1 acoustic background
Авиация: акустический фон -
2 acoustic background
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > acoustic background
3 acoustic background
4 acoustic
acoustic airport environmentуровень шумового фона в районе аэропортаacoustic backgroundакустический фонacoustic calibrationакустическая калибровкаacoustic correctionакустическая коррекцияacoustic dataакустические данныеacoustic fieldакустическое полеacoustic impactзвуковой ударacoustic impedanceакустическая защитаacoustic insulationзвукоизоляцияacoustic liningакустическая облицовкаacoustic lining configurationконфигурация с акустической облицовкойacoustic materialзвукоизоляционный материалacoustic measurement stationпункт проведения акустических замеровacoustic noiseакустический шумacoustic overheadакустический фонacoustic propertyакустическая характеристикаacoustic radiationакустическое излучениеacoustic reference levelисходный акустический уровеньacoustic technologyтехнология снижения шумовacoustic transducerакустический преобразовательacoustic treatmentакустическая облицовкаengine acoustic performanceакустическая характеристика двигателяspecific acoustic impedanceудельное акустическое сопротивление -
5 background
background nфонacoustic backgroundакустический фонbackground correctionкоррекция фонаbackground levelуровень фонаbackground luminance1. фоновая освещенность2. фоновая яркость background radiationфоновое излучение -
6 background
7 wave
1) волна2) колебание; (колебательный) сигнал3) графическое изображение колебательного процесса•-
abrupt translatory wave
acceleration wave
acoustic surface wave
acoustic wave
advancing wave
Alfven wave
arriving wave
atmospheric wave
back wave
background wave
backscattered wave
backward wave
bed wave
blast wave
Bloch wave
body wave
bottom wave
buckle wave
bulk acoustic wave
capillary wave
carrier wave
chopped wave
circularly polarized wave
clockwise-polarized wave
coincident wave
cold wave
complex wave
compressional wave
compression wave
confined wave
conical wave
conjunctional wave
continuous wave
convergent waves
converted wave
cosine wave
counterclockwise-polarized wave
creeping wave
critical wave
cross wave
current wave
damped wave
de Broglie waves
decadent wave
degenerative wave
density wave
detonation wave
diagonal sea wave
diffracted wave
dilatational wave
direct shock wave
direct wave
disturbance wave
disturbed wave
disturbing wave
diving wave
dynamic waves
E wave
earthquake wave
elastic wave
electric wave
electromagnetic wave
elliptically polarized wave
emitted wave
evanescent wave
extraneous wave
extraordinary wave
flexural wave
forming wave
forward wave
forward-scattered wave
forward-traveling wave
free-progressive wave
free-space wave
frontal wave
full wave
fundamental wave
gravity wave
ground wave
ground-reflected wave
growing wave
guided wave
harmonic wave
head wave
heat wave
hectometric waves
Hertzian waves
Hertz waves
homogeneous wave
horizontally polarized wave
hybrid electromagnetic wave
hydraulic-jump wave
hydrodynamic wave
illuminating wave
image wave
impinging wave
incoming wave
indirect wave
inhomogeneous wave
interacting waves
interface wave
interfacial waves
ionospheric wave
kilometric waves
knock wave
leaky wave
left-handed polarized wave
light wave
linearly polarized wave
long waves
longitudinal wave
Love wave
magnetic wave
magnetoacoustic wave
magnetohydrodynamic wave
magnetostatic wave
magnon wave
maintained wave
meander wave
medium waves
Mintrop wave
modulated continuous wave
modulated wave
negative release wave
neutron wave
nonhomogeneous wave
nonpolarized wave
object wave
oblique shock wave
oblique wave
optical wave
ordinary wave
orthogonally polarized wave
outsized waves
passing ship wave
periodic wave
phonon wave
plane harmonic horizontally polarized shear wave
plane wave
plane-polarized wave
plastic wave
polarized wave
positive release wave
pressure wave
primary tide wave
progressive wave
radiated wave
radio wave
rarefaction wave
Rayleigh wave
reconstructing wave
recording wave
reference wave
reflected wave
refracted wave
release wave
return wave
reverse-traveling wave
right-handed polarized wave
ripple wave
roll wave
rotational wave
running wave
sawtooth wave
scattered wave
seismic sea wave
Shallamach waves
shear wave
ship-induced wave
ship wave
shock wave
short waves
shrinking wave
sine wave
sky wave
solitary wave
sonic wave
spacing wave
spherical wave
spin wave
square wave
standing wave
stationary wave
stem wave
stray wave
stress wave
suction wave
surface acoustic wave
surface wave
temperature wave
torsional wave
transmitted wave
transverse electric wave
transverse magnetic wave
transverse wave
traveling wave
tropospheric wave
tube wave
twin wave
ultrashort waves
ultrasonic waves
undamped wave
undistorted wave
upper tropospheric waves
vertically polarized shear wave
vertically polarized wave
volume acoustic wave
water-hammer wave
wave of water table
wind-induced wave
wind wave -
8 line
1) линия || проводить линии, линовать2) матем. прямая3) черта; штрих || штриховать4) контур, очертание5) кривая ( на графике)6) геофиз. профиль8) геод. ход9) экватор10) линия ( единица длины)13) мн. ч. границы, пределы ( земельного участка)14) граничить15) направление движения, курс16) располагать(ся) в одну линию; устанавливать соосно17) трубопровод; нитка трубопровода (см. тж
pipeline) || прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопровода18) водовод19) облицовка ( внутренняя) || облицовывать ( внутри)20) футеровка || футеровать21) горн. обшивка || обшивать22) строит. причалка ( в каменных работах)24) конвейер25) номенклатура продукции; серия изделий26) мн. ч. теоретический чертёж ( судна)27) железнодорожный путь; линия28) (электрическая) линия; (электрическая) цепь; провод; шина29) линия связи; линия передачи ( данных или сигналов)30) строка программного кода, развёртки изображения, набора31) ярус ( орудие лова рыбы)32) лён; льняная пряжа33) нефт. струна ( оснастки талевой системы)•to be in line with one another — располагаться (лежать) на одной линии;to close contour line — геод. замыкать горизонталь;to connect a line from... to... — подсоединять линию одним концом к..., а другим к...;to feed off a line from a drum — сматывать канат с барабана;to figure (to index, to number) a contour line — геод. оцифровывать горизонталь;to pay out a line — разматывать канат;to reeve a line — 1. натягивать канат перед подъёмом 2. пропускать талевый канат через кронблочный шкив ( от лебёдки);to run a line (in)to — подводить линию к чему-л.;to run out a contour line — геод. проводить горизонталь;to snap a chalk line — отбивать линию с помощью (мелёного) шнура;to line up — 1. располагать(ся) на одной линии 2. настраивать; регулировать;to valve off a line — перекрывать трубопровод задвижкойline of action — 1. линия действия силы 2. машиностр. линия зацепленияline of flux — линия силового поля (электрического, магнитного, гравитационного)line of rivets — ряд заклёпокline of sight — 1. визирная ось 2. линия прямой видимости 3. линия визированияline of thrust — 1. линия распора ( арки) 2. линия действия равнодействующей бокового давления грунта ( в подпорной стене)-
absorption line
ac line
access line
acoustic bulk-wave delay line
acoustic delay line
acoustic line
action line
active line
adiabatic line
admission line
aerial line
aftercooler water line
air intake line
air line
aircraft break line
aircraft production break line
ammonia line
anti-Stokes line
arrival line
assembly line
automated line
automatic transfer line
auxiliary line
available line
avoiding line
back line
backbone transmission line
background line
backing line
backup line
backwash line
bailing line
balanced line
bank line
base line
bead-supported line
bead line
bearing line
beef dressing line
belt pitch line
bipolar line
bisecting line
bit line
black line
blast line
blast-furnace line
bleed line
bleeder line
blowing line
bottling line
brake line
branch bus line
branch line
branch main line
bridging line
broad-gage line
broadside lines
broken line
building line
bundle-conductor line
buoy line
burn line
burnt lines
bus line
buttock line
bypass line
cable line
cable pole line
calf line
can assembly line
capacitor-compensated transmission line
capacity line
car line
carrier line
casing line
catalyst transfer line
catenary line
cathead line
caving line
cell line
cementing line
center line
chain line
chalk line
channel line
character line
charging line
choke line
choker line
circle line
circular main line
cleaning line
clear line
clock line
closed refrigerant line
closing-head line
coastal line
coast line
coaxial line
code line
coil buildup line
coil cutup line
coil packaging line
coil slitting line
cold adjustment line
comb line
command line
comment line
common-use line
communications line
communication line
commuter line
compartment line
composed line
compressibility line
computation line
concentric line
concurrent lines
condensate line
conductor line
constant pass line
constant-pressure line
construction lines
contact line
contact-wire line
continuous annealing line
continuous assorting line
continuous pickling line
continuous processing line
contour line
control line
convergence line
copy lines
corrugating line
coupled transmission lines
course line
crease line
crosscutting line
cryoresistive transmission line
current line
current-flow line
curved line
cutoff line
cutting line
cutting-up line
cut-to-length line
cutup line
cylinder block line
cylinder head line
dash-dotted line
dashed line
data line
datum line
dc line
dead line
dedicated line
deenergized line
deflection line
delay bar line
delay line
delivery line
departure line
depth line
dial-up line
dial line
dimension line
direct line
discharge line
