1 active policy
2 policy
n1) политика; политический курс; стратегия; система; ( towards smth) позиция•to abandon policy — отходить / отказываться от политики
to adhere to policy — придерживаться политики; быть верным какой-л. политике
to administer policy — проводить политику; осуществлять политику
to adopt policy — принимать политику, брать на вооружение политический курс
to back down from policy — отказываться от какой-л. политики
to be at odds with policy — противоречить какой-л. политике
to be committed to one's policy — быть приверженным своей политике
to be wary about smb's policy — настороженно относиться к чьему-л. политическому курсу
to break away from smb's policy — отходить от чьей-л. политики
to camouflage one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to carry out / to carry through policy — проводить политику
to champion policy — защищать / отстаивать политику
to conflict with smb's policy — противоречить чьей-л. политике
to coordinate one's policy over smth — координировать свою политику в каком-л. вопросе
to cover up one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to decide policy — определять политику, принимать политические решения
to develop / to devise policy — разрабатывать политику
to dismantle one's policy — отказываться от своей политики
to dissociate oneself from smb's policy — отмежевываться от чьей-л. политики
to dither about one's policy — колебаться при проведении своей политики
to effect a policy of insurance — страховаться; приобретать страховой полис
to embark on / to embrace policy — принимать какой-л. политический курс
to execute / to exercise policy — проводить политику
to follow policy — следовать политике; проводить политику
to harmonize policy — координировать / согласовывать политику
to justify one's policy — оправдывать свою политику
to lay policy before the electorate for approval — излагать политический курс для его одобрения избирателями
to make clear one's policy — разъяснять свою политику
to overturn policy — отвергать политику, отказываться от какой-л. политики
to proclaim one's commitment to policy — публично обязываться проводить какую-л. политику
to propagate policy — пропагандировать / рекламировать политику
to put across smb's policy to smb — доводить свою политику до кого-л.
to railroad through one's policy — протаскивать свою политику
to reappraise one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reassess one's policy toward a country — пересматривать свою политику по отношению к какой-л. стране
to reconsider one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to relax one's policy towards smb — смягчать свою политику по отношению к кому-л.
to rethink one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reverse one's policy — изменять свою политику
to shape policy — определять / разрабатывать политику
to spearhead one's policy — направлять острие своей политики
to spell out one's policy in advance — заранее излагать свою политику
to stick to a policy — придерживаться какой-л. политики
to thrash out policy — вырабатывать / обсуждать политику
to tone down one's more controversial policy — ограничивать свои менее популярные политические меры
- active policyto validate policy — поддерживать какую-л. политику / политическую линию
- adventurist policy
- adventuristic policy
- advocacy of policy
- advocate of policy
- aggressive policy
- agrarian policy
- agricultural policy
- alternative policy
- annexationist policy
- anti-inflationary policy
- anti-national policy
- anti-nuclear policy
- anti-recessionary policy
- appropriate policy
- architect of policy
- arms policy
- austere policy
- austerity policy
- autonomous policy
- balanced policy
- banking policy
- bankrupt policy
- basic policy
- beggar-my-neighbor policy
- bellicose policy
- big stick policy
- big-time policy
- bipartisan policy
- blind-eye policy
- bloc policy
- bomb-in-the-basement policy
- breach of policy
- bridge-building policy
- brinkmanship policy
- brink-of-war policy
- broad-brush policy
- budget policy
- cadres policy
- carrot and stick policy
- cautious policy
- centrist policy
- champion of policy
- change in policy
- change of emphasis in policy
- change of policy
- circumspect policy
- class policy
- clean-air policy
- closed-door trade policy
- coherent policy
- cold war policy
- colonial policy
- colonialist policy
- commercial policy
- commitment to policy of nonintervention
- common policy
- comprehensive national science and technology policy
- comprehensive set of policy
- concerted policy
- conduct of policy
- confrontation policy
- consistent policy
- containment policy
- continuity in policy
- continuity of policy
- continuity with smb's policy
- controversial policy
- coordinated policy
