1 acrobatic maneuver
см. aerobatic maneuver -
2 acrobatic maneuver
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > acrobatic maneuver
3 maneuver
маневр; фигура < пилотажа>/ маневрировать; выполнять маневр180-deg maneuver3-dimensional maneuver9-g maneuverabort maneuveraccel-decel-accel maneuveraccel-decel maneuveraccelerated maneuveracceleration-deceleration-acceleration maneuveracceleration-deceleration maneuveraccident maneuverACM maneuveracrobatic maneuveraerial combat maneuveraerobatic maneuveraggressive maneuveragility maneuverair combat maneuverair-to-air maneuverair-to-air combat maneuverair-to-ground maneuveranti-g straining maneuverasymmetric power maneuverasymmetric thrust maneuverattitude maneuverauto-flap maneuverautorotation maneuverbalked landing maneuverbank-to-bank maneuverbank-to-turn maneuverbanking maneuverbarrel roll-type maneuverbob-up maneuverbomb maneuverbutterfly maneuvercompound maneuverconstant sideslip maneuvercoordinated maneuvercorrective maneuvercountering maneuvercoupling maneuvercross control maneuverdeceleration maneuverdefense maneuverdefensive maneuverdemonstration maneuverdeparture maneuverdescend maneuverdesign-limited maneuverdiscrete maneuverdive maneuverdoublet set maneuverdynamic maneuveremergency maneuverenergy-state maneuverescape maneuverevasive maneuverextended duration maneuverextreme-attitude maneuverfalling-leaf maneuverFBW maneuverfinal maneuverfull-lateral stick maneuverfull-roll maneuverfull-aft-stick maneuverfull-envelope maneuversfuselage aiming maneuvergliding maneuvergo-around maneuvergyroscopic coupling maneuverhammerhead maneuverheading change maneuverHerbst maneuverhigh-risk maneuverhigh-altitude maneuverhigh-angle-of-attack maneuverhigh-g maneuverhigh-roll-rate maneuverhorizontal maneuverhovering maneuverhypersonic maneuverlanding maneuverlarge-amplitude maneuverlarge-angle roll maneuverlateral maneuverlateral offset maneuverlateral-directional maneuverlead-pursuit maneuverlevelling-off maneuverliftoff maneuverlongitudinal maneuverlongitudinal coupling maneuverloop maneuverlow-altitude maneuverlow-g maneuverlow-speed maneuverM1/L1 straining maneuvermaximum maneuvermaximum g maneuvermirror-image maneuvermishap maneuvermissile evasive maneuvermixed-mode maneuvernear-minimum time maneuvernear-to-the-ground maneuvernonlinear maneuvernose-up maneuverOEI maneuveroffensive maneuverone engine inoperative maneuverpath stretching maneuverpermissible maneuverpitch axis maneuverpitch pulse maneuverpitch-up maneuverpitching maneuverpop-up maneuverpositive maneuverpost launch maneuverpost-stall maneuverPougachev's Cobra maneuverpractice maneuverPST maneuverpull-out maneuverpull-up maneuverpush-over maneuverpushover/pullup maneuverquasi-steady maneuverreal-time maneuverrearward maneuverrigid body maneuverroll maneuverroll-over maneuverroller-coaster maneuverrolling maneuverrolling pull maneuverrolling pullout maneuverrotational maneuverside-step maneuversimulation maneuversingle-axis rotational maneuverslow-flight maneuverstabilized maneuverstall maneuversteady-state maneuversteep dive bomb maneuversustained maneuversymmetric maneuversymmetric power maneuversymmetrical maneuvertail slide maneuvertakeoff maneuvertarget maneuverTCAS maneuvertell-tale maneuverterminal maneuverterminal evasion maneuverterrain-avoidance maneuvertest maneuverthrust reverse maneuvertracking maneuvertraining maneuvertransient maneuvertranslational maneuverturn maneuveruncoordinated maneuververtical maneuververtical attitude maneuverwave-off maneuverwind-up turn maneuveryaw maneuverzero-sideslip angle maneuver -
4 maneuver
маневр; фигура ( пилотажа) ; pl. маневры; маневрировать; выполнять маневрcombined aerodynamic-propulsive orbital plane change maneuver — комбинированный маневр для поворота [изменения] плоскости орбиты с использованием тяги двигателя и аэродинамических сил
lazy-8 maneuver — фигура «ленивая восьмёрка (горизонтальная восьмёрка с попеременными наборами и снижениями при каждом изменении направления на 90°)
zero ground speed maneuver — верт. маневр на месте [при нулевой путевой скорости]
5 pilot
лётчик, пилот; первый лётчик, командир ЛА; система управления; автопилот; пилотировать, вести самолёт; ведущий, головной, начальный; пусковой; контрольный; вспомогательный; пилотский, связанный с лётчикомaerial maneuver demonstration pilot — лётчик — мастер фигурного пилотажа
pilot of superior ability — лётчик высшего класса [высшей квалификации]
— IR pilot
См. также в других словарях:
JLB — noun cossack mdash;iron cross mdash;cossack ndash; an acrobatic maneuver in moguls skiing, whereby taking a ski jump off a kicker, the skier performs a sequence of three acrobatic maneuvers, starting with a cossack, followed by an iron cross, and … Wiktionary
cartwheel — n. 1. the type of wheel used on a cart; it typically has wooden spokes and a metal rim. [WordNet 1.5] 2. an acrobatic maneuver in which the arms and legs are outstretched like the spokes of a wheel, and the body is turned sideways through one or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aerial — I. adjective Etymology: Latin aerius, from Greek aerios, from aēr Date: 1604 1. a. of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere b. existing or growing in the air rather than in the ground or in water c. high in the air < aerial spires > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Two-step — may refer to:In Dance *Two step (dance move), a dance move used in a wide range of dancing genres *Country western two step, also known as the Texas Two step *Nightclub Two Step, also known as the California Two step *2 step (breakdance move), an … Wikipedia
Cartwheel — A cartwheel may mean: *Cartwheel (gymnastics), an acrobatic maneuver *a part of a cart *Cartwheel Galaxy *Cart wheel hat, worn by womenee also*The Cartwheel Foundation, a non profit organization in the Philippines that assists indigenous peoples … Wikipedia
vaulting — vaulting1 /vawl ting/, n. 1. the act or process of constructing vaults. 2. the structure forming a vault. 3. a vault, vaulted ceiling, etc., or such structures collectively. [1505 15; VAULT1 + ING1] vaulting2 /vawl ting/, adj. 1. leaping up or… … Universalium
rudy — noun two and a half twist acrobatic maneuver … Wiktionary
iron cross — noun a) A position on the rings where the gymnast holds the rings straight out on either side of the body. b) an acrobatic maneuver where the skier remains upright, but the lower leg bends back at the knee 90 degrees, and the ankles twist 45… … Wiktionary
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz — Endless Waltz DVD cover, featuring the redesigned Wing Gundam ZERO 新機動戦記ガンダムW: ENDLESS WALTZ (New Mobile Repo … Wikipedia
cuban eight — noun Usage: usually capitalized C : an acrobatic maneuver by an airplane consisting of three quarters of a normal loop, a half roll, three quarters of another normal loop, and another half roll followed by recovery from the dive to straight level … Useful english dictionary
List of capoeira techniques — This is a list of techniques used in capoeira. Capoeira has a variety of different techniques that make use of the hands, feet, legs, arms and head. Both kicks, punches and takedowns are among the offensive movements, but the emphasis is normally … Wikipedia