1 acoustic technology
Авиация: технология снижения шумов -
2 acoustic technology
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > acoustic technology
3 acoustic technology
4 acoustic
acoustic airport environmentуровень шумового фона в районе аэропортаacoustic backgroundакустический фонacoustic calibrationакустическая калибровкаacoustic correctionакустическая коррекцияacoustic dataакустические данныеacoustic fieldакустическое полеacoustic impactзвуковой ударacoustic impedanceакустическая защитаacoustic insulationзвукоизоляцияacoustic liningакустическая облицовкаacoustic lining configurationконфигурация с акустической облицовкойacoustic materialзвукоизоляционный материалacoustic measurement stationпункт проведения акустических замеровacoustic noiseакустический шумacoustic overheadакустический фонacoustic propertyакустическая характеристикаacoustic radiationакустическое излучениеacoustic reference levelисходный акустический уровеньacoustic technologyтехнология снижения шумовacoustic transducerакустический преобразовательacoustic treatmentакустическая облицовкаengine acoustic performanceакустическая характеристика двигателяspecific acoustic impedanceудельное акустическое сопротивление -
5 technology
technology nтехнологияacoustic technologyтехнология снижения шумовcurrent noise technology standardдействующий технологический стандарт по шумуproduction technologyтехнология производства -
6 technology
7 technology
1) техника2) технология3) метод; способ; (технологический) приём•- advanced technology
- advanced technology extended
- ALIVH technology
- anti technology
- anti-fuse technology
- any layer, inner via hole technology
- beam-lead technology
- bi-FET technology
- bipolar technology
- blend-to-analog technology
- bubble technology
- C-MOS technology
- communication technology
- compiled cell technology
- complementary MOS technology
- computer technology
- computer literacy and information technology
- conductive ink technology
- continuous read technology
- cryogenic technology
- data processing technology
- depletion technology
- diffusion technology
- digital watermarking technology
- discrete wire technology
- display technology
- D-MOS technology
- double-diffused MOS technology
- emerging technology
- encapsulation technology
- epitaxial technology
- flexible technology
- full-slice technology
- fusible-link technology
- fuzz-button technology
- glass-ambient technology
- high technology
- high speed technology
- hybrid technology
- IBOC technology
- in-band/on-channel technology
- information technology
- information technologies and systems
- integrated-circuit technology
- interactive technology
- isoplanar technology
- keyboard technology
- large-scale integration technology
- local oxidation on silicon technology
- locos technology
- loop technology
- magnetic-bubble domain technology
- magnetooptical technology
- master-slice technology
- measurement technology
- MEMS technology
- MEMS-based technology
- metal-oxide-semiconductor and bipolar technology
- microelectromechanical system technology
- microelectromechanical system-based technology
- microvia technology
- microwave technology
- millimeter-wave technology
- mixed technology
- M-O technology
- monolithic technology
- multimedia technology
- nanoscale technology
- optical technology
- optical fiber technology
- optical recording technology
- partial-response maximum likelihood read-channel technology
- phase change technology
- photomasking technology
- photoresist technology
- plug-and-jack technology
- polysilicon-gate technology
- pull technology
- pull-push technology
- push technology
- radar technology
- reduced instruction set computing technology
- reduced output swing technology
- remote automation technology
- remotely-manned technology
- resolution enhancement technology
- RISC technology
- robotics technology
- SAW technology
- semiconductor technology
- short-link wireless technology
- SIC technology
- silicon integrated-circuit technology
- solid logic technology
- solid-state technology
- space technology
- submicron technology
- surface-acoustic-wave technology
- surface mount technology
- surface-mounting technology
- transient electromagnetic pulse emanation surveillance technology
- Travan technology
- TRIM technology
- tri-mask technology
- trusted network technology
- ultra fine pitch technology
- vacuum technology