- cornerstone of policy
- counterproductive policy
- country's fundamental policy
- credible policy
- credit card policy
- credit policy
- crumbling policy
- cultural policy
- current policy
- damaging policy
- defeatist policy
- defense policy
- deflationary policy
- demilitarization policy
- democratic policy
- departure in policy
- destabilization policy
- deterrent policy
- development policy
- diametrically opposed policy
- dilatory policy
- diplomatic policy
- disarmament policy
- discretionary policy
- discriminatory policy
- disinflation policy
- distortion of policy
- divide-and-rule policy
- domestic policy
- dynamic policy
- economic and commercial policy
- economic policy
- embargo policy
- emigration policy
- emission policy
- employment policy
- energy policy
- environmental policy
- erroneous policy
- European policy
- even-handed policy
- expansionary policy
- expansionist policy
- experience of policy
- extreme right-wing policy
- fair policy
- farm policy
- far-reaching policy
- far-sighted policy
- federal policy
- financial policy
- firm policy
- fiscal policy
- flexible policy
- for reasons of policy
- foreign aid policy
- foreign policy
- foreign trade policy
- foreign-economic policy
- formation of foreign policy
- formulation of policy
- forward-looking policy
- framework for policy
- free trade policy
- general policy
- generous policy
- give-and-take policy
- global policy
- godfather to policy
- good neighbor policy
- government policy
- government's policy
- great-power policy
- green policy
- gunboat policy
- hands-off policy
- hard-line policy
- harmful policy
- harmonized policy
- health policy
- hegemonic policy
- high-risk policy
- home policy
- ill-thought-out policy
- imperial policy
- imperialist policy
- import policy
- import substitution policy
- in line with policy
- in the field of foreign policy
- inadmissibility of policy
- independent line of policy
- independent policy
- industrial policy
- inflationary policy
- inhuman policy
- instigatory policy
- insurance policy
- internal policy
- international policy
- internment policy
- interventionist policy
- intolerableness of policy
- investment policy
- iron-fist policy
- irreversible policy
- it's against our policy
- kid-glove policy
- labor mediation policy
- laissez-faire policy
- land policy
- language policy
- leash-loosening policy
- left-wing policy
- lending policy
- liberal policy
- liberalization of policy
- liberalized policy
- line of policy
- long-range policy
- long-term policy
- lunatic policy
- main plank of smb's policy
- major changes to policy
- manifestation of policy
- maritime policy
- marketing policy
- massive condemnation of smb's policy
- militaristic policy
- misconduct of policy
- mobile policy
- moderate policy
- monetarist policy
- monetary policy
- much-heralded policy
- mushy policy
- national policy
- nationalistic policy
- nationalities policy
- native policy
- nativist policy
- neo-colonialist policy
- neutral policy
- neutrality policy
- New Economic Policy
- news policy
- nonaligned policy
- nonalignment policy
- noninterference policy
- nonintervention policy
- nonnuclear policy
- nuclear defense policy
- nuclear deterrent policy
- nuclear policy
- nuclear-free policy
- obstructionist policy
- official policy
- official trade policy
- oil policy
- old faces can't make new policy
- one-child-family policy
- one-sided policy
- open-door policy
- openly pursued policy
- opportunistic policy
- optimal policy
- ostrich policy
- ostrich-like policy
- outward-looking policy
- overall policy
- overtly racist policy
- parliamentary policy
- party policy
- passive policy
- pay-curb policy
- peace policy
- peaceful policy
- peace-loving policy
- personnel policy
- plunderous policy
- policy from positions of strength
- policy from strength
- policy in science and technology
- policy is bearing fruit
- policy is constitutional
- policy of a newspaper
- policy of aid
- policy of alliances
- policy of amicable cooperation with smb
- policy of appeasement
- policy of belt-tightening
- policy of capitulation
- policy of compromise
- policy of conciliation
- policy of confrontation
- policy of connivance
- policy of containment
- policy of cooperation
- policy of democracy and social progress
- policy of détente
- policy of deterrence
- policy of dictate
- policy of discrimination
- policy of economic blockade and sanctions
- policy of economy
- policy of elimination
- policy of expansion and annexation
- policy of fiscal rigor
- policy of freedom of expression
- policy of friendship
- policy of genocide
- policy of good-neighborliness
- policy of goodwill
- policy of inaction
- policy of intervention
- policy of intimidation
- policy of isolation
