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  • 101 farm

    1. noun
    1) (an area of land, including buildings, used for growing crops, breeding and keeping cows, sheep, pigs etc: Much of England is good agricultural land and there are many farms.) gård, gårdsbruk
    2) (the farmer's house and the buildings near it in such a place: We visited the farm; ( also adjective) a farm kitchen.) gårdsbygninger
    2. verb
    (to cultivate (the land) in order to grow crops, breed and keep animals etc: He farms (5,000 acres) in the south.) drive en gård, dyrke jord
    - farming
    - farmhouse
    - farmyard
    subst. \/fɑːm\/
    1) gård(sbruk), bondegård, (større) farm (spesielt i USA)
    arbeide (hjemme) på gården\/farmen
    2) våningsbygning, våningshus, gårdshus
    3) farm for dyreoppdrett
    4) ( historisk) forpaktningssum, bortforpaktning, forpaktningsdistrikt
    5) (sport, spesielt amer.) forklaring: mindre treningsklubb organisert av større klubb
    buy the farm (slang, amer.) dø, bli drept
    buy back the farm (austr.) forklaring: innføre tiltak mot utenlandske oppkjøp av et lands selskaper
    farm belt (amer.) jordbruksbygd
    funny farm ( hverdagslig) galehus, psykiatrisk sykehus
    sell off the farm (austr.) forklaring: selge et lands aktiva til utenlandske interesser
    the Farm Belt (amer.) jordbruksstatene i midtvesten
    verb \/fɑːm\/
    1) drive gård, drive jordbruk, dyrke
    drive sin egen jord\/sitte på egen gård
    2) ale (opp), drive med oppdrett
    3) ( inkasseringsoppdrag e.l.) forpakte, ha i forpaktning
    4) ( også farm out) forpakte bort, leie ut (arbeidskraft)
    5) ( om fosterbarn) sette bort
    farm out leie ut, forpakte bort utlevere, sette ut (arbeid) ( om fosterbarn) sette bort