- very large-scale integration technology
- V-groove MOS technology
- V-MOS technology
- virtual technology
- zone-refining technology -
8 saw technology
Макаров: (surface-acoustic-wave technology) техника поверхностных акустических волн (техника ПАВ), (surface-acoustic-wave technology) техника ПАВ (техника поверхностных акустических волн) -
9 surface-acoustic-wave technology
1) Электроника: техника пав, техника поверхностных акустических волн2) Макаров: (SAW technology) техника поверхностных акустических волн (техника ПАВ), (SAW technology) техника ПАВ (техника поверхностных акустических волн)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > surface-acoustic-wave technology
10 SAW technology
11 SAW technology (surface-acoustic-wave technology)
Макаров: техника поверхностных акустических волн (техника ПАВ), техника ПАВ (техника поверхностных акустических волн)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > SAW technology (surface-acoustic-wave technology)
12 surface-acoustic-wave technology (SAW technology)
Макаров: техника поверхностных акустических волн (техника ПАВ), техника ПАВ (техника поверхностных акустических волн)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > surface-acoustic-wave technology (SAW technology)
13 deep acoustic wave technology
Лазерная медицина: технология глубокой акустической волныУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > deep acoustic wave technology
14 surface-acoustic-wave technology
техника поверхностных акустических волн, техника ПАВEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > surface-acoustic-wave technology
15 surface-acoustic-wave technology
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > surface-acoustic-wave technology
16 ATS
1) Общая лексика: (anti-tetanus serum) ПСС (противостолбнячная сыворотка) (http://www.sarid.net/earthquake/appeal102405.htm), Approved Teacher Status2) Авиация: условия приёмки, УВД, Administrative Tehminal System, Airbus Technical Specification, air traffic sector, auto throttle system, auto thrust system3) Спорт: Against The Spread4) Военный термин: Across The Scope, Advanced Tracking Sensor, Air Technical Service, Air Transport Service, Airborne Tactical SIGINT, Annual Training Site, Army Transport Service, Army topographic station, Audit Trail Server, Automated Tasking System, Salvage and Rescue Ship, accelerator test stand, acceptance test specification, acoustic target sensor, acoustic telemetry subsystem, acquisition and tracking system, active television system, advanced target system, advanced training school, advanced training squadron, air traffic section, air training scheme, air training school, air transport squadron, air-to-surface, aircraft trouble-shooting system, aircraft turnaround supervisor, aircrew training system, angle tracking subsystem, antenna test station, applications technology satellite, armament training station, automatic tactical switchboard, automatic telemetry system, automatic terminal system, automatic test system5) Техника: acoustic telescanner, acquisition target and search, advanced technology satellite program, advanced text system, advanced tubesheet sleeve, advanced turbine systems, agency training system, air transportable sonar, air-to-ship, airport traffic service, ampere-turns, analog television system, angle tracking system, automated telegraph system, automated terminal station, automatic transmission system6) Метеорология: Advanced Technology Satellites7) Юридический термин: Analytic Trouble Shooting8) Автомобильный термин: air temperature sensor (Chrysler)9) Ветеринария: American Tarantula Society10) Телекоммуникации: АСП, аналоговая система передачи11) Сокращение: Acoustic Tracking System, Advanced Tactical Support, Advanced Tactical Surveillance (aircraft), Advanced Tactical Surveillance, Advanced Technology Satellite, Advanced Tracking System, Agile Target System, Air Traffic Services, Air Traffic System, Air Transport Service / Support, Aircrew Training System (USA), American Temperance Society, American Theological Society, American Therapeutic Society, Amphibious Transport Ship, Astronomical Time Switch, Atelier de Construction de Tarbes (France), Automated Telemetry System, Automatic Tray Sleever, Aviation Training Ship (UK Royal Navy), Salvage & rescue ship (USA), Automatic Telephone System (Station), American Television Society, American Test