1 acoustical tile
акустическая [звукоизолирующая] плиткаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > acoustical tile
2 acoustical tile
акустическая [звукоизолирующая\] плиткаАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > acoustical tile
3 acoustical tile
2) Архитектура: акустическая (звукоизолирующая) плитка3) Силикатное производство: звукоизоляционная плитка, звукопоглощающая плитка4) Полимеры: акустическая плитка -
4 acoustical tile
5 acoustical tile
акустическая звукоизолирующая плитка -
6 acoustical tile
7 tile
2) керамическая облицовочная плитка; кафель3) изразец4) керамический пустотелый кирпич, блок, стеновой камень5) керамическая гончарная, дренажная труба7) крыть черепицей, выкладывать плитками•to fix tiles — закреплять плитки, черепицу
- acoustic tile - acoustical tile - asphalt tile - bonnet tile - building tile - carpet ceramic tile - cement tile - ceramic tile - ceramic wall tile - channel tile - clay tile - convex tile - cored tile - corner tile - distribution tile - drain tile - Dutch tile - encaustic tile - English tile - facing tile - fire-retardant tile - floor tile - foundation tile - glass tile - grooved tile - gutter tile - hip tile - hollow tile - interlocking tile - Italian tile - lino tile - margin tile - mosaic tile - nibbed tile - plane tile - plastic-made tiles - porcelain tile - ridge tile - Roman tile - roof tile - solid tile - Spanish tile - split tile - terrazzo tile - tile-and-a-half tile - valley tile - vinyl tile - wall tileto manufacture tiles — производить плитку, черепицу
* * *1. керамическая облицовочная плитка2. кровельная черепица3. керамический пустотелый стеновой камень [блок]4. керамическая дренажная труба- abrasive tile
- absorbent tile
- acoustic tile
- angle hip tile
- armored paving tile
- arris hip tile
- arris tile
- asbestos-plastic flooring tile
- asphalt tile
- bonnet tile
- bonnet hip tile
- ceramic tile
- ceramic flooring tile
- ceramic wall tile
- chimney-flue tile
- clay tile
- clay tile for flooring
- clay wall tile
- concrete tile
- concrete interlocking tile
- con-hip tile
- con tile
- cork tile
- crease tile
- drain tile
- Dutch tile
- eaves tile
- enamelled tile
- encaustic tile
- English tile
- exposed finish tile
- extruded tile
- faced tile
- faience tile
- ferrocement tile
- field tile
- floor tile
- furring tile
- garden tile
- glass tile
- glazed tile
- glazed interior tile
- grooved tile
- gutter tile
- gypsum tile
- hip tile
- hollow tile
- horizontal cell tile
- interlocking tile
- Italian tile
- land tile
- mineral fiber tile
- mission tile
- nibbed tile
- nonload-bearing tile
- nonvitreous tile
- one-hand tile
- opaque ceramic-glazed tile
- partition tile
- paving tile
- plane tile
- PVC tile
- Roman tile
- roofing tile
- roof tile
- Spanish tile
- terrazzo tile
- unglazed tile
- vaulting tile
- vinyl tile
- vinyl-asbestos tile
- vitreous tile
- wall tile -
8 tile
1) черепица || крыть черепицей3) керамический (стеновой) камень || класть (напр. стену) из керамическою камня5) космонавт. теплозащитная плитка6) тлв мозаика ( видеоэффект)•-
acoustical tile
asphalt tile
bisque firing tile
bonnet tile
building tile
carpet ceramic tile
ceramic mosaic tile
ceramic tile
channel tile
clay tile
cork tile
crown tile
drain tile
Dutch tile
earthenware tile
encaustic tile
facing tile
faience tile
finish tile
fireproofing tile
fissured acoustic tile
floor tile
flooring tile
glass tile
glazed tile
gypsum tile
hexamethyldisilazane-coated tile
hip tile
hollow tile
hydrophobic-coated tile
instrumented tile
insulating tile
interlocking tile
lining tile
load-bearing structural tile
margin tile
metallic thermal tile
methylsiloxane-coated tile
nibbed tile
non-load-bearing tile
pan-and-roll tile
partition tile
perforated absorbent tile
porcelain tile
reusable surface insulation tile
ridge tile
roofing tile
roof tile
RSI tile
sewer tile
shuttle tiles
silica-based tile
SIP-attached tile
stove tile
structural clay tile
textured acoustic tile
thermal-insulation tile
tile-and-a-half tile
valley tile
vinyl-asbestos tile
wall tile
waterproofed tile -
9 acoustical
= acoustic
1.акустический, звуковой - * velocity скорость звука - * mine (военное) акустическая мина - * sounder( морское) эхолот - * microscopy акустическая микроскопия - * shadow зона молчания, звуковая тень - * waves звуковые волны - * perfume приятный звуковой фон слуховой - * apparatus слуховой аппарат - * duct (анатомия) наружный слуховой проход;
- * nerve( анатомия) слуховой нерв неэлектронный (о музыкальном инструменте) - * guitar обычная гитара звукопоглощающий;
- * tile звукопоглощающая плитка - * holography (физическое) акустическая голографияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > acoustical
10 акустическая плитка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > акустическая плитка
11 акустическая плитка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > акустическая плитка
12 ATC