- policy of militarism
- policy of militarization
- policy of military confrontation
- policy of military force
- policy of national reconciliation
- policy of neutrality
- policy of nonalignment
- policy of noninterference
- policy of nonintervention
- policy of nonviolence
- policy of obstruction
- policy of openness
- policy of pacification
- policy of peace
- policy of peaceful co-existence
- policy of plunder
- policy of protectionism
- policy of racial segregation and discrimination
- policy of reconciliation
- policy of reform
- policy of reforms
- policy of regulating prices
- policy of renewal
- policy of restraint
- policy of revanche
- policy of revenge
- policy of subjugation
- policy of violence
- policy of wage restraint
- policy of war
- policy towards a country
- policy vis-à-vis a country
- policy with regard to a country
- policy won out
- political policy
- population policy
- position-of-strength policy
- practical policy
- predatory policy
- price control policy
- price-formation policy
- price-pricing policy
- pricing policy
- principled policy
- progressive policy
- proponent of policy
- protagonist of policy
- protectionist policy
- pro-war policy
- pro-Western policy
- public policy
- push-and-drag policy
- racial policy
- racist policy
- radical policy
- rapacious policy
- reactionary policy
- realistic policy
- reappraisal of policy
- reassessment of policy
- recession-induced policy
- reevaluation of policy
- reexamination of policy
- reform policy
- reformist policy
- regional policy
- renewal of policy
- re-orientation of policy
- repressive policy
- resettlement policy
- rethink of policy
- retrograde policy
- revanchist policy - revisionist policy
- rigid economic policy
- robust foreign policy
- ruinous policy
- safe policy
- sanctions policy
- scientifically substantiated policy
- scorched-earth policy
- selfless policy
- separatist policy - short-sighted policy
- single-child policy
- social policy
- socio-economic policy
- sound policy
- splitting policy
- state policy
- state remuneration of labor policy
- stated policy
- staunch policy
- sterile policy
- stick-and-carrot policy
- stringent policy
- strong policy
- structural policy
- suitable policy
- sustained policy
- sweeping review of policy
- switch in policy
- tariff policy
- tax policy
- taxation policy
- technological policy
- tight policy
- tightening of policy
- time-serving policy
- tough policy
- toughening of policy
- trade policy
- trade-unionist policy
- traditional policy
- treacherous policy
- turn in policy
- turning point in policy
- unified policy
- united policy
- unsophisticated policy
- U-turn in policy
- viability of policy
- vigorous policy
- vote-losing policy
- wage policy
- wage-freeze policy
- wages policy
- wait-and-see policy
- war-economy policy
- wealth-creating policy
- whip-and-carrot policy
- wise policy
- world policy
- zigzags in policy -
3 active foreign policy
Военный термин: активная внешняя политика -
4 active security policy
Военный термин: активная политикаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > active security policy
5 active foreign policy
6 active foreign policy
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > active foreign policy
7 proactive
•• Proactive involving or causing action.
•• Слово вошло в моду в последние несколько лет, употребляется к месту и не к месту, как и всякое модное выражение, но было бы неверно считать его лишенным специфического смысла. На мой взгляд, оно заполняет определенную лакуну в английской лексике. Дело в том, что слово active, аналоги которого в большинстве языков имеют значение активный, т.е. инициативный, проявляющий большую активность, в английском языке часто означает не более чем действующий, работающий. Поэтому если речь идет, скажем, об активной политике, то active policy звучит неадекватно. Поэтому стали говорить proactive policies, a proactive approach. Пример из журнала Time: Successful globalizers have had market-friendly but proactive governments and adequate social insurance. – В странах, успешно справляющихся с глобализацией, как правило, рыночно ориентированные, но активно действующие правительства и достаточно эффективная система социального обеспечения. Следующий пример из журнала New Yorker: ...“positive welfare,” a scheme according to which the state would play a more proactive yet less intrusive role in its citizens’ lives. –...«позитивное социальное государство» призвано играть более активную роль в жизни своих граждан, но делать это менее назойливо. Интересно, что это слово отсутствует в наиболее полном Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. При его переводе редко возникают трудности – русского слова активный вполне достаточно.