disengaged line
dispersive delay line
dispersive transmission line
display line
distributed-constant line
distribution trunk line
distribution line
district heating line
divergence line
divergent lines
diverter line
divide line
dot line
double line
double-circuit line
double-track line
double-wall fuel injection line
double-wire line
drag lines
drain line
drainage line
drawing line
dressed line
drilling line
drilling mud line
drive line
dropout line
dry-adiabatic line
duplex line
earth-return line
efficiency line
effluent disposal line
elastic line
electric flux line
electric lines of force
electrified line
electrified main line
electrolytic cleaning line
electrolytic tinning line
electrolytic zinc-plating line
emission line
enable line
end hardening line
end line
endless line
energized line
energy grade line
energy line
engaged line
engine-shutdown line
engraved line
equalized delay line
equalizing line
equilibrium state line
equipotential line
even-numbered line
excavation line
exchange line
exhaust crossover line
exhaust line
extraction line
extra-high-voltage transmission line
extra-high-voltage line
face line
fast line
fathon line
fault line
faulted line
feed line
feeder line
feedwater line
fiber-optic line
fiber line
fiducial line
field line
filling line
filling shunt line
fill-up pipe line
fill-up line
film neutral line
fin line
finish line
finishing roll line
fire line
firing line
fit line
flare line
flat line
flexible line
flexible transfer line
flight line
floor line
flow line
flow priority line
flowmeter red line
fluidlift line
flux line
fly line
flyback line
flying shear line
FMS line
foam line
folded delay line
forbidden line
four-wire line
fractional line
fraction line
frame line
frontage line
frontal line
frost line
fuel cross-feed line
fuel injection line
fuel line
fuel return line
fuel supply line
full line
full-duplex line
fusion line
gage line
gas line
gasket contact line
gasoline line
gathering line
gating signal line
generating line
geodetic line
ghost lines
glass line
glide slope limit line
gorge line
grade line
graduated line
grating delay line
grinding line
groundwater line
guy line
H lines
hair line
half-duplex line
half-wave transmission line
half-wave line
hard line
hardwired production line
haulage line
haulback line
head hardening line
heading line
heat flow lines
heater line
heating-gas line
heavy line
heavy-traffic line
help line
hem line
hemp center wire line
hidden line
high-pressure line
high-side line
high-temperature hot-water transmission line
high-voltage power line
high-voltage line
high-voltage transmission line
home line
hook line
horizontal line
hot line
hot metal line
hot-dip tinning line
hot-vapor line
housing line
hump engine line
hydraulic grade line
hydraulic line
hydrochloric acid pickling line
hyperfine line
ideal line
idle line
ignition line
improvement line
inclined line
inclusion line
incoming line
indented line
individual line
infinite line
influence line
inhaul line
initial line
injection line
intake line
interconnecting line
interconnection line
interdigital line
interswitch line
isobar line
isobathic line
isoclinal line
isodynamic line
isogonic line
isolux line
iso-stress line
isothermal line
isotropic line
jack line
jerk line
jog line
junction line
justified line
kill line
killed line
knuckle line
ladder line
lag line
land line
laser line
lead line
leased line
less robotized line
level line
leveling line
leviathan line
life line
lifting line
liquidus line
live line
load line
loaded line
loading line
local line
log line
logical line
logic line
long line
long-distance line
long-distance thermal transmission line
long-distance transmission line
loop line
loss-free line
lossy line
lot line
low-loss line
low-pressure fuel feed line
low-side line
low-temperature hot-water transmission line
low-voltage transmission line
low-voltage line
lubber's line
lubber line
luminance delay line
luminescence line
lumped-constant line
magnetic delay line
magnetic field lines
magnetic flux line
magnetic lines of force
magnetic superlattice line
main line
main refinery drainage line
main supply line
margin line
marine line
matched line
meander line
medium-voltage line
message line
metal line
meter-gage line
microslip line
microstrip line
midship line
mill line
mold match line
mold preparation line
molded line
monophase line
monopolar line
mooring line
moving line
mud line
mud-return line
multidrop line
multihop line
multiparty line
multiple-conductor line
multiplexed line
multipoint line
multirobot machining line
multistrand continuous pickle line
multiterminal line
narrow-gage line
Neumann lines
neutral line
nondedicated line
nonresonant line
nonswitched line
nontransposed transmission line
nontransposed line
nonuniform electrical transmission line
number line
observing line
obstacle clearance line
obstacle line
odd-numbered line
oil gathering line
oil line
oil pressure line
oil scavenge line
one-pole line
one-track line
one-wire line
open-circuit line
open-ended line
open-wire line
operating line
optical fiber communication line
order-wire line
oscillating line
outcrop line
outgoing line
outhaul line
overflow line
overhead cable line
overhead high-voltage line
overhead line
overhead low-voltage line
overhead transmission line
oxygen supply line
paced assembly line
packaging line
parallel lines
parameter line
parting line
party line
pass line
pedal line
performance line
periodic line
phreatic line
pickling line
pilot line
pitch line of groove
pitch line
plating line
Plimsoll line
plumb line
pneumatic conveying line
point-to-point line
polar line
pole line
polymer drain line
power bus line
power line
power transmission line
pressure inlet line
pressure jump line
pressure line
pressure relief line
primary line
priming line
printer line
printing line
private line
processing line
product line
production line
projective line
propagation line
pull line
pumping-out line
purse line
push-pull pickling line
radar line of sight
radio-frequency line
radio-optical line of distance
railway line
Raman line
raster line
ready line
reception line
recirculated line
reclaiming line
recoil line
reference line
reflection line
reflux line
refraction line
refresh line
relay repeater line
relay line
relief line
remote line
repeater line
resonant line
return line
reversed line
rhumb line
ring-and-bar structure-delay line
river line
robot transfer line
robotized line
roll line
roll parting line
roller line
roof lines
rotary-shear line
rotary-slitting line
routing line
rundown line
running line
runway center line
sand line
satellite communications line
satellite line
saturation line
scale line
scanning line
scan line
scavenge line
scrap processing line
screen line
scrubbing line
scrubbing-and-drying line
sea line
sealing line
secant line
secondary line
section line
seismic line
selected course line
selection line
serial line
serrated river line
service line
shackle-rod line
shearing line
shear line
sheer line at center
sheer line at side
sheer line
sheet-galvanizing line
sheeting line
sheet-shearing line
short-circuited line
shrinkproof finishing line
shunting line
side trimming line
signaling line
signal line
single-circuit line
single-conductor transmission line
single-hop line
single-phase line
single-pole line
single-track line
single-wire line
sinker line
six-phase line
skew lines
skidding line
slant course line
slip line
slitting-and-coiling line
slitting-and-shearing line
slitting-and-trimming line
snap line
snorkel line
snow line
solidus line
sonic delay line
space communications line
space line
spare line
spark line
spectral line
splice line
spray line
springing line
spur line
squall line
standard-gage line
status line
steam line
steam return line
steam-extraction line
steam-smothering line
steel fabrication line
steep-gradient line
steering oil lines
stock line
Stockes line
stopping line
straight line
strain line
strip line
strip processing line
strip welding line for coils
strip-grinding line
submarine cable line
submarine line
subscriber line
subtransmission line
suburban line
suction line
sulfuric acid pickling line
supercharged suction line
superconducting transmission line
superheat line
supply line
surface-acoustic-wave delay line
surge line
survey line
sweep line
switched line
switching line
takeoff line
taping line
tapped delay line
tapped line
telecom line
television active line
television line
temperature line
terminated line
terrestrial line
test line
three-phase transmission line
three-terminal high-voltage dc transmission line
thrust line
tide line
tie line
tiedown line
tiller line
time-temperature line
toll line
tool injection line
towing line
tow line
tracer line
trailing line
transit line
transmission line
transposed transmission line
trickling line
trim assembly line
trolley line
trunk line
trunk transmission line
tunnel line
twin line
twin-circuit line
two-strand line
two-wire line
type line
type-base line
ultra-high voltage transmission line
ultra-high voltage line
ultrasonic delay line
unbalanced line
unbalanced production line
undercollar break line
underground cable power line
underground power line
uniform electrical transmission line
unloaded line
unloading line
untapped delay line
untransposed transmission line
untransposed line
useful line
vapor line
vapor-pressure line
variable delay line
vector line
vent line
versatile transfer line
video line
viscose-supply line
vortex line
wash line
wastegate line
wave line
waveguide delay line
wear lines
weighted tapped delay line
weld line
wing chord line
wing split line
wire line
wire-cleaning line
word line
world line
zero line -
9 line