    English-Norwegian dictionary > farm

  • 102 lay

    I 1. lei past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) legge (ned)
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) legge
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) dekke på (bordet); (plan)legge
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) legge flat
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) få til å legge seg, mane bort
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) verpe, legge egg
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) vedde
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) legge, legge lagvis
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III lei adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) legmann
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) legfolk
    IV lei noun
    (an epic poem.) kvad
    subst. \/leɪ\/
    1) stilling, situasjon, posisjon, måten noe ligger på
    2) ( om tau) slagning (måte som tauverk er blitt slått på)
    3) ( slang) jobb, arbeid, spesialitet, bransje
    4) ( sjøfart) forhyring på part eller lott
    5) ( sjøfart) andel i hvalfangst e.l.
    6) (amer.) pris
    7) ( om høner e.l.) verping
    8) (slang, nedsettende) kvinnelig seksualpartner
    hun er lett å få i sengen, hun er løs på tråden
    9) (slang, vulgært) nummer (samleie)
    10) ( om vev) slagbom
    subst. \/ˈleɪ\/ ( poetisk)
    1) kvad, sang, ballade, vise
    2) fuglesang
    verb \/leɪ\/
    pret. av ➢ lie, 4
    verb ( laid - laid) \/leɪ\/
    1) legge, plassere
    2) glatte, presse, slette, få til å ligge
    3) ( gammeldags eller overført) dempe, stilne, få til å legge seg
    4) ( om støv) dempe, binde
    5) dekke, duke, gjøre ferdig, gjøre istand
    legge i peisen, lage bål
    6) dekke, dekke over, dekke til, legge på, belegge
    legge farge på noe, smøre farge på noe, stryke farge på noe
    gulvet er belagt med linoleum, gulvet har linoleumsbelegg
    7) ( overført) legge, legge på, ilegge, kaste, gi
    8) anlegge, bygge, legge, strekke
    9) ( ved gambling) sette, holde, vedde
    I'll lay you £10 that the dark horse will win the race
    10) henlegge til, legge til, foregå
    scenen utspiller seg på badet, handlingen foregår på badet
    11) legge frem, forelegge, fremføre, fremlegge
    12) gjøre opp, tenke ut, bestemme seg for
    13) (sjøfart, om tau) slå, legge tauverk
    14) ( sjøfart) komme, gå
    15) ( slang) ligge med, ha sex
    16) ( om fugler) verpe, legge egg
    get laid ( vulgært) få seg et nummer
    be laid up ( hverdagslig) ligge syk, være syk, være sengeliggende, holde sengen, være til sengs
    lay aback ( sjøfart) brase bakk
    lay a bet vedde, vedde på, inngå et veddemål
    lay aboard eller lay alongside ( sjøfart) legge seg langsides (løpe tett opp langs siden på et skip for å entre det)
    lay about ( hverdagslig) gå løs på, slå vilt rundt seg
    lay a charge anklage, komme med en anklage
    (for) ( sjøfart eller overført) holde stø kurs (mot) holde kursen (mot) stikke ut en kurs (mot), sette kurs (for\/mot)
    lay against vedde imot
    lay a ghost eller lay the ghost glemme vonde minner
    lay a gun rette en kanon (mot), rette inn en kanon
    lay aloft ( sjøfart) entre (i kommando)
    lay an egg ( om tabbe) legge et egg
    lay an information against ( jus) angi, inngi anmeldelse på
    lay aside legge til side, spare
    reservere, sette av
    legge bort, legge fra seg, legge til side
    gi opp, slutte, legge av seg
    lay back ( hverdagslig) slappe av, koble av, ta det rolig
    lay bare blottlegge, røpe, avsløre, blotte
    lay by ( om penger) legge til side, spare ( sjøfart) legge bi
    lay claim to gjøre krav på
    lay close ( seiling) ligge tett opptil vinden
    lay damages at ( jus) fastsette skadeserstatning til, fastsette skadeserstatning
    lay down legge ned, legge fra seg
    legge ned, nedlegge, stenge, gi opp
    satse, legge på bordet, holde, deponere
    how much are you ready to lay down?
    bygge, konstruere, anlegge
    fastsette, fastslå, sette opp, utarbeide
    after independence, a new map was laid down
    ( om lyd) ta opp, spille inn legge ut
    lagre, legge ned, hermetisere
    lay down one's arms legge ned våpnene, overgi seg
    lay dry tørrlegge
    lay eyes on ( litterært) kaste sitt blikk på, få øye på
    lay fallow ( jordbruk) legge brakk
    lay flat slå ned, slå overende jevne med jorden
    lay for (amer., hverdagslig) snike på, legge seg på lur, legge seg i bakhold, holde seg klar til å slå til
    lay hands on angripe legge hendene på for å helbrede få tak i
    lay hold of gripe, fange, ta tak i
    lay in utstyre seg med, kjøpe inn, hamstre ( sjøfart) legge inn, ta inn
    ( hverdagslig) tildele, få inn
    lay in (there) ( hverdagslig) holde stø kurs
    lay into ( hverdagslig) angripe fysisk eller verbalt gå inn for med liv og sjel
    lay it on ( hverdagslig) (overført, også lay it on thick eller lay it on with a trowel)
    overdrive, smøre tjukt på irettesette strengt
    lay it on the line snakke åpent ut, legge kortene på bordet
    lay low slå ned, drepe, begrave slå ut, tvinge til å ligge til sengs
    fornedre, ydmyke
    lay off legge til siden permittere, avskjedige, si opp krysse av, merke av, måle
    ( hverdagslig) stå over, la være ( hverdagslig) kutte ut, slutte å irritere
    lay off the complaining!
    ( hesteveddeløp) vedde med en annen bookmaker for å dekke forventet tap i et løp beskytte et veddemål eller risikoprosjekt ved å ta en annen sjanse ( sjøfart) seile fra, legge fra, legge fra land ( sjøfart) ligge utenfor (en havn) ( hverdagslig) ta fri, hvile, hente seg inn ( fotball) sende en pasning
    lay on dekke med, applikere, legge på
    slå løs på, denge, gå til angrep på
    ( sjøfart) seile mot ( sjøfart) ro med kraftige tak (britisk, hverdagslig) spandere
    legge inn, innstallere
    ( hverdagslig) ordne, fikse, arrangere
    ( hverdagslig) sette på sporet
    lay one's cards on the table ( overført) legge kortene på bordet
    lay oneself open to ( overført) blottstille seg, stille seg lagelig til (for hogg), gi anledning til, åpne for
    lay oneself out ( særlig britisk) anstrenge seg, legge seg i selen
    lay out legge ut, legge frem, legge utover, bre ut
    stelle et lik, legge på likstrå ( hverdagslig) slå ut, slå sanseløs, slå ihjel legge ut penger, legge penger i anstrenge seg, gjøre en innsats, legge seg i selen planlegge, anlegge
    ( typografi) lage layout legge ut (i det vide og det brede)
    lay over dekke over (amer., slang) overgå (spesielt amer.) hoppe over, utsette (amer.) gjøre et opphold, overnatte, ligge over
    lay siege to ( også overført) beleire, invadere
    lay someone low (hverdagslig, om sykdom) gjøre noen sengeliggende, svekke noen
    lay someone open to utsette noen for en risiko
    lay someone to rest ( forskjønnende) legge noen til den siste hvile, stede til hvile, begrave noen
    lay something at someone's door ( overført) legge ansvar på noen, legge skyld på noen
    lay something on the table (særlig amer.) utsette noe på ubestemt tid, legge noe på hyllen
    lay store by sette pris på, verdsette
    lay to ( sjøfart) legge bi, dreie til ( sjøfart) søke nødhavn angripe (kraftig) bruke krefter, ta i
    lay up ( om penger eller verdier) legge (seg opp), samle, spare ( om sykdom e.l.) gjøre sengeliggende, sette ut av spill ( sjøfart) legge i opplag ( sjøfart) legge tauverk, slå ( golf) slå et løst slag for å unngå risiko ( murerfag) sette opp, konstruere ( overført) skaffe seg, pådra seg
    lay waste eller lay something to waste ødelegge, legge øde, rasere
    lay weight on legge vekt på
    adj. \/ˈleɪ\/
    lekmanns-, lek-