8 наступательный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > наступательный
9 guidance
управление; ркт. наведение; руководящие [директивные] указания; директива; руководствоstellar-inertia! guidance — астроинерциальное наведение, инерциальное наведение с астрокоррекцпей
terrain (contour) matching guidance — корреляционное наведение методом сопоставления эталонной картографической программы с РЛ отображением местности
— beam climber guidance— celestial navigation guidance— fixed lead-angle guidance— gravitational correlation guidance— gravitational guidance— hyperbolic navigation guidance— instrumental guidance— launching-phase guidance— lead-angle guidance— proportional closure guidance— tracking guidance* * * -
10 division
дивизия; отдел; управление; мор. дивизия ( крупных кораблей), дивизион ( малых кораблей) ; дивизион ( как боевое подразделение на корабле) ; факультет; кафедра ( в вузе)C3 and Computer Systems division — отдел систем руководства, управления, связи и ЭВМ (МП)
division of Military Application, Department of Energy — отдел министерства энергетики по вопросам военного применения ядерной энергии
division of Naval Reactors, Department of Energy — отдел министерства энергетики по вопросам ЯЭУ для ВМС
Junior division, ROTC — младшее [начальное] отделение корпуса вневойсковой подготовки офицеров резерва (из числа школьников)
Plans, Policy and Operations division — оперативно-плановое управление (НАТО)
Senior division, ROTC — старшее отделение корпуса вневойсковой подготовки офицеров резерва (из числа студентов)
US Army Engineer division, Europe — военно-инженерный округ СВ США в Европейской зоне
— transport air division -
11 tactical asset allocation
сокр. TAA фин. тактическое распределение активов (краткосрочное распределение активов, допускающее текущие изменения в структуре инвестиционного портфеля в зависимости от целей компании и привлекательности соответствующих рынков; происходит несколько раз в год)Ant:asset allocation, active management, asset allocation fund, policy asset allocation, dynamic asset allocationSee:asset allocation, active management, asset allocation fund, policy asset allocation, dynamic asset allocation
* * *
тактическое распределение активов: перераспределение средств инвестиционного портфеля между акциями, облигациями и наличными деньгами в зависимости от привлекательности тех или иных рынков; см. asset allocation.Англо-русский экономический словарь > tactical asset allocation
12 loan
13 PAM
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member -
14 Pam
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member -
15 pam
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Percent Of Accepted Mutations, Professions Allied to Medicine2) Морской термин: пассивный гидроакустический мониторинг, passive acoustic monitoring, Porte Autonome de Marseilles3) Медицина: portative activity monitor, pyridine aldoxime methiodide, pyridine aldoximine methiodide4) Военный термин: Phoenix airborne missile, Procurement Aircraft and Missiles, partial mobilization, payload assist module, permanent active militia, personnel accounting management, personnel action memorandum, planning, activation, modification, post-acceptance modification, priorities and allocations manual, procurement aids man, procurement of aircraft and missiles5) Техника: Pozzolan Aggregate Mixture, Pozzolanic Mixtures, peat-alcohol mixture, phone activities manager, polyacryl amide, portable alpha monitor, post accident monitoring, programmable algorithm machine, programmable arm manipulator, propulsion and avionics module6) Религия: Prayer And Miracles7) Железнодорожный термин: Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company8) Юридический термин: дивизион PAM (Emerson Process Management contains the Plant Asset Management (PAM) division within the Asset Optimization (AO) Division), Plant Asset Management9) Сокращение: Pampanga, Payload Assisted Module, Penetration Augmented Munition, Penetration-Augmented Munition (special forces), Permanent Athwartship Magnetism, Pulse Amplification Modulation, Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Pacific Armies Management, Packetized Audio Mixer, Page Allocation Map (CICS), Pamir (linguistics), Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park), Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics), Partner Account Manager (sales), Pass Along Message, Passband Amplitude Modulation, Password Authentication Module, Patent Application Management, Payload Accommodation Manager, Payload Activation Message, People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis), Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase, Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics), Perceptual Assimilation Model, Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks), Performance Assessment Matrix, Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS), Peripheral Adapter Module, Permanent Archive Manager, Personal Address Manager, Personal Alien Manager (gaming), Personal Applications Manager, Personnel Authorizations Module, Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects), Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA), Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA), Physical Activity Monitor, Physical Address Mapping, Plant Available Moisture, Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology), Point Accepted Mutation, Point Ahead Mirror, Pointer Analysis Module, Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings), Policies and