I1) линияа) одномерный геометрический объект; прямая; криваяв) линия связи; канал связи; линия передачи; канал передачи3) строка4) провод; шина5) спектральная линия; линия поглощения; линия испускания6) соединение (напр. телефонное)7) контур; очертание8) штрих || штриховой9) линейка ( нотного стана)10) партия; серия11) конвейер; поточная линия12) очередь•line in — вход сигнала с линии (напр. от радиоприёмника)
- lines of forceline out — выход сигнала на линию (напр. на внешний усилитель)
- line of graph
- line of position
- line of sight
- lines per inch
- lines per minute
- absorption line
- access line
- aclinic line
- acoustic delay line
- acoustic transmission line
- active line
- active acoustoelectric delay line
- address line
- addressing line
- aerial line
- agonic line
- analog line
- analog delay line
- antiferromagnetic-resonance line
- anti-Stokes line
- artificial delay line
- ascender line
- assembly line
- associated line
- asymmetric digital subscriber line
- available line
- backbone line
- background line
- backward-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- balanced line
- balanced multiphase line
- balanced transmission line
- base line
- beaded transmission line
- bit line
- blank line
- Bloch line
- bridging line
- bucket-brigade delay line
- bulk-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- bus line
- busy line
- bypass line
- cache line
- called line
- calling line
- carrier line
- clean line
- clock line
- closed-loop delay line
- club line
- coaxial line
- coaxial transmission line
- comb line
- command line
- common-talking line
- common-use line
- communication line
- concentric line
- conductor line
- control line
- coplanar transmission line
- coupled transmission lines
- course line
- credit line
- cryogenic delay line
- current line
- current-flow line
- customer line
- D-line
- date line
- data line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- dee line
- descender line
- delay line
- DEW line
- dial-up line
- diffraction delay line
- digital line
- digital delay line
- digital subscriber line
- direct line
- direction line
- dirty line
- disengaged line
- disk delay line
- dislocation line
- dispersive SAW delay line
- dispersive transmission line
- display line
- dissipation line
- dissipationless line
- distant early-warning line
- distributed-constant line
- Doppler-broadened line
- drive line
- dual-use line
- duplex artificial line
- dynamic-load line
- E-lines
- echo delay line
- edit line
- electric lines of force
- electric delay line
- electric field lines
- electric flux lines
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- electronically variable delay line
- emission line
- empty line
- engaged line
- entry line
- equipotential line
- equivalent periodic line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- exclusive line
- exclusive exchange line
- exponential transmission line
- feed line
- feedforward delay line
- ferrimagnetic-resonance line
- ferrite delay line
- ferrite-dielectric transmission line
- ferromagnetic-resonance line
- fiber delay line
- fiber-optic delay line
- field line
- flat line
- flux line
- flyback line
- folded delay line
- forbidden line
- foreign exchange line
- forward magnetostatic-wave delay line
- Fraunhofer lines
- frozen field line
- G-line
- generation line
- ghost lines
- global data line
- Goubau line
- grating delay line
- grid line
- guide line
- Guillemin line
- H-lines
- half-wave transmission line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- helix transmission line
- hidden line
- high data-rate digital subscriber line
- home line
- horizontal line
- horizontal Bloch line
- horizontal retrieval line
- hot line
- hyperfine line
- idle line
- incoming line
- individual line
- infinite line
- inhibit line
- inhibiting line
- inhomogeneously broadened line
- interdigital line
- interrupt request line
- interswitchboard line
- invalid line
- IRQ line - isocandela line
- isochromatic line
- isoclinic line
- isocost line
- isolux line
- isomagnetic line
- junction line
- Kikuchi lines
- Kossel lines
- ladder line
- laser line
- LD line
- leased line
- Lecher line
- liquid delay line
- liquidus line
- load line
- loaded line
- local line
- localizer on-course line
- locked-in line
- long line
- long-distance line
- long-transmission line
- loran line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- low-loss line
- luminescence line
- lumped-constant line
- MAD line
- magnetic lines of force
- magnetic-core delay line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetic field lines
- magnetic flux lines
- magnetoacoustic delay line
- magnetoelastic delay line
- magnetostatic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- main line
- matched transmission line
- meander line
- mercury delay line
- metastable Bloch line
- microstrip line
- microstrip transmission line
- microwave acoustic delay line
- microwave relay line
- modified line
- monolithic delay line
- MOS neuristor line
- multiconductor transmission line
- multidrop line
- multilayer delay line
- multiplexed line
- multipoint line
- multistation party line
- multitapped delay line
- narrow-band data line
- Neel line
- neutral line
- new line
- nondispersive delay line
- nonresonant line
- nonspectral line
- nonswitched line - omnibearing line
- one-port delay line
- one-way line
- one-way transmission line
- open-wire transmission line
- operating line
- optical delay line
- optical transmission line
- order-wire line
- orphan line
- oscillating line
- outgoing line
- outward line
- overhead line
- overhead transmission line
- parallel-wire line
- party line
- periodic line
- perpendicular diffraction delay line
- phase equilibrium line
- phase transition line
- phasing line
- piled-up Bloch lines
- point-to-point line
- pole line
- polygonal delay line
- potted line
- power line
- printer line
- private line
- privately leased line
- production line
- propagation line
- pulse-forming line
- punched-through Bloch line
- quantized-flux line
- quarter-wave line
- quarter-wave transmission line
- quartz delay line
- quasi-digital delay line
- radar line of sight
- radial transmission line
- radio line of position
- radio-frequency line
- radio-frequency transmission line
- Raman line
- Ramsey line
- rate adaptive digital subscriber line
- Rayleigh line
- recirculating delay line
- recoil line
- recording line
- reference line
- regression line
- relay line
- repeater line
- resonance line
- resonant line
- retrace line
- return line
- rhumb line
- satellite communications line
- SAW delay line
- scanning line
- scribe line
- sense line
- serial line
- service line
- shared line
- shared service line
- shebang line
- shielded transmission line
- signal line
- single-ended echo line
- single-line digital subscriber line
- single-pair symmetrical digital subscriber line
- single-wire line
- single-wire transmission line
- slip line
- slotted line
- solid line
- solid-state transmission line
- solidus line
- sonic delay line
- space communications line
- spectral line
- spectrum line
- spin delay line
- spiral delay line
- spontaneous line
- spur line
- staff line
- status line
- Stokes line
- strip line
- strip delay line
- strip transmission line
- strobe line
- strong line
- stub-supported line
- subscriber line
- superconducting coaxial delay line
- surface-acoustic-wave delay line
- surface-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- surface-wave delay line
- surface-wave transmission line
- survey line
- switched line
- symmetrical digital subscriber line
- T1 line
- T-1 line
- T1C line
- T-1C line
- T2 line
- T-2 line
- T3 line
- T-3 line
- T4 line
- T-4 line
- tapered transmission line
- tapped delay line
- telegraph line
- terminated line
- terrestrial line
- thin line
- tie line
- time line
- time-delay line
- toll line
- transmission line
- transmission test line
- trend line
- trough line
- trunk line
- twin line
- two-port delay line
- ultrasonic delay line
- unbalanced line
- unconditioned line
- unicursal line
- uniform line
- universal asymmetric digital subscriber line
- unwinding Bloch line
- variable delay line
- vector line
- vertical line
- vertical Bloch line
- vertical return line
- very high data-rate digital subscriber line- W-line- waveguide delay line
- wedge dispersive delay line
- weighted tapped line
- widow line
- word line
- wrap-around delay line
- write line
- x-digital subscriber line II = Ln -
10 line
1) линияа) одномерный геометрический объект; прямая; криваяв) линия связи; канал связи; линия передачи; канал передачи3) строка4) провод; шина5) спектральная линия; линия поглощения; линия испускания6) соединение (напр. телефонное)7) контур; очертание8) штрих || штриховой9) линейка ( нотного стана)10) партия; серия11) конвейер; поточная линия12) очередь•line in — вход сигнала с линии (напр. от радиоприёмника)
- access lineline out — выход сигнала на линию (напр. на внешний усилитель)
- aclinic line
- acoustic delay line
- acoustic transmission line
- active acoustoelectric delay line
- active line
- address line
- addressing line
- aerial line
- agonic line
- analog delay line
- analog line
- antiferromagnetic-resonance line
- anti-Stokes line
- artificial delay line
- ascender line
- assembly line
- associated line
- asymmetric digital subscriber line
- available line
- backbone line
- background line
- backward-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- balanced line
- balanced multiphase line
- balanced transmission line
- base line
- beaded transmission line
- bit line
- blank line
- Bloch line
- bridging line
- bucket-brigade delay line
- bulk-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- bus line
- busy line
