection laser
- bidirectional laser
- bistable laser
- black-body laser
- black-body pumped laser
- blue laser
- Bragg laser
- Brewster-angled laser
- bromine vapor laser
- Br vapor laser
- bulk ionized laser
- buried-heterostructure injection laser
- butt-coupled laser
- C-laser
- Ca laser
- cadmium selenide laser
- cadmium sulfide laser
- cadmium vapor laser
- calcium vapor laser
- carbazine laser
- carbon dioxide laser
- carbon monoxide laser
- carbon vapor laser
- carbopyronine laser
- cascade laser
- cataphoresis pumping laser
- cavity laser
- Cd laser
- ceramic laser
- chain-reaction laser
- chelate laser
- chemical laser
- chemically excited laser
- chemically pumped laser
- chemical transfer laser
- chirped laser
- chlorine laser
- circular ring laser
- circulated-liquid laser
- Cl laser
- close-confinement laser
- closed-cycle laser
- CO laser
- CO2 laser
- coaxial laser
- coaxial-flow laser
- color-center laser
- combustion laser
- combustion powered laser
- composite-rod laser
- Compton laser
- condensed-phase laser
- confined-phase laser
- confocal laser
- CO2+N2+He laser
- continuously operated ruby laser
- continuously pumped laser
- continuously running laser
- continuous-wave laser
- convectively-cooled laser
- copper iodide laser
- copper vapor laser
- corner-cube laser
- coumarin laser
- coupled-cavity laser
- cross-beam laser
- cross-discharge laser
- cross-field laser
- cross-pumped laser
- cryogenic laser
- crystalline laser
- Cu laser
- CW laser
- dc-excited laser
- deflection laser
- deuterium fluoride laser
- DFB laser
- dielectric gas laser
- dielectric solid-state laser
- diffraction-limited laser
- diffraction-stabilized laser
- diffused laser
- diffusion-cooled laser
- dimer laser
- diode laser
- diode-pumped laser
- direct-gap injection laser
- directly modulated laser
- disk laser
- distributed laser
- distributed-feedback laser
- double-beam laser
- double-discharge laser
- double-frequency laser
- double-heterojunction laser
- double-heterostructure laser
- double-injection laser
- double-mode laser
- double-pulse laser
- double-quantum laser
- doubly mode-locked laser
- dual laser
- dye laser
- dye-doped polymethylmethacrylate laser
- E-beam-controlled laser
- E-beam-pumped laser
- electrically excited laser
- electric-discharge laser
- electroionization laser
- electron-beam laser
- electron-beam-excited laser
- electron-beam-initiated laser
- electron-beam plasma laser
- electron-beam-pumped laser
- electron-beam-stabilized laser
- electron-beam-triggering laser
- electron-collisionally excited ionic laser
- electronic transition laser
- electronic-vibrational transition laser
- electrooptically tuned laser
- ELION laser
- end-pumped laser
- epitaxial laser
- epitaxial-grown laser
- equilateral triangular laser
- erasing laser
- erbium-glass laser
- evanescent-field-pumped laser
- evanescent-wave-pumped laser
- excimer laser
- excited-state dimer laser
- exciting laser
- exciton laser
- explosion laser
- explosively pumped laser
- externally excited laser
- external-mirror laser
- extrinsically tuned laser
- face-pumped laser
- far-infrared laser
- far-ultraviolet laser
- fast-flowing laser
- feedback laser
- fiber laser
- fiber-tailed laser
- fixed-frequency laser
- flame laser
- flashlamp-pumped laser
- flowing gas laser
- flowing molecular laser
- four-level laser
- free-electron laser
- free-running laser
- frequency-controlled laser
- frequency-doubled laser
- frequency-modulated laser
- frequency-multiplied laser
- frequency-tuned laser
- fundamental-mode laser
- Ga-As laser
- gain-guided laser
- gain-switched laser - gamma-ray laser
- gas laser
- gas-discharge laser - gold vapor laser
- grating-controlled laser
- grating-coupled laser
- green laser
- green argon laser
- HCI vibrational-rotational laser
- heat-pumped laser
- heavy doped laser
- helium-iodine laser
- helium-krypton laser
- helium-xenon laser
- He-Ne laser
- heterojunction laser
- heterostructure laser
- heterostructure injection laser
- Hg laser
- high-current ion laser
- high-energy laser
- high-gain laser
- high-intensity laser
- highly coherent laser
- high-power laser
- high-pressure laser
- high-repetition-rate laser
- hollow-cathode laser
- holmium glass laser
- homogeneously broadened laser
- homogeneously pumped laser
- homojunction laser
- homostructure laser
- hybrid laser
- hydrogen laser
- hydrogen halide laser
- I-laser
- illuminating laser
- incoherently pumped laser
- index-guided laser
- indirect-gap injection laser - inhomogeneously pumped laser
- initiated laser
- initiating laser
- injection laser
- injection-locking laser
- injection-plasma laser
- inorganic-liquid laser
- integral compact glass laser
- internal-mirror laser
- intracavity modulated laser
- iodine laser
- ion laser
- ionization-assisted gas laser
- ionized laser
- IR laser
- Javan's laser
- junction laser
- Kerr-cell switched laser
- Kr laser
- krypton laser
- Lamb-dip stabilized laser
- large-aperture laser
- large-optical-cavity laser
- laser-pumped laser
- layered laser
- lead selenide laser
- lead sulfide laser
- lead telluride laser
- lead tin telluride laser
- lead vapor laser
- light-emitting-diode pumped laser
- light-pumped laser
- liquid laser
- liquid-dye laser
- LOC laser
- longitudinal-flow laser
- longitudinal-pumped laser
- long-wavelength laser
- low-power laser
- low-pressure laser
- low-threshold laser
- magnetically confined ion gas laser
- magnetohydrodynamic laser
- magnetooptical laser
- manganese vapor laser
- many-element laser
- mass-transport buried heterostructure laser
- master laser
- mercury vapor laser
- mesa laser
- metal vapor laser
- MHD laser
- microwave-pumped laser
- millimeter laser
- millimeter-wave laser
- mirror-angle tuned laser
- mirrorless laser
- Mn vapor laser
- mode-controlled laser
- mode-coupled laser
- mode-limited laser
- mode-locked laser
- mode-selected laser
- molecular laser
- molecular nitrogen discharge laser
- MTBH laser
- multicolor laser
- multifrequency laser
- multiline laser
- multilongitudinal-mode laser
- multimodal laser
- multimode laser
- multiphoton laser
- multiple-dye laser
- multiple-pulse laser
- multiple quantum-well laser
- multiple-wavelength laser
- multiprism laser
- mutually pumped injection laser
- Nd-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser
- Nd-glass laser
- Nd-YAG laser
- Ne laser
- near-IR laser
- neodymium-doped phosphorous chloride laser
- neodymium glass laser
- neodymium liquid laser
- neodymium-selenium oxychloride laser
- neodymium-ytterbium glass laser
- neodymium-yttrium-erbium glass laser
- neon laser
- neutral gas laser
- nitrogen laser
- nitrogen-carbon dioxide laser
- noble-gas laser
- noncavity laser
- nonmode-selected laser