Measures, Policy Analysis Market (DARPA), Poly-Acrylamide, Porcine Alveolar Macrophage, Port Adapter Module, Port to Application Mapping, Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector), Post-Auricular Muscle, Postaccident Monitoring, Power Amplifier Module, Pre-Assessment Meeting, Precision Attack Missile, Predictive Aircraft Maintenance, Presbyterian Association of Musicians, Presence and Availability Management (PAMF), Pressure-Alkali Monitor, Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD), Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine), Primary Automation Manager, Princeton Asset Management, Proactive Asset Management, Proactive Automated Management, Problem Analysis Matrix, Process Algebra Meetings, Process Application Module, Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles, Product Application Modules, Production Application Management, Profile Administration Manager, Program Analysis Memorandum, Program Area Manager, Program Assumptions Memorandum, Programma Alimentare Mondiale, Programmable Active Memory, Programmable Attribute Map, Programmable Authentication Module, Programmable Automotive Microprocessor, Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia), Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program), Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group), Promise Array Management, Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold), Proud Army Mom, Public Access Manager, Public Affairs Manager, Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility), Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage, Pulse Adapter Module, Pulse Amplifier Modulation, Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes), Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model)10) Физиология: Pregnancy After Miscarriage11) Вычислительная техника: Paging Area Memory, Pluggable Authentication Module, partitioned access method, priority access method, Primary Access Method (BS2000), Programmable Attribute Maps (DRAM, PCI), Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA), Payload Assist Module (Space), pulse-amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для персонального компьютера12) Иммунология: pulmonary alveolar macrophages, (positive allosteric modulator) позитивный аллостерический модулятор13) Космонавтика: библиотечный метод доступа14) Деловая лексика: Promote Advertise Market15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: preserved amplitude method16) Сетевые технологии: Port Address Mapping, Port-Assignment Module, Portable Authentication Module, personal application manager, pulse amplitude modulation, администратор приложений для ПК, импульсно-амплитудная модуляция, модуль назначения портов, программа доступа пользователя, Port Adapter Modules (Cisco)17) Полимеры: polyacrylamide18) Автоматика: positive active material19) Химическое оружие: pralidoxime20) Расширение файла: Process Automatic Monitor, Pluggable Authentication Module (library)21) Должность: Professional Audience Member -
16 ASD
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description -
17 asd
1) Компьютерная техника: Apple Service Diagnostic, Application Specific Discretes, Application Structure Description, Automatic Skip Driver3) Медицина: amniotic sac diameter, atrial septal defect, arterial sclerotic disease (атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов), acute stress disorder4) Американизм: (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (National Information Infrastructure)5) Военный термин: AWIS Software Development, Advanced Scenario Design, Advanced Systems Department, Air South Europe Directive, Air-worthiness Substantiation Document, Ammunition Storage Depot, Armament Supply Department, Armament Systems Division, Army shipping document, Army supply deport, Assigned Software Developer, Assigned Systems Developer, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Administration, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Atomic Energy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil ASTSECAF, Assistant Secretary of Air Force, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Civil Defense, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health and Environment, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Intelligence, Telecommunications, Command and Control, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Policy, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Legislative Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Management and Finance, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Advanced Technology, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Development, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Supply and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Analysis, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Telecommunications, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Personnel, and Reserves, Assistant secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Automatic Shut Down, administrative survey detachment, advanced submarine detection, advanced supply depot, advanced surveillance drone, aerospace defense, air support director, air surveillance drone, aircraft statistical data, ammunition subdepot, ammunition supply depot, antisatellite defense, area support detachment, arm/safe device, artillery spotting division, assignment selection date, audio simulation device, aviation service date, aviation supply depot, ПМО, помощник министра