- bypass line
- cache line
- called line
- calling line
- carrier line
- clean line
- clock line
- closed-loop delay line
- club line
- coaxial line
- coaxial transmission line
- comb line
- command line
- common-talking line
- common-use line
- communication line
- concentric line
- conductor line
- control line
- coplanar transmission line
- coupled transmission lines
- course line
- credit line
- cryogenic delay line
- current line
- current-flow line
- customer line
- data line
- date line
- datum line
- dedicated line
- dee line
- delay line
- descender line
- DEW line
- dial-up line
- diffraction delay line
- digital delay line
- digital line
- digital subscriber line
- direct line
- direction line
- dirty line
- disengaged line
- disk delay line
- dislocation line
- dispersive SAW delay line
- dispersive transmission line
- display line
- dissipation line
- dissipationless line
- distant early-warning line
- distributed-constant line
- D-line
- Doppler-broadened line
- drive line
- dual-use line
- duplex artificial line
- dynamic-load line
- echo delay line
- edit line
- electric delay line
- electric field lines
- electric flux lines
- electric lines of force
- electroacoustic delay line
- electromagnetic delay line
- electronically variable delay line
- E-lines
- emission line
- empty line
- engaged line
- entry line
- equipotential line
- equivalent periodic line
- exchange line
- exciting line
- exclusive exchange line
- exclusive line
- exponential transmission line
- feed line
- feedforward delay line
- ferrimagnetic-resonance line
- ferrite delay line
- ferrite-dielectric transmission line
- ferromagnetic-resonance line
- fiber delay line
- fiber-optic delay line
- field line
- flat line
- flux line
- flyback line
- folded delay line
- forbidden line
- foreign exchange line
- forward magnetostatic-wave delay line
- Fraunhofer lines
- frozen field line
- G line
- generation line
- ghost lines
- global data line
- Goubau line
- grating delay line
- grid line
- guide line
- Guillemin line
- half-wave transmission line
- heavy line
- helical delay line
- helix transmission line
- hidden line
- high data-rate digital subscriber line
- H-lines
- home line
- horizontal Bloch line
- horizontal line
- horizontal retrieval line
- hot line
- hyperfine line
- idle line
- incoming line
- individual line
- infinite line
- inhibit line
- inhibiting line
- inhomogeneously broadened line
- interdigital line
- interrupt request line
- interswitchboard line
- invalid line
- IRQ line
- ISDN digital subscriber line
- isobathic line
- isocandela line
- isochromatic line
- isoclinic line
- isocost line
- isolux line
- isomagnetic line
- junction line
- Kikuchi lines
- Kossel lines
- ladder line
- laser line
- LD line
- leased line
- Lecher line
- line of code
- line of graph
- line of position
- line of sight
- lines of force
- lines per inch
- lines per minute
- liquid delay line
- liquidus line
- load line
- loaded line
- local line
- localizer on-course line
- locked-in line
- long line
- long-distance line
- long-transmission line
- loran line
- loss-free line
- lossless line
- lossy line
- low-loss line
- luminescence line
- lumped-constant line
- MAD line
- magnetic delay line
- magnetic field lines
- magnetic flux lines
- magnetic lines of force
- magnetic-core delay line
- magnetoacoustic delay line
- magnetoelastic delay line
- magnetostatic delay line
- magnetostrictive delay line
- main line
- matched transmission line
- meander line
- mercury delay line
- metastable Bloch line
- microstrip line
- microstrip transmission line
- microwave acoustic delay line
- microwave relay line
- modified line
- monolithic delay line
- MOS neuristor line
- multiconductor transmission line
- multidrop line
- multilayer delay line
- multiplexed line
- multipoint line
- multistation party line
- multitapped delay line
- narrow-band data line
- Neel line
- neutral line
- new line
- nondispersive delay line
- nonresonant line
- nonspectral line
- nonswitched line
- nonuniform transmission line
- null line
- omnibearing line
- one-port delay line
- one-way line
- one-way transmission line
- open-wire transmission line
- operating line
- optical delay line
- optical transmission line
- order-wire line
- orphan line
- oscillating line
- outgoing line
- outward line
- overhead line
- overhead transmission line
- parallel-wire line
- party line
- periodic line
- perpendicular diffraction delay line
- phase equilibrium line
- phase transition line
- phasing line
- piled-up Bloch lines
- point-to-point line
- pole line
- polygonal delay line
- potted line
- power line
- printer line
- private line
- privately leased line
- production line
- propagation line
- pulse-forming line
- punched-through Bloch line
- quantized-flux line
- quarter-wave line
- quarter-wave transmission line
- quartz delay line
- quasi-digital delay line
- radar line of sight
- radial transmission line
- radio line of position
- radio-frequency line
- radio-frequency transmission line
- Raman line
- Ramsey line
- rate adaptive digital subscriber line
- Rayleigh line
- recirculating delay line
- recoil line
- recording line
- reference line
- regression line
- relay line
- repeater line
- resonance line
- resonant line
- retrace line
- return line
- rhumb line
- satellite communications line
- SAW delay line
- scanning line
- scribe line
- sense line
- serial line
- service line
- shared line
- shared service line
- shebang line
- shielded transmission line
- signal line
- single-ended echo line
- single-line digital subscriber line
- single-pair symmetrical digital subscriber line
- single-wire line
- single-wire transmission line
- slip line
- slotted line
- solid line
- solid-state transmission line
- solidus line
- sonic delay line
- space communications line
- spectral line
- spectrum line
- spin delay line
- spiral delay line
- spontaneous line
- spur line
- staff line
- status line
- Stokes line
- strip delay line
- strip line
- strip transmission line
- strobe line
- strong line
- stub-supported line
- subscriber line
- superconducting coaxial delay line
- surface-acoustic-wave delay line
- surface-magnetostatic-wave delay line
- surface-wave delay line
- surface-wave transmission line
- survey line
- switched line
- symmetrical digital subscriber line
- T1 line
- T-1 line
- T1C line
- T-1C line
- T2 line
- T-2 line
- T3 line
- T-3 line
- T4 line
- T-4 line
- tapered transmission line
- tapped delay line
- telegraph line
- terminated line
- terrestrial line
- thin line
- tie line
- time line
- time-delay line
- toll line
- transmission line
- transmission test line
- trend line
- trough line
- trunk line
- twin line
- two-port delay line
- ultrasonic delay line
- unbalanced line
- unconditioned line
- unicursal line
- uniform line
- universal asymmetric digital subscriber line
- unwinding Bloch line
- variable delay line
- vector line
- vertical Bloch line
- vertical line
- vertical return line
- very high data-rate digital subscriber line
- voice over digital subscriber line
- W line
- waveguide delay line
- wedge dispersive delay line
- weighted tapped line
- widow line
- word line
- wrap-around delay line
- write line
- x digital subscriber lineThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > line
11 generator
1) генератор3) датчик, (первичный) измерительный преобразователь5) генератриса, производящая функция6) вчт. генерирующая программа, генератор•to wind the generator — наматывать обмотку генератора-
hockey stick steam generator
ac generator
acetylene generator
acoustic generator
acoustic pulse generator
acyclic generator
address generator
airborne ice nuclei generator
air-cooled generator
air-gap-conductor generator
amplidyne generator
analytical-function generator
answer generator
arbitrary-function generator
arc generator
arc-welding generator
artwork generator
asynchronous generator
atmospheric steam generator
audio-frequency generator
auxiliary generator
axle generator
bar generator
bar-and-dot generator
bar-dot generator
base generator
basic frequency generator
battery-charging generator
bell-type generator
bell generator
bias generator
binary generator
bipolar generator
bit-rate generator
blocking generator
booster generator
borehole neutron generator
brushless generator
brushless salient-pole ac generator
bulbwater-wheel generator
bulb generator
burst generator
burst-controlled generator
call generator
caption generator
carrier generator
cascade generator
character generator
character-controlled generator
charging generator
chip generator
chirp generator
chromakey generator
clock-pulse generator
clock generator
closed-cycle MHD generator
coal fluidized-bed generator
coaxial noise generator
code generator
collector-type generator
color reference generator
color-background generator
color-bar generator
color-pattern generator
command generator
compiler generator
complex-wave generator
compound generator
compound signal generator
computer-art generator
constant-potential generator
contact-type generator
contact generator
crossed-field generator
cross-hatch generator
current generator
curve generator
cylindrical-rotor generator
data generator
dc generator
degaussing generator
delay generator
digital effects generator
digitally tunable generator
digit-symbol display generator
digit-symbol generator
dipping-type generator
dipping generator
direct-expansion ice generator
display generator
display vector generator
document generator
dot generator
dot-matrix character generator
double-current generator
double-effect generator
drive-pulse generator
driving generator
drooping characteristic generator
drop generator
dry residue-type generator