- nonspiking laser
- nuclear laser
- nuclear-charged self-sustaining laser
- nuclear-pumped laser
- nuclear γ-laser
- O-laser
- optical-avalanche laser
- optical fiber laser
- optically pumped laser
- organic laser
- organic-dye laser
- overtone laser
- oxazine laser
- oxygen laser
- P-laser
- parallel-plate laser
- passively mode-locked laser
- passively Q-switched laser
- Pb ion laser
- phase-conjugate -laser
- phase-locked laser
- phosphorous vapor laser
- photochemical laser
- photodissociation laser
- photoexcitation laser
- photoinitiated laser
- photoionization laser
- photoionized laser
- photorecombination laser
- pigtailed laser
- pinched-plasma laser
- pink-ruby laser
- planar stripe laser
- plane-resonator laser
- plasma laser
- p-n laser
- p-n junction laser
- polycrystalline laser
- positive-column-discharge laser
- potassium bromide laser
- p-p-n-n laser
- preionization laser
- preionized laser
- premixed chemical laser
- pressure-tuned laser
- prism dye laser
- prism-tuned laser
- PS laser
- pulsed laser
- pulsed electrical laser
- pulsed ruby laser
- pulsed water-vapor laser
- pulse-initiated chemical laser
- pumped laser
- pumping laser
- pyrotechnically pumped laser
- Q-spoiled laser
- Q-switched laser
- Q-switching laser
- quantum-well laser
- quartz laser
- quasi-continuous laser
- radial-discharge laser
- Raman laser
- rare-earth chelate laser
- rare-gas electrical-discharge laser
- reading laser
- recombination laser
- red laser
- regularly pulsing laser
- repetitively pumped laser
- resonanit laser
- RF excited laser
- rhodamine laser
- rhodamine 6G-laser
- Ridley-Watkins-Hillsum-mechanism laser
- ring laser
- roof-top ruby laser
- rotation laser
- ruby laser
- RWH-mechanism laser
- S-laser
- scan laser
- SCH laser
- sealed-off laser
- selenium vapor laser
- self-contained laser
- self-focusing laser
- self-locked laser
- self-mode-locking laser
- self-Q-switching laser
- self-starting laser
- self-sustained laser
- self-terminating laser
- self-tuned laser
- semiconductor laser
- separate-confinement heterostructure laser
- shock-tube laser
- shock-wave pumped laser
- short-pulsed laser
- Si laser
- silicon vapor laser
- single-frequency laser
- single-heterojunction laser
- single-heterostructure laser
- single-longitudinal-mode laser
- single-mode laser
- single-mode pumped laser
- single-shot pumped laser
- single-wavelength laser
- slave laser
- SLM laser
- slotted cathode laser
- slow-flowing laser
- software laser
- solar-pumped laser
- solid laser
- solid-dye laser
- solid rare-earth ion laser
- solid-state laser
- spikeless laser
- spiking laser
- spin-flip laser
- Sr laser
- storage laser
- storage-ring laser
- streamer laser
- stripe laser
- stripe-geometry laser
- strontium vapor laser
- submillimeter laser
- subsonic-flow laser
- sulfur-hexafluoride laser
- sulfur-vapor laser
- sun-pumped laser
- superlattice laser
- superluminescent laser
- superpower laser
- superradiant laser
- superradiative laser
- supersonic laser
- synchronously-pumped laser
- TEA laser
- telescopic-resonator laser
- temperature-controlled laser
- thallium vapor laser
- thermally controlled laser
- thermally excited laser
- thermally pumped laser
- thick-cavity junction laser
- thin-film laser
- thin-film diode laser
- three-level laser
- tin vapor laser
- tracking laser
- transfer chemical laser
- transverse electrically initiated laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric pressure laser
- transverse-flow laser
- transverse-flow mixing laser
- traveling-wave laser
- triode laser
- tunable laser
- tunable diode laser
- tunnel laser
- tunnel-injection laser
- two-frequency laser
- two-isotope active medium laser
- two-photon pumped laser
- ultraviolet laser
- uncontrolled laser
- unidirectional laser
- unimodal laser
- unstable-resonator laser
- UV laser
- vacuum-ultraviolet laser
- variable pulse-length laser
- variable-wavelength laser
- vernier interferometric laser
- vibrational-rotation laser
- vibrational-transition laser
- visible laser
- VUV laser
- waveguide laser
- waveguide-pumping laser
- writing laser
- Xe laser
- xenon ion laser
- X-ray laser
- ytterbium glass laser
- Zeeman laser
- zero-order-mode laser
- zinc oxide laser
- zinc-oxide nanowire laser
- zinc sulfide laser
- zinc vapor laser
- Zn laser -
13 laser
лазер || лазерный- acoustooptically-tuned laser
- acquisition laser
- active infrared detection laser
- actively mode-locked laser
- actively Q-switched laser
- alignment laser
- alkali-halide laser
- alpha-particle laser
- amorphous laser
- amplitude stabilized laser
- anisotropic laser
- anorganic vapor laser
- antisubmarine laser
- Ar laser
- arc-driven laser
- arc-excited laser
- argon laser
- atmospheric pressure laser
- atomic laser
- atomic-beam laser
- Au vapor laser
- avalanche injection laser
- axially excited laser
- beam-expanded laser
- BH injection laser
- bidirectional laser
- bistable laser
- black-body laser
- black-body pumped laser
- blue laser
- Br vapor laser
- Bragg laser
- Brewster-angled laser
- bromine vapor laser
- bulk ionized laser
- buried-heterostructure injection laser
- butt-coupled laser
- C laser
- Ca laser
- cadmium selenide laser
- cadmium sulfide laser
- cadmium vapor laser
- calcium vapor laser
- carbazine laser
- carbon dioxide laser
- carbon monoxide laser
- carbon vapor laser
- carbopyronine laser
- cascade laser
- cataphoresis pumping laser
- cavity laser
- Cd laser
- ceramic laser
- chain-reaction laser
- chelate laser
- chemical laser
- chemical transfer laser
- chemically excited laser
- chemically pumped laser
- chirped laser
- chlorine laser
- circular ring laser
- circulated-liquid laser
- Cl laser
- close-confinement laser
- closed-cycle laser
- CO laser
- CO2 + N2 + He laser
- CO2 laser
- coaxial laser
- coaxial-flow laser
- color-center laser
- combustion laser
- combustion powered laser
- composite-rod laser
- Compton laser
- condensed-phase laser
- confined-phase laser
- confocal laser
- continuously operated ruby laser
- continuously pumped laser
- continuously running laser
- continuous-wave laser
- convectively-cooled laser
- copper iodide laser
- copper vapor laser
- corner-cube laser
- coumarin laser
- coupled-cavity laser
- cross-beam laser
- cross-discharge laser
- cross-field laser
- cross-pumped laser
- cryogenic laser
- crystalline laser
- Cu laser
- CW laser
- dc-excited laser
- deflection laser
- deuterium fluoride laser
- DFB laser
- dielectric gas laser
- dielectric solid-state laser
- diffraction-limited laser
- diffraction-stabilized laser
- diffused laser
- diffusion-cooled laser
- dimer laser
- diode laser
- diode-pumped laser
- direct-gap injection laser
- directly modulated laser
- disk laser
- distributed laser