System, исполнительная терминальная система (Administrative Terminal System)12) Университет: American Teaching System, Applicant Tracking System13) Физиология: Anxiety tension state, Arteriosclerosis14) Электроника: Absolute Time Sequence15) Вычислительная техника: Abstract Test Suite, Administrative Terminal System, Apple Terminal Services (Apple, AppleTalk), система автоматического перевода16) Нефть: auto transfer system, automated test system17) Иммунология: antitetanic serum, antithymocyte serum18) Биохимия: Anti-Thymocyte Serum19) Банковское дело: австрийский шиллинг (Austrian schilling), система автоматического перевода денежных средств (automatic transfer system), счёт услуг по автоматическому переводу средств (СУАП)20) Транспорт: Advanced Transportation System, American Travel Survey, Automatic Train Supervision, Aviation Technical Services21) Воздухоплавание: Air Traffic Service22) Фирменный знак: Amalgamated Taxis Services23) Деловая лексика: Aggravate The Secretaries, Alternative Trading Systems, Angel The Series, Australian Technology Showcase, Automated Trading System24) Нефтегазовая техника автоматическая телеметрическая система (automated telemetry system)25) Образование: Alternate Training Solutions26) Инвестиции: Austrian schilling27) Сетевые технологии: automated troubleshooting system, automatic transfer system, автоматическая система диагностики, автоматический передаточный ключ (Automatic Transfer Switch)28) Программирование: At Title Screen29) Автоматика: automatic terminal station30) Океанография: Application Technology Satellite31) Лесопиление: бревнопильный станок для работы в полевых условиях32) Расширение файла: Apple Terminal Services33) Карачаганак: система отслеживания мероприятий (Action Tracking System)34) Электротехника: automatic transfer switch, автоматическое переключение резерва35) NYSE. A P T Satellite Holdings, LTD.36) Программное обеспечение: Apple Type Services -
17 ATs
1) Общая лексика: (anti-tetanus serum) ПСС (противостолбнячная сыворотка) (http://www.sarid.net/earthquake/appeal102405.htm), Approved Teacher Status2) Авиация: условия приёмки, УВД, Administrative Tehminal System, Airbus Technical Specification, air traffic sector, auto throttle system, auto thrust system3) Спорт: Against The Spread4) Военный термин: Across The Scope, Advanced Tracking Sensor, Air Technical Service, Air Transport Service, Airborne Tactical SIGINT, Annual Training Site, Army Transport Service, Army topographic station, Audit Trail Server, Automated Tasking System, Salvage and Rescue Ship, accelerator test stand, acceptance test specification, acoustic target sensor, acoustic telemetry subsystem, acquisition and tracking system, active television system, advanced target system, advanced training school, advanced training squadron, air traffic section, air training scheme, air training school, air transport squadron, air-to-surface, aircraft trouble-shooting system, aircraft turnaround supervisor, aircrew training system, angle tracking subsystem, antenna test station, applications technology satellite, armament training station, automatic tactical switchboard, automatic telemetry system, automatic terminal system, automatic test system5) Техника: acoustic telescanner, acquisition target and search, advanced technology satellite program, advanced text system, advanced tubesheet sleeve, advanced turbine systems, agency training system, air transportable sonar, air-to-ship, airport traffic service, ampere-turns, analog television system, angle tracking system, automated telegraph system, automated terminal station, automatic transmission system6) Метеорология: Advanced Technology Satellites7) Юридический термин: Analytic Trouble Shooting8) Автомобильный термин: air temperature sensor (Chrysler)9) Ветеринария: American Tarantula Society10) Телекоммуникации: АСП, аналоговая система передачи11) Сокращение: Acoustic Tracking System, Advanced Tactical Support, Advanced Tactical Surveillance (aircraft), Advanced Tactical Surveillance, Advanced Technology Satellite, Advanced Tracking System, Agile Target System, Air Traffic Services, Air Traffic System, Air Transport Service / Support, Aircrew Training System (USA), American Temperance Society, American Theological Society, American Therapeutic Society, Amphibious Transport Ship, Astronomical Time Switch, Atelier de Construction de Tarbes (France), Automated