    English-Norwegian dictionary > lay

  • 103 tame

    teim 1. adjective
    1) ((of animals) used to living with people; not wild or dangerous: He kept a tame bear as a pet.) tam
    2) (dull; not exciting: My job is very tame.) tam, kjedelig
    2. verb
    (to make tame: It is impossible to tame some animals.) temme
    - tameness
    - tameable
    verb \/teɪm\/
    1) temme
    2) kue
    3) dempe, legge bånd på, mildne
    jeg ba ham roe seg ned \/ jeg ba ham kontrollere seg
    4) dyrke opp, rydde, bryte (opp)
    adj. \/teɪm\/
    1) ( om dyr) tam, fredelig, ufarlig, føyelig
    2) tam, medgjørlig, spak, snill og vennlig, harmløs, undergiven, føyelig
    3) tam, matt, slapp
    4) kjedelig, trist, hendelsesfattig
    5) dyrket

    English-Norwegian dictionary > tame

  • 104 farm

    1. noun
    1) (an area of land, including buildings, used for growing crops, breeding and keeping cows, sheep, pigs etc: Much of England is good agricultural land and there are many farms.) landbrug
    2) (the farmer's house and the buildings near it in such a place: We visited the farm; ( also adjective) a farm kitchen.) gård; gård-
    2. verb
    (to cultivate (the land) in order to grow crops, breed and keep animals etc: He farms (5,000 acres) in the south.) dyrke; drive landbrug
    - farming
    - farmhouse
    - farmyard
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (an area of land, including buildings, used for growing crops, breeding and keeping cows, sheep, pigs etc: Much of England is good agricultural land and there are many farms.) landbrug
    2) (the farmer's house and the buildings near it in such a place: We visited the farm; ( also adjective) a farm kitchen.) gård; gård-
    2. verb
    (to cultivate (the land) in order to grow crops, breed and keep animals etc: He farms (5,000 acres) in the south.) dyrke; drive landbrug
    - farming
    - farmhouse
    - farmyard

    English-Danish dictionary > farm

  • 105 timber

    1) (wood, especially for building: This house is built of timber.) træ
    2) (trees suitable for this: a hundred acres of good timber.) tømmer
    3) (a wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc.) bjælke
    * * *
    1) (wood, especially for building: This house is built of timber.) træ
    2) (trees suitable for this: a hundred acres of good timber.) tømmer
    3) (a wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc.) bjælke

    English-Danish dictionary > timber

  • 106 acre

    ['eikə] n 1 acre: medida agrária equivalente a 4.046,84 m2. 2 acres terras, propriedades. broad acres terras extensas, grandes propriedades. God’s acre cemitério.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > acre

  • 107 acreage

    ['eikəridʒ] n 1 área medida em acres. 2 terras vendidas por acres.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > acreage

  • 108 forage acre

    for.age a.cre
    [f'ɔridʒeikə] n acre de pasto: área total multiplicada pela porcentagem da superfície útil. Exemplo: 10 acres x 30% de pasto = 3 acres de pasto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > forage acre