обороны, (C4I) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence), (ISA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, (S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements, (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, (HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, (MRA&L) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics, (NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks & Information Integration, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation6) Техника: Ancient Steel Design, acceleration spectral density, adjustable speed drive, advanced sensor demonstration, air situation display, atmospheric steam dump, automatic synchronized discriminator, конструирование с учётом допускаемых напряжений (Allowable Stress Design)7) Шутливое выражение: Agonizingly Slow and Determined8) Метеорология: Another Sunny Day9) Автомобильный термин: automatic shutdown relay10) Ветеринария: Action for Singapore Dogs11) Телекоммуникации: Alternative Service Delivery12) Сокращение: Advanced System Development, Aeronautical Systems Division (Now known as Aeronautical Systems Center (USAF)), Air Space Devices, Alternative Service Delivery (Canadian Air Command), Assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs (USA; HA), Average Sortie Duration, Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; C; Comptroller), Assistant Secretary of Defense (USA; PA; Public Affairs), структурная база данных приложения (Application Structure Database (Microsoft)), Нарушения аутистичного спектра (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)13) Физика: Active Surface Definition14) Физиология: Advanced Senility Disease, Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorder15) Вычислительная техника: Architecture Summary Design16) Транспорт: Aircraft Situation Display, Azimuth Stern Drive17) Воздухоплавание: Aeronautical Systems Division18) Фирменный знак: Accelerator Systems Division, Advanced Strategy Division19) Деловая лексика: Authorized Solutions Developer20) Образование: After School Detention21) Сетевые технологии: automated software distribution, автоматизированное распространение программного обеспечения22) Программирование: application-specific discretes23) Автоматика: абсолютное снижение содержания серы (absolute sulphur reduction)24) Химическое оружие: Assistant Secretary of Defense (for International Security Policy), (C3I) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence, (ES) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Economic Security, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, (PA&E) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Program Analysis and Evaluation, (S&TR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction25) Расширение файла: Astound Presentation file, Lotus 1-2-3 Screen Driver, Word for Windows AutoSave file, Application Structure Database (Microsoft), Automatic Skip Driver (Microsoft)26) Имена и фамилии: Albert S Davis28) NYSE. American Standard Companies, Inc., of Delaware29) Хобби: American Society Of Dowsers30) Базы данных: Action Semantic Description -
18 neutrality
nto embrace neutrality — принимать нейтралитет / политику нейтралитета
to proclaim one's neutrality — заявлять о своем нейтралитете
to pursue neutrality — проводить политику нейтралитета; придерживаться нейтралитета
to relinquish / to renounce neutrality — отказываться от нейтралитета
- armed neutralityto respect the neutrality of smb — уважать чей-л. нейтралитет
- eventual neutrality
- nuclear neutrality
- passive neutrality
- permanent neutrality
- perpetual neutrality - traditional neutrality -
19 loan
1. nзаем; ссуда; кредит
- accommodation loan
- active loan
- adjustable mortgage loan
- advance loan
- agency loan
- agricultural loan
- amortization loan
- asset-based loan
- back-to-back loan
- bad loan
- balloon loan
- bank loan
- banking sector's nonperforming loans
- bank-to-bank loan
- below-market loan
- big loan
- bilateral loan
- blank loan
- borrowed-pledge security loan
- bottomry loan
- bridge loan
- bridging loan
- broker's loan
- building loan
- bullet loan
- business loan
- call loan
- callable loan
- capped floating rate loan
- cash loan
- character loan
- cheap loan
- clearance loan
- collared floating rate loan
- collateral loan
- collateralized loan
- commercial loan
- committed loan
- commodity loan
- compulsory loan
- concessionary loan
- consolidated loan
- consumption loan
- corporate loan
- Crown loan
- currency loan
- customer's loan
- daily loan
- day loan
- day-to-day loan
- dead loan
- dealer loan
- defaulted loan
- delinquent loan
- demand loan
- development loan
- direct loan
- disbursed loan
- discount loan
- discount interest loan
- distressed loan
- dollar loan
- domestic loan
- downstream loan
- droplock loan
- dud loan
- emergency loan
- emergency reconstruction loan
- Eurocurrency loan
- Eurosyndicated loans
- excess loan
- export adjustment loan
- external loan
- farm loan
- federal loan
- fiduciary loan
- fixed loan
- fixed-date loan
- fixed-interest loan
- fixed rate loan
- floated loan
- floating-rate loan
- forced loan
- foreign loan
- free-limit loan
- frozen loan
- funded loan
- funding loan
- gold loan
- government loan
- hard loan
- hedged loan
- high-interest loan
- home loan
- home finance loan
- home improvement loan
- housing construction loan
- hybrid loan
- indexed loan
- industrial loan
- industrial and trade policy adjustment loan
- installment loan
- interbank loan
- intercompany loan
- interest bearing loan
- interest-free loan