Telemetry System, Automatic Tray Sleever, Aviation Training Ship (UK Royal Navy), Salvage & rescue ship (USA), Automatic Telephone System (Station), American Television Society, American Test System, исполнительная терминальная система (Administrative Terminal System)12) Университет: American Teaching System, Applicant Tracking System13) Физиология: Anxiety tension state, Arteriosclerosis14) Электроника: Absolute Time Sequence15) Вычислительная техника: Abstract Test Suite, Administrative Terminal System, Apple Terminal Services (Apple, AppleTalk), система автоматического перевода16) Нефть: auto transfer system, automated test system17) Иммунология: antitetanic serum, antithymocyte serum18) Биохимия: Anti-Thymocyte Serum19) Банковское дело: австрийский шиллинг (Austrian schilling), система автоматического перевода денежных средств (automatic transfer system), счёт услуг по автоматическому переводу средств (СУАП)20) Транспорт: Advanced Transportation System, American Travel Survey, Automatic Train Supervision, Aviation Technical Services21) Воздухоплавание: Air Traffic Service22) Фирменный знак: Amalgamated Taxis Services23) Деловая лексика: Aggravate The Secretaries, Alternative Trading Systems, Angel The Series, Australian Technology Showcase, Automated Trading System24) Нефтегазовая техника автоматическая телеметрическая система (automated telemetry system)25) Образование: Alternate Training Solutions26) Инвестиции: Austrian schilling27) Сетевые технологии: automated troubleshooting system, automatic transfer system, автоматическая система диагностики, автоматический передаточный ключ (Automatic Transfer Switch)28) Программирование: At Title Screen29) Автоматика: automatic terminal station30) Океанография: Application Technology Satellite31) Лесопиление: бревнопильный станок для работы в полевых условиях32) Расширение файла: Apple Terminal Services33) Карачаганак: система отслеживания мероприятий (Action Tracking System)34) Электротехника: automatic transfer switch, автоматическое переключение резерва35) NYSE. A P T Satellite Holdings, LTD.36) Программное обеспечение: Apple Type Services -
18 ats
1) Общая лексика: (anti-tetanus serum) ПСС (противостолбнячная сыворотка) (http://www.sarid.net/earthquake/appeal102405.htm), Approved Teacher Status2) Авиация: условия приёмки, УВД, Administrative Tehminal System, Airbus Technical Specification, air traffic sector, auto throttle system, auto thrust system3) Спорт: Against The Spread4) Военный термин: Across The Scope, Advanced Tracking Sensor, Air Technical Service, Air Transport Service, Airborne Tactical SIGINT, Annual Training Site, Army Transport Service, Army topographic station, Audit Trail Server, Automated Tasking System, Salvage and Rescue Ship, accelerator test stand, acceptance test specification, acoustic target sensor, acoustic telemetry subsystem, acquisition and tracking system, active television system, advanced target system, advanced training school, advanced training squadron, air traffic section, air training scheme, air training school, air transport squadron, air-to-surface, aircraft trouble-shooting system, aircraft turnaround supervisor, aircrew training system, angle tracking subsystem, antenna test station, applications technology satellite, armament training station, automatic tactical switchboard, automatic telemetry system, automatic terminal system, automatic test system5) Техника: acoustic telescanner, acquisition target and search, advanced technology satellite program, advanced text system, advanced tubesheet sleeve, advanced turbine systems, agency training system, air transportable sonar, air-to-ship, airport traffic service, ampere-turns, analog television system, angle tracking system, automated telegraph system, automated terminal station, automatic transmission system6) Метеорология: Advanced Technology Satellites7) Юридический термин: Analytic Trouble Shooting8) Автомобильный термин: air temperature sensor (Chrysler)9) Ветеринария: American Tarantula Society10) Телекоммуникации: АСП, аналоговая система передачи11) Сокращение: Acoustic Tracking System, Advanced Tactical Support, Advanced Tactical Surveillance (aircraft), Advanced Tactical Surveillance, Advanced Technology Satellite, Advanced Tracking System, Agile Target System, Air Traffic Services, Air Traffic System, Air Transport Service / Support, Aircrew Training System (USA), American Temperance Society, American Theological Society, American Therapeutic Society, Amphibious Transport Ship, Astronomical Time Switch, Atelier de Construction de Tarbes (France), Automated Telemetry System, Automatic Tray Sleever, Aviation Training Ship (UK Royal Navy), Salvage & rescue ship (USA), Automatic Telephone System (Station), American Television Society, American Test System, исполнительная терминальная система (Administrative Terminal System)12) Университет: American Teaching System, Applicant Tracking System13) Физиология: Anxiety tension state, Arteriosclerosis14) Электроника: Absolute Time Sequence15) Вычислительная техника: Abstract Test Suite, Administrative Terminal System, Apple Terminal Services (Apple, AppleTalk), система автоматического перевода16) Нефть: auto transfer system, automated test system17) Иммунология: antitetanic serum, antithymocyte serum18) Биохимия: Anti-Thymocyte Serum19) Банковское дело: австрийский шиллинг (Austrian schilling), система автоматического перевода денежных средств (automatic transfer system), счёт услуг по автоматическому переводу средств (СУАП)20) Транспорт: Advanced Transportation System, American Travel Survey, Automatic Train Supervision, Aviation Technical Services21) Воздухоплавание: Air Traffic Service22) Фирменный знак: Amalgamated Taxis Services23) Деловая лексика: Aggravate The Secretaries, Alternative Trading Systems, Angel The Series, Australian Technology Showcase, Automated Trading System24) Нефтегазовая техника автоматическая телеметрическая система (automated telemetry system)25) Образование: Alternate Training Solutions26) Инвестиции: Austrian schilling27) Сетевые технологии: automated troubleshooting system, automatic transfer system, автоматическая система диагностики, автоматический передаточный ключ (Automatic Transfer Switch)28) Программирование: At Title Screen29) Автоматика: automatic terminal station30) Океанография: Application Technology Satellite31) Лесопиление: бревнопильный станок для работы в полевых условиях32) Расширение файла: Apple Terminal Services33) Карачаганак: система отслеживания мероприятий (Action Tracking System)34) Электротехника: automatic transfer switch, автоматическое переключение резерва35) NYSE. A P T Satellite Holdings, LTD.36) Программное обеспечение: Apple Type Services -
19 SAT
1) Авиация: спутниковый2) Военный термин: Seattle Army terminal, Security Assistance Test, Security Audit Trail, Software Acceptance Test, Spatial Analysis Tool kit, Staff Augmentation Team, Systems Approach to Training, sabotage alert team, safe arming time, sate acceptance test, scholastic aptitude test, scientific advisory team, security alert team, semiautomatic test equipment, service acceptance trials, small-arms training, special assistance team, specific aptitude test, system alignment test, system approach to training, systems acceptance tests3) Техника: self-alignment technique, site access training, small aperture antenna, small aperture earth terminal, spray additive tank, startup auxiliary transformer, station auxiliary transformer, surface anisotropic etch, surface anisotropic etching, surface-alloy transistor, synchronized acoustic transmitter, synchronous/asynchronous transmitter, synthetic aperture tomographic system, systematic approach to training4) Сельское хозяйство: serum agglutination test5) Шутливое выражение: Scream Aptitude Test, Somebody Ain't Teaching, Superhuman America Team6) Химия: University of St. Andrews - 27) Религия: Seekers After Truth8) Грубое выражение: Stupid As Tacks, Stupid Ass Test, Suck Ass Test9) Телекоммуникации: Sad And Tedious10) Сокращение: Sea Acceptance Testing, Situational Awareness Technology, Small Arms Trainer, Small Arms Transmitter, Societe Anonyme de Telecommunications (France), Synchronised Acoustic Transmitter, Scholastic Assessment Test (formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test), Science And Technology, Security Awareness Training, Sell-Assessment Test(s), Standard Assessment Tests, Standard Assesssment Task, Standard Attainment Tests, Statutory Assessment Tests, Substand Abuse Treatment, Surgery, Anesthesiology and Trauma, Suspended Acoustic Tile11) Университет: Science, Aeronautics, And Technology, Science, Art, And Technology, Stanford Achievement Test, Student Action Team, Student Assistance Team12) Физиология: Saturation (usually Oxygen