  • 109 Lord

    I. 1. господар, стопанин, повелител, владетел, крал, сюзерен, индустриален магнат
    LORD of the manor феодал
    LORD of the soil земевладелец
    LORD of few acres собственик на няколко декара
    our sovereign LORD кралят
    2. лорд, пер
    the LORDs spiritual висши духовници, членове на Камарата на лордовете
    LORDs temporal лордове, членове на Камарата на лордовете
    the (House of) LORD s Камарата на лордовете
    My LORD милорд (обръщение към лорд, граф, епископ, върховен съдия)
    First LORD of the Admiralty министър на флотата
    First Sea LORD воен. мор. командуващ военноморските сили на Великобритания
    3. обик. the LORD господ, бог
    our LORD Исус Христос
    the LORD's day света неделя
    the LORD's prayer (молитвата) Отче наш
    in the year of our LORD 1882 в лято господне 1882
    L.! LORD bless me/my soul! LORD have mercy! int боже мой! господи
    4. мъж, съпруг
    LORD and master шег. съпруг и повелител. благоверният (ми съпруг)
    LORD of creation човекът
    pl. шег. мъжете (за разлика от жените)
    to live like a LORD pl живея на широка нога
    II. 1. to LORD it важнича
    to LORD it over държа се властно, разпореждам се
    2. давам титла лорд
    3. титулувам (някого) лорд
    * * *
    {lъ:d} n 1. господар, стопанин; повелител; владетел; крал; сюзер(2) {lъ:d} v 1. to lord it важнича; to lord it over държа се властно,
    * * *
    велможа; господ; лорд;
    * * *
    1. first lord of the admiralty министър на флотата 2. first sea lord воен. мор. командуващ военноморските сили на Великобритания 3. i. господар, стопанин, повелител, владетел, крал, сюзерен, индустриален магнат 4. ii. to lord it важнича 5. in the year of our lord 1882 в лято господне 1882 6. l.! lord bless me/my soul! lord have mercy! int боже мой! господи 7. lord and master шег. съпруг и повелител. благоверният (ми съпруг) 8. lord of creation човекът 9. lord of few acres собственик на няколко декара 10. lord of the manor феодал 11. lord of the soil земевладелец 12. lords temporal лордове, членове на Камарата на лордовете 13. my lord милорд (обръщение към лорд, граф, епископ, върховен съдия) 14. our lord Исус Христос 15. our sovereign lord кралят 16. pl. шег. мъжете (за разлика от жените) 17. the (house of) lord s Камарата на лордовете 18. the lord's day света неделя 19. the lord's prayer (молитвата) Отче наш 20. the lords spiritual висши духовници, членове на Камарата на лордовете 21. to live like a lord pl живея на широка нога 22. to lord it over държа се властно, разпореждам се 23. давам титла лорд 24. лорд, пер 25. мъж, съпруг 26. обик. the lord господ, бог 27. титулувам (някого) лорд
    * * *
    Lord ( High) Chancellor[´lɔ:d(´hai)´tʃa:nsələ] n лорд-канцлер, говорител на Камарата на лордовете, глава на съдебната власт и пазител на държавния печат.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > Lord

  • 110 lord

    I. 1. господар, стопанин, повелител, владетел, крал, сюзерен, индустриален магнат
    LORD of the manor феодал
    LORD of the soil земевладелец
    LORD of few acres собственик на няколко декара
    our sovereign LORD кралят
    2. лорд, пер
    the LORDs spiritual висши духовници, членове на Камарата на лордовете
    LORDs temporal лордове, членове на Камарата на лордовете
    the (House of) LORD s Камарата на лордовете
    My LORD милорд (обръщение към лорд, граф, епископ, върховен съдия)
    First LORD of the Admiralty министър на флотата
    First Sea LORD воен. мор. командуващ военноморските сили на Великобритания
    3. обик. the LORD господ, бог
    our LORD Исус Христос
    the LORD's day света неделя
    the LORD's prayer (молитвата) Отче наш
    in the year of our LORD 1882 в лято господне 1882
    L.! LORD bless me/my soul! LORD have mercy! int боже мой! господи
    4. мъж, съпруг
    LORD and master шег. съпруг и повелител. благоверният (ми съпруг)
    LORD of creation човекът
    pl. шег. мъжете (за разлика от жените)
    to live like a LORD pl живея на широка нога
    II. 1. to LORD it важнича
    to LORD it over държа се властно, разпореждам се
    2. давам титла лорд
    3. титулувам (някого) лорд
    * * *
    {lъ:d} n 1. господар, стопанин; повелител; владетел; крал; сюзер(2) {lъ:d} v 1. to lord it важнича; to lord it over държа се властно,
    * * *
    велможа; господ; лорд;
    * * *
    1. first lord of the admiralty министър на флотата 2. first sea lord воен. мор. командуващ военноморските сили на Великобритания 3. i. господар, стопанин, повелител, владетел, крал, сюзерен, индустриален магнат 4. ii. to lord it важнича 5. in the year of our lord 1882 в лято господне 1882 6. l.! lord bless me/my soul! lord have mercy! int боже мой! господи 7. lord and master шег. съпруг и повелител. благоверният (ми съпруг) 8. lord of creation човекът 9. lord of few acres собственик на няколко декара 10. lord of the manor феодал 11. lord of the soil земевладелец 12. lords temporal лордове, членове на Камарата на лордовете 13. my lord милорд (обръщение към лорд, граф, епископ, върховен съдия) 14. our lord Исус Христос 15. our sovereign lord кралят 16. pl. шег. мъжете (за разлика от жените) 17. the (house of) lord s Камарата на лордовете 18. the lord's day света неделя 19. the lord's prayer (молитвата) Отче наш 20. the lords spiritual висши духовници, членове на Камарата на лордовете 21. to live like a lord pl живея на широка нога 22. to lord it over държа се властно, разпореждам се 23. давам титла лорд 24. лорд, пер 25. мъж, съпруг 26. обик. the lord господ, бог 27. титулувам (някого) лорд
    * * *
    lord[lɔ:d] I. n 1. лорд, пер; the \lords spiritual епископи, членове на Камарата на лордовете; \lords temporal лордове, членове на Камарата на лордовете; Lords разг. Камарата на лордовете; My L. милорд (обръщение към лорд, граф, епископ, върховен съдия в съда); 2. господар, управник, повелител, владетел, крал; сюзерен; индустриален магнат; \lord of the manor феодал; \lord paramount сюзерен; \lord and master съпруг и повелител, "благоверният"; господар, главатар; 3. употребява се към звание на длъжност, без лицето да има лордска титла (шег. paper L.); First L. of the Admiralty министър на флота; L. High Treasurer ист. пазител на хазната; L. Chief Justice Председател на Отделението на Кралската банка на Висшия съд; L. Justice of Appeal съдия в апелативния съд; Lords of Appeal in Ordinary назначаеми членове на Камарата на лордовете по разглеждане на апелации; L. of the Bedchamber главен камериер на крал; L. in waiting главен камериер на кралицата; 4. Господ, Бог (обикн. the L.); our L. Христос; the L.'s day света неделя; the L.'s Table олтар в църква; евхаристия, причастие; the L.'s prayer Отче наш; in the year of our L. първата година от летоброенето, в лето господне; L.! L. bless me (us, you)! L. have mercy! Боже (мой)! Господи! L. bless my soul! Господи! L. knows if... един Господ знае дали; the L. Harry разг. дявол, сатана; 5. мъж, съпруг; \lords of creation поет. човечеството, човешкият род; шег. мъжете (противоп. жените); drunk as a \lord кьоркютук пиян; to live like a \lord живея нашироко; II. v 1.: to \lord it важнича; to \lord it over държа се властно, разпореждам се; 2. давам титла лорд; 3. наричам, титулувам някого "лорд".