- distributed-feedback laser
- double-beam laser
- double-discharge laser
- double-frequency laser
- double-heterojunction laser
- double-heterostructure laser
- double-injection laser
- double-mode laser
- double-pulse laser
- double-quantum laser
- doubly mode-locked laser
- dual laser
- dye laser
- dye-doped polymethylmethacrylate laser
- E-beam-controlled laser
- E-beam-pumped laser
- electrically excited laser
- electric-discharge laser
- electroionization laser
- electron-beam laser
- electron-beam plasma laser
- electron-beam-excited laser
- electron-beam-initiated laser
- electron-beam-pumped laser
- electron-beam-stabilized laser
- electron-beam-triggering laser
- electron-collisionally excited ionic laser
- electronic transition laser
- electronic-vibrational transition laser
- electrooptically tuned laser
- ELION laser
- end-pumped laser
- epitaxial laser
- epitaxial-grown laser
- equilateral triangular laser
- erasing laser
- erbium-glass laser
- evanescent-field-pumped laser
- evanescent-wave-pumped laser
- excimer laser
- excited-state dimer laser
- exciting laser
- exciton laser
- explosion laser
- explosively pumped laser
- externally excited laser
- external-mirror laser
- extrinsically tuned laser
- face-pumped laser
- far-infrared laser
- far-ultraviolet laser
- fast-flowing laser
- feedback laser
- fiber laser
- fiber-tailed laser
- fixed-frequency laser
- flame laser
- flashlamp-pumped laser
- flowing gas laser
- flowing molecular laser
- four-level laser
- free-electron laser
- free-running laser
- frequency-controlled laser
- frequency-doubled laser
- frequency-modulated laser
- frequency-multiplied laser
- frequency-tuned laser
- fundamental-mode laser
- Ga-As laser
- gain-guided laser
- gain-switched laser
- gallium arsenide laser
- gallium nitride laser
- gamma-ray laser
- gas laser
- gas-discharge laser
- gas-dynamic laser
- giant-pulse laser
- giant-pulse ruby laser
- glass laser
- gold vapor laser
- grating-controlled laser
- grating-coupled laser
- green argon laser
- green laser
- HCI vibrational-rotational laser
- heat-pumped laser
- heavy doped laser
- helium-iodine laser
- helium-krypton laser
- helium-xenon laser
- He-Ne laser
- heterojunction laser
- heterostructure injection laser
- heterostructure laser
- Hg laser
- high-current ion laser
- high-energy laser
- high-gain laser
- high-intensity laser
- highly coherent laser
- high-power laser
- high-pressure laser
- high-repetition-rate laser
- hollow-cathode laser
- holmium glass laser
- homogeneously broadened laser
- homogeneously pumped laser
- homojunction laser
- homostructure laser
- hybrid laser
- hydrogen halide laser
- hydrogen laser
- I laser
- illuminating laser
- incoherently pumped laser
- index-guided laser
- indirect-gap injection laser
- infrared laser
- inhomogeneously broadened laser
- inhomogeneously pumped laser
- initiated laser
- initiating laser
- injection laser
- injection-locking laser
- injection-plasma laser
- inorganic-liquid laser
- integral compact glass laser
- internal-mirror laser
- intracavity modulated laser
- iodine laser
- ion laser
- ionization-assisted gas laser
- ionized laser
- IR laser
- Javan's laser
- junction laser
- Kerr-cell switched laser
- Kr laser
- krypton laser
- Lamb-dip stabilized laser
- large-aperture laser
- large-optical-cavity laser
- laser on supersonic jet
- laser with dynamic liquid crystal mirrors
- laser-pumped laser
- layered laser
- lead selenide laser
- lead sulfide laser
- lead telluride laser
- lead tin telluride laser
- lead vapor laser
- light-emitting-diode pumped laser
- light-pumped laser
- liquid laser
- liquid-dye laser
- LOC laser
- longitudinal-flow laser
- longitudinal-pumped laser
- long-wavelength laser
- low-power laser
- low-pressure laser
- low-threshold laser
- magnetically confined ion gas laser
- magnetohydrodynamic laser
- magnetooptical laser
- manganese vapor laser
- many-element laser
- mass-transport buried heterostructure laser
- master laser
- mercury vapor laser
- mesa laser
- metal vapor laser
- MHD laser
- microwave-pumped laser
- millimeter laser
- millimeter-wave laser
- mirror-angle tuned laser
- mirrorless laser
- Mn vapor laser
- mode-controlled laser
- mode-coupled laser
- mode-limited laser
- mode-locked laser
- mode-selected laser
- molecular laser
- molecular nitrogen discharge laser
- MTBH laser
- multicolor laser
- multifrequency laser
- multiline laser
- multilongitudinal-mode laser
- multimodal laser
- multimode laser
- multiphoton laser
- multiple quantum-well laser
- multiple-dye laser
- multiple-pulse laser
- multiple-wavelength laser
- multiprism laser
- mutually pumped injection laser
- Nd-doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser
- Nd-glass laser
- Nd-YAG laser
- Ne laser
- near-IR laser
- neodymium glass laser
- neodymium liquid laser
- neodymium-doped phosphorous chloride laser
- neodymium-selenium oxychloride laser
- neodymium-ytterbium glass laser
- neodymium-yttrium-erbium glass laser
- neon laser
- neutral gas laser
- nitrogen laser
- nitrogen-carbon dioxide laser
- noble-gas laser
- noncavity laser
- nonmode-selected laser
- nonspiking laser
- nuclear γ laser
- nuclear laser
- nuclear-charged self-sustaining laser
- nuclear-pumped laser
- O laser
- optical fiber laser
- optical-avalanche laser
- optically pumped laser
- organic laser
- organic-dye laser
- overtone laser
- oxazine laser
- oxygen laser
- P laser
- parallel-plate laser
- passively mode-locked laser
- passively Q-switched laser
- Pb ion laser
- phase-conjugate-laser
- phase-locked-laser
- phosphorous vapor laser
- photochemical laser
- photodissociation laser
- photoexcitation laser
- photoinitiated laser
- photoionization laser
- photoionized laser
- photorecombination laser
- pigtailed laser
- pinched-plasma laser
- pink-ruby laser
- planar stripe laser
- plane-resonator laser
- plasma laser
- p-n junction laser
- p-n laser
- polycrystalline laser
- positive-column-discharge laser
- potassium bromide laser
- p-p-n-n laser
- preionization laser
- preionized laser
- premixed chemical laser
- pressure-tuned laser
- prism dye laser
- prism-tuned laser
- PS laser
- pulsed electrical laser
- pulsed laser
- pulsed ruby laser
- pulsed water-vapor laser
- pulse-initiated chemical laser
- pumped laser
- pumping laser
- pyrotechnically pumped laser
- Q-spoiled laser
- Q-switched laser
- Q-switching laser
- quantum-well laser
- quartz laser
- quasi-continuous laser
- radial-discharge laser
- Raman laser
- rare-earth chelate laser
- rare-gas electrical-discharge laser
- reading laser
- recombination laser
- red laser
- regularly pulsing laser
- repetitively pumped laser
- resonanit laser
- RF excited laser
- rhodamine 6G laser
- rhodamine laser