Saturation)13) Электроника: Self Adjusting Technology, Self Adjusting Threshold, Smart Amp Technology, Spray acid tool14) Вычислительная техника: Summed Area Table (3D, MIP), Standard AUTODIN Terminal (AUTODIN, Mil.), SIM Application Toolkit (SIM, GSM), Satellite (Space), SIM application toolkit15) Нефть: signal attenuation tool16) Иммунология: spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis17) Транспорт: San Antonio International Airport18) СМИ: Spanish Announcer Team19) Деловая лексика: Support, Accountability, And Training20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: прибор для сбора сейсмических данных (Seismic Acquisition Tool)21) Образование: Scholastic Achievement Test, Scholastic Assessment Test, Skills Assessment Toolkit, Standardized Aptitude Test, Тест на проверку академических способностей22) Полимеры: sol-air temperature23) Программирование: Save As Text24) Контроль качества: system acceptance test25) Сахалин Р: Seismic Acquisition Tool26) Химическое оружие: Site acceptance test, Special action team27) Авиационная медицина: spatial apperception test28) Безопасность: supervising audio tone29) Электрические машины: приёмка на месте эксплуатации, приёмка на площадке30) Нефть и газ: site acceptance testing, (Single Acting Tanker) танкер одинарного действия31) Электротехника: silicon asymmetrical trigger32) Высокочастотная электроника: supervisory audio tone33) Чат: Sending A Thought, Sorry About That, Spare A Thought34) Правительство: San Antonio, Texas35) NYSE. Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holding Company36) Аэропорты: San Antonio International Airport, San Antonio, Texas USA37) Программное обеспечение: Software Architecture Technology, Sprite Animation Toolkit, System Administration Tool -
20 Sat
1) Авиация: спутниковый2) Военный термин: Seattle Army terminal, Security Assistance Test, Security Audit Trail, Software Acceptance Test, Spatial Analysis Tool kit, Staff Augmentation Team, Systems Approach to Training, sabotage alert team, safe arming time, sate acceptance test, scholastic aptitude test, scientific advisory team, security alert team, semiautomatic test equipment, service acceptance trials, small-arms training, special assistance team, specific aptitude test, system alignment test, system approach to training, systems acceptance tests3) Техника: self-alignment technique, site access training, small aperture antenna, small aperture earth terminal, spray additive tank, startup auxiliary transformer, station auxiliary transformer, surface anisotropic etch, surface anisotropic etching, surface-alloy transistor, synchronized acoustic transmitter, synchronous/asynchronous transmitter, synthetic aperture tomographic system, systematic approach to training4) Сельское хозяйство: serum agglutination test5) Шутливое выражение: Scream Aptitude Test, Somebody Ain't Teaching, Superhuman America Team6) Химия: University of St. Andrews - 27) Религия: Seekers After Truth8) Грубое выражение: Stupid As Tacks, Stupid Ass Test, Suck Ass Test9) Телекоммуникации: Sad And Tedious10) Сокращение: Sea Acceptance Testing, Situational Awareness Technology, Small Arms Trainer, Small Arms Transmitter, Societe Anonyme de Telecommunications (France), Synchronised Acoustic Transmitter, Scholastic Assessment Test (formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test), Science And Technology, Security Awareness Training, Sell-Assessment Test(s), Standard Assessment Tests, Standard Assesssment Task, Standard Attainment Tests, Statutory Assessment Tests, Substand Abuse Treatment, Surgery, Anesthesiology and Trauma, Suspended Acoustic Tile11) Университет: Science, Aeronautics, And Technology, Science, Art, And Technology, Stanford Achievement Test, Student Action Team, Student Assistance Team12) Физиология: Saturation (usually Oxygen Saturation)13) Электроника: Self Adjusting Technology, Self Adjusting Threshold, Smart Amp Technology, Spray acid tool14) Вычислительная техника: Summed Area Table (3D, MIP), Standard AUTODIN Terminal (AUTODIN, Mil.), SIM Application Toolkit (SIM, GSM), Satellite (Space), SIM application toolkit15) Нефть: signal attenuation tool16) Иммунология: spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis17) Транспорт: San Antonio International Airport18) СМИ: Spanish Announcer Team19) Деловая лексика: Support, Accountability, And