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > lord

  • 111 tilth

    n с.г.
    1) обробіток землі (фунту); бранка
    2) якість обробітку
    3) структура фунту
    4) рілля, орна земля
    5) верхній, зораний шар землі
    6) урожай
    7) утворення, розвиток
    * * *
    n; с-г
    1) обробка ґрунту; оранка

    to give the land a tilth — зорати поле; якість обробки

    land in good [in bad] tilth — добре [погано]оброблена земля

    to put a field into good tilth — як треба /добре/ обробити поле; структура ґрунту

    2) рілля; оброблювана або орна земля
    3) верхній, поораний шар землі
    4) icт. врожай

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > tilth

  • 112 acre

    [English Word] acre
    [English Plural] acres
    [Swahili Word] eka
    [Swahili Plural] eka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Note] Engl.
    [English Word] acre
    [English Plural] acres
    [Swahili Word] ekari
    [Swahili Plural] ekari
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10

    English-Swahili dictionary > acre

  • 113 verge on

    transitive verb
    [an]grenzen an (+ Akk.)

    be verging on 70an die 70 sein

    an estate verging on four acres(fig.) ein Grundstück von fast vier Morgen [Größe]

    be verging on tears/madness — den Tränen/dem Wahnsinn nahe sein

    * * *
    vi +prep obj
    (ideas, actions) grenzen an (+acc)

    he's verging on bankruptcyer steht kurz vor dem Bankrott

    she was verging on madnesssie stand am Rande des Wahnsinns

    * * *
    transitive verb
    [an]grenzen an (+ Akk.)

    an estate verging on four acres(fig.) ein Grundstück von fast vier Morgen [Größe]

    be verging on tears/madness — den Tränen/dem Wahnsinn nahe sein

    English-german dictionary > verge on

  • 114 two

    1. n двойка, цифра 2
    2. n два предмета или человека; пара

    by two, in twos, two and two — по два; по две; по двое; попарно

    one! two! — раз!, два!

    3. n второй размер

    in the second chapter, in chapter twoво второй главе

    4. n два года

    half past two, two thirty — половина третьего, два тридцать

    5. n два часа
    6. n двухдолларовая банкнота или бумажка

    in two twos — немедленно, в два счёта

    to have had one or two — быть навеселе, быть под хмельком

    that makes two of us — он в этом не одинок или вы в этом не одиноки; это и мой случай

    one or two — один или два; один-два

    a day or two — день или два; день-два

    7. num два; второй

    one, two, three … — раз, два, три …

    8. num приблизительно два
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. double (adj.) binary; both; couple; double; duo; pair; team; twain
    2. twice as much (adj.) duplicated; paired; second; twice as much; twin; twofold