- Ridley-Watkins-Hillsum-mechanism laser
- ring laser
- roof-top ruby laser
- rotation laser
- ruby laser
- RWH-mechanism laser
- S laser
- scan laser
- SCH laser
- sealed-off laser
- selenium vapor laser
- self-contained laser
- self-focusing laser
- self-locked laser
- self-mode-locking laser
- self-Q-switching laser
- self-starting laser
- self-sustained laser
- self-terminating laser
- self-tuned laser
- semiconductor laser
- separate-confinement heterostructure laser
- shock-tube laser
- shock-wave pumped laser
- short-pulsed laser
- Si laser
- silicon vapor laser
- single-frequency laser
- single-heterojunction laser
- single-heterostructure laser
- single-longitudinal-mode laser
- single-mode laser
- single-mode pumped laser
- single-shot pumped laser
- single-wavelength laser
- slave laser
- SLM laser
- slotted cathode laser
- slow-flowing laser
- software laser
- solar-pumped laser
- solid laser
- solid rare-earth ion laser
- solid-dye laser
- solid-state laser
- spikeless laser
- spiking laser
- spin-flip laser
- Sr laser
- storage laser
- storage-ring laser
- streamer laser
- stripe laser
- stripe-geometry laser
- strontium vapor laser
- submillimeter laser
- subsonic-flow laser
- sulfur-hexafluoride laser
- sulfur-vapor laser
- sun-pumped laser
- superlattice laser
- superluminescent laser
- superpower laser
- superradiant laser
- superradiative laser
- supersonic laser
- synchronously-pumped laser
- TEA laser
- telescopic-resonator laser
- temperature-controlled laser
- thallium vapor laser
- thermally controlled laser
- thermally excited laser
- thermally pumped laser
- thick-cavity junction laser
- thin-film diode laser
- thin-film laser
- three-level laser
- tin vapor laser
- tracking laser
- transfer chemical laser
- transverse electrically initiated laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric laser
- transverse-excitation atmospheric pressure laser
- transverse-flow laser
- transverse-flow mixing laser
- traveling-wave laser
- triode laser
- tunable diode laser
- tunable laser
- tunnel laser
- tunnel-injection laser
- two-frequency laser
- two-isotope active medium laser
- two-photon pumped laser
- ultraviolet laser
- uncontrolled laser
- unidirectional laser
- unimodal laser
- unstable-resonator laser
- UV laser
- vacuum-ultraviolet laser
- variable pulse-length laser
- variable-wavelength laser
- vernier interferometric laser
- vibrational-rotation laser
- vibrational-transition laser
- visible laser
- VUV laser
- waveguide laser
- waveguide-pumping laser
- writing laser
- Xe laser
- xenon ion laser
- X-ray laser
- ytterbium glass laser
- Zeeman laser
- zero-order-mode laser
- zinc oxide laser
- zinc sulfide laser
- zinc vapor laser
- zinc-oxide nanowire laser
- Zn laserThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > laser
14 additive
1) добавка; присадка2) примесь3) аддитивный•- acid neutralizer additive -
activating additive
antiacid additive
antidecomposition additive
antifoaming additive
antiicing additive
antiknock additive
antioxidant additive
antirust additive
antiscoring additive
antiscuffing additive
antiseizure additive
antisludge additive
antismoke additive
antistick additive
antiwear additive
antiweld additive
bituminous additive
breakdown additive
burden additive
catalyst additive
cementitious additive
cetane additive
chemical additive
combustible additive
completion fluid additive
cryoprotective additive
detergent additive
dispersant additive
dispersing additive
drilling mud additive
E.P. additive
emulsifier additive
extreme-pressure additive
fatty additive
film strength additive
fire-retardant additive
flavor additive
flow additive
fluid loss additive
foaming additive
food additive
friction additive
fuel additive
gasoline additive
grease additive
halogen additive
heat-transfer additive
hypoid additive
injurous additive
load-carrying additive
low-profile additive
lubricant additive
lubricating additive
mat additive
mineral additive
nitrate additive
nonbleeding additive
oil additive
oiliness additive
oil-soluble additive
polar additive
reinforcement additive
scale-control additive
sintering additive
smoke-suppressant additive
stabilizing additive
sulfur-containing additive
sulfur additive
surface-active additive
tackiness additive
wear-preventive additive
wearproof additive
wearresistant additive -
15 gas
1. газ, газообразное вещество || выделять газ; наполнять газом, насыщать газом2. горючее; газолин; бензин || заправлять горючим— acid gas— dry gas— end gas— exit gas— fat gas— flue gas— free gas— fuel gas— lean gas— net gas— oil gas— rich gas— rock gas— sour gas— town gas— trip gas— wet gas
* * *
high altitude liquid petroleum gas — сжиженный нефтяной газ с повышенным содержанием бутана (для применения в условиях пониженного атмосферного давления)
— dry gas— foul gas— lean gas— lift gas— oil gas— rich gas— rock gas— sour gas— tank gas— wet gas
* * *
1. газ2. горючее, бензин
* * *
* * *
1) газ, газообразное вещество || выделять газ; наполнять газом, насыщать газом2) горючее; газолин; бензин || заправлять горючим•gas in place — запасы газа в коллекторе;
gas in reservoir — пластовой газ;
gas in-situ — газ в пластовых условиях;
gas in solution — растворённый газ;
no gas to surface — газ на поверхность не поступает;
gas originally in place — первоначальные запасы газа в коллекторе;
to boost gas along to its destination — повышать давление газа для доставки его к месту назначения;
to make the gas — выделять газ;
to sweeten gas — удалять из газа соединения серы;
- gas of radiation-chemical originto take-off casing-head gas — отбирать нефтяной газ на устье скважины;
- gas of stratal water
- absorbed gas
- accompanying gas
- acid gas
- active gas
- actual gas
- adsorbed gas
- aerogen gas
- air gas
- air-free gas
- air-producer gas
- alky gas
- all-weather liquefied petroleum gas
- ammonia synthesis gas
- annular gas
- artificial gas
- associated gas
- associated dissolved gas
- associated petroleum gas
- aviation gas
- background gas
- biochemical natural gas
- blanket gas
- blowdown gas
- blue gas
- bottled gas
- Braden head gas
- burned gas
- burning gas
- butane-enriched water gas
- butane-propane gas
- by-product gas
- cap gas
- carbon-dioxide gas
- carbureted gas
- carbureted hydrogen gas
- carbureted water gas
- carrier gas
- casing-head gas
- city gas
- coercible gas
- coke oven gas
- combination gas
- combustible gas
- combustion gas
- commercial gas
- commercial rock gas
- compressed gas
- compressed natural gas
- condensed gas
- condensed natural gas
- conditioned gas
- consumer gas
- conventional gas
- converted gas
- corrosive gas
- crude gas
- cumulative gas injected
- cushion gas
- cylinder gas
- dehydrated petroleum gas
- diluted gas
- dispersed gas
- dissolved gas