1) Общая лексика: Authority to Construct permit, air traffic controllers2) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Test Case, Advanced Transfer Cache3) Авиация: управление воздушным движением, УВД, АТЦ, авиационно-технический центр, Aviation Technical Center4) Спорт: Achilles Track Club, Against The Clock, Archery Training Class, Athletic Training And Conditioning5) Военный термин: Advanced Training Cadet, Advanced Training Command, Air Training Command, USAF, Air Training Corps, Air Transport Command, Arctic Test Center, Army Electronic Command, Army Tactical Center, Army Tactical Command, Army Terminal Command, Army Topographic command, Army Training Command, Army Transportation Corps, Army training circular, Attack The Cripple, Automatic Target Cueing, active thermal control, advanced technical course, advanced technology components, adventurous training centre, air target chart, air traffic control, air transportable clinic, airtight container, approved type certificate, armament test center, armament training camp, armored troop carrier, assistant test chief, assistant trial counsel, automated technical control, automatic target counting, automatic tracking control, Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft)6) Техника: Automated Temperature Control, Automatic Through Centers, Automatic Tube Compensation, adiabatic toroidal compressor, advanced telerobotic control, aerial tuning capacitor, air to close, airborne test equipment computer, alert transmit console, automatic target caller, automatic threshold circuit, automatic turbine control, chief aviation electronics technician, датчик тонера, за верхней мёртвой точкой (after top centre)7) Шутливое выражение: A Terrible Cornhead, Airlines Too Confident, All That's Crazy, Apeldoorn The Craziest9) Религия: About The Creators, All The Children, Almost Total Conversion, Aquarian Tabernacle Church10) Юридический термин: Addicted To Coke11) Бухгалтерия: Accountancy Training Centre, Average Total Cost12) Австралийский сленг: Australian Tourist Commission13) Автомобильный термин: automatic temperature control, автоматическое управление тягой (Automatic Traction Control)14) Металлургия: Acoustic Tile Ceiling15) Сокращение: Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures, Adaptive Transform Coding, Air Temperature Control, Air Training Command (USAF), Air Training Corps (UK), Aircraft Technical Committee, Airport Transfer Center (60 or 70 expected after END implemented and transition from AMC), Amended / Approved Type Certificate, Armored Troop Carrier Ship (USA), Army Training Center (US Army), Automatic Target Cuing, Automatic Threat Countering, Automatic Tuning Control, acoustical tile ceiling, aerial tuning condenser, around the clock, automatic tone correction, Automatic Temperature Compensation (автоматическая компенсация температуры)16) Университет: Agricultural Telematics Centre, Athletic Trainer Certified17) Физика: Active Thermal Cooling, Automatic Temperature Conversion18) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Transmission Control, address translation cache, Address Translation Controller (ATM), Address Translation Cache (CPU), Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master), Authorized Testing Center (MS), авторизованный учебный центр, разрешение на копирование программного обеспечения19) Нефть: after top center, average total costs20) Иммунология: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical21) Транспорт: Air Tactical Communications, Air Training Command, Airport Traffic Congestion, All Terrain Collection, All Terrain Cycle, Automatic Train Control22) Воздухоплавание: Army Training Center23) Фирменный знак: Advanced Thermodynamics Corporation, American Tractor Company, Apex Tool Company, Auburn Towing Company, Authorized Training Centre24) Энергетика: available transfer capacity, available transmission capacity, располагаемая пропускная способность25) СМИ: American TV and Communications26) Деловая лексика: Adaptive Team Collaboration, Advanced Technology Centre, Ancient Traditional Concept, Average Time To Completion, Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: автоматическая смена инструмента (automatic tool change)28) Образование: Adult Training Centre29) Сетевые технологии: authorization to copy, authorized training center30) Автоматика: automatic tool changer31) Сахалин Р: automatic tool change32) Химическое оружие: Aberdeen Test Center33) Авиационная медицина: air traffic controller34) Макаров: air-traffic control tower, (air-traffic control tower) КДП (командно-диспетчерский пункт)35) Энергосистемы: available transit capacity, администратор торговой системы, располагаемая транзитная мощность36) МИД: armoured troop carrier37) Электротехника: automatic tap changing, automatic temperature compensation38) Общественная организация: Appalachian Trail Conference39) Чат: Anime Topic Chat40) Аэропорты: Arthur's Town, Bahamas41) Программное обеспечение: Ahead Of Time Compilation, Author The Computer42) Хобби: Artist Trading Card, Artist Trading Cards, Artists Trading Cards43) СМС: All Things Considered -
13 atc