Training20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: прибор для сбора сейсмических данных (Seismic Acquisition Tool)21) Образование: Scholastic Achievement Test, Scholastic Assessment Test, Skills Assessment Toolkit, Standardized Aptitude Test, Тест на проверку академических способностей22) Полимеры: sol-air temperature23) Программирование: Save As Text24) Контроль качества: system acceptance test25) Сахалин Р: Seismic Acquisition Tool26) Химическое оружие: Site acceptance test, Special action team27) Авиационная медицина: spatial apperception test28) Безопасность: supervising audio tone29) Электрические машины: приёмка на месте эксплуатации, приёмка на площадке30) Нефть и газ: site acceptance testing, (Single Acting Tanker) танкер одинарного действия31) Электротехника: silicon asymmetrical trigger32) Высокочастотная электроника: supervisory audio tone33) Чат: Sending A Thought, Sorry About That, Spare A Thought34) Правительство: San Antonio, Texas35) NYSE. Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holding Company36) Аэропорты: San Antonio International Airport, San Antonio, Texas USA37) Программное обеспечение: Software Architecture Technology, Sprite Animation Toolkit, System Administration Tool
См. также в других словарях:
Acoustic cleaning — is used wherever there is a build up of dry materials and particulates which need to be cleaned regularly to ensure maximum efficiency and minimize maintenance and down time. An acoustic cleaner works by generating powerful sound waves which will … Wikipedia
Acoustic droplet ejection — (ADE) uses a pulse of ultrasound to move low volumes of fluids (typically nanoliters or picoliters) without any physical contact. This technology focuses acoustic energy into a fluid sample in order to eject droplets as small as a picoliter. ADE… … Wikipedia
Acoustic location — is the art and science of using sound to determine the distance and direction of something. Location can be done actively or passively, and can take place in gases (such as the atmosphere), liquids (such as water), and in solids (such as in the… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Kitty — was a CIA project launched by the Directorate of Science Technology in the 1960s attempting to use cats in spy missions, intended to spy on the Kremlin, and Soviet embassies. A battery and a microphone were implanted into a cat and an antenna… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Emission — (AE) is a naturally occurring phenomenon whereby external stimuli such as mechanical loading generate sources of elastic waves. AE occurs when a small surface displacement of a material is produced. This occurs due to stress waves generated when… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Research — was a Cambridge, Massachusetts based company that manufactured high end audio equipment. The brand is now owned by Audiovox. Acoustic Research was well known for the AR 3 series of speaker systems, which used the 12 inch (305 mm) acoustic… … Wikipedia
Acoustic tags — are small sound emitting devices that allow the detection and/or remote tracking of fish in three dimensions. Commonly used to monitor the behavior of fish, studies are conducted in lakes, rivers, tributaries, estuaries and at sea. Acoustic tag… … Wikipedia
Acoustic levitation — is a method for suspending matter in a medium by using acoustic radiation pressure from intense sound waves in the medium. Acoustic levitation is possible because of the non linear effects of intense sound waves. [Cite web… … Wikipedia
Acoustic music — refers to music that solely or primarily uses instruments which produce sound through entirely acoustic means, as opposed to electronic means. The term acoustic music is a retronym, coined after the advent of electric instruments, such as the… … Wikipedia
Acoustic rheometer — employes piezo electric crystal that can easily launch a successive wave of extensions and contractions into the fluid. It applies an oscillating extensional stress to the system. System response can be interpreted in terms of extensional… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Transducer Company — ATC, Acoustic Transducer Company (рус. Ай Ти Си, Акустик Трансдьюсер Компани) Британский производитель акустических систем и компонентов. Так же известен как ATC Loudspeakers. Полное наименование компании Loudspeaker Technology Ltd.… … Википедия