dry residue generator
electric generator
electric steam generator
electrochemical generator
electrodynamic vibration generator
electrolytic generator
electromagnetic vibration generator
electron-beam pattern generator
electronically controlled generator
electronic controlled generator
electrostatic generator
emergency generator
encapsulated hydraulic turbine generator
explicit-pole generator
field generator
fine triangular waveform generator
fixed range mark generator
fixed-format dot character generator
fixed-format dot generator
fluid pulse generator
flying-spot color-signal generator
flying-spot video generator
foam generator
foot-operated generator
fork generator
fourpolar generator
frame generator
free-running blocking generator
frequency-modulated generator
fuel-cell generator
fully water-cooled turbine generator
function generator
gas generator
gas target neutron generator
gas-turbine driven generator
gate-pulse generator
gate generator
Gaussian noise generator
gear generator
general-purpose function generator
gold-device pattern generator
graphic generator
grating generator
Hall generator
harbor generator
harmonic generator
heteropolar generator
high-frequency generator
high-voltage generator
homopolar generator
horizontal deflection generator
horizontal generator
horizontal sweep generator
horizontal-bar generator
horizontal-shaft generator
hot-air generator
hot-water generator
house generator
hydraulic turbine generator
hydraulic vibration generator
hydroelectric generator
hydrogen filled water-cooled turbine generator
hydrogen-cooled generator
ice generator
ice-forming aerosol generator
impact-excited generator
implicit-pole generator
impulse generator
impulse-noise generator
inclined-plate wave generator
induction generator
inductor-type generator
inductor generator
insertion signal generator
integrated drive generator
interpole generator
isotopic power generator
key-pulse generator
klystron generator
laser artwork generator
laser character generator
lightning generator
line generator
linear sweep generator
liquid nitrogen generator
list generator
look-ahead carry generator
low-frequency generator
low-voltage generator
macro generator
magnetoelectric generator
magneto generator
magnetonydrodynamic generator
magnetostriction generator
magnetostrictive vibration generator
major-state generator
manual number generator
marker generator
mask pattern generator
mask generator
master clock generator
master time code generator
mechanical ice generator
mismatched generator
mobile call generator
mobile generator
modulation generator
molecular generator
monodisperse aerosol generator
motion command generator
motion generator
motor generator
multifrequency generator
multifrequency-burst generator
multilevel interconnection generator
multioperator welding generator
multiple channel generator
narrow strobe-pulse generator
natural function law generator
natural function generator
neutron generator
noise generator
noise-current generator
noise-spectrum generator
noise-voltage generator
nonsalient-pole generator
notch generator
number generator
off-on wave generator
once-through steam generator
one shot generator
optical generator
parallel generator
pattern generator
peak generator
permanent-magnet generator
phase-locked generator
photoelectric generator
picture generator
piezoelectric vibration generator
pink noise generator
plasma generator
polyphase generator
portable generator
pressure generator
profile generator
program generator
programmable clock generator
propulsion generator
pseudorandom noise generator
pseudorandom number generator
pseudorandom sequence generator
pulse generator
pulsed generator
pulse-series generator
quench generator
radio-frequency generator
ramp generator
random-noise generator
random-number generator
range-marker generator
raster signal generator
reaction-type vibration generator
redundancy check generator
reference frequency generator
reference generator
reference smoke generator
regenerative generator
reheat steam generator
relaxation generator
reluctance generator
report program generator
resonant vibration generator
reversed polarity generator
ringing generator
rotary pulse generator
routine generator
salient-pole generator
sampling-pulse generator
sawtooth generator
scanning generator
scan generator
scintillation noise generator
screen generator
seismic-wave generator
self-contained ice generator
self-excited generator
self-excited induction generator
selsyn generator
separately excited generator
series generator
service generator
shading generator
shaft-driven generator
shaft generator
shunts-wound generator
shunts generator
signal generator
simulation generator
single sideband generator
single-line turbine generator
single-phase generator
single-shaft turbine generator
slave generator
software simulator pattern generator
solar generator
solid rotor generator
spark generator
special-effects generator
special-effect generator
speech generator
speed governor axle generator
spot wobbler generator
spot wobble generator
sprocket pulse generator
square-law generator
square-wave generator
staircase generator
standard-signal generator
standby generator
stationary generator
steam generator
steam-gas generator
step generator
step-wave generator
straight bevel gear generator
straight-tube steam generator
stress-wave generator
stroke-character generator
subaudio-frequency generator
subcritical steam generator
submerged generator
superconducting generator
supersonic generator
surge generator
sweep generator
swept-frequency generator
symbol generator
sync generator
synchro generator
synchronization pulse generator
synchronized trigger generator
synchronizing generator
synchronizing-waveform generator
synchronous generator
tachometer generator
tandem-pulse generator
target generator
TC generator
television test-pattern generator
television-picture generator
television generator
terrestrial solar generator
test-line generator
test-pattern generator
test-tone generator
text generator
thermoelectric generator
Thevenin's generator
three-phase generator
tidal generator
time-base generator
time-code generator
time-mark generator
time-pulse generator
timing-pulse generator
timing generator
tone generator
tone-burst generator
torque command generator
track generator
train heating generator
tray-type acetylene generator
triangle generator
trigger generator
triggered blocking generator
tube generator
turbine-driven generator
turbine generator
twice-horizontal frequency generator
ultrasonic generator
umbrella-type water-wheel generator
umbrella water-wheel generator
unbalanced mass vibration generator
undercar generator
unipolar generator
Van de Graaff generator
Van der Pol generator
variable-frequency generator
variable-pulse generator
vector generator
vertical deflection generator
vertical generator
vertical sweep generator
vertical-bar generator
vertical-shaft hydro generator
vibration generator
video effects generator
vinegar generator
visual alignment generator
voltage generator
voltage-controlled generator
vortex generator
water-cooled turbine generator
water-displacement contact-type generator
water-displacement contact generator
water-gas generator
water-recession generator
water-to-carbide-type generator
water-to-carbide generator
water-turbine driven generator
water-turbine generator
water-wheel type generator
wave generator
waveform generator
wave-powered generator
welding generator
white noise generator
wide strobe-pulse generator
wind-driven generator
window generator
wind-powered generator
yeast generator -
12 noise
acoustic noise
added noise
additive noise
aerodynamic noise
aircraft noise
aliasing noise
alias noise
ambient noise
amplifier noise
amplitude noise
angle noise
antenna noise
atmosphere noise
atmospheric noise
audible noise
audio-frequency noise
auroral noise
avalanche noise
aviation noise
avoidable noise
background noise
band-limited noise
Barkhausen noise
basic noise
beam noise
beat noise
bias noise
broadband noise
burst noise
carrier noise
carrier residual modulation noise
chaff noise
chaotic noise
circuit noise
click noise
C-message weighted noise
collector noise
combustion noise
community noise
contact noise
contact-resistance noise
control motion noise
corona-induced acoustic noise
cosmic noise
crackling noise
crosstalk noise
current noise
dark-current noise
delta noise
dial noise
diffuse noise
diffusion noise
discharge-caused audible noise
discharge audible noise
distribution noise
dither noise
electrical discharge-caused noise
electrical discharge noise
electrical noise
electromagnetic noise
environmental aircraft noise
environmental noise
excess noise
external noise
extraneous noise
extraterrestrial noise
feed-line noise
film-grain noise
filtered noise
fixed-pattern noise
flat noise
flicker noise
flow noise
fluctuation noise
flutter noise
flying noise
forward noise
friction-induced noise
front-end noise
frying noise
full shot noise
galactic noise
gated noise
Gaussian noise
generation-recombination noise
generator noise
granularity noise
granular noise
ground noise
high-frequency noise
high-intensity noise
hissing noise
hum noise
idle-channel noise
ignition noise
impulse noise
impulsive noise
in-band noise
induced noise
industrial noise
inherent noise
in-phase noise
in-plant noise
intermodulation noise
internal noise
intrinsic noise
jitter noise
Johnson noise
junction noise
lightning storm noise
lightning noise
line noise
local oscillator noise
low-frequency noise
man-made noise
Markovian noise
microphone noise
microphonic noise
modal noise
mode-partition noise
modulation noise
multiplicative noise
narrow-band noise
natural noise
neighborhood noise
