1 acoustic ganglion
Биология: слуховой ганглий -
2 acoustic ganglion
3 ganglion
ganglion ганглий, (нервный) узелganglion ганглий, узел, скопление нервных клетокabdominal ganglion брюшной ганглий; узел брюшной нервной цепочкиaccessory ganglion дополнительный ганглийacoustic ganglion слуховой ганглийautonomic ganglion автономный ганглийbasal ganglion базальный ганглийbrain ganglion головной ганглийcerebral ganglion головной ганглийcervical ganglion шейный (симпатический) ганглийciliary ganglion цилиарный ганглий, ресничный ганглийcoeliac ganglion чревный ганглийcollateral ganglion коллатеральный ганглийcranial ganglion черепной ганглийDarkshevich's ganglion заднекомиссуральное ядро, ядро Даркшевичаfrontal ganglion фронтальный ганглийGasserian ganglion гассеров ганглий, полулунный ганглийgeniculate ganglion коленчатый ганглийMeckel's ganglion клинонёбный ганглийmesenteric ganglion брыжеечный ганглийnodose ganglion нодозный ганглий, узловатый ганглийotic ganglion слуховой ганглийparavertebral ganglion паравертебральный ганглийpetrosal ganglion каменистый ганглийRemak's ganglion ремаков узелsemilunar ganglion гассеров ганглий, полулунный ганглийsensory ganglion сенсорный ганглийsolar ganglion гассеров ганглий, полулунный ганглийsphenopalatine ganglion основно-нёбный ганглийspinal ganglion спинальный ганглийspiral ganglion спиральный ганглийstellate ganglion звездчатый ганглийsubesophageal ganglion подглоточный ганглийsubmaxillary ganglion подчелюстной ганглийterminal ganglion терминальный ганглийthoracic ganglion грудной ганглийventricular ganglion вентрикулярный ганглийvestibular ganglion вестибулярный ганглий, ганглий преддверияEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > ganglion
4 ganglion
ганглий, (нервный) узел- accessory ganglion
- acoustic ganglion
- auditory ganglion
- autonomic ganglion
- basal ganglion
- Bock's ganglion
- brain ganglion
- cerebral ganglion
- cervical ganglion
- ciliary ganglion
- cochlear ganglion
- coeliac ganglion
- collateral ganglion
- cranial ganglion
- Darkshevich's ganglion
- frontal ganglion
- Gasserian ganglion
- geniculate ganglion
- Meckel's ganglion
- mesenteric ganglion
- nodose ganglion
- otic ganglion
- paravertebral ganglion
- petrosal ganglion
- Remak's ganglion
- semilunar ganglion
- sensory ganglion
- solar ganglion
- sphenopalatine ganglion
- spinal ganglion
- spiral ganglion
- stellate ganglion
- subesophageal ganglion
- submaxillary ganglion
- superior cervical ganglion
- supraesophageal ganglion
- sympathetic ganglion
- terminal ganglion
- thoracic ganglion
- trigeminal ganglion
- tympanic ganglion
- ventricular ganglion
- vestibular ganglion
- visceral ganglion* * *• ганглий -
5 cell
1) клетка2) ячейка3) камера•- educated cell
- passenger cells
- absorbing cell
- accessory cell
- accessory pigment cell
- acidophil cell
- acinar cell
- acoustic hair cell
- adipose cell
- adventitional cell
- air cell
- allergized cell
- allogenerated cell
- allogenerated killer cell
- allogenic cell
- alpha cell
- amoebocytic cell
- amoeboid cell
- anaphylactic target cell
- antheridial cell
- antibody-armed cell
- antibody-coated cell
- antibody-containing cell
- antibody-forming cell
- antibody-generating cell
- antibody-producing cell
- antigen-educated cell
- antigen-experienced cell
- antigen-exposed cell
- antigen-presenting cell
- antigen-responsive cell
- antigen-sensitive cell
- antigen-specific cell
- apical cell
- archesporial cell
- argyrophil cell
- attacker cell
- atypical cardiac muscle cell
- autoaggressive cell
- autoimmune helper cell
- autologous responding cell
- auxiliary cell
- bacterial cell
- Baer's cell
- basal anal cell
- basal cell
- basket cell
- basophil cell
- bee's cells
- beta cell
- Betz cell
- binucleate cell
- bipolar cell
- B-lineage cell
- blood cell
- body cell
- bone cell
- boosted memory cell
- bottle cell
- bristle cell
- broad cell
- brown fat cell
- burst-forming cell
- bystander tumor cell
- caliciform cell
- cameloid cell
- canal cell
- cancer cell
- cancerous cell
- carrier-primed cell
- carrier-specific T helper cell
- cartilaginous cell
- cell of Bergmann's fiber
- cell of Fanana
- centroacinar cell
- chalice cell
- chlorophyll-containing cell
- chromaffin cell
- chromatophore cell
- ciliated cell
- Claudius' cell
- cleavage cell
- clonogenic cell
- closed cell
- clumped cells
- cluster-forming cells
- collagen-producing cell
- collar cell
- collared flagellate cell
- columnar cell
- committed cell
- common lymphoid stem cell