1) Общая лексика: Authority to Construct permit, air traffic controllers2) Компьютерная техника: Abstract Test Case, Advanced Transfer Cache3) Авиация: управление воздушным движением, УВД, АТЦ, авиационно-технический центр, Aviation Technical Center4) Спорт: Achilles Track Club, Against The Clock, Archery Training Class, Athletic Training And Conditioning5) Военный термин: Advanced Training Cadet, Advanced Training Command, Air Training Command, USAF, Air Training Corps, Air Transport Command, Arctic Test Center, Army Electronic Command, Army Tactical Center, Army Tactical Command, Army Terminal Command, Army Topographic command, Army Training Command, Army Transportation Corps, Army training circular, Attack The Cripple, Automatic Target Cueing, active thermal control, advanced technical course, advanced technology components, adventurous training centre, air target chart, air traffic control, air transportable clinic, airtight container, approved type certificate, armament test center, armament training camp, armored troop carrier, assistant test chief, assistant trial counsel, automated technical control, automatic target counting, automatic tracking control, Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft)6) Техника: Automated Temperature Control, Automatic Through Centers, Automatic Tube Compensation, adiabatic toroidal compressor, advanced telerobotic control, aerial tuning capacitor, air to close, airborne test equipment computer, alert transmit console, automatic target caller, automatic threshold circuit, automatic turbine control, chief aviation electronics technician, датчик тонера, за верхней мёртвой точкой (after top centre)7) Шутливое выражение: A Terrible Cornhead, Airlines Too Confident, All That's Crazy, Apeldoorn The Craziest9) Религия: About The Creators, All The Children, Almost Total Conversion, Aquarian Tabernacle Church10) Юридический термин: Addicted To Coke11) Бухгалтерия: Accountancy Training Centre, Average Total Cost12) Австралийский сленг: Australian Tourist Commission13) Автомобильный термин: automatic temperature control, автоматическое управление тягой (Automatic Traction Control)14) Металлургия: Acoustic Tile Ceiling15) Сокращение: Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures, Adaptive Transform Coding, Air Temperature Control, Air Training Command (USAF), Air Training Corps (UK), Aircraft Technical Committee, Airport Transfer Center (60 or 70 expected after END implemented and transition from AMC), Amended / Approved Type Certificate, Armored Troop Carrier Ship (USA), Army Training Center (US Army), Automatic Target Cuing, Automatic Threat Countering, Automatic Tuning Control, acoustical tile ceiling, aerial tuning condenser, around the clock, automatic tone correction, Automatic Temperature Compensation (автоматическая компенсация температуры)16) Университет: Agricultural Telematics Centre, Athletic Trainer Certified17) Физика: Active Thermal Cooling, Automatic Temperature Conversion18) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Transmission Control, address translation cache, Address Translation Controller (ATM), Address Translation Cache (CPU), Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master), Authorized Testing Center (MS), авторизованный учебный центр, разрешение на копирование программного обеспечения19) Нефть: after top center, average total costs20) Иммунология: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical21) Транспорт: Air Tactical Communications, Air Training Command, Airport Traffic Congestion, All Terrain Collection, All Terrain Cycle, Automatic Train Control22) Воздухоплавание: Army Training Center23) Фирменный знак: Advanced Thermodynamics Corporation, American Tractor Company, Apex Tool Company, Auburn Towing Company, Authorized Training Centre24) Энергетика: available transfer capacity, available transmission capacity, располагаемая пропускная способность25) СМИ: American TV and Communications26) Деловая лексика: Adaptive Team Collaboration, Advanced Technology Centre, Ancient Traditional Concept, Average Time To Completion, Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: автоматическая смена инструмента (automatic tool change)28) Образование: Adult Training Centre29) Сетевые технологии: authorization to copy, authorized training center30) Автоматика: automatic tool changer31) Сахалин Р: automatic tool change32) Химическое оружие: Aberdeen Test Center33) Авиационная медицина: air traffic controller34) Макаров: air-traffic control tower, (air-traffic control tower) КДП (командно-диспетчерский пункт)35) Энергосистемы: available transit capacity, администратор торговой системы, располагаемая транзитная мощность36) МИД: armoured troop carrier37) Электротехника: automatic tap changing, automatic temperature compensation38) Общественная организация: Appalachian Trail Conference39) Чат: Anime Topic Chat40) Аэропорты: Arthur's Town, Bahamas41) Программное обеспечение: Ahead Of Time Compilation, Author The Computer42) Хобби: Artist Trading Card, Artist Trading Cards, Artists Trading Cards43) СМС: All Things Considered -
1) Военный термин: Student Army Training Corps, Students Army Training Corps2) Юридический термин: South African Tax Case4) СМИ: Sex And The City5) Химическое оружие: Security Assessment and Training Center -
15 acoustic
1. прил.