neutron noise
nongaussian noise
nonwhite noise
normal noise
occupational noise
optical noise
oscillator noise
out-of-band noise
overload noise
partition noise
peak-to-peak noise
perturbation noise
phase noise
phosphor noise
photocurrent noise
photographic noise
photon noise
pinging noise
pink noise
power-line noise
power-supply noise
precipitation noise
pseudorandom noise
psophometric noise
pumping noise
pump noise
pure noise
quantization noise
quantum noise
quasi-Gaussian noise
quiescent noise
quiet-sun noise
radio-frequency noise
radio noise
random noise
reactor noise
receiver noise
recording noise
reference noise
reflection noise
repeater noise
repeat noise
resistance noise
retransmission noise
ripple noise
rotational noise
rubbing noise
sampling noise
Schottky noise
seismic noise
separation noise
set noise
shot noise
signal-independent noise
site noise
sky noise
solar noise
solar-flare noise
sonar noise
spark noise
speckle noise
speech-off noise
speech-on noise
spontaneous emission noise
spontaneous noise
stationary noise
statistical noise
switching noise
target noise
terrestrial noise
thermal noise
thrust reverse noise
traffic noise
transient noise
transmitter noise
tropospheric noise
true random noise
tube noise
ungated noise
urban noise
virgin noise
visible noise
white noise
wide-band noise
windage noise
wind-dependent noise
zero noise -
13 mode
2) мода, вид [форма, тип\] колебаний; вид [тип\] волн5) вчт. состояние6) швейн. мода•-
ablative pit-forming mode
abnormal mode
acceleration mode
access mode
accumulation mode
acoustic mode
acquisition mode
active mode
adaptive control mode
addressing mode
air-liquefaction mode
alternate mode
anticipation mode
approach mode
assemble mode
astable vibration mode
astable mode
automatic mode
automatic opening mode
automatic skinning mode
autopilot heading mode
autoposition mode
avalanche mode
axial mode
background mode
backward mode
backward propagating mode
backward scattering mode
backward scatter mode
backward traveling mode
bare resonator mode
basic mode
batch mode
birefringent mode
block mode
block-multiplex mode
bound modes
broadcast mode
buckling mode
burst mode
calibration mode
capture mode
cavity flipping mode
cavity mode
central mode
character generation mode
character mode
characteristic mode
charge-coupling mode
circularly polarized mode
cladding mode
clockwise polarized mode
coherently locked modes
cold mode
collective modes
command mode
common failure mode
common mode
compatibility mode
competing modes
compute mode
confined mode
constant cutting speed mode
constant speed mode
contention mode
continuous mode
continuous path mode
continuous-wave mode
contour modes
contradirectional modes
control mode
conversational mode
cooling mode
co-orbital mode
coplanar mode
core-guided mode
core mode
counterclockwise polarized mode
counterrotating circularly polarized modes
counting mode
coupled modes
cross polarized modes
cubic mode
current mode
current saving mode
cutoff mode
cutting mode
damped mode
data-processing mode
Debye-like mode
Debye mode
deceleration mode
deflected mode
degenerated mode
degenerate mode
depletion mode
design mode
dialog mode
difference mode
differential mode
diffraction-limited mode
diffusive mode
discrete mode
dispersion modes
display mode
distributed-feedback mode
DNC mode
dominant mode
double-pass mode
drift mode
dual-processing mode
duplex mode
dynamic mode
dynamic-scattering mode
E mode
edge mode
edit mode
eigen mode
electromagnetic mode
elementary mode
Emn mode
emulation mode
energy dissipating mode
enhancement mode
equal-loss modes
equally spaced modes
erase mode
evanescent mode
even mode
excited mode
exciting mode
executive mode
extensional mode
extraordinary mode
Fabry-Perot mode
face shear modes
fast mode
faulted mode
fiber mode
filamentary mode
first mode
flexural mode
forced mode
force mode
foreground mode
foreground-background mode
forward mode
forward propagating mode
forward scattering mode
forward scatter mode
forward shear mode
forward traveling mode
fracture mode
free-running mode
free-space mode
frequency-division multiplex mode
frequency-shift-keying mode
full program mode
full-duplex mode
fundamental mode
gated mode
gate mode
Gaussian mode
generator mode
go-ahead mode
graphics mode
graphic mode
guidance mode
guided-wave mode
guided mode
half-duplex mode
heating mode
height-lock mode
higher-order mode
high-frequency mode
high-loss mode
high-pass mode
high-resolution mode
Hmn mode
horizontally polarized mode
idler mode
independent mode
index mode
injected mode
injection-locked mode
in-phase modes
in-plane mode
insert mode
integer mode
interacting modes
interactive mode
internally trapped mode
interpretive mode
interrupt mode
inverter mode
isolated mode
jog mode
kernel mode
keyboard mode
laser mode
lasing mode
lattice mode
launched mode
leaking mode
leaky mode
left-hand polarized mode
left polarized mode
length extentional mode
length flexural mode
length modes
length-width flexural mode
light mode
linearly polarized mode
load mode
local mode
locate mode
lock mode
long coherence length mode
long wavelength mode
longitudinal mode
loopback mode
low-frequency mode
low-pass mode
low-resolution mode
lugdown mode
macro-by-macro mode
magnetron mode
main mode
malfunction mode
manual mode
manual skinning mode
mapping mode
maser mode
master mode
matched mode
measurement mode
message mode
mirror image mode
mixed mode
mode of behavior
mode of deformation
mode of excitation
mode of failure
mode of functioning
mode of propagation
mode of test
mode of transport
mode-locked mode
mode-match mode
monopulse mode
move mode
multiple-frame mode
multiplexed mode
multiplex mode
multitask mode
native mode
natural mode
nonaxial mode
noncounting mode
nondegenerate mode
nondegenerative mode
nonoscillating mode
nonpropagating mode
nonradiative mode
nonresonant mode
nonspiking mode
nontransparent mode
normal mode
odd mode
off mode
off-axis mode
off-design mode
off-line mode
off-normal mode
on-line mode
on-link mode
opening fracture mode
opening mode
operating mode
optical mode
ordinary mode
original mode
orthogonally polarized modes
oscillating mode
oscillation mode
oscillatory mode
out-of-plane mode
overtype mode
parallel mode
parametric mode
parasitic mode
partially suppressed mode
path following mode
path modifying mode
penetration mode
periodic mode
perturbed mode
photographing mode
photon-counting mode
pipelined mode
plane mode
plane polarized mode
plasma mode
plasma-guide mode
playback mode
point-to-point path mode
polarization mode
polarization-bistable mode
polarized mode
posttrigger mode
power-down mode
p-polarized mode
pretrigger mode
principal mode
priviledged mode
propagating mode
propagation mode
pulse counting mode
pulsed mode
pump mode
push-pull mode
Q-spoiled mode
Q-switched mode
quadrupole mode
quantum noise limited mode
radial mode
radially polarized mode
radiating mode
radiation mode
rail mode
ranging mode
ready mode
real-time mode
receive mode
record mode
rectifier mode
reflected mode
reflection mode
reflective mode
refracted mode
refrigeration mode
repetitive Q-switched mode
request mode
resonant mode
resonator mode
retropropulsion mode
return beam mode
reverse bias mode
reversible recording mode
right-hand polarized mode
right polarized mode
run mode
sample-and-hold mode
satellite mode
saturation mode
scanning mode
scan mode
scope mode
screen mode
search mode
selected mode
selector mode
self-ammoniation mode
self-heating mode
self-locked mode
self-Q-switched mode
self-refresh mode
self-reporting mode
self-trapping mode
serial mode
series mode
setup mode
severe wear mode
shear mode of crack initiation
shear mode
side mode
signal mode
simplex mode
simulation mode
single block mode
single mode
single Q-switched mode
single-channel mode
single-character mode
single-pulse mode
single-step mode
slave mode
slightly coupled modes
spatial mode
spectral mode
spiking mode
split-screen mode
s-polarized mode
spurious mode
spurious pulse mode
square mode
stable mode
standby mode
standing-wave mode
start-stop mode
static mode
stationary mode
steady state mode
stiffened mode
still-frame mode
storage mode
store-and-forward mode
stretching mode
stripped cladding modes
strong mode
strongly excited mode
substrate mode
superradiant mode
supervisor mode
switching mode
symmetric modes
synchronously pumped mode
tape auto mode
teaching mode
tearing mode
thickness-extensional modes
time compression mode
time mode
time-difference mode
time-shared mode
torsional modes
track-and-hold mode
tracking mode
transcribe mode
transfer mode
transformed mode
transient mode
transit mode
transit-time mode
transmission mode
transparent mode
transverse mode
trapped mode
trapped plasma avalanche transit time mode
traveling-wave mode
triggering mode
trimming mode
truncated mode
tuning mode
tunneling mode
twist mode
two-level mode
unattended mode
uncoupled modes
undamped mode
unmanned mode
unperturbed mode
unstable mode
unstiffened mode
vertically polarized mode
vibration mode
vibration-free mode
virtual mode
voting mode
waiting mode
walk-off mode
warped mode
wave mode
wavefront watched modes
waveguide mode
wavy slip mode
wear mode
whispering modes
whistler mode
width modes
write mode
zero-order mode -
14 radiation
излучение; радиация; испускание-
absorbed radiation
absorbed solar radiation
acoustic radiation
actinic radiation
activating radiation
alpha-particle radiation
alpha radiation
anisotropic neutron radiation
atmospheric radiation
atmospheric thermal radiation
auroral radiation
back radiation
backfire radiation
background radiation
backscattered radiation
backward radiation
band-to-band radiation
beam solar radiation
beta radiation
blackbody radiation