- distillation gas
- domestic gas
- drive gas
- dry gas
- dry petroleum gas
- dump gas
- end gas
- enriched gas
- entrained gas
- escaping gas
- exhaust gas
- exit gas
- expansion gas
- extraneous gas
- extremely dry gas
- fat gas
- filtered flue gas
- fire gas
- fixed gas
- flammable gas
- flare gas
- flash gas
- flue gas
- fluorocarbon gas
- flush gas
- formation gas
- formation water gas
- foul gas
- free gas
- fuel gas
- full-stream gas
- fume-laden gas
- furnace gas
- gaslift gas
- gas-well gas
- green gas
- heating gas
- helium-bearing natural gas
- high gas
- high-altitude liquid petroleum gas
- high-BTU gas
- high-calorific gas
- high-line gas
- highly corrosive gas
- high-pressure gas
- high-purity gas
- household fuel gas
- humid gas
- hydrocarbon gas
- ideal gas
- illuminating gas
- immobile gas
- imperfect gas
- imported gas
- inactive gas
- included gas
- incoming gas
- indifferent gas
- industrial gas
- inert gas
- inflammable gas
- initial gas in reservoir
- injected gas
- in-place petroleum gas
- ionized gas
- kerosene gas
- kiln gas
- lean gas
- lean petroleum gas
- liberated gas
- lift gas
- lighting gas
- liquefied gas
- liquefied hydrocarbon gas
- liquefied natural gas
- liquefied petroleum gas
- liquid gas
- liquid natural gas
- liquid petroleum gas
- live gas
- low-boiling gas
- low-calorific gas
- low-pressure petroleum gas
- low-thermal-value fuel gas
- makeup gas
- manufactured gas
- manure gas
- marsh gas
- medium-energy coal-derived gas
- metamorphic natural gas
- methane-rich gas
- mixed gas
- mud gas
- naphtha gas
- native gas
- natural gas
- net gas
- noble gas
- nonassociated gas
- nonassociated natural gas
- noncondensable gas
- noncorrosive gas
- nonhydrocarbon gas
- nonpurified gas
- nonrecoverable gas
- nonstripped petroleum gas
- noxious gas
- occluded gas
- off gas
- oil gas
- oil-dissolved gas
- oil-water gas
- oil-well gas
- olefiant gas
- onboard-stored gas
- oxyhydrogen gas
- paraffin gas
- peat gas
- perfect gas
- petroleum gas
- pipeline gas
- poor gas
- power gas
- processed gas
- produced gas
- producer gas
- product gas
- purchased gas
- purge gas
- radiogenic gas
- purifield gas
- quenching gas
- radioactive gas
- radon gas
- raw natural gas
- reactivation gas
- receiver gas
- recirculated gas
- recoverable gas
- recoverable petroleum gas
- refinery gas
- regeneration gas
- residual gas
- residue gas
- retained gas
- rich gas
- rich petroleum gas
- rock gas
- sales gas
- sedimentary natural gas
- separator gas
- shale gas
- shallow gas
- shocked gas
- sludge gas
- solute gas
- solution gas
- sour gas
- sour petroleum gas
- spent gas
- stabilizer gas
- stack gas
- stillage gas
- stripped gas
- stripped petroleum gas
- stripper gas
- substitute natural gas
- sulfur dioxide gas
- sulfurous gas
- sweet gas
- synthetic gas
- tail gas
- tank gas
- town gas
- toxic gas
- transborder gas
- transcontinental gas
- transported gas
- trapped gas
- treated gas
- trip gas
- unassociated gas
- underground storage gas
- undissolved gas
- unstripped gas
- vadose gas
- washed gas
- waste gas
- water gas
- water-dissolved gas
- well head gas
- wet gas
- wet field gas
- wet petroleum gas
- zero-hydrogen-index gas* * * -
16 corrosion
1) коррозия, разрушение•-
ac corrosion
acid corrosion
active corrosion
aeration corrosion
aerobic corrosion
alkaline corrosion
anaerobic corrosion
anode corrosion
aqueous corrosion
ash corrosion
atmosphere corrosion
bacterial corrosion
bimetallic corrosion
blanket corrosion
brine corrosion
- burned gas corrosion -
cathode corrosion
caustic corrosion
cavitation corrosion
channeling corrosion
chemical corrosion
chlorine corrosion
concentration cell corrosion
concentration corrosion
condensate corrosion
contact corrosion
continuous corrosion
couple corrosion
crevice corrosion
damp atmospheric corrosion
deep corrosion
deposition corrosion
differential aeration corrosion
differential corrosion
downhole corrosion
drop corrosion
dry atmospheric corrosion
edge corrosion
electrochemical corrosion
electrolytic corrosion
end corrosion
equal-rate corrosion
equal corrosion
erosion corrosion
exfoliation corrosion
external corrosion
fatigue corrosion
filiform corrosion
fireside corrosion
fluid corrosion
fretting corrosion
fuel corrosion
full immersion corrosion
galvanic corrosion
gas-phase corrosion
gas corrosion
gas-side corrosion
grain-boundary corrosion
graphitic corrosion
heavy local pitting corrosion
high-temperature corrosion
honeycomb corrosion
hot corrosion
hot-salt corrosion
hot-spot corrosion
hydrogen corrosion
hydrogen-evolution corrosion
impingement corrosion
indoor corrosion
intercrystalline corrosion
intragranular corrosion
isolated corrosion
knife-line corrosion
layer corrosion
leakage-current corrosion
line corrosion
lining corrosion
low-end-temperature corrosion
marine corrosion
mechanochemical corrosion
nonequal-rate corrosion
nonequal corrosion
oil corrosion
organogenic corrosion
oxygen-adsorption corrosion
partial immersion corrosion
patchy corrosion
penetration corrosion
pitting corrosion
pit corrosion
poultice corrosion
radiolytic corrosion
refractory corrosion
regional corrosion
sacrificial corrosion
selective corrosion
self-sustaining corrosion
service corrosion
slag corrosion
son corrosion
sour oil corrosion
spongious corrosion
steam impingement corrosion
steamside corrosion
steam-water corrosion
stray-current corrosion
stress corrosion
sulfur corrosion
sulfurated hydrogen corrosion
sweet corrosion
thermogalvanic corrosion
transcrystalline corrosion
trenching corrosion
tubercular corrosion
underfilm corrosion
underground corrosion
underwater corrosion
vapor-phase corrosion
variable immersion corrosion
waterside corrosion
wet corrosion -
17 meter
1) метр2) измерительный прибор, измеритель || измерять, мерить, замерять3) счётчик4) дозатор•to meter in — регулировать объём на входе;-
absorption frequency meter
ac meter
acoustic current meter
active energy meter
activity meter
admittance meter
airflow meter
air meter
all-purpose meter
alpha meter
alpha survey meter
altitude meter
ampere-hour meter
analog meter
angle meter
apparent energy meter
atrain meter
attenuation meter
audio level meter
audio-frequency meter
audio-noise meter
automatic noise figure meter
autoranging meter
backscatter nuclear density meter
backscatter nuclear moisture meter
badge meter
batch meter
battery meter
bellow gas meter
beta survey meter
B-H meter
body tilt meter
brightness meter
Btu meter
bypasswater meter
bypass meter
call-count meter
calometric gas meter
candle power meter
capacitance capacity meter
capacitance meter
cavity frequency meter
circuit noise meter
clamp-on meter
clip-on meter
coaxial-line frequency meter
coercive force meter
contamination meter
correlation meter
coulomb meter