1) акустический, звуковой acoustic vibrations ≈ акустические колебания acoustic enclosure ≈ бытовая акустическая система acoustic mine ≈ акустическая мина acoustic waves ≈ звуковые волны Syn: sound, acoustical
2) звукопоглощающий, звукоизолирующий acoustic cabinet ≈ шумопоглощающий корпус acoustic tile ≈ акустическая плитка, звукоизолирующая плитка
3) неэлектронный (о музыкальных инструментах)
4) анат. слуховой acoustic apparatus ≈ слуховой аппарат acoustic nerve ≈ слуховой нерв
2. сущ. слуховой аппаратслуховой аппарат акустический, звуковой - * velocity скорость звука - * mine (военное) акустическая мина - * sounder( морское) эхолот - * microscopy акустическая микроскопия - * shadow зона молчания, звуковая тень - * waves звуковые волны - * perfume приятный звуковой фон слуховой - * apparatus слуховой аппарат - * duct (анатомия) наружный слуховой проход - * nerve (анатомия) слуховой нерв неэлектронный (о музыкальном инструменте) - * guitar обычная гитара звукопоглощающий;
- * tile звукопоглощающая плиткаacoustic акустический, звуковой;
acoustic mine акустическая мина ~ анат. слуховой;
acoustic duct наружный слуховой проход~ анат. слуховой;
acoustic duct наружный слуховой проходacoustic акустический, звуковой;
acoustic mine акустическая минаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > acoustic
16 lining
1) облицовка; обделка ( туннеля); защитное изоляционное покрытие, одежда ( канала), футеровка; грунтовка; подкладка2) опалубка3) крепление ( траншеи котлована)•- bitumen lining - block-stone lining - board lining - brick lining - canal lining - cement lining - concrete lining - concrete lining of tunnel - door lining - earth lining - gunite lining - impervious lining - insulating lining - load-bearing lining - protective lining - ring lining - shotcrete lining - tile lining* * *1. (внутренняя) облицовка; обшивка; футеровка; обделка2. вкладыш ( в опалубку)3. крепление (траншеи, котлована); крепь- acoustical lining
- acoustic lining
- board lining
- breast lining
- canal lining
- cast-iron segmental lining
- door lining
- double lining
- extruded concrete lining
- flexible tunnel lining
- flue lining
- form linings
- primary lining
- rigid tunnel lining
- secondary lining
- shotcrete lining
- silicon rubber mould linings
- sound-absorbing lining
- steel plate lining
- string lining
- track lining
- tunnel lining -
17 slab
1) плита; панель; плита дорожного покрытия; панель перекрытия3) горбыль•- anchor slab - apron slab - armoured concrete slab - back slab - balcony slab - beam slab - bending slab - building slab - cement slab - cladding slab - composite slab - concrete slab - concrete pavement slab - continuous slab - continuous foundation slab - cored slab - cork slab - corner slab - cornice slab - crest slab - cross slab - curb slab - deck slab of dam - face slab - facing slab - fibre reinforced gypsum slab - filler-concrete slab - fixed-edge slab - floating slab - floor slab - floor slab of a bridge - grade slab - ground slab - gunited slab - heat insulating slab - laminated slab - large slab - lift slab - load-bearing wall slabs - marble wall slab - mineral wool slab - multilayer slab - one-way slab - pavement slab - paving slab - peat slab - pillar wall slab - plaster slab - plinth slab - precast slab - prefabricated slabs - ready-made slab - reinforced-concrete slab - ribbed slab - road slab - roadway slab - rolled slab - roof slab - sandwich slab - sheet slab - shell slab - short span slab - side slab - single-layer slab - sluice slab - sound insulating slab - sound isolation slab - spillway slab - stiffened slab - T-beam floor slab - test slab - thickened edge slab - thin slab - three-layer slab - toe slab - truss slab - two-way slab - uniform road slab - uniform thickness slab - upstream-deck slab - ventilation slab - wall slab - wall heating slab - window slab - wind-protective slab - wood-based slab - woodfibre slab - woodwool slabslab with stiffened edges — плита с укреплёнными краями; плита с жёстко заделанными краями
* * *1. плита ( элемент конструкции)2. горбыль ( пиломатериал)slab over basement — надподвальная плита, плита подвального перекрытия
