1 acoustic data
Авиация: акустические данные -
2 acoustic data
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > acoustic data
3 acoustic data
4 acoustic data
акустические данные [сигналы] -
5 acoustic data capsule
[lang name="English"]ACODAC, acoustic data capsuleEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > acoustic data capsule
6 acoustic data capsule
7 acoustic data analysis center
Техника: центр анализа акустических данныхУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > acoustic data analysis center
8 acoustic data capsule
1) Военный термин: капсула для приёма акустических сигналов2) Экология: капсула с данными акустических приборов -
9 acoustic data processor
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > acoustic data processor
10 pseudo-acoustic data
English-Russian dictionary of geology > pseudo-acoustic data
11 gather underwater acoustic data
Военный термин: собирать подводные акустические данные (англ. цитата - из репортажа CNN)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gather underwater acoustic data
12 pseudo-acoustic data
Геофизика: псевдо-акустические данные -
13 secure transmission of acoustic data
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > secure transmission of acoustic data
14 acoustic
acoustic airport environmentуровень шумового фона в районе аэропортаacoustic backgroundакустический фонacoustic calibrationакустическая калибровкаacoustic correctionакустическая коррекцияacoustic dataакустические данныеacoustic fieldакустическое полеacoustic impactзвуковой ударacoustic impedanceакустическая защитаacoustic insulationзвукоизоляцияacoustic liningакустическая облицовкаacoustic lining configurationконфигурация с акустической облицовкойacoustic materialзвукоизоляционный материалacoustic measurement stationпункт проведения акустических замеровacoustic noiseакустический шумacoustic overheadакустический фонacoustic propertyакустическая характеристикаacoustic radiationакустическое излучениеacoustic reference levelисходный акустический уровеньacoustic technologyтехнология снижения шумовacoustic transducerакустический преобразовательacoustic treatmentакустическая облицовкаengine acoustic performanceакустическая характеристика двигателяspecific acoustic impedanceудельное акустическое сопротивление -
15 data
1. данные; информация; сведенияacceleration dataaccelerometer dataacoustic dataaerodynamic dataair dataaircraft dataairflow dataairfoil dataangle-of-attack dataauto-flap flight databalance datacoefficient datacomputer datacontrol datacontrol surface datacost datacost effectiveness datacrack datacrash datacruise datadamping datadownlink datadrag datadynamic dataengine datafatigue dataflight dataflight measured dataflight-extracted dataflight progress dataflutter datafour-bladed datafractographic datafracture datafree-to-roll datafrequency response datafull-scale datahandling qualities datahard datahigh-stress dataicing dataimpact datainertia datainfra-red datainput datajet dataJTIDS datakinetheodolite dataknowledge datalateral datalateral-directional dataleading-edge flap-only datalessons-learned datalevel recording dataload datalongitudinal datamaintenance datamaneuver datamaneuvering datamass/inertia datamean-flow datamission-related datamodal test datamodel datamodel-scale datamoment of inertia dataoil flow dataopen-loop dataoscillatory dataperformance datapilot rating dataposition datapositioning datapower required datapower-off datapressure dataradar dataradiometric dataramp dataraw dataresponse datarotary-balance datarouting datasensor datasideslip datasimulated datasoft dataspeed-power datastability datastatic wind tunnel datasteady-state datastep response datastick datastructural datasubcritical datatask dataTCAS datatelemetered datatelemetry datatemperature dataterrain datatest datathrust datatouchdown datatrajectory datatrimmed datatunnel dataundeflected flap datavibration datavisualization datavortex dataweather dataweight and balance datawind datawind-tunnel datawing rock datayaw data -
16 data
17 data transducer
18 acoustic field
19 acoustic intelligence data system
1) Морской термин: система обнаружения работы гидроакустических станций2) Техника: информационная система акустической разведкиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > acoustic intelligence data system
20 acoustic intelligence data system
English-Russian marine dictionary > acoustic intelligence data system
См. также в других словарях:
Acoustic coupler — In telecommunications, the term acoustic coupler has the following meanings: # An interface device for coupling electrical signals by acoustical means usually into and out of a telephone instrument. # A terminal device used to link data terminals … Wikipedia
Acoustic microscopy — Introduction = Acoustic microscopes employ very high or ultra high frequency ultrasound. These microscopes operate nondestructively and penetrate most solid materials to make visible images of internal features, including defects such as cracks,… … Wikipedia
Acoustic thermometry — of Ocean Climate (ATOC) is an idea to observe the state of the world s oceans, and the ocean climate in particular, using long range acoustic transmissions. Prototype measurements of temperature have been made in the North Pacific Basin and… … Wikipedia
Acoustic tags — are small sound emitting devices that allow the detection and/or remote tracking of fish in three dimensions. Commonly used to monitor the behavior of fish, studies are conducted in lakes, rivers, tributaries, estuaries and at sea. Acoustic tag… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Control Corporation — was a manufacturer of instrument amplifiers, founded by Steve Marks (with the help of his father) and based in Van Nuys, California. Its original location was a shack on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.Most of the amplifiers produced… … Wikipedia
Acoustic location — is the art and science of using sound to determine the distance and direction of something. Location can be done actively or passively, and can take place in gases (such as the atmosphere), liquids (such as water), and in solids (such as in the… … Wikipedia
Acoustic cryptanalysis — is a side channel attack which exploits sounds, audible or not, produced during a computation or input output operation by computer workstations, impact printers, or electromechanical cipher machines. History Victor Marchetti and John Marks… … Wikipedia
Data transmission — Data transmission, digital transmission, or digital communications is the physical transfer of data (a digital bit stream) over a point to point or point to multipoint communication channel. Examples of such channels are copper wires, optical… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Model — An acoustic model is created by taking audio recordings of speech, and their text transcriptions, and using software to create statistical representations of the sounds that make up each word. It is used by a speech recognition engine to… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler — Head of an ADCP with the four transducers ADCP view ahead, mo … Wikipedia
acoustic snooping — pp. Stealing typed data by decoding the sounds of the keyboard strokes. Example Citations: Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have discovered that by making highly accurate recordings of computer keyboard strokes, they were… … New words