    English-Russian base dictionary > two

  • 115 Latifúndios

       Large farms and landed estates, generally south of the Tagus River. Located mainly but not exclusively in the Alentejo district, southeast of Lisbon, these large, landed estates originated in Roman and then Muslim times and, by the 19th century, were characterized by absentee landowners and vast estates of thousands of acres farmed by landless peasants who provided much of the labor. Concentrated in the wheat-growing Alentejo district, the latifúndio represented a chronic, severe social and economic problem that many successive governments failed to address or to solve. Agrarian reform attempts in the late monarchy, the First Republic, and the Estado Novo failed to deal decisively with the latifúndio problem.
       A mere handful of well-off families, sometimes resident in the towns or in Lisbon, owned most of the land, while most of the work on this land, a crucial food-producing area of Portugal, was performed by poor peasants with little or no access to land ownership. Sporadic forcible occupation of land on a small scale by farm workers occurred during the First Republic, but the authorities soon repressed it. During the Revolution of 25 April 1974, about 1,136,363 hectares (2.5 million acres) of latifúndio were forcibly occupied by farm workers and political supporters, and a program of land ownership redistribution and sharing was initiated. Agrarian reform efforts regarding both minifúndio and latifúndio have continued.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Latifúndios

  • 116 Berry, George

    b. Missouri, USA fl. 1880s
    American farmer who developed the first steam-powered, self-propelled combine harvester.
    Born in Missouri, George Berry moved to a 4,000 acre (1,600 hectare) farm at Lindsay in California, and between 1881 and 1886 built himself a steam-driven combine harvester. Berry's machine was the first self-propelled harvester and the first to use straw as a fuel. A single boiler powered two engines: a 26 hp (19 kW) Mitchell Fisher engine provided the forward drive, whilst a 6 hp (4 kW) Westinghouse engine drove the threshing mechanism. Cleaned straw was passed by conveyor back to the firebox, where it provided the main fuel. The original machine had a 22 ft cut, but a later machine extended this to 40 ft and harvested 50 acres a day, although on one occasion it achieved the distinction of being the first harvester to cut over 100 acres in one day. The traction engine used for motive power was removable and was used after harvest for ploughing. It was the first engine to be capable of forward and reverse motion.
    In later life Berry moved into politics, becoming a member of the California Senate for Inyo and Tulare in the 1890s.
    Further Reading
    G.Quick and W.Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (gives an account of combine-harvester development).

    Biographical history of technology > Berry, George

  • 117 Marsden, Samuel

    b. 1764 Parsley, Yorkshire, England
    d. 1838 Australia
    English farmer whose breeding programme established the Australian wool industry.
    Although his father was a farmer, at the age of 10 Samuel Marsden went to work as a blacksmith, and continued in that trade for ten years. He then decided to go into the Church, was educated at Hull Grammar School and Cambridge, and was ordained in 1793. He then emigrated to Australia, where he took up an appointment as Assistant Chaplain to the Colony. He was stationed at Parramatta, where he was granted 100 acres and bought a further 128 acres himself. In 1800 he became Principal Chaplain, and by 1802 he farmed the third largest farm in the colony. Initially he was able to obtain only two Marino rams and was forced to crossbreed with imported Indian stock. However, with this combination he was able to improve wool quality dramatically, and this stock provided the basis of his breeding stock. In 1807 he returned to Britain, taking 160 lb of wool with him. This was woven into 40 yards (36.5 m) of cloth in a mill near Leeds, and from this Marsden had a suit made which he wore when he visited George III. The latter was so impressed with the cloth that he presented Marsden with five Marino ewes in lamb, with which he returned to Australia. By 1811 he was sending more than 5,000 lb of wool back to the UK each year. In 1814 Marsden concentrated more on Church matters and made the first of seven missionary visits to New Zealand. He made the last of these excursions the year before his death.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Vice-President, New South Wales Agricultural Society (on its foundation) 1821.
    Further Reading
    Michael Ryder, 1983, Sheep and Man, Duckworth (a definitive study on sheep history that deals in detail with Marsden's developments).