- interim loan
- intermediate loan
- internal loan
- inventory loan
- investment loan
- jeopardy loan
- jumbo loan
- large loan
- limited recourse loan
- local loan
- lombard loan
- long loan
- long-dated loan
- long-period loan
- long-sighted loan
- long-term loan
- long-term mortgage loan
- low-interest loan
- low-interest-rate mortgage loan
- lucrative loan
- margin loan
- market loan
- medium-term loan
- money loan
- morning loan
- mortgage loan
- multicurrency loan
- multilateral loan
- municipal loan
- national loan
- negative amortization loan
- net loans
- nonperforming loan
- on call loan
- one-off purpose-oriented loan
- outstanding loan
- overage loan
- overdue loan
- overnight loan
- package loan
- parallel loan
- participating loan
- participation loan
- past-due loan
- performing loan
- permanent loan
- permanent government loan
- perpetual loan
- personal loan
- pledge loan
- poorly performing loan
- precarious loan
- prematured loan
- prime-rate loan
- problem loan
- programme loan
- public loan
- purpose loan
- real estate loan
- receivable loan
- reconstruction loan
- recourse loan
- redeemable loan
- redemption loan
- rehabilitation import loan
- reimbursable loan
- renegotiated loan
- repaid loan
- replacement loan
- resetter loan
- seasonal loan
- seasoned loan
- sector loan
- sector adjustment loan
- sector investment and maintenance loan
- secured loan
- securities loan
- securitized loan
- self-liquidating loan
- self-liquidation loan
- senior loan
- short loan
- short-dated loan
- short-sighted loan
- short-term floating rate loan
- short-time loan
- sight loan
- signature loan
- simple-interest loan
- single loan
- sinking-fund loan
- small business loan
- soft loan
- sovereign loan
- sovereign-risk loan
- stabilization loan
- stand-by loan
- state loan
- sterling loan
- stock exchange loan
- straight loan
- street loan
- subsidiary loan
- swing loan
- syndicate loan
- tax-exempt loan
- technical assistance loan
- term loan
- tied loan
- time loan
- time-slice loan
- underperforming loan
- undersubscribed loan
- underwater loan
- undisbursed loan
- unlimited loan
- unrecoverable loan
- unsecured loan
- upstream loan
- utilized loan
- variable rate loan
- viable loan
- watch loan
- weekly loan
- loan against borrower's note
- loan against goods
- loan against a guarantee
- loan against hypothecation of goods
- loan against payment documents
- loan against pledged bills
- loan against pledge of goods
- loan against a promissory note
- loan against securities
- loan against shares
- loan at call
- loan at interest
- loan at notice
- loan for a period of
- loan in sterling
- loan of money
- loan on bills of exchange
- loan on call
- loan on collateral
- loan on debentures
- loan on easy terms
- loan on favourable terms
- loan on goods
- loan on interest
- loan on landed property
- loan on merchandise
- loan on mortgage
- loan on pawn
- loan on policy
- loan on securities
- loan on the security of bills
- loan on short notice
- loans to customers
- loan without interest
- loan without security
- loan with participations
- loan with strings attached
- loan bearing no interest
- loan payable on request of the creditor
- accelerate a loan
- accommodate with a loan
- advance a loan
- allow a loan
- apply for a loan
- assess delinquent loans
- back a loan
- book loans
- call in a loan
- cancel a call loan
- complete a loan
- contract a loan
- cover a loan
- default on a loan
- disburse a loan
- downgrade a loan
- extend a loan
- finance a loan
- float a loan
- forfeit a loan
- get a loan
- give a loan
- grant a loan
- guarantee a loan
- issue a loan
- launch a loan
- liquidate a loan
- make a loan
- meet a loan
- monitor a loan
- negotiate a loan
- obtain a loan
- offer a loan
- pay back a loan
- pay down a loan
- pay off a loan
- place a loan
- provide a loan
- put out on loan
- qualify for a loan
- raise a loan
- recall a loan
- redeem a loan
- renew a loan
- repay a loan
- request a loan
- retire a loan
- retrieve a loan
- secure a loan
- secure a new loan
- service a loan
- sink a loan
- slash loans
- subscribe to a loan
- support a loan
- take up a loan
- warrant a loan
- write off bad loans2. v -
20 money
n1) деньги, платежное средство2) (pl moneys) монетная система валюты
- accounting money
- accumulated money
- active money
- adulterated money
- advance money
- allotment money
- application money
- bad money
- bank money
- bargain money
- barren money
- black money
- bogus money
- bookkeeping money
- borrowed money
- bottle return money
- call money
- caution money
- central bank money
- charter money
- cheap money
- check book money
- checking account money
- coined money
- commodity money
- conduct money
- conscience money
- convertible money
- counterfeit money
- credit money
- current money
- current account money
- danger money
- day-to-day money
- dead money
- dear money
- demand money
- deposit money
- depreciated money
- dirty money
- dispatch money
- drug money
- earnest money
- easy money
- effective money
- elastic money
- electronic money
- end money
- even money
- excess money
- extra money
- fall money
- false money
- fiat money
- fiduciary money
- floating money
- forfeit money
- forged money
- fractional money
- fresh money
- funk money
- gate money
- genuine money
- good faith money
- hand money
- hard money
- hat money
- hot money
- housekeeping money
- hush money
- idle money
- incentive money
- inconvertible paper money
- insurance money
- irredeemable paper money
- key money
- lawful money