counting-rate meter
counting-type frequency meter
course meter
cup-type meter
current meter
curve-drawing meter
cycloidal gas meter
dc meter
decibel meter
demand meter
density meter
depth meter
detonation meter
dew-point meter
dew-point moisture meter
dielectric-type moisture meter
differential pressure meter
digital meter
digital panel meter
digital Z meter
dip meter
direct-reading meter
distance meter
distortion factor meter
distortion meter
dosage meter
dose meter
double-rate meter
double-tariff meter
downhole oil gravity-gas content-volume ratio meter
draft meter
drift meter
dry gas meter
dual meter
dwell meter
earth resistance meter
edgewise meter
elbow meter
electric field meter
electric hour meter
electric power meter
electrical meter
electric meter
electricity meter
electrodynamic meter
electrolytic meter
electromagnetic current meter
electromagnetic interference meter
electromagnetic meter
electromechanical frequency meter
electronic moisture meter
elevation meter
energy meter
envelope delay meter
exposure meter
exposure rate meter
fallout meter
ferrodynamic meter
field-intensity meter
field-strength meter
flow meter
flow rate meter
fluid meter
fluidity meter
flux meter
flux-gate meter
foot-candle meter
forward scatter visibility meter
fountain-pen-type dose meter
frequency deviation meter
frequency meter
frequency modulation meter
frequency-indicating meter
fuel-flow meter
G.-M. meter
gamma meter
gamma survey meter
gas meter
gas volume meter
generating electric field meter
gravity meter
grid-dip meter
hardness meter
haze meter
head meter
heat meter
hook-on meter
hot-wire air flow meter
hot-wire meter
house service meter
humidity meter
hydraulic flow meter
hysteresis meter
illumination meter
impedance meter
impeller current meter
impulse meter
inductance meter
induction flow meter
induction-type meter
infrared moisture meter
in-line meter
instrument test meter
insulation-resistance meter
integrating electricity meter
integrating light meter
integrating meter
ion meter
iron-vane meter
lambda meter
laminar flow meter
laser-Doppler current meter
layer thickness meter
leakage meter
level meter
light meter
light-intensity meter
lightning-current meter
linear meter
liquid displacement meter
loss meter
luminance meter
lux meter
Mach meter
magnetic potential meter
magnetic-field meter
magnetic meter
magnetic-vane meter
mass-flow meter
maximum-demand meter
maxwell meter
megohm meter
methane meter
microwave power meter
milliohm meter
moisture meter
motor meter
moving-coil meter
moving-iron meter
multiple purpose meter
multiprobe ionization meter
multirange meter
multirate meter
multistator watt-hour meter
neutron soil moisture meter
noise-level meter
noise meter
noise-temperature meter
nuclear density meter
nuclear level meter
nuclear moisture meter
null meter
oil meter
orifice meter
output power meter
panel meter
parking meter
peak program meter
pendulum-type current meter
penny-in-the-slot meter
permanent-magnet meter
pH meter
phase-angle meter
phase meter
photoelectric exposure meter
photoelectric meter
photographic exposure meter
pivoted flap flow meter
pocket meter
polyphase meter
portable hydraulic flow meter
portable meter
power meter
power-factor meter
prepayment electricity meter
prepayment meter
pressure meter
printing meter
profile meter
profiling current meter
propeller meter
propeller milk meter
propeller-type meter
proportional gas meter
proportioning meter
Pygmy meter
quality-factor meter
quotient meter
radiation balance meter
radiation meter
radio-noise meter
rate meter
ratio meter
reactance meter
reactive volt-ampere meter
reactive volt-ampere-hour meter
reactive-energy meter
reactive-power meter
readout meter
recording depth meter
recording meter
reed frequency meter
residential meter
resistance meter
resistance-type moisture meter
resistivity meter
resonant frequency meter
revolution meter
rf level meter
roentgen rate meter
rotary gas meter
rotor current meter
running meter
salinity meter
salt meter
selective ion meter
self-recording current meter
service meter
setup scale meter
shape meter
sinad meter
single-phase meter
slip meter
soap film meter
solid-state meter
sound-level meter
standard meter
standing-wave meter
steam-consumption meter
steam-flow meter
sulfur meter
summation meter
suppressed-zero meter
survey meter
switchboard meter
thermal electric meter
thermal meter
Thomson meter
three-axis current meter
three-phase meter
tide meter
torque meter
torsion meter
transmission nuclear density meter
transmission nuclear moisture meter
transmittance meter
transparency meter
trim meter
tuning meter
two-rate meter
var-hour meter
vector-averaging current meter
velocity-type meter
Ventury meter
vibrating-reed frequency meter
vibration meter
visibility meter
visual exposure meter
voltage meter
voltage standing-wave-ratio meter
volt-ampere meter
volt-ampere-hour meter
volt-ohm meter
volt-ohm-milliampere meter
water meter
watercut meter
water-sealed gas meter
watt-hour meter
wattless component meter
wave meter
wet gas meter
wind meter
wing current meter
Z meter
zero-center meter
zeta meter -
18 water
1. вода 2. англ. озеро; заводь 3. шотл. река 4. шотл. берег (реки или озера)
water of compaction вода уплотнения
water of condensation конденсационная вода
water of constitution химически связанная вода
water of crystallization кристаллизационная вода
water of dehydration дегидратационная вода
water of dilation вода пересыщения
water of hydration гидратная вода
water of imbibition 1. поглощённая вода 2. вода насыщения
water of large head вода под большим гидростатическим напором
water of retention вода, удерживаемая породой, реликтовая [погребённая] вода
water of saturation вода насыщения
water of supersaturation вода перенасыщения
abrasive water абразивная вода
absorbed water абсорбционная [поглощённая] вода
active water корродирующая [активная] вода
adhesive water плёночная вода
adsorbed water адсорбционная [поглощённая] вода
aerated water аэрированная вода
aggressive water агрессивная вода
alkaline water щелочная вода
argic water вода зоны аэрации ниже почвенных вод
artesian water артезианская вода
ascending water восходящая вода
atmospheric water атмосферная вода
attached water связанная вода
available water доступная вода
basal water главная масса подземных вод, перемещающаяся совместно с солёными водами (при гидродинамическом равновесии)
bottom water 1. придонная вода 3. нижняя вода (вода, залегающая непосредственно под нефтеносным или газоносным пластами)
bound water связанная вода
brackish water солоноватая вода
branch water вода небольшой речки или рукава реки
broken water бурун
capillary water капиллярная вода
cavern water карстовая вода
central water центральная вода
chalybeate water железистая вода