    Biographical history of technology > Marsden, Samuel

  • 118 Vermuyden, Sir Cornelius

    SUBJECT AREA: Civil engineering
    b. c. 1590 St Maartensdijk, Zeeland, the Netherlands
    d. 4 February 1656 probably London, England
    Dutch/British civil engineer responsible for many of the drainage and flood-protection schemes in low-lying areas of England in the seventeenth century.
    At the beginning of the seventeenth century, several wealthy men in England joined forces as "adventurers" to put their money into land ventures. One such group was responsible for the draining of the Fens. The first need was to find engineers who were versed in the processes of land drainage, particularly when that land was at, or below, sea level. It was natural, therefore, to turn to the Netherlands to find these skilled men. Joachim Liens was one of the first of the Dutch engineers to go to England, and he started work on the Great Level; however, no real progress was made until 1621, when Cornelius Vermuyden was brought to England to assist in the work.
    Vermuyden had grown up in a district where he could see for himself the techniques of embanking and reclaiming land from the sea. He acquired a reputation of expertise in this field, and by 1621 his fame had spread to England. In that year the Thames had flooded and breached its banks near Havering and Dagenham in Essex. Vermuyden was commissioned to repair the breach and drain neighbouring marshland, with what he claimed as complete success. The Commissioners of Sewers for Essex disputed this claim and whthheld his fee, but King Charles I granted him a portion of the reclaimed land as compensation.
    In 1626 Vermuyden carried out his first scheme for drainage works as a consultant. This was the drainage of Hatfield Chase in South Yorkshire. Charles I was, in fact, Vermuyden's employer in the drainage of the Chase, and the work was undertaken as a means of raising additional rents for the Royal Exchequer. Vermuyden was himself an "adventurer" in the undertaking, putting capital into the venture and receiving the title to a considerable proportion of the drained lands. One of the important elements of his drainage designs was the principal of "washes", which were flat areas between the protective dykes and the rivers to carry flood waters, to prevent them spreading on to nearby land. Vermuyden faced bitter opposition from those whose livelihoods depended on the marshlands and who resorted to sabotage of the embankments and violence against his imported Dutch workmen to defend their rights. The work could not be completed until arbiters had ruled out on the respective rights of the parties involved. Disagreements and criticism of his engineering practices continued and he gave up his interest in Hatfield Chase. The Hatfield Chase undertaking was not a great success, although the land is now rich farmland around the river Don in Doncaster. However, the involved financial and land-ownership arrangements were the key to the granting of a knighthood to Cornelius Vermuyden in January 1628, and in 1630 he purchased 4,000 acres of low-lying land on Sedgemoor in Somerset.
    In 1629 Vermuyden embarked on his most important work, that of draining the Great Level in the fenlands of East Anglia. Francis Russell, 4th Earl of Bedford, was given charge of the work, with Vermuyden as Engineer; in this venture they were speculators and partners and were recompensed by a grant of land. The area which contains the Cambridgeshire tributaries of the Great Ouse were subject to severe and usually annual flooding. The works to contain the rivers in their flood period were important. Whilst the rivers were contained with the enclosed flood plain, the land beyond became highly sought-after because of the quality of the soil. The fourteen "adventurers" who eventually came into partnership with the Earl of Bedford and Vermuyden were the financiers of the scheme and also received land in accordance with their input into the scheme. In 1637 the work was claimed to be complete, but this was disputed, with Vermuyden defending himself against criticism in a pamphlet entitled Discourse Touching the Great Fennes (1638; 1642, London). In fact, much remained to be done, and after an interruption due to the Civil War the scheme was finished in 1652. Whilst the process of the Great Level works had closely involved the King, Oliver Cromwell was equally concerned over the success of the scheme. By 1655 Cornelius Vermuyden had ceased to have anything to do with the Great Level. At that stage he was asked to account for large sums granted to him to expedite the work but was unable to do so; most of his assets were seized to cover the deficiency, and from then on he subsided into obscurity and poverty.
    While Cornelius Vermuyden, as a Dutchman, was well versed in the drainage needs of his own country, he developed his skills as a hydraulic engineer in England and drained acres of derelict flooded land.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Knighted 1628.
    Further Reading
    L.E.Harris, 1953, Vermuyden and the Fens, London: Cleaver Hume Press. J.Korthals-Altes, 1977, Sir Cornelius Vermuyden: The Lifework of a Great Anglo-
    Dutchman in Land-Reclamation and Drainage, New York: Alto Press.
    KM / LRD

    Biographical history of technology > Vermuyden, Sir Cornelius

  • 119 occupy

    occupy занимать (мысли, ум); to occupy oneself (with smth.), to be occupied (in smth.) заниматься (чем-л.) occupy занимать (пространство, время); the garden occupies 5 acres под садом занято 5 акров земли occupy владеть occupy завладевать occupy занимать occupy занимать (пост) occupy занимать (мысли, ум); to occupy oneself (with smth.), to be occupied (in smth.) заниматься (чем-л.) occupy занимать (пространство, время); the garden occupies 5 acres под садом занято 5 акров земли occupy занимать (дом, квартиру); арендовать occupy захватывать, завладевать; оккупировать occupy захватывать occupy оккупировать, завладевать, занимать occupy оккупировать occupy занимать (мысли, ум); to occupy oneself (with smth.), to be occupied (in smth.) заниматься (чем-л.)