- legal tender money
- loanable money
- local money
- long-term mons
- loose money
- lot money
- managed money
- medium-term mons
- metal money
- mortgage money
- near money
- neutral money
- new money
- nonphysical money
- odd money
- old money
- option money
- overnight money
- overtime money
- paper money
- paperless money
- passage money
- pension money
- period money
- pin money
- pocket money
- portfolio money
- prize money
- promotion money
- public money
- purchase money
- push money
- quasi money
- quick money
- rag money
- ready money
- real money
- redemption money
- redundancy money
- rent money
- representation and mission money
- representative money
- retention money
- returned earnest money
- salvage money
- seed money
- short money
- short-term money
- slush money
- smart money
- soft money
- spare money
- spending money
- stable money
- standard money
- substitute money
- tax money
- tight money
- till money
- time money
- token money
- trust money
- uncovered paper money
- universal money
- up-front money
- vault money
- world money
- money at call
- money at long
- money at medium term
- money at short
- money down
- money due
- money in cash
- money in circulation
- money in hand
- money of account
- money on account
- money on call
- money on checking account
- money on current account
- money on deposit
- money on loan
- money only
- money graduated from taxation
- money held in trust
- money lying idle
- mons received
- money tied up in nonproductive assets
- at the money
- short of money
- accommodate with money
- advance money
- advance money on securities
- allocate money
- appropriate money
- be pressed for money
- borrow money
- borrow money flat
- borrow money at interest
- borrow money on pledge
- borrow money on a policy
- call money
- call in money
- change money
- channel money offshore
- claim money
- coin money
- collect money
- convert into money
- debase on one's own monies
- deposit money
- deposit money at a bank
- deposit money with a bank
- draw money from an account
- draw money from a bank
- draw money out
- expend money
- extract excess money from circulation
- find money for smth
- forfeit the earnest money
- furnish money
- generate money through normal economic activity
- get money
- get one's money back
- grant money
- handle money
- have money at a bank
- have money in a bank
- have money with a bank
- hoard money
- invest money
- invest money at a bank
- invest money with a bank
- invest money at interest
- issue money
- keep money at a bank
- keep money in a bank
- keep money with a bank
- lend money
- lend money at interest
- lend money on interest
- lend money free of interest
- lend money on goods
- lend money on an insurance policy
- lend money on mortgage
- lend money on security
- lend money on stock
- lodge money
- lose money
- make money
- misappropriate money
- obtain money
- obtain money by a trick
- pay money into an account
- pay money into a bank
- pay back money
- pay out money
- place money in escrow
- place money on deposit
- pool money
- push up money
- put money into a bank
- put money into life insurance companies
- put money into a savings account
- put money on term deposit
- put money to reserve
- put aside money
- put out money
- raise money
- recall money from circulation
- receive money for smth
- receive money on a bill
- recover money
- redeem money from circulation
- redistribute money
- refund money
- relend money
- remit money
- repatriate offshore money
- repay money
- replace borrowed money
- reserve money
- return earnest money
- run into money
- save money
- send money
- set aside money
- shelter money abroad
- sink money
- spend money
- squander money
- take money on account
- take up money
- tie up money in land
- tie up liquid mons
- transfer money
- turn into money
- waste money
- withdraw money from an account
- withdraw money from a bank
- withdraw money from a business
- withdraw money from circulation
См. также в других словарях:
Active Policy Management — is business oriented enterprise software that provides an approach for efficiently and effectively addressing the many risks inherent in electronic communication. With the exponential growth in the use of electronic communication, many businesses … Wikipedia
Active Directory — (AD) is a directory service created by Microsoft for Windows domain networks. It is included in most Windows Server operating systems. Server computers on which Active Directory is running are called domain controllers. Active Directory serves as … Wikipedia
Active learning — is an umbrella term that refers to several models of instruction that focus the responsibility of learning on learners. Bonwell and Eison (1991) popularized this approach to instruction. This buzz word of the 1980s became their 1990s report to… … Wikipedia
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Active shooter — An active shooter is defined as ... an armed person who has used deadly physical force on other persons and continues to do so while having unrestricted access to additional victims. Cite book | title = Sheriff s Office Policy and Procedure… … Wikipedia
Active Directory Service — Der Verzeichnisdienst von Microsoft Windows 2000/Windows Server 2003 heißt Active Directory (AD). Ab der aktuellen Version Windows Server 2008 wird die Kernkomponente als Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) bezeichnet. Bei einem Verzeichnis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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