broadside radiation
capture radiation
Cerenkov radiation
characteristic radiation
circular radiation
circumsolar radiation
coherent radiation
collision radiation
concentrated solar radiation
corpuscular radiation
cosmic radiation
cyclotron radiation
daily solar radiation
decay radiation
deceleration radiation
densely ionizing radiation
diffuse sky radiation
diffused radiation
diffuse radiation
diffusion neutron radiation
dipole radiation
direct solar radiation
directed radiation
direct radiation
directional neutron radiation
direct-ionizing radiation
Earth-emitted radiation
Earth radiation
Earth-reflected radiation
electromagnetic radiation
electron radiation
end-fire radiation
extra-terrestrial radiation
extraterrestrial solar radiation
far red radiation
forward-scattered radiation
free-space radiation
fringe radiation
gamma radiation
global solar radiation
hard radiation
head-on radiation
high-energy radiation
high-level radiation
hourly solar radiation
impact radiation
incident radiation
incoherent radiation
incoming solar radiation
indirect-ionizing radiation
infrared radiation
intersolid radiation
ionizing radiation
isotopic neutron radiation
K-capture radiation
laser radiation
lateral radiation
leakage radiation
long-lived radiation
long-range radiation
low-energy radiation
low-level radiation
microwave radiation
mixed radiation
monochromatic radiation
monthly solar radiation
multimodal radiation
multiple radiation
natural background radiation
natural radiation
net radiation
neutron radiation
nocturnal radiation
noncoherent radiation
nonionizing radiation
nonluminous radiation
nonpolarized radiation
nuclear radiation
omnidirectional radiation
optical radiation
outgoing radiation
out-of-band radiation
particle radiation
penetrating radiation
polarized radiation
primary radiation
proton radiation
pulse radiation
radiation of conductors
radio radiation
radioactive radiation
radio-wave radiation
Raman radiation
receiver radiation
red radiation
residual radiation
resonance radiation
return radiation
roentgen radiation
scattered radiation
scene radiation
secondary radiation
sewage gamma radiation
short-lived radiation
short-range radiation
sidelobe radiation
single-mode radiation
sky radiation
slowing-down radiation
soft radiation
solar radiation
space radiation
spurious radiation
steady-state radiation
stimulated radiation
suppressed radiation
synchrotron radiation
terrestrial radiation
thermal radiation
total solar radiation
transient radiation
ultraviolet radiation
upwelling radiation
visible radiation
yearly solar radiation -
15 processor
процессор ( аппаратное устройство или обрабатывающая программа); узел обработки- airborne data processor
- airborne processor
- algorithm processor
- alterable processor
- ancillary control processor
- arithmetic processor
- array processor
- assembly language processor
- associative processor
- attached processor
- auxiliary processor
- back-end processor
- background job processor
- background processor
- basic processor
- batch-mode processor
- bit-slice processor
- bit-stream processor
- byte-slice processor
- center processor
- central data processor
- central processor
- command processor
- communications processor
- console command processor
- content-addressable processor
- control processor
- data communication processor
- data flow processor
- data interchange processor
- data link processor
- data processor
- database processor
- dead processor
- demand-paged processor
- diagnostic processor
- digital signal processor
- digital speech processor
- display processor
- distributed database processor
- dual processor - fast-Fourier-transform processor
- FFT processor
- file control processor
- file processor
- file revision processor
- flexible processor
- floating-point arithmetic processor
- floating-point processor
- front-end processor
- gateway processor
- general-purpose processor
- general-register processor
- geometric arithmetic parallel processor
- geometry processor
- graphic job processor
- graphics processor
- heterogeneous-element processor
- highly concurrent processor
- host processor
- host-language processor
- I/O processor
- idle processor
- image processor
- input/output processor
- instruction processor
- integrated array processor
- interface processor
- interruptable processor
- language processor
- language-specific processor
- large-scale processor
- linguistic processor
- local processor
- logic processor
- look-ahead processor
- loosely coupled processors
- maintenance processor
- master processor
- mathematical processor
- math processor
- matrix-vector processor
- message processor
- microprogrammable processor
- mid-range processor
- modular acoustic processor
- multipipeline processor
- multiunit processor
- nearby processor
- node processor
- non-neighbor processor
- nonsegmented processor
- N-pipe processor
- numeric processor
- off-line processor
- one-bit processor
- on-line processor
- optical matrix processor
- orthogonal processor
- out-of-order processor
- output test processor
- painting processor
- Pentium processor
- peripheral processor
- pipeline processor
- pipelined processor
- pixel processor
- programmed data processor
- queue processor
- quiescent processor
- real-time processor
- reference processor
- resource allocation processor
- RISC-based processor
- RISC-processor
- satellite processor
- scientific processor
- segmented processor
- self-dispatching processor
- sending processor
- service processor
- simulation processor
- single-cycle processor
- slave processor
- SMT processor
- soft architecture processor
- software processor
- specially designed processor
- speech processor
- speech-synthesis processor
- stand-alone processor
- stochastic processor
- support processor
- system processor
- systolic processor
- terminal processor
- test result processor
- test-and-repair processor
- text processor
- tightly coupled processors
- transform processor
- uncooperative processor
- vector processor
- video-display processor
- viewing processor
- virtual processor
- VLSI array processor
- voice processor
- wavefront array processor - word-oriented processorEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > processor
16 generator
1) генератор; формирователь, устройство формирования2) преобразователь, датчик•- acoustic generator
- alarm generator
- alternating-electromotive generator
- arbitrary-waveform generator
- artificial-traffic generator
- associated-signaling generator
- asynchronous generator
- audible-frequency generator
- auxiliary generator
- auxiliary-code generator
- auxiliary-text generator
- background generator
- bar generator
- bell-shaped generator
- blocking generator
- bootstrap generator
- call generator
- calling signals generator
- camertone generator
- carrier frequency generator
- character generator
- check symbol generator
- chemical generator
- clock generator
- clock-pulse generator
- clock-signal generator
- code-pulse generator
- coherent generator
- color background generator
- color component generator
- color difference signal generator
- compound signal generator
- compound-excited generator
- control voltage generator
- crosshatch generator
- crystal harmonic generator
- data generator
- digital-delay generator
- diphase generator
- Dobrowolsky generator
- double-current generator
- dual-tone generator
- effects generator
- electron-beam generator
- electronic-beam generator
- electron-tube generator
- electrostatic generator
- emergency generator
- equivalent generator
- erasing-current generator
- external-excited generator
- frame-sweep generator
- frequency generator
- frequency-keyed generator
- function generator
- functional generator
- gate generator
- gate-pulse generator
- gaussian-noise generator
- general-purpose function generator
- graphic generator
- Hall generator
- hand generator
- harmonic generator
- Hartmann generator
- heteropolar generator
- high-frequency generator
- homopolar generator
- horizontal-sweep generator
- ideal generator
- idealized generator
- impulse generator
- input/output generator
- klystron generator
- laser image generator
- linear-sweep generator
- line-sweep generator
- line-up tone generator
- load generator
- loaded generator
- look-ahead generator
- look-back generator
- magnetoelectric generator
- magnetrone generator
- marker generator
- master-frequency generator
- microwave generator
- monitoring-pulse generator
- multidipole generator
- multifield generator
- multiplexer-timing generator
- noise generator
- n-stage generator
- optical-quantum generator
- padded generator
- parallel-excited generator
- pattern generator
- phase generator
- photocell generator
- polyphase synchronous generator
- power generator
- probe pulse generator
- probing pulse generator
- pseudorandom number generator
- pulse generator
- quartz crystal-controlled generator
- quasi-random code generator
- radio-frequency generator
- random noise generator
- random number generator
- RC-generator
- rectangular pulse generator
- reference generator
- reference voltage generator
- relaxation generator
- report generator
- resonance generator
- resonant generator
- RF generator
- ringing generator
- Rosenberg crossed-field generator
- rotary pulse generator
- sawtooth generator
- screen generator
- self-contained generator
- selsyn generator
- series-excited generator
- shading generator
- signal distortion generator
- signal generator
- signaling generator
- slice voltage generator
- spark-gap generator
- speech generator
- spike generator
- square wave generator
- stable current generator
- standard-frequency generator
- standard-voltage generator