slab rested on loose fill material — плита ( пола), опирающаяся на насыпной грунт
slab shotcreted over expanded metal — бетонная плита, выполненная методом торкретирования поверх просечно-вытяжного настила; торкрет-бетонная плита, армированная просечно-вытяжным настилом
slab simply supported on four sides — прямоугольная плита, свободно [шарнирно] опёртая по четырём сторонам
- approach slabslab spanning in two directions — плита, работающая в двух направлениях
- apron slab
- balcony slab
- basement slab
- beam slab
- beam and girder slab
- brick-lined concrete slab
- bridge deck slab
- compressed straw slab
- concrete slab
- concrete slab on grade
- continuous slab
- deck slab
- edge supported slab
- equalizing slab
- fixed-edge slab
- flat slab
- floating slab
- floor slab
- foundation slab
- ground slab
- heat-insulating slab
- hollow core slab
- hollow-tile floor slab
- infinite slab
- in-situ concrete slab
- leftward skew slab
- lift slab
- marked out facing slab
- monolithic slab and foundation slab
- mud slab
- paving slab
- plaster slab
- post-tensioned slab
- post-tension slab
- restrained slab
- ribbed slab above basement
- roof slab
- sandwich slab
- semi-infinite slab
- short span slab
- simply supported slab
- skew slab
- solid slab
- spillway slab
- structural slab
- terrazzo facing slab
- terrazzo slab
- two-way slab
- two-way ribbed flat slab
- two-way ribbed slab
- unstiffened edge slab
- upstanding beam slab
- upstand beam slab
- upstream-deck slab
- waffle slab
- wood-fiber slab
См. также в других словарях:
acoustical tile — tile made in various sizes and textures from soft, usually fibrous, sound absorbing material, as wood, cork, or metal, and typically applied to ceilings or walls. * * * … Universalium
acoustical tile — tile made in various sizes and textures from soft, usually fibrous, sound absorbing material, as wood, cork, or metal, and typically applied to ceilings or walls … Useful english dictionary
acoustical — [ə ko͞os′ti kəl] adj. acoustic; specif., having to do with the control of sound [acoustical tile absorbs sounds] * * * … Universalium
acoustical — [ə ko͞os′ti kəl] adj. acoustic; specif., having to do with the control of sound [acoustical tile absorbs sounds] … English World dictionary
tile — tilelike, adj. /tuyl/, n., v., tiled, tiling. n. 1. a thin slab or bent piece of baked clay, sometimes painted or glazed, used for various purposes, as to form one of the units of a roof covering, floor, or revetment. 2. any of various similar… … Universalium
Architectural acoustics — is the science of noise control within buildings. The first application of architectural acoustics was in the design of opera houses and then concert halls. More widely, noise suppression is critical in the design of multi unit dwellings and… … Wikipedia
Bathhouse Row — Infobox nrhp | name =Bathhouse Row nrhp type = nhl caption = Skylight in Fordyce bathhouse location= Hot Springs, Arkansas lat degrees = 34 | lat minutes = 30 | lat seconds = 49 | lat direction = N long degrees = 93 | long minutes = 3 | long… … Wikipedia
FrobozzCo International — is a fictional monopolous conglomerate from the Infocom text adventure Zork universe. FrobozzCo International s motto is You name it, we do it . The company endured until the end of the Age of Magic. FrobozzCo products are littered throughout all … Wikipedia
Union Station (Los Angeles) — Infobox Station style=Amtrak name=Los Angeles Union Station image size=300 image caption=A view of Union Station familiar to many of downtown Los Angeles visitors. address=800 N Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 line=AmtrakAmtrak… … Wikipedia
bagasse — /beuh gas /, n. 1. crushed sugar cane or beet refuse from sugar making. 2. paper made from fibers of bagasse. [1820 30, Amer.; < F < AmerSp, Sp bagazo, deriv. of baga seed capsule of the flax plant (presumably orig. of any fruit) < L baca berry;… … Universalium
Limit state design — (LSD) refers to a design methodology used in structural engineering. The methodology is in fact a modernization and rationalization of engineering knowledge which was well established prior to the adoption of LSD. Beyond the concept of a limit… … Wikipedia