chemical water гидратная вода
circulating water подземная циркулирующая вода
clear water чистая вода
combined water связанная вода
come water непрерывно и регулярно поступающая в рудник вода (из старых разработок или из водоносных пород)
condensation water конденсационная вода
connate water реликтовая вода
continuous water непрерывно текущая вода
Copenhagen water стандартная морская вода
cosmic water космическая вода (в метеоритах)
courant water вода потоков и ручьёв
crevice water вода из трещин
day water поверхностная вода
dead water стоячая вода
deep water глубинная вода
dehydration water дегидратационная вода
descending water нисходящая вода
downstream water нижний бьеф
drift water вода, несущая наносы
earth water жёсткая [известковая] вода
edge water краевая [контурная] вода
equatorial water экваториальная вода
film water плёночная вода
first water камень чистой воды
flood water паводковая вода
flowing water проточная вода
formation water формационная вода
fossil water ископаемая вода
free water свободная вода
fresh water пресная вода
fringe water вода капиллярной оболочки
funicular water фуникулярная вода (зоны аэрации)
gravitational water свободная вода
ground water грунтовая вода (см. тж. groundwater)
hard water жёсткая [известковая] вода
held — недренируемая вода
high water 1. паводок 2. прилив 3. полная вода
higher high water высокая полная вода
higher low water высокая малая вода
hydration water гидратная вода
hydrot hernial water гидротермальная вода
hydroxyl water гидроксильная вода
hygroscopic water гигроскопическая вода
hyperpiestic water самоизливающаяся артезианская вода
hypogene water гипогенная вода
hypopiestic water артезианская вода, не достигающая зеркала грунтовых вод
impounded water стоячая вода
Indian spring low water весенняя низкая вода
infiltration water инфильтрационная вода
inland waters внутренние воды
inshore water прибрежная вода
intermediate water промежуточная вода
intermediate vadose water гравитационная вода зоны аэрации
internal water глубинная вода
internal primitive water глубинная первичная вода
internal resurgent water глубинная возобновлённая вода
interstitial water поровая вода
invading waters вторгающиеся воды
juvenile water ювенильная вода
kremastic water см. vadose water
lagging water медленно текущая вода
land water поверхностная вода, вода суши
leakage water просачивающаяся вода
lithia water литиевая вода
low water 1. межень 2. отлив 3. малая вода
lower high water низкая полная вода
lower low water низкая малая вода
magmatic water магматическая вода
mean high water 1. средняя высота прилива 2. средний уровень полных вод
mean higher high water средний уровень высоких полных вод
mean low water средний уровень малых вод
mean lower low water средний уровень низких малых вод
mesohaline water вода средней солёности
metamorphic water метаморфическая вода
meteoric — метеорная [атмосферная] вода, подземная вода атмосферного происхождения
middle water междупластовая вода
mine waters шахтные [рудничные] воды
mineral water минеральная вода
mixed water 1. вода магматического и метеорного происхождения 2. природная вода, богатая хлором и сульфатом
mobile water мобильная [подвижная] вода
mother water маточный раствор
muddy water вода, содержащая илистый материал
muskeg water болотная вода
native [natural] water природная вода
noncirculating water стоячая вода
normal water стандартная морская вода
ocean water вода океана, морская вода
offshore water вода дальнего прибрежья
oil-field waters воды нефтяных месторождений
oligohaline water малосолёная вода
open water 1. открытая вода, полынья 2. поверхностная вода
outcrop water просачивающаяся вода
overflow water избыточная [переливающаяся] вода
pellicular water плёночная вода
pendular water пендулярная вода (окружающая точки соприкосновения частиц пород или почв)
percolating water просачивающаяся вода
permanent water постоянный источник
permanent perched water постоянная подвешенная вода
phreatic water фреатическая вода
piestic waters артезианские воды
plerotic waters плеротические воды
plutonic waters глубинные ювенильные воды
polyhaline water полигалинная вода (вода, содержащая различные соли)
pore water поровая вода potable water питьевая вода
precipitated water вода атмосферных осадков
pressure water напорная вода
primary water первичная вода
primitive water первозданная вода
quarry water карьерная вода
rejuvenated water возрождённая вода
retained water удерживаемая вода
return waters возвратные воды
river water речная вода
running water проточная вода
saline [salt] water солёная вода
scale-producing water вода, дающая котельный камень, жёсткая вода
sea water морская вода
second water камень нечистой (второй) воды
secondary water вторичная вода
seepage water фильтрационная вода
sejunction water несвязанная вода
shallow [shoal] water мелководье, мелкая вода, вода прибойной зоны
slack water 1. стоячая вода, заводь 2. время между приливом и отливом 3. приливное течение при очень малой скорости или скорости равной нулю
slime waters шламовые воды
snow water снеговая талая вода
soft water мягкая вода
soil water почвенная вода
solfataric water сольфатарная вода, вода, содержащая сернистый водород
sorption water плёночная вода
spring water 1, ключевая [родниковая] вода 2. вешняя вода
stagnant water запруженная [стоячая] вода
storm water прямой сток (сток, достигающий речных русел немедленно после ливней или снеготаяния); ливневая вода
stratified water слоистая вода (стоячая вода, для которой характерны слои разной температуры и солёности)
stream water водный поток
subglacial water подледниковая вода
subpermafrost water подмерзлотная вода
subsiding water отступающая вода
subsoil water подпочвенная вода
subsurface [subterranean] water подповерхностная [подземная] вода
sulfur water серная [сероводородная] вода
supergene water супергенная [гипергенная] вода
suprapermafrost water надмерзлотная вода
surface water поверхностная вода
suspended water см. vadose water
swamp water болотная вода
sweet water пресная вода
tail water нижний бьеф
telluric water теллурическая вода
temporary waters временные [сезонные] воды, верховодка
territorial waters территориальные воды
thawing water талая вода
thermal water термальная вода
third water камень нечистой (третьей) воды
top water см. upper water
underground water подповерхностная [подземная] вода
upper water верхняя вода (вода, залегающая над нефтеносным или газоносным пластами)
upstream water верхний бьеф, верховая вода
upwelling water восходящая вода, вода апвеллинга
vadose water вадозная [гравитационная, верхняя, подвешенная]вода
volcanic water вулканическая вода (вода, выделяющаяся из магмы на поверхности земли или близко к ней)
wandering water см. vadose water
waste water 1. pl. возвратные воды 2. вода из старых выработок 3. вода разлившегося водоёма