- common myeloid stem cell
- companion cell
- ConA-induced suppressor cell
- cone cell
- contrasuppressor T cell
- Coombs' positive red cell
- Corti's cell
- counting cell
- couple cell
- covering cell
- Craig-type dialysis cell
- CSF-producing cell
- cuboidal cell
- culture-origin cell
- cycling cell
- cytocidal cell
- cytotoxic cell
- cytotoxic T cell
- daughter cell
- decidual cell
- Deiters' cell
- delayer-type T cell
- demilune cells
- dentinal cell
- discal cell
- distal retinula cell
- dividing cell
- dormant cell
- drone cell
- durative cell
- dust cells
- EAC-rosetting cell
- EA-rosetting cell
- effector cell
- egg cell
- elementary cell
- embryo cell
- embryonic cell
- enamel cell
- end cell
- enterochromaffin cell
- eosinophil cell
- ependymal cell
- epidermal cell
- epithelial cell
- epithelial glial cell
- E-rosetting cell
- ethmoidal air cells
- excitatory cell
- exocrine cell
- F- cell
- F+ cell
- fat cell
- fatty cell
- feeder cell
- flame cell
- flask cell
- floor cell
- flow cell
- flow-through cell
- fluorescence-bright cell
- fluorescence-dull cell
- follicular cell
- foot cell
- formative cell
- founder cell
- free cell
- Freund's cells
- ganglionic nerve cell
- generative cell
- genetical storage cells
- germ cell
- germinal cell
- Gey's HeLa epithelial cells
- giant cell
- gland cell
- glandular cell
- glass-adherent cell
- glass-nonadherent cell
- glia cell
- glial Golgi cell
- glomerulosa cells
- GNA cell
- goblet cell
- Golgi cell
- Gram-negative cell
- Gram-positive cell
- granule cell
- granulobasal cell
- guard cell
- hair cell
- hapten-binding cell
- hapten-primed cell
- haptenylated cell
- HeLa cells
- helper cell
- hemic cell
- hemolysin-coated cell
- hemopoietic cell
- Hensen's cell
- hepatic cell
- Hersch's cell
- high-producer cell
- histoincompatible cells
- horizontal cell
- horizontal spindle-shaped nerve cell
- horn cell
- Hortega cell
- host cell
- hybrid cell
- hybridoma cell
- hydropot cell
- Ig-secreting cell
- ill-defined cell
- immature cell
- immobilized cells
- immune cell
- immunocompetent cell
- immunoglobulin-producing cell
- immunologically committed lymphoid cell
- immunoregulatory cell
- inclusion-bearing cell
- initial cell
- inner hair cell
- interstitial cell
- interstitial glandular cell of testis
- intestinal acidophil cell
- iris cell
- iris pigment cell
- irritation cell
- islet cell
- isotype-uncommitted B cell
- juvenile B cell
- juvenile cell
- K-cell
- killer cell
- Kupffer cell
- Langhans cell
- large-field cell
- lasso cell
- Leydig's cell
- liber cells
- light-producing cell
- lip cell
- living cell
- lutein cell
- lymph cell
- major mastoid air cell
- male cell
- malignant cell
- mantle cell
- Marchand's cell
- marginal cell
- marrow cell
- mast cell
- mastoid air cell
- mastoid cell
- mature cell
- mechanical cell
- memory cell
- meristematic cell
- mesenchyme cell
- migratory cell
- mini cell
- mitral cell
- mixed-lineage cells
- mobile cell
- modified self cell
- mononuclear cell
- mossy cell
- mother cell
- multinucleate cell
- myeloid cell
- myeloma cell
- naked cell
- natural cytotoxic cell
- natural killer cell
- natural suppressor cell
- NC cell
- nerve cell
- nerve multipolar cell
- nettling cell
- neurosecretory cell
- NK cell
- NK-sensitive cell
- noncorrectly fused cells
- noncycling cell
- nonproliferating cell
- nonspiking cell
- NS cell
- nurse cell
- nutritive cell
- oil cell
- olfactory cell
- open cell
- osseous cell
- osteogenetic cell
- outer limiting cell
- outer phalangeal cell
- outer supporting cell
- pairing cell
- palisade cell
- Paneth cell
- parenchymatous cell
- parent cell
- parietal cell
- passage cell
- pavement cell
- pericapillary cell
- pheochrome cell
- photogenic cell
- photoreceptor cell
- pigment cell
- pillar cell
- pituitary cell
- plankton counting cell
- plant cell
- plaque-forming cell
- plasma cell
- pluripotential cell
- pole cell
- postfusional cell
- postmitotic mature cell
- pre-B cell
- precommitted cell
- prekiller cell
- premitotic cell
- presenter cell
- prickle cell
- primed lymphoid cell
- primed responder cell
- primitive blood cell
- primitive sperm cell
- primordial germ cell
- progenitor cell
- promotor cell
- prop cell
- prothallial cell
- Purkinje's cell
- pus cell
- pyramidal cell
- queen cell
- quiescent cell
- radiate glial cell
- red blood cell
- repopulating cell
- reserve cell
- responder cell
- resting cell
- restricted stem cell
- reticuloendothelial cell