- statistic generator
- step-function generator
- strength current pulse generator
- subcarrier generator
- sweep generator
- swept frequency generator
- sync generator
- synchronizing generator
- teletext generator
- test generator
- tetrode generator
- thermal electronic generator
- thermal emission generator
- thermal ionic generator
- thermal photoelectric generator
- thyristor generator
- time-base generator
- time-code generator
- title generator
- tone generator
- transistor generator
- triangular generator
- triggered generator
- triode generator
- tube generator
- ultrasound generator
- unified generator
- unipolar generator
- USW generator
- variable frequency generator
- vertical sweep generator
- video character generator
- video generator
- voltage generator
- voltage-controlled generator
- waiting generator
- warning signal generator
- wave-form generator
- white noise generator
- word generatorEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > generator
17 noise
шум; грохот; помехи- impact noise - level of noise - low density of noise* * *шум; шумы; помехи- acoustic noise
- aerodynamic noise
- airborne noise
- air-flow generated noise
- ambient noise
- background noise
- buzzing noise
- community noise
- duct noise
- impact noise
- inherent noise
- man-made noise
- structure-borne noise
- traffic noise -
18 noise
- noise
- nшум; шумы; помехи
- acoustic noise
- aerodynamic noise
- airborne noise
- air-flow generated noise
- ambient noise
- background noise
- buzzing noise
- community noise
- duct noise
- impact noise
- inherent noise
- man-made noise
- structure-borne noise
- traffic noise
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
19 absorption
1) абсорбция, поглощение3) бтх образование комплекса антиген - антитело•-
acoustic absorption
aerosol absorption
alpha absorption
anisotropic absorption
atmospheric absorption
auroral absorption
background absorption
bandgap absorption
beta absorption
braking energy absorption
characteristic absorption
Compton absorption
continuum absorption
critical absorption
cyclotron absorption
deviation absorption
dichroic absorption
dielectric absorption
differential absorption
digit absorption
edge absorption
electrochemical absorption
energy absorption
epithermal absorption
equivalent absorption
exciton absorption
extrinsic absorption
fission absorption
fractional absorption
free carrier absorption
friction shock absorption
fundamental absorption
gamma absorption
gray absorption
ground absorption
heat absorption
horsepower absorption
impurity absorption
infrared absorption
interband absorption
intraband absorption
intracavity absorption
intrinsic absorption
ionospheric absorption
isothermic absorption
lattice absorption
light absorption
majority-carrier absorption
majority absorption
microwave absorption
minority-carrier absorption
minority absorption
moisture absorption
negative absorption
neutral absorption
neutron absorption
non fission absorption
nondeviative absorption
nuclear absorption
oil absorption
optical absorption
oxygen absorption
paramagnetic resonance absorption
parasitic absorption
plasma absorption
polar-cap absorption
preferential absorption
radiation absorption
radiative absorption
rainfall absorption
refrigerant absorption
resonance absorption
selective absorption
sensible heat absorption
side-lobe absorption
solar energy absorption
solar radiation absorption
sound absorption
spin-phonon absorption
stimulated absorption
structural absorption
surface-state absorption
thermal absorption
ultrasonic absorption
water absorption
water vapor absorption
X-ray absorption -
20 image
1) изображение; образ || формировать изображение; получать изображение2) отображение || отображать3) кадр4) зеркальная боковая полоса частот6) образ задачи, загрузочный модуль ( прикладной программы)7) отпечаток, оттиск•image from hologram — изображение, восстановленное с голограммы;to form an image — формировать изображение;to reconstruct image from sketches — восстанавливать изображение по фрагментам-
2-D image
2-D silhouette image
3-D image
aberrated image
aberration-free image
achromatic image
acoustic image
acousto-optic image
aerial image
afterglow image
anamorphic image
animated image
antenna image
application image
astigmatic image
auditory image
background image
back-lit image
barreled image
barrel image
binary image
black-and-white image
bleached image
blurred image
bottom-lit image
brilliant image
broad image
card image
character master image
charge image
chromatic image
cine-oriented image
coarse-grained image
coarse-grain image
coded image
colored image
color image
color-separation image
comic-strip oriented image
compound image
compressed image
conjugate image
continuous-tone image
contrast image
core image
correct image
defocused image
defocus image
degraded image
developed image
diffraction image
digital image
direct image
discrete image
display image
distorted image
dithered image
dot element image
dot matrix image
double image
dynamic image
echo image
electric image
electron-beam image
electron image
executable-task image
feedback image
film-based image
film image
filtered image
flicker-free image
foggy image
front-lit image
fuzzy image
ghost image
gradient image
gray level image
hard image
high-light image
high-visibility image
holographic image
infrared image
instant image
inverted image
latent image
lateral image
light image
line image
live image
master image
memory image
mirror image
monochromatic image
motion-picture image
movable image
multiple image
negative image
object image
optical image
optical sound track image
original image
orthoscopic image
phantom image
phase image
photographic image
photoresist image
pigment image
plane image
point-source image
positive image
powder image
primary image
process image
projected image
pseudoscopic image
radar image
real image
recorded image
reflected image
relief image
reproduced image
residual image
resolving power image
retained image
reversed image
reverse image
satellite image
scanned image
scrambled image
separation image
shadow-free image
sharp image
shrunk image
silver image
single stored image
slit image
soft image
sound image
squeezed image
static image
stereoscopic image
stereo image
sticking image
still image
stored image
subject image
superimposed image
synthesized image
system image
tactile image
target image
task image
television image
terminal image
test image
thermal image
three-dimensional image
top-lit image
two-dimensional image
ultraviolet image
unwanted image
vesicular image
video image
virtual image
visible image
volume image
wave image
wide-screen image
xerographic image
X-ray image
См. также в других словарях:
Acoustic Emission — (AE) is a naturally occurring phenomenon whereby external stimuli such as mechanical loading generate sources of elastic waves. AE occurs when a small surface displacement of a material is produced. This occurs due to stress waves generated when… … Wikipedia
Acoustic metric — In mathematical physics, a metric describes the arrangement of relative distances within a surface or volume, usually measured by signals passing through the region – essentially describing the intrinsic geometry of the region. An acoustic metric … Wikipedia
Acoustic Trio Live in Berlin — Infobox Album Name = Acoustic Trio Live in Berlin Type = live Artist = Willy DeVille Released = November 22, 2002 Recorded = Columbia Hall, Berlin Stockholm Genre = Blues, Country, R B, Rock, Soul Length = 121:25 Label = Eagle Producer = Reviews … Wikipedia
Acoustic Alchemy — Infobox musical artist Name = Acoustic Alchemy Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = flagicon|England London, England Genre = Instrumental Smooth Jazz Years active = 1981 Label = MCA GRP Higher Octave Music … Wikipedia
Acoustic Ladyland — Infobox musical artist Name = Acoustic Ladyland Img capt = Img size = Background = group or band Origin = London Years active = 2004 present Genre = Jazz fusion Punk jazz Label = Babel Label V2 Records Associated acts = F IRE Collective Polar… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Model — An acoustic model is created by taking audio recordings of speech, and their text transcriptions, and using software to create statistical representations of the sounds that make up each word. It is used by a speech recognition engine to… … Wikipedia
Background radiation — This article is about ionizing radiation. For microwave background radiation from space, see Cosmic background radiation and cosmic background. Thermal radiation emitted by Earth is not considered in this category because it is not ionizing.… … Wikipedia
Acoustic shock — The term acoustic shock is used to describe the symptoms a person may experience after hearing an unexpected, loud sound via a telephone. The loud sound, called an Acoustic Incident, can be caused by feedback oscillation, fax tones, signalling… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Live in Newcastle — Infobox Album | Name = Acoustic Live in Newcastle Type = Live album Artist = Sting Released = November, 1991 Recorded = April 20, 1991 Genre = Pop Label = A M Producer = Hugh Padgham Last album = The Soul Cages (1991) This album = Acoustic Live… … Wikipedia
Acoustic Syndicate — Infobox musical artist Name = Acoustic Syndicate Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Birth name = Alias = Born = Died = Origin = North Carolina, United States Instrument = Voice type = Genre = Bluegrass, Rock Occupation … Wikipedia
Cosmic microwave background radiation — CMB and Cosmic background radiation redirect here. For other uses see CMB (disambiguation) and Cosmic background (disambiguation). Physical cosmology … Wikipedia