well water колодезная вода
* * * -
19 corrosion
1. коррозия, разъедание2. размыв3. химическое растворение; химическая денудация; вымывание ( пород)— hydrogen-type corrosion
* * *
коррозия, разъедание, ржавление
* * *
1) коррозия; разъедание2) размыв3) химическое растворение; химическая денудация; вымывание ( пород)•corrosion at friction — коррозия при трении;
corrosion at initial boiling point — корродирующее действие нефтепродукта ( на медную пластинку) при начальной температуре его кипения;
corrosion at waterline — коррозия по ватерлинии;
corrosion by drilling mud — коррозия под действием бурового раствора;
corrosion by gases — газовая коррозия;
- acid corrosioncorrosion during distillation — корродирующее действие нефтепродукта ( на медную пластинку) в условиях его разгонки;
- active corrosion
- aeration corrosion
- aerobic corrosion
- alkaline corrosion
- anaerobic corrosion
- anodic corrosion
- aqueous corrosion
- ash corrosion
- atmospheric corrosion
- bacterial corrosion
- bimetallic corrosion
- biological corrosion
- blanket corrosion
- brine corrosion
- burned gas corrosion
- cathodic corrosion
- caustic corrosion
- cavitation corrosion
- chaffing corrosion
- channeling corrosion
- chemical corrosion
- chlorine corrosion
- concentration cell corrosion
- condensate corrosion
- contact corrosion
- continuous corrosion
- couple corrosion
- crevice corrosion
- current-stray corrosion
- damp atmospheric corrosion
- deep corrosion
- deposition corrosion
- differential corrosion
- differential aeration corrosion
- downhole corrosion
- down-the-hole corrosion
- drop corrosion
- dry atmospheric corrosion
- edge corrosion
- electrochemical corrosion
- electrolytic corrosion
- end corrosion
- equal-rate corrosion
- erosion corrosion
- exfoliation corrosion
- external corrosion
- extractive corrosion
- fatigue corrosion
- filiform corrosion
- fireside corrosion
- fluid corrosion
- fretting corrosion
- fuel corrosion
- full immersion corrosion
- full immersion honeycomb corrosion
- galvanic corrosion
- gaseous corrosion
- gas-phase corrosion
- gas-side corrosion
- general corrosion
- grain-boundary corrosion
- heavy local pitting corrosion
- high-temperature corrosion
- hot corrosion
- hot-salt corrosion
- hot-spot corrosion
- hydrogen corrosion
- hydrogen-evolution corrosion
- hydrogen-sulfide corrosion
- impingement corrosion
- indoor corrosion
- intercrystalline corrosion
- intergranular corrosion
- internal corrosion
- intragranular corrosion
- isolated corrosion
- knife-line corrosion
- layer corrosion
- leakage-current corrosion
- line corrosion
- local corrosion
- localized corrosion
- location-action corrosion
- marine corrosion
- massive corrosion
- meeting corrosion
- microbiological corrosion
- nonequal-rate corrosion
- nonuninform corrosion
- oil corrosion
- organogenic corrosion
- outdoor corrosion
- oxygen-adsorption corrosion
- partial impression corrosion
- patchy corrosion
- penetration corrosion
- pit corrosion
- pitch corrosion
- pitting corrosion
- pointed corrosion
- poultice corrosion
- radiolytic corrosion
- regional corrosion
- sacrificial corrosion
- seawater corrosion
- selective corrosion
- service corrosion
- self-sustaining corrosion
- slag corrosion
- soil corrosion
- sour crude corrosion
- sour oil corrosion
- spongious corrosion
- spot corrosion
- stray-current corrosion
- stress corrosion
- stress-free corrosion
- stressless corrosion
- structural corrosion
- sulfide corrosion
- sulfur corrosion
- sulfurated hydrogen corrosion
- surface corrosion
- sweet corrosion
- thermogalvanic corrosion
- through corrosion
- total surface corrosion
- transgranular corrosion
- trenching corrosion
- tubercular corrosion
- underground corrosion
- undermining corrosion
- undersurface corrosion
- underwater corrosion
- uniform corrosion
- vapor-phase corrosion
- variable immersion corrosion
- wet corrosion* * *• коррозия• размывАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > corrosion
См. также в других словарях:
active sulfur — aktyvioji siera statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Naftos ir jos produktų įvairių junginių siera, skatinanti metalų koroziją. atitikmenys: angl. active sulfur rus. активная сера; коррозионная сера; коррозионно активная сера … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Sulfur mustard — Sulfur mustard … Wikipedia
Sulfur Springs — is a popular tourist attraction found in Soufrière, Saint Lucia. In fact, the town of Soufrière got its name from the sulfur mining in the 1800s. Sulfur Springs was a formerly active dome volcano that had its last major eruption 40,000 years ago … Wikipedia
Sulfur — This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Sulfur (disambiguation). phosphorus ← sulfur → chlorine … Wikipedia
Sulfur assimilation — Sulfate reduction and assimilation in plants (APS, adenosine 5 phosphosulfate; Fdred, Fdox, reduced and oxidized ferredoxin; RSH, RSSR, reduced and oxidized glutathione)|right|325pxSulfur is an essential element for growth and physiological… … Wikipedia
Sulfur lamp — The sulfur lamp (also sulphur lamp) is a highly efficient full spectrum electrodeless lighting system whose light is generated by sulfur plasma that has been excited by microwave radiation. The technology was developed in the early 1990s, but,… … Wikipedia
sulfur — also sulphur noun Etymology: Middle English sulphur brimstone, from Latin sulpur, sulphur, sulfur Date: 14th century a nonmetallic element that occurs either free or combined especially in sulfides and sulfates, is a constituent of proteins,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sulfur — An element, atomic no. 16, atomic wt. 32.066, that combines with oxygen to form s. dioxide (SO2) and s. trioxide (SO3), and these with water to make strong acids, and with many metals and nonmetallic elements to form sulfides; mildly laxative;… … Medical dictionary
organosulfur compound — ▪ chemical compound Introduction also spelled organosulphur compound , also called organic sulfur compound a subclass of organic substances that contain sulfur and that are known for their varied occurrence and unusual properties. They are… … Universalium
EP additive — EP additives, or extreme pressure additives, are additives for lubricants with a role to decrease wear of the parts of the gears exposed to very high pressures. They are also added to cutting fluids for machining of metals.EP additives are… … Wikipedia
Antioxidant — Model of the antioxidant metabolite glutathione. The yellow sphere is the redox active sulfur atom that provides antioxidant activity, while the red, blue, white, and dark grey spheres represent oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon atoms,… … Wikipedia