- Rieder cell
- rod cell
- rod nuclear cell
- rosette-forming cells
- Rouget cell
- royal cell
- satellite glial cell
- scavenger cell
- Schultze's cell
- Schwann's cell
- secondary B cell
- secretory cell
- segmentated cell
- segmentation cell
- self cell
- self-reactive cell
- self-restricted cell
- self-specific cell
- sense cell
- sensitized cell
- sensory cell
- Sertoli's cell
- sessile phagocytic cell
- sex cell
- sexual cell
- shadow cell
- sheath cell
- sickle cell
- sieve cell
- sister cells
- skein cell
- small cell of Ramon-y-Cajal
- somatic cell
- sperm cell
- spermatogenous cell
- spider cell
- spiking cell
- spinal ganglion cell
- spindle cell
- spiny epithelial cell
- sporogenous cell
- spot-forming cell
- squamous cell
- squamous epithelial cell
- stab cell
- staff cell
- stalk cell
- star cell
- starlike cell
- stellate cell
- stellate endothelial cell
- stellate nerve cell
- stem cell
- stimulator cell
- stinging cell
- stone cell
- stromal cell
- substituting cell
- supporting cell
- supporting glial cell of fiber
- suppressor cell
- suppressor-enriched T cells
- swarm cell
- switch T cell
- sympathicotropic cell
- sympathochromaffin cell
- T suppressor-cytotoxic cell
- tactile cell
- tapetal cell
- target binding cell
- target cell
- taste cell
- terminal cell
- testicular follicular cell
- thymus-repopulating cell
- T-lineage cell
- totipotent cell
- touch cell
- T-proliferative cell
- tracheidal cell
- triggered cell
- trophochrome cell
- tumor cell
- Türk irritation cell
- uncommitted cell
- undifferentiated cell
- unprimed cell
- vasoformative cell
- vegetative cell
- veiled cell
- veto cell
- virgin B cell
- visual cell
- wandering cell
- wandering resting cell
- whip cell
- white blood cell
- white branched epidermal cell
- white cell
- yeast cell
- yolk cell
- zymogenic cell
См. также в других словарях:
Ganglion — The celebrated 2nd century Greek physician Galen ((c. 130 201 A.D.) who lived and worked in Rome first used the word ganglion to denote a nerve complex. Ganglion still is used to refer to an aggregation of nerve cell bodies. Another use of the… … Medical dictionary
ganglion cochleare — [TA] cochlear ganglion: the sensory ganglion located within the spiral canal of the modiolus. It consists of bipolar cells that send fibers peripherally through the foramina nervosa to the spiral organ and centrally through the internal acoustic… … Medical dictionary
ganglion vestibulare — [TA] vestibular ganglion: the sensory ganglion located in the upper part of the lateral end of the internal acoustic meatus, the bipolar nerve cells of which give rise to the fibers of the vestibular nerve … Medical dictionary
Spiral ganglion — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = ganglion spirale GraySubject = 228 GrayPage = 1051 Caption = Transverse section of the cochlear duct of a fetal cat. (Ganglion spirale is labeled at top, second from left.) Caption2 = Part of the cochlear… … Wikipedia
auditory ganglion — noun : acoustic tubercle … Useful english dictionary
animal development — Introduction the processes that lead eventually to the formation of a new animal starting from cells derived from one or more parent individuals. Development thus occurs following the process by which a new generation of organisms is produced by … Universalium
Nerve — A bundle of fibers that uses electrical and chemical signals to transmit sensory and motor information from one body part to another. See nervous system. * * * A whitish cordlike structure composed of one or more bundles (fascicles) of myelinated … Medical dictionary
Cochlear nuclei — Brain: Cochlear nuclei Dissection of brain stem. Dorsal view. ( Cochlear nucleus is labeled on left, fifth from the bottom.) … Wikipedia
Cerebellopontine angle syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 9 191.6 Neoplasms of brain: Cerebellum NOS: Cerebellopontine angle The cerebellopontine angle is the anatomic space between the cerebellum and the pons. This is a common site for the growth of acoustic… … Wikipedia
ear, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction organ of hearing and equilibrium that detects and analyzes noises by transduction (or the conversion of sound waves into electrochemical impulses) and maintains the sense of balance (equilibrium). The human ear, like … Universalium
Vestibulocochlear nerve — Nerve: Vestibulocochlear nerve The course and connections of the facial nerve in the temporal bone … Wikipedia