    English-Russian short dictionary > occupy

  • 120 of

    of prep в; to suspect of theft подозревать в воровстве; to accuse of a lie обвинять во лжи; to be guilty of bribery быть виновным во взяточничестве of prep указывает на принадлежность; передается род. падежом: the house of my ancestors дом моих предков; articles of clothing предметы одежды of prep в; to suspect of theft подозревать в воровстве; to accuse of a lie обвинять во лжи; to be guilty of bribery быть виновным во взяточничестве to be sure (of smth.) быть уверенным (в чем-л.) sure: well, I am of! вот те раз!; однако!; sure thing! безусловно!, конечно!; to be sure разумеется, конечно well: if you promise that, of and good если вы обещаете это, тогда хорошо; well, to be sure вот тебе раз! the devil of a worker не работник а просто дьявол; a beauty of a girl красавица of prep вводит приложение: the city of New York город НьюЙорк; by the name of John по имениДжон of prep вводит приложение: the city of New York город НьюЙорк; by the name of John по имениДжон of prep указывает на объект действия; передается род. падежом: a creator of a new trend in art создатель нового направления в искусстве of prep указывает на объект избавления от; to cure of a disease (или illness) вылечить от болезни; to get rid of a cold избавиться от простуды of prep указывает на деятеля; передается род. падежом: the deeds of our heroes подвиги наших героев the devil of a worker не работник а просто дьявол; a beauty of a girl красавица of prep указывает на материал, из которого (что-л.) сделано из; a dress of silk платье из шелка; a wreath of flowers венок из цветов of prep указывает на количество единиц измерения в; a farm of 100 acres ферма площадью в 100 акров; a fortune of 1000 pounds состояние в 1000 фунтов of prep употребляется в неразложимых словосочетаниях с предшествующим определяющим существительным: a fool of a man глупый человек, просто дурень of prep указывает на количество единиц измерения в; a farm of 100 acres ферма площадью в 100 акров; a fortune of 1000 pounds состояние в 1000 фунтов of prep указывает на объект избавления от; to cure of a disease (или illness) вылечить от болезни; to get rid of a cold избавиться от простуды a girl of ten девочка лет десяти; a man of talent талантливый человек of prep указывает на содержимое (какого-л.) вместилища; передается род. падежом: a glass of milk стакан молока; a pail of water ведро воды of prep указывает на источник от, у; I learned it of him я узнал это от него; he asked it of me он спросил это у меня of prep указывает на происхождение из; he comes of a worker's family он из рабочей семьи he did it of necessity он сделал это по необходимости of prep указывает на причину от; изза; в результате, по причине; he died of pneumonia он умер от воспаления легких he of all men кто угодно, но не он; that he of all men should do it! меньше всего я ожидал этого от него! he reeks of tobacco от него разит табаком of prep указывает на выделение лица или предмета из множества аналогичных лиц или предметов: holy of holies святая святых of prep указывает на принадлежность; передается род. падежом: the house of my ancestors дом моих предков; articles of clothing предметы одежды of prep о, об, относительно; I have heard of it я слышал об этом; the news of the victory весть о победе of prep указывает на источник от, у; I learned it of him я узнал это от него; he asked it of me он спросил это у меня in search of a dictionary в поисках словаря; a lover of poetry любитель поэзии of prep it is nice of you это любезно с вашей стороны; it is clever of him to go there умно, что он туда поехал of prep указывает на объект лишения; передается род. падежом: the loss of power потеря власти in search of a dictionary в поисках словаря; a lover of poetry любитель поэзии of prep указывает на качество, свойство, возраст; передается род. падежом: a man of his word человек слова word: of обещание, слово; to give one's word обещать; a man of his word человек слова; upon my word! честное слово! a girl of ten девочка лет десяти; a man of talent талантливый человек some of us некоторые из нас; a member of congress член конгресса a mouse of a woman похожая на мышку женщина of prep о, об, относительно; I have heard of it я слышал об этом; the news of the victory весть о победе of prep указывает на время: of an evening вечером; of late недавно of prep it is nice of you это любезно с вашей стороны; it is clever of him to go there умно, что он туда поехал of prep указывает на время: of an evening вечером; of late недавно on application of при применении of prep указывает на содержимое (какого-л.) вместилища; передается род. падежом: a glass of milk стакан молока; a pail of water ведро воды of prep указывает на отношение части и целого; передается род. разделительным: a pound of sugar фунт сахару of prep указывает на вкус, запах и т. п.; передается тв. падежом: to smell of flowers пахнуть цветами some of us некоторые из нас; a member of congress член конгресса of prep указывает на направление, положение в пространстве, расстояние от; south of Moscow к югу от Москвы of prep в; to suspect of theft подозревать в воровстве; to accuse of a lie обвинять во лжи; to be guilty of bribery быть виновным во взяточничестве he of all men кто угодно, но не он; that he of all men should do it! меньше всего я ожидал этого от него! within 50 miles of London в 50 милях от Лондона of prep указывает на авторство; передается род. падежом: the works of Shakespeare произведения Шекспира of prep указывает на материал, из которого (что-л.) сделано из; a dress of silk платье из шелка; a wreath of flowers венок из цветов

    English-Russian short dictionary > of

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Acres Green, CO — U.S. Census Designated Place in Colorado Population (2000): 3205 Housing Units (2000): 1052 Land area (2000): 0.620140 sq. miles (1.606154 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.620140 sq. miles… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • acres of something — informal phrase a very large amount of something Acres of newsprint have been devoted to the issue. Thesaurus: large quantities or amountssynonym large amounts or quantities of a specific kindhyponym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

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